Difference between revisions of "Template:Expired promotional item list"

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({{common string|neca action figures}})
(7 intermediate revisions by 6 users not shown)
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   | en = Expired
   | en = Expired
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   | en = Any remaining codes that grant a promotional item may still be redeemed, even if its associated promotion has expired.  
   | en = Any remaining codes that grant a promotional item may still be redeemed, even if its associated promotion has expired.  
   | es = Todavía puede canjearse cualquier código que otorgue algún objeto promocional, aunque la promoción asociada haya caducado.
   | es = Todavía puede canjearse cualquier código que otorgue algún objeto promocional, aunque la promoción asociada haya caducado.
  | fr = Tout code restant permettant d'obtenir l'objet promotionnel peut toujours être utilisé, même si la promotion associée a expiré.
   | pl = Wszystkie pozostałe kody, które zapewniają promocyjny przedmiot, mogą nadal zostać wykorzystane, nawet jeśli powiązana promocja wygasła.  
   | pl = Wszystkie pozostałe kody, które zapewniają promocyjny przedmiot, mogą nadal zostać wykorzystane, nawet jeśli powiązana promocja wygasła.  
   | ru = Любые промокоды, введя которые можно получить предмет, по-прежнему работают несмотря на истечение сроков их акций.
   | ru = Любые промокоды, введя которые можно получить предмет, по-прежнему работают несмотря на истечение сроков их акций.
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| {{lang
| {{lang
   | en = Awarded to players who had earned the ''1st One Down'' achievement in ''Alliance of Valiant Arms'' on [[Steam]].<br><br>As of June 29, 2018 this achievement item is no longer obtainable due to the game shutting down.
   | en = Awarded to players who had earned the ''1st One Down'' achievement in ''Alliance of Valiant Arms'' on [[Steam]].<br><br>As of June 29, 2018 this achievement item is no longer obtainable due to the game shutting down.
   | de = Wird Spielern beim Erreichen der Errungenschaft "1st One Down" in ''Alliance of Valiant Arms'' auf [[Steam/de|Steam]] gegebe  | fr = Attribué aux joueurs ayant déverrouilllé le succès ''1st One Down'' dans ''Alliance of Valiant Arms'' sur [[Steam/fr|Steam]].
   | de = Wird Spielern beim Erreichen der Errungenschaft "1st One Down" in ''Alliance of Valiant Arms'' auf [[Steam/de|Steam]] gegebe   
   | es = Otorgado a los jugadores que completaron el logro ''1st One Down'' en ''Alliance of Valiant Arms'' en [[Steam/es|Steam]].<br><br>Desde el 29 de junio de 2018, este logro ya no se puede completar, debido que el juego no está disponible.
   | es = Otorgado a los jugadores que completaron el logro ''1st One Down'' en ''Alliance of Valiant Arms'' en [[Steam/es|Steam]].<br><br>Desde el 29 de junio de 2018, este logro ya no se puede completar, debido que el juego no está disponible.
  | fr = Attribués aux joueurs ayant déverrouilllé le succès ''1st One Down'' dans ''Alliance of Valiant Arms'' sur [[Steam/fr|Steam]].<br><br>Depuis le 29 juin 2018, cet objet de succès n’est plus accessible en raison de la fermeture du jeu.
   | it = Questo coltello in stile rosa si ottiene sbloccando l'obiettivo "1st One Down" in ''Allianche of Valiant Arms''.
   | it = Questo coltello in stile rosa si ottiene sbloccando l'obiettivo "1st One Down" in ''Allianche of Valiant Arms''.
   | ko = [[Steam/ko|Steam]]에서 ''Alliance of Valiant Arms'' 도전 과제인 ''1st One Down''을 달성한 플레이어에게 수여.
   | ko = [[Steam/ko|Steam]]에서 ''Alliance of Valiant Arms'' 도전 과제인 ''1st One Down''을 달성한 플레이어에게 수여.
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   | en = Awarded in [[Genuine]] quality to players who pre-purchased ''Alien: Isolation'' on [[Steam]] before October 7, 2014.
   | en = Awarded in [[Genuine]] quality to players who pre-purchased ''Alien: Isolation'' on [[Steam]] before October 7, 2014.
   | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que precompraron ''Alien: Isolation'' en [[Steam/es|Steam]] antes del 7 de octubre de 2014.  
   | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que precompraron ''Alien: Isolation'' en [[Steam/es|Steam]] antes del 7 de octubre de 2014.  
  | fr = Attribués en qualité [[Genuine/fr|Authentique]] aux joueurs ayant pré-commandé ''Alien: Isolation'' sur [[Steam/fr|Steam]] avant le 7 octobre 2014.
   | ko = ''Alien: Isolation''을 2014년 10월 7일 전에 [[Steam/ko|Steam]]에서 예약 구매한 모든 플레이어에게 [[Genuine/ko|진품]] 등급으로 증정되었습니다.
   | ko = ''Alien: Isolation''을 2014년 10월 7일 전에 [[Steam/ko|Steam]]에서 예약 구매한 모든 플레이어에게 [[Genuine/ko|진품]] 등급으로 증정되었습니다.
   | pl = Przyznane w jakości [[Genuine/pl|oryginał]] graczom, którzy dokonali przedpremierowego zakupu ''Alien: Isolation'' na platformie [[Steam/pl|Steam]] przed 7 Października 2014.
   | pl = Przyznane w jakości [[Genuine/pl|oryginał]] graczom, którzy dokonali przedpremierowego zakupu ''Alien: Isolation'' na platformie [[Steam/pl|Steam]] przed 7 Października 2014.
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   | en = Awarded in [[Genuine|Genuine quality]] to players who pre-purchased ''Batman: Arkham Knight'' on [[Steam]] before November 16, 2015.
   | en = Awarded in [[Genuine|Genuine quality]] to players who pre-purchased ''Batman: Arkham Knight'' on [[Steam]] before November 16, 2015.
   | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que precompraron ''Batman: Arkham Knight'' en [[Steam/es|Steam]] antes del 16 de noviembre de 2015.   
   | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que precompraron ''Batman: Arkham Knight'' en [[Steam/es|Steam]] antes del 16 de noviembre de 2015.   
  | fr = Attribués en [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] aux joueurs ayant pré-commandé ''Batman: Arkham Knight'' sur [[Steam/fr|Steam]] avant le 16 novembre 2015.
   | ko = 2015년 11월 16일 전에 [[Steam/ko|Steam]]에서 ''Batman: Arkham Knight''를 예약 구매한 모든 플레이어에게 [[Genuine/ko|진품]] 등급으로 증정되었습니다.
   | ko = 2015년 11월 16일 전에 [[Steam/ko|Steam]]에서 ''Batman: Arkham Knight''를 예약 구매한 모든 플레이어에게 [[Genuine/ko|진품]] 등급으로 증정되었습니다.
   | pl = Przyznane w jakości [[Genuine/pl|oryginał]] graczom, którzy dokonali przedpremierowego zakupu ''Batman: Arkham Knight'' na platformie [[Steam/pl|Steam]] przed 16 listopada 2015.
   | pl = Przyznane w jakości [[Genuine/pl|oryginał]] graczom, którzy dokonali przedpremierowego zakupu ''Batman: Arkham Knight'' na platformie [[Steam/pl|Steam]] przed 16 listopada 2015.
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   | es = Otorgado a los jugadores que hayan completado el logro ''Key to the City'' en ''CrimeCraft GangWars'' en [[Steam/es|Steam]].<br><br>Desde el 31 de agosto de 2017, este logro ya no se puede completar, debido que el juego no está disponible.
   | es = Otorgado a los jugadores que hayan completado el logro ''Key to the City'' en ''CrimeCraft GangWars'' en [[Steam/es|Steam]].<br><br>Desde el 31 de agosto de 2017, este logro ya no se puede completar, debido que el juego no está disponible.
   | de = Wurde in [[Genuine/de|echter]] Qualität an jene Spieler vergeben, die in ''CrimeCraft GangWars'' die Errungenschaft ''Key to the City'' freigeschalten haben.<br><br>Das Spiel wurde am 31. August 2017 beendet.
   | de = Wurde in [[Genuine/de|echter]] Qualität an jene Spieler vergeben, die in ''CrimeCraft GangWars'' die Errungenschaft ''Key to the City'' freigeschalten haben.<br><br>Das Spiel wurde am 31. August 2017 beendet.
  | fr = Attribués aux joueurs ayant terminé le succès ''Key to the City'' de ''CrimeCraft GangWars''<br><br>Depuis le 31 août 2017, cet objet de succès n’est plus accessible en raison de la fermeture du jeu.
   | pl = Przyznany graczom którzy otrzymali osiągnięcie ''Key to the City'' w ''CrimeCraft GangWars''.<br><br>Serwery CrimeCraft GangWars zostały zamknięte 31 sierpnia 2017, czyniąc to osiągnięcie niemożliwym do zdobycia.
   | pl = Przyznany graczom którzy otrzymali osiągnięcie ''Key to the City'' w ''CrimeCraft GangWars''.<br><br>Serwery CrimeCraft GangWars zostały zamknięte 31 sierpnia 2017, czyniąc to osiągnięcie niemożliwym do zdobycia.
   | ko = ''Crimecraft GangWars''에서 도전과제 ''Key to the City''를 달성하여 얻을 수 있었으나, 2017년 8월 31일 이후 해당 게임이 서비스 종료되어 더 이상 받을 수 없습니다.
   | ko = ''Crimecraft GangWars''에서 도전과제 ''Key to the City''를 달성하여 얻을 수 있었으나, 2017년 8월 31일 이후 해당 게임이 서비스 종료되어 더 이상 받을 수 없습니다.
Line 1,021: Line 1,027:
  | en = Awarded in [[Genuine|Genuine quality]] to players who pre-purchased ''Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris'' on [[Steam]] before December 9, 2014.
  | en = Awarded in [[Genuine|Genuine quality]] to players who pre-purchased ''Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris'' on [[Steam]] before December 9, 2014.
  | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que precompraron ''Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris'' en [[Steam/es|Steam]] antes del 9 de diciembre de 2014.
  | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que precompraron ''Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris'' en [[Steam/es|Steam]] antes del 9 de diciembre de 2014.
| fr = Attribués en [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] aux joueurs ayant pré-commandé ''Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris'' sur [[Steam/fr|Steam]] avant le 9 décembre 2014.
  | ko = 2014년 12월 9일 전에 Steam에서 ''Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris''를 예약 구매한 모든 플레이어에게 [[Genuine/ko|진품]] 등급으로 증정되었습니다.
  | ko = 2014년 12월 9일 전에 Steam에서 ''Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris''를 예약 구매한 모든 플레이어에게 [[Genuine/ko|진품]] 등급으로 증정되었습니다.
  | pl = Przyznane w jakości [[Genuine/pl|oryginał]] graczom którzy zakupili przedpremierowo ''Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris'' na platformie [[Steam/pl|Steam]] przed 9 grudnia 2014.
  | pl = Przyznane w jakości [[Genuine/pl|oryginał]] graczom którzy zakupili przedpremierowo ''Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris'' na platformie [[Steam/pl|Steam]] przed 9 grudnia 2014.
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   | en = Any existing owners of ''Poker Night at the Inventory'' may still receive its achievement items, if the associated achievements are earned.
   | en = Any existing owners of ''Poker Night at the Inventory'' may still receive its achievement items, if the associated achievements are earned.
   | es = Los jugadores que poseen ''Poker Night at the Inventory'' pueden recibir los objetos promocionales, al completar los logros correspondientes.
   | es = Los jugadores que poseen ''Poker Night at the Inventory'' pueden recibir los objetos promocionales, al completar los logros correspondientes.
  | fr = Tout propriétaire existant de ''Poker Night at the Inventory'' peut toujours recevoir les objets de succès, si les succès associés sont déverrouilllés.
   | pl = Wszyscy posiadacze ''Poker Night at the Inventory'' mogą nadal otrzymać przedmioty z osiągnięć, jeżeli zdobędą powiązane osiągnięcia.
   | pl = Wszyscy posiadacze ''Poker Night at the Inventory'' mogą nadal otrzymać przedmioty z osiągnięć, jeżeli zdobędą powiązane osiągnięcia.
   | pt-br = Jogadores que já tiverem ''Poker Night at the Inventory'' ainda podem receber seus itens de conquista se as respectivas conquistas forem alcançadas.
   | pt-br = Jogadores que já tiverem ''Poker Night at the Inventory'' ainda podem receber seus itens de conquista se as respectivas conquistas forem alcançadas.
Line 1,507: Line 1,515:
   | en = Any existing owners of ''Poker Night 2'' may still receive its promotional items, if the associated achievements are earned.
   | en = Any existing owners of ''Poker Night 2'' may still receive its promotional items, if the associated achievements are earned.
   | es = Los jugadores que poseen ''Poker Night 2'' pueden recibir los objetos promocionales, al completar los logros correspondientes.
   | es = Los jugadores que poseen ''Poker Night 2'' pueden recibir los objetos promocionales, al completar los logros correspondientes.
  | fr = Tout propriétaire existant de ''Poker Night 2'' peut toujours recevoir ses objets promotionnels, si les succès associés sont déverrouilllés.
   | pl = Wszyscy posiadacze ''Poker Night 2'' mogą nadal otrzymać przedmioty promocyjne, jeżeli zdobędą powiązane osiągnięcia.
   | pl = Wszyscy posiadacze ''Poker Night 2'' mogą nadal otrzymać przedmioty promocyjne, jeżeli zdobędą powiązane osiągnięcia.
   | pt-br = Jogadores que já tiverem ''Poker Night 2'' ainda podem receber seus itens de conquista se as respectivas conquistas forem alcançadas.
   | pt-br = Jogadores que já tiverem ''Poker Night 2'' ainda podem receber seus itens de conquista se as respectivas conquistas forem alcançadas.
Line 1,927: Line 1,936:
   | de = Verdient durch das Freischalten der Errungenschaft ''All-Star Agent'' in ''Super Monday Night Combat'' auf [[Steam/de|Steam]].
   | de = Verdient durch das Freischalten der Errungenschaft ''All-Star Agent'' in ''Super Monday Night Combat'' auf [[Steam/de|Steam]].
   | es = Otorgado a los jugadores que completaron el logro ''All-Star Agent'' en ''Super Monday Night Combat'' en [[Steam/es|Steam]].<br><br> Desde el 24 de mayo de 2018, este logro ya no se puede completar, debido que el juego no está disponible.
   | es = Otorgado a los jugadores que completaron el logro ''All-Star Agent'' en ''Super Monday Night Combat'' en [[Steam/es|Steam]].<br><br> Desde el 24 de mayo de 2018, este logro ya no se puede completar, debido que el juego no está disponible.
   | fr = Attribué aux joueurs ayant déverrouillé le succès ''All-Star Agent'' dans ''Monday Night Combat'' sur [[Steam/fr|Steam]].
   | fr = Attribué aux joueurs ayant déverrouillé le succès ''All-Star Agent'' dans ''Monday Night Combat'' sur [[Steam/fr|Steam]].<br><br>Depuis le 24 mai 2018, cet objet de succès n’est plus accessible en raison de la fermeture du jeu.
   | it = Ottenuto attraverso l'obiettivo ''All-Star Agent'' in ''Super Mondat Night Combat'' su [[Steam/it|Steam]].
   | it = Ottenuto attraverso l'obiettivo ''All-Star Agent'' in ''Super Mondat Night Combat'' su [[Steam/it|Steam]].
   | ko = [[Steam/ko|Steam]]에서 ''Super Monday Night Combat'' 도전 과제인 ''All-Star Agent''를 달성한 플레이어에게 수여.
   | ko = [[Steam/ko|Steam]]에서 ''Super Monday Night Combat'' 도전 과제인 ''All-Star Agent''를 달성한 플레이어에게 수여.
Line 1,944: Line 1,953:
   | de = Verdient durch das Freischalten der Errungenschaft ''Rookie Agent'' in ''Super Monday Night Combat'' auf Steam.
   | de = Verdient durch das Freischalten der Errungenschaft ''Rookie Agent'' in ''Super Monday Night Combat'' auf Steam.
   | es = Otorgado a los jugadores que completaron el logro ''Rookie Agent'' en ''Super Monday Night Combat'' en [[Steam/es|Steam]].<br><br> Desde el 24 de mayo de 2018, este logro ya no se puede completar, debido que el juego no esta disponible.
   | es = Otorgado a los jugadores que completaron el logro ''Rookie Agent'' en ''Super Monday Night Combat'' en [[Steam/es|Steam]].<br><br> Desde el 24 de mayo de 2018, este logro ya no se puede completar, debido que el juego no esta disponible.
   | fr = Attribué aux joueurs ayant déverrouillé le succès ''Rookie Agent'' dans ''Super Monday Night Combat'' sur Steam.
   | fr = Attribué aux joueurs ayant déverrouillé le succès ''Rookie Agent'' dans ''Super Monday Night Combat'' sur Steam.<br><br>Depuis le 24 mai 2018, cet objet de succès n’est plus accessible en raison de la fermeture du jeu.
   | it = Il cappello indossato dal Gunslinger in ''Super Mondat Night Combat''. Ottenuto attraverso l'obiettivo ''Rookie Agent'' in ''Super Monday Night Combat''.
   | it = Il cappello indossato dal Gunslinger in ''Super Mondat Night Combat''. Ottenuto attraverso l'obiettivo ''Rookie Agent'' in ''Super Monday Night Combat''.
   | ko = Steam에서 ''Super Monday Night Combat'' 도전 과제인 ''Rookie Agent''를 달성한 플레이어에게 수여.
   | ko = Steam에서 ''Super Monday Night Combat'' 도전 과제인 ''Rookie Agent''를 달성한 플레이어에게 수여.
Line 2,071: Line 2,080:
  | en = Total War Franchise
  | en = Total War Franchise
  | es = Franquicia Total War
  | es = Franquicia Total War
| fr = Franchise Total War
  | pt-br = Série Total War
  | pt-br = Série Total War
  | ru = Серия игр ''Total War''
  | ru = Серия игр ''Total War''
Line 2,246: Line 2,256:
   | de = In der Qualität "Echt" an Spieler verteilt, die ''Total War: ROME II'' auf Steam kaufen.
   | de = In der Qualität "Echt" an Spieler verteilt, die ''Total War: ROME II'' auf Steam kaufen.
   | es = Otorgado en Calidad Genuina a los jugadores que compraron ''Total War: ROME II'' en Steam antes del 3 de septiembre de 2013.
   | es = Otorgado en Calidad Genuina a los jugadores que compraron ''Total War: ROME II'' en Steam antes del 3 de septiembre de 2013.
  | fr = Attribués en qualité Authentique aux joueurs ayant acheté ''Total War: ROME II'' sur Steam avant le 3 septembre 2013.
   | ko = 2013년 9월 3일 이전에 Steam에서 ''Total War: ROME II''를 예약 구매한 플레이어에게 진품 등급으로 수여.
   | ko = 2013년 9월 3일 이전에 Steam에서 ''Total War: ROME II''를 예약 구매한 플레이어에게 진품 등급으로 수여.
   | pl = Przyznane w jakości oryginał graczom którzy kupili ''Total War: ROME II'' na platformie Steam przed 3 Września 2013
   | pl = Przyznane w jakości oryginał graczom którzy kupili ''Total War: ROME II'' na platformie Steam przed 3 Września 2013
Line 2,559: Line 2,570:
   | de = In [[Genuine/de|Echter]] Qualität an Spieler vergeben, die den [https://www.chefsteps.com/tf2 Joule-Vakuumkocher] {{lang icon|en}} kaufen und den Werbecode einlösen.
   | de = In [[Genuine/de|Echter]] Qualität an Spieler vergeben, die den [https://www.chefsteps.com/tf2 Joule-Vakuumkocher] {{lang icon|en}} kaufen und den Werbecode einlösen.
   | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que compraron el aparato [https://www.chefsteps.com/tf2 Joule sous-vide] {{lang icon|en}}, y canjearon el código promocional que se les envió.
   | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que compraron el aparato [https://www.chefsteps.com/tf2 Joule sous-vide] {{lang icon|en}}, y canjearon el código promocional que se les envió.
  | fr = Attribués en qualité [[Genuine/fr|Authentique]] aux joueurs ayant acheté le [https://www.chefsteps.com/tf2 cuiseur sous-vide Joule] et utilisé le code promotionnel qui leur a été envoyé.
   | nl = Uitgereikt in [[Genuine/nl|Authentiek]] aan spelers die een [https://www.chefsteps.com/tf2 Joule sous-videkoker] {{Lang icon}} hebben gekocht en de inbegrepen promotionele code hebben verzilverd.
   | nl = Uitgereikt in [[Genuine/nl|Authentiek]] aan spelers die een [https://www.chefsteps.com/tf2 Joule sous-videkoker] {{Lang icon}} hebben gekocht en de inbegrepen promotionele code hebben verzilverd.
   | no = Gitt i [[Genuine/no|Ekte kvalitet]] til spillere som kjøper [https://www.chefsteps.com/tf2 Joule sous-vide kokeren] og aktiverer promosjonskoden de blir tilsendt.
   | no = Gitt i [[Genuine/no|Ekte kvalitet]] til spillere som kjøper [https://www.chefsteps.com/tf2 Joule sous-vide kokeren] og aktiverer promosjonskoden de blir tilsendt.
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   | de = Valve-Store
   | de = Valve-Store
   | es = Tienda de Valve
   | es = Tienda de Valve
   | fr = Valve Store
   | fr = Marchandises
   | ko = Valve 상점
   | ko = Valve 상점
   | it = Negozio Valve
   | it = Negozio Valve
Line 2,728: Line 2,740:
   | de = Vergeben in der Qualität [[Genuine/de|"Echt"]] an alle Spieler, die einen Archimedes aus Plüsch vom [[Merchandise/de|offiziellen Valve-Store]] kaufen.
   | de = Vergeben in der Qualität [[Genuine/de|"Echt"]] an alle Spieler, die einen Archimedes aus Plüsch vom [[Merchandise/de|offiziellen Valve-Store]] kaufen.
   | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que compraron el Peluche de Arquímedes desde la [[Merchandise/es|tienda oficial de Valve]] y canjearon el código que venía con él.
   | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que compraron el Peluche de Arquímedes desde la [[Merchandise/es|tienda oficial de Valve]] y canjearon el código que venía con él.
   | fr = Les joueurs ayant acheté une Peluche Archimède dans le [[Merchandise/fr|Valve Store officiel]] recevront un code Steam permettant d'obtenir une version de[[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] de l'objet dans TF2.
   | fr = Les joueurs ayant acheté une Peluche Archimède dans le [[Merchandise/fr|Valve Store officiel]] et utilisé le code qui venait avec.
   | it = I giocatori che comprano un pupazzo di Archimede dal [[Merchandise/it|Negozio ufficiale Valve]] riceveranno un codice Steam per la versione [[Genuine/it|Autentica]] dell'oggetto in TF2.
   | it = I giocatori che comprano un pupazzo di Archimede dal [[Merchandise/it|Negozio ufficiale Valve]] riceveranno un codice Steam per la versione [[Genuine/it|Autentica]] dell'oggetto in TF2.
   | ko = [[Merchandise/ko|공식 Valve 상점]]에서 아르키메데스 인형을 구입하여 팀 포트리스에서 사용 가능한 코드를 입력한 플레이어들에게 [[Genuine/ko|진품 등급]]으로 지급.
   | ko = [[Merchandise/ko|공식 Valve 상점]]에서 아르키메데스 인형을 구입하여 팀 포트리스에서 사용 가능한 코드를 입력한 플레이어들에게 [[Genuine/ko|진품 등급]]으로 지급.
Line 2,747: Line 2,759:
   | de = Vergeben in der Qualität [[Genuine/de|"Echt"]] an alle Spieler, die ein [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/inflatable-balloonicorn-10593.html aufblasbares Balloonicorn] vom [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ offiziellen Valve-Store] {{lang icon|en}} kaufen.
   | de = Vergeben in der Qualität [[Genuine/de|"Echt"]] an alle Spieler, die ein [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/inflatable-balloonicorn-10593.html aufblasbares Balloonicorn] vom [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ offiziellen Valve-Store] {{lang icon|en}} kaufen.
   | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que compraron un [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/inflatable-balloonicorn-10593.html Globunicornio Inflable] {{lang icon|en}} desde la [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve Store] {{lang icon|en}}, y canjearon el código que venía con la compra.
   | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que compraron un [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/inflatable-balloonicorn-10593.html Globunicornio Inflable] {{lang icon|en}} desde la [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve Store] {{lang icon|en}}, y canjearon el código que venía con la compra.
   | fr = Les joueurs ayant acheté une [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/inflatable-balloonicorn-10593.html Ballicorne gonflable] dans le [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve Store officiel] recevront un code Steam permettant d'obtenir une version de [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] de l'objet dans TF2.
   | fr = Les joueurs ayant acheté une [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/inflatable-balloonicorn-10593.html Ballicorne gonflable] dans le [https://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve Store] et activé le code qui venait avec.
   | it = I giocatori che comprano un [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/inflatable-balloonicorn-10593.html Pallonicorno Gonfiabile] dal [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Negozio ufficiale Valve] riceveranno un codice Steam per la versione [[Genuine/it|Autentica]] dell'oggetto in TF2.
   | it = I giocatori che comprano un [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/inflatable-balloonicorn-10593.html Pallonicorno Gonfiabile] dal [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Negozio ufficiale Valve] riceveranno un codice Steam per la versione [[Genuine/it|Autentica]] dell'oggetto in TF2.
   | ko = [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ 공식 Valve 상점]에서 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/inflatable-balloonicorn-10593.html 공기주입식 풍서니콘]을 구입하여 팀 포트리스에서 사용 가능한 코드를 입력한 플레이어들에게 [[Genuine/ko|진품 등급]]으로 지급.
   | ko = [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ 공식 Valve 상점]에서 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/inflatable-balloonicorn-10593.html 공기주입식 풍서니콘]을 구입하여 팀 포트리스에서 사용 가능한 코드를 입력한 플레이어들에게 [[Genuine/ko|진품 등급]]으로 지급.
Line 2,766: Line 2,778:
   | de = Vergeben in der Qualität [[Genuine/de|"Echt"]] an alle Spieler, die einen  Portal 2: Songs to Test By-Soundtrack vom [[Merchandise/de|offiziellen Valve-Store]] kaufen.
   | de = Vergeben in der Qualität [[Genuine/de|"Echt"]] an alle Spieler, die einen  Portal 2: Songs to Test By-Soundtrack vom [[Merchandise/de|offiziellen Valve-Store]] kaufen.
   | es = Otorgado a los jugadores que compraron ''Portal 2: Songs to Test By Sountrack'' desde la [[Merchandise/es|tienda oficial de Valve]] o en alguna otra tienda y canjearon el código que venía con la compra.<br><br>Al usar este objeto después del {{Patch name|3|12|2013}}, los jugadores recibirán el {{item link|Ap-Sap}} en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]].
   | es = Otorgado a los jugadores que compraron ''Portal 2: Songs to Test By Sountrack'' desde la [[Merchandise/es|tienda oficial de Valve]] o en alguna otra tienda y canjearon el código que venía con la compra.<br><br>Al usar este objeto después del {{Patch name|3|12|2013}}, los jugadores recibirán el {{item link|Ap-Sap}} en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]].
   | fr = Attribuée aux joueurs ayant acheté la ''Bande-son Portal 2: Songs to Test By'' dans le [[Merchandise/fr|Valve Store officiel]] ou tout autre magasin de détail.<br><br>Se déverrouilla le [[March 12, 2013 Patch/fr|12 mars 2013]], et contient un [[Ap-Sap/fr|Saboteur d'Aperture]] de [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]].
   | fr = Attribuée aux joueurs ayant acheté la ''Bande-son Portal 2: Songs to Test By'' dans le [[Merchandise/fr|Valve Store]] ou tout autre magasin de détail et utilisé le code qui venait avec.<br><br>En utilisant l'objet après le {{Patch name|3|12|2013}}, le joueur recevra le {{item link|Ap-Sap}} en [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]].
   | ko = '' Portal 2: Songs to Test By Soundtrack'' 를 [[Merchandise/ko|공식 Valve 상점]]이나 다른 소매상점에서 구입한 플레이어에게 주어지며, [[March 12, 2013 Patch|March 12, 2013]]후부터 열 수 있게됨. [[Genuine/ko|Genuine quality]] {{item link|Ap-Sap}}가 들어있다.
   | ko = '' Portal 2: Songs to Test By Soundtrack'' 를 [[Merchandise/ko|공식 Valve 상점]]이나 다른 소매상점에서 구입한 플레이어에게 주어지며, [[March 12, 2013 Patch|March 12, 2013]]후부터 열 수 있게됨. [[Genuine/ko|Genuine quality]] {{item link|Ap-Sap}}가 들어있다.
   | pl = Przyznane graczom którzy kupili ''Portal 2: Songs to Test By Soundtrack''z [[Merchandise/pl|oficjalnego sklepu Valve]] lub dowolnego sklepu detalicznego i użyli kodu zawartego w nim.<br><br> Po użyciu przedmiotu po {{Patch name|3|12|2013}}, gracz otrzyma [[Ap-Sap/pl|Ap-Sap]] w jakości [[Genuine/pl|oryginał]].
   | pl = Przyznane graczom którzy kupili ''Portal 2: Songs to Test By Soundtrack''z [[Merchandise/pl|oficjalnego sklepu Valve]] lub dowolnego sklepu detalicznego i użyli kodu zawartego w nim.<br><br> Po użyciu przedmiotu po {{Patch name|3|12|2013}}, gracz otrzyma [[Ap-Sap/pl|Ap-Sap]] w jakości [[Genuine/pl|oryginał]].
Line 2,783: Line 2,795:
   | de = In [[Genuine/de|Echter Qualität]] an Spieler vergeben, die das Exklusive Team Fortress 2-Schachspiel von  ThinkGeek {{lang icon|en}} oder dem  Valve-Shop gekauft und den enthaltenen Code eingelöst haben.
   | de = In [[Genuine/de|Echter Qualität]] an Spieler vergeben, die das Exklusive Team Fortress 2-Schachspiel von  ThinkGeek {{lang icon|en}} oder dem  Valve-Shop gekauft und den enthaltenen Code eingelöst haben.
   | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que compraron el Exclusive Team Fortress 2 Chess Set desde ''ThinkGeek'' o desde la tienda de Valve y canjearon el código que venía con él.
   | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que compraron el Exclusive Team Fortress 2 Chess Set desde ''ThinkGeek'' o desde la tienda de Valve y canjearon el código que venía con él.
   | fr = Attribué en [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] aux joueurs ayant acheté le Exclusive Team Fortress 2 Chess Set sur ThinkGeek ou le Valve Store.
   | fr = Attribué en [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] aux joueurs ayant acheté le Exclusive Team Fortress 2 Chess Set sur ThinkGeek ou le Valve Store et utilisé le code qui venait avec.
   | ko =  ThinkGeek 또는  Valve Store에서 the Exclusive Team Fortress 2 Chess Set를 구매한 모든 플레이어에게 [[Genuine|진품]] 등급으로 얻을 수 있는 홍보용 코드가 증정되었습니다.
   | ko =  ThinkGeek 또는  Valve Store에서 the Exclusive Team Fortress 2 Chess Set를 구매한 모든 플레이어에게 [[Genuine|진품]] 등급으로 얻을 수 있는 홍보용 코드가 증정되었습니다.
   | pl = Przyznane w jakości [[Genuine/pl|jakości oryginał]] graczom którzy kupili Ekskluzywny Zestaw Szachowy Team Fortress 2 z ThinkGeek'a lub Sklepu Valve i użyli kodu zawartego w nim.
   | pl = Przyznane w jakości [[Genuine/pl|jakości oryginał]] graczom którzy kupili Ekskluzywny Zestaw Szachowy Team Fortress 2 z ThinkGeek'a lub Sklepu Valve i użyli kodu zawartego w nim.
Line 2,801: Line 2,813:
   | de = In Echter Qualität an Spieler vergeben, die eine [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/spycrab-plush-8356.html Spycrab Plüschversion] gekauft und den Werbecode eingelöst haben.
   | de = In Echter Qualität an Spieler vergeben, die eine [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/spycrab-plush-8356.html Spycrab Plüschversion] gekauft und den Werbecode eingelöst haben.
   | es = Otorgado en Calidad Genuina a los jugadores que compraron un [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/spycrab-plush-8356.html Peluche Spycrab] {{lang icon|en}} desde la tienda de Valve o [https://www.forfansbyfans.com/spycrab-plush-8356/search/crab.html WeLoveFine] {{lang icon|en}} y canjearon el código que venía con la compra.
   | es = Otorgado en Calidad Genuina a los jugadores que compraron un [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/spycrab-plush-8356.html Peluche Spycrab] {{lang icon|en}} desde la tienda de Valve o [https://www.forfansbyfans.com/spycrab-plush-8356/search/crab.html WeLoveFine] {{lang icon|en}} y canjearon el código que venía con la compra.
  | fr = Attribués en qualité Authentique aux joueurs ayant acheté une [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/spycrab-plush-8356.html peluche Spycrab] sur les magasins Valve ou [https://www.forfansbyfans.com/spycrab-plush-8356/search/crab.html WeLoveFine] et activé le code qui leur a été envoyé.
   | ko = [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/spycrab-plush-8356.html Spycrab Plushie]를 구매한 모든 플레이어에게 진품 등급으로 받을 수 있는 홍보용 코드가 증정되었습니다.
   | ko = [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/spycrab-plush-8356.html Spycrab Plushie]를 구매한 모든 플레이어에게 진품 등급으로 받을 수 있는 홍보용 코드가 증정되었습니다.
   | nl = Uitgereikt in Authentieke kwaliteit aan spelers die een [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/spycrab-plush-8356.html Spycrab knuffel] {{Lang icon}} hebben gekocht en de inbegrepen code hebben verzilverd.
   | nl = Uitgereikt in Authentieke kwaliteit aan spelers die een [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/spycrab-plush-8356.html Spycrab knuffel] {{Lang icon}} hebben gekocht en de inbegrepen code hebben verzilverd.
Line 2,829: Line 2,842:
   | de = Spieler, die die RED Pyro-Actionfigur von dem [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Offiziellen Valve Store] {{lang icon|en}} oder einen anderem Retail-Geschäft gekauft haben, erhalten einen einlösbaren Steam-Code für eine [[Genuine/de|Echte]] Version des Gegenstandes in TF2.
   | de = Spieler, die die RED Pyro-Actionfigur von dem [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Offiziellen Valve Store] {{lang icon|en}} oder einen anderem Retail-Geschäft gekauft haben, erhalten einen einlösbaren Steam-Code für eine [[Genuine/de|Echte]] Version des Gegenstandes in TF2.
   | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que compraron la figura de acción del Pyro RED y canjearon el código que venía con él.
   | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que compraron la figura de acción del Pyro RED y canjearon el código que venía con él.
   | fr = Les joueurs ayant acheté une Figurine articulée du Pyro RED dans le [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve Store officiel] ou tout autre magasin de détail recevront un code Steam permettant d'obtenir une version de [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] de l'objet dans TF2.
   | fr = Attribués en [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] aux joueurs ayant acheté une Figurine articulée du Pyro RED et utilisé le code qui venait avec.
   | ko = 레드 팀 파이로 액션 피규어를 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ 공식 Valve 상점], 상점에서 구매한 플래이어들은 사용 가능한 Steam 코드를 받아 입력 시 [[Genuine/ko|진품 등급]]으로 지급.
   | ko = 레드 팀 파이로 액션 피규어를 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ 공식 Valve 상점], 상점에서 구매한 플래이어들은 사용 가능한 Steam 코드를 받아 입력 시 [[Genuine/ko|진품 등급]]으로 지급.
   | nl = Uitgereikt in [[Genuine/nl|Authentieke]] kwaliteit aan spelers die een RED Pyro actiefiguur hebben gekocht uit de [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ officiële Valve-winkel] {{lang icon|en}} of uit een andere winkel en de inbegrepen code hebben verzilverd.
   | nl = Uitgereikt in [[Genuine/nl|Authentieke]] kwaliteit aan spelers die een RED Pyro actiefiguur hebben gekocht uit de [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ officiële Valve-winkel] {{lang icon|en}} of uit een andere winkel en de inbegrepen code hebben verzilverd.
Line 2,846: Line 2,859:
   | de = Spieler, die die RED Demoman-Actionfigure aus dem [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ offiziellen Valve Store] {{lang icon|en}} oder einem anderen Retail-Geschäft gekauft haben, erhalten einen einlösbaren Steam-Code für eine [[Genuine/de|Echte]] Version des Gegenstandes in TF2.
   | de = Spieler, die die RED Demoman-Actionfigure aus dem [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ offiziellen Valve Store] {{lang icon|en}} oder einem anderen Retail-Geschäft gekauft haben, erhalten einen einlösbaren Steam-Code für eine [[Genuine/de|Echte]] Version des Gegenstandes in TF2.
   | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que compraron la figura de acción del Demoman RED y canjearon el código que venía con él.
   | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que compraron la figura de acción del Demoman RED y canjearon el código que venía con él.
   | fr = Les joueurs ayant acheté une Figurine articulée du Demoman RED dans le [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve Store officiel] ou tout autre magasin de détail recevront un code Steam permettant d'obtenir une version de [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] de l'objet dans TF2.
   | fr = Attribués en [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] aux joueurs ayant acheté une Figurine articulée du Demoman RED et utilisé le code qui venait avec.
   | ko = 레드 팀 데모맨 액션 피규어를 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ 공식 Valve 상점], 상점에서 구매한 플래이어들은 사용 가능한 Steam 코드를 받아 입력 시 [[Genuine/ko|진품 등급]]으로 지급.
   | ko = 레드 팀 데모맨 액션 피규어를 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ 공식 Valve 상점], 상점에서 구매한 플래이어들은 사용 가능한 Steam 코드를 받아 입력 시 [[Genuine/ko|진품 등급]]으로 지급.
   | nl = Uitgereikt in [[Genuine/nl|Authentieke]] kwaliteit aan spelers die een RED Demoman actiefiguur uit de [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ officiële Valve-winkel] {{Lang icon}} of uit een andere winkel en de inbegrepen code hebben verzilverd.
   | nl = Uitgereikt in [[Genuine/nl|Authentieke]] kwaliteit aan spelers die een RED Demoman actiefiguur uit de [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ officiële Valve-winkel] {{Lang icon}} of uit een andere winkel en de inbegrepen code hebben verzilverd.
Line 2,864: Line 2,877:
   | de = Spieler, die die [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF208 RED Soldier-Actionfigur] von dem [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Offiziellen Valve Store] {{lang icon|en}} oder einen anderem Retail-Geschäft gekauft haben, erhalten einen einlösbaren Steam-Code für eine [[Genuine/de|Echte]] Version des Gegenstandes in TF2.
   | de = Spieler, die die [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF208 RED Soldier-Actionfigur] von dem [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Offiziellen Valve Store] {{lang icon|en}} oder einen anderem Retail-Geschäft gekauft haben, erhalten einen einlösbaren Steam-Code für eine [[Genuine/de|Echte]] Version des Gegenstandes in TF2.
   | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que compraron la figura de acción del Soldier RED y canjearon el código que venía con él.
   | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que compraron la figura de acción del Soldier RED y canjearon el código que venía con él.
   | fr = Les joueurs ayant acheté une Figurine articulée du Soldier RED dans le [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve Store officiel] ou tout autre magasin de détail recevront un code Steam permettant d'obtenir une version de [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] de l'objet dans TF2.
   | fr = Attribués en [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] aux joueurs ayant acheté une Figurine articulée du Soldier RED et utilisé le code qui venait avec.
   | ko = [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF208 레드 팀 솔저 액션 피규어]를 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ 공식 Valve 상점], 상점에서 구매한 플래이어들은 사용 가능한 Steam 코드를 받아 입력 시 [[Genuine/ko|진품]] 등급으로 지급.
   | ko = [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF208 레드 팀 솔저 액션 피규어]를 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ 공식 Valve 상점], 상점에서 구매한 플래이어들은 사용 가능한 Steam 코드를 받아 입력 시 [[Genuine/ko|진품]] 등급으로 지급.
   | nl = Uitgereikt in [[Genuine/nl|Authentieke]] kwaliteit aan spelers die een [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF208 RED Soldier actiefiguur] {{Lang icon}} hebben gekocht uit de [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ officiële Valve-winkel] {{Lang icon}} of uit een andere winkel en de inbegrepen code hebben verzilverd.
   | nl = Uitgereikt in [[Genuine/nl|Authentieke]] kwaliteit aan spelers die een [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF208 RED Soldier actiefiguur] {{Lang icon}} hebben gekocht uit de [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ officiële Valve-winkel] {{Lang icon}} of uit een andere winkel en de inbegrepen code hebben verzilverd.
Line 2,880: Line 2,893:
   | de = Spieler, die die BLU Soldier-Actionfigur von dem [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Offiziellen Valve Store] {{lang icon|en}} oder einen anderem Retail-Geschäft gekauft haben, erhalten einen einlösbaren Steam-Code für eine [[Genuine/de|Echte]] Version des Gegenstandes in TF2.
   | de = Spieler, die die BLU Soldier-Actionfigur von dem [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Offiziellen Valve Store] {{lang icon|en}} oder einen anderem Retail-Geschäft gekauft haben, erhalten einen einlösbaren Steam-Code für eine [[Genuine/de|Echte]] Version des Gegenstandes in TF2.
   | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que compraron la figura de acción del Soldier BLU y canjearon el código que venía con él.
   | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que compraron la figura de acción del Soldier BLU y canjearon el código que venía con él.
   | fr = Les joueurs ayant acheté une Figurine articulée du Soldier BLU dans le [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve Store officiel] ou tout autre magasin de détail recevront un code Steam permettant d'obtenir une version de [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] de l'objet dans TF2.
   | fr = Attribués en [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] aux joueurs ayant acheté une Figurine articulée du Soldier BLU et utilisé le code qui venait avec.
   | ko = [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF207 블루 팀 솔저 액션 피규어]를 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ 공식 Valve 상점], 상점에서 구매한 플래이어들은 사용 가능한 Steam 코드를 받아 입력 시 [[Genuine/ko|진품]] 등급으로 지급.
   | ko = [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF207 블루 팀 솔저 액션 피규어]를 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ 공식 Valve 상점], 상점에서 구매한 플래이어들은 사용 가능한 Steam 코드를 받아 입력 시 [[Genuine/ko|진품]] 등급으로 지급.
   | nl = Uitgereikt in [[Genuine/nl|Authentieke]] kwaliteit aan spelers die een [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF207 BLU Soldier actiefiguur] {{Lang icon}} hebben gekocht uit de [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ officiële Valve-winkel] {{Lang icon}} of uit een andere winkel en de inbegrepen code hebben verzilverd.
   | nl = Uitgereikt in [[Genuine/nl|Authentieke]] kwaliteit aan spelers die een [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF207 BLU Soldier actiefiguur] {{Lang icon}} hebben gekocht uit de [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ officiële Valve-winkel] {{Lang icon}} of uit een andere winkel en de inbegrepen code hebben verzilverd.
Line 2,897: Line 2,910:
   | de = Spieler, die die [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF201 BLU Pyro-Actionfigur] von dem [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Offiziellen Valve Store] {{lang icon|en}} oder einen anderem Retail-Geschäft gekauft haben, erhalten einen einlösbaren Steam-Code für eine [[Genuine/de|Echte]] Version des Gegenstandes in TF2.
   | de = Spieler, die die [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF201 BLU Pyro-Actionfigur] von dem [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Offiziellen Valve Store] {{lang icon|en}} oder einen anderem Retail-Geschäft gekauft haben, erhalten einen einlösbaren Steam-Code für eine [[Genuine/de|Echte]] Version des Gegenstandes in TF2.
   | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que compraron la figura de acción del Pyro BLU y canjearon el código que venía con él.
   | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que compraron la figura de acción del Pyro BLU y canjearon el código que venía con él.
   | fr = Les joueurs ayant acheté une Figurine articulée du Pyro BLU dans le [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve Store officiel] ou tout autre magasin de détail recevront un code Steam permettant d'obtenir une version de [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] de l'objet dans TF2.
   | fr = Attribués en [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] aux joueurs ayant acheté une Figurine articulée du Pyro BLU et utilisé le code qui venait avec.
   | ko = [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF201 블루 팀 파이로 액션 피규어]를 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ 공식 Valve 상점], 상점에서 구매한 플래이어들은 사용 가능한 Steam 코드를 받아 입력 시 [[Genuine/ko|진품]] 등급으로 지급.
   | ko = [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF201 블루 팀 파이로 액션 피규어]를 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ 공식 Valve 상점], 상점에서 구매한 플래이어들은 사용 가능한 Steam 코드를 받아 입력 시 [[Genuine/ko|진품]] 등급으로 지급.
   | nl = Uitgereikt in [[Genuine/nl|Authentieke]] kwaliteit aan spelers die een [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF208 BLU Pyro actiefiguur] {{Lang icon}} hebben gekocht uit de [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ officiële Valve-winkel] {{Lang icon}} of uit een andere winkel en de inbegrepen code hebben verzilverd.
   | nl = Uitgereikt in [[Genuine/nl|Authentieke]] kwaliteit aan spelers die een [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF208 BLU Pyro actiefiguur] {{Lang icon}} hebben gekocht uit de [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ officiële Valve-winkel] {{Lang icon}} of uit een andere winkel en de inbegrepen code hebben verzilverd.
Line 2,914: Line 2,927:
   | de = Spieler, die die [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF203 BLU Demoman-Actionfigur] von dem [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Offiziellen Valve Store] {{lang icon|en}} oder einen anderem Retail-Geschäft gekauft haben, erhalten einen einlösbaren Steam-Code für eine [[Genuine/de|Echte]] Version des Gegenstandes in TF2.
   | de = Spieler, die die [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF203 BLU Demoman-Actionfigur] von dem [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Offiziellen Valve Store] {{lang icon|en}} oder einen anderem Retail-Geschäft gekauft haben, erhalten einen einlösbaren Steam-Code für eine [[Genuine/de|Echte]] Version des Gegenstandes in TF2.
   | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que compraron la figura de acción del Demoman BLU y canjearon el código que venía con él.
   | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que compraron la figura de acción del Demoman BLU y canjearon el código que venía con él.
   | fr = Les joueurs ayant acheté une Figurine articulée du Demoman BLU dans le [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve Store officiel] ou tout autre magasin de détail recevront un code Steam permettant d'obtenir une version de [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] de l'objet dans TF2.
   | fr = Attribués en [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] aux joueurs ayant acheté une Figurine articulée du Demoman BLU et utilisé le code qui venait avec.
   | ko = [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF203 블루 팀 데모맨 액션 피규어]를 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ 공식 Valve 상점], 상점에서 구매한 플래이어들은 사용 가능한 Steam 코드를 받아 입력 시 [[Genuine/ko|진품]] 등급으로 지급.
   | ko = [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF203 블루 팀 데모맨 액션 피규어]를 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ 공식 Valve 상점], 상점에서 구매한 플래이어들은 사용 가능한 Steam 코드를 받아 입력 시 [[Genuine/ko|진품]] 등급으로 지급.
   | nl = Uitgereikt in [[Genuine/nl|Authentieke]] kwaliteit aan spelers die een [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF203 BLU Demoman actiefiguur] {{Lang icon}} hebben gekocht uit de [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ officiële Valve-winkel] {{Lang icon}} of uit een andere winkel en de inbegrepen code hebben verzilverd.
   | nl = Uitgereikt in [[Genuine/nl|Authentieke]] kwaliteit aan spelers die een [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF203 BLU Demoman actiefiguur] {{Lang icon}} hebben gekocht uit de [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ officiële Valve-winkel] {{Lang icon}} of uit een andere winkel en de inbegrepen code hebben verzilverd.
Line 2,931: Line 2,944:
   | de = Spieler, die die [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF206 RED Heavy-Actionfigur] von dem [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Offiziellen Valve Store] {{lang icon|en}} oder einen anderem Retail-Geschäft gekauft haben, erhalten einen einlösbaren Steam-Code für eine [[Genuine/de|Echte]] Version des Gegenstandes in TF2.
   | de = Spieler, die die [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF206 RED Heavy-Actionfigur] von dem [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Offiziellen Valve Store] {{lang icon|en}} oder einen anderem Retail-Geschäft gekauft haben, erhalten einen einlösbaren Steam-Code für eine [[Genuine/de|Echte]] Version des Gegenstandes in TF2.
   | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que compraron la figura de acción del Heavy RED y canjearon el código que venía con él.
   | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que compraron la figura de acción del Heavy RED y canjearon el código que venía con él.
   | fr = Les joueurs ayant acheté une Figurine articulée du Heavy RED dans le [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve Store officiel] ou tout autre magasin de détail recevront un code Steam permettant d'obtenir une version de [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] de l'objet dans TF2.
   | fr = Attribués en [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] aux joueurs ayant acheté une Figurine articulée du Heavy RED et utilisé le code qui venait avec.
   | ko = [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF206 레드 팀 헤비 액션 피규어]를 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ 공식 Valve 상점], 상점에서 구매한 플래이어들은 사용 가능한 Steam 코드를 받아 입력 시 [[Genuine/ko|진품]] 등급으로 지급.
   | ko = [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF206 레드 팀 헤비 액션 피규어]를 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ 공식 Valve 상점], 상점에서 구매한 플래이어들은 사용 가능한 Steam 코드를 받아 입력 시 [[Genuine/ko|진품]] 등급으로 지급.
   | nl = Uitgereikt in [[Genuine/nl|Authentieke]] kwaliteit aan spelers die een [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF206 RED Heavy actiefiguur] {{Lang icon}} hebben gekocht uit de [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ officiële Valve-winkel] {{Lang icon}} of uit een andere winkel en de inbegrepen code hebben verzilverd.
   | nl = Uitgereikt in [[Genuine/nl|Authentieke]] kwaliteit aan spelers die een [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF206 RED Heavy actiefiguur] {{Lang icon}} hebben gekocht uit de [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ officiële Valve-winkel] {{Lang icon}} of uit een andere winkel en de inbegrepen code hebben verzilverd.
Line 2,947: Line 2,960:
   | de = Spieler, die die BLU Heavy-Actionfigur von dem [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Offiziellen Valve Store] {{lang icon|en}} oder einen anderem Retail-Geschäft gekauft haben, erhalten einen einlösbaren Steam-Code für eine [[Genuine/de|Echte]] Version des Gegenstandes in TF2.
   | de = Spieler, die die BLU Heavy-Actionfigur von dem [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Offiziellen Valve Store] {{lang icon|en}} oder einen anderem Retail-Geschäft gekauft haben, erhalten einen einlösbaren Steam-Code für eine [[Genuine/de|Echte]] Version des Gegenstandes in TF2.
   | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que compraron la figura de acción del Heavy BLU y canjearon el código que venía con él.
   | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que compraron la figura de acción del Heavy BLU y canjearon el código que venía con él.
   | fr = Les joueurs ayant acheté une Figurine articulée du Heavy BLU dans le [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve Store officiel] ou tout autre magasin de détail recevront un code Steam permettant d'obtenir une version de [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] de l'objet dans TF2.
   | fr = Attribués en [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] aux joueurs ayant acheté une Figurine articulée du Heavy BLU et utilisé le code qui venait avec.
   | ko = [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF205 블루 팀 헤비 액션 피규어]를 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ 공식 Valve 상점], 상점에서 구매한 플래이어들은 사용 가능한 Steam 코드를 받아 입력 시 [[Genuine/ko|진품]] 등급으로 지급.
   | ko = [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF205 블루 팀 헤비 액션 피규어]를 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ 공식 Valve 상점], 상점에서 구매한 플래이어들은 사용 가능한 Steam 코드를 받아 입력 시 [[Genuine/ko|진품]] 등급으로 지급.
   | nl = Uitgereikt in [[Genuine/nl|Authentieke]] kwaliteit aan spelers die een [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF205 BLU Heavy actiefiguur] {{Lang icon}} hebben gekocht uit de [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ officiële Valve-winkel] {{Lang icon}} of uit een andere winkel en de inbegrepen code hebben verzilverd.
   | nl = Uitgereikt in [[Genuine/nl|Authentieke]] kwaliteit aan spelers die een [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF205 BLU Heavy actiefiguur] {{Lang icon}} hebben gekocht uit de [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ officiële Valve-winkel] {{Lang icon}} of uit een andere winkel en de inbegrepen code hebben verzilverd.
Line 2,965: Line 2,978:
   | de = Spieler, die die RED Engineer-Actionfigur von dem [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Offiziellen Valve Store] {{lang icon|en}} oder einen anderem Retail-Geschäft gekauft haben, erhalten einen einlösbaren Steam-Code für eine Echte Version des Gegenstandes in TF2.
   | de = Spieler, die die RED Engineer-Actionfigur von dem [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Offiziellen Valve Store] {{lang icon|en}} oder einen anderem Retail-Geschäft gekauft haben, erhalten einen einlösbaren Steam-Code für eine Echte Version des Gegenstandes in TF2.
   | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que compraron la figura de acción del Engineer RED y canjearon el código que venía con él.
   | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que compraron la figura de acción del Engineer RED y canjearon el código que venía con él.
   | fr = Les joueurs ayant acheté une Figurine articulée de l'Engineer RED dans le [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve Store officiel] ou tout autre magasin de détail recevront un code Steam permettant d'obtenir une version de qualité Authentique de l'objet dans TF2.
   | fr = Attribués en [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] aux joueurs ayant acheté une Figurine articulée de l'Engineer RED et utilisé le code qui venait avec.
   | ko = 레드 팀 엔지니어 액션 피규어를 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ 공식 Valve 상점], 상점에서 구매한 플래이어들은 사용 가능한 Steam 코드를 받아 입력 시 진품 등급으로 지급.
   | ko = 레드 팀 엔지니어 액션 피규어를 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ 공식 Valve 상점], 상점에서 구매한 플래이어들은 사용 가능한 Steam 코드를 받아 입력 시 진품 등급으로 지급.
   | nl = Uitgereikt in Authentieke kwaliteit aan spelers die een RED Engineer actiefiguur hebben gekocht uit de [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ officiële Valve-winkel] {{Lang icon}} of een andere winkel wn de inbegrepen code hebben verzilverd.| REDno = Gitt i [[Genuine/no|Ekte kvalitet]] til spillere som kjøper en RED Engineer actionfigur fra [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve Store] og aktiverer koden som følger med.
   | nl = Uitgereikt in Authentieke kwaliteit aan spelers die een RED Engineer actiefiguur hebben gekocht uit de [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ officiële Valve-winkel] {{Lang icon}} of een andere winkel wn de inbegrepen code hebben verzilverd.
  | no = Gitt i [[Genuine/no|Ekte kvalitet]] til spillere som kjøper en RED Engineer actionfigur fra [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve Store] og aktiverer koden som følger med.
   | pl = Przyznawana w jakości oryginał graczom, którzy zakupią w [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ oficjalnym Sklepie Valve] lub każdym innym sklepie figurkę Inżyniera RED i aktywują dołączony do niej kod.
   | pl = Przyznawana w jakości oryginał graczom, którzy zakupią w [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ oficjalnym Sklepie Valve] lub każdym innym sklepie figurkę Inżyniera RED i aktywują dołączony do niej kod.
   | pt-br = Concedido em qualidade Genuína aos jogadores que comprarem o RED Engineer action figure e resgatarem o código que vem junto.
   | pt-br = Concedido em qualidade Genuína aos jogadores que comprarem o RED Engineer action figure e resgatarem o código que vem junto.
Line 2,982: Line 2,996:
   | de = Spieler, die die BLU Engineer-Actionfigur von dem [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Offiziellen Valve Store] {{lang icon|en}} oder einen anderem Retail-Geschäft gekauft haben, erhalten einen einlösbaren Steam-Code für eine Echte Version des Gegenstandes in TF2.
   | de = Spieler, die die BLU Engineer-Actionfigur von dem [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Offiziellen Valve Store] {{lang icon|en}} oder einen anderem Retail-Geschäft gekauft haben, erhalten einen einlösbaren Steam-Code für eine Echte Version des Gegenstandes in TF2.
   | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que compraron la figura de acción del Engineer BLU y canjearon el código que venía con él.
   | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que compraron la figura de acción del Engineer BLU y canjearon el código que venía con él.
   | fr = Les joueurs ayant acheté une Figurine articulée de l'Engineer BLU dans le [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve Store officiel] ou tout autre magasin de détail recevront un code Steam permettant d'obtenir une version de qualité Authentique de l'objet dans TF2.
   | fr = Attribués en [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] aux joueurs ayant acheté une Figurine articulée de l'Engineer BLU et utilisé le code qui venait avec.
   | ko = 블루 팀 엔지니어 액션 피규어를 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ 공식 Valve 상점], 상점에서 구매한 플레이어들은 사용 가능한 Steam 코드를 받아 입력 시 진품 등급으로 지급.
   | ko = 블루 팀 엔지니어 액션 피규어를 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ 공식 Valve 상점], 상점에서 구매한 플레이어들은 사용 가능한 Steam 코드를 받아 입력 시 진품 등급으로 지급.
   | nl = Uitgereikt in Authentieke kwaliteit aan spelers die een BLU Engineer actiefiguur hebben gekocht uit de [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ officiële Valve-winkel] {{Lang icon}} of een andere winkel en de inbegrepen code hebben verzilverd.
   | nl = Uitgereikt in Authentieke kwaliteit aan spelers die een BLU Engineer actiefiguur hebben gekocht uit de [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ officiële Valve-winkel] {{Lang icon}} of een andere winkel en de inbegrepen code hebben verzilverd.
Line 3,001: Line 3,015:
   | de = Spieler, die die RED Spy-Actionfigur von dem [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Offiziellen Valve Store] {{lang icon|en}} oder einen anderem Retail-Geschäft gekauft haben, erhalten einen einlösbaren Steam-Code für eine Echte Version des Gegenstandes in TF2.
   | de = Spieler, die die RED Spy-Actionfigur von dem [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Offiziellen Valve Store] {{lang icon|en}} oder einen anderem Retail-Geschäft gekauft haben, erhalten einen einlösbaren Steam-Code für eine Echte Version des Gegenstandes in TF2.
   | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que compraron la figura de acción del Spy RED y canjearon el código que venía con él.
   | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que compraron la figura de acción del Spy RED y canjearon el código que venía con él.
   | fr = Les joueurs ayant acheté une Figurine articulée du Spy RED dans le [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve Store officiel] ou tout autre magasin de détail recevront un code Steam permettant d'obtenir une version de qualité Authentique de l'objet dans TF2.
   | fr = Attribués en [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] aux joueurs ayant acheté une Figurine articulée du Spy RED et utilisé le code qui venait avec.
   | ko = 레드 팀 스파이 액션 피규어를 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ 공식 Valve 상점], 상점에서 구매한 플레이어들은 사용 가능한 Steam 코드를 받아 입력 시 진품 등급으로 지급.
   | ko = 레드 팀 스파이 액션 피규어를 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ 공식 Valve 상점], 상점에서 구매한 플레이어들은 사용 가능한 Steam 코드를 받아 입력 시 진품 등급으로 지급.
   | nl = Uitgereikt in Authentieke kwaliteit aan spelers die een RED Spy actiefiguur hebben gekocht uit de [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ officiële Valve-winkel] {{Lang icon}} of uit een andere winkel en de inbegrepen code hebben verzilverd.
   | nl = Uitgereikt in Authentieke kwaliteit aan spelers die een RED Spy actiefiguur hebben gekocht uit de [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ officiële Valve-winkel] {{Lang icon}} of uit een andere winkel en de inbegrepen code hebben verzilverd.
Line 3,019: Line 3,033:
   | de = Spieler, die die BLU Spy-Actionfigur von dem [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Offiziellen Valve Store] {{lang icon|en}} oder einen anderem Retail-Geschäft gekauft haben, erhalten einen einlösbaren Steam-Code für eine Echte Version des Gegenstandes in TF2.
   | de = Spieler, die die BLU Spy-Actionfigur von dem [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Offiziellen Valve Store] {{lang icon|en}} oder einen anderem Retail-Geschäft gekauft haben, erhalten einen einlösbaren Steam-Code für eine Echte Version des Gegenstandes in TF2.
   | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que compraron la figura de acción del Spy BLU y canjearon el código que venía con él.
   | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que compraron la figura de acción del Spy BLU y canjearon el código que venía con él.
   | fr = Les joueurs ayant acheté une Figurine articulée du Spy BLU dans le [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve Store officiel] ou tout autre magasin de détail recevront un code Steam permettant d'obtenir une version de qualité Authentique de l'objet dans TF2.
   | fr = Attribués en [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] aux joueurs ayant acheté une Figurine articulée du Spy BLU et utilisé le code qui venait avec.
   | ko = 블루 팀 스파이 액션 피규어를 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ 공식 Valve 상점], 상점에서 구매한 플레이어들은 사용 가능한 Steam 코드를 받아 입력 시 진품 등급으로 지급.
   | ko = 블루 팀 스파이 액션 피규어를 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ 공식 Valve 상점], 상점에서 구매한 플레이어들은 사용 가능한 Steam 코드를 받아 입력 시 진품 등급으로 지급.
   | nl = Uitgereikt in Authentieke kwaliteit aan spelers die een BLU Spy actiefiguur hebben gekocht uit de [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ officiële Valve-winkel] {{Lang icon}} of uit een andere winkel en de inbegrepen code hebben verzilverd.
   | nl = Uitgereikt in Authentieke kwaliteit aan spelers die een BLU Spy actiefiguur hebben gekocht uit de [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ officiële Valve-winkel] {{Lang icon}} of uit een andere winkel en de inbegrepen code hebben verzilverd.
Line 3,038: Line 3,052:
   | de = Spieler, die die RED Scout-Actionfigur von dem [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Offiziellen Valve Store] {{lang icon|en}} oder einen anderem Retail-Geschäft gekauft haben, erhalten einen einlösbaren Steam-Code für eine [[Genuine/de|Echte]] Version des Gegenstandes in TF2.
   | de = Spieler, die die RED Scout-Actionfigur von dem [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Offiziellen Valve Store] {{lang icon|en}} oder einen anderem Retail-Geschäft gekauft haben, erhalten einen einlösbaren Steam-Code für eine [[Genuine/de|Echte]] Version des Gegenstandes in TF2.
   | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que compraron la figura de acción del Scout RED y canjearon el código que venía con él.
   | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que compraron la figura de acción del Scout RED y canjearon el código que venía con él.
   | fr = Les joueurs ayant acheté une Figurine articulée du Scout RED dans le [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve Store officiel] ou tout autre magasin de détail recevront un code Steam permettant d'obtenir une version de [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] de l'objet dans TF2.
   | fr = Attribués en [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] aux joueurs ayant acheté une Figurine articulée du Scout RED et utilisé le code qui venait avec.
   | ko = 레드 팀 스카웃 액션 피규어를 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ 공식 Valve 상점], 상점에서 구매한 플래이어들은 사용 가능한 Steam 코드를 받아 입력 시 [[Genuine/ko|진품]] 등급으로 지급.
   | ko = 레드 팀 스카웃 액션 피규어를 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ 공식 Valve 상점], 상점에서 구매한 플래이어들은 사용 가능한 Steam 코드를 받아 입력 시 [[Genuine/ko|진품]] 등급으로 지급.
   | nl = Uitgereikt in [[Genuine/nl|Authentieke]] kwaliteit aan spelers die een RED Scout actiefiguur uit de [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ officiële Valve-winkel] {{Lang icon}} of uit een andere winkel en de inbegrepen code hebben verzilverd.
   | nl = Uitgereikt in [[Genuine/nl|Authentieke]] kwaliteit aan spelers die een RED Scout actiefiguur uit de [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ officiële Valve-winkel] {{Lang icon}} of uit een andere winkel en de inbegrepen code hebben verzilverd.
Line 3,057: Line 3,071:
   | de = Spieler, die die RED Medic-Actionfigur von dem [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Offiziellen Valve Store] {{lang icon|en}} oder einen anderem Retail-Geschäft gekauft haben, erhalten einen einlösbaren Steam-Code für eine Echte Version des Gegenstandes in TF2.
   | de = Spieler, die die RED Medic-Actionfigur von dem [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Offiziellen Valve Store] {{lang icon|en}} oder einen anderem Retail-Geschäft gekauft haben, erhalten einen einlösbaren Steam-Code für eine Echte Version des Gegenstandes in TF2.
   | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que compraron la figura de acción del Medic RED y canjearon el código que venía con él.
   | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que compraron la figura de acción del Medic RED y canjearon el código que venía con él.
   | fr = Les joueurs ayant acheté une Figurine articulée du Medic RED dans le [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve Store officiel] ou tout autre magasin de détail recevront un code Steam permettant d'obtenir une version de qualité Authentique de l'objet dans TF2.
   | fr = Attribués en [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] aux joueurs ayant acheté une Figurine articulée du Medic RED et utilisé le code qui venait avec.
   | ko = 레드 팀 메딕 액션 피규어를 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ 공식 Valve 상점], 상점에서 구매한 플레이어들은 사용 가능한 Steam 코드를 받아 입력 시 진품 등급으로 지급.
   | ko = 레드 팀 메딕 액션 피규어를 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ 공식 Valve 상점], 상점에서 구매한 플레이어들은 사용 가능한 Steam 코드를 받아 입력 시 진품 등급으로 지급.
   | nl = Uitgereikt in Authentieke kwaliteit aan spelers die een RED Medic actiefiguur hebben gekocht uit de [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ officiële Valve-winkel] {{Lang icon}} of een andere winkel en de inbegrepen code hebben verzilverd.
   | nl = Uitgereikt in Authentieke kwaliteit aan spelers die een RED Medic actiefiguur hebben gekocht uit de [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ officiële Valve-winkel] {{Lang icon}} of een andere winkel en de inbegrepen code hebben verzilverd.
Line 3,076: Line 3,090:
   | de = Spieler, die die RED Sniper-Actionfigur von dem [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Offiziellen Valve Store] {{lang icon|en}} oder einen anderem Retail-Geschäft gekauft haben, erhalten einen einlösbaren Steam-Code für eine Echte Version des Gegenstandes in TF2.
   | de = Spieler, die die RED Sniper-Actionfigur von dem [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Offiziellen Valve Store] {{lang icon|en}} oder einen anderem Retail-Geschäft gekauft haben, erhalten einen einlösbaren Steam-Code für eine Echte Version des Gegenstandes in TF2.
   | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que compraron la figura de acción del Sniper RED y canjearon el código que venía con él.
   | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que compraron la figura de acción del Sniper RED y canjearon el código que venía con él.
   | fr = Les joueurs ayant acheté une Figurine articulée du Sniper RED dans le [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve Store officiel] ou tout autre magasin de détail recevront un code Steam permettant d'obtenir une version de qualité Authentique de l'objet dans TF2.
   | fr = Attribués en [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] aux joueurs ayant acheté une Figurine articulée du Sniper RED et utilisé le code qui venait avec.
   | ko = 레드 팀 스나이퍼 액션 피규어를 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ 공식 Valve 상점], 상점에서 구매한 플레이어들은 사용 가능한 Steam 코드를 받아 입력 시 진품 등급으로 지급.
   | ko = 레드 팀 스나이퍼 액션 피규어를 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ 공식 Valve 상점], 상점에서 구매한 플레이어들은 사용 가능한 Steam 코드를 받아 입력 시 진품 등급으로 지급.
   | nl = Uitgereikt in Authentieke kwaliteit aan spelers die een RED Sniper actiefiguur hebben gekocht uit de [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ officiële Valve-winkel] {{Lang icon}} of een andere winkel en de inbegrepen code hebben verzilverd.
   | nl = Uitgereikt in Authentieke kwaliteit aan spelers die een RED Sniper actiefiguur hebben gekocht uit de [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ officiële Valve-winkel] {{Lang icon}} of een andere winkel en de inbegrepen code hebben verzilverd.
Line 3,106: Line 3,120:
   | en = Awarded in [[Genuine|Genuine quality]] to players that pre-purchased an Oculus Rift development kit from the official developer website before April 1st, 2013, or backed the official Kickstarter campaign at any level.
   | en = Awarded in [[Genuine|Genuine quality]] to players that pre-purchased an Oculus Rift development kit from the official developer website before April 1st, 2013, or backed the official Kickstarter campaign at any level.
   | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que precompraron el kit de desarrollo del Oculus Rift desde la página oficial de desarrolladores antes de 1 de abril de 2013 o si contribuyeron a la campaña oficial de Kickstarter en cualquier nivel.  
   | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que precompraron el kit de desarrollo del Oculus Rift desde la página oficial de desarrolladores antes de 1 de abril de 2013 o si contribuyeron a la campaña oficial de Kickstarter en cualquier nivel.  
   | fr = Attribué en [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] aux joueurs ayant pré-commandé l'Oculus Rift depuis le site officiel du développeur avant le 1er Avril 2013, ou depuis la campagne Kickstarter officiel à n'importe quel niveau.
   | fr = Attribué en [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] aux joueurs ayant pré-commandé l'Oculus Rift depuis le site officiel du développeur avant le 1ᵉʳ avril 2013, ou depuis la campagne Kickstarter officiel à n'importe quel niveau.
   | ko = 공식 개발자 웹사이트에서 매진된 리프트 개발자 도구의 [[Genuine/ko|진품]]을 2013년 4월 1일전에 플레이 하거나 공식적인 킥스타터 캠페인의 어느 레벨이던 백업을 한 플레이어들에게 수여됩니다.
   | ko = 공식 개발자 웹사이트에서 매진된 리프트 개발자 도구의 [[Genuine/ko|진품]]을 2013년 4월 1일전에 플레이 하거나 공식적인 킥스타터 캠페인의 어느 레벨이던 백업을 한 플레이어들에게 수여됩니다.
   | pl = Przyznane w jakości [[Genuine/pl|oryginał]] graczom którzy kupili przedpremierowo zestaw deweloperski Oculus Rift z oficjalnej strony deweloperskiej przed 1 Kwietnia 2013 lub wsparli oficjalną kampanię na Kickstarter na dowolnym poziomie.
   | pl = Przyznane w jakości [[Genuine/pl|oryginał]] graczom którzy kupili przedpremierowo zestaw deweloperski Oculus Rift z oficjalnej strony deweloperskiej przed 1 Kwietnia 2013 lub wsparli oficjalną kampanię na Kickstarter na dowolnym poziomie.
Line 3,133: Line 3,147:
   | de = Dieser Hut wurde den Spielern gegeben, die den [[Potato Sack/de|Kartoffelsack]] auf [[Steam/de|Steam]] vor dem 15. April 2011 bestellten.
   | de = Dieser Hut wurde den Spielern gegeben, die den [[Potato Sack/de|Kartoffelsack]] auf [[Steam/de|Steam]] vor dem 15. April 2011 bestellten.
   | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que compraron el [[Potato Sack/es|Saco de Patatas]] antes del 5 de abril de 2011.
   | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que compraron el [[Potato Sack/es|Saco de Patatas]] antes del 5 de abril de 2011.
   | fr = Attribué en [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] aux joueurs ayant acheté le pack "[[Potato Sack/fr|Potato Sack]]" sur [[Steam/fr|Steam]] avant le 5 avril 2011.
   | fr = Attribué en [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] aux joueurs ayant acheté le pack « [[Potato Sack/fr|Potato Sack]] » sur [[Steam/fr|Steam]] avant le 5 avril 2011.
   | it = Data in [[Genuine/it|Qualità Autentica]] a coloro che hanno comprato il pacchetto Potato Sack su [[Steam/it|Steam]] prima del 5 Aprile 2011.
   | it = Data in [[Genuine/it|Qualità Autentica]] a coloro che hanno comprato il pacchetto Potato Sack su [[Steam/it|Steam]] prima del 5 Aprile 2011.
   | ko = 2011년 4월 5일 이전에 [[Steam/ko|Steam]]에서 [[Potato Sack/ko|Potato Sack]] 번들을 예약 구매한 플레이어에게 수여.
   | ko = 2011년 4월 5일 이전에 [[Steam/ko|Steam]]에서 [[Potato Sack/ko|Potato Sack]] 번들을 예약 구매한 플레이어에게 수여.
Line 3,150: Line 3,164:
   | de = Verliehen an alle Spieler die alle Spiele aus dem [[Potato Sack/de|Kartoffelsack]] gespielt haben.
   | de = Verliehen an alle Spieler die alle Spiele aus dem [[Potato Sack/de|Kartoffelsack]] gespielt haben.
   | es = Otorgado en [[Unique/es|Calidad Única]] a los jugadores que jugaron todos los juegos del [[Potato Sack/es|Saco de Patatas]] en [[Steam/es|Steam]] antes del 19 de abril de 2011.
   | es = Otorgado en [[Unique/es|Calidad Única]] a los jugadores que jugaron todos los juegos del [[Potato Sack/es|Saco de Patatas]] en [[Steam/es|Steam]] antes del 19 de abril de 2011.
   | fr = Attribué aux joueurs ayant joué à tous les jeux du [[Potato Sack/fr|Potato Sack]] sur [[Steam/fr|Steam]] avant le 19 avril 2011.
   | fr = Attribué en [[Unique/fr|qualité Unique]] aux joueurs ayant joué à tous les jeux du [[Potato Sack/fr|Potato Sack]] sur [[Steam/fr|Steam]] avant le 19 avril 2011.
   | it = Assegnata ai giocatori che hanno giocato tutti i giochi del pacchetto Potato Sack.
   | it = Assegnata ai giocatori che hanno giocato tutti i giochi del pacchetto Potato Sack.
   | ko = 2011년 4월 19일 이전에 [[Steam/ko|Steam]]에서 [[Potato Sack/ko|Potato Sack]] 번들을 예약 구매한 플레이어에게 수여.
   | ko = 2011년 4월 19일 이전에 [[Steam/ko|Steam]]에서 [[Potato Sack/ko|Potato Sack]] 번들을 예약 구매한 플레이어에게 수여.
Line 3,166: Line 3,180:
  | en = Special Events  
  | en = Special Events  
  | es = Eventos especiales
  | es = Eventos especiales
| fr = Événements spéciaux
  | ru = Особые события
  | ru = Особые события
  | zh-hans = 特殊活动
  | zh-hans = 特殊活动
Line 3,202: Line 3,217:
   | de = Vergeben an alle Spieler die ''Team Fortress 2'' während des [[Manniversary Update & Sale/de|Manniversary Update & Sales]] spielten.<br><br>Nach dem Öffnen des Gegenstandes erhielt der Spieler einen [[Manniversary Paper Hat/de|Manniversary-Papierhut]], mit einer Chance auf einen weiteren seltenen Gegenstand aus dem [[Manniversary Update & Sale/de#Beifügungen|Manniversary Update & Sale]].
   | de = Vergeben an alle Spieler die ''Team Fortress 2'' während des [[Manniversary Update & Sale/de|Manniversary Update & Sales]] spielten.<br><br>Nach dem Öffnen des Gegenstandes erhielt der Spieler einen [[Manniversary Paper Hat/de|Manniversary-Papierhut]], mit einer Chance auf einen weiteren seltenen Gegenstand aus dem [[Manniversary Update & Sale/de#Beifügungen|Manniversary Update & Sale]].
   | es = Otorgado a los jugadores que jugaron ''Team Fortress 2'' durante la {{update link|Manniversary Update & Sale}}.<br><br>Al usar este objeto, el jugador recibe el {{item link|Manniversary Paper Hat}}, con una probabilidad rara de recibir un [[Manniversary Update %26 Sale/es#A.C3.B1adidos|objeto adicional añadido]].
   | es = Otorgado a los jugadores que jugaron ''Team Fortress 2'' durante la {{update link|Manniversary Update & Sale}}.<br><br>Al usar este objeto, el jugador recibe el {{item link|Manniversary Paper Hat}}, con una probabilidad rara de recibir un [[Manniversary Update %26 Sale/es#A.C3.B1adidos|objeto adicional añadido]].
   | fr = Attribué aux joueurs ayant lancé ''Team Fortress 2'' durant la {{Update link|Manniversary Update & Sale}}.<br><br>En utilisant cet objet, le joueur reçoit le {{Item link|Manniversary Paper Hat}}, et a aussi une faible chance de recevoir un [[Manniversary Update & Sale/fr#Ajouts|objet supplémentaire]].
   | fr = Attribué aux joueurs ayant lancé ''Team Fortress 2'' durant la {{update link|Manniversary Update & Sale}}.<br><br>En utilisant cet objet, le joueur reçoit le {{Item link|Manniversary Paper Hat}}, et a aussi une faible chance de recevoir un [[Manniversary Update & Sale/fr#Ajouts|objet supplémentaire]].
   | it = Dato a coloro che hanno giocato ''Team Fortress 2'' durante i [[Manniversary Update & Sale/it|Saldi e Aggiornamento Manniversario]].
   | it = Dato a coloro che hanno giocato ''Team Fortress 2'' durante i [[Manniversary Update & Sale/it|Saldi e Aggiornamento Manniversario]].
   | ko = [[Manniversary Update & Sale/ko|만념일 업데이트와 할인]] 기간에 팀 포트리스 2를 플레이한 플레이어에게 수여.<br><br>이 아이템을 사용하면 플레이어는 [[Manniversary Paper Hat/ko|만념일 종이 모자]]와, 낮은 확률로 [[Manniversary Update & Sale/ko#추가 사항|만념일 아이템]]중 하나를 획득할 수 있습니다.
   | ko = [[Manniversary Update & Sale/ko|만념일 업데이트와 할인]] 기간에 팀 포트리스 2를 플레이한 플레이어에게 수여.<br><br>이 아이템을 사용하면 플레이어는 [[Manniversary Paper Hat/ko|만념일 종이 모자]]와, 낮은 확률로 [[Manniversary Update & Sale/ko#추가 사항|만념일 아이템]]중 하나를 획득할 수 있습니다.
Line 3,220: Line 3,235:
   | de = Vergeben in [[Vintage/de|klassisch]], an alle Spieler die ''Team Fortress 2'' während des {{update link|Pyromania Update}} spielten (zwischen dem 27 Juni 2012 und dem 5 Juli 2012).
   | de = Vergeben in [[Vintage/de|klassisch]], an alle Spieler die ''Team Fortress 2'' während des {{update link|Pyromania Update}} spielten (zwischen dem 27 Juni 2012 und dem 5 Juli 2012).
   | es = Otorgado en [[Vintage/es|Calidad Clásica]] a los jugadores que jugaron ''Team Fortress 2'' durante el evento de la {{update link|Pyromania Update}} (entre el 27 de junio de 2012 y 5 de julio 5 de 2012).
   | es = Otorgado en [[Vintage/es|Calidad Clásica]] a los jugadores que jugaron ''Team Fortress 2'' durante el evento de la {{update link|Pyromania Update}} (entre el 27 de junio de 2012 y 5 de julio 5 de 2012).
   | fr = Attribuées en [[Vintage/fr|qualité Rétro]] aux joueurs ayant lancé Team Fortress 2 durant l'évènement de la [[Pyromania Update/fr|Mise à jour Pyromania]] (du 27 juin 2012 au 5 juillet 2012).
   | fr = Attribuées en [[Vintage/fr|qualité Rétro]] aux joueurs ayant lancé ''Team Fortress 2'' durant l'évènement de la {{update link|Pyromania Update}} (du 27 juin 2012 au 5 juillet 2012).
   | it = Assegnato in [[Vintage/it|Qualità Vintage]] ai giocatori che hanno giocato Team Fortress 2 durante l'[[Pyromania Update/it|evento Pyromania]] (tra il 27 Giugno 2012 ed il 5 Luglio 2012).
   | it = Assegnato in [[Vintage/it|Qualità Vintage]] ai giocatori che hanno giocato Team Fortress 2 durante l'[[Pyromania Update/it|evento Pyromania]] (tra il 27 Giugno 2012 ed il 5 Luglio 2012).
   | ko = 파이로매니아 업데이트 기간(2012년 6월 27일부터 2012년 7월 5일 까지)에 팀 포트리스 2를 플레이한 플레이어에게 [[Vintage/ko|골동품 등급]]으로 수여.
   | ko = 파이로매니아 업데이트 기간(2012년 6월 27일부터 2012년 7월 5일 까지)에 팀 포트리스 2를 플레이한 플레이어에게 [[Vintage/ko|골동품 등급]]으로 수여.
Line 3,237: Line 3,252:
   | de = Verdient durch das Einloggen in ein TF2 Konto über einen [[w:de:Linux|Linux]] Computer (Nur zwischen dem 14.Februar.2013 und dem 1.März.2013).
   | de = Verdient durch das Einloggen in ein TF2 Konto über einen [[w:de:Linux|Linux]] Computer (Nur zwischen dem 14.Februar.2013 und dem 1.März.2013).
   | es = Otorgado a los jugadores que lanzaron ''Team Fortress 2'' en la versión de [[w:es:GNU/Linux|Linux]] de [[Steam/es|Steam]] entre el 14 de febrero y el 1 de marzo de 2013.
   | es = Otorgado a los jugadores que lanzaron ''Team Fortress 2'' en la versión de [[w:es:GNU/Linux|Linux]] de [[Steam/es|Steam]] entre el 14 de febrero y el 1 de marzo de 2013.
   | fr = Attribué aux joueurs ayant démarré ''Team Fortress 2'' à l'aide de la version Linux de Steam entre le 14 février 2013 et le 1er mars 2013.
   | fr = Attribué aux joueurs ayant démarré ''Team Fortress 2'' à l'aide de la version Linux de Steam entre le 14 février 2013 et le 1ᵉʳ mars 2013.
   | ko = 2013년 2월 14일 부터 2013년 3월 1일 까지 팀 포트리스 2를 Linux 버전 Steam에서 실행한 플레이어에게 수여.
   | ko = 2013년 2월 14일 부터 2013년 3월 1일 까지 팀 포트리스 2를 Linux 버전 Steam에서 실행한 플레이어에게 수여.
   | pl = Przyznany graczom którzy uruchomili linuksową wersję ''Team Fortress 2'' na platformie Steam pomiędzy 14 Lutym a 1 Marca 2013.
   | pl = Przyznany graczom którzy uruchomili linuksową wersję ''Team Fortress 2'' na platformie Steam pomiędzy 14 Lutym a 1 Marca 2013.
Line 3,279: Line 3,294:
===== {{lang  
===== {{lang  
  | en = Steam Winter Sale 2013  
  | en = Steam Winter Sale 2013  
  | es = Rebajas de fin de año de Steam 2013
  | es = Rebajas de fin de año de Steam 2013
| fr = Soldes d'hiver Steam 2013  
  | ru = Зимняя распродажа в Steam 2013  
  | ru = Зимняя распродажа в Steam 2013  
  | zh-hans = 2013 年 Steam 冬季特卖
  | zh-hans = 2013 年 Steam 冬季特卖  
}} =====
}} =====
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align:center"
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align:center"
Line 3,297: Line 3,313:
   | en = Awarded by random chance when crafting badges during the Steam Winter Sale 2013.
   | en = Awarded by random chance when crafting badges during the Steam Winter Sale 2013.
   | es = Otorgado de manera aleatoria cuando se fabricaban insignias en las Rebajas de Invierno de Steam de 2013.
   | es = Otorgado de manera aleatoria cuando se fabricaban insignias en las Rebajas de Invierno de Steam de 2013.
  | fr = Obtenus aléatoirement lors de la fabrication de badges pendant les Soldes d'Hiver Steam 2013.
   | pl = Przyznawane losowo graczom, którzy wytworzyli odznakę podczas Zimowej Wyprzedaży Steam 2013.
   | pl = Przyznawane losowo graczom, którzy wytworzyli odznakę podczas Zimowej Wyprzedaży Steam 2013.
   | pt-br = Concedido aleatoriamente ao fabricar insígnias durante as Promoções de Fim de Ano do Steam de 2013.
   | pt-br = Concedido aleatoriamente ao fabricar insígnias durante as Promoções de Fim de Ano do Steam de 2013.
Line 3,336: Line 3,353:
   | de = Wird zufällig an Spieler vergeben, die während des Sommerabenteuers 2014 ein Abzeichen herstellen.
   | de = Wird zufällig an Spieler vergeben, die während des Sommerabenteuers 2014 ein Abzeichen herstellen.
   | es = Otorgado de manera aleatoria cuando se fabricaban insignias en la Aventura de Verano de Steam de 2014.
   | es = Otorgado de manera aleatoria cuando se fabricaban insignias en la Aventura de Verano de Steam de 2014.
  | fr = Obtenus aléatoirement lors de la fabrication de badges pendant les Steam Summer Adventure 2014.
   | ko = 2014년 Steam 여름 모험 기간동안 배지를 제작할 때 무작위로 수여됨.
   | ko = 2014년 Steam 여름 모험 기간동안 배지를 제작할 때 무작위로 수여됨.
   | pl = Przyznawany losowo za utworzenie odznaki podczas Steam Summer Adventure 2014.
   | pl = Przyznawany losowo za utworzenie odznaki podczas Steam Summer Adventure 2014.
Line 3,397: Line 3,415:
   | en = Awarded to players who purchased the ''Companion Square'' toy sold at San Diego Comic Con 2012 and redeemed the code that came with it.<br><br>Upon using the item after {{Patch name|09|21|2012|date=true}}, the player will receive the [[Friends Forever Companion Square Badge]] and the [[Triple A Badge]] in [[Genuine|Genuine quality]].
   | en = Awarded to players who purchased the ''Companion Square'' toy sold at San Diego Comic Con 2012 and redeemed the code that came with it.<br><br>Upon using the item after {{Patch name|09|21|2012|date=true}}, the player will receive the [[Friends Forever Companion Square Badge]] and the [[Triple A Badge]] in [[Genuine|Genuine quality]].
   | es = Otorgado a los jugadores que compraron el juguete «''Companion Square''» vendido en el Comic Con 2012 en San Diego y canjearon el código que venía con él.<br><br>Al usar este objeto después del {{Patch name|09|21|2012|date=true}}, los jugadores recibirán el {{item link|Friends Forever Companion Square Badge}} y la {{item link|Triple A Badge}} en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]].
   | es = Otorgado a los jugadores que compraron el juguete «''Companion Square''» vendido en el Comic Con 2012 en San Diego y canjearon el código que venía con él.<br><br>Al usar este objeto después del {{Patch name|09|21|2012|date=true}}, los jugadores recibirán el {{item link|Friends Forever Companion Square Badge}} y la {{item link|Triple A Badge}} en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]].
   | fr = Attribuée aux joueurs ayant activé le code qui allait avec le jouet Companion Square vendu au Comic Con 2012 de San Diego.<br><br>Se déverrouilla le [[September 21, 2012 Patch/fr|21 septembre 2012]], et contient un {{item link|Friends Forever Companion Square Badge}} et un {{item link|Triple A Badge}}.
   | fr = Attribuée aux joueurs ayant activé le code qui allait avec le jouet ''Companion Square'' vendu au Comic Con 2012 de San Diego.<br><br>En utilisant l'objet après le {{Patch name|09|21|2012|date=true}}, le joueur recevra le {{item link|Friends Forever Companion Square Badge}} et le {{item link|Triple A Badge}} en [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]].
  | hu = Azoknak a játékosoknak jutalmazták oda, akik megvásárolták a San diego comic con 2012-ben eladott "companion square" játékot, és beváltották a hozzá tartozó kódot <br><br>{{Patch name|09|21|2012|date=true}} A tárgy használata után, A játékos megkapja a [[Friends Forever Companion Square Badge/hu|Örök Barátok Társnégyzet Jelvény]]t és a [[Triple A Badge/hu|Három A-s Jelvény]]t [[Genuine/hu|Eredeti minőség]]be.
   | it = Assegnato ai giocatori che hanno attivato un codice allegato al giocattolo Companion Square venduto al San Diego Comic Con 2012.<br><br>La scatola diventò apribile dopo la [[September 21, 2012 Patch/it|Patch del 21 Settembre 2012]] e conteneva un {{item link|Friends Forever Companion Square Badge}} ed un {{item link|Triple A Badge}}.
   | it = Assegnato ai giocatori che hanno attivato un codice allegato al giocattolo Companion Square venduto al San Diego Comic Con 2012.<br><br>La scatola diventò apribile dopo la [[September 21, 2012 Patch/it|Patch del 21 Settembre 2012]] e conteneva un {{item link|Friends Forever Companion Square Badge}} ed un {{item link|Triple A Badge}}.
   | ko = 2012 샌디에고 코믹콘에서 판매하는 동행 큐브 장난감에 들어 있는 코드를 입력한 플레이어들에게 지급.<br><br>[[September 21, 2012 Patch/ko|2012년 10월 21일 패치]] 이후로 열 수 있으며, [[Friends Forever Companion Square Badge/ko|변치않는 우정의 동행큐브 증표]]와 [[Triple A Badge/ko|Triple A 배지]]가 들어있음.
   | ko = 2012 샌디에고 코믹콘에서 판매하는 동행 큐브 장난감에 들어 있는 코드를 입력한 플레이어들에게 지급.<br><br>[[September 21, 2012 Patch/ko|2012년 10월 21일 패치]] 이후로 열 수 있으며, [[Friends Forever Companion Square Badge/ko|변치않는 우정의 동행큐브 증표]]와 [[Triple A Badge/ko|Triple A 배지]]가 들어있음.
Line 3,406: Line 3,425:
   | zh-hans = 赠送给购买了2012年圣地亚哥动漫展中上出售的“同伴方块”玩具并兑换了其随附代码的玩家。<br><br>在{{Patch name|09|21|2012|date=true}}之后使用该物品时,玩家将会收到[[Genuine/zh-hans|纯正]]品质的{{item link|Friends Forever Companion Square Badge}}和{{item link|Triple A Badge}}。
   | zh-hans = 赠送给购买了2012年圣地亚哥动漫展中上出售的“同伴方块”玩具并兑换了其随附代码的玩家。<br><br>在{{Patch name|09|21|2012|date=true}}之后使用该物品时,玩家将会收到[[Genuine/zh-hans|纯正]]品质的{{item link|Friends Forever Companion Square Badge}}和{{item link|Triple A Badge}}。
   | zh-hant = 在2012聖地牙哥漫博會購買同伴方塊玩具,並在遊戲中輸入代碼的玩家即可獲得。在{{Patch name|9|21|2012}}後這箱子就可以開啟並獲得{{item link|Friends Forever Companion Square Badge}}和{{item link|Triple A Badge}}。
   | zh-hant = 在2012聖地牙哥漫博會購買同伴方塊玩具,並在遊戲中輸入代碼的玩家即可獲得。在{{Patch name|9|21|2012}}後這箱子就可以開啟並獲得{{item link|Friends Forever Companion Square Badge}}和{{item link|Triple A Badge}}。
  | hu = Azoknak a játékosoknak jutalmazták oda, akik megvásárolták a San diego comic con 2012-ben eladott "companion square" játékot, és beváltották a hozzá tartozó kódot <br><br>{{Patch name|09|21|2012|date=true}} A tárgy használata után, A játékos megkapja a [[Friends Forever Companion Square Badge/hu|Örök Barátok Társnégyzet Jelvény]]t és a [[Triple A Badge/hu|Három A-s Jelvény]]t [[Genuine/hu|Eredeti minőség]]be.
Line 3,414: Line 3,431:
   | en = Awarded to players who purchased the 1:1 [[Sandvich#Related merchandise|Sandvich]] toy sold at San Diego Comic Con 2012 or any of its limited re-releases and redeemed the code that came with it.<br><br>Upon using the item after {{Patch name|09|21|2012|date=true}}, the player will receive the [[Robo-Sandvich]] and the [[Triple A Badge]] in [[Genuine|Genuine quality]].
   | en = Awarded to players who purchased the 1:1 [[Sandvich#Related merchandise|Sandvich]] toy sold at San Diego Comic Con 2012 or any of its limited re-releases and redeemed the code that came with it.<br><br>Upon using the item after {{Patch name|09|21|2012|date=true}}, the player will receive the [[Robo-Sandvich]] and the [[Triple A Badge]] in [[Genuine|Genuine quality]].
   | es = Otorgado a los jugadores que compraron el juguete de la [[Sandvich/es#Productos_relacionados|Focata]] en escala 1:1 vendido en Comic Con 2012 en San Diego o algún de los lanzamientos limitados y canjearon el código que venía con él.<br><br>Al usar este objeto después del {{Patch name|09|21|2012|date=true}}, los jugadores recibirán el {{item link|Robo-Sandvich}} y el {{item link|Triple A Badge}} en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]].
   | es = Otorgado a los jugadores que compraron el juguete de la [[Sandvich/es#Productos_relacionados|Focata]] en escala 1:1 vendido en Comic Con 2012 en San Diego o algún de los lanzamientos limitados y canjearon el código que venía con él.<br><br>Al usar este objeto después del {{Patch name|09|21|2012|date=true}}, los jugadores recibirán el {{item link|Robo-Sandvich}} y el {{item link|Triple A Badge}} en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]].
   | fr = Attribuée aux joueurs ayant activé le code qui allait avec le jouet [[Sandvich/fr|Sandvich]] vendu à la Comic Con 2012 de San Diego.<br><br>Se déverrouilla le [[September 21, 2012 Patch/fr|21 septembre 2012]], et contient un {{item link|Robo-Sandvich}} et un {{item link|Triple A Badge}}.
   | fr = Attribuée aux joueurs ayant activé le code qui allait avec le jouet [[Sandvich/fr|Sandvich]] vendu à la Comic Con 2012 de San Diego.<br><br>En utilisant l'objet après le {{Patch name|09|21|2012|date=true}}, le joueur recevra le {{item link|Robo-Sandvich}} et le {{item link|Triple A Badge}} en [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]].
  | hu =  Azoknak a játékosoknak jutalmazták oda, akik megvásárolták a 1:1 [[Sandvich/hu|Sandvich]] játékot amit a San Diego Comic Con-on adtak el 2012-ben vagy bármely korlátozott újbóli kiadásba vették meg, a Sandvich Játékhoz járt egy kód.<br><br> Az tárgy használata után {{Patch name|09|21|2012|date=true}}, A játékos megkapta a  [[Robo-Sandvich/hu|Robo-Szendvics]]et és a [[Triple A Badge/hu|Három A-s Jelvény]]t [[Genuine|Eredeti minőség]]ben.
   | it = Assegnato ai giocatori che hanno attivato un codice allegato al giocattolo in scala 1:1 del [[Sandvich/it|Sandvich]] al San Diego Comic Con 2012.<br><br>La scatola diventò apribile dopo la [[September 21, 2012 Patch/it|Patch del 21 Settembre 2012]] e conteneva un {{item link|Robo-Sandvich}} ed un {{item link|Triple A Badge}}.
   | it = Assegnato ai giocatori che hanno attivato un codice allegato al giocattolo in scala 1:1 del [[Sandvich/it|Sandvich]] al San Diego Comic Con 2012.<br><br>La scatola diventò apribile dopo la [[September 21, 2012 Patch/it|Patch del 21 Settembre 2012]] e conteneva un {{item link|Robo-Sandvich}} ed un {{item link|Triple A Badge}}.
   | ko = 2012 샌디에고 코믹콘에서 판매하는 1:1 [[Sandvich/ko|샌드비치]] 장난감에 들어 있는 코드를 입력한 플레이어들에게 지급.<br><br>[[September 21, 2012 Patch/ko|2012년 10월 21일 패치]] 이후로 열 수 있으며, [[Robo-Sandvich/ko|로봇 샌드비치]]와 [[Triple A Badge/ko|Triple A 배지]]가 들어있음.
   | ko = 2012 샌디에고 코믹콘에서 판매하는 1:1 [[Sandvich/ko|샌드비치]] 장난감에 들어 있는 코드를 입력한 플레이어들에게 지급.<br><br>[[September 21, 2012 Patch/ko|2012년 10월 21일 패치]] 이후로 열 수 있으며, [[Robo-Sandvich/ko|로봇 샌드비치]]와 [[Triple A Badge/ko|Triple A 배지]]가 들어있음.
Line 3,423: Line 3,441:
   | zh-hans = 赠送给购买了2012年圣地亚哥动漫展上出售的1:1等大[[Sandvich/zh-hans#Related merchandise|三明治]]玩具或其任何的限量再版玩具并兑换了其随附代码的玩家。<br><br>在{{Patch name|09|21|2012|date=true}}之后使用该物品时,玩家将会收到[[Genuine/zh-hans|纯正]]品质的{{item link|Robo-Sandvich}}和{{item link|Triple A Badge}}。
   | zh-hans = 赠送给购买了2012年圣地亚哥动漫展上出售的1:1等大[[Sandvich/zh-hans#Related merchandise|三明治]]玩具或其任何的限量再版玩具并兑换了其随附代码的玩家。<br><br>在{{Patch name|09|21|2012|date=true}}之后使用该物品时,玩家将会收到[[Genuine/zh-hans|纯正]]品质的{{item link|Robo-Sandvich}}和{{item link|Triple A Badge}}。
   | zh-hant = 在2012聖地牙哥漫博會購買 1:1 [[Sandvich/zh-hant|三明治]]玩具,並在遊戲中輸入代碼的玩家即可獲得。<br><br>在{{Patch name|11|12|2012}}後這箱子就可以開啟並獲得[[Robo-Sandvich/zh-hant|機械三明治]]和 [[Triple A Badge/zh-hant|AAA徽章]]。
   | zh-hant = 在2012聖地牙哥漫博會購買 1:1 [[Sandvich/zh-hant|三明治]]玩具,並在遊戲中輸入代碼的玩家即可獲得。<br><br>在{{Patch name|11|12|2012}}後這箱子就可以開啟並獲得[[Robo-Sandvich/zh-hant|機械三明治]]和 [[Triple A Badge/zh-hant|AAA徽章]]。
| hu =  Azoknak a játékosoknak jutalmazták oda, akik megvásárolták a 1:1 [[Sandvich/hu|Sandvich]] játékot amit a San Diego Comic Con-on adtak el 2012-ben vagy bármely korlátozott újbóli kiadásba vették meg, a Sandvich Játékhoz járt egy kód.<br><br> Az tárgy használata után {{Patch name|09|21|2012|date=true}}, A játékos megkapta a  [[Robo-Sandvich/hu|Robo-Szendvics]]et és a [[Triple A Badge/hu|Három A-s Jelvény]]t [[Genuine|Eredeti minőség]]ben.
Line 3,433: Line 3,450:
   | en = Awarded in [[Genuine|Genuine quality]] to players who purchased the [http://www.bambalandstore.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=0000redh RED] or [http://www.bambalandstore.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=0000blueh BLU] Heavy Robot toy from [[ThreeA Toys]] and redeemed the code that came with it.
   | en = Awarded in [[Genuine|Genuine quality]] to players who purchased the [http://www.bambalandstore.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=0000redh RED] or [http://www.bambalandstore.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=0000blueh BLU] Heavy Robot toy from [[ThreeA Toys]] and redeemed the code that came with it.
   | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que compraron el juguete de Heavy Robot de [http://www.bambalandstore.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=0000redh RED] {{lang icon|en}} o [http://www.bambalandstore.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=0000blueh BLU] {{lang icon|en}} de [[ThreeA Toys/es|ThreeA Toys]] y canjearon el código que venía él.
   | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que compraron el juguete de Heavy Robot de [http://www.bambalandstore.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=0000redh RED] {{lang icon|en}} o [http://www.bambalandstore.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=0000blueh BLU] {{lang icon|en}} de [[ThreeA Toys/es|ThreeA Toys]] y canjearon el código que venía él.
   | fr = Attribuée aux joueurs ayant acheté le jouet [[Heavy Robot/fr|Heavy Robot]].
   | fr = Attribuée aux joueurs ayant acheté le jouet Heavy Robot [http://www.bambalandstore.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=0000redh RED] ou [http://www.bambalandstore.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=0000blueh BLU] chez [[ThreeA Toys/fr|ThreeA Toys]] et utilisé le code qui venait avec.
   | hu = Azon játékosoknak jutalmazták oda [[Genuine/hu|Eredeti minőség]]-ben akik megvették a [http://www.bambalandstore.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=0000redh RED] vagy a [http://www.bambalandstore.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=0000blueh BLU] Gépágyús Robot Játékot a [[ThreeA Toys/hu|ThreeA Toys]]-nál és beváltottak a kódot amivel jött.
   | hu = Azon játékosoknak jutalmazták oda [[Genuine/hu|Eredeti minőség]]-ben akik megvették a [http://www.bambalandstore.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=0000redh RED] vagy a [http://www.bambalandstore.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=0000blueh BLU] Gépágyús Robot Játékot a [[ThreeA Toys/hu|ThreeA Toys]]-nál és beváltottak a kódot amivel jött.
   | ko = [[ThreeA Toys/ko|ThreeA Toys]]에서 [http://www.bambalandstore.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=0000redh RED] {{lang icon|en}} 또는 [http://www.bambalandstore.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=0000blueh BLU] {{lang icon|en}} 헤비 로봇 인형을 구매한 모든 플레이어에게[[Genuine/ko|진품]] 등급으로 얻을 수 있는 홍보용 코드가 증정되었습니다.
   | ko = [[ThreeA Toys/ko|ThreeA Toys]]에서 [http://www.bambalandstore.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=0000redh RED] {{lang icon|en}} 또는 [http://www.bambalandstore.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=0000blueh BLU] {{lang icon|en}} 헤비 로봇 인형을 구매한 모든 플레이어에게[[Genuine/ko|진품]] 등급으로 얻을 수 있는 홍보용 코드가 증정되었습니다.
Line 3,450: Line 3,467:
   | en = Awarded in [[Genuine|Genuine quality]] to players who purchased the [https://www.bambalandstore.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=00000001redbluepyro Pyro Robot Set] toy from [[ThreeA Toys]] and redeemed the code that came with it.
   | en = Awarded in [[Genuine|Genuine quality]] to players who purchased the [https://www.bambalandstore.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=00000001redbluepyro Pyro Robot Set] toy from [[ThreeA Toys]] and redeemed the code that came with it.
   | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que compraron el juguete de [https://www.bambalandstore.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=00000001redbluepyro set de Pyro Robot] {{lang icon|en}} de [[ThreeA Toys/es|ThreeA Toys]] y canjearon el código que venía él.
   | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que compraron el juguete de [https://www.bambalandstore.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=00000001redbluepyro set de Pyro Robot] {{lang icon|en}} de [[ThreeA Toys/es|ThreeA Toys]] y canjearon el código que venía él.
   | hu = Azon játékosoknak jutalmazták oda [[Genuine|Eredeti minőség]]ben akik megvették a [https://www.bambalandstore.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=00000001redbluepyro Píro Robot Set] játékot a [[ThreeA Toys/hu|ThreeA Toys]]-nál és beváltották a kódot amivel jött.
  | fr = Attribués en [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] aux joueurs ayant pré-commandé le jouet [https://www.bambalandstore.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=00000001redbluepyro ensemble Pyro Robot] chez [[ThreeA Toys/fr|ThreeA Toys]] et utilisé le code qui venait avec.
   | hu = Azon játékosoknak jutalmazták oda [[Genuine|Eredeti minőség]]ben akik megvették a [https://www.bambalandstore.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=00000001redbluepyro Píro Robot Set] játékot a [[ThreeA Toys/hu|ThreeA Toys]]-nál és beváltották a kódot amivel jött.
   | ko = [[ThreeA Toys]]에서 파이로 로봇 인형을 구매한 모든 플레이어에게[[Genuine/ko|진품]] 등급으로 얻을 수 있는 홍보용 코드가 증정되었습니다.
   | ko = [[ThreeA Toys]]에서 파이로 로봇 인형을 구매한 모든 플레이어에게[[Genuine/ko|진품]] 등급으로 얻을 수 있는 홍보용 코드가 증정되었습니다.
   | pl = Przyznane w jakości [[Genuine/pl|oryginał]] graczom którzy kupili zabawkę [https://www.bambalandstore.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=00000001redbluepyro Pyro Robot Set] {{lang icon|en}} z [[ThreeA Toys/pl|ThreeA Toys]] i użyli kodu zawartego z nią.
   | pl = Przyznane w jakości [[Genuine/pl|oryginał]] graczom którzy kupili zabawkę [https://www.bambalandstore.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=00000001redbluepyro Pyro Robot Set] {{lang icon|en}} z [[ThreeA Toys/pl|ThreeA Toys]] i użyli kodu zawartego z nią.
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{{translation switching|en, es, pt-br, ru, tr}}
{{translation switching|en, es, fr, pt-br, ru, tr}}
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{{doc begin}}
This template is a list to be used in the [[Promotional items]] article and its translated variants.
This template is a list to be used in the [[Promotional items]] article and its translated variants.

Latest revision as of 05:30, 15 January 2025



Any remaining codes that grant a promotional item may still be redeemed, even if its associated promotion has expired.


Alliance of Valiant Arms
See also: Alliance of Valiant Arms (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Black Rose
Black Rose
February 14, 2012 Patch Awarded to players who had earned the 1st One Down achievement in Alliance of Valiant Arms on Steam.

As of June 29, 2018 this achievement item is no longer obtainable due to the game shutting down.
Alien: Isolation
See also: Alien: Isolation (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Nostromo Napalmer
Nostromo Napalmer
September 17, 2014 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Alien: Isolation on Steam before October 7, 2014.
Alien Cranium
Alien Cranium
Cosmetic items
Biomech Backpack
Biomech Backpack
Xeno Suit
Xeno Suit
MK 50
MK 50

Assassin's Creed: Revelations
See also: Assassin's Creed Revelations (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Sharp Dresser
Sharp Dresser
November 23, 2011 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Assassin's Creed: Revelations on Steam before December 1, 2011.
Dashin' Hashshashin
Dashin' Hashshashin
Cosmetic items

See also: Awesomenauts (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Russian Rocketeer
Russian Rocketeer
Cosmetic items August 2, 2012 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Awesomenauts on Steam before September 5, 2012.
Lone Star
Lone Star
Awesomenauts Badge
Awesomenauts Badge

Batman: Arkham Knight
See also: Batman: Arkham Knight (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Arkham Cowl
Arkham Cowl
Cosmetic items December 4, 2015 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Batman: Arkham Knight on Steam before November 16, 2015.
Fear Monger
Fear Monger

BioShock Infinite
See also: BioShock Infinite (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Cosmetic items February 22, 2013 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased BioShock Infinite on Steam before March 26, 2013.
Person in the Iron Mask
Person in the Iron Mask
Blind Justice
Blind Justice
Pounding Father
Pounding Father
Vox Diabolus
Vox Diabolus
Sydney Straw Boat
Sydney Straw Boat
Steel Songbird
Steel Songbird

BioShock Infinite - Season Pass
See also: BioShock Infinite (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Big Daddy
Big Daddy
Cosmetic items February 7, 2014 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchased the BioShock Infinite Season Pass on Steam before March 24, 2014.
First American
First American
Mister Bubbles
Mister Bubbles

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
See also: The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Cosmetic items December 3, 2014 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchased The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth on Steam before December 10, 2014.

BIT.TRIP Presents... Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien
See also: BIT.TRIP Presents... Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Buck Turner All-Stars
Buck Turner All-Stars
Cosmetic items February 15, 2013 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased BIT.TRIP Presents... Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien on Steam before February 26, 2013.

See also: Brink (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Cosmetic items August 3, 2011 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchased Brink on Steam before August 8, 2011.

Brütal Legend
See also: Brütal Legend (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Brütal Bouffant
Brütal Bouffant
Cosmetic items February 18, 2013 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Brütal Legend on Steam before February 26, 2013.
Shred Alert
Shred Alert

The Cave
See also: The Cave (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Grizzled Growth
Grizzled Growth
Cosmetic items January 8, 2013 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased The Cave on Steam before January 23, 2013.
Last Straw
Last Straw
Prize Plushy
Prize Plushy

Company of Heroes 2
See also: Company of Heroes 2 (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Heavy Artillery Officer's Cap
Heavy Artillery Officer's Cap
Cosmetic items September 21, 2012 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Company of Heroes 2 on Steam before June 25, 2013.
Combat Medic's Crusher Cap
Combat Medic's Crusher Cap
Heroic Companion Badge
Heroic Companion Badge

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
See also: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
AWPer Hand
August 15, 2012 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Counter-Strike: Global Offensive on Steam before August 21, 2012.

CrimeCraft GangWars
See also: CrimeCraft (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Bolt Action Blitzer
Bolt Action Blitzer
Cosmetic items June 27, 2012 Patch Awarded to players who had completed the CrimeCraft GangWars achievement Key to the City.

As of August 31st, 2017, this achievement item is no longer obtainable due to the game shutting down.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
See also: Deus Ex: Human Revolution (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Short Circuit
Short Circuit
Manno-Technology Bundle
August 18, 2011 Patch
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Deus Ex: Human Revolution on Steam before August 23, 2011.
Purity Fist
Purity Fist
Cosmetic items
Company Man
Company Man
Deus Specs
Deus Specs

See also: Dishonored (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Lacking Moral Fiber Mask
Lacking Moral Fiber Mask
Cosmetic items September 27, 2012 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Dishonored on Steam before October 9, 2012.
Whale Bone Charm
Whale Bone Charm

Don't Starve
See also: Don't Starve (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Ham Shank
Ham Shank
TF2 crosshair orange.png
All classes (except Engineer and Spy)
March 12, 2013 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Don't Starve on Steam before April 23, 2013.
Wilson Weave
Wilson Weave
Cosmetic items

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
See also: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Dragonborn Helmet
Dragonborn Helmet
Cosmetic items August 3, 2011 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on Steam before August 8, 2011.

Faerie Solitaire
See also: Faerie Solitaire (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Faerie Solitaire Pin
Faerie Solitaire Pin
Cosmetic items November 29, 2012 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchased Faerie Solitaire on Steam before December 13, 2012.

Fallout: New Vegas
See also: Fallout: New Vegas (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Cosmetic items August 3, 2011 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchased Fallout: New Vegas on Steam before August 8, 2011.

Football Manager 2012
See also: Football Manager 2012 (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Ball-Kicking Boots
Ball-Kicking Boots
Cosmetic items October 13, 2011 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Football Manager 2012 on Steam before October 21, 2011.
Merc's Pride Scarf
Merc's Pride Scarf
Noise Maker - Vuvuzela
Noise Maker - Vuvuzela
Noise Maker

From Dust
See also: From Dust (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Mask of the Shaman
Mask of the Shaman
Cosmetic items July 29, 2011 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased From Dust on Steam before August 17, 2011.

Hero Academy
See also: Hero Academy (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Void Monk Hair
Void Monk Hair
Cosmetic items August 10, 2012 Patch Awarded to players who purchased Hero Academy on Steam.

As of April 8th, 2019, the servers for Hero Academy shut down, and these items are no longer obtainable.
Tribal Bones
Tribal Bones
Grenadier Helm
Grenadier Helm
Ninja Cowl
Ninja Cowl

Hitman: Absolution
See also: Hitman: Absolution (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
(PDA 2)
November 16, 2012 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Hitman: Absolution on Steam before November 19, 2012.
Chief Constable
Chief Constable
Cosmetic items
Siberian Sophisticate
Siberian Sophisticate
Deadliest Duckling
Deadliest Duckling
That '70s Chapeau
That '70s Chapeau
Hitt Mann Badge
Hitt Mann Badge

See also: Homefront (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Hero's Hachimaki
Hero's Hachimaki
Cosmetic items February 28, 2011 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Homefront on Steam before March 15, 2011.

Jagged Alliance - Back in Action
See also: Jagged Alliance - Back in Action (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Battle Bob
Battle Bob
Cosmetic items February 2, 2012 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Jagged Alliance - Back in Action on Steam before February 7, 2012.
Bushman's Boonie
Bushman's Boonie
Merc Medal
Merc Medal

Killing Floor
See also: Killing Floor (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Foster's Facade
Foster's Facade
Cosmetic items December 13, 2010 Patch Awarded in Vintage quality to players who purchased Killing Floor on Steam before December 14, 2010, or Unique quality if purchased between December 14, 2010 and January 4, 2011.
Stockbroker's Scarf
Stockbroker's Scarf

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
See also: Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Cosmetic items January 17, 2012 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning on Steam before February 7, 2012.
Bolgan Family Crest
Bolgan Family Crest
Warsworn Helmet
Warsworn Helmet

Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris
See also: Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Jungle Booty
Jungle Booty
Cosmetic items December 3, 2014 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris on Steam before December 9, 2014.
Crown of the Old Kingdom
Crown of the Old Kingdom
Tomb Readers
Tomb Readers

Left 4 Dead 2
See also: Left 4 Dead 2 (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Bill's Hat
Bill's Hat
Cosmetic items November 2, 2009 Patch Awarded to players who pre-purchased Left 4 Dead 2 on Steam before November 17, 2009.

Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012
See also: Magic: The Gathering (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Planeswalker Goggles
Planeswalker Goggles
Cosmetic items June 3, 2011 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012 on Steam before June 15, 2011.
Planeswalker Helm
Planeswalker Helm

Magicka: Nippon
See also: Magicka: Nippon (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Conjurer's Cowl
Conjurer's Cowl
Cosmetic items May 31, 2011 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchased Magicka: Nippon on Steam before June 5, 2011.

Monday Night Combat
See also: Monday Night Combat (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Essential Accessories
Essential Accessories
Cosmetic items January 24, 2011 Patch Awarded to players who purchased Monday Night Combat on Steam before February 1, 2011.
Athletic Supporter
Athletic Supporter

Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword
See also: Mount&Blade: With Fire & Sword (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Hetman's Headpiece
Hetman's Headpiece
Cosmetic items April 28, 2011 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword on Steam before May 3, 2011.
Janissary Ketche
Janissary Ketche

PC Gamer
See also: PC Gamer (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Killer Exclusive
Killer Exclusive
Cosmetic items September 15, 2011 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who redeemed a code found within PC Gamer UK issue 232 (Retail), or purchased PC Gamer Digital Episode 1.

Plants vs. Zombies
See also: Plants vs. Zombies (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Brain Bucket
Brain Bucket
Cosmetic items April 28, 2011 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchased Plants vs. Zombies on Steam before May 5, 2011.
Dead Cone
Dead Cone

Poker Night at the Inventory
See also: Poker Night at the Inventory (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Dealer's Visor
Dealer's Visor
Cosmetic items November 3, 2010 Patch Awarded to players who pre-purchased Poker Night at the Inventory on Steam before November 22, 2010.
Iron Curtain
Iron Curtain
November 22, 2010 Patch Awarded to players who earn the Special Item: The Heavy achievement in Poker Night at the Inventory on Steam.
Enthusiast's Timepiece
Enthusiast's Timepiece
(PDA 2)
Awarded to players who earn the Special Item: Tycho achievement in Poker Night at the Inventory on Steam.
Awarded to players who earn the Special Item: Max achievement in Poker Night at the Inventory on Steam.

This version of the Lugermorph can only be obtained in Unique quality.
Dangeresque, Too?
Dangeresque, Too?
Cosmetic items Awarded to players who earn the Special Item: Strong Bad achievement in Poker Night at the Inventory on Steam.
License to Maim
License to Maim
Awarded to players who earn the Special Item: Max achievement in Poker Night at the Inventory on Steam.

Any existing owners of Poker Night at the Inventory may still receive its achievement items, if the associated achievements are earned.

Poker Night 2
See also: Poker Night 2 (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Long Fall Loafers
Long Fall Loafers
Cosmetic items March 12, 2013 Patch Awarded to players who earn the Personality Goes a Long Way achievement in Poker Night 2 on Steam.
Awarded to players who earn the Book 'Em achievement in Poker Night 2 on Steam.
Samson Skewer
Samson Skewer
Awarded to players who earn the Orb 'n' Legends achievement in Poker Night 2 on Steam.
Awarded to players who earn the Banjo Hero achievement in Poker Night 2 on Steam.
Dapper Disguise
Dapper Disguise
Awarded to players who earn the Trophy Wife achievement in Poker Night 2 on Steam.

Any existing owners of Poker Night 2 may still receive its promotional items, if the associated achievements are earned.

Portal 2
See also: Portal 2 (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Companion Cube Pin
Companion Cube Pin
Cosmetic items April 15, 2011 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Portal 2 on Steam before April 19, 2011.

Quake 4
See also: Quake 4 (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
August 3, 2011 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchased QUAKE 4 on Steam before August 8, 2011.

Quantum Conundrum
See also: Quantum Conundrum (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Cosmetic items May 31, 2012 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Quantum Conundrum on Steam before June 21, 2012.
Professor's Pineapple
Professor's Pineapple
Atomic Accolade
Atomic Accolade

See also: RAGE (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Cosmetic items August 3, 2011 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased RAGE on Steam before August 7, 2011.

Red Faction: Armageddon
See also: Red Faction: Armageddon (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
June 3, 2011 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Red Faction: Armageddon on Steam before June 9, 2011.

See also: RIFT (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
February 3, 2011 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased RIFT on Steam before March 1, 2011.
Sharpened Volcano Fragment
Sharpened Volcano Fragment
RIFT Well Spun Hat Claim Code
RIFT Well Spun Hat Claim Code
N/A Tools Awarded to players who completed the Team Fortress 2 achievement Riftwalker before the November 2, 2011 Patch.

Activating the item creates a redemption code for use in the game RIFT, which rewards players with a "Well Spun Hat" item.

Saints Row: The Third
See also: Saints Row: The Third (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
November 10, 2011 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Saints Row: The Third on Steam before November 15, 2011.
Cold War Luchador
Cold War Luchador
Cosmetic items
Mark of the Saint
Mark of the Saint

Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse
See also: Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Big Kill
Big Kill
April 15, 2010 Patch Awarded to players who purchased Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse on Steam before April 26, 2010.

The promotion was also extended to players who purchased the game from the Telltale Games store within the same deadline and redeemed the promotional code they were eligible to claim.

All Lugermorphs acquired from this promotion have been changed to Vintage quality.
Max's Severed Head
Max's Severed Head
Cosmetic items

Scribblenauts Unlimited
See also: Scribblenauts Unlimited (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Cosmetic items November 16, 2012 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Scribblenauts Unlimited on Steam before November 20, 2012 in North America or February 15, 2013 in other regions.

Shoot Many Robots
See also: Shoot Many Robots (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Scrap Pack
Scrap Pack
Cosmetic items March 22, 2012 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality quality to players who pre-purchased Shoot Many Robots on Steam before April 6, 2012.

Sleeping Dogs
See also: Sleeping Dogs (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Flying Guillotine
Flying Guillotine
Triad Pack
August 2, 2012 Patch
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Sleeping Dogs on Steam before August 14, 2012.
Neon Annihilator
Neon Annihilator
Huo-Long Heater
Huo-Long Heater
Red-Tape Recorder
Red-Tape Recorder
Champ Stamp
Champ Stamp
Cosmetic items
Triad Trinket
Triad Trinket
Human Cannonball
Human Cannonball

Super Monday Night Combat
See also: Super Monday Night Combat (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Cosmetic items May 10, 2012 Patch Awarded to players who had earned the All-Star Agent achievement in Super Monday Night Combat on Steam.

As of May the 24th, 2018, this achievement item is no longer obtainable due to the game shutting down.
Flamingo Kid
Flamingo Kid
Awarded to players who had earned the Rookie Agent achievement in Super Monday Night Combat on Steam.

As of May the 24th, 2018 this achievement item is no longer obtainable due to the game shutting down.

See also: Thief (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Fortified Compound
Fortified Compound
February 11, 2014 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Thief on Steam before March 7, 2014.
Gilded Guard
Gilded Guard
Cosmetic items February 19, 2014 Patch
Dread Hiding Hood
Dread Hiding Hood
Criminal Cloak
Criminal Cloak
Baronial Badge
Baronial Badge

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier
See also: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Cross-Comm Express
Cross-Comm Express
Cosmetic items May 17, 2012 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier on Steam before June 26, 2012.
Cross-Comm Crash Helmet
Cross-Comm Crash Helmet

Tomb Raider
See also: Tomb Raider (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Tomb Wrapper
Tomb Wrapper
Cosmetic items March 4, 2013 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchased Tomb Raider on Steam before March 12, 2013.
Croft's Crest
Croft's Crest
Fortune Hunter
Fortune Hunter

Total War Franchise
See also: Total War: Shogun 2 (Wikipedia)
See also: Total War: ROME II (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Fan O'War
Fan O'War
Shogun Pack
March 10, 2011 Patch
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Total War: SHOGUN 2 on Steam before March 15, 2011.
Conniver's Kunai
Conniver's Kunai
Cosmetic items
Dread Knot
Dread Knot
Geisha Boy
Geisha Boy
Noh Mercy
Noh Mercy
Noise Maker - Koto
Noise Maker - Koto
Noise Maker
Freedom Staff
Freedom Staff
TF2 crosshair orange.png
All classes (except Engineer and Spy)
September 27, 2012 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchased the Total War Master Collection, or owned all of the games in the collection, before October 1, 2012.

Can still be obtained by activating a retail version of Total War Master Collection on Steam, or owning all of the games in the collection.
King of Scotland Cape
King of Scotland Cape
Cosmetic items Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchased Medieval II: Total War or Total War Battles: SHOGUN on Steam before October 1, 2012.

Can still be obtained by activating a retail version of Medieval II: Total War, Total War Battles: SHOGUN or Total War Master Collection on Steam.
Stovepipe Sniper Shako
Stovepipe Sniper Shako
Awarded in Genuine quality quality to players who purchased Napoleon: Total War or Empire: Total War on Steam before October 1, 2012.

Can still be obtained by activating a retail version of Napoleon: Total War, Empire: Total War or Total War Master Collection on Steam.
Foppish Physician
Foppish Physician
Distinguished Rogue
Distinguished Rogue
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchased Medieval II: Total War, Empire: Total War or Total War Battles: SHOGUN on Steam before October 1, 2012.

Can still be obtained by activating a retail version of Medieval II: Total War, Empire: Total War, Total War Battles: SHOGUN or Total War Master Collection on Steam.
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchased Total War: Shogun 2 or Total War: Shogun 2 - Fall of the Samurai on Steam before October 1, 2012.

Can still be obtained by activating a retail version of Total War: Shogun 2, Total War: Shogun 2 - Fall of the Samurai or Total War Master Collection on Steam.
K-9 Mane
K-9 Mane
Awarded in Genuine quality quality to players who purchased Rome: Total War on Steam before October 1, 2012.

Can still be obtained by activating a retail version of Rome: Total War or Total War Master Collection on Steam.
Beastly Bonnet
Beastly Bonnet
Cosmetic items June 13, 2013 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchased Total War: ROME II on Steam before September 3rd 2013.
Cheet Sheet
Cheet Sheet
Steel Sixpack
Steel Sixpack
Tartan Shade
Tartan Shade
Hardy Laurel
Hardy Laurel

Trine 2
See also: Trine 2
Item Used by Type Released Notes
War Head
War Head
Cosmetic items November 16, 2011 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Trine 2 on Steam before December 6, 2011; or players who purchased the collector's edition while it was available.
Point and Shoot
Point and Shoot

Tropico 4
See also: Tropico 4 (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
El Jefe
El Jefe
Cosmetic items August 30, 2011 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Tropico 4: Steam Special Edition before September 1, 2011.

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings
See also: The Witcher 2 (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Three-Rune Blade
Three-Rune Blade
May 12, 2011 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings on Steam before May 17, 2011.
Hero's Tail
Hero's Tail
Cosmetic items
Sign of the Wolf's School
Sign of the Wolf's School

Wolfenstein: The New Order
See also: Wolfenstein: The New Order (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Der Maschinensoldaten-Helm
Der Maschinensoldaten-Helm
Cosmetic items April 24, 2014 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Wolfenstein: The New Order on Steam before May 20, 2014.
Die Regime-Panzerung
Die Regime-Panzerung

Worms Reloaded
See also: Worms: Reloaded (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Lumbricus Lid
Lumbricus Lid
Cosmetic items August 25, 2010 Patch Awarded to players who pre-purchased Worms Reloaded on Steam before September 2, 2010.

XCOM: Enemy Unknown
See also: XCOM: Enemy Unknown (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Area 451
Area 451
Cosmetic items September 4, 2012 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased XCOM: Enemy Unknown on Steam before October 9, 2012.
Crafty Hair
Crafty Hair
Vigilant Pin
Vigilant Pin


Reddit's April Fools 2013
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Conspiracy Cap
Conspiracy Cap
Cosmetic items April 3, 2013 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who participated on the Orangered team in Reddit's April Fools 2013 event and who linked their Reddit accounts to their Steam accounts.
Public Accessor
Public Accessor
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who participated on the Periwinkle team in Reddit's April Fools 2013 event and who linked their Reddit accounts to their Steam accounts.


Adult Swim
See also: Adult Swim (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Robot Chicken Hat
Robot Chicken Hat
Cosmetic items June 27, 2012 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who signed up for the Adult Swim newsletter before midnight July 4, 2012 and redeemed the promotional code emailed to them.

Item Used by Type Released Notes
Boiling Point
Boiling Point
Taunt Smissmas 2016
December 21, 2016 Patch
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchased the Joule sous-vide cooker and redeemed the promotional code sent to them.

The Great Gift Pile
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Cosmetic items December 15, 2011 Patch Awarded by random chance when completing objectives or crafting coal during the Steam Great Gift Pile event between December 28, 2011 through January 1, 2012.
Holiday Headcase
Holiday Headcase

The Great Steam Treasure Hunt
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Bounty Hat
Bounty Hat
Cosmetic items December 7, 2010 Patch Awarded to players who completed at least 5 out of 28 objectives in The Great Steam Treasure Hunt.
Treasure Hat
Treasure Hat
Awarded to players who completed at least 15 out of 28 objectives in The Great Steam Treasure Hunt.
Hat of Undeniable Wealth And Respect
Hat of Undeniable Wealth and Respect
Awarded to players who completed all 28 objectives in The Great Steam Treasure Hunt.

Japan Charity Bundle
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Humanitarian's Hachimaki
Humanitarian's Hachimaki
Cosmetic items Japan Charity Bundle
March 23, 2011 Patch
These items were available for purchase from the Mann Co. Store between March 23 and April 6, 2011, with all proceeds (excluding taxes) going to fund American Red Cross relief operations in Japan following the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami.
Benefactor's Kanmuri
Benefactor's Kanmuri
Magnanimous Monarch
Magnanimous Monarch
Noise Maker - Bell
Noise Maker - Bell
Noise Maker
Noise Maker - Gong
Noise Maker - Gong

Item Used by Type Released Notes
Cosmetic items Mann vs. Machine
August 15, 2012 Patch
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who had purchased an Archimedes Plush from the official Valve Store and redeemed the code that came with it.
Pyromania Update
June 27, 2012 Patch
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase an Inflatable Balloonicorn from the Valve Store and activate the code sent with it.
What's in the Portal 2 Soundtrack Box?
What's in the Portal 2 Soundtrack Box?
Action items October 17, 2012 Patch Awarded to players who had purchased the Portal 2: Songs to Test By Soundtrack from the official Valve Store or any retail store and redeemed the code that came with it.

Upon using the item after March 12, 2013 Patch, the player will receive the Ap-Sap in Genuine quality.
Cosmetic items October 2, 2013 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchased the Exclusive Team Fortress 2 Chess Set from ThinkGeek or the Valve Store and redeemed the code that came with it.
August 13, 2014 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchased a Spycrab Plush from the Valve Store or WeLoveFine and activated the code sent with it.

NECA Action Figures
See also: National Entertainment Collectibles Association (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Brigade Helm
Brigade Helm
Cosmetic items February 1, 2013 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase a RED Pyro action figure and redeem the code that comes with it.
Glengarry Bonnet
Glengarry Bonnet
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase a RED Demoman action figure and redeem the code that comes with it.
Tyrant's Helm
Tyrant's Helm
June 5, 2013 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase a RED Soldier action figure and redeem the code that comes with it.
Stainless Pot
Stainless Pot
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase a BLU Soldier action figure and redeem the code that comes with it.
Respectless Rubber Glove
Respectless Rubber Glove
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase a BLU Pyro action figure and redeem the code that comes with it.
Scotsman's Stove Pipe
Scotsman's Stove Pipe
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase a BLU Demoman action figure and redeem the code that comes with it.
Officer's Ushanka
Officer's Ushanka
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase a RED Heavy action figure and redeem the code that comes with it.
Tough Guy's Toque
Tough Guy's Toque
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase a BLU Heavy action figure and redeem the code that comes with it.
Engineer's Cap
Engineer's Cap
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase a RED Engineer action figure and redeem the code that comes with it.
Texas Ten Gallon
Texas Ten Gallon
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase a BLU Engineer action figure and redeem the code that comes with it.
Backbiter's Billycock
Backbiter's Billycock
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase a RED Spy action figure and redeem the code that comes with it.
Camera Beard
Camera Beard
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase a BLU Spy action figure and redeem the code that comes with it.
Bonk Helm
Bonk Helm
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase a RED Scout action figure and redeem the code that comes with it.
Otolaryngologist's Mirror
Otolaryngologist's Mirror
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase a RED Medic action figure and redeem the code that comes with it.
Master's Yellow Belt
Master's Yellow Belt
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase a RED Sniper action figure and redeem the code that comes with it.

Oculus Rift
See also: Oculus Rift (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Cosmetic items March 19, 2013 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players that pre-purchased an Oculus Rift development kit from the official developer website before April 1st, 2013, or backed the official Kickstarter campaign at any level.

Potato Sack
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Aperture Labs Hard Hat
Aperture Labs Hard Hat
Cosmetic items April 5, 2011 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchased the Potato Sack bundle on Steam before April 5, 2011.
Resurrection Associate Pin
Resurrection Associate Pin
April 7, 2011 Patch Awarded in Unique quality to players who played all the games in the Potato Sack bundle on Steam before April 19, 2011.

Special Events
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Cosmetic items Mac Update
June 10, 2010 Patch
Awarded to players that launched Team Fortress 2 through the Mac OS X version of Steam before August 16, 2010.
Manniversary Package
Manniversary Package
Action items Manniversary Update & Sale
October 13, 2011 Patch
Awarded to players who played Team Fortress 2 during the Manniversary Update & Sale.

Upon using the item, the player will receive the Manniversary Paper Hat, with a rare chance of the player receiving one additional Manniversary item.
Pyrovision Goggles
Pyrovision Goggles
Cosmetic items Pyromania Update
June 27, 2012 Patch
Awarded in Vintage quality to players who played Team Fortress 2 during the Pyromania Update event (between June 27, 2012 and July 5, 2012).
February 14, 2013 Patch Awarded to players that launched Team Fortress 2 through the Linux version of Steam between February 14 and March 1, 2013.

Steam Translation Server
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Steam Translation Bundle
Steam Translation Bundle
Action items August 10, 2012 Patch May be given to users of Steam Translation Server for any applied string.

Steam Winter Sale 2013
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Randolph the Blood-Nosed Caribou
Randolph the Blood-Nosed Caribou
Cosmetic items December 18, 2013 Patch Awarded by random chance when crafting badges during the Steam Winter Sale 2013.
Smissmas Caribou
Smissmas Caribou
Sack Fulla Smissmas
Sack Fulla Smissmas
War on Smissmas Battle Socks
War on Smissmas Battle Socks
War on Smissmas Battle Hood
War on Smissmas Battle Hood
Portable Smissmas Spirit Dispenser
Portable Smissmas Spirit Dispenser

Summer Adventure 2014
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Summer Starter Kit
Summer Starter Kit
Action items June 18, 2014 Patch Awarded by random chance when crafting badges during the Steam Summer Adventure 2014.
Summer Adventure Pack
Summer Adventure Pack
Towering Pillar Of Summer Shades
Towering Pillar of Summer Shades
Cosmetic items

Summer Camp Sale
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Summer Shades
Summer Shades
Cosmetic items Summer Camp Sale

July 1, 2011 Patch
Awarded to players who redeemed it with three tickets during the Summer Camp Sale.

ThreeA Toys
Item Used by Type Released Notes
What's in the Companion Square Box?
What's in the Companion Square Box?
Action items July 10, 2012 Patch Awarded to players who purchased the Companion Square toy sold at San Diego Comic Con 2012 and redeemed the code that came with it.

Upon using the item after September 21, 2012, the player will receive the Friends Forever Companion Square Badge and the Triple A Badge in Genuine quality.
What's in the Sandvich Box?
What's in the Sandvich Box?
Awarded to players who purchased the 1:1 Sandvich toy sold at San Diego Comic Con 2012 or any of its limited re-releases and redeemed the code that came with it.

Upon using the item after September 21, 2012, the player will receive the Robo-Sandvich and the Triple A Badge in Genuine quality.
Little Bear
Little Bear
Cosmetic items April 1, 2014 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchased the RED or BLU Heavy Robot toy from ThreeA Toys and redeemed the code that came with it.
November 10, 2014 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchased the Pyro Robot Set toy from ThreeA Toys and redeemed the code that came with it.

Weta Workshop
See also: Weta Workshop (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Righteous Bison
Righteous Bison
July 20, 2011 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who redeemed a coupon code handed out by Weta Workshop at San Diego Comic Con 2011.

Documentation for Expired promotional item list

This template is a list to be used in the Promotional items article and its translated variants.

If you wish to translate this:

See also: