锦标赛奖牌 - AsiaFortress 邀请赛

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AsiaFortress 邀请赛(AsiaFortress Invite)锦标赛奖牌是一系列纯正品质的奖牌,用于奖励参加了AsiaFortress邀请赛的冠军、亚军、季军、参赛者,以及参加了预选赛的选手。

共有 5 枚独立外观的奖牌,其不同的外观取决于获得者所在的战队在本赛季的排名,以及是否参与了预选赛。


这些奖牌均是投稿Steam 创意工坊


Backpack AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 1st Place.png

纯正 AsiaFortress Invite 1st Place
等级 1 锦标赛奖牌
Awarded to players of Xiao for achieving 1st place in the AsiaFortress Summer 2023 season

( 不可交易或在市场出售 )

Backpack AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 2nd Place.png

纯正 AsiaFortress Invite 2nd Place
等级 1 锦标赛奖牌
Awarded to players of Hong Hat Buff for achieving 2nd place in the AsiaFortress Summer 2023 season

( 不可交易或在市场出售 )

Backpack AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 3rd Place.png

纯正 AsiaFortress Invite 3rd Place
等级 1 锦标赛奖牌
Awarded to players of United Beasts for achieving 3rd place in the AsiaFortress Summer 2023 season

( 不可交易或在市场出售 )

Paint Splat FFFFFF.png
Backpack AsiaFortress Invite Participant.png

纯正 AsiaFortress Invite Participant
等级 1 锦标赛奖牌
Awarded to players of teams who participated in the AsiaFortress Summer 2023 season

( 不可交易或在市场出售 )

Backpack AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 Participant.png

纯正 AsiaFortress Qualifiers Participant
等级 1 锦标赛奖牌
Awarded to players of teams who participated in the AsiaFortress Summer 2023 qualifiers

( 不可交易或在市场出售 )


  • AsiaFortress Invite 1st Place
  • AsiaFortress Invite 2nd Place
  • AsiaFortress Invite 3rd Place
  • AsiaFortress Qualifiers Participant
  • AsiaFortress Invite Participant



  • 添加了AsiaFortress邀请赛锦标赛奖牌。



  • 冠军
  • 亚军
  • 季军
  • 参赛者
Division 1 1st Place
主条目: 油漆桶
Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup E6E6E6.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup D8BED8.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup C5AF91.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 7E7E7E.png
独特满桶白 颜色编号 216-190-216 沉闷乏味赭 老年胡须灰
Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 141414.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 2D2D24.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 694D3A.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 7C6C57.png
特别无色黑 晚八点 褐色 老式乡村啡色
Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup A57545.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup CF7336.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup E7B53B.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup F0E68C.png
肌肉男的肤色 曼恩企业橙 澳元素金 绅士商务裤的颜色
Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup E9967A.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup FF69B4.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 7D4071.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 51384A.png
不公正的深橙红 闪亮的粉红色 誓约之紫 贵族帽商紫色
Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 2F4F4F.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 424F3B.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 808000.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 729E42.png
石板似的颜色 贪欲黑暗绿色 平淡榄色 不容置疑的绿色
Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 32CD32.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup BCDDB3.png
苦涩的青柠绿 曼恩公司薄荷色
Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup A89A8C.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 839FA3.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 3B1F23.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 18233D.png
浸满水的实验工作服(红队) 浸满水的实验工作服(蓝队) 不朽的巴拉克拉瓦(红队) 不朽的巴拉克拉瓦(蓝队)
Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup B8383B.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 5885A2.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 483838.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 384248.png
团队精神(红队) 团队精神(蓝队) 技工的工作服(红队) 技工的工作服(蓝队)
Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 803020.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 256D8D.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 654740.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 28394D.png
团队之力(红队) 团队之力(蓝队) 优雅的姿态(红队) 优雅的姿态(蓝队)
Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup C36C2D.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup B88035.png Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup UNPAINTED.png
奶油精神(红队) 奶油精神(蓝队) 未被染色
Division 1 2nd Place
主条目: 油漆桶
Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup E6E6E6 Division 1 2nd Place.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup D8BED8 Division 1 2nd Place.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup C5AF91 Division 1 2nd Place.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 7E7E7E Division 1 2nd Place.png
独特满桶白 颜色编号 216-190-216 沉闷乏味赭 老年胡须灰
Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 141414 Division 1 2nd Place.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 2D2D24 Division 1 2nd Place.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 694D3A Division 1 2nd Place.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 7C6C57 Division 1 2nd Place.png
特别无色黑 晚八点 褐色 老式乡村啡色
Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup A57545 Division 1 2nd Place.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup CF7336 Division 1 2nd Place.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup E7B53B Division 1 2nd Place.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup F0E68C Division 1 2nd Place.png
肌肉男的肤色 曼恩企业橙 澳元素金 绅士商务裤的颜色
Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup E9967A Division 1 2nd Place.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup FF69B4 Division 1 2nd Place.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 7D4071 Division 1 2nd Place.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 51384A Division 1 2nd Place.png
不公正的深橙红 闪亮的粉红色 誓约之紫 贵族帽商紫色
Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 2F4F4F Division 1 2nd Place.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 424F3B Division 1 2nd Place.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 808000 Division 1 2nd Place.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 729E42 Division 1 2nd Place.png
石板似的颜色 贪欲黑暗绿色 平淡榄色 不容置疑的绿色
Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 32CD32 Division 1 2nd Place.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup BCDDB3 Division 1 2nd Place.png
苦涩的青柠绿 曼恩公司薄荷色
Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup A89A8C Division 1 2nd Place.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 839FA3 Division 1 2nd Place.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 3B1F23 Division 1 2nd Place.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 18233D Division 1 2nd Place.png
浸满水的实验工作服(红队) 浸满水的实验工作服(蓝队) 不朽的巴拉克拉瓦(红队) 不朽的巴拉克拉瓦(蓝队)
Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup B8383B Division 1 2nd Place.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 5885A2 Division 1 2nd Place.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 483838 Division 1 2nd Place.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 384248 Division 1 2nd Place.png
团队精神(红队) 团队精神(蓝队) 技工的工作服(红队) 技工的工作服(蓝队)
Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 803020 Division 1 2nd Place.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 256D8D Division 1 2nd Place.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 654740 Division 1 2nd Place.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 28394D Division 1 2nd Place.png
团队之力(红队) 团队之力(蓝队) 优雅的姿态(红队) 优雅的姿态(蓝队)
Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup C36C2D Division 1 2nd Place.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup B88035 Division 1 2nd Place.png Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup UNPAINTED Division 1 2nd Place.png
奶油精神(红队) 奶油精神(蓝队) 未被染色
Division 1 3rd Place
主条目: 油漆桶
Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup E6E6E6 Division 1 3rd Place.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup D8BED8 Division 1 3rd Place.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup C5AF91 Division 1 3rd Place.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 7E7E7E Division 1 3rd Place.png
独特满桶白 颜色编号 216-190-216 沉闷乏味赭 老年胡须灰
Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 141414 Division 1 3rd Place.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 2D2D24 Division 1 3rd Place.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 694D3A Division 1 3rd Place.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 7C6C57 Division 1 3rd Place.png
特别无色黑 晚八点 褐色 老式乡村啡色
Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup A57545 Division 1 3rd Place.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup CF7336 Division 1 3rd Place.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup E7B53B Division 1 3rd Place.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup F0E68C Division 1 3rd Place.png
肌肉男的肤色 曼恩企业橙 澳元素金 绅士商务裤的颜色
Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup E9967A Division 1 3rd Place.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup FF69B4 Division 1 3rd Place.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 7D4071 Division 1 3rd Place.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 51384A Division 1 3rd Place.png
不公正的深橙红 闪亮的粉红色 誓约之紫 贵族帽商紫色
Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 2F4F4F Division 1 3rd Place.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 424F3B Division 1 3rd Place.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 808000 Division 1 3rd Place.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 729E42 Division 1 3rd Place.png
石板似的颜色 贪欲黑暗绿色 平淡榄色 不容置疑的绿色
Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 32CD32 Division 1 3rd Place.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup BCDDB3 Division 1 3rd Place.png
苦涩的青柠绿 曼恩公司薄荷色
Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup A89A8C Division 1 3rd Place.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 839FA3 Division 1 3rd Place.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 3B1F23 Division 1 3rd Place.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 18233D Division 1 3rd Place.png
浸满水的实验工作服(红队) 浸满水的实验工作服(蓝队) 不朽的巴拉克拉瓦(红队) 不朽的巴拉克拉瓦(蓝队)
Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup B8383B Division 1 3rd Place.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 5885A2 Division 1 3rd Place.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 483838 Division 1 3rd Place.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 384248 Division 1 3rd Place.png
团队精神(红队) 团队精神(蓝队) 技工的工作服(红队) 技工的工作服(蓝队)
Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 803020 Division 1 3rd Place.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 256D8D Division 1 3rd Place.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 654740 Division 1 3rd Place.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 28394D Division 1 3rd Place.png
团队之力(红队) 团队之力(蓝队) 优雅的姿态(红队) 优雅的姿态(蓝队)
Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup C36C2D Division 1 3rd Place.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup B88035 Division 1 3rd Place.png Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup UNPAINTED Division 1 3rd Place.png
奶油精神(红队) 奶油精神(蓝队) 未被染色
主条目: 油漆桶
Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup E6E6E6 Participant.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup D8BED8 Participant.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup C5AF91 Participant.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 7E7E7E Participant.png
独特满桶白 颜色编号 216-190-216 沉闷乏味赭 老年胡须灰
Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 141414 Participant.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 2D2D24 Participant.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 694D3A Participant.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 7C6C57 Participant.png
特别无色黑 晚八点 褐色 老式乡村啡色
Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup A57545 Participant.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup CF7336 Participant.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup E7B53B Participant.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup F0E68C Participant.png
肌肉男的肤色 曼恩企业橙 澳元素金 绅士商务裤的颜色
Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup E9967A Participant.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup FF69B4 Participant.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 7D4071 Participant.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 51384A Participant.png
不公正的深橙红 闪亮的粉红色 誓约之紫 贵族帽商紫色
Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 2F4F4F Participant.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 424F3B Participant.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 808000 Participant.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 729E42 Participant.png
石板似的颜色 贪欲黑暗绿色 平淡榄色 不容置疑的绿色
Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 32CD32 Participant.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup BCDDB3 Participant.png
苦涩的青柠绿 曼恩公司薄荷色
Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup A89A8C Participant.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 839FA3 Participant.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 3B1F23 Participant.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 18233D Participant.png
浸满水的实验工作服(红队) 浸满水的实验工作服(蓝队) 不朽的巴拉克拉瓦(红队) 不朽的巴拉克拉瓦(蓝队)
Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup B8383B Participant.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 5885A2 Participant.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 483838 Participant.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 384248 Participant.png
团队精神(红队) 团队精神(蓝队) 技工的工作服(红队) 技工的工作服(蓝队)
Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 803020 Participant.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 256D8D Participant.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 654740 Participant.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup 28394D Participant.png
团队之力(红队) 团队之力(蓝队) 优雅的姿态(红队) 优雅的姿态(蓝队)
Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup C36C2D Participant.png Unused Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup B88035 Participant.png Painted Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup UNPAINTED Participant.png
奶油精神(红队) 奶油精神(蓝队) 未被染色
