헤비를 만나다
< Meet the Heavy
Revision as of 05:50, 20 March 2011 by Eldkfwkd321 (talk | contribs)
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Meet the Heavy | |
![]() | |
영상 정보 | |
공개일: | 2007년 5월 14일 |
재생 시간: | 1:29 |
'헤비를 만나다' 영상 대본
대본 |
('헤비를 만나다(Meet the Heavy)' 문구가 표시)
(헤비가 카메라 앞으로 걸어나와 골판시 상자 위에 미니건을 내려놓고 의자에 앉는다.) 헤비: "난 헤비 웨폰 가이다... 그리고 이건 (미니건의 손잡이를 잡으며) 내 무기지. (갈망하듯이 조심스럽게 미니건에 손을 올리며) 이 귀염둥이는 몸무게 150킬로그램에 200달러짜리 특제 탄창을 분당 일만발의 속도로 쏘아대지. (집중적으로 응시하며) 그러니까 400만 달러어치의 총알을 쓰려면 단 12초만 갈기면 돼." 헤비: (크게 웃는다) 헤비: (미니건의 총열을 확인하며) "세상에나, 누가 사샤(Sascha)를 만진거야? 그래...누가 내 총을 건드렸어!?" 헤비: "어떤 놈들은 자기들이 나보다 한 수 앞서간다고 생각하지. 아마도, (훌쩍이며) 아마도 말이야. 하지만 난 아직 총알들보다 한 수 앞선 놈들은 전혀 못 봤어." 헤비: (탄약통이 달린 미니건이 회전하고 있다.) (헤비는 미니건으로 Dustbowl맵 스테이지 1의 지점 1에 적군들을 초토화시키고 있다.) (팀 포트리스 2 테마 음악을 재생) 헤비: "우에에에! 우와아아아아! 아하하하하하하! 더 울부짖어 보라고!" (정지) 헤비: "헤헤헤, 더 울부짖어 보라고." (팀 포트리스 2 마무리 음악을 재생) |
- As the first 'experimental' Meet the Team video, the ending screen features the outdated official group picture of the classes and there is no introductory 'Meet the Heavy' title card. However, the alternate language, TF2 Official Blog and the Valve YouTube versions of the video have had these features added to make them consistent with the newer videos.
- The area where the Heavy is firing his Minigun is in the first stage of the Attack/Defend control point map Dustbowl, where he is standing on the large rock just outside of BLU spawn.
- The Heavy fires his Minigun for exactly twelve seconds.
- The Heavy's Minigun uses the old muzzle-flash in the video; it now has a softer appearance. This is because Valve's particle system was still being worked on.[1]
- The place where the Heavy fires from is, in the real game, not accessible to him unless he is blasted up by explosives.
- The title card displays "COPYRIGHT LOLOLOL" on the bottom right corner, a recurring joke throughout the "Meet the Team" videos.
- The Heavy's shoulder badge in this video is his original skull and crossbones design. It was later changed to the current fist emblem.
- A new version of Meet the Heavy was released on November 19 2009 on EA's website, with updated models and engine effects. However, it has not replaced the official one on the TF2 Official Blog or in the video store on Steam.[2]
- In this video the RED and BLU are shown to be roughly equal and killing each other in almost equal numbers. This is in contrast to later videos where team RED are shown to easily walkover their BLU counterparts, some of which have a single RED team member destroying all, or most of, the BLU team by themselves.
External links
New version of the English version of Meet the Heavy http://www.ea.com/videos/e130432ec8cff110VgnVCM100000ab65140aRCRD