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{{DISPLAYTITLE:Pagina iniziale}}
{{Main Page layout
| welcome-text-1 = Benvenuti alla
| welcome-text-title = Wiki Ufficiale di Team Fortress
| welcome-text-2 = la risorsa ufficiale sulla serie di ''[[Team Fortress/it|Team Fortress]]''.
| welcome-text-3 = con [[Special:Statistics|{{NUMBEROFARTICLES}}]] articoli in costante aumento...
<div class="divstyleorangesmoke" style="text-align: center; margin-bottom: 5px"><br />Benvenuti alla<br />
<span class="xlarge bold">Wiki ufficiale di Team Fortress'''</span><br />
con [[Special:Statistics|{{NUMBEROFARTICLES}}]] [[Special:Allpages|articoli]] sempre in aumento...<br /><br />
<span class="xlarge bold">[[Help:Move information/it|<span style="color: red;">"''Che cavolo sta succedendo''" - Esploratore<br />(Informazioni riguardanti lo spostamento)</span>]]</span><br /><br />
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! class="header" colspan="9" | [[Classes/it|Classi]]
| style="font-size:85%;text-align: center;background-color:#ffca5f;" colspan=3 | [[Offensive/it|Offensive]]
| style="font-size:85%;text-align: center;background-color:#ffca5f;" colspan=3 | [[Defensive/it|Difensive]]
| style="font-size:85%;text-align: center;background-color:#ffca5f;" colspan=3 | [[Support/it|Supporto]]
| style="text-align: center" |
[[Image:Class scoutred.png|link=Scout/it|85px]]
| style="text-align: center" |
[[Image:Class soldierred.png|link=Soldier/it|85px]]
| style="text-align: center" |
[[Image:Class pyrored.png|link=Pyro/it|85px]]
| style="text-align: center" |
[[Image:Class demored.png|link=Demoman/it|85px]]
| style="text-align: center" |
[[Image:Class heavyred.png|link=Heavy/it|85px]]
| style="text-align: center" |
[[Image:Class engired.png|link=Engineer/it|85px]]
| style="text-align: center" |
[[Image:Class medicred.png|link=Medic/it|85px]]
| style="text-align: center" |
[[Image:Class sniperred.png|link=Sniper/it|85px]]
| style="text-align: center" |
[[Image:Class spyred.png|link=Spy/it|85px]]
! style="text-align: center" | [[Scout/it|Esploratore]]
! style="text-align: center" | [[Soldier/it|Soldato]]
! style="text-align: center" | [[Pyro/it|Piro]]
! style="text-align: center" | [[Demoman/it|Demolitore]]
! style="text-align: center" | [[Heavy/it|Grosso]]
! style="text-align: center" | [[Engineer/it|Ingegnere]]
! style="text-align: center" | [[Medic/it|Medico]]
! style="text-align: center" | [[Sniper/it|Cecchino]]
! style="text-align: center" | [[Spy/it|Spia]]
{| class="wikitable" style="width: 100%; margin-bottom: 5px"
| welcome-link-website    = Blog Ufficiale di TF2
| welcome-link-forum      = Hub della Comunità
! style="text-align: center" |[[Image:Buttonachievements.png|link=Achievements/it|125px]]
| welcome-link-updates    = Aggiornamenti
! style="text-align: center" |[[Image:Craftingbutton.png|link=Crafting/it|125px]]
| welcome-link-youtube    = Canale youtube
! style="text-align: center" |[[Image:Buttonhats.png|link=Hats/it|125px]]
| welcome-link-steam      = Gruppo Steam
! style="text-align: center" |[[Image:Buttonmaps.png|link=Maps/it|125px]]
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! style="text-align: center" |[[Image:Buttonmeettheteam.png|link=Meet the Team/it|125px]]
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! style="border-bottom: 1px dotted #80704C; text-align: center" |[[Achievements/it|Risultati]]
| welcome-link-translate  = Traduci
! style="border-bottom: 1px dotted #80704C; text-align: center" |[[Crafting/it|Creazione]]
! style="border-bottom: 1px dotted #80704C; text-align: center" |[[Hats/it|Cappelli]]
! style="border-bottom: 1px dotted #80704C; text-align: center" |[[Maps/it|Mappe]]
! style="border-bottom: 1px dotted #80704C; text-align: center" |[[Meet the Team/it|Meet the Team]]
! style="text-align: center" |[[Image:Buttonmiscitems.png|link=Miscellaneous items/it|125px]]
! style="text-align: center" |[[Image:Buttonpatches.png|link=Patches/it|125px]]
! style="text-align: center" |[[Image:Buttonitempickups.png|link=Pickups/it|125px]]
! style="text-align: center" |[[Image:Buttonstrategy.png|link=Strategy/it|125px]]
! style="text-align: center" |[[Image:Buttonweapons.png|link=Weapons/it|125px]]
! style="text-align: center" |[[Miscellaneous items/it|Oggetti vari]]
! style="text-align: center" |[[Patches/it|Aggiornamenti]]
! style="text-align: center" |[[Pickups/it|Oggetti da raccogliere]]
! style="text-align: center" |[[Strategy/it|Strategie]]
! style="text-align: center" |[[Weapons/it|Armi]]
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: left; width: 100%; margin-bottom: 5px;"
! class="header" style="width: 50%" | Vetrina
! class="header" style="width: 50%" | Lo sapevi che...
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{{Did you know main}}
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{| style="width: 100%; height:356px; margin-bottom: 5px" class="wikitable"
| box1-index-title = Indice
! class="header" style="width: 25%" | Game Info
  | box1-index-image1  = [[File:Main page button Trading.png|link=Trading/it|x100px]]
! class="header" style="width: 25%;vertical-align:top" | Comunità
  | box1-index-article1 = Trading
! class="header" style="width: 25%;vertical-align:top" | Wiki di Team Fortress
  | box1-index-article1title = Scambio
! class="header" style="width: 25%;vertical-align:top" | Eventi correnti
| style="vertical-align:top" |
:[[Achievements/it|Risultati]] • [[Classes/it|Classi]] • [[Crafting/it|Creazione]] • [[Hats/it|Cappelli]] • [[Item drop system/it|Sistema di rilascio oggetti]] • [[Maps/it|Mappe]] • [[Responses/it|Risposte]] • [[Taunts/it|Provocazioni]] • [[Voice commands/it|Comandi Vocali]] • [[Weapons/it|Armi]]
  | box1-index-image2  = [[File:Main page button Hats+Miscs.png|link=Cosmetic items/it|x100px]]
:[[Differences between Xbox 360, PS3 and PC versions/it|Differenze tra le versioni]] • [[Exploits/it|Trucchi]] • [[:Category:Gameplay/it|Gioco]] • [[Patches/it|Aggiornamenti]] • [[Strategy/it|Strategia]] • [[Soundtrack/it|Musica]] • [[Lock ups/it|Blocchi]] • [[:Category:Videos/it|Video]]
  | box1-index-article2 = Cosmetic items
  | box1-index-article2title = Decorazioni
  | box1-index-image3  = [[File:Main page button Weapons.png|link=Weapons/it|125px]]
:[[BLU/it|BLU]] • [[List of companies/it|Compagnie]] • [[Developer commentary/it|Commento degli Sviluppatori]] • [[Meet the Team/it|Meet the Team]] • [[Non-player characters/it|Personaggi non giocabili]] • [[RED/it|RED]] • [[List of references/it|Riferimenti]]
  | box1-index-article3 = Weapons
  | box1-index-article3title = Armi
| style="vertical-align:top" |
  | box1-index-image4  = [[File:Main page button Crafting.png|link=Crafting/it|x100px]]
;Contenuto personalizzato
  | box1-index-article4 = Crafting
:[[Bots/it|Bot]] • [[Community Scripts/it|Script della Comunità]] • [[Customizing/it|Personalizzazione]] • [[Custom maps/it|Mappe della Comunità]] • [[Downloads/it|Download]] • [[Scripting/it|Programmazione]]
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;Pagine della Comunità
  | box1-index-image5  = [[File:Main page button Game Modes.png|link=Game modes/it|125px]]
:[[Team Fortress Wiki: Community Portal|Portale Comunità (Inglese)]]
  | box1-index-article5 = Game modes
  | box1-index-article5title = Modalità di Gioco
;Progetti della Comunità
  | box1-index-image6  = [[File:Main page button Mechanics.png|link=Mechanics/it|125px]]
:[[:Category:Fan games/it|Giochi dei Fan]] • [[Machinima/it|Machinima]] • [[:Category:Mods/it|Mod]] • [[:Category:User_Guides/it|Regole per Utenti]]
  | box1-index-article6 = Mechanics
  | box1-index-article6title = Meccaniche
;Aiuto di gioco
  | box1-index-col1 = <!--
:[[Help:Recording demos/it|Registrare una demo]] [[:Category:Servers/it|Configurazione di un server TF2]]
      --><br />[[Team_Fortress_2_Beta/it|Team Fortress 2 Beta]]<!--
      --><br />[[Strategy/it|Strategie]]<!--
      --><br />[[RED/it|RED]]<!--
      --><br />[[BLU/it|BLU]]<!--
      --><br />[[List of maps/it|Lista delle Mappe]]<!--
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      --><br />[[Bots/it|Bot]]
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:Espandi gli [[:Category:Stubs|Abbozzi]]
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:[[Help:Adding custom maps/it|Mappe della Comunità]]
:[[Template:Did you know#Add facts below here|Fatti interessanti!]]
:Tutto il resto!
Per favore leggi la [[Help:Team Fortress Wiki style guide|guida di stile]] prima di modificare le pagine.
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  | box1-index-col3 = <!--
      -->[[Mann vs. Machine/it|Mann vs. Machine]]<!--
      --><br />[[Item drop system/it|Sistema di rilascio degli oggetti]]<!--
      --><br />[[Scripting/it|Script]]<!--
[[Category:Main]]__NOEDITSECTION__ __NOTOC__
      --><br />[[Critical hits/it|Colpi Critici]]<!--
      --><br />[[Taunts/it|Provocazioni]]<!--
      --><br />[[Quality/it|Qualità degli oggetti]]<!--
      --><br />[[Classes/it|Classi]]<!--
      --><br />[[Movies/it|Cortometraggi]]
| box2-fa-title = In Primo Piano
  | box2-fa-links = <!-- // Note: only translate the displayed text of these links, do not change the links themselves.
    -->[[{{FeaturedArticle/article/{{FeaturedArticle/list|{{CURRENTYEAR}}-{{CURRENTMONTH1}}}}|type=name}}|'''''Continua a leggere''''']]{{n}}<!--
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| box3-updates-title = Ultimi aggiornamenti
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  | box3-updates-text-latestpatch-beta = Ultima patch della [[Team Fortress 2 Beta/it|beta]]
  | box3-updates-text-latestpatch = Ultima patch
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Latest revision as of 11:37, 11 November 2023

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In Primo Piano — Diario delle paperelle
The Duck Journal is a cosmetic item that commemorated the release of the End of the Line Update.

For the duration of the event, which ran from December 8, 2014 to January 7, 2015, the duck collection mini-game allowed players to accumulate Duck XP and rank up their Duck Journals through collecting ducks dropped during matches. Duck Journals ranked up once for every 5000 Duck XP, and could be upgraded through purchasing Duck Tokens via the Mann Co. Store.

Diario delle paperelle

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Team Fortress Wiki

Team Fortress Wiki Statistics: 73,076 articles – 158,718 uploaded images & media – 264,056 registered users – 18,987,859 edits since June 8, 2010