Patch du 11 février 2015
Cette page est en cours de traduction en français. Si vous parlez français, écrivez sur la page de discussion ou contactez ceux qui ont déjà contribué à cette page (en regardant l'historique). |
Notes de mise à jour
Patch 1
- Added Crate #90 and Crate #91 to the drop list
- Removed Naughty Winter Crate 2014 and Nice Winter Crate 2014 from the drop list
- Added convar
. Rcon clients failing to auth from the specified IP address will never get banned. - Added convar
to disable the drawing of first person bullet tracer particles - Added "
" client command that can be used to send clients to a different server. Does not function for clients that came from matchmaking or certain server browser tabs. - Fixed an exploit related to the "connect" command allowing servers to redirect clients when they should not be able to
- Fixed a client crash related to extreme
settings- The
convar is now clamped to valid values. Users who were using this to hide the viewmodel and tracers should user_drawtracers_firstperson 0
andr_drawviewmodel 0
to achieve the same effect.
- The
- Fixed missing Killstreak sheen effects for the Iron Bomber
- Fixed the Explosive Headshot upgrade in Mann vs. Machine not applying to The Classic
- Fixed the Panic Attack not using the correct sound for crits
- Fixed The Peacenik's Ponytail not using the correct team skins
- Fixed not being able to switch away from the Minigun while spinning down
- Fixed not being able to deliver wrapped Giftapult packages
- Fixed The Classic zooming-in when the Sniper teleports while charging a shot
- Correction des Bottenkhamons n'utilisant pas le bon bodygroup quand équipé
- Correction du Diamondback accumulant les crits en poignardant les joueurs invlunérables
- Correction des joueurs ne recevant pas d'objets en ayant le jeu en Ukrénien
- Mise à jour des sons axe_hit, blade_hit, et cbar_hit
- Mise à jour de l'
pour le Brimstone - Mise à jour des prix du Mann Co. Store pour suivre le cours de l'USD
- Mise à jour des fichiers de localisation
- Changements du mode Mannpower :
- Correction d'un bug pouvant faire apparaître deux mallettes
- Réduction de la zone de capture pour correspondre à la zone de capture sur
- Changements des pouvoirs:
- Haste: Double la durée de construction d'uber charge(sic) du Medigun
- Vampire: Réduction de la santé suçée en utilisant le Lance-Flammes et le Minigun
Patch 2
- Correction des joueurs ne pouvant plus acheter des objets dans le Magasin Mann Co.
Fichiers modifiés
- Note: Le journal des modifications ci-dessous est généré à partir des différences entre deux révisions du jeu. Ces données peuvent être incomplètes ou incohérentes.
Changements de la révision
Patch 1
Modified: tf/resource/tf_brazilian.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_czech.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_dutch.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_english.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_french.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_german.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_greek.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_hungarian.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_italian.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_japanese.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_polish.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_portuguese.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_romanian.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_russian.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_spanish.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_turkish.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_ukrainian.txt
Modified: tf/scripts/items/items_game.txt
Modified: tf/steam.inf
Modified: bin/AdminServer.dll
Modified: bin/FileSystemOpenDialog.dll
Modified: bin/FileSystem_Stdio.dll
Modified: bin/GameUI.dll
Modified: bin/MakeScenesImage.exe
Modified: bin/MaterialSystem.dll
Modified: bin/ServerBrowser.dll
Modified: bin/SoundEmitterSystem.dll
Modified: bin/StudioRender.dll
Modified: bin/bsppack.dll
Modified: bin/bspzip.exe
Modified: bin/bugreporter.dll
Modified: bin/bugreporter_filequeue.dll
Modified: bin/bugreporter_public.dll
Modified: bin/captioncompiler.exe
Modified: bin/datacache.dll
Modified: bin/dmxconvert.exe
Modified: bin/dmxedit.exe
Modified: bin/elementviewer.exe
Modified: bin/engine.dll
Modified: bin/glview.exe
Modified: bin/hammer.exe
Modified: bin/hammer_dll.dll
Modified: bin/haptics.dll
Modified: bin/height2normal.exe
Modified: bin/height2ssbump.exe
Modified: bin/hlfaceposer.exe
Modified: bin/hlmv.exe
Modified: bin/inputsystem.dll
Modified: bin/
Modified: bin/launcher.dll
Modified: bin/mdllib.dll
Modified: bin/mksheet.exe
Modified: bin/motionmapper.exe
Modified: bin/mysql_wrapper.dll
Modified: bin/normal2ssbump.exe
Deleted: bin/parsifal.dll
Modified: bin/pfm2tgas.exe
Modified: bin/phonemeextractors/phonemeextractor.dll
Modified: bin/phonemeextractors/phonemeextractor_ims.dll
Modified: bin/qc_eyes.exe
Modified: bin/replay.dll
Modified: bin/scenefilecache.dll
Modified: bin/serverplugin_empty.dll
Modified: bin/shaderapidx9.dll
Modified: bin/shaderapiempty.dll
Modified: bin/shadercompile.exe
Modified: bin/shadercompile_dll.dll
Modified: bin/soundsystem.dll
Modified: bin/sourcevr.dll
Modified: bin/splitskybox.exe
Modified: bin/stdshader_dbg.dll
Modified: bin/stdshader_dx6.dll
Modified: bin/stdshader_dx7.dll
Modified: bin/stdshader_dx8.dll
Modified: bin/stdshader_dx9.dll
Modified: bin/studiomdl.exe
Modified: bin/texturecompile_dll.dll
Modified: bin/tier0.dll
Modified: bin/tools/commedit.dll
Modified: bin/tools/pet.dll
Modified: bin/tools/vmt.dll
Modified: bin/unicode.dll
Modified: bin/unitlib.dll
Modified: bin/vaudio_miles.dll
Modified: bin/vaudio_speex.dll
Modified: bin/vbsp.exe
Modified: bin/vbspinfo.exe
Modified: bin/vgui2.dll
Modified: bin/vguimatsurface.dll
Modified: bin/video_bink.dll
Modified: bin/video_quicktime.dll
Modified: bin/video_services.dll
Modified: bin/vphysics.dll
Modified: bin/vpk.exe
Modified: bin/vrad.exe
Modified: bin/vrad_dll.dll
Modified: bin/vstdlib.dll
Modified: bin/vtex.exe
Modified: bin/vtex_dll.dll
Modified: bin/vtf2tga.exe
Modified: bin/vvis.exe
Modified: bin/vvis_dll.dll
Modified: hl2.exe
Modified: hl2/hl2_sound_misc.vpk.sound.cache
Modified: tf/bin/client.dll
Modified: tf/bin/server.dll
Modified: tf/maps/ctf_foundry.bsp
Modified: tf/maps/ctf_gorge.bsp
Modified: tf/scripts/items/items_game.txt.sig
Modified: tf/tf2_misc_dir.vpk/maps/ctf_foundry.nav
Modified: tf/tf2_misc_dir.vpk/maps/ctf_gorge.nav
Modified: tf/tf2_sound_misc.vpk.sound.cache
Modified: tf/tf2_sound_misc_dir.vpk/sound/weapons/axe_hit_flesh1.wav
Modified: tf/tf2_sound_misc_dir.vpk/sound/weapons/axe_hit_flesh2.wav
Modified: tf/tf2_sound_misc_dir.vpk/sound/weapons/axe_hit_flesh3.wav
Modified: tf/tf2_sound_misc_dir.vpk/sound/weapons/blade_hit1.wav
Modified: tf/tf2_sound_misc_dir.vpk/sound/weapons/blade_hit2.wav
Modified: tf/tf2_sound_misc_dir.vpk/sound/weapons/blade_hit3.wav
Modified: tf/tf2_sound_misc_dir.vpk/sound/weapons/blade_hit4.wav
Modified: tf/tf2_sound_misc_dir.vpk/sound/weapons/blade_hitworld.wav
Modified: tf/tf2_sound_misc_dir.vpk/sound/weapons/cbar_hit1.wav
Modified: tf/tf2_sound_misc_dir.vpk/sound/weapons/cbar_hit2.wav
Modified: tf/tf2_sound_misc_dir.vpk/sound/weapons/cbar_hitbod1.wav
Modified: tf/tf2_sound_misc_dir.vpk/sound/weapons/cbar_hitbod2.wav
Modified: tf/tf2_sound_misc_dir.vpk/sound/weapons/cbar_hitbod3.wav
Modified: tf/tf2_sound_vo_english.vpk.sound.cache
Added: tf/tf2_textures_dir.vpk/materials/backpack/crafting/strange_part_assists.vtf
Added: tf/tf2_textures_dir.vpk/materials/backpack/crafting/strange_part_assists_large.vtf
Added: tf/tf2_textures_dir.vpk/materials/backpack/crafting/strange_part_minicrit_kills.vtf
Added: tf/tf2_textures_dir.vpk/materials/backpack/crafting/strange_part_minicrit_kills_large.vtf
Added: tf/tf2_textures_dir.vpk/materials/backpack/crafting/strange_part_no_crit.vtf
Added: tf/tf2_textures_dir.vpk/materials/backpack/crafting/strange_part_no_crit_large.vtf
Added: tf/tf2_textures_dir.vpk/materials/backpack/crafting/strange_part_players_hit.vtf
Added: tf/tf2_textures_dir.vpk/materials/backpack/crafting/strange_part_players_hit_large.vtf
Patch 2
Modified: tf/steam.inf
Modified: tf/bin/client.dll