Difference between revisions of "Spy/da"
DoctorLover (talk | contribs) m (→PDA items) |
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'''[[April 29, 2008 Patch]]''' ([[Gold Rush Update]]) | '''[[April 29, 2008 Patch]]''' ([[Gold Rush Update]]) | ||
* [[Teleporter]] effect no longer shows up on [[invisible]] or [[disguised]] Spies. | * [[Teleporter]] effect no longer shows up on [[invisible]] or [[disguised]] Spies. | ||
− | * Spies disguised as their own team can now capture [[control points]]. | + | * Spies disguised as their own team can now capture [[control points (objective)/da]]. |
'''[[May 21, 2008 Patch]]''' | '''[[May 21, 2008 Patch]]''' |
Revision as of 23:02, 15 January 2012
Spy | |
https://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/images/2/2e/Spy_RED_3D.jpg?1708615711.597472361,179,280,1,0,270,0,122,272,3,248,273,14,368,274,24,479,277,33,580,278,41,669,279,49,753,278,60,834,276,73,915,273,80,1004,270,75,1106,265,67,1218,262,59,1332,259,52,1444,257,46,1552,256,43,1656,256,43,1752,255,45,1838,257,48,1914,258,41,1987,261,36,2054,264,22,2130,266,10,2225,268,2https://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/images/c/c8/Spy_BLU_3D.jpg?1708615783.7829372361,179,280,1,0,270,0,122,272,3,248,273,14,368,274,24,479,277,33,580,278,41,669,279,49,753,278,60,834,276,73,915,273,80,1004,270,75,1106,265,67,1218,262,59,1332,259,52,1444,257,46,1552,256,43,1656,256,43,1752,255,45,1838,257,48,1914,258,41,1987,261,36,2054,264,22,2130,266,10,2225,268,2https://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/images/2/25/Spy_%C3%9CberCharged_RED_3D.jpg?1708615902.1306642361,179,280,1,0,270,0,122,272,3,248,273,14,368,274,24,479,277,33,580,278,41,669,279,49,753,278,60,834,276,73,915,273,80,1004,270,75,1106,265,67,1218,262,59,1332,259,52,1444,257,46,1552,256,43,1656,256,43,1752,255,45,1838,257,48,1914,258,41,1987,261,36,2054,264,22,2130,266,10,2225,268,2https://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/images/c/cd/Spy_%C3%9CberCharged_BLU_3D.jpg?1708615995.9785942361,179,280,1,0,270,0,122,272,3,248,273,14,368,274,24,479,277,33,580,278,41,669,279,49,753,278,60,834,276,73,915,273,80,1004,270,75,1106,265,67,1218,262,59,1332,259,52,1444,257,46,1552,256,43,1656,256,43,1752,255,45,1838,257,48,1914,258,41,1987,261,36,2054,264,22,2130,266,10,2225,268,2 | |
Grundlæggende information | |
Ikon: | ![]() |
Type: | Support |
Helbred: | 125 / ![]() 60 / ![]() ![]() 100 / ![]() |
Hastighed: | 100% 93% disguised as a Demoman 80% disguised as a Soldier 77% disguised as a Heavy |
Mød Spyen | |
![]() |
“ | Denne spy har allerede boret igennem vores forsvar...
I har set hvad han har gjort ved vores kollegaer! Og værst af alt: Han kunne være hvilken som helst af os. — The BLU Spy To the RED Spy.
” |
Spy'en medlem af signalsystemet fra en ubestemt region i Frankrig, er en fan af skarpe og endnu skarpere knive og og er afhængig af list og snyderi til at hjælpe hans hold. Ved hjælp af en unik vifte af usynligheds Ure, kan han gøre sig selv usynlig eller endda Spille Død, forlade fjender uvidene. Hans Forklædelses Udstyr lader ham forklæde ham som en klasse fra det andet hold, lader ham blande sig ind mellem fjenderne bag ved fjendernes linjer før han bogstaveligt talt stikker hans intetanene "Holdkammerater" i ryggen. Faktisk, et hurtigt backstab med enhver af spyens knive vil dræbe enhver fjende på kun et enkelt slag.
Desuden at være i stand til at myrde brugbare fjender hurtigt og effektivt, spyen har fordele over for Engineer. Bruger han hans Bygnings Sappers, kan han deaktivere Engineer's Bygninger – Og langsomt dræne deres Livs Point indtil de er ødelagt medmindre sapperen er fjernet af en Engineer eller en Pyro der bruger Homewrekceren eller Maul. Han kan også gøre brug af fjendernes Teleportere for at overraske (og måske endda telefrag) hans fjender.
Tre andre normale Spy mål er Heavy, Medic og Sniperen. Imens Heavy er igang med at hans Miniguns spundet op, bevæger han sig meget langsomere end han normalt gør – Denne langsommere bevægelses hastighed samtidig med at han er distraheret med at bekæmpe hans fjender gør det ham et let offer at for at blive backstabbet. Medics skal fokusere på deres healing mål, hvilket også efterlader dem sårbare over for backstabs. Snipers er oplagte Spy mål på grund af deres langsomme bevægelses hastighed og mangel på nærliggende fjender når de er zoomed ind med deres Sniper Rifle. Snipers kan bruge Razorback for at forsvare demselv fra et enkelt backstab, som også paralyserer den angribene Spy.
Hvor de fleste spillere kun kan se navnet og livs point af deres holdkammerater, kan spyen også observere navnet og livs point af fjenderne, det gør det muligt for ham at bruge nyttigt intelligens. Kun Medic der bærer våbnet Solemn Vow deler denne evne.
Spyens stemme er indspillet af Stemme Skuespilleren Dennis Bateman.
Basic strategy
- Brug din kniv til at backstabbe fjenderne bagfra, dræber dem øjeblikkeligt.
- Forklæd dig selv som en fjende med forklædeses værktøjet. Pas på, vis du angriber vil din forklædning fjernes.
- Klik MOUSE2 for at blive helt usynlig i en kort periode.
- Brug din usynligheds ur for at komme bag ved fjendernes linjer, og din forklædelse for at bevæge dig rundt om dem.
- Prøv at opføre dig som en fjende når du er forklædt. Observer hvor fjende holdkammerater er, og forklæd dig som en af dem.
- Placer dine Electro Sappers på fjendernes Sentry Guns for at ødelægge dem. Forklædningen er ikke tabt når du placerer sappere.
- Dine Electro Sappers deaktiverer Sentry Guns før at de ødelægger dem. Sap en Sentry Gun før du angriber en Engineer.
- Men vis du er hurtig nok kan du stabbe Engineeren og sappe Sentry Gunnen før den drejer rundt.
- Kald efter fjendelige medics ved at klikke E mens du er forklædt.
- Forklæd dig selv et sted der er gemt. Prøv at forklæde dig fjendernes base.
- Når du er forklædt undgå at kikke direkte på eller gå hen mod en fjende.
- Prøv ikke at løbe ind i den samme person som du er forklædt som.
- Klik E for at kalde efter en Medic vis du bliver såret. Nære Medics vil blive opmærksomme på at du skal have hjælp.
- Du kan se livs pointene fra fjender ved at placere dit kryds over dem. Brug din revolver til at dræbe svage fjender.
Bemærk: Våben skade er omtrentlige og opført på grundværdi. Se individuelle våben sider for supplerende tal.
Weapon | Kill icon | Ammo loaded |
Ammo carried |
Damage range | Notes/Special abilities |
![]() Stock Revolver |
![]() |
6 | 24 | Base: 40
Crit: 120 |
![]() Promotional Stordrabet |
![]() | ||||
![]() Unlock Ambassadøren |
![]() |
6 | 24 | Base: 34
Crit: 102 |
![]() | |||||
![]() Craft L'étranger |
![]() |
6 | 24 | Base: 32
Crit: 96 |
![]() Craft Håndhæveren |
![]() |
6 | 24 | Base: 48
Crit: 144 |
![]() Promotional / Craft Tilbagelånet |
![]() |
6 | 24 | Base: 34
Crit: 102 |
Weapon | Kill icon | Ammo loaded |
Ammo carried |
Damage range | Notes/Special abilities |
![]() Stock Sapper |
![]() |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
Weapon | Kill icon | Ammo loaded |
Ammo carried |
Damage range | Notes/Special abilities |
![]() Stock Kniv |
![]() |
N/A | N/A | Base:
![]() | |||||
![]() Distributed Saxxy |
![]() |
Limited item from the Replay Update.
| |||
![]() Craft Din Evige Belønning |
![]() |
N/A | N/A | Base:
![]() Promotional/Craft Kynikerens Kunai |
![]() |
N/A | N/A | Base:
![]() Craft Store Indtjener |
![]() |
N/A | N/A | Base:
Taunt Attack
150x150px | Relaterede våben | Beskrivelse | Drabsikon |
Main article: Fencing Spyen overfører sit våben til hans anden hånd og påtager sig en Fægtning position. Han laver to hurtige skråstreger og et tryk, mens han siger: |
PDA items
Weapon | Notes/Special abilities |
![]() Stock Primary PDA Forklædningssæt |
![]() Stock Secondary PDA Usynlighedsur |
Cloak type: Timed
![]() Promotional Secondary PDA Entusiastens Tidsmåler | |
![]() Unlock Secondary PDA Stikkerens Lommeur |
Cloak type: Motion sensitive
![]() Unlock Secondary PDA Gengangeren |
Cloak type: Spil Død
Item sets
Spionen fra Sahara | |
![]() |
Effekt |
Ekstra effekter ved hån |
Manden af Ære | |
![]() |
Effekt |
Ingen effekt |
Official class avatars
Officielle klasse-avatarer | ||
Originale sæt | RED ÜberLadet sæt | BLU ÜberLadet sæt |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
Få TF2-avatarer på Steam: Originale |
Hovedartikel: Spy achievements
Update History
- Fixed server crash related to Spy Sappers.
- Fixed a Spy backstab exploit where you could stab a player who was not facing away from you.
- Fixed flailing at the low end of the cloak meter when the player gets uncloaked automatically.
- Fixed Spies exploit enabling them to attack while disguising, without losing disguise.
- Fixed Spies being able to attach sappers through thin walls.
- Sapped buildings now take slightly less damage from the Spy who sapped them.
- Fixed first person spectator view of the Spy watch not showing the correct cloak value.
- Fixed cloaked/disguised/disguising spy reporting his achievements to everyone else.
- Removed an obscure rendering setting that would allow players to make cloaked Spies appear fully black.
- Fixed a case where a spy stabbing from the front of a player would score a backstab.
- [Udokumenteret] Added "Toggle Disguise Team" binding in Options->Keyboard to toggle the disguise team for the Spy's PDA.
April 29, 2008 Patch (Gold Rush Update)
- Teleporter effect no longer shows up on invisible or disguised Spies.
- Spies disguised as their own team can now capture control points (objective)/da.
- Improved prediction of Spy's speed changes when disguising.
- Fixed Spy Sapper viewmodel animation popping.
- Fixed Spy getting stuck in players after removing his disguise.
- Fixed Spy stabbing and being able to go invisible instantly.
- Fixed Spy disguised as enemy Medic being able to spam voice commands.
August 19, 2008 Patch (A Heavy Update)
- Fixed Spy watch arm not using team skins.
- Spies will be able to recharge their cloaking ability by picking up ammo off of the ground or from health cabinets.
- Fixed cloaked Spies having a particle-beam effect while standing next to a dispenser that's healing them.
- Stealthed Spies are no longer able to pickup the Intelligence. They must uncloak first.
February 24, 2009 Patch (Scout Update)
- Spies can now control which weapon the enemy team sees them holding. Hitting the "last disguise" key while disguised updates the disguise to show the Spy's currently held weapon.
- Changed backstab handling to fix facestabs.
- Spies disguised as enemy team can now see player IDs for enemies.
- Increased backstab check so that Spies can side-stab again.
- When disguising, Spies now always start showing the primary weapon in their disguise, and can then switch it with the last-disguise key.
- Fixed client crash when determining which disguise weapon to use for a Spy.
May 21, 2009 Patch (The Sniper vs. Spy Update)
- Added new revolver replacement, The Ambassador. First shot is very accurate and will cause a critical hit if it hits an enemy's head. Accuracy is poor for a period after that.
- Added new watch replacement, the Dead Ringer. When armed, you will appear in all ways to die to the first damage you take from an enemy. You'll be cloaked for 8 second after taking this damage. Upon de-cloaking you'll make a loud and distinct sound.
- Added new watch replacement, the Cloak and Dagger. Your cloak meter is only depleted when you move, so you can stay invisible indefinitely if you're standing still.
- Spy name tags now show up properly when disguised as their own team.
- Fixed a bug that would cause spectators to see disguise weapons incorrectly.
- Fixed a bug where enemy spies disguised as friendly spies would have cigarettes that didn't burn.
- Fixed a bug where overhealing disguised spies would show the wrong overhealing amount to the medic.
- Made it more obvious on first person view model when your motion cloak is out of juice and you are partially visible.
- Also made it more obvious on first person view model when you're bumped while cloaked.
- Improved the way your disguise weapon is determined to make it clearer and fix a couple of rare issues.
- Spies disguised as enemy spies now get a random mask to help complete the disguise, and their target id will be set appropriately.
- Spies disguised as medics now have an Ubercharge: line in their disguise target info.
- Spies outward facing "disguise health" now matches their disguise target when they first apply the disguise.
- Spies can now pick up health kits for their "disguise health", even when uninjured.
- Disguise UI doesn't show up in minimum UI mode (hud_minmode).
- Spies that disguise as a player using an unlockable now show that unlockable in hand.
- Spies can now use enemy teleporters.
- Added 70 new Spy voice lines.
- Added 34 new Spy achievements.
- Added hat Fancy Fedora.
- Fixed Ambassador not using hitboxes to trace against players. It now works like all other bullet-firing weapons in the game.
- Fixed Ambassador shooting through gates.
- Fixed Ambassador not critting during the round win period.
- Fixed cloaked Spies being able to taunt attack.
- Fixed Spy feign death not being reflected in scoreboard.
- Fixed rare crash in Spy "A Cut Above" achievement.
- The Ambassador now does full critical hits on headshots, instead of mini crits.
- The Dead Ringer now fully drains the cloak meter, even if the Spy leaves cloak early.
- Fixed Spy disguise menu not being visible in HUD minimal mode.
- Added Sniper/Spy milestone achievements as an additional way players can get the new unlockables.
- Fixed Spies not being telefragged when standing on an enemy teleporter exit with the Dead Ringer enabled.
- Fixed the Ambassador not doing damage to buildings.
- Fixed Spies disguised as their own team not drawing blood effects.
- Fixed the background color of the Spy disguise panel not always matching his disguise team.
- Fixed Spies not being able to sap a building if an enemy player was colliding with the building.
- Fixed getting a real target ID on an enemy Spy that's disguised as one of your teammates if you are disguised as an enemy.
- Fixed the Ambassador not shooting enemy sticky bombs.
- Fixed Spies being able to automatically Cloak after uncloaking at the moment of a weapon switch.
- Fixed a couple of cases where viable backstabs would fail.
- Added a backstab custom death animation to the Heavy.
- Changed the Dead Ringer so it can be activated while carrying the flag.
- The Cloak and Dagger now always regenerates at its intended rate. Previously it only regenerated at the correct rate when the Spy was cloaked.
- Increased the Cloak and Dagger regeneration rate slightly.
- Capped the rate of energy loss from moving faster than run speed (falling / air toss) while cloaked with the Cloak and Dagger.
- The Dead Ringer's cloak consume rate has been slightly reduced, giving about an extra second of cloak time on a full meter.
- Emerging from the Dead Ringer's cloak now drains up to 40% of the cloak meter instead of 100%. This drain only happens if the meter is at least 60% full.
- The Dead Ringer's cloak meter can now be regenerated from ammo sources.
- The Ambassador now only crits when fully accurate and no longer penetrates enemies.
- The Spy can no longer change weapons from the knife while shocked by the Razorback.
- [Udokumenteret]
- The Ambassador no longer fires through buildings.
- Being attacked while taunting with the Dead Ringer out no longer triggers a Spy's cloak, but instead keeps the damage reduction for the remaining duration of the taunt.
- Fixed a bug where a fake Spy hand would appear on the screen of other players.
- Fixed disguised Spies occasionally looking like they have invulnerability, instead of the correct fake Spy mask.
- Disguised spies will no longer lose their disguise weapon when they interact with a weapon locker.
- Fixed a bug where the Spy's watch would randomly change models during play.
- Fixed uncloaked Spies flickering in and out of the cloak effect when taking damage.
- Fixed Dead Ringer damage reduction exploit involving Spy taunting.
- Fixed the Cloak and Dagger not regenerating at the correct rate.
- [Udokumenteret] The Dead Ringer's recharge time was shortened from 18.5 seconds to 16.5 seconds.
August 13, 2009 Patch (Classless Update)
- Sappers attached to a teleporter automatically place another Sapper on the other end of the teleporter, if it exists.
- Disguised Spies no longer trigger On-Hit effects (like the Blutsauger's heal).
- Cloaked Spies standing in valid backstab positions no longer raise their knife.
- Fixed sentries firing at a fully cloaked Spy if they're still the closest target.
- Fixed a couple of issues with the way critboosts affected The Huntsman and the Spy's knife.
- Added hats: Backbiter's Billycock and Camera Beard.
- Fixed a bug with cloak meter regen and drain rates.
- Fixed Spies not being able to go invis while reloading.
- Fixed teleporting Spies getting stuck in enemy players standing on the exit.
- Fixed Spies speaking their response rules lines after killing.
- Fixed disguised Spies not getting ammo from enemy Dispensers.
- Fixed cloaked Spies having the critboost effect on their weapon.
- Fixed Spies being able to disguise while performing a taunt.
December 17, 2009 Patch (WAR! Update)
- Added more backstab animations
- Now pretends to be carrying the weapons & wearables of the target he's disguised as.
- Moved the Spy's Camera Beard to the Misc loadout slot so he can equip it with a hat.
- Alternative Spy disguise menu, which lets you choose disguises using just the 1-3 keys.
- Players no longer see the wearables that are a part of a friendly spy's disguise, fixing various graphical glitches.
- Fixed Spies being able to build dispensers.
- Fixed the Spy's unlockables watches using the wrong consume/recharge rates.
- Crafting improvements
- Spy's Camera Beard can now be smelted into scrap metal.
- The Dead Ringer now
- Reduces cloak to 40% when uncloaking early.
- Has a 35% cap on the amount of cloak it can gain from an ammo pack.
- Has a quieter de-cloak sound.
- Updated the achievement icon for the "May I Cut In?" Spy achievement to match the achievement description.
- Various improvements to Spy disguise and feign death
- Disguise weapons copying weapons with special animation requirements (Sword, FaN) now look correct.
- Spies now play the appropriate death cry on feign death based on the corpse that appears.
- Feigning death can now play custom death animations like a normal death (head loss, sniper shot, backstab, etc).
- Feigning death due to explosive damage now has a chance to gib, like a normal death.
- Corpses from a feign death now use the correct wearable behavior (hats stay on, or fall off as they should).
- The weapons dropped by feign death corpses now have appropriate physics and collision for their type.
- Combat text for damage done to Spies that feign death will now show the un-modified damage amount.
- Fixed Spies that feign death while disguised as enemy spies dropping fake ragdolls wearing a mask.
- Fixed a couple of physics issues on ragdolls created by feign death.
- Added backstab death animation.
March 18, 2010 Patch (First Community Contribution Update)
- Added hat: Magistrate's Mullet.
- Updated the Camera beard to be craftable.
- Added weapon: Big Kill.
- Fixed the Demoman's Fro not cloaking properly when being used by a disguised Spy.
- Fixed bug with disguised Spy sometimes seeing his own name in the disguise status HUD.
- Fixed items that can be worn by any class having the wrong model when worn by a disguised Spy.
April 29, 2010 Patch (119th Update)
- Fixed Engineers & Spies being able to circumvent build restrictions.
- Fixed players seeing cloaked Spies when they should be fully cloaked.
- Fixed a case where the Spy could start taunting and cloak at the same time.
May 20, 2010 Patch (Second Community Contribution Update)
- Added hat: Frenchman's Beret.
July 8, 2010 Patch (Engineer Update)
- [Udokumenteret] The Big Kill was given its own kill icon.
- The Ambassador headshot kill icon is replaced with the Sniper Rifle headshot kill icon.
September 30, 2010 Patch (Mann-Conomy Update)
- Added Weapons: L'Etranger and Your Eternal Reward.
- Added Hat: Familiar Fez.
- Updated how Spy disguise targets are selected to more randomly distribute the selections.
- [Udokumenteret] Added unused "Hi-five" taunt.
- The Fancy Fedora and Backbiter's Billycock paint effects are more noticeable.
- Your Eternal Reward no longer disguises the Spy if the victim survives the backstabbing attempt (because of Ubercharge, The Razorback, etc).
- Your Eternal Reward no longer disguises the Spy if they are carrying the flag.
October 27, 2010 Patch (Scream Fortress)
- [Udokumenteret] Added the Frenchman's Beret and Magistrate's Mullet to the store.
- Added Telltale Games items:
- The Enthusiast's Timepiece: Tycho's favorite timepiece (equipped by the Spy).
- Fixed Spies being able to destroy sappers using the "destroy" command.
- Made the following hats paintable: Frenchman's Beret, Camera Beard.
December 17, 2010 Patch (Australian Christmas)
- 'Your Eternal Reward' changes:
- Spies can now change their disguise weapon via 'lastdisguise' while using 'Your Eternal Reward'.
- Already-disguised Your Eternal Reward Spies are no longer forced to switch to displaying the melee weapon when they make a kill.
- Spies no longer play speech lines when making a kill with 'Your Eternal Reward'.
- Sentry Guns no longer track Your Eternal Reward Spies after they backstab someone.
- Added new hats: 'Détective Noir' and 'Le Party Phantom'.
- Spies can now see TargetID's of players and objects regardless of their own disguise status.
- The Spy 'Sap Auteur' achievement now increments in cases where the Spy was the assister in the building destruction.
- The following hats are now paintable or have had their paintability improved: Detective Noir.
- Made "Le Party Phantom" a misc slot item.
- Fixed enemies seeing death notices when you backstab their team mates with Your Eternal Reward.
- Fixed the attack animation not always playing correctly for Your Eternal Reward.
March 10, 2011 Patch (Shogun Pack)
- Added weapon: Conniver's Kunai.
- Added hat: Noh Mercy.
- Added new hats: Private Eye and Charmer's Chapeau.
April 14, 2011 Patch (Hatless Update)
- Added 3 new training courses for the Spy.
- Bot changes:
- Added Spy TFBots. Spy bots have basic cloaking, diguising, sapping, and backstabbing behaviors now, and are ready to join the fight.
- Improved TFBot reactions to cloaked and/or disguised enemy Spies.
- Improved Demoman bot behaviors for planting sticky bomb traps.
- [Udokumenteret] Spies now can speak their Domination or Revenge lines correctly when using the Knife or Conniver's Kunai.
- Added Janissary Ketche
May 5, 2011 Patch (Replay Update)
- Janissary Ketche made craftable, tradeable, and paintable.
- Jannissary Ketche was added to the list of hats that can be unusual.
- Fixed a server crash caused by disguising spies.
June 23, 2011 Patch (Über Update)
- Added weapons: Enforcer and Big Earner.
- Added hats: Made Man and Cosa Nostra Cap.
July 1, 2011 Patch (Summer Camp Sale)
- Added misc item: Rouge's Col Roule.
- Rogue's Col Roule became craftable.
- [Udokumenteret] Changed Your Enternal Reward Description "This weapon is a silent killer" is now "Silent Killer: No attack noise from backstabs".
- [Udokumenteret] Your Eternal Reward no longer defaults to the disguise's stock primary weapon after a backstab. It will now properly show an unlockable primary weapon if the victim was using one.
August 18, 2011 Patch (Manno-Technology Bundle)
- Fixed disguised Spies showing their critboost status.
- Added weapon: Diamondback.
- Added hat: Nanobalaclava.
October 13, 2011 Patch (Manniversary Update & Sale)
- Added hat: Counterfeit Billycock.
- Fixed Spies never using genuine, community, or self-made items as disguise weapons.
- Fixed particle effects not showing up on Spy disguise items.
- The Spy's view model sleeves still has beta color schemes. In addition, the number of stripes on his sleeve do not match the world model.
- The Spy's HUD image features his beta suit and beta wood-handle Revolver.
- If the Spy reloads his Primary weapon at the same time he activates his cloak, he will momentarily appear to have three arms.
- If a Spy is disguised during the end of the round, his disguise will stay on and he will not enter the humiliation stance.
- Spyens Stemme skuespiller Dennis Bateman laver også stemme til Pyro klassen.
- Ideen til Spy kom fra en fejl i Quake, hvor spillerne ville se ud, som om de er fra de andre hold. [1]
- Spyen er kendt for at side sætninger på Italiensk, Fransk, Spansk og, Catalan.
- Template:W var den første first BLU team Spy.
- I Poker Night at the Inventory, gør et billide af en spy en cameo som Ruder knægt i "Poker Night" og "Poker Night Alternative" dæk.
- Den nederste halvdel af begge kort har spyen en maske som ligner Engineer på dem.
- The Spy gør en udseende iWorms: Reloadedsom en af de forter, resten af fortet er sammensat af Gravel Pit. Desuden er Spy røde elefanthue en valgbar hat til spillerens orme.
- Assassin klassen iMonday Night Combathar en salgsfremmende element med spy i forklædning maske og Scout 's headset med navnet "Bonk! Slash!".
- Den røde spy ser ud til at ryge en typisk hvid cigaret, mens den blå ryger en sort cigaret.
- SpyTFC.png
The Spy class of Team Fortress Classic
- Spy Card1.jpg
Trading card front
- Spy2.jpg
Trading card back
The Spy's mugshot from the Über Update
Class card as seen on the TF2 Official Website
Related merchandise
See also
- Disguise
- Cloak
- Backstab
- Spy match-ups
- Anti-Spy strategy
- Spy taunts
- Spy responses
- Spy voice commands
- Basic Spy strategy
- Community Spy strategy
- Spy checking
- Meet the Spy
- Headshot
- List of references (Spy)
- Spy (Classic)
- Merchandise
- ↑ a b Team Fortress 2 Trailer 2, released in September 2006.
External links
- Spy page on the Offical TF2 Website
- The Sniper vs. Spy Update
- TF2 Official Blog - Sniper vs. Spy Update, Day 5
- TF2 Official Blog - Day 6 Spy Update Hooray!
- TF2 Official Blog - Sniper vs. Spy Update, Day 7
- TF2 Official Blog - The Sniper vs. Spy Update
- TF2 Official Blog - Neat Community Creations (Spy Update Hoax)
- In-Depth Spy Guide
- TF2: Spy Guide Part #1: Spying 101