322 pages missing Portuguese (Brazil) translation

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Pages missing in Portuguese (Brazil) (pt-br – português do Brasil): 322 in total. Data as of 02:41, 23 December 2024 (GMT).

See also


  1. Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Liquid.tf (create) (1958 links)
  2. Tournament Medal - UGC Ultiduo (create) (1951 links)
  3. Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress International (create) (1950 links)
  4. Hat of Undeniable Wealth and Respect (create) (1941 links)
  5. Supreme Strategist's Sigil of Status (create) (1934 links)
  6. Hot Spaniel (create) (1895 links)
  7. Frostbite Fit (create) (1894 links)
  8. Polar Charger (create) (1885 links)
  9. Commanding Presence (create) (1879 links)
  10. Top Brass (create) (1879 links)
  11. Cossack Camo (create) (1877 links)
  12. Battle Balaclava (create) (1877 links)
  13. Checkered Past (create) (1873 links)
  14. Snug Sharpshooter (create) (1873 links)
  15. Buck's Brim (create) (1869 links)
  16. Poleur Voyeur (create) (1868 links)
  17. Le Frosteaux (create) (1867 links)
  18. L'aire Filteure (create) (1867 links)
  19. Westcoat (create) (1867 links)
  20. Battle Music (create) (1807 links)
  21. Community Mann Manor strategy (create) (347 links)
  22. Community Hellstone strategy (create) (303 links)
  23. Ghoulpit (create) (298 links)
  24. Community Terror strategy (create) (296 links)
  25. Community Barnblitz strategy (create) (293 links)
  26. Community Gold Rush strategy (create) (289 links)
  27. Community Zombie Infection strategy (create) (288 links)
  28. Rumford (create) (287 links)
  29. Community DeGroot Keep strategy (create) (286 links)
  30. Hoovy Dam (create) (286 links)
  31. Community Pier strategy (create) (286 links)
  32. Maul (map) (create) (286 links)
  33. Kelly (create) (285 links)
  34. Community Gravestone strategy (create) (285 links)
  35. Community Erebus strategy (create) (285 links)
  36. Community Gorge strategy (create) (281 links)
  37. Goldpit (create) (278 links)
  38. Penguin Peak (create) (278 links)
  39. Fortezza (create) (278 links)
  40. Patagonia (create) (277 links)
  41. Overcast (create) (277 links)
  42. Community Steel strategy (create) (276 links)
  43. Cutter (create) (276 links)
  44. Community Carnival of Carnage strategy (create) (274 links)
  45. Community Ghost Fort strategy (create) (273 links)
  46. Community Hightower strategy (create) (271 links)
  47. Community Powerhouse strategy (create) (271 links)
  48. Community Badwater Basin strategy (create) (271 links)
  49. Community Altitude strategy (create) (268 links)
  50. Community Doomsday strategy (create) (268 links)
  51. Community Mercenary Park strategy (create) (268 links)
  52. Community Polar strategy (create) (268 links)
  53. Community Dustbowl strategy (create) (268 links)
  54. Community Nucleus (King of the Hill) strategy (create) (265 links)
  55. Coalplant (competitive custom map) (create) (263 links)
  56. Community Ghost Town strategy (create) (262 links)
  57. Community Borneo strategy (create) (261 links)
  58. Community Suijin strategy (create) (261 links)
  59. Community Mountain Lab strategy (create) (261 links)
  60. Community Los Muertos strategy (create) (259 links)
  61. Community Mannhattan strategy (create) (258 links)
  62. Community Junction strategy (create) (258 links)
  63. Community Coal Town strategy (create) (257 links)
  64. Community Graveyard strategy (create) (257 links)
  65. Community Brimstone strategy (create) (255 links)
  66. Community Harvest strategy (create) (254 links)
  67. Community Gullywash strategy (create) (253 links)
  68. Community Wutville strategy (create) (252 links)
  69. Community Mannworks strategy (create) (252 links)
  70. Community Moonshine Event strategy (create) (252 links)
  71. Community Hydro strategy (create) (251 links)
  72. Community Rottenburg strategy (create) (251 links)
  73. Community Viaduct strategy (create) (250 links)
  74. Community Decoy strategy (create) (250 links)
  75. Community Process strategy (create) (250 links)
  76. Community Lakeside strategy (create) (249 links)
  77. Community Gravel Pit strategy (create) (249 links)
  78. Community Thunder Mountain strategy (create) (249 links)
  79. Community Standin strategy (create) (249 links)
  80. Community Helltower strategy (create) (248 links)
  81. Community Venice strategy (create) (247 links)
  82. Community Sinshine strategy (create) (247 links)
  83. Community Sinthetic strategy (create) (245 links)
  84. Community Pit of Death strategy (create) (245 links)
  85. Community Slasher strategy (create) (244 links)
  86. Community Highpass strategy (create) (244 links)
  87. Community Asteroid strategy (create) (243 links)
  88. Community Brickyard strategy (create) (243 links)
  89. Community Gorge Event strategy (create) (243 links)
  90. Community Sunshine strategy (create) (243 links)
  91. Community Banana Bay strategy (create) (243 links)
  92. Community Swiftwater strategy (create) (242 links)
  93. Community Pipeline strategy (create) (242 links)
  94. Community Fastlane strategy (create) (241 links)
  95. Community Megaton strategy (create) (241 links)
  96. Community Watergate strategy (create) (241 links)
  97. Community Bigrock strategy (create) (241 links)
  98. Community Odyssey strategy (create) (240 links)
  99. Community Cauldron strategy (create) (239 links)
  100. Community Rotunda strategy (create) (239 links)
  101. Community Monster Bash strategy (create) (238 links)
  102. Community Haarp strategy (create) (238 links)
  103. Community Farmageddon strategy (create) (238 links)
  104. Community Precipice strategy (create) (237 links)
  105. Community Sandcastle strategy (create) (237 links)
  106. Community Atoll strategy (create) (237 links)
  107. Community Snakewater strategy (create) (237 links)
  108. Community Burghausen strategy (create) (236 links)
  109. Community Phoenix strategy (create) (236 links)
  110. Community Snowfall strategy (create) (236 links)
  111. Community Snowycoast strategy (create) (236 links)
  112. Community Landfall strategy (create) (236 links)
  113. Community Doublefrost strategy (create) (236 links)
  114. Community Foundry (Capture the Flag) strategy (create) (236 links)
  115. Community Freight strategy (create) (236 links)
  116. Community Cursed Cove strategy (create) (235 links)
  117. Community Probed strategy (create) (234 links)
  118. Community Snowplow strategy (create) (234 links)
  119. Community Lazarus strategy (create) (234 links)
  120. Community Maple Ridge Event strategy (create) (234 links)
  121. Community District strategy (create) (233 links)
  122. Community Sharkbay strategy (create) (233 links)
  123. Community Cashworks strategy (create) (233 links)
  124. Community Enclosure strategy (create) (232 links)
  125. Community Bread Space strategy (create) (232 links)
  126. Community 2Fort Invasion strategy (create) (232 links)
  127. Community Mossrock strategy (create) (232 links)
  128. Community Megalo strategy (create) (232 links)
  129. Community Hellfire strategy (create) (231 links)
  130. Community Distillery strategy (create) (231 links)
  131. Community Metalworks strategy (create) (230 links)
  132. Community Vanguard strategy (create) (229 links)
  133. Ashes to Ashes (custom mission) (create) (216 links)
  134. Gette it Onne (create) (215 links)
  135. Operation Starched Silliness (create) (207 links)
  136. Mobocracy (custom mission) (create) (201 links)
  137. Upward (competitive) (create) (195 links)
  138. Isolation (create) (191 links)
  139. Ultra Uplink (custom mission) (create) (189 links)
  140. Operation Magnetic Mayhem (create) (186 links)
  141. Operation Hexadecimal Horrors (create) (186 links)
  142. Operation Anniversary Annihilation (create) (181 links)
  143. Foundry (competitive) (create) (180 links)
  144. Badwater Basin (competitive) (create) (180 links)
  145. Granary (competitive) (create) (179 links)
  146. Operation Ghoulish Gambit (create) (179 links)
  147. Sudden Equinox (custom mission) (create) (178 links)
  148. Voidlings (custom mission) (create) (178 links)
  149. Operation Binary Blackout (create) (177 links)
  150. Operation Osmium Ordinance (create) (177 links)
  151. Badlands (competitive) (create) (177 links)
  152. Operation Firmware Frenzy (create) (176 links)
  153. Standard community competitive format (create) (175 links)
  154. Process (competitive) (create) (173 links)
  155. Metalworks (competitive) (create) (173 links)
  156. Sunshine (competitive) (create) (172 links)
  157. Borneo (competitive) (create) (172 links)
  158. Cyberia (create) (166 links)
  159. Whirly Wallop (custom mission) (create) (152 links)
  160. Surface Tension (custom mission) (create) (147 links)
  161. Cliffside (create) (144 links)
  162. Dead Space (custom mission) (create) (119 links)
  163. Cliffside Clashing (custom mission) (create) (116 links)
  164. Rotten Resurgence (custom mission) (create) (114 links)
  165. Backwoods Blockade (custom mission) (create) (113 links)
  166. Coldfront Coalition (custom mission) (create) (113 links)
  167. Onsen Onslaught (custom mission) (create) (112 links)
  168. Isolation (custom mission) (create) (112 links)
  169. Corroding Cadavers (custom mission) (create) (111 links)
  170. Ruins Rumble (custom mission) (create) (111 links)
  171. Driving Training (custom mission) (create) (111 links)
  172. Fallout Frenzy (custom mission) (create) (111 links)
  173. Coral Crusher (custom mission) (create) (110 links)
  174. Mineral Masher (custom mission) (create) (110 links)
  175. Extraterrestrial Epidemic (custom mission) (create) (110 links)
  176. Alpine Assault (custom mission) (create) (110 links)
  177. Hell Overdrive (custom mission) (create) (110 links)
  178. Instructor (create) (108 links)
  179. Alpine Skylines (custom mission) (create) (104 links)
  180. Overlook (create) (102 links)
  181. Ambush (custom map) (create) (100 links)
  182. Alpen (create) (99 links)
  183. Rumford (custom map) (create) (99 links)
  184. Sludgepit (create) (99 links)
  185. Vineyard (create) (98 links)
  186. Dusk (create) (97 links)
  187. Rumble (create) (97 links)
  188. Synthetic (create) (97 links)
  189. Zinkenite Valley (create) (97 links)
  190. Firewatch (custom map) (create) (97 links)
  191. Nocturne (create) (97 links)
  192. Bionic Bits (custom mission) (create) (97 links)
  193. Necromantic Nonsense (custom mission) (create) (96 links)
  194. Corrupted Catharsis (custom mission) (create) (96 links)
  195. Eruption (create) (96 links)
  196. Backlot (create) (96 links)
  197. Tincan Termination (custom mission) (create) (94 links)
  198. Hybrid (create) (94 links)
  199. Hey Sniper! (create) (92 links)
  200. Carbureted Clash (custom mission) (create) (90 links)
  201. Indeathrialization (custom mission) (create) (88 links)
  202. Marina Mayhem (custom mission) (create) (87 links)
  203. Gilded Mainframe (custom mission) (create) (87 links)
  204. Community Halloween maps strategy (create) (86 links)
  205. Tomb Adventure (custom mission) (create) (81 links)
  206. Equal Opposites (custom mission) (create) (79 links)
  207. Ocean Commotion (custom mission) (create) (79 links)
  208. Dust and Dirt (custom mission) (create) (79 links)
  209. Anti-Spy strategy (Classic) (create) (75 links)
  210. Anti-Sniper strategy (Classic) (create) (75 links)
  211. Scarlet Embodiment (custom mission) (create) (75 links)
  212. Anti-Scout strategy (Classic) (create) (73 links)
  213. Mesa Malware (custom mission) (create) (71 links)
  214. Thermal Thunder (custom mission) (create) (67 links)
  215. Typhoon Tycoon (custom mission) (create) (67 links)
  216. Community Projectile Shield strategy (create) (67 links)
  217. Ground Zero (custom mission) (create) (64 links)
  218. Wet Warfare (custom mission) (create) (64 links)
  219. Item timeline in 2024 (create) (64 links)
  220. Chasing Daybreak (custom mission) (create) (62 links)
  221. Dynamic Disaster (custom mission) (create) (60 links)
  222. White Noise (custom mission) (create) (60 links)
  223. Blast Perfect (custom mission) (create) (60 links)
  224. Community Crasher strategy (create) (60 links)
  225. Reboot Rush (custom mission) (create) (59 links)
  226. The Days Have Worn Away (create) (57 links)
  227. Power Palliative (custom mission) (create) (50 links)
  228. Basic Scout strategy (Classic) (create) (45 links)
  229. The Naked and the Dead/Transcript (create) (44 links)
  230. Blood (create) (36 links)
  231. Camouflage (create) (36 links)
  232. Frontline Supply Drop (create) (33 links)
  233. The London Pack (create) (31 links)
  234. Entertainer’s Entourage (custom mission) (create) (30 links)
  235. Program Seppuku (custom mission) (create) (29 links)
  236. Watershed Waylay (custom mission) (create) (29 links)
  237. Peak Performance (custom mission) (create) (28 links)
  238. Operation (disambiguation) (create) (27 links)
  239. December 19, 2024 Patch (create) (25 links)
  240. Ujealous (custom mission) (create) (25 links)
  241. Metroll Malice (custom mission) (create) (24 links)
  242. Power Palooza (custom mission) (create) (24 links)
  243. The Last Will and Testament of Zepheniah Mann (create) (24 links)
  244. Deluge Dirge (custom mission) (create) (23 links)
  245. Return to Monke (custom mission) (create) (23 links)
  246. Pin (create) (18 links)
  247. Spooky (create) (18 links)
  248. Steel (disambiguation) (create) (18 links)
  249. Steam Input (create) (17 links)
  250. Hunter (create) (17 links)
  251. Well6 (QTF) (create) (16 links)
  252. Dance (create) (15 links)
  253. Immunity (create) (15 links)
  254. Home (create) (14 links)
  255. Rebel (create) (13 links)
  256. Dapper (create) (11 links)
  257. Mercs (create) (11 links)
  258. Sleeves (create) (10 links)
  259. Teaser props (create) (10 links)
  260. Rose (create) (10 links)
  261. Pass (create) (10 links)
  262. Snake (disambiguation) (create) (10 links)
  263. Gentleman (create) (9 links)
  264. Kangaroo (create) (9 links)
  265. Headcase (disambiguation) (create) (9 links)
  266. Slug (create) (9 links)
  267. Sorcerer (create) (9 links)
  268. Sear (create) (8 links)
  269. Stealth (create) (8 links)
  270. Bootleg (create) (8 links)
  271. Nightcap (disambiguation) (create) (8 links)
  272. Staff (create) (8 links)
  273. Aurora (create) (8 links)
  274. Wander (create) (8 links)
  275. Stovepipe (create) (7 links)
  276. Phantom (create) (7 links)
  277. Bonzo (create) (7 links)
  278. Well developer commentary/Transcript (create) (7 links)
  279. Rock1 (QTF) (create) (7 links)
  280. December 17, 2024 Patch (create) (7 links)
  281. Carrier (disambiguation) (create) (7 links)
  282. Essentials (create) (7 links)
  283. Aqua (create) (7 links)
  284. October 23, 2000 Patch (Classic) (create) (6 links)
  285. Handsome (create) (6 links)
  286. Penguin (create) (6 links)
  287. Maggot (create) (6 links)
  288. Vintage (disambiguation) (create) (6 links)
  289. Poor and Irish (create) (5 links)
  290. Gravel Pit developer commentary/Transcript (create) (5 links)
  291. Halloween comics (create) (5 links)
  292. Leathers (create) (5 links)
  293. Hydro developer commentary/Transcript (create) (4 links)
  294. July 10, 2017 Patch (Classic) (create) (4 links)
  295. August 2, 2013 Patch (Classic) (create) (4 links)
  296. Service (create) (4 links)
  297. June 12, 2002 Patch (Classic) (create) (3 links)
  298. June 7, 2000 Patch (Classic) (create) (3 links)
  299. February 15, 2000 Patch (Classic) (create) (3 links)
  300. August 11, 1999 Patch (Classic) (create) (3 links)
  301. July 9, 2001 Patch (Classic) (create) (3 links)
  302. September 18, 2001 Patch (Classic) (create) (3 links)
  303. April 15, 2019 Patch (Classic) (create) (3 links)
  304. April 24, 2002 Patch (Classic) (create) (3 links)
  305. April 1, 2013 Patch (Classic) (create) (3 links)
  306. August 29, 2013 Patch (Classic) (create) (3 links)
  307. August 8, 2013 Patch (Classic) (create) (3 links)
  308. June 26, 2000 Patch (Classic) (create) (3 links)
  309. Community Badlands strategy (create) (3 links)
  310. May 25, 1999 Patch (Classic) (create) (3 links)
  311. August 21, 2018 Patch (Classic) (create) (3 links)
  312. March 13, 2001 Patch (Classic) (create) (3 links)
  313. August 12, 2013 Patch (Classic) (create) (3 links)
  314. October 2, 2024 Patch (Classic) (create) (3 links)
  315. Television (create) (2 links)
  316. Community Granary strategy (create) (2 links)
  317. Retired (create) (2 links)
  318. Community Nucleus Strategy (create) (2 links)
  319. April 7, 1999 Patch (Classic) (create) (2 links)
  320. October 9, 2024 Patch (Classic) (create) (2 links)
  321. The Days Have Worn Away/Gallery (create) (1 link)
  322. Tournament Medal - UGC Highlander/Unused painted variants (create) (1 link)