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「 | あんたいつも俺らが戦ってるときに大声で怒鳴り散らしてくるあのオバサンのとこで働いてるお嬢ちゃんだろ?
— REDのデモマンからミス・ポーリングへ
」 |
ノンプレイヤーキャラクター、または略してNPCとは、 "Team Fortress 2" に登場するキャラクターのうち9人のクラスを除いた人々のことです。彼らの多くはゲームプレイには関係しませんが、ストーリーラインに更に深みを与えています。 ストーリーラインの主要キャラクターは、ゼファナイア・マン、サイラス・マン、ブルターク・マン、レドモンド・マン、グレイ・マン、管理人、ミス・ポーリング、メラスマス、そしてサクストン・ヘイルです。彼らはゲーム内での戦う理由を定義していて、それぞれが広いゲームシステムの中にいくつか登場しています。その他のキャラクターの多くはゲーム背景やストーリー、特にコミックのみに登場することが多く、説明的な台詞や時にはナンセンスにもなるゲームの雰囲気を支えています。
[hide]- 1 TFインダストリーとその関連部門の人物
- 1.1 ゼファナイア・マン(Zepheniah Mann)
- 1.2 サイラス・マン(Silas Mann)
- 1.3 ベット・マン(Bette Mann)
- 1.4 ブルタークおよびレドモンド・マン(Blutarch and Redmond Mann)
- 1.5 グレイ・マン(Gray Mann)
- 1.6 オリヴィア・マン(Olivia Mann)
- 1.7 管理人(Administrator)
- 1.8 管理人のメッセンジャー
- 1.9 ミス・ポーリング (Miss Pauling)
- 1.10 ディレクター(The Director)
- 1.11 謎の男 (Unknown individual)
- 1.12 ヘイル一族
- 1.13 ミスター・ビッドウェル(Mr. Bidwell)
- 1.14 ミスター・レディ(Mr. Reddy)
- 1.15 Patience Meriweather
- 1.16 ブルターク・マンのアシスタント
- 2 グループ
- 3 REDとBLUの家族たち
- 4 歴史上の人物
- 4.1 アメリカ大統領
- 4.2 その他
- 4.2.1 アメリア・イアハート(Amelia Earhart)
- 4.2.2 ベネディクト・アーノルド(Benedict Arnold)
- 4.2.3 フレッド・アステア(Fred Astaire)
- 4.2.4 ジョン・ウィルクス・ブース(John Wilkes Booth)
- 4.2.5 孫武 (Sun Tzu)
- 4.2.6 ウィリアム・プレスコット(William Prescott)
- 4.2.7 ニール・アームストロング(Neil Armstrong)とバズ・オルドリン(Buzz Aldrin)
- 4.2.8 アレイスター・クロウリー(Aleister Crowley)
- 4.2.9 トム・ジョーンズ(Tom Jones)
- 5 その他の個人
- 5.1 アップルストア・マネージャー
- 5.2 Archibald and Julius
- 5.3 アルキメデス (Archimedes)
- 5.4 Bob Cratchit & Scrooge
- 5.5 ボンビノミコン(Bombinomicon)
- 5.6 サーカスの神ボンゾ(Bonzo the Circus God)
- 5.7 キャプテン・ダン(Captain Dan)
- 5.8 Charles Darling
- 5.9 チキン・ガール(Chicken Girl)
- 5.10 Claude Huggins
- 5.11 デイヴィ・ジョーンズ(Davy Jones)
- 5.12 悪魔(Devil)
- 5.13 アイランダー(Eyelander)
- 5.14 農場主(Farmer)
- 5.15 Francis the Talking France
- 5.16 Gentle Manne of Leisure, his Companione, and Smelly Unfortunate
- 5.17 神(God)
- 5.18 ゴンゾ(Gonzo)
- 5.19 ジェリー(Jerry)
- 5.20 判事(The Judge)
- 5.21 キカソ(Kicasso)
- 5.22 リトル・ジャック(Little Jack)
- 5.23 マギー(Maggie)
- 5.24 マイク市長(Mayor Mike)
- 5.25 魔法使いメラスマス(Merasmus the Magician)
- 5.26 ニコラス・クラウダー/オールドニック(Nicholas Crowder/Old Nick)
- 5.27 The Park Warden
- 5.28 プーピー・ジョー(Poopy Joe)
- 5.29 Shakespearicles
- 5.30 ソルジャーの切り抜かれた戦友
- 5.31 Toastmaster
- 5.32 Trent and Jessica
- 5.33 トレバー(Trevor)
- 5.34 Vladimir Bananas
- 5.35 イエティ
- 6 その他の Valve 社のキャラクター
- 7 関連項目
- 8 参照
- 9 外部リンク
ゼファナイア・マン(Zepheniah Mann)

ゼファナイア・ニオデマス・マン(Zepheniah Nieodemus Mann)は裕福なイギリス人で、彼のバカ息子のブルタークとレドモンドに説かれてアメリカのフロンティアの広大な土地を購入した人物です。彼はその土地が武器製造のための巨大な砂利採取場に変わることを夢見ていました。彼が新たに購入したその土地を見に行くための旅路で、彼は人類が知る限りのあらゆる病気に襲われながらもたどり着きましたが、土地が草一つ生えない何の価値もない砂漠であることを知り衝撃を受けました。遂には病気で剥がれ落ちた自らの皮膚に遺産相続について記した遺言書(日本語訳はこちら)をしたためてこの世を去りました。以下がその要約です:
- 女中エリザベスには権利書、口座、債権、タバコ農園、その他ありとあらゆる財産を相続させました。エリザベスは自らと先祖にとても良く似たヘレン(管理人)を産むことになります。
- 彼の側近兼トラッカー(案内人)として雇われた、サクストン・ヘイルの先祖に当たるバーナバス・ヘイルには、Mann Co.の完全な経営権を相続させました。
- 彼の「ノータリン」の息子であるブルタークおよびレドモンドには「協力関係」を遺しました。息子たちが彼に買わせたすべての土地を彼ら二人に分けることで、終わりなき相続戦争の火種を遺したのです。ブルタークとレドモンドは、1971年に消息不明だった弟のグレイに暗殺されるまで、延命装置を使ってまで生涯争い続けました。
- 遺書の締めくくりは不鮮明です。「終わりに……へ……俺はすべての……お前に遺し……それを保管していることは最大限秘密にすると誓う」と書かれているようです。
- 遺書の中ではゼファナイアの兄弟であるサイラス・マンも言及されています。しかし彼は後に開催されたイベントで見つかったもうひとつの破れた写真でのみ、その姿を確認することができます。
- ブログの隠しページでゼファナイアには三人目の息子であるグレイが存在し、ワシに攫われたことが明らかになりました。
- 加えてこのページではゼファナイアの妻の名がベット・マンであるということも明らかになりました。
彼の遺書では「墓の近くで武器を撃ちあう連中を全員呪い、見たことも無いような恐怖を与えてやる」とも記しています。彼の遺言通り、彼が眠るイベントバージョンのHarvest Eventでは、Ghastly Gibusを被ったゼファナイアの幽霊が定期的に現れます。幽霊の近くへ迷い込んでしまったプレイヤーは数秒間怯えて逃げ出し、Sandmanでスタンさせられたときのようにジャンプや攻撃ができなくなってしまいます。彼とその遺書が初めて言及されたのは幽霊なハロウィンスペシャルにおいてです。ゼファナイアの幽霊はHelltowerの塔でも戦いを見渡しており、傭兵たちによって息子のレドモンドとブルタークが地獄へ送られるさまを見届けています。彼の幽霊は、丑三つ時に差し掛かったときから幽霊の橋が消えるまでの、わずか間は消え去ります。
- ゼファナイア・マンが初めて登場したのはマン一家の集合写真においてです。
- スクリームフォートレス 2013におけるゼファナイアのセリフ曰く、彼のお気に入りの息子はグレイだったようです。
- ゼファナイア・マンとその息子たちの声優はノーラン・ノース氏です。[1]
- His middle name "Nieodemus" seems to be a corruption of Nicodemus, a name of a Pharisee and saint from the New Testament.
若かりし頃のゼファナイア・マン、Mann Manorにて(1822年ごろ)
サイラス・マン(Silas Mann)
「 | サイラス・マンよ安らかに眠れ
— サイラス・マンと全く関係ない墓石に書かれた銘文
」 |
ゼファナイア・マンの兄弟であると推測されているサイラスのマン家における生涯は謎に包まれています。知られていることは、彼は後のMann Co.の前身である「ゼファナイア・マン&サンズ・季刊財団」の共同経営者であるということです。彼が会社に果たした貢献は鍵と名前タグに見て取れます。サイラスは兄弟の死後すぐに亡くなりましたが、死は彼にとっては終わりではありませんでした。彼はHarvest Eventに青く光る幽霊となって現れるゼファナイアのように、Mann Manorをホースレス・ヘッドレス・ホースマンとして徘徊しています。サイラス・マンの写真はScream Fortress アップデートのページの墓石に刻まれた "Silas" の名前をクリックすることで見つかりました。
- サイラス・マンが初めて登場したのはEngineer アップデートのページに登場した、下半分が切り取られた「ゼファナイア・マン&サンズ・季刊財団」の紙面においてです。
ベット・マン(Bette Mann)
- ベット・マンが初めて言及されたのはブルターク、レドモンド、グレイの出生証明書においてです。
ブルタークおよびレドモンド・マン(Blutarch and Redmond Mann)
「 | 俺は時の流れという破滅の使者に立ち向かい、少しでも生命力を保って長生きするためとにかく何もしないという壮大な計画を打ち立てた。俺の部下が成し得なかったことを自然の摂理にやらせようという寸法だ。しかし未だ成し得ないまま終わりを迎えようとしている。そしてあいつは……死ぬことはないだろう。
— 兄弟との争いについて語るブルターク・マン
」 |
『Grave Matters』においてブルタークとレドモンドは死後すぐさま幽霊となりました。幽霊になったブルタークは開口一番に兄弟より長生きしたと喜びを口にしましたが、レドモンドはブルタークが死んだ後もまだ血を流していたと返します。小競り合いの後、彼らは弁護士として働いた経験を持つREDのソルジャーの元を訪ね、父の遺した土地はどちらが勝ち取るのかについて法で決着をつけようとします。REDのソルジャーは、彼らは幽霊であり、完全には死んでおらずこの世に留まっている状態であり、どちらかがこの世を去らない限り、土地を勝ち取ることはできないと返します。ブルタークとレドモンドはソルジャーの元を去り、近くの公衆電話から秘書に電話をかけ、前の会社と組織から傭兵を集めさせ、兄弟を地獄送りにしようと企みます。
- ブルタークおよびレドモンド・マンが初めて登場したのはマン家の集合写真においてです。
- 『Blood Brothers』において、ブルタークとレドモンドの争いは、奪い合っていた砂利採取場が石炭に似たエネルギー源として利用できると信じていたからだと明かされました。
- Mann ManorのREDのスポーンルームの侵入できない場所に、椅子に座って装置(おそらくラディガンが設計した生命維持装置)を向くレドモンドの後ろ姿が見えます。"noclip"を使用してこの部屋に入ると、実際には外から見えるレドモンドの頭と腕だけが配置されているだけだということが分かります。
- Mann ManorのC地点を含むこの部屋には、筋骨隆々でニヤリと笑うレドモンドの肖像画が飾られています。彼の隣にはいかにも邪悪なグレムリンのような姿で描かれたブルタークも描かれています。これに似た絵(ただしレドモンドとブルタークの描写は入れ替わっている)が『Loose Canon』のコミックにおいて、ブルターク・マンの私室に飾られていました。
- メラスマスと同様に、ブルタークおよびレドモンドの声優はノーラン・ノース氏です。
グレイ・マン(Gray Mann)
「 | 諸君、我が名はグレイ・マン。君たちの弟だ。
— 兄弟に自己紹介するグレイ・マン
」 |
1971年に再び姿を見せたグレイは、兄弟と同様に生命維持装置を取り付けていました(ただし兄弟のものより高性能かつ小型で背中に装着するタイプ)。「休戦を申し込む」と偽造した手紙を送りつけ偽の会合を開き、兄弟たちを誘い出したグレイはブルタークおよびレドモンド・マンを暗殺し、それぞれの会社を乗っ取り「グレイ砂利会社」に吸収合併しました。『A Fate Worse Than Chess』の劇中において、グレイは世界中のMann Co.の施設を破壊するためにロボット軍団を作り出しました。サクストン・ヘイルは吸収合併によりクビになったBLUとREDの傭兵たちを再び雇い、ロボットから施設を防衛しました。
1972年、グレイはサクストン・ヘイルとの戦争が、かつて兄弟たちが互いに争った往年の「砂利戦争」と同様に膠着状態に陥ったことを認め、降伏しました。しかし彼はMann Co.の経営方針である「Mann Co.の最高経営責任者を素手で打ち負かした者はMann Co.の経営権を合法的に得ることができる」を利用し、彼の娘であるオリヴィアをサクストン・ヘイルと戦わせました。子どもと戦うことを望まないサクストン・ヘイルはしぶしぶ降伏し、オリヴィアに経営権を譲りました。
半年後、オーストラリウムを燃料とするグレイの生命維持装置は底をつきかけていました。切羽詰まったグレイはMann Co.のオーストラリウム保管庫を開けますが、中は空であり、保管庫に残された煙草の吸殻から、オーストラリウムはAdministratorによって盗み出されたのだろうと推測します。彼はAdministratorの捜索とオーストラリウムの回収のために正体不明の私兵集団を雇います。『A Cold Day in Hell』の劇中において、グレイが管理人の捜索のために雇ったこの集団は "Team Fortress Classic" の傭兵たちであることが明かされました。
- グレイが初めて登場したのはTF2公式ブログのバナーの血染みにリンクが隠された出生証明書においてです。
- また、上述の隠しリンクが追加された後すぐ、ゼファナイア・マンの遺書の後半部分が公開され、砂で解読できなかった部分の記述はグレイ・マンに関するものであることが分かりました。
- Barely-Melted Capacitorの下部に「07180125」という数列が小さく書かれています。これを四等分し、「A = 1, B = 2...」とアルファベットを当てていくと "GRAY" の文字が表れます。
- グレイは『Blood Brothers』の劇中において兄弟であるブルタークとレドモンドを暗殺しました。
- 彼はREDおよびBLUのスパイに似た特性を有しています。
- 『Loose Canon』の最後のページに描かれた生命維持装置の仕様書に、ラディガン・カーネガーが装置を作成した相手とその日付が記されています。リストによると、1874年7月17日にブルタークへ、1874年8月3日にレドモンドへ、(年号不詳)4月14日に匿名の三人目、おそらくグレイに向けて作成したようです。
- 彼は未だに自らの両足で立て、髪も残っているため、兄弟に比べて健康に齢をとったようです。その秘密はおそらく純粋なオーストラリウムコアで動作する改良版の生命維持装置のおかげでしょう。
- Smissmas 2012 アップデート期間中に発表された『The Shadow Boxers』の劇中において、グレイ・マンは「グレイ砂利会社」を所有していることが明らかとなりました。同社のロゴは Gravel Pit および Frontier のマップで確認できます。
- 『Ring of Fired』の劇中において、グレイ・マンには彼曰く娘であるオリヴィアという名の幼い少女がいることが明らかとなりました
- ハロウィーンマップの Helltower におけるセリフによれば、グレイはゼファナイア・マンのお気に入りの息子だったようです。
オリヴィア・マン(Olivia Mann)
「 | ヘイル!さぁかかってきなさい。
— じれったくなったオリヴィア
」 |
オリヴィアはグレイ・マンの娘であり、「グレイ砂利会社」の現最高経営責任者です。彼女はまたMann Co.の経営権交代方針を突き、サクストン・ヘイルとの戦いに素手で勝利したため、Mann Co.の最高経営責任者でもあります。ヘイルは幼い彼女と戦うことを拒否し、執事のミスター・ビドウェルに戦わせようとしましたが、彼も拒否したため、ヘイルはMann Co.をオリヴィアに引き渡さざるをえませんでした。
- オリヴィアが初めて登場したのは全六話のコミックシリーズの第一話『Ring of Fired』においてです。
- オリヴィアとグレイの歳の差を鑑みるに、血の繋がりがあるかは疑わしいため、養子なのかもしれません。
- オリヴィアの名前も父と叔父たちと同じく色に基づいて命名されています(オリヴィア=オリーブ・グリーン)。
The original and regular Announcer of the Team Fortress 2 game is also the present day (circa 1960-1972) Administrator of TF Industries, also of Reliable Excavation Demolition and Builders League United, and (real) boss of the mercenaries (both teams). The Administrator has appeared or has been referred to several times in Team Fortress 2 Comics and other media. Women of similar appearance have also appeared, but at greatly different ages or times; and it is claimed by certain characters that she has been active for over a century.
- The Administrator first appeared in the Comics in War! with the Zepheniah Mann family photograph on her control panel.
- メイン記事:エリザベス
- エリザベスが初めて登場したのはマン一家の集合写真においてです。
「 | ここだな。
— BLUソルジャーのアパートを突き止めた管理人のメッセンジャー
」 |
管理人のメッセンジャーは管理人によって小型テレビセットを運ばせるために雇われた謎の人物です。彼が初めて登場したのはWAR! アップデート期間中において、管理人のメッセージをテレビ画面で中継して届けるため、BLUソルジャーのアパートを突き止めるシーンです。管理人に雇われた彼の仕事は、BLUソルジャーを探し出し、彼の友人であるREDデモマンをTFインダストリーのスパイであると信じこませ、対立させることでした。
『Meet the Director』には別のメッセンジャーが登場し、答えを得るためにREDチームに殺されました。管理人はこれを受けて、殺されては小型テレビが返ってこないため、もう一台買わねばならないと顔をしかめました。彼がWAR! アップデートと同じメッセンジャーかどうかは不明ですが、管理人の「また一人メッセンジャーを撃った」とのセリフから、何人ものメッセンジャーが彼らに殺されたものと思われます。
- 管理人のメッセンジャーが初めて登場したのはWAR! アップデートのコミック『WAR!』においてです。
- スクリームフォートレス 2014の『Blood Money』のコミックにおいて、別のメッセンジャーの白骨死体が壁に寄りかかっていました。
- More messengers are killed by the Heavy in The Showdown.
ミス・ポーリング (Miss Pauling)

Miss Pauling is a loyal assistant to the Administrator. She performs a number of duties including reporting unusual background checks, ordering and delivery of goods, opening communication channels and murders. Miss Pauling generally complies with her employer's views for fear of incurring her wrath, even if she does not necessarily agree with them.
- Ms. Pauling first appeared in the WAR! Update comic.
- Ms. Pauling was animated for the first time in the Love & War short, Expiration Date.
- This makes her the first NPC to be animated by Valve.
- Ms. Pauling was animated for the first time in the Love & War short, Expiration Date.
- It has been shown that the Scout has taken a romantic interest in Miss Pauling, which she tries to completely ignore.
ディレクター(The Director)
「 | If you could pick one word to describe yourself, Mister Mundy, what would it be? I'm going to answer that for you: "victim."
— ディレクター
」 |
The Director is a somewhat arrogant filmmaker. Hired by the Administrator.The Director is responsible for The Meet The Team Series, the Director was meant to spy on the mercenaries, so the Administrator could use something they said against them later if need be. However, he was led to believe he was filming them to show the people of Badlands that they weren't "just armed psychopaths blowing up all their landmarks on a daily basis".
Once the Administrator believed she had gained proper leverage over her employees, she ordered Miss Pauling to assassinate the Director. Miss Pauling brought the Director out to a mine under the guise that the Administrator was waiting for her interview there, with a bag of quicklime and a shovel secretly tucked away in the bed of her truck. The Director's current status is unknown, though he is presumed to be dead after his "interview" with the Administrator. A "MISSING" poster featuring the Director can be found in Doomsday, Coal Town, Mannworks, Powerhouse, and other maps further hinting this.
- The Director first appeared in the Replay Update comic, Meet the Director.
謎の男 (Unknown individual)
In the mostly complete family portrait, another person can be seen in between the gap of the two pieces. The name of this person is unknown and he has yet to be referenced. He can be seen here. In the portrait, he appears to be holding something in his left arm but the object can not be identified.
- The unknown individual first appeared in the Mann family portrait.
バーナバス・ヘイル(Barnabus Hale)
「 | I like this cougar's PEPPER SAUCE!
— バーナバス・ヘイル fighting off an inexplicable animal attack during a wake
」 |
Barnabus Hale was a 19th century Australian frontiersman, employed as an aide and tracker by Zepheniah Mann. After Bette dies while giving birth, he cries at her death, apparently the only one to do so. Hale later inherited Mann Co. upon Zepheniah's death. He is a relative of Saxton Hale, as his grandfather, and shares Saxton's extremely masculine personality.
- Barnabus Hale first appeared in the Mann family portrait.
- Barnabus later appears in the comic Blood Brothers and then in Catch-Up, as well as in portraits in Coal Town and Monster Bash.
Bilious Hale
「 | No mercenary warfare on the premises.
— Bilious Hale on his secret to Mann Co. being voted "Safest workplace in the Badlands"
」 |
Bilious Hale is the father of Saxton Hale, and was the owner of Mann Co. during the early 1900's after inheriting it from his father, Barnabus Hale. During a fatal mineshaft collapse, which resulted in the death of fourteen workers, Bilious was able to escape by punching it open, gaining him more fame from the press. During the March of 1922, Bilious Hale shut down the coal mine and coal-powered munitions factory 50 years after it was founded. However, one of the rooms was left as a "historic storage closet" under the reasoning that the objects left in it were not presently needed, but kept for a future time for when they may be. During his lifetime, Bilious was one of the five owners of a telephone in the United States along with Redmond & Blutarch, the President, Alexander Graham Bell and presumably a predecessor of the Administrator.
サクストン・ヘイル (Saxton Hale)
Saxton Hale was the most recent of the Hales to head Mann Co.
Dr. Cadaverus Hale
「 | Every doctor needs a cadaver or two for his experiments.
— The Medic (Old Wounds)
」 |
Dr. Cadaverus Hale is one (or more) of the notorious members of the Saxton Hale family tree.
Because it is not clear whether Dr. Hale was the original creator of the Reanimation technology or is the result of Medic's study and perfection of the science (or both), it is also uncertain whether he is an ancestral or current (or both) occupant of Castle Hale.
- Dr. Cadaverus Hale is known only from the context of his portrait in the castle in Monster Bash.
- Cadaverous is an English word meaning "resembling a corpse".
ミスター・ビッドウェル(Mr. Bidwell)
「 | Tears were brought to the eyes, sir. Your breakfast steak.
— ミスター・ビッドウェル
」 |
ミスター・ビッドウェル(Mr. Bidwell)はサクストン・ヘイルのアシスタントのひとりです。 along with Mr. Reddy. His duties include serving Hale's meals and dealing with customer feedback. Bidwell is the creator of the new Mann Co. Weapons Catalogue, acting as a liaison between the manufacturers of various products and Mann Co. During his first appearance Bidwell sported a handlebar mustache; however, this was later shaved off.
Saxton Hale sent Bidwell to Sarif Industries under the pretense of discussing a partnership to jointly develop biotechnology. While Sarif's representatives were looking over the "contract", Bidwell escaped with a crate full of weapons and later reverse-engineered the stolen weaponry to produce Manno-Technology. Bidwell detailed his exploits in a confidential memo to Hale, who wrote back to Bidwell asking him to "stop writing these things down".
Bidwell, along with Reddy, risked being dismissed by suggesting the idea of item tryouts and much of the Manniversary Update & Sale. They showcased various new hats and Miscellaneous items in a section of the Manniversary Update and Sale page before being rudely interrupted by Saxton Hale's dilemma of hiding a dead ostrich.
Three days after the end of "The Gravel Wars" and the death of Blutarch and Redmond Mann, Bidwell is under disguise as a primate violence specialist with Saxton Hale, with the purpose of filming Saxton fight the last-living Yeti. Right before Saxton charges at the Yeti to fight it, Bidwell is informed by Reddy of attacks on Mann Co. stores and relays it back to Saxton, who tells Bidwell that he is very much aware of the attacks. Bidwell then films Saxton's assault on the Yeti, which Saxton uses as a video instructing the mercenaries on their new job of fighting robots and defending Mann Co. Bidwell then sends the tape back to Miss Pauling, who shows it to the remainders of the RED and BLU Teams.
- Mr. Bidwell first appeared in the WAR! Update comic, WAR!.
- Mr. Bidwell makes a bold proposal in Bidwell's Big Plan.
- Mr. Bidwell appears in disguise with Saxton in the Mann vs. Machine comic, A Fate Worse Than Chess.
- Other appearances
- The non-canon comic The Contract.
- The comic Ring of Fired.
- The movie short Jungle Inferno (Saxton Hale receives a satellite phone call from him).
ミスター・レディ(Mr. Reddy)
「 | You're now the sixth richest man in America, Mr. Hale.
— ミスター・レディ
」 |
ミスター・レディ(Mr. Reddy)はミスター・ビッドウェルと一緒の、サクストン・ヘイルのアシスタントのひとりです。Specifically, he is Hale's accountant and takes his calls. Under Hale's orders, Mr. Reddy sent the five richest men in America congratulatory bouquets and "You're a dead man" form letters. During his first appearance, Reddy sported a thick box car mustache, however, this was later shaved off. Upon completing the achievement Mission Accomplished in Spiral Knights, Mr. Reddy sends the player a congratulatory letter and the Spiral Sallet. He also created the Dueler, Gifting Man From Gifting Land and Philateler.[2]
Reddy, along with Bidwell, risked being dismissed by suggesting the idea of item tryouts and much of the Manniversary Update & Sale. They showcased various new hats and Miscellaneous items in a section of the Manniversary Update and Sale page before being rudely interrupted by Saxton Hale's dilemma of hiding a dead ostrich.
Reddy later informed Bidwell of the attacks by robots on all Mann Co. facilities.
- Mr. Reddy first appeared in the WAR! Update comic, WAR!.
- Mr. Reddy is mentioned in the Mann vs. Machine comic, A Fate Worse Than Chess
- Like Mr. Bidwell, Reddy also makes another appearance in the comic Ring of Fired.
Patience Meriweather
Patience Meriweather helped to deliver the three sons of Zepheniah Mann and his wife Bette: Redmond, Blutarch, and Gray. She also gave the news of Bette's death to Zepheniah and Barnabus Hale, who was present at the time.
- The midwife first appeared in the Mann vs. Machine comic, Blood Brothers.
- Although never called by name in Blood Brothers, her name was revealed in the Mann vs. Machine ARG on Gray Mann's birth certificate.
「 | Give him a moment, dear. He's just dead.
— Blutarch Mann's assistant's everyday routine.
」 |
Blutarch Mann's assistant is an unnamed woman who has worked for Blutarch for at least 60 years. She is shown in 1960 presenting Dell Conagher to Blutarch Mann and again in an 1890 flashback presenting Radigan Conagher to Blutarch Mann. After she calls Dell "Mister Conagher" a couple of times, he politely tells her to just call him "Dell" since "Mister Conagher" was his grandfather's name. She replies, "Yes. I remember."
- Blutarch Mann's assistant's first appearance was in the comic Loose Canon.
「 | Every one of mankind's innovations now comes from the lager-pickled brain of an Australian.
— The Administrator's ancestor on the mustache-sporting, beer-swilling, deathray-inventing Australians
」 |
Once thought of as a nation of idiots, since 1850 Australians had become world leaders in technology. Every innovation, including Cloaking and teleportation, now came from the brain of a lager-loving Australian. By the 1890s, Sydney had become a city of tomorrow with flying cars, giant airships, and self-grooming mustaches. Much like their national hero, Saxton Hale, every man, woman and child in the nation of Australia (with the exception of at least three, the Sniper and his adoptive parents) sports a glorious, full mustache. An ancestor of the Administrator theorized that the nation's incredible intelligence came from a rare element, Australium. This theory seemed to prove true as the element amplified Radigan Conagher's intelligence to phenomenal levels, and also caused various Australian-related side effects including rapid mustache growth, extreme masculinity, and the primal urge to take off his shirt and grow chest hair in the shape of his homeland. However, as the Australium deposits located in Australia that gave these phenomenal people such capacity declined, mainly due to the intentions of the Administrator, the once proud race are reduced to weaker simpletons. It is mentioned by Spy that the Australium mines had run dry 2 months prior to Zhanna, Soldier and Spy's success in securing a submarine.
Australia chooses its king through a Kangaroo boxing match.
- Australians first appeared in the Loose Canon comic.
Mann Co. Monkeynautics
Mann Co. Monkeynautics is a subdivision of Mann Co. that, after offering to host the launch for the price of one dollar, worked to send Monkeynaut Poopy Joe into space to fight Russian rival Vladimir Bananas, among other reasons. The Mann Co. Monkeynautics logo appears across the map Doomsday as the company hosting the event, who's rocket malfunctions and crashes into a nearby satellite tower, exploding and killing the Monkeynaut inside.
- Mann Co. Monkeynautics first appeared on the Pyromania Day One page.
Badland Brawlers
The Badland Brawlers are a sports team from the Badlands.
- In the War!, Soldier and Demoman are WAR! fans of the team.
- The Scout's Whoopee Cap has a Badland Brawlers badge.
- In Ring of Fired, the Demoman wears a Badland Brawlers shirt.
「 | ...I assembled a team of the world's deadliest mercenaries to take it all by force. What I did not expect was that my idiot brother would do the same.
— Blutarch Mann discussing his original BLU team
」 |
The original BLU team was assembled by Blutarch Mann in the 1850s in an attempt to claim all of the land bequeathed to him and his brother, Redmond, by their father. Unfortunately for Blutarch, it appears that the original RED team was assembled at the same time, leaving both siblings at a stalemate. The original team consisted of the same nine classes as the current organization. The Scout, inspired by Billy the Kid, took on the appearance of a young cowboy, complete with spurred boots. The Soldier, who resembles Stonewall Jackson, dressed like a member of the Confederate States Army, utilizing a rifle, rather than a Rocket Launcher. In keeping with tradition, the Demoman, inspired by Alfred Nobel, was a one-eyed dynamite-loving prospector. Unlike his modern Russian counterpart, the Heavy resembled John Henry, preferring to put his enemies out of commission with a monstrous sledgehammer, whilst the Sniper, like Davy Crockett, partnered his trusty rifle with a coonskin cap. Prior to his appointment as President of the United States, the Pyro, Abraham Lincoln, used an experimental Flamethrower to aid his comrades in battle. BLU team's Medic, resembling Sigmund Freud, appeared to retain his contemporary's love of the Bonesaw, whilst the team's Engineer, who resembles Nikola Tesla, was forced to make do with a satchel of Blueprints, rather than a PDA. Finally, the Spy eschewed a balaclava in favor of a domino-mask and equally-sinister mustache in the style of Fu Manchu.
- The original BLU team first appeared in the Loose Canon comic.
Team Fortress クラシックの傭兵たち
In the A Cold Day in Hell comic, the Team Fortress Classic mercenaries (minus their Medic) appear, willing to help Gray Mann find the Administrator and the current Team Fortress 2 mercenaries.
- One Team Fortress Classic mercenary first appeared in the Team Fortress Comic Ring of Fired as a shadowy silhouette of the Classic Heavy.
- The identity of the silhouette along with his team was revealed in the Cold Day in Hell comic.
- The Classic Mercenaries from the 1930s appeared in the Catch-Up Comic
- The Classic Medic has yet to appear in any other Comic. His current whereabouts are unknown.
- The Classic Mercenaries arrived in Blood in the Water, where the Classic Sniper shot and killed the RED Sniper.
- In Old Wounds, the Classic Demoman, Spy and Pyro are all killed at the hands of the Team Fortress 2 Mercenaries while the Classic Heavy kills Gray Mann for his Life Extending Machine before draining all the blood of the TF2 Mercenaries.
- The Naked and the Dead climaxes with the final battle between the Classic Mercenaries, the Team Fortress 2 Mercenaries, Saxton Hale, Maggie and Gray Mann's remaining robots. The Classic Scout, Soldier, Sniper, and Heavy are all killed, while the Classic Engineer's status is unknown.
ヒッピー were a 1960s and early 1970s minority subculture reputed for protesting, pacifism, and relaxed hygiene.[3] They were particularly noted for long hair, burning "patchouli oil incense", and protesting the Vietnam War (nominally in the name of anti-violence). In Team Fortress 2, hippies are a recurring adversary for Saxton Hale and Mann Co. The Soldier makes several mentions of hippies, usually disparaging their pacifism and hair length.
- 1968: Hippies assembled mass protests outside Mann Co. Headquarters in WAR! and Bidwell's Big Plan.
- Mann Co. bought out Lecture Valley (a lampoon of hippie cooperatives and other tropes).
- 1972: Hippies pacified the last surviving Yeti in A Fate Worse Than Chess.
「 | BLUスカウト: "What're you? President of his fan-club?"
BLUスパイ: "No... that would be your mother!" — "BLUスカウト"とBLUスパイ
」 |
The Scout's mother is briefly mentioned and shown in Meet the Spy when the BLU Spy reveals photographs of a tryst between RED Spy and the Scout's mother to the team's Heavy and Soldier, and the RED Spy disguised as the team's Scout. She also appears in the beginning of the Second Annual Saxxy Awards trailer, where her arm can be seen and she can be heard screaming while she runs away. She raised the Scout and his seven "mad-dog" brothers in south Boston, and somehow still managed to keep her figure. She is in a romantic relationship with the RED Spy, who lovingly calls her "ma petit chou-fleur", which roughly means "my little cauliflower" in French. The BLU Scout's mother wears a Classic late 60s style dress and bob hairstyle. Seven compromising photos of her with the RED Spy are kept in a top secret file labeled 'Scout's Mom' in the BLU base. The Spy has a likeness of her engraved on the barrel of the Ambassador.
- The Scout's mother first appearance was in Meet the Spy. She was later seen in the Second Annual Saxxy Awards trailer.
- The Scout's mother appears in the comics in a dream in Cold Day in Hell where Scout dreams she is standing alongside the Spy watching an infant Scout take his first steps.
The Engineer's father, or Fred Conagher is shown in a photo with his son, Dell Conagher. Dell's father is the Engineer from the Team Fortress Classic series of games, while Dell is the Engineer from Team Fortress 2. Fred appeared in the Team Fortress 2 Comic where he had become overweight and both his legs replaced with robotic legs.
- The Engineer's father first appeared in the Engineer Update.
デグロート夫妻(Mr. & Mrs. DeGroot)
「 | Yer da walked fifteen miles in the rain to blow up the Queen of England for a Nickel!
— デグロート夫人 on the family trade
」 |
The Demoman's mother, Mrs. Tilly DeGroot, is a blind, elderly woman who reminisces constantly about the Demoman's late father, Mr. DeGroot. Even with her son's multi-million dollar salary and mansion, she still thinks he does not work hard enough, claiming that the Demoman's father would be spinning in his grave at his idleness and had 26 jobs. She insisted on bringing up the Demoman Scottish, and does not like to see him "squandering his gifts." She also comments: "No Demoman worth his sulfur ever had an eye in his head past thirty!"
She, along with the Demoman's father, collected the young Tavish from the Crypt Grammar School for Orphans, revealing themselves as his true parents. They explained that he was abandoned at birth until his skills manifested themselves, a longstanding, cruel, and wholly unnecessary tradition among the Highland Demolition Men.
The Demoman's mother advised her son to go searching for jobs on All Hallow's Eve, saying that all of the ghouls would vanish in one day.
- Mrs. DeGroot first appeared in the WAR! Update comic, WAR!.
マンディー夫妻(Mr. & Mrs. Mundy)
「 | I'll be honest with ya: my parents do not care for it.
— スナイパー on his trade
」 |
ミスター・ジョナサン・マンディー(Mr. Jonathan Mundy)とミセス・マンディー(Mrs. Mundy)は、スナイパーの育ての親です。Being a dutiful son, the Sniper makes sure to keep in touch with his parents via phone or mail to inquire about their well-being and keep them up to date with his latest adventures and exploits. Living in the "Red House on the Left on Adelaide St. in Australia", the Sniper's parents do not approve of his occupation. The Sniper's dad is especially condemning, calling the Sniper a "crazed gunman" against the Sniper's insistence that he is an "assassin". In a bid to bring the arguments to an end, the Sniper wrote to his mom asking her to just tell his dad about how he makes more than a doctor and then finally asks her to just tell him that he is a doctor. After the Sniper was interviewed by the Director, the Sniper received mailed photographs of his parents.
Like their adoptive son, neither one of them have mustaches, a seemingly rare trait amongst Australians. Mr. & Mrs. Mundy also bear a striking resemblance to Eustace and Muriel Bagge from Courage the Cowardly Dog. The comic's illustrator later confirmed that this similarity, along with the similarities of their homes, was "very much on purpose" due to time constraints.
In the Team Fortress 2 Comic #4 Blood in the Water, Sniper reveals that his parents passed away six months prior, shortly after Gray's takeover of Mann Co., and learned that the Mundys were not his birth parents.
Mr. & Mrs. Mundy appeared in Sniper's vision of Heaven in Old Wounds. Having been killed in action in the previous issue, the Sniper expresses his wish to be reunited with his adoptive parents in the afterlife. The Mundys share his sentiments, but gently remind him that he's still a professional assassin, and that there are still enemies that need to be killed. Upon revival, the Sniper tells the Medic what happened, but the Medic claims that the vision was a hallucination as a result of injecting a blue whale's pineal gland into his brain stem, but the Sniper assures him of what awaits him and declares himself the most dangerous man alive thanks to the encouragement from his parents.
- Mr. & Mrs. Mundy were first introduced in Meet the Sniper, but were not visibly seen or named until Meet the Director.
ビル-ベルとラー-ナー(Bill-Bel and Lar-Nah)
「 | 私のロケットから降りろこの@#$%!
— ロケットを手に入れようとした若きラー-ナーを怒鳴る若きビル-ベル
」 |
Years prior, Bill-Bel theorized that the Earth would be covered in magma, and he proposed that the country be encased in a glass dome and sunk to the bottom of the ocean to escape danger. He later proposed to New Zealand's council of leaders to send the country into space, but the council furiously rejects him, pointing out that they are now out of resources due to his original plan and all detest their underwater existence. Bill-Bel returned home, having built a rocket with which to get into space, only to get into a fight with his wife Lar-Nah over who gets to be the only occupant. In the confusion their toddler son Mun-dee (an infant Sniper) crawls into the rocket, which launches through New Zealand's protective dome, flooding the city and dooming its citizens.
Bill-Bel and Lar-Nah survive drowning by hiding out in a sealed laboratory, cut off from the rest of the world until Miss Pauling, Sniper and the other mercenaries arrive in a submarine; Lar-Nah has become a grouchy alcoholic constantly furious at her husband's idiocy. Much to Miss Pauling's horror, Bill-Bel, not understanding the metal's true potential as nuclear energy source and for life extension, used the last cache of Australium stored in New Zealand to paint his prototype escape rockets, all of which exploded save for one. Lar-Nah then offers Miss Pauling some of her wine as the latter is flabbergasted at Bill-Bel's stupidity.
Upon learning from Sniper that the Earth was not covered in magma (thereby disproving Bill-Bel's theory), Lar-Nah steals the only remaining rocket, successfully escaping into space. Likewise, Bill-Bel steals the navy submarine Miss Pauling and the team had arrived on, stranding the group in the steadily flooding ruins.
- Bill-Bel and Lar-Nah were first introduced in Blood in the Water.
- Sniper bears a striking resemblance to his mother Lar-Nah. Both have the same facial shape, structure as well as skin tone.
- Although being the biological parents of Sniper, they do not care for their son instead looking out for themselves.
ラディガン・カーネガー(Radigan Conagher)
「 | ...いいだろう。
— 怪物を作るラディガン・カーネガー
」 |
The BLU Engineer's grandfather, Radigan Conagher, was hired by Blutarch Mann to build a machine to artificially allow him to live longer than his brother. He agrees to build the machine for Blutarch. Later, he is approached by a woman who bears a resemblance to that of The Administrator. She offers him Australium to build Blutarch's Machine, under the stipulation that he covertly builds an identical machine for Redmond as well. On a personal level, Radigan Conagher had a fascination for Abraham Lincoln. In the first edition of The Engineer Update, several pages of notes are dedicated to inventing an object that could have saved Lincoln from John Wilkes Booth. Some devices include: a hat that would shoot at the attacker, a chair that would swing over and under a balcony away from the attacker, and a teleporter.
Radigan goes through a drastic transformation as shown in the hidden links of the Engineer Update. He seems to have become taller, grown a mustache, developed large muscles, and has a fond thirst for beer. This matches the qualities of the stereotypical Australians in Team Fortress 2. This is probably due to his exposure to Australium. One could even say he looks like an older Saxton Hale. In the photographs displayed on the Engineer Update webpage, Conagher is also shown holding what seems to be the very first Southern Hospitality. In the final stage of his transformation, it is shown that he had replaced his left hand with a robotic arm and his chest hair had grown into the shape of Texas, similar to Saxton Hale's Australian shaped chest hair. He also appears more "Australian" than before, as a large jovial man (in contrast to his previously reserved personality) with a big, bushy mustache and carrying a barrel of BLU Streak beer, a taste shared by his grandson Dell. One of the Paint Can colors, "Radigan Conagher Brown" bears his name.
- Radigan Conagher first appeared in the Loose Canon comic.
「 | Yana: We have caught dinner!
Bronislava: It is bear. Again. — The Heavy's sisters returning from a hunt
」 |
While not much is known, the family history of Misha, the Heavy, was first discussed in the Meet the Director comic. Heavy's father was executed for being a counter-revolutionist. After the death of his father in autumn of 1941, Misha was deported to a Northern Siberian gulag along with his mother and three underage younger sisters, Zhanna, Yana, and Bronislava. The Heavy and his family worked at the gulag for three months, until it was burned to the ground some time in December 1941. It was later found that all of the prisoners had escaped and the guards of the camp had been tortured to death.
The Heavy was shown to be still in contact with his family and using his mercenary wages to provide for them in the comic Bombinomicon. In A Cold Day in Hell, the Heavy's family was shown to be living in the Siberian mountains, eating almost exclusively bear meat, where the Heavy had been protecting them from "the people who hurt [them] before." However, with the Heavy rejoining the team, his family began to move to the United States.
Yana and Bronislava are apparently attracted to some of the mercenaries, namely the Sniper and Spy. Zhanna, however, plays the biggest role in the comics compared to Heavy's other sisters; she begins a relationship with the Soldier due to her not having seen a man in twenty years, and after her rejection of the Scout because he talked too much. Her relationship with Soldier stays strong as she tags along with the mercenaries through the events of Blood in the Water, Old Wounds and The Naked and the Dead. She also begins to learn how to fight along with the Soldier, albeit through his unorthodox (and incorrect) ways - including losing her left hand after attempting to escape from a pair of handcuffs using the "old dislocating thumb trick", and fighting stark naked while covered in honey.
- The Heavy's family was first mentioned in the Meet the Director comic.
- The Heavy's family has been revealed in the "A Cold Day in Hell" comic.
- It has been implied that Zhanna and Soldier are getting married.
A Cold Day in Hell でのブロニスラヴァ
A Cold Day in Hell でのザンナ
A Cold Day in Hell でのヤーナ
エイブラハム・リンカーン(Abraham Lincoln)
Wikipedia 記事:エイブラハム・リンカーン
「 | I say this to you with the unvarnished factualism of plain talk: I love Arena mode.
— Abraham Lincoln in his Second Inaugural Address, 1865
」 |
Alongside being the 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln is attributed with several other feats within the TF2 Universe. An inventor by trade, documenting Lincoln's history is problematic due to conflicting information regarding an invention attributed to him, and the circumstances of his death.
Within in his first mention on the Victory page of the WAR! Update, Lincoln was stated to have invented stairs in 1857 as a solution to the 300 year old problem of only being able to reach the second floor of a building by rocket jumping. Lincoln then built the world's first staircase in his laboratory at Ford's Theatre, where he subsequently perished in a misguided attempt to rocket jump up it.
In image scraps from the background of the first page of the Engineer Update, and in a painting depicted in its accompanying comic, its shown that Lincoln acted as the Pyro of the original BLU team, wielding an experimental flamethrower of his own design. Further down, a wanted poster of John "Tower of Hats" Booth appears, alleging that, contrary to the explanation given previously, Lincoln was instead murdered.
In the Gun Mettle Update, a commemorative coin was added to track a players contract points. Upon totaling 2000 points, the coin would upgrade to a Silver Gun Mettle Campaign Coin, embossed with a rocket jumping Lincoln, and the phrase "inventor of the rocket jump". This is, again, highly contentious, as the WAR! page implies rocket jumping had existed for at least 250 years before his birth.
- Lincoln's role as the original BLU Pyro is further evidenced by his appearance in the comic Catch-Up, although here he has a somewhat-reddish hue.
- The simplest explanation to the rocket jump inconsistency is that the artist responsible simply confused his invention of stairs with his death jumping up them while making the coin. This is inferred both from the coin's other embossing, "I love Arena mode", which is a direct quote from Lincoln's Second inaugural address first stated in page two of the Sniper vs Spy Update, and from the fact that the bronze and gold variants of the coin both also make reference only to lore that has been previously established.
- On the same page, a quote attributed to Lincoln is printed on the back of a postcard, which reads "America's pipelines are a stirring beacon of hope. Let no man befoul their majesty with calumny or bombs."
フランクリン・ルーズベルト(Franklin D. Roosevelt)
Wikipedia 記事:フランクリン・ルーズベルト
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, also referred to as Franklin D. Roosevelt or FDR, was mentioned on the Victory page of the WAR! Update. While recovering from a rocket jumping accident in 1921, Roosevelt found Lincoln's plans for stairs, which he subsequently perfected the design of, at last freeing the world from the tyranny of the second floor.
ジョージ・ワシントン(George Washington)
Wikipedia 記事:ジョージ・ワシントン
「 | Hello, Everyone! It is I! George Washington!
— George Washington announcing his appearance
」 |
George Washington was the inventor of the United States of America, first mentioned in Dapper Rogue, appearing on page 4 of the Sniper vs Spy Update. Historians agree Washington's greatest failing was his inability to remain permanently invisible, a problem only solved by the advent of the Cloak and Dagger, allowing the Spy to succeed where the inventor of the US failed.
- Washington also appeared as a ghost in A Cold Day in Hell, alongside Benedict Arnold and a large Hotdog, all of whom may have been nothing more than a starvation-induced hallucination of the Soldier.
アメリア・イアハート(Amelia Earhart)
Wikipedia 記事:アメリア・イアハート
「 | Of all the bones in all the hot dog costumes in Siberia, I gotta get one made outta egg shells.
— The Scout on the quality of Amelia Earhart's bones
」 |
Amelia Earhart was the first female aviator to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean, who set many other records and wrote a number of best-selling books, before her tragic disappearance on July 2nd, 1939, while en route to Howland Island from Lae, New Guinea.
The Pyro found Earhart's plane while trekking through Siberia in A Cold Day in Hell, within which (s)he found several crates of honey, the Soldier noting Earhart had a famous Sweet-Tooth, and a Hotdog costume, which was taken by the Scout for warmth; this was later shown to contain Earhart's bones, implying she was wearing it when she died.
ベネディクト・アーノルド(Benedict Arnold)
Wikipedia 記事:ベネディクト・アーノルド
「 | My only regret is I didn't watch enough cartoons.
— The last words of Benedict Arnold
」 |
Benedict Arnold was an American general during the American Revolutionary War who infamously defected to the British; his greatest crime was not eating soup.
- Benedict Arnold first appeared as a ghost in A Cold Day in Hell, alongside George Washington and a large Hotdog, and was later mentioned in a news post on the Official Team Fortress 2 Blog.
フレッド・アステア(Fred Astaire)
Wikipedia 記事:フレッド・アステア
— An advertisement selling the ability to kill Fred Astaire
」 |
Fred Astaire, born Frederick Austerlitz, was an American film and Broadway stage dancer, choreographer, singer, and actor. His stage and subsequent film career spanned a total of 76 years, during which he made 31 musical films. Astaire appeared in an advertisement found on hidden page from the WAR! Update, where he was noted as being particularly susceptible to projectile weapon fire.
ジョン・ウィルクス・ブース(John Wilkes Booth)
Wikipedia 記事:ジョン・ウィルクス・ブース
John "Tower of Hats" Booth was the assassin of beloved US president Abraham Lincoln.
In image scraps from the background of the Day One page of the Engineer Update, a wanted poster for Booth is seen, featuring a photograph of him wearing his eponymous tower of hats, with an adjacent edited photo for comparison, depicting how he may look with Lincoln's hat added to his tower.
Booth was later killed in a shootout between himself, Bilious Hale and a large group of people, during which Hale sat on his chest as others took turns shooting him; Hale was subsequently awarded Booth's hat tower for his bravery.
- Booth's "death hat" and its accompanying plaque can be found in the museum of Mann VS Machine map Coaltown.
孫武 (Sun Tzu)
Wikipedia 記事:孫武
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Sun Tzu (simplified Chinese: 孙武; traditional Chinese: 孫武) was an ancient Chinese tactician and philosopher, best known for his book The Art of War, detailing innovative Chinese strategy in warfare. He gained fame for his remarkable strategies and many policies on warfare, particularly in the West, his work continuing to influence warfare and politics to this day. The Soldier has an intense respect for Sun Tzu, whom he believed to have invented both fighting and war, although Soldier strongly disagrees with less violent points of his wisdom.
Sun Tzu was first mentioned in Meet the Soldier, in which Soldier claims Sun Tzu invented and perfected fighting such that none could best him in the ring of honor. Continuing, Soldier claims Sun Tzu used money obtained from his fighting to purchase two of every animal on earth, which he herded onto a boat and then beat the crap out of.
- On page 5 of Meet the Director, Soldier asks if Sun Tzu ever wrote any books on punching through a man's ribcage, to which the Director says no.
- The Soldier has a few in game responses referencing Sun Tzu.
ウィリアム・プレスコット(William Prescott)
Wikipedia 記事:ウィリアム・プレスコット
「 | Don't fire till you see the tops of their heads
— William Prescott on shooting the poor
」 |
William Prescott was an American Revolutionary War colonel who notably led the patriot forces at the Battle of Bunker Hill. Mentioned on the Day One page of the Classless Update, Prescott loved hats and encouraged others to shoot only those combatants too poor to wear them, saying, ("Don't fire till you see the tops of their heads").
ニール・アームストロング(Neil Armstrong)とバズ・オルドリン(Buzz Aldrin)
Wikipedia 記事:ニール・アームストロング、バズ・オルドリン
「 | It's the same spirit of competitive enterprise that stalled the moon landing by three years
— Pyromania Day One Page on the subject of the map Doomsday
」 |
Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were two American Astronauts, famed respectively as the first and second man on the moon. First mentioned on the Day One page of the Pyromania Update, the pair inadvertently stalled the moon landing by 3 years when Aldrin suplexed Armstrong into a pile of folding chairs at the 1969 wrestling event "Astromania".
アレイスター・クロウリー(Aleister Crowley)
Wikipedia 記事:アレイスター・クロウリー
Aleister Crowley was an English occultist, first mentioned in a hidden page on the Official Team Fortress 2 Blog, where he is noted as having cursed the scenic Skull Island during one of his famous speedboat cursing tours.
トム・ジョーンズ(Tom Jones)
Wikipedia 記事:トム・ジョーンズ
「 | Man, I just dropped a Sex Bomb on that steam room!
— Tom Jones after some time in Heaven's spa
」 |
Sir Thomas John Woodward, better known by his stage name Tom Jones, is a Welsh singer, known for his many hit singles including "It's Not Unusual", "What's New Pussycat", and "She's a Lady".
In the events of Ring of Fired, his first true appearance, Merasmus moved in with Tom Jones following his eviction from Castle Merasmus. After breaking into the pair's home whilst guiding a tour of celebrity houses, the Soldier snaps Tom Jones' neck, leaving Merasmus to take the rap for his death.
In the events of The Naked and the Dead, Spy disguises as Tom Jones as an effort to comfort the Scout in his final moments, explaining he is the Scout's father. Once in Heaven, Scout and God converse before the real deceased Tom Jones approaches. To hide him from Scout, Jones receives another neck snap from an angel, and is dragged off.
- In The Naked and the Dead, the Scout is also shown to have a tattoo of Jones and the misspelled phrase Sex Bom, on his chest
- On Carnival of Carnage, Merasmus' ticket case is shown to have a Tom Jones concert sticker attached to it.
- It is revealed in Unhappy Returns that five-and-a-half months prior to Tom Jones' death the Scout had converted all of his and his mother's savings into twelve cubic yards of Tom Jones memorabilia.
- In a postcard added in the Tough Break Update, Scout is shown to have opened a Tom Jones museum using this memorabilia.
Subnote: The specific choice of Tom Jones as a recurring historical character may seem bizarre, but is no accident, and is instead the result of a Community in-joke being taken and used within the games official media.
- Jones' work was first related to Team Fortress 2 with the advent of Community videos in which Jones' song "It's Not Unusual" is played over footage of Crates being opened, as a humorous reference to the extreme rarity of unboxing an Unusual cosmetic.
- A nod to this joke later appeared in Expiration Date, where, during his training montage, the Scout is shown performing a dance referred to by many as The Carlton. The Carlton was a dance first performed by Jones' in the video of his song "It's Not Unusual", and was later popularized by the television series Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, in a scene in which its name sake character dances to the song.
- The animation was later released as a taunt for the Scout within the Meet Your Match Update, also under the name of Carlton, with its description featuring references to Jones' other songs "What's New Pussycat" and "Sex Bomb".
「 | Let me see your manager.
— Saxton Hale on blowing up the moon with Apple's latest product
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The Apple Store manager is the manager of the Apple Store located on the outskirts of Dustbowl, employer of Trent and Jessica.
When Saxton Hale asked to buy out the company, the manager denied the request, Hale immediately recognizing him and saying the store 'had his curvy stink all over it'. He is presumably one of Hale's long time rivals.
- Appearing in the non-canon Mac Update comic, A Visual History, the character refers to Apple co-founder Steve Jobs as identified by his trademark black mock turtle neck characteristically rolled up over his elbows.
Archibald and Julius
「 | Truly it is a Smissmas Miracle for the poor bombless unfortunates of Teufort!
— Julius overjoyed at the great gift he and Archibald received.
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Archibald and Julius are the proprietors of the Bombs for the Poor non-profit charity, introduced in 2011's A Smissmas Story. Both are completely fictitious characters, invented by the Scout and Soldier as an alibi while on trial for blowing up a Mall Santa training facility.
アルキメデス (Archimedes)
- この記事ではNPCについて解説しています。その他の用法については、「アルキメデス(曖昧さ回避)」を参照してください。
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Archimedes is one of the RED Medic's many white pet doves, identifiable by his permanently blood-stained feathers. Archimedes first appeared in Meet the Medic, and was shown to have a habit of burrowing into the Medic's patients; his in-game description attests to this also.
Archimedes previously worked as a wedding dove, until the Medic stole a catering van with him inside from the wedding of the prime-minister.
- Archimedes can be worn as a cosmetic pet for the Medic.
- Archimedes has made cameos on the first page of the comic Blood Brothers and the Day Two teaser picture of the Two Cities Update.
- The Team Fortress 2 Official Soundtrack song Archimedes is named after this character.
Bob Cratchit & Scrooge
「 | Okay. Eat your own hand, then. Not the map-making one!
— Scrooge on Cratchit's refusal to eat his only candle.
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Bob Cratchit, a "kindly community map maker", and Scrooge, a "billionare hat magnate", are characters in a Christmas play detailed in the Australian Christmas update.

Bombinomicon is a sentient book of forbidden knowledge and ancient wickedness, who lives in the possession of Merasmus the Magician.
サーカスの神ボンゾ(Bonzo the Circus God)
「 | Be afraid, mortals! Bonzo, the ancient Sumerian circus god, is coming!
— メラスマス on the arrival of Bonzo
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Bonzo is the evil Ancient Sumerian god of circuses, worshiped by Merasmus.
- Bonzo was first appeared in Scream Fortress 2014's accompanying comic Blood Money, in which Merasmus had built an evil carnival in order to appease him.
- The map Carnival of Carnage depicts this carnival; on the map Merasmus has a number of responses related to Bonzo, and within the map's underworld Bonzo can be seen beneath each of the arenas.
- Bonzo is also depicted by the Unusual effect Bonzo the All-Gnawing.
キャプテン・ダン(Captain Dan)
Captain Dan is a local soup manufacturer. After a massive soup recall, he generously volunteered in disposing the rancid product, and a relieved President awarded him the Key to the City and a License to Kill. The Soldier is a fan of his brand of tomato soup. Captain Dan's name is also on the sticker of the Cheese Wheel.
- Captain Dan was first mentioned in the WAR! Update.
- His soup now appears as one of the miscellaneous items in the Pyromania Update for the Soldier under the name The Captain's Cocktails.
- Other products include sour cream and mayonaise (Teufort Reader).
- In Mannhattan signage, next to the pulp grinder, Captain Dan advertises that the wood pulp in his products is Now Legal to Eat. Adding wood pulp to food, especially bread, and now soup, as a cheap filler or thickener is an old practice.
Charles Darling
「 | A hunter needs his trophies, Saxton. You of all people should understand that. You were my best student, once. Before you gave it all up, for her.
— Charles Darling on hunting
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Charles Darling is the former hunting mentor of Mann Co. owner Saxton Hale. Formerly a hunter, Darling decided to give up a life of savagery for a more comfortable one of zoo-keeping. His falling-out with Saxton appeared to occur following Saxton's decision to abandon his training for Her. He is currently the owner and proprietor of Darling Zoos, with a collection of animals that includes such rare species as pygmy rabbits, quaggas, Tasmanian wolves, dodos, giraffes, and sea cows.
He enjoys watching the animals in his zoos suffer, and in the comic A Cold Day in Hell he has animals stand on boxes and stick their head through mounting plates, so he can look at the defeated looks in their eyes, which he finds amusing.
However, not satisfied with humiliating nearly or recently extinct animals, he created Charles Darling's Triassic Preserve to disgrace the great creatures of the past — today!
He is one of the parties pursuing Australium; his intention for the metal being to make his animals, "the last of their breeds", immortal.
- Charles Darling may be presumed to be a descendant of Bette Mann's father, Wm. Darling, Esq., and thus to be a distant relative of the Mann triplets.
- He is thought to be based on the famed evolutionist Charles Darwin; the animals shown in the opening page of Bidwell's Big Plan are all specific examples of animals Charles Darwin discussed in his book On the Origin of Species.
- Charles Darling first appeared in Bidwell's Big Plan.
- Charles Darling also appeared in Unhappy Returns and A Cold Day in Hell.
also appeared in Unhappy Returns and A Cold Day in Hell.
チキン・ガール(Chicken Girl)
「 | Eh, okay.
— Chicken Girl on deciding to "do" the Scout
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The Chicken Girl, referred to indirectly by the Spy as a Fried Chicken Tramp, is an anonymous girl who appeared in Expiration Date and Scout met at a Conquistador Fried Giblets fast food restaurant. Scout points out to her that they both have buckets of fried chicken and asks her if she wants to "do it", to which she replies "Eh, okay."
Claude Huggins
Claude Huggins, first mentioned in A Cold Day in Hell, was the founder of Teufort, which he originally named Hugginsville. Huggins survived a bear attack by hiding under the mauled corpse of his wife, founding the settlement on the very spot of the attack.
Claude Huggins's and Teufort's proud legacy of hiding is commemorated in the half dollar coin (pictured) and the statue in the Teufort Town Square City Dump.
- A hidden image on the TF2 Blog that appeared before the Über Update depicts a doctors office. While the text on the box on the desk is just illegible, it is evocative of "Dr. Claude Huggins DECEASED".
- Claude Huggins' name also appeared in a piece of graffiti, found on a wall in the Left 4 Dead series. Echoing the character's biography, the scrawled writing that mentions him says "CLAUDE HUGGINS / YOU ARE A COWARD / AND YOU LET YOUR CHILDREN DIE".
デイヴィ・ジョーンズ(Davy Jones)
「 | We are in the ship!
— デイヴィ・ジョーンズ
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デイヴィ・ジョーンズ はマップCursed Coveのアナウンサーで、 声優は Calvin Kipperman 氏です。Jones appears as the large green pirate ghost standing atop the sunken ship. After players have stayed too long on the ship or are getting too close to him, Davy Jones slams his foot onto the ground, pushing players backwards or into the portal back to land.
- ジョーンズのセリフの概要はこちら。
「 | We will... not be... DENIED!.
— 悪魔からメディックへ
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Within TF2, 地獄 is shown as a tangible place, the mercenaries having even performed missions there. The Devil, a large, horned, red-skinned businessman in a sharp suit, works as is its chief executive manager, receiving recently departed souls on their way to Hell, especially those whom have entered into contracts with him, such as the Medic.
- In The Naked and the Dead, the Devil learns that, contractually, he has only minority share in the Medic's now surgically appended soul. Rather than releasing Medic to Heaven, the Devil accepts Medic's proposal to resurrect him and allow the Devil time to attempt to regain majority share in Medic's souls.
- 武器については、アイランダーを参照。
「 | ...headddds....
— アイランダー
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Eyelander is a sentient, speaking, haunted sword.
- Eyelander became Demoman's companion following Demoman's estrangement from Soldier.
- In Unhappy Returns, it is suggested that Eyelander is capable of striking victims on its own.
- Upon its first appearance, Eyelander was only able to whisper the word heads. As of Ring of Fired, however, it is now able to watch television, speak more words (including swearing, which it does frequently), and apparently eat churros.
「 | Get that weed killer!
— 農場主
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The Farmer is an unnamed man that has hired RED and BLU team to destroy the mutated pumpkin on the map Farmageddon where he acts as the Announcer. He is voiced by Matthew Simmons.
Farmer responsesを参照のこと。
Francis the Talking France
「 | They sound complicated enough that Valve decided they had no business judging cinéma.
— Francis the Talking France on French vocabulary
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Francis the Talking France is a sentient manifestation of France with an apparent knowledge of cinema. He claims to be the inventor of the French terms "Mise en scene! Auteur! Avante-garde! Montage! Even cinéma!". Valve put him in charge of judging all the Saxxy entries, but realizing that the job would be too big even for himself, he opened the voting to the public.
- Francis the Talking France first appeared on the website Old Man Murray, co-written by Valve writer Erik Wolpaw.[4]
- The character appeared on the Official Team Fortress 2 Blog on the 20th of May.[5]
- Francis is actually a mirror image of France, with its west in the east and vice versa.
- A child dresses as Francis for Halloween in the Bombinomicon comic.
- A cartoonized Francis appears on baby Scout's shirt on page 53 of A Cold Day in Hell.
- Miss Pauling references Francis the Talking France in one of her voice mail recordings to the Spy when giving him a rare contract.
Gentle Manne of Leisure, his Companione, and Smelly Unfortunate
「 | A-ha-ha! You are as PRESUMPTUOUS as you are POOR and IRISH. Tarnish notte the majesty of my TOWER of HATS.
— The Gentle Manne of Leisure commenting to Smelly Unfortunate
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The Gentle Manne of Leisure is a Victorian Englishman who was rich enough to buy a tower of hats. He traveled the streets of a Victorian English city with his Companione, informing Smelly Unfortunate that the latter was presumptuous, poor, and Irish. The Gentle Manne of Leisure wore a tuxedo, carried a cane, and was never seen without his most prized possession – his tower of hats. It is possible that he is referred to as "Sinclaire" by his Companione as they spectate their 'Hatless Commoners' boxing.[6] Also, the quotation above is used as the description for the Towering Pillar of Hats.
- The Gentle Manne of Leisure was first shown in the Classless Update, flanked by his Companione.
- The pair, and Smelly Unfortunate, can be found in the June 1814 edition of Gentle Manne's Monthly.
- Gentle Manne of Leisure and Smelly Unfortunate are also in the list of random bot names.
「 | Too... bright! Too glorious!
— God upon seeing Scout's magnificent flex
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God is the ruler of Heaven and personal designer of the Scout, introduced in The Naked and the Dead. God claims to have made the Scout specifically as a "gift to the ladies"; the Scout is not his son however, although God says he wishes he were.
- In The Naked and the Dead, God, infuriated to learn that not all women had Slept with the Scout, considers punishing them by destroying the Earth. The Scout convinces him against this however, and he opts instead to resurrect the Scout to give them all a final chance to have sex with him.
ゴンゾ is the indentical twin brother of the evil 古代シュメール人 god of circuses, Bonzo.
- Gonzo first appeared in the Scream Fortress 2021 map Terror Where the Red team defends him from the Blu team who attempts to push a bomb into his mouth.
- Gonzo's mouth contains Crocodiles that will eat any unfortunate victims that fall in
- Gentle Manne of Leisure and Smelly Unfortunate are also in the list of random bot names.
「 | Here, hold these engine parts.
— 飛行機から飛び降りる直前のサクストン・ヘイル
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ジェリー(Jerry)はサクストン・ヘイルのペイロットです。 and has survived leaping from at least two different crashing planes; both of these crashes were caused by Hale.
- Jerry first appeared in the WAR! comic, with later appearances in Ring of Fired and The Naked and the Dead.
判事(The Judge)
「 | I hereby sentence all three of you imbeciles to community service.
— The Judge
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The Judge presided over the trial of the Scout and Spy, with the Soldier as their attourney, in A Smissmas Story. The pair were being tried for blowing up a Mall Santa training facility. He convinces the Scout to rat out the Soldier as the mastermind of the attack and sentences all three to community service at a Mall Santa booth.
「 | Say, uh... That ain't an original Kicasso, is it?
— デル・カーデナー
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Kicasso is a painter first mentioned in the Loose Canon comic, whose work is on display in the lobby of BLU's headquarters. The displayed piece is noted as having been painted during his "Hunted in the Jungle" period of artwork.
- Kicasso's name is a play on the name of famous artist Picasso and the expression 'kick-ass'.
- The artwork attributed to him is a parody adaptation of Picasso's 'Self-portrait with Cloak', painted at the beginning of his "blue period".
リトル・ジャック(Little Jack)
「 | An' I wanna Action Saxton, and a Action Saxton Hippie-Drome Battle Arena, an' a Poopy Joe Rescue Rocket, an' I wanna...
— Little Jack's Smissmas list
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Little Jack is a young boy and Teufort local hero introduced in A Smissmas Story, responsible for the death of Smissmas holiday mascot Old Nick, whom he stabbed in the throat with an icicle. Jack killed Old Nick under the instructions of the BLU team's Spy, during an attempted kidnapping by Nick at the Teufort mall Santa booth.
- In A Smissmas Story, Little Jack came to the Santa booth to ask for a slew of Saxton Hale toys. In response, the Soldier shaved the child's head, and gave him the gift of watching his father be beaten up by the Soldier.
「 | You left me, Sax. For your father's stupid hat company.
— マギーからサクストン・ヘイルへ
」 |
マーガレット(Margret)、愛称はマグ(Mags)やマギー(Maggie)は、サクストン・ヘイルの元ガールフレンドです。The two used to fight exotic animals together while both holding Charles Darling as their nemesis. Maggie broke up with Hale after he became CEO of Mann Co. After the break up, Mags had married four men, whom had all died while on her extreme adventures. When Gray Mann took over Mann Co., Maggie, now an employee of Darling, helps Hale ask him for help in winning back the company.
- Maggie was introduced in Unhappy Returns, and has appeared in all subsequent Team Fortress Comics.
マイク市長(Mayor Mike)
「 | Of course I can, I'm the Mayor! Mayors can do anything!
— Mayor Mike on what he believes to be the law
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Mayor Mike, or just Mike as he prefers, is the grossly incompetent mayor of Teufort, first introduced in Unhappy Returns.
Despite acting as mayor, Mike has absolutely no idea what a mayor can legally do, his abuse of power going as far as forcing a man to live as an Italian stereotype for ten years. Mike also committed a series of mistakes of criminal civic mismanagement, all of which he pinned on the mercenaries, whom he subsequently attempted to have arrested.
Mike succeeded in arresting the Scout and Spy in an ambush at the Teufort bank, then illegally acted as a judge to preside over the pair's trial for historic crimes against the city, during which both the Soldier and Demoman were also captured. Mike attempted to sentence all four to death by hanging, before Miss Pauling explained to him how little a mayor could actually do, and he relinquished to visit the Teufort library to learn more on his actual duties to the town.
魔法使いメラスマス(Merasmus the Magician)
魔法使いメラスマスは強力な魔術師で、ソルジャーの元ルームメイトです。who has wide ranging participation as a non-player character in the game, Background, and Comics.
ニコラス・クラウダー/オールドニック(Nicholas Crowder/Old Nick)
「 | The nice children are given the greatest gift of all -- they are not abducted along with the naughty ones and carted off to the South Pole.
— Robin Walker on the story of Old Nick
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Nicholas Crowder or Old Nick is a Smissmas holiday mascot and conqueror of the South Pole. He is shown to ride a sleigh pulled by at least three reindeer, one of whom wears an eye-patch, and a red-nosed Kangaroo wearing the Prancer's Pride.
According to legend, on December 18th, 1788, Nick, initially a settler to Australia, changed his mind on arrival and left for the South Pole, returning each December 18th to pass judgement on the children of Australia, sparing the nice, and abducting the naughty. Those abducted spend the next year crafting toys for Nick, which are wrapped and delivered to his mansion on December 17th. Nick then opens each, selling duplicate items for greatly reduced prices online.
- Old Nick was introduced in the Australian Christmas update.
- In the events of A Smissmas Story, Old Nick attempts to abduct children from a Teufort mall where three of the Mercs are performing community service. After being severely beaten by the Scout and Soldier, he relinquishes to abducting only one child, who, under the Spy's instruction, stabs him in the throat with an icicle, killing him.
- His name, "Old Nick", is a name sometimes given to the Devil within Christian theology, and is used here as a play on words of the name of traditional Christmas character Saint Nick, otherwise known as Santa Claus.
The Park Warden
「 | You're scaring ostriches on the premises? That's a hefty fine, ma'am.
— The Park Warden to Merasmus
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The Park Warden is a civil servant in the employ of a Badlands city, introduced in Doom-Mates. She is tasked with evicting Merasmus, whom she mistakenly refers to as Ma'am, as his castle had been annexed by the city as a Raccoon sanctuary, with Soldier assigned as it's park Ranger.
プーピー・ジョー(Poopy Joe)
「 | I have no idea what you're - ooo, right. That poor monkey.
— Saxton Hale takes a moment to fondly remember the pioneering primate astronaut
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Poopy Joe was the first (and the only fully trained) American Monkeynaut, who died in the crash of his rocket moments after launch. The rocket in question had been sabotaged by Mann Co. who had hosted its launch for the price of one dollar as a ploy to steal its Australium fuel source; the crash was subsequently covered up.
Mann Co. denies all responsibility for his death, and actually created commemorative plates in remembrance of Poopy Joe, and America's dream of conquering space. The plates depict a series of items that Poopy Joe would have used in space, which were: A Sword for fighting Vladimir Bananas, a Bugle to be blown to sound for help should he encounter trouble, and a Pick-axe for digging into Heavens vault.
During the ARG leading up to the Pyromania Update, new information surrounding the death of Poopy Joe came to light. In leaked pages from the Senate Hearing of Mann Co. it is revealed that the rocket's Australium fuel had been switched for gravel water from defective suitcase explosives, and stolen by the Administrator. Once the rocket hit ignition the lack of fuel caused it to malfunction and crash, detonating the explosives on impact and killing Poopy Joe.
- Poopy Joe was first mentioned in the footnotes of Saxton Hale's Jungle Brawl #44, and first appeared in a hidden page from the WAR! Update.
- The map Doomsday, added in the Pyromania Update, sees teams compete to deliver a briefcase of Australium to Poopy Joe's rocket; Upon delivery the rocket will launch, malfunction and subsequently crash. During the malfunction, Poopy Joe can be heard blowing his distress-bugle until the rocket explodes.
- In A Smissmas Story, Little Jack asks for a series of Saxton Hale toys, one of which is a Poopy Joe Rescue Rocket.
- During the Invasion Update teaser video Midnight Showing, Morse code can be heard which, when translated, reads "Poopy Joe was an inside job".
- A commemorative Poopy Joe hat was released with the Jungle Inferno Update, although it is currently unobtainable in-game.
- Poopy Joe appears to be some form of Macaque, bearing most resemblance to a Barbary Macaque. Macaques, among other primates, were commonly used in spaceflight testing through the mid to late 20th century.
Shakespearicles was the strongest writer who ever lived. He was the inventor of the two-story building, the stage play, America, and the Rocket Launcher. Despite his powerful grasp of language and the ability to bench press 700 British pounds, several inventions eluded his iron grip – most tragically among them, stairs.
For the next three hundred years, people who needed to reach a buildings second floor used the only method available, which was rocket jumping. This persisted until 1857, when the young bearded inventor named President Abraham Lincoln invented stairs.
- Valve has a large poster of Shakespearicles in their office.
- Shakespearicles was first mentioned in the gunboats page of the War! Update, with an accompanying image given on a hidden page.
- Shakespearicles' name and part of his backstory are based on William Shakespeare, a famous British playwright, and Heracles (herr-ə-kleez), a hero of Ancient and Classical Greece known for his incredible strength.
- One of Miss Pauling's rare Tough Break contract calls attests to a Shakespearicles in the Park performance of Hamlet.
Just as Soldier made his own medals, he also made his own old war buddies. Cutouts constructed of plywood or cardboard, Soldier sits with them around campfires, reminiscing about nonsensical war experiences, which exist only in his imagination.
- Grordbort's Crashにて、ソルジャーと一緒に座っているハリボテたちの名前は、ソルティー・ピート(Salty Pete)、アイアン・アイ(Iron Eye)、そしてペッパーポット・ピート(Pepper Pot Pete)、後にピーター・ペッパーパンツ(Peter Pepper-Pants)とサルサ・ピート(Salsa Pete)とも呼ばれます。彼は彼らを昔の小隊の生き残りと呼び、「お茶会」を開きます(皮肉なことに)。
- In rare Gun Mettle and Tough Break contract calls, Miss Pauling is aware of Soldier's campfires with his cardboard cutout buddies and knows his names for some of them, including Salty Pete, Pepper Pot Pete, Perry Pepper Pants, Peter Poopy-Toots.
The Toastmaster appears on Sinthetic as a reskin of the Skeleton King. He is voiced by Matthew Simmons.
Trent and Jessica
「 | ...and the bullets biodegrade once they hit flesh, leaving nothing behind but a blog post.
— Trent explaining Apple's advances in the Minigun market
」 |
Trent and Jessica are two employees (and, according to the Soldier, hippies) of the Apple store located just outside Dustbowl.
- Trent and Jessica were introduced in the non-canon Mac Update comic, A Visual History.
「 | Trevor can't-a remember how-a he use-a to talk!
— Trevor
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Trevor is a resident and former pizzeria owner of Teufort, first introduced in Unhappy Returns.
Trevor was forced to live as an Italian stereotype for ten years due to Mayor Mike's abuse of power. Forcing Trevor to wear a fake moustache, wig and changing his name to "Guiseppe" (a misspelled variant of the real Italian name Giuseppe). Trevor's pizzeria was closed due to Mayor Mike requisitioning a city dump in front of the entrance.
After Miss Pauling stops the hanging of Spy, Scout, Soldier, and Demoman, Trevor leaves with the rest of the Teufort citizens to the Teufort library to learn about Italy.
Vladimir Bananas
Vladimir Bananas was a Soviet space chimp and the first monkey in space, mentioned in the footnotes of Saxton Hale's Jungle Brawl #44. America rushed to follow with their own Monkeynaut launch, which ended in disaster.
- Vladimir Bananas is also mentioned in one of the Administrator's responses on the map Doomsday
- 関連項目: イエティ (曖昧さ回避)
Yeti was a member of a recently extinct primate species that was native to the Himalayas, but had been seen in other remote alpine locations.
Yetis were a rare and unspeakably savage race of creatures. As such, they were sought by Saxton Hale, who wanted to fight them. After falling out with his mentor, Charles Darling, Mr. Hale sought increasingly challenging animals to fight, from snow leopards and sharks to smarter than average grizzly bears. Days after the murder of Redmond and Blutarch, Saxton Hale had finally tracked the last Yeti to the Kingdom of Bhutan, only to discover that it had been pacified by hippies employing Behavioral Counseling and aromatherapy. By punching the Yeti in the face, Saxton undid these months of reconditioning. In the resulting fight, Saxton Hale defeated and captured the Yeti, then keeping it confined in a simple habitat in the fighting theme park, Yeti Park. In the following months, the captured Yeti was biomedically enhanced for even less speakable savagery within the YTI Institute for Research and Development adjacent to the park. The whole bloody point of this conditioning was to create the most challenging animal for Saxton Hale to fight when it escaped. Almost a year later, seething with steroidal strength and rage, the Yeti broke free of its laboratory confinement, bloodying the walls with the unfortunate staff of the Institute. With an assist from the Scout, Saxton Hale tracked and fought the escaped Yeti, killing it with a Yeti Punch.
Saxton Hale stuffed and mounted the defeated Yeti and displayed the trophy in his office with other mementos of his earlier adventures and animal fights; shortly before losing his collection, his office, and his entire company to Olivia Mann.
- The last Yeti was introduced in A Fate Worse Than Chess.
- The biomedical enhancement and violent escape is portrayed in the Mercenary Park map.
- The death of the last Yeti is portrayed in the Jungle Inferno video.
- In Ring of Fired, Hale brings the stuffed and mounted Yeti home for display in his office, which he then looses within the hour.
- The mounted Yeti appears in The Contract, but this does not fit the Storyline.
- A bloody Yeti hand print can be found outside of the playable area of Cursed Cove.
その他の Valve 社のキャラクター
「 | REDとBLUの傭兵諸君 -- 金の色に赤も青もない、ドル札は全て緑色だ。
— TFインダストリーの戦争について語るウィテカー
」 |
ウィテカーは『Left 4 Dead 2』の端役で、同ゲームを購入した(あるいはすでに購入済みの)プレイヤーに贈られるエリスの帽子とフライパンのプロモーション広告をTF2公式ブログに投稿した人物です。冒頭の文章から鑑みるに、他の『Left 4 Dead 2』のキャラクターと同じく米国南部生まれのようです。彼はREDとBLUの両社の争いのどちらかに肩入れすることはないもようで、彼が受けた説明以上にはTFインダストリーに関しても全く知らないようです。また彼は『Team Fortress 2』(彼曰く「Team Fortress 2とかいうとんでもないゲーム」)の正規のストーリーラインにではなく外伝として登場しています。しかしブログ内でREDとBLUのメンバーに向かって話しているため、外伝の人物とは言えないかもしれません。『Left 4 Dead 2』においてはDayton Callie氏が声をあてています。
- このキャラクターは今のところTF2公式ブログの記事以外では登場しておらず、あくまで外伝扱いかもしれません。『Team Fortress 2』に関連しないその他の彼に関する情報はこちら(英語)を参照してください。
- Ap-Sapを参照のこと
- ↑ E-mail from Erik Wolpaw
- ↑ http://teamfortress.com/post.php?id=7655
- ↑ Clinical Features of Plague in the United States In 1969-1970, New Mexico experienced an outbreak of bubonic plague in hippie cooperatives.
- ↑ http://www.oldmanmurray.com/features/78.html
- ↑ http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=5514&p=1
- ↑ http://www.teamfortress.com/classless/hidden/barbary/