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“ | Dieser Spion hat unsere Verteidigung bereits durchbrochen...
Ihr habt gesehen, was er unsern Kollegen angetan hat! Und das Schlimmste daran: Er könnte jeder von uns sein. — Der blaue Spion über den roten Spion
” |
Als Liebhaber feiner Anzüge und scharfer Messer, aus einer nicht näher zu bestimmenden Gegend Frankreichs stammend, vertraut der Spion auf List und Geschicklichkeit um seinem Team zu helfen. Seine einzigartige Sammlung an Verhüllungsuhren lässt ihn unsichtbar werden und ermöglicht es ihm, sogar seinen eigenen Tod vorzutäuschen. Dies lässt unachtsame Gegener verwundbar dastehen. Durch das Tarnset kann sich der Spion in die Gestalt jeder Klasse verwandeln. Dadurch kann sich er hinter die feindlichen Linien schleichen und sich dort unter den Gegner mischen. Dort kann er dem Feind dann (wortwörtlich) in den Rücken fallen: Eine Messerhieb von hinten schaltet jeden Gegner sofort aus.
Zusätzlich zu seiner Fähigkeit, Gegner schnell und effizient zu beseitigen hat der Spion spezielle Vorteile gegen den Engineer: Durch seinen Sapper kann er Gebäude beschädigen, sodass diese langsam ihre Gesundheit verlieren bis sie zerstört sind.
Basic Strategy
- Use your Knife to backstab enemies from behind, killing them instantly.
- Disguise yourself as an enemy with your Disguise Kit. Beware, attacking will remove your disguise.
- Hit MOUSE2 to cloak and become fully invisible for a short period of time.
- Use your cloak to get behind enemy lines, and your disguise to move around amongst them.
- Try to act like an enemy while disguised. Observe where enemy team members are, and disguise as one of them.
- Place your electro sappers on enemy sentry guns to destroy them. Disguises aren't lost when placing sappers.
- Your electro sappers disable sentry guns before destroying them. Sap a Sentry Gun before attacking the Engineer.
- Call for enemy Medics by hitting E while disguised.
Note: Weapon damage is approximate and listed at base value. See individual weapon pages for additional figures.
Weapon | Ammo Loaded | Ammo Carried | Damage Range | Special Ability | |
![]() Standard |
Revolver | 6 | 24 | Base: 40 Crit: 120 | |
![]() Sam & Max variant |
Big Kill | 6 | 24 | Base: 40 Crit: 120 |
Same specs as the Revolver. |
![]() Unlock |
Ambassador | 6 | 24 | Base: 34 Crit: 102 |
Crits on accurate headshot. Accuracy decreases after initial shot (short cooldown). -15% damage dealt, 20% slower firing speed. |
Weapon | Ammo Loaded | Ammo Carried | Damage Range | Special Ability | |
![]() Standard |
Electro Sapper | 1 | ∞ | N/A | Disables and slowly destroys enemy buildings. |
Weapon | Ammo Loaded | Ammo Carried | Damage Range | Special Ability | |
![]() Standard |
Knife | N/A | N/A | Base: 40 Crit: 120 (Backstab: 450) |
Backstab earns instant kill if the player is within 180° behind their target. No random crits. |
PDA items
Weapon | Special ability | |
![]() Standard - PDA1 |
Disguise Kit | Allows the Spy to disguise himself as a fellow or enemy player. |
![]() Standard - PDA2 |
Invisibility Watch | Cloak type: Timed Cloaks Spy for 9 seconds. Can collect ammo to refill cloak meter. |
![]() Unlock - PDA2 |
Cloak and Dagger | Cloak type: Motion sensitive Cloaks Spy indefinitely while standing still. Faster recharge rate and cloak consumption than Invisibility Watch. Cannot collect ammo to refill cloak meter |
![]() Unlock - PDA2 |
Dead Ringer | Cloak type: Feign death Cloaks Spy for 6.5 seconds upon receiving damage. Drops a fake corpse during cloak activation. Loud, distinctive decloak sound. 60% faster cloak regen (16 seconds). Can collect ammo to refill cloak meter. It also reduces initial damage done to a fraction, as well as allowing for the spy to be on fire without taking damage as long as he is invisible. |
Taunt Attack
Attack | Weapon | Duration | Damage | |
Melee |
Fencing | Knife | 5 seconds | 2 Swings for 30 damage each, then a thrust for 500 (Instant kill). |
Sapping Times
All times listed are approximately how long it will take for a Sapper to destroy a structure that is at full health with no disturbances.
- Sentry Gun, Dispenser, Teleport Entrance & Exit.
- Level 1: 6 seconds
- Level 2: 7 seconds
- Level 3: 9 seconds
Original | Classless | Community | |
Fancy Fedora | Backbiter's Billycock | Magistrate's Mullet | Frenchman's Beret |
Miscellaneous Items
Camera beard |
Official class avatars
Offiziele Klassenavatare | ||
Original set | RED 'Überladen' set | BLU 'Überladen' set |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
Holen Sie sich die TF2-Avatare auf Steam: Original |
- Spy pack: 34 achievements, 3 milestones.
- 1 General achievement
- Ironically, the Spy is voiced by Dennis Bateman, the same VA as the Pyro, his second worst enemy.
- The Spy's old bio appears on his trading card, reading: "A master of disguise, misdirection, and the byzantine details of who really runs things, the Spy is a double reverse quadruple agent whose reflexive suspicion is entirely justified."
- Oddly enough, the Spy's personality seemed to do a complete turn after the Spy vs Sniper update before his domination lines were released. Before the update, he rarely insulted his enemies, and even gave a word of congratulations to them upon getting a revenge on whoever dominated him (often saying "Well played"). After the update, most if not all of the Spy's domination lines flat out insult the victim. Even more odd, the new revenge lines that he was supposed to get never made it into the game. So on one hand the Spy could be insulting an Engineer through domination, while also giving kudos to a Pyro who he just got revenge on.
- The BLU Scout's Mother is in a relationship with the RED Spy. A file in the BLU base contains photos documenting their activities. The Spy refers to her as "Ma Petite Chou-fleur" ("My Little Cauliflower").
- The Spy appears to have separate voices for BLU and RED as the RED Spy has a lower, raspier voice.
- The Spy ordered the Cloak and Dagger and Dead Ringer Spy watches and later on he purchased the Camera beard from the Dapper Rogue Catalogue for the Gentleman Scoundrel from Mann Co. Industries.
- The Spy never removes his mask and, as seen in Meet the Spy, not even in the bedroom.
- The Spy is known to speak phrases in Italian, French and Spanish.
- A BLU Spy periodically appeared behind the RED Sniper in the Day 3 post of the Sniper Update before the joint Spy Update was ultimately revealed.
- The RED Spy has a white cigarette in his mouth, whilst the BLU Spy favors a brown colored brand. Both have only white cigarettes in their case in-game, however.
- In the Beta version, the Spy's suit was grayer for both teams, and he wore a team colored arm band. This version can still be seen in the Spy's HUD.
- The Spy with The Sniper, Soldier and Demoman are the only four known smokers, aside from The Administrator. However, the Spy is the only class to actually hold a cigarette in his mouth during gameplay.
- The Spy, along with the Sniper, does not say "Boo" as one of his jeers (though he does say it in his domination lines, as well as after having backstabbed someone occasionally).
- The Spy was the first class to be able to do two different taunts with the same weapon.
- The Spy is the only class to hold all of his weapons one-handed, though he does hold his primary weapons with both hands when crouching, and his sappers with two hands in world view.
- The Spy is the only class in the select screen to hold a different weapon to his HUD image, with his HUD appearance holding the Revolver and his character model holding a Knife.
- The Spy only has four hats, while every other class has five.
- The Spy can change his skeleton in an excruciatingly painful but worthwhile fashion using his Crab-Walking Kit, as advertised in the Dapper Rogue Catalogue. This is a reference to the Spy Crab, an animation done by holding your Disguise Kit, crouching and looking directly upwards. This was then referenced further in the Spy and Sniper update, when a taunt for the Disguise Kit which made him do a crab impression was implemented and activates by chance in place of the normal Disguise Kit taunt.
- The Spy and Sniper are the only two classes that wear watches. However, the Spy's watch is for cloaking only and can not keep time.
- Occasionally when you are shot as the Spy you will hear the Pyro's grunt of pain.
- The Spy is the only class updated thus far to not receive a replacement for his secondary weapon. However, in the Backpack, the Ambassador is listed as a secondary weapon for crafting purposes.
- The Spy is the only class thus far to not receive a melee replacement.
- The Spy is the only class to vocally react to being hit with Jarate.
- The Spy and Medic are the only classes without any community made weapons, however 2 community weapons for the Spy will be added soon.
- The Spy's handwriting uses the Joe Hand 3 typeface.
- The Spy was the first class to share his class specific update with another class, along with the Sniper. The pair received their update at the same time due to their common contact in-game, where Snipers are seen as easy prey for Spys.
See also
- Disguise
- Cloak
- Backstab
- Spy match-ups
- Spy taunts
- Spy responses
- Spy voice commands
- Spy strategy
- Spy-checking
- Spy User Guides
- Spy scripts
- Meet the Spy
- Headshot
- List of references (Spy)
External links
- The Sniper vs. Spy Update
- TF2 Official Blog- Sniper/Spy Update, Day 5
- TF2 Official Blog- Day 6 Spy Update Hooray!
- TF2 Official Blog- Sniper vs. Spy Update, Day 7
- TF2 Official Blog- The Sniper vs. Spy Update
- TF2 Official Blog- Neat Community Creations (Spy Update Hoax)
- In-Depth Spy Guide
- TF2: Spy Guide Part#1: Spying 101
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