Hunted (custom map)/ru
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Hunted (custom map) | |
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Hunted is a CTF Attack/Defend map where only one intelligence briefcase is available. RED must prevent the enemy team from capturing their intelligence and BLU plays offense, escorting the courier to the capture point near RED's base. Intelligence briefcase is located in BLU respawn room and returns here after 3 seconds if dropped.
RED team have 60 seconds of setup time and wins after round timer ends. BLU team have 6 minutes to deliver the enemy intelligence and capture it. Note that capture point is blocked by closed gates, and courier needs a little help to open them. To do this, one of the BLU players (including courier himself) must gain access to one of two control towers, where the opening buttons are located. Opening the gates gives 2 bonus points to player who pressed the button, add 1 minute to round timer and decreases respawn time for BLU team.
Also, Intelligence briefcase works as Payload carts, dispensing ammo and healing friendly team players nearby.
Introduction Video
BLU Base
Here is where Intelligence briefcase located, just near spawn points. Unlike other CTF maps, here you can change your class without suicide, and at the same time intelligence would not be dropped if entered. BLU has two exits: underground tunnel and ladder to door leading topside.
First building
Provides good sniping position on second floor with medium medkit. Also have a ladder to the roof, wherefrom opens a good overview on the map, and leading to next building. BLU can go through first floor, where located few hiding spots for Spies and Pyros.
BLU forward base
Located in tunnel after first building. Here you can find just one resupply cabinet, without respawn zone and spawn points. RED team can use this locker too. The Engineer can use this room and build Teleporters to help their team to advance.
Provides very useful spots for ambushes, so be careful back there. Two ways from here leads straight to capture point area through second floor.
Capture Point
Capture Point is blocked by closed gates and can be opened by buttons in one of two towers left and right. Because of RED base nearby, it can be really hard to attack and hold the position while waiting for courier to capture the intelligence. Ambulance car behind gates should help BLU team.
There are two ways here, one gets right near RED spawn, making it more dangerous, but faster, while second way passes across open space with few covers on the left side.
It is important for BLU to have courier escorted with defending players and, if possible, overhealing by Medics. Always watch your back for enemy Spies, windows for Snipers, listen for Sentry Gun noise. Never let your courier to open space near capture point because of Snipers plain line of sign, go here first, eliminate the danger, and then open the capture point gates. Although courier can do this himself, he is a very easy target inside of control towers with only one exit and closed space. Use microphone communication, choose the most experienced player to carry the intelligence.
Thanks to built-in Dispenser, intelligence carrying Soldier and Demoman can easily rocketjump or pipejump at great heights, avoiding contact with enemies without serious health loss. Heavy and Pyro can do spychecks around them with refilling ammo, and Engineers are able to quickly build and upgrade Teleporters for team advance and Sentry Guns to defend themselves. Due to low health and fast speed, Scout can escape from danger or fighting, hide and quickly restore their health. Medics, Snipers and especially Spies are almost useless and defenseless while being the courier. Note that player holding intelligence cannot use Teleporters, get ÜberCharge, get cloaked or disguised and use Bonk! Atomic Punch or Crit-a-Cola.
Every window on this map are good sniping position, and two control towers near capture point are perfect, covering both ways to gates. Note that one Sniper can only see one entrance, so two Snipers can be a good pair, defending the whole area. Just be aware of enemy Snipers and Spies! Engineers are the second most useful defending class here: just one Sentry Gun can easily defend the capture point gates. Pyros and Spies have many hiding spots to make successful ambush, Demoman can place his stickybombs where they cannot be seen.
- Map prefix changed to ad_ (official CTF Attack\Defend gametype name)
- Intelligence drops and courier kills are unlimited now
- Blue team can only lost the round if timer expires
- Duration of rounds decreased to 6 minutes
- Opening the capture point gates gives 1 minute of additional round time (6+1)
- Player receives 2 bonus points for opening the capture point gates
- Opening the capture point gates decreases respawn time for Blue team
- Fixed annoying looping sound of briefcase healing beam
- Environment light brightness decreased to previous version
- Fixed some surfaces not holding sticky bombs
- Various map fixes, improvements, optimization
- Updated serverbrowser thumbnail and briefing images
Version 1.1 (03/12/09):
- Added intelligence return time (3 sec.) to prevent griefing and give advantage to Blue team
- Added little dispenser into intelligence briefcase. Stay near courier to get health and ammo!
- Added new custom skin for intelligence briefcase
- Added fully functional Blue respawn zone
- Added modified CTF HUD with compass showing current intelligence location and status
- Now intelligence can be dropped and courier changed anytime on Blue respawn zone
- Added timer (Red team wins after 10 minutes)
- Added few sound and text hint notifications on HUD
- Red spawn moved closer to escape gates
- Removed Blue sentries
- Reworked Blue respawn zone layout to prevent door camping
- Added roof over ruined building to prevent courier rocket jump rush and improve performance
- Reduced escape gates opening speed
- Increased environment light brightness
- Fixed mp_timelimit not ending the map
- Various map fixes, improvements, optimization
- Reduced map file size
Version 1 (10/09/09):
- Initial release
- TFC Civilian bobblehead from Meet the Sniper movie can be found on RED base.
- When first released, the map gamemode prefix was ETF (Escort the Flag). BLU team instantly loses if intelligence got dropped anywhere and anytime.
- Both YouTube and in-game introduction video shows very first version of this map, called ETF_Hunted.
- The Intelligence briefcase can be seen in ambulance car after capture.
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