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[[File:Community_Engineer_Strategy_Header.png|400px|right|Grr, come on!]]
The [[Engineer]] is perhaps the most unique class because of his ability to construct [[Buildings]]. He can get his friends to the front line faster with [[Teleporters]], create a powerful [[Sentry Gun]] nest to ward off enemies and can build [[Dispensers]] to heal and supply ammunition to his teammates. The Engineer's low [[Health]] and average speed make it important for him to rely on his Sentry, other Buildings, and his teammates for protection. While his ways can seem somewhat passive and methodical, Engineers are not to be underestimated. A talented Engineer can make it much easier for his team to hold its ground, keep up the pressure on the attack, and defend vital objectives such as Capture Points and Intelligence.
{{Quotation|'''The Engineer''' to enemies before Setup concludes|You're all about to have a real bad day!|sound=Engineer_taunts05.wav}}
The [[Engineer]] is a unique [[Classes|class]] due to his ability to construct [[buildings]]. He can get his teammates to the front lines faster with [[Teleporters]], create a powerful [[Sentry Gun]] to {{botignore|ward}} off enemies, and can build [[Dispensers]] to heal and supply ammunition to his teammates. The Engineer's low [[Health]] and average [[speed]] make it important for him to rely on his Sentry Gun, other buildings, and his teammates for protection. While his ways can seem somewhat passive and methodical, Engineers are not to be underestimated. A talented Engineer can make it much easier for his team to hold its ground, keep up the pressure on the attack, and defend vital objectives such as [[control point (objective)|control points]] and [[Capture the Flag#Intelligence|Intelligence]].
{{TOC limit|3}}
== Quick tips ==
* A team without an effective Engineer is at an extreme disadvantage, especially while playing Defense on [[Control Point (game mode)#Attack/Defend|Attack/Defend]] maps.
* Always stay close to your buildings. Unguarded buildings are especially vulnerable to [[Spy|Spies]], [[Demoman|Demomen]], and [[Soldier]]s.
* The Teleporter can be your most important contribution to your team's success. If properly placed and defended, a Teleporter will allow your team to keep the pressure on the enemy team.
* All buildings build faster during construction if you repeatedly strike them with your melee weapon.
** You can help friendly Engineers by hitting their buildings with your melee weapon to speed up the building's construction or repair and upgrade the existing buildings.
* You can construct a building in safety, then right-click to pick it up and [[buildings#Hauling|haul]] it to the battle. It is also possible to carry buildings through Teleporters.
** However, if you die while carrying a building, the building is destroyed.
* Your Shotgun and Pistol are not useless in combat; use them to supplement your Sentry Gun in whittling away at the enemy's health.
** The Shotgun can kill most enemies in 2-3 hits, and a well-aimed Pistol can kill most classes with a full clip.
* Avoid standing in front of your Sentry Gun. This reduces the chances of your Sentry shooting you, as well as lowers the chance of being killed, as the Sentry can intercept enemy fire.
* When playing Arena, make sure you have Dispensers to help out teammates with ammo and health; there are no health packs in Arena mode.
* Try to set your Sentry Gun at chokepoints where enemies frequently prowl, thereby maximizing its effectiveness.
** This is of huge importance when playing on Defense.
* Spies can sap your Sentry faster than you can remove it. Kill the Spy first, then get rid of the Sapper.
* Try to construct your buildings in a location where not only can you support your team, but where your team can support you. While you and your Sentry might be able to hold ground on your own for a short time, multiple enemies can quickly overwhelm you. Be sure to ask your teammates for help as often as possible while you help your team at the same time via your [[buildings]].
* If possible, try to build your Teleporter and Dispenser first. These buildings allow both you and your team to get to the frontlines faster and keep you all in the fight due to the constant flow of health and ammo.
== General ==
== General ==
* Striking placed [[Buildings]] with the [[Wrench]] will cause them to build twice as fast as when they are left alone to erect themselves. This effect stacks with each additional Engineer striking the building with their Wrench during construction.
* As an Engineer, you can do more than just upgrade and repair your buildings. If you have metal, don't hesitate to hit friendly buildings with your melee weapon to either repair or upgrade them. Watching your team's buildings allows other Engineers to set up Sentry Guns, Dispensers, and Teleporters in other areas.
* You can rotate the placement of a building while the blueprint is out by pressing the alternate fire button. Changing a Sentry Gun's direction allows you to place it in corners and other hard-to-reach locations while still facing potential enemies. Rotating a Teleporter exit affects the direction one faces when exiting. An arrow on the blueprint indicates said direction. Remember that the direction one faces could mean life or death in some situations. Rotating a [[Dispenser]] has no effect on its function, but can allow you to place it into a tight space or help conceal its location.
** You can also place a building while it is turning to place it on a different angle.
* Alternate fire while looking at a building you placed allows you to "[[buildings#Hauling|haul]]" that building to another location. While hauling a building, your movement speed is reduced by 10%, and you are unable to switch weapons. If you are killed while carrying a building, the building will be destroyed.
** A redeployed building will construct faster than normal without help from an Engineer, though you can still speed up the building of the structure by hitting it with your [[Wrench]]. Once built, if the building has already been upgraded to level 2 or 3, it will then undergo the animations for deploying to those levels as well.
*When your Sentry Gun fires, it uses up a small amount of its ammo supply. Though this is not often a problem, ammo can be replenished by hitting your gun with your Wrench. Refilling ammo uses up a small amount of metal.
**This can be a problem when upgrading Sentry Guns. Often, a low-level Sentry will use a little ammo on enemies it catches a glance of. If the Sentry has no metal put into it for upgrading, the Engineer will not be able to upgrade it with a full 200 metal, as some of the metal will go towards refilling ammo. The Sentry will end up being just a few metal away from an upgrade, forcing the Engineer to find more metal. Avoid this by putting a little extra metal into your Sentry when you first build it.
* Enemy players, including [[disguise]]d Spies, cannot walk through buildings belonging to your team. You can use this for [[Spy checking]] by placing buildings in [[Glossary of player terms#C|chokepoints]], such as doors and hallways.
* It is not a good idea to build your buildings, particularly your Sentry Gun, near the same location as another Engineer's buildings on your team. Clustering too many Engineer buildings together maximizes their weakness to explosives or other weapons that deal splash damage, and clustering makes it easier for an enemy Spy to sap all of your buildings. In addition, remember that friendly buildings block the line of sight and line of fire of friendly Sentry Guns.
* If your buildings are under attack by Soldiers or Demomen, try to time your repair hits in between enemy rockets or grenades to avoid getting killed, or build your Sentry Gun near cover that you can use to shield yourself. If your buildings are under attack by multiple Soldiers and Demomen, your buildings are likely going to go down ''and'' take you alongside them unless you have support from friendly Medics, Engineers, or Pyros using their compression blast.
** Your best friend is often an allied Pyro. Pyros are excellent for taking care of an Engineer's greatest weaknesses: keeping Spies at bay, destroying Sappers on your buildings with the [[Homewrecker]], [[Neon Annihilator]], or [[Maul]], and [[compression blast|deflecting]] incoming [[rockets]], grenades, stickybombs, and invulnerable enemies. This is also usually beneficial for Pyros, as they often run out of ammunition and health from spamming their Flamethrower, which a Dispenser can restore, and are poor at mid to long range: an Engineer's forte.
* Build where you can support your team and where your team can support you. Sentry Guns provide high-volume firepower at decent range, but it is still supporting fire that is best served to cover your teammates and deny areas to enemy movement. Do not expect to be able to fight off entire enemy attack groups with just your Sentry Gun. It is very unlikely that anyone on your own team will be down there with you to support you, and without your Sentry Gun in a more forward location, enemies have a much easier time getting inside the base and causing havoc.
* Setting up a nest with a Teleporter, a Dispenser, and a Sentry Gun near the front lines can help your team maintain its position. A skilled enemy team can push you right back to your first spawn, forcing you to gain ground again even if you have already captured the first point.
* To make the best use of Setup time, it is important to know ahead of time where effective spots to build are and the best way to set up your buildings the fastest.
* On offense, when you have a 'team advantage' (most of the enemy team or their best players are dead) and you have a Level 3 Sentry Gun, haul it and charge into the fray. Drop the Sentry Gun near the final control point and attack the point yourself with your weapons. With most of their team dead and a Level 3 Sentry Gun covering their spawn, you and your teammates may be able to hold off enemies so one or two other teammates (usually Scouts) can capture the objective. Do note that Level 2 Sentry Guns can also be used if there is no time to make the Sentry Gun level 3 or if the level 3 deployment time will take too long to be effective.
* Don't forget about your own weapons! The Shotgun and Pistol are strong weapons and can help the Engineer win 1v1 fights.
**While generic compared to other weapons, the Stock weapons allow you to [[Community scout strategy#Weapon Heckling|weapon heckle]] with surprising efficiency.
** While you don't come anywhere close to the Scout's speed, you are still a very mobile class compared to most and can drum up a good amount of supplementary damage while moving toward an advantageous point to set up your buildings.
* Out of all the Engineer's primary and secondary weapons, the Stock weapons are often the weapons that can deal the most damage overall. In case it is required to equip any non-stock primary/secondary weapon, it is highly recommended to equip the other secondary/primary weapon slot with its stock weapon.
* On offense, ''never'' forget this golden rule: Level 2 is good. If you are not going to camp at your teleporter base and you don't have time to haul a Level 3 Sentry Gun, haul a Level 2. The same goes for Teleporters: A Level 2 has double the recharging speed of a Level 1; however, a Level 3 decreases recharge time by a further 2 seconds instead of 5 seconds, thus having less of a reward for 200 Metal.
* Competent teammates will likely save ammo packs for you, due to your ability to construct Dispensers.
** However, if you cannot find ammo packs, do not be afraid to leave your nest for a very short time to collect a further away ammo pack
* On Offense, be sure to build a Teleporter that will allow your teammates to get to the front lines faster, as well as a Dispenser to keep them (and you) in the fight.
** Don't forget to build a Sentry Gun to protect your gear from enemies who get too close. Also, move up your gear when your team has the advantage!
* If forced into close combat with Spy, attempt to keep your back away from him while maintaining fire upon him.
* Remember that an Engineer's buildings ''can'' work underwater. Use this to your advantage on maps such as [[Well]]. If you are able to sneak into the water successfully, you can easily set up a nest without the enemy team knowing, creating a sort of 'forward spawn' for your team.
* Try not to "babysit" your buildings if you can. Many Engineer players get themselves killed by staying too close to their buildings and making themselves vulnerable. Always stay on the move, be aware of your surroundings at all times, and feel free to support your team in defeating enemies with your Shotgun.
** However, this doesn't mean that you should ignore your buildings. Be sure to upgrade and repair them when necessary. If you know your buildings are going to be destroyed, don't die with them; your life is far more valuable than your buildings, as you can simply repair or replace them.
* Sometimes you may be required to 'adopt' another friendly Engineer's buildings (More often than not, their Sentry Gun) while they are away or dead. While your own buildings are usually your top priority, keep relatively close and protect the other unattended buildings whenever necessary. It's never a bad idea to give low-level buildings a swing or two from your Wrench to increase the speed in which they are upgraded once the other Engineer returns as well.
** However, only the Engineer who built a building can haul it, so if it comes down to it, leave their buildings be and move your own gear up first.
* Try not to stand in front of your Level 3 Sentry Gun while it is firing, as it's rockets are able to damage and even kill you if you aren't careful.
* You can use a [[Scripting#Buildings|bind]] to bypass having to pull out the PDA by making it immediately destroy a building and then pulling out a blueprint. This allows you to immediately replace a building in a pinch. Be careful with this, however, as you may accidentally press the button and destroy a valuable building!
== Weapon specific ==
=== Primary weapons ===
==== [[Shotgun]] + [[reskins]] ====
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align: center;"
! class="header" width="17%" rowspan=2 | Weapon
! class="header" width="16%" rowspan=2 | Kill Icon
! class="header" width="17%" colspan=2 | Ammo
! class="header" width="50%" colspan=4 | Damage
! class="header" width="8%"| Loaded
! class="header" width="8%"| Carried
! class="header" width="13%"| Point Blank
! class="header" width="13%"| Medium Range
! class="header" width="13%"| Long Range
! class="header" width="13%"| Critical
! {{Table icon|Shotgun|Stock}}
| {{Icon killicon|weapon=Shotgun}}
| 6
| 32
| 86-90
| 24-67
| 3-26
| 180
* The Shotgun is the most versatile and most reliable due to its larger clip size and lack of reliance on a Dispenser, a Sentry Gun, or a specific positioning of enemies.
* If you're intending to stay close to your [[Sentry Gun]], make sure to build it in a spot where you can keep enemy players in groups. You will be able to fight on more even ground after the Sentry Gun has softened them up for a Shotgun blast.
* Its large spread pattern is quite useful for [[Spy checking]]. Fire at corners, 'teammates', or in the Spy's general direction and look for tell-tales. Often, the spread will allow for at least one pellet to hit a cloaked Spy, allowing you to see his silhouette.
* It is good at destroying [[Stickybomb Launcher|Stickybombs]] due to its spread.
* It can be used to deal extra damage against nearby enemies outside the Sentry Gun's range or who are damaged and retreating when the Sentry Gun is not in any immediate danger.
* The Shotgun is a powerful weapon, especially at close-range. Don't be afraid to use it in combat situations; it can mean the difference between life and death.
* Keep in mind that due to its spread, the Shotgun is not suitable for engaging enemies at long ranges. Switch to the Pistol for long-range attacks.
* If a Spy is disabling your buildings with the Sapper, try to retaliate with your Shotgun and kill the Spy before destroying the Sapper, as most Spies will replace the Sapper if you attempt to remove it with your Wrench.
==== [[Frontier Justice]] + reskins ====
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align: center;"
! class="header" width="17%" rowspan=2 | Weapon
! class="header" width="16%" rowspan=2 | Kill Icon
! class="header" width="17%" colspan=2 | Ammo
! class="header" width="50%" colspan=4 | Damage
! class="header" width="8%"| Loaded
! class="header" width="8%"| Carried
! class="header" width="13%"| Point Blank
! class="header" width="13%"| Medium Range
! class="header" width="13%"| Long Range
! class="header" width="13%"| Critical
! {{Table icon|Frontier Justice|Unlock}}
| {{Icon killicon|weapon=Frontier Justice}}
| 3
| 32
| 86-90
| 24-67
| 3-26
| 180
* The Frontier Justice stores revenge [[Critical hits|crits]] based of the amount of the kill and assist of your Sentry Gun before it destroyed. The downside is the clip size reduced to three instead of six and unable to deal random critical hits.
* Sentry Guns should be built in more aggressive areas where kills and assists will be awarded relatively easily.
* Revenge crits should be used sparingly, as the Frontier Justice's small clip size gives it a disadvantage when in combat unaided by Sentry Guns.
* [[Crouching]] (defaults: for PC: '''CTRL''', for XBox 360: '''X''') after jumping will allow you to stand on your Buildings.
* The [[Pistol]] is a good secondary to bring with the Frontier Justice, as it gives you a fallback option should you encounter a target that is too distant for the Frontier Justice or if you don't have time to reload in a fight.
* Alternate fire (defaults: for PC: '''MOUSE 2''') allows you to pack up and move completed Buildings and move them to new locations to redeploy (defaults: for PC: '''MOUSE 1''').  This is called "[[Buildings#Hauling|Hauling]]".  While carrying and hauling a Building you will move slower (slightly slower than a Heavy) and you are unable to switch weapons. 
* Revenge crits can support offensive pushes. Placing the [[Gunslinger]]'s [[Combat Mini-Sentry Gun]]s or an upgraded Sentry into enemy territory and fighting with revenge crits while it builds can buy time for your Sentry to deploy and join the fight.
** A redeploying Building will construct faster than normal even without help from you, though you can still speed-build the structure even faster by hitting it with your Melee weapon.  Once built, if the Building has already been upgraded to Level 2 or 3, it will then undergo the animations for deploying to those levels as well.  Just as when building and upgrading a Building normally, you cannot speed-build or upgrade during these "upgrade" animations (your Melee weapon will make a duller sound if you hit a Building during these animations).
** Despite this, even large supplies of revenge crits are usually insufficient to be able to take down clusters of opponents, and it is usually unwise to try, due to the Frontier Justice's small clip size.
** While it ''is'' possible to repair damage done while a Building is redeploying/unpacking, this applies only to damage it receives ''during'' the redeploying process.  If a Building is hauled into its new location ''already'' damaged, then this damage cannot be repaired until it fully redeploys and is functioning.  Basically a Building that is redeployed begins with the same amount of health that it had before it was packed up and moved, and this health is the Building's maximum health while it is rebuilding.  
* If you're planning on building a Sentry Gun in a forward area, consider building a Dispenser first, to supply you with [[Metal]] to upgrade and repair the Sentry Gun. Also build near locations with ammunition pickups to speed construction, and ask your team to leave them for you and promise them a Dispenser in return.  
* Revenge crits are only granted upon a Sentry Gun's destruction: Sentry Guns that have gained kills and assists may be demolished for immediate crits. This is a risky maneuver that should only be used in dire scenarios, when moving up while playing offensively, or when combined with the more disposable Combat Mini-Sentry Guns.
** However, "cashing-in" during a quiet period in a safe area can be useful, as you can re-build and re-upgrade your Sentry in peace and have some revenge crits on hand for a sticky situation. Just be careful about this, because if you die after redeeming the crits, they'll have gone to waste and you'll be left with a fresh Sentry empty of kills and potential crits.
* You can rotate the placement of a Building while the blueprint is out by clicking the secondary fire button (default is right click). Changing a [[Sentry Gun]]'s direction allows you to place them in corners and other odd spots. Rotating a [[Teleporter exit]] affects the direction one faces when exiting - an arrow on the blueprint indicates the direction (Remember that the direction one faces could mean life or death in some situations). Rotating a [[Dispenser]] has no effect on its function, but can allow you to cram it into a tight space.
* Spy-checking with revenge crits is often unwise because if the [[Dead Ringer]] is equipped, the Spy could cause the wastage of a crit by triggering the feign death. Monitor the watches used by the opposing team.
* Help your fellow Engineers out! Wrench friendly [[Building]]s as you pass by to keep them repaired. Help a new [[Sentry Gun]] upgrade quicker if your Metal supply is high.  On maps with a setup time, support fellow Engineers to help your team have a forward level 3 base at start time.  Strongly consider getting a mic, to help communicate about the status and location of your Buildings, as well as call for help when they're being sapped.
* Be careful standing in front of your Sentry Gun. If an enemy runs past and you get caught between the Sentry Gun and the enemy, your gun will fire at you causing damage and possibly death.
* Make conscious decisions whether or not to take out the Frontier Justice when not ready to fire. The crit glow on the Frontier Justice could either make you a target for the enemy team, such as [[Sniper]]s, or be used to scare away stray opponents.
**If traveling alone, consider holding the gun out as the crit glow may scare away potential enemies that plan to ambush. Additionally you can utilize the revenge crits by ambushing lone enemies.
* [[Disguise]]d Spies cannot walk through opposing Sentry Guns and Dispensers. You can use this for [[Spy checking]] by placing these Buildings in chokepoints, such as doors and hallways. You'll know a disguised Spy if he jumps on top of these [[Buildings]] when obstructed.
*The Jag is a good Wrench to pair with the Frontier Justice, as it allows you to quickly rebuild your Sentry Gun.
* Any teammate that is not doing something more important (such as a Medic building an Ubercharge) can be enlisted to switch to Engineer for a brief time to help you build and can then switch back to another Class.
==== [[Widowmaker]] ====
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align: center;"
! class="header" width="17%" rowspan=2 | Weapon
! class="header" width="16%" rowspan=2 | Kill Icon
! class="header" width="17%" colspan=2 | Ammo
! class="header" width="50%" colspan=4 | Damage
! class="header" width="8%"| Loaded
! class="header" width="8%"| Carried
! class="header" width="13%"| Point Blank
! class="header" width="13%"| Medium Range
! class="header" width="13%"| Long Range
! class="header" width="13%"| Critical
! {{Table icon|Widowmaker|Promotional/Craft}}
| {{Icon killicon|weapon=Widowmaker}}
| 1 per 30 Metal
| N/A
| 86-90
| 24-67
| 3-26
| 180
* Don't build right on top of other Engineers.  In general, it is not a good idea to build your Buildings, particularly your Sentry Gun, in the exact same location as another Engineer on your team. Clustering too many Engineer Buildings together maximizes their weakness to explosives or other "splash" damage and makes it easy for an enemy Spy to sap everything.  In addition, remember that friendly Buildings block the line of sight and line of fire of friendly Sentries. While building two Dispensers together does provide excellent healing, the Sentries and Teleporters are usually best if they are spread out to help your team control more of the map.  Simple rule of thumb: "nearby" is good; "next to" is bad.
* The Widowmaker uses construction metal as ammo, deal 10% more damage on your Sentry Gun's target, and effectively reloads on hit. Only use the Widowmaker if you are confident in your aiming abilities. Otherwise, you're best off using the default [[Shotgun]].
* Familiarity with the maps you play on is important.  It's not only important to know effective building locations, but also to know how the combat tends to "flow" and what spots are the best place to fortify to best support your team either advancing or simply holding the enemy off.  Teleporters and Dispensers are sometimes the only things that can make certain routes of attack or points of defense viable, and as an Engineer, you need to know about this by knowing the map. Also, learning the names of some of the common locations on the maps you play on will make it easier to describe exactly where you have built up.
* Don't try shooting enemies from afar with the Widowmaker; you'll only be wasting metal. Pick them off with your [[Pistol]] or [[Wrangler]] instead.
* Move fast!  Many Engineers fall into a mental trap: because the Engineer is often behind the front lines and not attempting to get into the thick of combat, it's easy to be lulled into a false sense of security and take too long setting up. Engineers have to move just as fast as the other Classes to get their job done.  Seconds can be the difference between getting a Sentry Gun up in time to halt an enemy attack, or watching it get destroyed while building and having to retreat—or respawn.
* The Widowmaker is best used in conjunction with a [[Dispenser]]. Even if you miss a few shots, you can easily refill at your Dispenser.
* Stay alive!  As important as your Buildings are to yourself and your team, YOU are more important.  While you are vulnerable without your Buildings, your Buildings are sitting ducks without you—and you can always make more Buildings if you live.  The key is to strike a balance between keeping your Buildings safe and keeping yourself safe.  Do not get single-minded.  Expert Engineers will know when to repair their structures, when to fight alongside their structures, and when to simply run away and attempt to rebuild. Keep your eyes and ears open and try to anticipate how the enemy will come at you and with what.  For example, an invulnerable Demoman is usually grounds for instant retreat.  Barring some excellent help from your teammates, there is nothing you can do to save your Buildings if the Demoman wants them dead—it's better to live to build another day than to go down with the ship.  If you are using the [[Frontier Justice]], staying alive is also important to preserve any Revenge Critical Hits you have collected.
* When using the Widowmaker, make sure you have sufficient ammo at all times to fight off enemies. You are highly vulnerable and easy to kill at close range if you cannot fire your primary weapon.
* Engineers are extremely vulnerable while placing, building, and repairing their structures since these activities tie him down to a specific area and also force him to turn his attention away from his surroundings.  Good Engineers try to minimize their vulnerability by looking and moving around even while repairing and building, and also staying near friendly players for protection during their periods of vulnerability.
* With practice, the Widowmaker can make an effective offensive weapon. Continuous short-range usage allows you to retain ammo far away from your Dispenser, and the ability to keep shooting without reloading gives you an advantage over slower classes.
* If your Buildings are under attack by explosives, try to time your repair hits in between enemy Rockets or Grenades to avoid getting killed, or build your Sentry near cover that you can use to shield yourself.  If your Buildings are under attack by multiple Soldiers and Demomen, it's likely going to go down AND take you alongside unless you have support from friendly Medics, other Engineers, or Pyros using the Compression Blast.
* The Pistol is usually the best secondary with the Widowmaker, because if you run out of ammo, either by missing or by simply spending it on buildings, the Pistol is the most reliable alternative, as the [[Short Circuit]] also requires metal and the [[Wrangler]] requires a Sentry Gun, which is not always guaranteed.
* Without the protection of their Buildings, Engineers are easily the weakest combat Class having no advantage in speed, hitpoints, firepower, or any means of escape like the Spy's Cloak.  While it is important to fight with your weapons to help your Buildings, do not overestimate how much damage you can cause -- and how much you can withstand.  Almost any other Class will have an advantage over you in a one-on-one fight if your Buildings are not involved.  Do not be afraid to ask for help in dealing with a threat.
* It's the best to assisting your Sentry Gun with the Widowmaker, as it receives additional damage on your Sentry Gun's target.
* Do not be predictable!  You will find that most enemies will not continuously walk into your Sentry after they die to it once or twice.  They will either avoid it or begin to attack it in force with help from their team.  During lulls in the fighting, consider moving your Sentry Gun around to throw your opponents off and punish them for assuming that your Sentry Gun will always be in the same place.  Help from other Engineers is great to reduce the period of vulnerability if you rebuild.  Awareness of what the enemy team is doing and where they are is important to be able to judge when it is a good time to move.
* The Widowmaker pairs well with the [[Gunslinger]] due to the generally more aggressive nature of the Widowmaker.
* A good rule of thumb when playing Engineer is to always have all of your Buildings up, no matter where they are or how upgraded they are.  Following this is dependent on how much metal you have available, but if your metal supply is abundant such as outside of a supply cabinet, build everything you can as fast as you can, and worry about putting them in the perfect place later.  A badly placed Sentry or Dispenser is still better than no Sentry or Dispenser at all.  Even Teleporters that go nowhere can act as early warning of enemy attack, or Spy bait.  Even in "safe" locations such as your team's spawn a level 1 Sentry can be useful to place to cover you from spies or Scouts while you build or upgrade a Teleporter or Dispenser.  If you have the metal, there's no reason not to use it.  
==== [[Panic Attack]] + reskins ====
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align: center;"
! class="header" width="17%" rowspan=2 | Weapon
! class="header" width="16%" rowspan=2 | Kill Icon
! class="header" width="17%" colspan=2 | Ammo
! class="header" width="50%" colspan=5 | Damage
! class="header" width="8%"| Loaded
! class="header" width="8%"| Carried
! class="header" width="13%"| Point Blank
! class="header" width="13%"| Medium Range
! class="header" width="13%"| Long Range
! class="header" width="13%"| Critical
! {{Table icon|Panic Attack|Craft}}
| {{Icon killicon|weapon=Panic Attack}}
| 6
| 32
| 7-108
| 5-72
| 3-38
| 216
[14.4 damage × 15 pellets]
* Build where you can support your team and where your team can support you.  Sentry Guns provide high-volume firepower at decent range, but it is still supporting fire that is best served to cover your teammates and deny areas to enemy movement.  Do not expect to be able to fight off entire enemy attack groups with just your Sentry Gun.  An example of poor Engineering strategy is to build in your Intelligence room on CTF 2Fort.  It is very unlikely that anyone on your own team will be down there with you to support you and without your Sentry in a more forward location, enemies have a much easier time getting inside the base and causing havoc.
* The Panic Attack has a 50% faster deploy speed, has 50% more pellets, fires its pellets in a fixed pattern, deals 30% less damage, and has a bullet spread that increases with each consecutive shot.
* Spread out your structures. Your Buildings and especially your Sentry Gun will often be the target of enemy explosives. Spread out your structures enough so that the splash damage to them from such attacks is minimized, but not so far apart that it's difficult to defend them.
* The Panic Attack has a 50% faster switch speed, compared to the Shotgun. This allows you to inflict damage at a moment's notice.
** However, it should be noted that the Engineer should usually be carrying his Shotgun when away from his buildings, as opposed to a Pistol, Wrench, or PDA, which would be the only situations where he would need to switch weapons.
** It is worth noting that the Panic Attack's switch speed makes it possible to click on a building with a Wrench and switch to the Panic Attack mid-swing. The hit will still register and repair/upgrade your building, but you'll be holding the Panic Attack and immediately be able to deal with a threat if there is one.
* If the enemy takes out the Sentry Gun of both you and your teammate, consider rebuilding one gun at a time, to get it to the highest level faster in your time of need. A level 3 Sentry is much better than two level 1 Sentries.  However, two level 2 Sentries is better than one level 3, and the same goes for Dispensers.
* The Panic Attack's increased number of pellets counteracts its damage penalty at close range. Try to get close to unaware enemies to deal the most damage.
*Building yourself into a corner (with a Sentry and Dispenser on either side) may help protect you from Backstabs and sapping, since a Spy has to jump both onto the Dispenser and you to Backstab you, and with you swinging your Wrench, you are Spy safe. The same thing cannot be said about Sticky Bombs however.
==== [[Pomson 6000]] ====
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align: center;"
! class="header" width="17%" rowspan=2 | Weapon
! class="header" width="16%" rowspan=2 | Kill Icon
! class="header" width="17%" colspan=2 | Ammo
! class="header" width="50%" colspan=4 | Damage
! class="header" width="8%"| Loaded
! class="header" width="8%"| Carried
! class="header" width="13%"| Point Blank
! class="header" width="13%"| Medium Range
! class="header" width="13%"| Long Range
! class="header" width="13%"| Critical
! {{Table icon|Pomson 6000|Craft}}
| {{Icon killicon|weapon=Pomson 6000}}
| 4
| N/A
| 52-68
| 31-41
| 31-41
| 108-180
* Many Engineers often place a Sentry Gun and immediately run back to a supply room or large ammo pickup to get a full load of 200 Metal while the gun builds itself, thinking they can save time and also return with enough Metal to upgrade their Sentry to level 2.  However this plan can be ruined if the Sentry Gun is damaged or even if it simply fires at an enemy, as you will need to use some of your 200 Metal to repair or refill your Sentry, leaving your Sentry still at level 1 after using up a full Metal load.  It is good to get into the habit of speed-building your Sentry and then using whatever Metal you have left over to upgrade it so that you ensure that your next full load of Metal will be enough to get the Sentry to the next level.
* The [[Pomson 6000]] functions like the Soldier's [[Righteous Bison]] in terms of its projectiles and unlimited ammo, but instead of projectile penetration, it provides anti-Spy and anti-Medic capabilities, countering two of Engineer's counter-classes.
* If the game goes to [[Sudden death]] mode, build a [[Dispenser]] first to provide health for your team-mates and [[Metal]] for yourself.
* The Pomson 6000 trades self-defense for support. With easy to dodge projectiles and reduced damage, you are likely to die if you are without the support from your Sentry Gun or team coupled with your frail health.
** It is recommended that you equip the Pistol as a backup weapon for this reason.
* Don't build turrets facing into hallways unless you have cover from your teammates, as your enemies will see them ahead and have a chance to fire ranged explosive [[:Category:Weapons|weapons]] ([[Rocket Launcher|Rockets]] and [[Grenade Launcher|Grenades]] being the most commonly used). Build them in the corners just outside the hallway, attempting to avoid places where [[Demoman|Demomen]] can easily bounce Grenades at your Sentry Gun.
* Whilst protecting a Sentry under attack is usually a priority, the Pomson 6000 gives the bonus of reducing an attacking [[Medic]]'s ÜberCharge faster, preventing a Medic from using an ÜberCharge, causing him to charge into danger without invulnerability.
* Build a [[Teleporter entrance]] outside the [[Respawn area]], and a [[Teleporter exit]] at a location of interest.  For the [[defensive]]ly-minded Engineer, [[Intelligence]] rooms and [[Control point]]s are desirable (but be careful with building Teleporters that lead into your own key areas, as enemy Spies can now use them to gain access.) Nothing beats a forward exit deep inside enemy territory. Care should be observed when placing your Teleporter; plant the entrances in obvious, but considerate places (be careful about placing Teleporters on the stairs to slow enemy movement, as under-fire teammates rushing back for health are just as liable to get caught on them as enemies are if not more so).
* On a successful hit, the Pomson drains the Spy's Cloak, forcing him to retreat if he is using conventional watches.
** Should the Spy be using the [[Dead Ringer]], he will have less time to escape if he cloaks on a Pomson hit.
* Hiding your Teleporter Exit (such as underwater) can help keep it from being destroyed. Just make sure your teammates know where it goes, as you do not want them to get lost. CAUTION: devious enemies will often camp unguarded Teleporter Exits killing anyone who comes through before they can possibly react. You will have many angry teammates if you fail to realize this and destroy your exit.
*When the beam hits a Medic or Spy, a [[Media:Drg pomson drain 01.wav|distinct sound]] is made. Listen for the "shrinking" sound.
**Use this sound to tell if you have hit a cloaked Spy.
* Take the time after building Teleporters to inform your team of their position. Most players don't use them if they don't immediately see them, so make sure they know that one is around the corner.
* Due to the Pomson's nature, it excels at long-range damage and finishing off enemies, but is generally poor in close quarters. As such, the Pomson is generally best used when supporting teammates at long range. Spamming shots will prevent enemies from strafing around a lot, making it easier for teammates to aim for them.
** Keep in mind that the Pomson is less effective at draining ÜberCharge and Cloak at long distances.
* If an enemy [[Demoman]] is shooting [[Sticky bombs]] at or near your Sentry Gun, consider trying to shoot as many of them away as possible with the [[Shotgun]]. This may get enough Grenades out of the way of your Sentry that it will not be destroyed when the Demoman triggers them, or may buy your teammates enough time to take care of the Demoman for you. Note that this strategy is rather risky and may result in death. Another option is to attempt at taking on the Demoman with your Shotgun (or getting a teammate to do it) the moment he comes into sight - if the Demoman dies, all his Stickies are removed with no damage done.
* Shooting a friendly [[Huntsman|Sniper's Huntsman]] will cause his arrow to catch fire. Flaming arrows are more powerful than standard arrows, as they deal [[afterburn]] in addition to the initial hit. As a [[Sniper]] with the Huntsman, full-charge "body shot" arrow hits deal 120 damage. After the initial hit, weaker classes will be killed in a few seconds if the arrow was on fire.<!--double-check if the huntsman interaction still exists; if not remove that point-->
** Remember — shooting your teammates is also a measure of [[Spy checking]], as a hit on a Spy will produce a distinct sound. The Pomson's unlimited ammo comes in handy for this, as you can Spy check often without having to visit a Dispenser or ammo pack.
*If their are holes in the ceilings, try to build a Sentry in a way that it can look down these holes. It gets some funny kills since most of the enemies won't be looking up for a Sentry.
* A Spy can only use his [[Dead Ringer]] if he has a full Cloak meter. If an enemy Dead Ringer Spy is fleeing, you can hunt him down with the Pomson. Simply keep shooting at the Spy, and he might not be able to charge his Dead Ringer before you kill him.
* If you build a Dispenser behind you, and a Sentry in front of you, do NOT stand in between them. This will make it easy for a [[Spy]] to go ahead and uncloak/remove a Disguise behind your Dispenser, which will make the Sentry turn around, kill you in the crossfire, but the Dispenser then blocks the bullets/rockets from hitting him. He can then disguise himself and sap them, or wait for them to run out of ammo, and do an embarrassing Knife kill on a Sentry.
* Although its projectiles travel slowly and are easy to avoid, the Pomson is a very accurate weapon, even more accurate than your [[Pistol]]. Although you lose the close-range damage of the [[Shotgun]] and the fast reload of the Pistol, you can easily hit oblivious enemies who aren't dodging.
*If you're fighting an enemy, and you're in a spot of bother, consider popping a Sentry down in front of him. This wastes a valuable few seconds, but it can ensure your survival as your enemy has the decision of trying to finish you off before the Sentry is built, or destroying the Sentry but wasting time in doing so. This is most effective when using mini-Sentries or if you're caught hauling a Sentry, since in both these situations the Sentry builds faster than normal and deploys at full health.
* The Pomson pairs well with the [[Wrangler]]. The Pomson maintains an ability to make accurate shots that you would otherwise make with the [[Pistol]], and similarly, ammo is not an issue. Having a Pomson and Wrangler equipped gives you a high degree of accuracy.
*Lastly, sometimes the best Engineer strategy is to know when to be an Engineer and when not to be an Engineer.  This requires taking into account several things, such as the map, the game type, the composition of the teams (particularly the enemy team), and the time left in the mission.  For example, in many Capture Point maps the front lines are moving quite a lot, which can easily leave the Engineer and his structures sitting in a part of the map where there is no action, and depriving his team of his talents where they are most needed.  Also, while Engineering in Defense on a map like Dustbowl or Gravelpit is usually vital, if the time is running out and your Buildings are all destroyed, or if your team is getting pushed back so far that your Buildings are getting destroyed as soon as you attempt to build them, it's time to think about switching to a Class that can jump right into the fight.
==== [[Rescue Ranger]] + reskins ====
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align: center;"
! class="header" width="17%" rowspan=2 | Weapon
! class="header" width="16%" rowspan=2 | Kill Icon
! class="header" width="17%" colspan=2 | Ammo
! class="header" width="50%" colspan=4 | Damage
! class="header" width="8%"| Loaded
! class="header" width="8%"| Carried
! class="header" width="13%"| Point Blank
! class="header" width="13%"| Medium Range
! class="header" width="13%"| Long Range
! class="header" width="13%"| Critical
! {{Table icon|Rescue_Ranger|Craft}}
| {{Icon killicon|weapon=Rescue Ranger}}
| 4
| 16
| 60
| 27
| 21
| 120
* The Rescue Ranger fires special bolts that repair friendly buildings on hit at the cost of 4 health per 1 metal. It also gives the Engineer the ability to haul the building from the distance at the cost of 100 metals. The downside is the lower clip size (4 instead of 6), lower total ammo (16 instead of 32), and the Engineer will be [[Critical hits#Mini-crits|marked for death]] while hauling a building and a few seconds after stop hauling.
Spies are perhaps Enemy Numero Uno of the Engineer. No other Class can cause the Engineer so many problems with as little effort as a [[Spy]].  This is because of the Spy's ability to attack the Engineer's most valuable asset, his Buildings, without fear of being auto-targeted by the Sentry Gun, and often without giving the Engineer any advance warning of his approach. The ability to Sap ''alone'' makes the Spy more than a match for the Engineer in a strategic sense -- [[Sappers]] shut down your Buildings immediately, leaving them effectively "destroyed" until you de-sap them.  A Sentry Gun that gets Sapped right as other enemies attack you is usually impossible for a lone Engineer to stop.
** The bolt projectiles are affected by gravity. Take this into account when firing this weapon.
As if that weren't enough, the Spy can even use your own Buildings against you by using your own Teleporters to [[Telefrag]] you, or by stealing health and recharging his [[Cloak]] from your Dispenser.  For these reasons it is one of the few one-on-one matchups that the Engineer often cannot handle effectively alone in crucial situations even if he is skilled at Spy killing and protecting himself from [[Backstab]]s.  However it isn't all bad.  One of the reasons you are so often the target of Spies is because your Sentry Gun, if well placed, creates a "no free Backstab" zone for them.  Strategically, this works to the advantage of your team even if it is hectic for you, since you cover them from Backstabs and force Spies to reveal themselves by attacking you.
* You can often use it to repair your buildings (mainly your Sentry Gun, as that will be the one that gets the most attention of the enemy) from a safe distance.
** It is also effective at repairing other Engineer's Sentry Guns, as you generally should not build near other Engineers, because splash damage could easily destroy both nests.
The bottom line is that containing Spies is a team effort, and where you as an Engineer are concerned, your best defense is having someone else on your team around to help you in case you are attacked.  Try never to be isolated, and always communicate and call for help as you need it.  Here are some more specific tips for dealing with Spy attacks.
* The hauling ability of this weapon is powerful on open maps, where you can get a clear line of sight of your buildings from a distance. Use this ability to move your buildings up front quickly, or to pull your buildings out when they are under attack, and you are too far away to retrieve them.
* Spies can hide anywhere and can appear at anytime, and you cannot rely on your Sentry Gun to protect you.  Your best defense against Spies is your own level of alertness. Remember, it's usually never a matter of "if" but "when".  Even while camping your position, stay moving to make yourself as difficult a target as possible for [[Ambassador]] headshots and Backstabs.  Periodically [[Spy-checking#Spy-checking|Spy-check]] with your weapons or using the [[Wrangler]].
* As hauling your buildings from a distance costs 100 metal, try to teleport your Dispenser first. If you cannot do this, find a source of metal before teleporting your buildings.
* Kill the Spy! A good Spy will often appear without warning, quickly sap your Sentry and start attacking you immediately with his [[Revolver]] or [[Knife]].  If you come under attack in this way, don't worry about your Buildings, since a Spy can place Sappers faster than you can remove them.  Empty your Shotgun into them first.  Hopefully you're a good enough shot to kill a Spy with this alone, but if you miss or the Spy somehow survives, don't reload, switch to another weapon immediately to save time.  
* While weak in direct combat, the Rescue Ranger can be used for medium to long range harassment and for supporting other Engineers from long range by repairing their buildings.
* You can "bait" an enemy [[Spy]] by leaving a [[Teleporter]] on the way to your position. If the area is quiet, only few Spies will resist [[Electro Sapper|sapping]] it, which will alert you immediately that a Spy is coming. Another useful effect of this is that you can tell when an enemy is approaching and gauge their class based on the [[:Category:Weapons|weapon]] icon shown at the top right of your screen in your building's death-message.
* The Rescue Ranger pairs well with Wrangler Jumping, as you can teleport your Sentry Gun after the jump.
*As an extension to the above, if there's little need for your [[Teleporter]]s in a map, place them both around your Sentry to stall a [[Spy]] briefly, as inexperienced players will sap everything in sight.  The extra second could be the difference between saving your [[Sentry]] or not, and it will also help you identify the [[Spy]].
* Healing buildings with the Rescue Ranger is slightly more metal-efficient than healing with the normal Wrench. It heals 4 health for every one metal, while the Wrench heals 3 health for one metal.
* It takes two swings of the Wrench to remove a sapper. Most of the time, you should save your Dispenser first, as it will break from a Sapper faster than an upgraded Sentry, and regenerating its Metal supply takes a lot of time. If you are staying in the same spot, saving your Dispenser first will always allow you to rebuild much faster because you'll have more metal available. However, if the Spy has removed his disguise nearby, or there's urgent need for offense, you should save your Sentry first. On some maps your Teleporter can actually be your most important building as it allows your team to keep a constant stream of reinforcements going.  Losing your Teleporter to Sappers is especially annoying due to the fact that you will lose both ends of it, requiring you to travel all the way to your Spawn to replant your Entrance.  Teleporters take the longest to die from Sappers, but you should still try to save it.  Deciding which Building to save first always depends on the circumstances.  Practice is the best guide.
* This weapon can help negate the [[Jag]]'s slightly lower repair rate, and compliment the mobility the Engineer gains with his buildings around the map. Consider equipping the [[Pistol]] if using this combo to help compensate for your other weapons and their lower damage output.
* If possible, ask a Pyro with the [[Homewrecker]] to stay near your setup when you suspect an imminent Spy attack. They will be able to unsap any buildings you cannot, and save them should you die.
* When hauling buildings with the Rescue Ranger, you will be marked for death. Make sure there are no enemies close by before you haul your buildings.
** Be especially wary of weapons that can turn subsequent Mini-Crits into full Crits, such as the Sniper's [[Bushwacka]].
* While being in a crowd of your own teammates usually helps you defend against Spies much more easily, it can sometimes be difficult to pick out which one of your "teammates" is actually a Spy placing Sappers.  Even though placing Sappers will not break a Disguise, the disguised Spy will actually move its hand in a "placing" motion at your Building when it does so.  This is subtle but you can use it pick out the Spy in a crowd. If you are letting your team deal with the Spy while you remove Sappers, keep your back to something! 
* The Pistol is an ideal secondary to pair with this weapon, as the Rescue Ranger itself is poorly suited for direct combat.
* A creative Spy will often disguise as an Engineer to try to fool you and your allies into thinking he is an Engineer trying to remove Sappers when he is in fact the one sapping.  They may even use the [[voice command]] warning about Spies to add to the deception.
=== Secondary weapons ===
==== [[Pistol]] + reskins ====
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align: center;"
! class="header" width="17%" rowspan=2 | Weapon
! class="header" width="16%" rowspan=2 | Kill Icon
! class="header" width="17%" colspan=2 | Ammo
! class="header" width="50%" colspan=4 | Damage
! class="header" width="8%"| Loaded
! class="header" width="8%"| Carried
! class="header" width="13%"| Point Blank
! class="header" width="13%"| Medium Range
! class="header" width="13%"| Long Range
! class="header" width="13%"| Critical
! {{Table icon|Pistol|Stock}}
| {{Icon killicon|weapon=Pistol}}
| rowspan="3" | 12
| rowspan="3" | 200
| rowspan="3" | 22
| rowspan="3" | 10-15
| rowspan="3" | 8-9
| rowspan="3" | 45 (Range does not affect damage)
! {{Table icon|Lugermorph|Promotional}}
| {{Icon killicon|weapon=Lugermorph}}
! {{Table icon|C.A.P.P.E.R|Uncrate}}
| {{Icon killicon|weapon=C.A.P.P.E.R}}
* If you have Revenge Crits, try to save some of them for the inevitable Spy attack.  Having a glowing Frontier Justice out can be enough on its own to deter a Spy, and if it doesn't, deter it with a [[Critical Hit]].  While it's true that you might waste a shot on a [[Dead Ringer]], don't be afraid to do it. A Spy who feigns death likely won't be attacking you for at least a short duration, giving you time to call for help.
* The Pistol has four main strengths over the Shotgun; its greater accuracy and damage at longer distances, its large ammunition reserve, and its faster reload time. These give the Pistol several key functions:
** It can be used to {{botignore|ward}} off Snipers by causing them to flinch.
** Great use with the [[Frontier Justice]], [[Widowmaker]], or [[Rescue Ranger]], when retreating.
** It can be used to pick off fleeing enemies (who are usually doing so due to low health).
** It can be used to whittle away enemy health, especially if supplementing Sentry fire.
* It is the most reliable weapon to use in conjunction with the [[Sentry Gun#Combat Mini-Sentry Gun|Gunslinger's Combat Mini-Sentry Guns]], as they also are most effective at a similar range, enabling you to wear opponents down quickly while staying at a reasonably safe distance.
The Engineer and his Buildings face many threats on the battlefield, but three in particular are especially dangerous: 1) explosive [[projectiles]] from the [[Soldier]] and [[Demoman]] 2) Spies 3) [[Medics]].  Medics are dangerous for two main reasons.  Firstly, their ability to heal damage and [[Overheal]] can make even the fragile classes much more durable, and can erase any non-lethal damage they receive from wandering into range of your Sentry Gun.  The second reason is [[Übercharge]]s.  One of the primary uses of Übercharges is to overrun Engineer positions, and because of this you will often find yourself and your Buildings the direct target of invulnerable foes.  While there is no "magic bullet" strategy that can allow you to counter them, knowing how to respond to Übercharges properly is still important and when executed properly, successfully fending off an Über can be one of the most satisfying experiences of playing Engineer.  The most important thing to remember is that if you are a lone Engineer, a well-executed Über will usually overrun you, causing you to lose most of your Buildings and often your life.  It's simple math: an Übercharge is a tactic involving at least two players (potentially more) and you are only one.  Get help!  As with Spies, dealing with enemy Medics and their Übercharges is a team effort needing contributions from every team member.  That said, here are some important tips that an Engineer can use to defend himself.
* The four most common Übered enemies you will encounter attacking your position are Pyros, [[Heavies]], Soldiers, and Demomen.
* One of your best assets when going up against invulnerable enemies is the strong "knockback" of your Sentry Gun.  The force of the bullets and rockets hitting enemies will push back against their forward movement and slow down their attempts to get close.  If your Sentry fires on an enemy who is in mid-air, they will be launched skywards or blown across the map, which is not only amusing but usually means the end of that particular threat.
* One of your best defenses against Übercharges is to have advance warning of them.  Do your best to keep tabs on what enemies are approaching your position.  Ask for information from teammates on the lookout, and listen.  If you hear a Medic say "I am fully charged!" then get ready!  The Medigun of a fully charged Medic also glows and crackles, so look/listen for that.
* Once you know that an Über is imminent, you have to make a decision: fight or flight! Do you attempt to hold your ground as best you can, or do you give it up for lost and retreat ASAP?  Experience is the best teacher here, but these are a few important things to remember:
** Do you have support?  What kind of support is it? 
** Do you have somewhere to run to?
** How important to your team is holding your current position?  Will holding on as long as possible help the most, or will your survival?
* If you hold your ground, generally you are risking your life for the sake of trying to keep your Sentry Gun alive until the enemy Über has run its course, allowing your team to continue to hold down that area.  If the enemy manages to close to point blank range, you will most likely fail in this, particularly if you are repairing you Sentry as it takes damage.  Smart enemies will attempt to eliminate you first, and if you sit next to your Sentry you make this easy.  The success of this strategy depends on your Sentry placement -- some positions are much safer to repair from while under fire than others, usually ones that allow you to repair your Gun while around a corner.  If you can hold your opponents at arms length, they will do less damage to your Sentry Gun than they would up close and you'll have an easier time keeping it alive.  You can also switch to the [[Wrangler]] briefly to activate its shield, but keep in mind that this turns off the automatic firing. 
* Alternately, you can strike a middle-ground using the Wrangler to make a "fighting retreat" -- activate the Wrangler, but run, and simply use your shielded Sentry to stall your opponents as long as possible.  If you're lucky, your Sentry might even outlast the Über, but if it doesn't at least you escaped to build again. 
* Finally, you can make a "preemptive" retreat.  If you know an Über is imminent or it has just deployed, pick up your Sentry immediately and make a run for it.  This is a risky strategy, since your slow speed while doing this can easily get you caught and killed -- not only are you abandoning your position without a fight, you are risking you and your Sentry Gun anyway.  Do this if you know you can find a good fallback position and you think that something else will occupy your enemy's attention if you leave, covering your retreat.  If you want to get fancy, you can even make an "escape" Teleporter that leads away from the front line and make a quick and clean getaway -- though this usually means your Teleporter will not be fulfilling its usual function of transporting your teammates into the fight.
* When the Shotgun has run out of ammunition, you can switch to the Pistol in direct combat with an enemy to increase the damage being dealt to the opponent during the fight.
* It may seem a disadvantage having an Engineer on your team depriving you of an [[offensive]] class, particularly on [[Control point]] maps. This is not the case, however, as the Engineer can be extremely useful on the front line. As mentioned elsewhere, [[Dispensers]] are important to save a long trip to the supply room and a [[Teleporter]] can save slower classed team-mates a lot of time getting back to the front line after being killed. As of the December 11 update, one Level Three Teleporter effectively has the efficiency of five of default, Level One Teleporters.
* Another technique is to choose an approach and set a [[Sentry gun]] on your way in (hanging around to hit it with your Wrench will half its build time), you then switch to the Shotgun and start blasting to distract from its build time, when things get tough run away towards your Sentry gun (hopefully it has survived, but listen for the 'Sentry down' sound to be sure) and the Sentry will take care of your pursuers. In effect this gives you an extra player while assaulting any position. Placing a Sentry Gun while on the run takes practice as does getting a reasonable placement that will actually take down a few opponents before its destruction. This also combats the tendency for Engineer-Heavy teams to start [[Turtling]].
* The high ammunition reserve and fast reload speed also allows you to provide covering fire during a firefight and support your teammates' own attacks. The higher accuracy and range than the Shotgun also means you can hang back somewhat while doing this and not expose yourself to too much fire. It is also possible to do this up close; however, it is risky without the Gunslinger and the Shotgun is much better at short range.
* Setting up a mini-base with a Teleporter, a Dispenser and a Sentry near the front lines after capturing an initial control point can help your team maintain their position. A skilled enemy team can push you right back to your first spawn, forcing you to gain ground again even if you have already captured the first point.
* Remember that the Pistol always fires a perfectly accurate shot before its bullet spread goes into effect. However, every shot after that will be less accurate. This bullet spread resets after at least 1.25 seconds since firing the last shot. As such, it's important to keep in mind that spamming your Pistol can mean you lose a great deal of accuracy. Try to time your shots so that they can land consistently and accurately.
* Forward Sentry placement can be a real headache for the opposing team. Place a level 1 or 2 and quickly build it with your Wrench, or switch to shotgun and blast away at some enemies. If you remain in the proximity of your Sentry, you will get a few quick kills, especially if you lure the opponents around a corner hiding the sentry. The trick is not to become attached to a particular position: a soon as you have a couple of kills, move off to a new spot to set up your ambush point.
* The Engineer's Pistol has one of the highest ammo counts of any weapon in the game. Keep that in mind, as you can lay out a ton of bullets in a short amount of time.
** Other than [[Weapons|Melee Weapons]], the only weapons with a higher ammo count are the [[Minigun]]s (each shot is 4 bullets, making the ammo count 800), the Level 3 [[Sentry Gun]] (200 bullets, 20 rocket salvos), rechargeable weapons (such as the [[Cow Mangler]]), and most damaging [[Taunts#Special taunts|Special taunts]] (this excludes the [[Scorch Shot]]).
* Alternative means of offensive engineering have become possible thanks to the Engineer update. Buildings can now be packed up and moved without destroying them, colloquially referred to as 'hauling' a building.  This way, an Engineer can build a Level 2 or 3 building in relative safety, pack it up, and haul it to the desired location. This method is high risk versus high reward, as you are significantly slower and unable to defend yourself until the Building is set down.
* Due to its good range and large ammo reserve, the Pistol is one of the best weapons to deal "chip damage" at targets in which you land a few shots at the enemy, thus wearing them down a bit, and continuing to do so until they either retreat or decide to fight. Both outcomes are in your favor, because if they retreat, they'll be out of battle temporarily. However, if they decide to fight, they'll be weakened to the point where they'll fall to a few Shotgun blasts or to your Sentry Gun (if it's nearby) quickly.
* The ability to haul an upgraded Sentry Gun and have it rapidly redeploy in an offensive position where it can gun down enemies is a very effective tactic.  Not only will you have a Gun in a place where it can really sink its teeth into the enemy, but you yourself can have a full 200 metal to build another structure or repair.  Remember however that your Sentry Gun is very vulnerable during its "unpacking" animation particularly if it is a Level 3 Gun.  Consider instead using a Level 2 Gun that is less than 25 metal away from Level 3 to shorten this vulnerability and give you some options. A Level 2 Sentry has the same "hitscan" (direct bullet damage) firepower as a Level 3 and will take less time to unpack and start firing, which is advantageous if it comes under fire while unpacking.  Having it almost fully upgraded also gives you the option to bring it to Level 3 yourself at the right time.
* Do not attack Soldiers or Demomen with this weapon, unless you are sure they are critically wounded. Unlike Snipers, they require less precise aiming, and can still destroy your buildings at close enough range.
* See the sections on the other Engineer unlockable weapons below for more information on how to play Engineer offensively.
==== [[Wrangler]] + reskins ====
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align: center;"
! class="header" width="17%" rowspan=2 | Weapon
! class="header" width="16%" rowspan=2 | Kill Icon
! class="header" width="17%" colspan=2 | Ammo
! class="header" width="50%" colspan=4 | Damage
! class="header" width="8%"| Loaded
! class="header" width="8%"| Carried
! class="header" width="13%"| Point Blank
! class="header" width="13%"| Medium Range
! class="header" width="13%"| Long Range
! class="header" width="13%"| Critical
! {{Table icon|Wrangler|Unlock}}
| {{Icon killicon|weapon=Wrangler}}
| rowspan="3" | N/A
| rowspan="3" | N/A
| rowspan="3" | N/A
| rowspan="3" | N/A
| rowspan="3" | N/A
| rowspan="3" | N/A
! {{Table icon|Giger Counter|Uncrate}}
| {{Icon killicon|weapon=Giger Counter}}
====Setup Time====
* When the Wrangler is held, you manually control your [[Sentry Gun]], the firing rate of the Sentry Gun is doubled, and it forms a shield around the Sentry Gun while using it, which absorbs 66% of the damage taken by the Sentry Gun. However, the Sentry Gun's repair rate while using the Wrangler is also reduced by 66%. A Sentry Gun being controlled by a Wrangler has infinite range (only being limited by the environment around it).
* [[Setup time]] is for two purposes for either team: for Medics, it is a time to build Übercharges, and for Engineers it is the only time to build a base with a guarantee of no interruption -- and for the defending (RED) team in particular, it is up to the Engineers to create the fortifications that the team will rely on to hold its ground as long as possible. Setup time is one of the primary advantages of the defending team, and games are often decided by how well the defending Engineers make use of it.
* To make the best use of the Setup times on maps that have them, it is important to know ahead of time where effective spots to build are and the best way to set up your buildings the fastest.
* If you need to defend yourself, use either your primary weapon or melee weapon, as it's generally easier than aiming with the Wrangler.
* In general, a good use of Setup time will result in all of your buildings either built or nearly finished and at least your Sentry Gun upgraded to level 3. However, depending on how soon out of the starting gate you expect to see enemies near your buildings, you may wish to concentrate on upgrading a Dispenser or Teleporter before your Sentry.
* It's easier to stand close to or behind your Sentry Gun when using the Wrangler.
** When using the Wrangler, you cannot stand behind cover and fire your Sentry manually. The Sentry Gun can only shoot if both you ''and'' the Sentry Gun have a direct line of sight to the point you're shooting at. Standing near your Sentry Gun minimizes situations where the Sentry Gun cannot shoot a certain target because you cannot see it.
* Communicate with the other Engineers on your team so you do not fight over available metal or build locations.  As stated earlier, Engineers are not as effective if they all clump up their buildings in the same exact spot.  Try to keep tabs on where the other Engineers on your team are building and adjust accordingly.
* Pay attention. The Sentry Gun cannot automatically fire when the Wrangler is in use, so unless you manually shoot them, enemies will get by the Sentry Gun without trouble.
* As stated earlier, moving fast is essential.  Sixty seconds is a very short amount of time in which to set up a good base, and even a few wasted seconds can be literally fatal in some of the most forward build locations.  It is often the most forward locations that are the most effective early on, so make good use of the time.  
* It is advantageous to have a friendly Engineer repair and supply ammo to your Sentry Gun while you are using the Wrangler, since you cannot do these things yourself at the same time.
** Keep in mind that Wrangled Sentry Guns have a reduced repair rate to both their health and their clip so be aware that doing this will use a lot of metal pretty quickly.
* Make sure you inform your teammates not to steal your ammo packs!  They shouldn't need to be shooting their weapons during Setup time in the first place, but a rocket jumping Soldier might take what could have been 200 metal from you without thinking.
* Wrangler Jumping is a technique done by standing on your Sentry Gun, aiming the laser straight up and directly in front of you, and firing while jumping. This shoots you up into the air, allowing you to reach high places.
** Wrangler Jumping can also be done by firing a Level 3 Sentry Gun's rocket at your feet while jumping. This follows the same principle as [[Jumping#Soldier jumps|Rocket Jumping]], where crouching during a jump increases the [[knockback]] of the explosion.
** You will take a good amount of [[damage]] from Wrangler Jumping, so it's good to have a Dispenser next to the Sentry Gun.
** Once you've made it to the desired location, build a Teleporter exit. This means you can jump back down, grab some ammo, build a Teleporter entrance on the ground, and get back to said location without having to Wrangler Jump again.
** A skilled Engineer can pick up his Sentry immediately after a Wrangler Jump. This takes practice, of course, but will allow an Engineer to not waste [[metal]] building another Sentry Gun.
*** Alternatively, you can use the [[Rescue Ranger]]'s alt-fire to pick up your building from long range, but it costs 100 metal to do so.
* The Wrangler's fall-off is based on the Engineer's position rather than the Sentry Gun's, don't be afraid to step closer if you need extra damage output.
* In maps without class limits on Engineer, try to get some non-Medic players (Medics need to build Übers) to switch to Engineer temporarily to help you build your Teleporter or other buildings.  Help from other Engineers is usually the only way to have all of your buildings in place and fully upgraded in just sixty seconds.
==== [[Short Circuit]] ====
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align: center;"
! class="header" width="17%" rowspan=2 | Weapon
! class="header" width="16%" rowspan=2 | Kill Icon
! class="header" width="33%" colspan=2 | Ammo
! class="header" width="33%" colspan=4 | Damage
! class="header" width="16%"| Loaded
! class="header" width="16%"| Carried
! class="header" width="16%"| Point Blank
! class="header" width="16%"| Critical
! {{Table icon|Short Circuit|Promotional/Craft}}
| {{Icon killicon|weapon=short_circuit}}
| 1 per 5 Metal
| N/A
| 5
| 18
* As of the Engineer Update, it is now possible to move constructed buildings around one at a time using the alternate fire button. Engineers on defense may consider building either their Sentry Gun or Dispenser right outside of the supply cabinet to take advantage of the unlimited metal and then carrying it with them to their eventual build location.  This has the advantage of avoiding fights over vital ammunition boxes out in the field, however keep in mind that you will move much slower (slightly below a Heavy's run speed) while carrying a building.
* The Short Circuit fires a short range, small electrical charge that damages enemies in your crosshair at the cost of 5 metal for each shot. With alt-fire, it launches an energy ball that deals damage and deletes any projectiles that touch it at the cost of 65 metal. As a downside, the Short Circuit is unable to deal critical hits and deal significantly less damage to buildings.
== Weapon Specific ==
* This weapon's primary use is defensive. Should you and your Sentry be cornered by a Demoman or Soldier, you can prevent them from using blast damage to destroy your Sentry by vaporizing their explosives, thus forcing them to change tactics.
=== [[Shotgun]] ===
* Keep in mind that you can only fire 3 energy balls with a full 200 metal. If you have no good source of metal, make sure you are using it to its fullest effect and not wasting valuable metal.
** Not even a level 3 Dispenser can keep up with the energy ball’s metal consumption rate. Don’t rely on them to keep a constant stream of energy balls.
*The Shotgun will always work well in narrow corridors, such as the hallways in [[2fort]]. If you're intending to babysit your [[Sentry gun]], like most [[Engineer]]s do, make sure to build it in a spot where you can bottleneck enemy players. You will be able fight on more even ground now that the Sentry Gun has softened them up for a Shotgun blast.
* This weapon also has offensive capabilities on Payload maps; should your allies be under attack by several projectile-using enemies, you can provide reasonable protection from harm without the risk of running out of Metal due to the Dispenser on the cart.
*Remember that the Shotgun has a pretty generous spread pattern. This makes it quite useful in rooting out cloaked Spies—fire in suspicious corners, or in their general direction when one is fleeing. Usually the spread will allow for at least one pellet to hit the Spy, giving you an idea of where he went.  
* The alt-fire is very effective when fired into crowded chokepoints that are filled with projectiles. As it travels toward enemies, it will vaporize any projectiles aimed toward your team.
*While it reloads much slower than the Pistol, disguised Spies tend to instinctively dodge buildings if shot at with the shotgun. Don't hesitate to empty a couple of shells and a clip of Pistol ammo into a 'teammate' if you suspect a Spy, since you will have plenty of ammo to spare. Two to three shotgun shells is enough to kill a Spy at close range.
* The ball explodes on contact with any surface. This makes it excellent for removing dense stickybomb traps, as it can delete many of them if aimed at the center.
* The Shotgun is also great for warding off Demomen, both inside and outside your sentry nest (such as when collecting metal or simply checking on an objective or chokepoint). The Engineer's relatively quick movement speed allows him to dodge grenades and hurriedly placed stickybombs with some ease, so long as you avoid predictable movement patterns such as walking in a straight line. Just remember not to chase him into sticky traps, and you should be able to scare him off with several well-placed shells.  
* Explosives aren't the only [[projectile]]s you can vaporize. With good timing, you can destroy [[Sandman]] balls, [[Jarate]], [[Mad Milk]], [[Huntsman]] arrows, and many others.
*The Shotgun works well when paired with a Sentry gun. If your Sentry is not in any immediate danger, you can afford to stop tanking your gun for a minute and whip out your shotgun to deal some extra damage against enemies.
* This weapon is extremely weak in combat, dealing only 10 damage per shot, meaning its primary use should be for defense, support, or self-defense. The alt-fire is similarly weak, though can be used to finish off fleeing enemies.
**You can also use your shotgun to chase down and finish off enemies that have hidden in cover from your Sentry. They will usually be too focused on the Sentry to expect you coming, and they will have probably taken heavy damage from your gun.
=== [[Frontier Justice]] ===
* The Short Circuit really shines in supporting other Engineers and defending nests, where there's a steadier supply of metal from Dispensers and more buildings to defend at once. You might be better off taking another secondary if you're largely working alone or your buildings are spread-out and projectiles aren't much of a problem.
* The Frontier Justice has a clip size of only 3, so marksmanship and use of cover to hit and run is key. Try not to fire as fast as you usually would with the regular Shotgun, as you will be relying less on cumulative spread damage and more on highly damaging direct hits.
** Because of this, new players may want to consider practice with the regular Shotgun before using the Frontier Justice. Both guns have similiar behavior when it comes to shooting since they have the same amount of pellets, damage, and damage falloff. Once they start racking up huge amounts of damage in two or three shots, then the Fronter Justice's smaller clip will become less of a trade-off for them. Turning on the option to see how much damage is being dealt in Options under the Multiplayer tab can help keep track of training progress.
* Revenge Crits you have available for immediate use are visible in a counter in the HUD, and they will be lost if you die before using them similar to the "heads" mechanic for the Eyelander-using Demoman. The maximum number of Revenge Crits you can have at once is 35.  If you manage to gain that many, don't be shy about using them!
* The Short Circuit's alt-fire attack will target disguised and invisible Spies, and can hit infinitely many enemies in a single attack, making it very useful for Spy-checking.
* You may rebuild a new Sentry Gun after your old one has been destroyed and still take advantage of the Revenge Critical hits.
* Because of how much metal the alt-fire uses, it is unwise to equip the Widowmaker unless you're stationed in an Engineer nest, as you may find yourself defenseless very quickly with two weapons (as well as your repair costs) eating into the same ammo pool.
*Remember that your Sentry's current kills and assists are "future" Revenge Crits that are stored even while you are dead. This means that you can lay down a Sentry, lay down some direct fire with your Frontier Justice or Pistol and still have them stored if you end up dying in the process, provided your Sentry Gun survives until you respawn.
* The Short Circuit is largely situational. If your Sentry Gun and other buildings are not getting harassed by Soldiers or Demomen, it's best to equip the [[Pistol]] or [[Wrangler]].
* If you are confronted by multiple low hp classes at once, consider using a three-Crit clip to severely weaken each of them and then switch to another weapon such as the Pistol to finish them all off to avoid having to pause to reload.  This may also cause some or even all of them to flee.
=== Melee weapons ===
==== [[Wrench]] + reskins ====
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align: center;"
! class="header" width="17%" rowspan=2 | Weapon
! class="header" width="16%" rowspan=2 | Kill Icon
! class="header" width="20%" rowspan=2 | Attack Interval
! class="header" width="50%" colspan=4 | Damage
! class="header" width="20%" | Point Blank
! class="header" width="20%" | Critical
! {{Table icon|Wrench|Stock}}
| {{Icon killicon|weapon=Wrench}}
| rowspan="6" | 0.8 seconds
| rowspan="6" | 65
| rowspan="6" | 195
! {{Table icon|Golden Wrench|Promotional}}
| align="center" | {{Icon killicon|weapon=Golden Wrench}}
! {{Table icon|Saxxy|Promotional}}
| align="center" | {{Icon killicon|weapon=Saxxy}}
! {{Table icon|Golden Frying Pan|Reward}}
| align="center" | {{Icon killicon|weapon=Golden Frying Pan}}
! {{Table icon|Necro Smasher|Achievement}}
| align="center" | {{Icon killicon|weapon=Necro Smasher}}
! {{Table icon|Prinny Machete|Promotional}}
| align="center" | {{Icon killicon|weapon=Prinny Machete}}
* Keep in mind that even doing critical damage, you still have to contend with a Shotgun's spread, so make sure you're close enough to do maximum damage. That said, it can still be effective at mid range due to the lack of damage falloff, but remember that you have fewer shots than the normal Shotgun.
* When a [[Spy]] is repeatedly sapping your Sentry Gun in an attempt to destroy it, your Wrench serves two purposes. First, you can use it to swing at the opposing Spy, 2-3 hits being enough to kill a Spy, ignoring [[Critical hits]]. After that, you can quickly turn around and repair your [[Sentry Gun]]. Two strikes from the Wrench will disable a [[Sapper]] and halt the progressive damage it causes; you can then fully repair the Sentry Gun after the Spy is killed. A good strategy would be to hit the Sentry Gun a single time, and then change targets towards the Spy, kill him, and then take off the Sapper with another swing.
* Using the accumulated revenge Crits as a deterrent is also possible. By firing a single long range shot at a weakened enemy and holding your ground, you may be able to fool them into thinking you have more Revenge Crits to use.
* While it may be tempting to use the Wrench's high critical hit rate to club enemies to death, melee combat is usually not where the low-health Engineer shines. Use the Shotgun instead at close range in order to quickly finish off the enemy.
* When moving your Sentry up while playing offensively, destroy it to give yourself the Crits and rebuild a new Sentry. This will allow you to keep the Revenge Crits from the old Sentry to support your team's push in, and in the event of your death while making your way there, your new Sentry will hopefully remain with any of its potential revenge Crits intact. This makes the Frontier Justice an ideal weapon with pushes that can help move up a base much faster.
* The game prioritizes repairing buildings over melee combat when using the Wrench. This means that if there is an enemy — say, a Spy — next to a friendly structure and you are using the Wrench to attempt to kill them, you will find the Wrench hitting the building near or even behind the enemy you are trying to strike ''instead'' of the enemy. Switch to the Shotgun or Pistol to deal with enemies that are very close to one of your buildings to avoid this.
* Remember that your Revenge Crits will only be deployed upon a Sentry's destruction. Sentry Guns that have gained kills and assists may be destroyed strategically to give you the Crits immediately.  However, you should resist the temptation to build "suicide" Sentries simply to build up Revenge Crits. You still want to keep your Sentry Guns active, and destroying a successful Sentry to gain Crits can be a risky maneuver. However, this could be a viable tactic combined with the more disposable mini-Sentries granted via use of the Gunslinger.
==== [[Gunslinger]] ====
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align: center;"
! class="header" width="20%" rowspan=2 | Weapon
! class="header" width="20%" rowspan=2 | Kill Icon
! class="header" width="20%" rowspan=2 | Attack Interval
! class="header" width="40%" colspan=2 | Damage
! class="header" width="20%" | Point Blank
! class="header" width="20%" | Critical
! rowspan="2" | {{Table icon|Gunslinger|Unlock}}
| {{Icon killicon|weapon=Gunslinger}}
| rowspan="2" | 0.8 seconds
| 65
| rowspan="2" | 195
| {{Icon killicon|weapon=Gunslinger Triple Punch}}
| N/A
* On the flip side, very passive build locations are unlikely to grant you many kills or assists and therefore will not grant you many Revenge Crits. If you have such a Sentry, you may wish to use the regular Shotgun as its larger clip size is better for killing enemies such as Spies.
* The Gunslinger replaces the normal [[Sentry Gun]] with a [[Mini Sentry#Combat Mini-Sentry Gun|Combat Mini-Sentry Gun]]. The Combat Mini-Sentry Gun is a smaller, quick-building version of the Sentry Gun with a cheaper cost of 100 metal. It also provides an extra 25 health to the Engineer, for a total of 150. As a downside, the Gunslinger is unable to do random critical hits, but if an enemy is hit three times in a row with the Gunslinger with less than a second between hits, the third hit will be a critical hit.
* The Gunslinger puts the Engineer to a more comfortable health pool of 150. This allows the Engineer to survive combat better and allows for some more aggressive playstyles.
* With the Gunslinger equipped, it may not even be worth building a [[Dispenser]] near your Mini-Sentry. A Mini-Sentry is, in most cases, not powerful enough to defend a Dispenser on its own. Don't let that stop you from building Dispensers at all, though. Even if you're not setting up camp, leaving a Dispenser in a good fallback location, such as around corners or behind cover, can do wonders for you and your team.
* When going on the offensive, such as the BLU team on Payload, the Mini-Sentry allows you to be more mobile. Due to how easily the Mini-Sentry can be replaced, you can destroy it when you need to move your other buildings up in order to support your team, then place down another one in order to support your team in a firefight.
* Although not as high priority as other buildings, healing your Mini-Sentry can prove to be beneficial.
* If a Spy has destroyed your Sentry and is attempting to escape, be wary of using the Frontier Justice to get revenge. If the Spy has the Dead Ringer equipped he could cause you to waste one of the few Revenge Crits you may have by triggering his feign death. Use your judgment in such situations, and try to take into account whether you know that Spy has been previously using the Dead Ringer.  
* The Combat Mini-Sentry comes with its own series of benefits and setbacks:
** The Mini-Sentry is much less expensive on metal than the standard Sentry Gun, costing only 100 metal instead of 130. With this conservation of metal, you can use the extra metal to upgrade, repair, help another Engineer's buildings, or build other buildings.
* Try to preserve your Revenge Crits for just the right moment, as they will become much harder to rack up from one Sentry as more and more people try to avoid it or destroy it. This is especially important if you are using the [[Wrangler]], as you will not have a secondary weapon to fall back on and preserve the Frontier Justice's Crits with (instead having to rely on your melee weapon).
** A Mini-Sentry is good for being deployed quickly and picking enemies off. However, do not expect the Mini-Sentry to last very long. Its low health means that it is very vulnerable. It's best to replace it as soon as possible once it is destroyed.
** The reduced metal cost allows you to place a maximum of 2 Mini-Sentry Guns on the battlefield before having to collect more metal, and for every kill you get you can build another one with the dropped ammo pack. Take advantage of this, as you will be able to keep the pressure on the enemy for a longer period of time.
** It may not always be worth it to pick up your Mini-Sentry and move it elsewhere. Unless there's no time pressure or it's a very short distance, simply destroying your Mini-Sentry and building a new one is more beneficial.
** The Mini-Sentry constructs itself 150% percent faster than the regular Sentry Gun. It also will start with 50 health instead of starting from scratch at 1, which allows it to survive wayward fire much more reliably.
** A single punch from the Gunslinger will fully repair a Mini-Sentry (but will not fully replenish ammo). This is more time efficient on offense and overall makes it much easier to be constantly on the move with your other buildings.
** The Mini-Sentry has the same range as the standard Level 1 Sentry Gun. This makes it excellent for holding down one small area, such as around a health pack, rather than somewhere like the point, where its lack of range can allow enemy Demomen or Soldiers to easily destroy it.
*** However, due to its smaller size, it can prove beneficial to put the Mini-Sentry on one side near an objective and yourself on the other, forcing the enemy to choose between fighting you or your Mini.
* Consider not taking out the Frontier Justice until you're ready to fire. The team Crit glow on the Frontier Justice can easily make you a target for the enemy team, and indicate to enemies that they should begin dodging in an attempt to waste your shots.
* The Gunslinger pairs very well with certain weapons:
** Pairing with the Frontier Justice will grant you frequent revenge crits, although in smaller quantities than if a regular Sentry is destroyed. Destroying your Mini-Sentry can allow you to receive your critical hits on demand when they are needed most.
** Paired with the Widowmaker you can become an effective combat class, with the ability to constantly place Mini-Sentry Guns around and frustrate the enemy team's approach. Be careful of your metal count, however, as it is being used as your primary ammo source. Additionally, you will deal extra damage to enemies targeted by your Mini-Sentry, which will allow it to combo with it very effectively.
** Paired with the Wrangler, the Mini-Sentry can be deadly. The Wrangler gives the Mini-Sentry an effective health of 300, has damage output similarly to that of the Level 2 Sentry Gun and a much longer range, which can make it a force to be reckoned with.
* Revenge Crits enable you to support yourself on offensive pushes.  Use mini-Sentries or carry an upgraded Gun into enemy territory and plant it, and while it builds fight with your Revenge Crits to buy time for your Sentry to deploy and join the fight.  Then, once the area has been cleared build your Dispenser to help you repair and heal and your Teleporter to funnel reinforcements to you.
* When a lone enemy is being fired on by your Mini-Sentry, attack from another direction with your primary or secondary. This means you are effectively attacking from two directions and your target might have difficulty dealing with both you and your Mini-Sentry. However, this tactic may not work as effectively on explosive classes or high health targets.
=== [[Pistol]] ===
* When facing off against an enemy, or a group of enemies, that you know you can't win, consider using the Mini-Sentry as a decoy instead. If it's not already deployed, you can quickly deploy one and run away. This will force your enemy to either go for you and be shot at by your Mini, or it will delay them.
*While the pistol may seem innocuous in comparison to its bigger brothers, the [[shotgun]] and [[Sentry Gun]], there are many situations where it will be a much more useful weapon. Shot-for-shot, the pistol will mostly outdo the Shotgun in accuracy and damage at long range. If you couple this with your 200 rounds of spare ammunition and a Dispenser, it is possible to ward off distant enemies. Pistol [[Spam]] can also be used for [[Spy-checking]] down narrow corridors, such as the long tunnel in [[Dustbowl]] 2.B. Take advantage of the critical hits since they can deal damage quickly at 45 health per hit, regardless of the distance between you and your enemies.
** Similarly, when you run into a more powerful enemy or an enemy that has the upper hand, you can put down your Mini-Sentry first and then start shooting them.
*Pistol bullets are surprisingly lethal at closer ranges. Each one can deal somewhere between 10 and 15 damage per hit, and a clip of them can give even the tougher classes a moment to pause. While it's not about to make an overhealed Heavy pull back, a couple clips of Pistol fire, which can be unloaded in less than six seconds, can still give foes such as Demomen something to think about.
* While the extra 25 health is an excellent bonus, do not become overconfident. You are still vulnerable when all alone and headshots from Snipers can still instantly kill you if you are not overhealed.
*If one has to move through an area threatened by Snipers (to whom a yellow construction helmet is the equivalent of a very large 'shoot here' sign), the Pistol might be a better choice than the Shotgun. Not only is it already more powerful at range but it also throws Snipers' aim off every time they are hit, and it reloads quickly enough to allow for some covering fire. Starting with the Shotgun and switching to the Pistol right after is not a bad choice either.
==== Placement ====
* Place your Mini-Sentry in an area where enemies pass through frequently. Using a Mini-Sentry as a long-term defense is not recommended.
*Watch for retreating enemies and tag them with Pistol fire. An enemy that is falling back is usually injured, so a bit more damage can help bring them down. Be mindful of traps such as stickies and enemy sentry guns, however.
* It's a good idea to place your Mini-Sentry near a health pack, since health packs attract low-health enemies — easy kills for a Mini-Sentry.
*If you find yourself in direct combat with an enemy with more loaded ammo, switch to your Pistol. Your Shotgun's reload time will give your enemy a few vital seconds of unreturned fire, which can be circumvented by switching to your pistol, preferably after you have expended your loaded shells.
* Try putting your Mini-Sentry around a corner, or on top of a high building. If enemies can't figure out where a Mini-Sentry is, they will either die before they can spot/destroy it or be left moderately to severely injured.
*None of the Engineer's unlockable or randomly dropped items allow or use random Critical Hits.  If you use one or more of these weapons, keeping the Pistol equipped can "funnel" all of the random Crits you receive into it, making it into a much more powerful weapon than it would be normally after you've gotten several kills with your other weapons that do not randomly Crit, or your Sentry.  It is not uncommon to have most of a Pistol clip be Critical Hits after you have made several kills.
* Since the Mini-Sentry has a relatively short range, smaller spaces are preferable to wide-open spaces, where Snipers, Soldiers, or other classes can pick it off without the Mini-Sentry being able to defend itself.
=== [[Wrangler]] ===
* A Mini-Sentry hidden away underwater can temporarily confuse enemies as to how they're being shot.
* While using this device to aim your Sentry Gun, remember that you cannot switch weapons to repair your Sentry if you also wish it to keep firing. A way around this weakness is to ask another Engineer on your team to repair your Sentry Gun while you aim it.
* For a rather cruel, ironic twist, hide Mini-Sentry Guns under large ammo boxes. The Mini-Sentry is just small enough that the only part of it not covered is the kickstand, though the particle effect from the light can sometimes be seen.
* With the Wrangler it is possible to aim and fire your Sentry at enemies outside of the Sentry's normal target acquisition range, meaning that it is possible to fire at enemy Snipers or Soldiers attempting to hit you from long range. However in order to do this you must yourself be exposed to the return fire from such enemies, making this a risky tactic. Consider asking a Medic to heal or even Übercharge you to negate this weakness.  Though hitting a Sniper will throw off his aim you can't necessarily count on this to save you.
* When playing the role of a Battle Engineer, get into the habit of dropping a Mini-Sentry on a whim, without any real rhyme or reason to its placement. This can grant you vital cover-fire and provides a distraction should the situation go south.
** With the recent change to the Gunslinger, this strategy has diminished in effectiveness quite a lot. However, doing this in defensive situations near objectives is still effective. Cover your frontline teammates with a Mini-Sentry slightly behind them to allow them a small safe zone they can retreat to.
* Similar to the Sniper's rifle, the Wrangler creates a laser dot on the surface of where you aim it.  Hide this dot to surprise your enemies, or reveal it to deter them as the situation calls for it, however keep in mind that the laser beam will inform your enemies of your Sentry's location.
==== [[Southern Hospitality]] ====
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align: center;"
! class="header" width="17%" rowspan=2 | Weapon
! class="header" width="16%" rowspan=2 | Kill Icon
! class="header" width="20%" rowspan=2 | Attack Interval
! class="header" width="50%" colspan=4 | Damage
! class="header" width="20%" | Point Blank
! class="header" width="20%" | Critical
! {{Table icon|Southern Hospitality|Craft}}
| {{Icon killicon|weapon=Southern Hospitality}}
| 0.8 seconds
| 65
| 195
! [[Bleed]]ing
| {{Icon killicon|weapon=Bleed}}
| 40 damage over 5 seconds
| N/A
| N/A
* There is a small "lag" behind your own aim and the Sentry's laser guide. In this sense, the Wrangler requires "leading" similar to the Medic's Syringe Gun or the Pyro's flames, especially at long range. This can make tracking faster targets such as Scouts more difficult, though the faster rate of fire can make up for this somewhat.
* The Southern Hospitality is nearly as versatile as the stock Wrench, with only a few situational weaknesses. As such, it is an upgrade to the default Wrench unless the enemy team has more than one actively attacking Pyro. The lack of random crits is compensated for by the Bleed status and the retained ability to wear opponents down further with other weapons.
* Using the Wrangler doubles your Sentry Gun's firing rate.  In addition to increased damage, this also causes your Sentry to quickly drain its ammunition reserves, necessitating regular refills in order to keep it firing, particularly the bullets. Make sure you have enough metal available to also make repairs.  A completely empty Level 3 Sentry requires 240 metal to completely restock with ammunition.
* The Southern Hospitality favors a defensive playstyle. Camping Engineers rarely encounter Pyros without having a Sentry Gun in between to win the skirmish, whereas when pushing into enemy territory, should the Engineer encounter a Pyro, then the Engineer is at extreme disadvantage due to extra 20% fire vulnerability. Fortunately, Engineer vs. Pyro exchanges are rather uncommon due to the Engineer's Sentry Gun being able to completely zone out the Pyro, so this downside isn't as serious of a detriment as it may seem.  
* As a general rule of thumb, switch to the Wrangler to take out slower moving and more durable foes such as Soldiers, Heavies, and Demomen.  The doubled firing rate will carve through their hitpoints fast enough to kill them even if they are being healed by a Medic.  Since these classes are often the greatest threat to your Sentry Gun, having the Wrangler's shield active will also help preserve it more effectively than simply repairing, particularly in the case of a Demoman placing Sticky Bombs as he will need to place more than twice as many to take down a level 3 Sentry at full health, and you can also have your Sentry shoot the stickies.  Remember that you should dodge as much as possible if they switch their aim to you.
* The presence of [[bleeding]] on this weapon makes it an excellent anti-Spy tool, allowing you and your teammates to monitor their movements should they try to escape. However, the inability to randomly crit makes killing Spies more difficult in a short span of time. Instead, hit them repeatedly with the Southern Hospitality, thus doing more average Wrench damage and resetting the Bleed timer each hit, or hit them with the Southern Hospitality, then switch to your Shotgun or Frontier Justice to finish them off.
* In a quiet period after a battle, switch to the Wrench and repair, and then to one of your own guns such as the Frontier Justice and let your Sentry take care of itself for awhile.  Switching modes often prevents you from becoming too preoccupied with Wrangling and getting Backstabbed and keeps your enemies guessing (as well as giving your trigger finger a rest).
* ÜberCharged Pyros are a major threat with the 20% increase to fire vulnerability. If one approaches, the most valuable building should be moved to a safe(r) location to be ready when the ÜberCharge wears off. If the Pyro is too close for you to haul a building to safety, flee, and be prepared to rebuild.
** The Rescue Ranger can help save 2 of your buildings from a safe distance, provided you have a full metal supply.
* Use the Wrangler to counter opponents attempting to take advantage of a Sentry Gun's corner weakness.  This is when an enemy is popping in and out of cover and firing faster than your Sentry can react on its own.  When this happens, take control!  Level 3 Sentries are great for this thanks to the splash-damaging rockets, but even the bullets can punish enemies dodging around corners because you can react faster than your Sentry's auto-target.
* The Southern Hospitality is very viable within [[Medieval Mode]], as the 40 damage added by Bleeding is a strong buff, and sources of fire damage are reduced significantly.
* You can use the Wrangler as a purely defensive measure to help your Sentry survive just by switching to it for an instant.  You can then switch back to a repair tool or weapon. The energy shield will last for the duration of the Sentry's deactivation period.  Do this only if you can afford to be without the Sentry's firepower.
==== [[Jag]] + reskins ====
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align: center;"
! class="header" width="17%" rowspan=2 | Weapon
! class="header" width="16%" rowspan=2 | Kill Icon
! class="header" width="20%" rowspan=2 | Attack Interval
! class="header" width="50%" colspan=4 | Damage
! class="header" width="20%" | Base Damage
! class="header" width="20%" | Critical
! {{Table icon|Jag|Craft}}
| {{Icon killicon|weapon=Jag}}
| 0.68 seconds
| 49
| 146
* You can also use the Wrangler to prevent your Sentry Gun from being distracted by invulnerable enemies such as Scouts using [[Bonk! Atomic Punch]] or Übercharged enemies. Keep in mind though that the simple "push" of your Sentry's fire can also prevent such enemies from accomplishing their goal.
* The Jag gives the Engineer a 30% bonus to construction speed; Wrench-boosting construction of buildings with the Jag will construct buildings at just shy of three times the normal rate, compared to 2.5x with most other wrenches. The Jag also swings 15% faster, further speeding up the process of creating level 3 buildings.
** This also serves to legitimize construction of regular [[Sentry Gun]]s even in an offensive situation where normally a [[Gunslinger|Mini-Sentry]] would suffice. A level 2 Sentry will not take terribly long to make with ample metal available, and it will have a tremendous area control advantage thanks to superior DPS and durability over the Mini-Sentry. If your buildings aren't being pressured by Spies or other enemies, this could be something to consider.
* Although the Wrangler's deactivation feature is a disadvantage in most respects, it can be used strategically to ambush opponents by keeping your Sentry deactivated until the right moment (by fleeing from an otherwise unseen Sentry, luring the enemies in front of it so that upon reactivation is can instantly attack them).
* Try to avoid melee combat due to the damage penalty. If your team is good at Spy checking, however, this won't matter much, and the extra swing speed will make up for some of the lost damage.
* The deactivation can also be negated to a degree should you want to continue using the Wrangler after reloading the Sentry. To do this, simply switch to your Wrench or Gunslinger, whack the Sentry a couple of times and then switch back to the Wrangler and the deactivation will be cut short.
* Get in the habit of hitting your buildings all the way to completion as soon as you plant them.
* The deactivation can also be interrupted by hauling your Sentry. While this is useless in terms of cutting down its inactive time (due to having to redeploy the Sentry), this means that should your Sentry start taking heavy fire or run out of ammo while being Wrangled, you can quickly switch to another weapon, pack it up and move out to keep it alive.
* The Jag is also useful in situations such as rebuilding a destroyed Teleporter Entrance or Exit while the other half is still up; being able to speedily rebuild the destroyed half means you can teleport back to your other buildings a few seconds faster.
* Remember that merely having the Wrangler out causes the Sentry to start following your crosshair and emit a laser, and will also deactivate when switching away from the Wrangler. Because of this, don't keep switching back to the Wrangler repeatedly when you do not need to use it, as it will stop the Sentry from doing its normal job of protecting the area.
* The Jag is a great weapon for "helper" Engineers who are only being Engineer temporarily to help other Engineers upgrade or maintain their buildings.
** Although sometimes counterintuitive, you can temporarily equip the Jag to quickly construct higher-leveled buildings at spawn, and switch to another Wrench (besides the Gunslinger) to relish the Jag's bonus, but keep another Wrench as your 'main'. This is best seen in defending [[Dustbowl]]'s 3rd Stage.
* The Wrangler makes you and your Sentry much more vulnerable to flanking.  Even enemies that are usually easy prey for a Sentry Gun such as Scouts can get close to you while you are Wrangling and potentially finish you off. If you want to Wrangle for long periods, make sure you are in a location that has limited avenues of attack, and that you have nearby support or a system of early warning. Otherwise limit your Wrangling to short periods when you really need it.
* The Jag pairs well with the [[Rescue Ranger]] both by being able to quickly deploy buildings hauled from long range and healing any damage suffered to them to make up for the repair rate penalty; however, it becomes detrimental to equip the Pistol because the Jag is a straight downgrade to the default Wrench in combat and the Ranger is not very good at combat either. You may switch to the Wrangler if you prefer to keep your distance or try and Wrangler jump to unusual locations. This provides great utility with the Ranger by being able to pick up your Sentry while jumping, then teleport your Dispenser to yourself.
* While it is often best to stand near or behind your Sentry while your aim it, it is not strictly necessary. You can move forward or even retreat and still be able to use your Sentry's fire to protect you as long as you stay within an area you know your Sentry can cover.  However if you do so, you may run into one of two problems.  Either you will 1) have no line of sight to an area your Sentry ''can'' shoot or 2) have line of sight to an area your Sentry ''cannot'' shoot.
* The Jag's repair rate penalty stacks with the repair reduction of the Wrangler's shield. It may be advisable to use a different Wrench if your Sentry spot necessitates the Wrangler.
* Be careful of making Sentry Guns in locations that are only useful if you Wrangle them but will otherwise be too far away to see much action. One of the Sentry Gun's strengths is the ability to attack on its own allowing you to do other things -- depriving yourself of this advantage limits your options and forces you to Wrangle at the expense of being aware of your surroundings.  
* The Jag takes 3 hits instead of 2 to destroy an enemy [[Sapper]]. It may be useful to use a different Wrench after you deploy your Buildings.
* It is possible to use both the bullets and rockets from your Sentry gun to propel yourself across the map.  This is known as [[Sentry jumping]] or Wrangler jumping.  It is possible to use this technique to quickly catch up with your team, build in locations normally out of reach such as rooftops, or even to quickly build Teleporters.  With practice, it is even possible to carry buildings with you on such jumps, including the very Sentry you used to launch yourself! Using these jumps will drain most of your health especially after fall damage, so use this technique with that in mind.
==== [[Eureka Effect]] ====
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align: center;"
! class="header" width="17%" rowspan=2 | Weapon
! class="header" width="16%" rowspan=2 | Kill Icon
! class="header" width="20%" rowspan=2 | Attack Interval
! class="header" width="50%" colspan=3 | Damage
! class="header" width="20%" | Point Blank
! class="header" width="20%" | Critical
! {{Table icon|Eureka Effect|Craft}}
| {{Icon killicon|weapon=Eureka Effect}}
| 0.8 seconds
| 65
| 195
=== [[Wrench]] ===
* The Eureka Effect gives the Engineer the ability to teleport to the spawn and their [[Teleporter]] with the reload key ([[List of default keys|default key]]: {{key|R}}) and also decreases the cost to build and upgrade the Teleporter by 50%. However, the Eureka Effect gives the user 20% less metal from ammo pickups and Dispensers, and also gives the building 50% penalty to construction speed; Wrench-boosting construction of buildings with the Jag will construct buildings at 1.25x the normal rate, compared to 2.5x with most other wrenches.
*When a [[Spy]] is repeatedly sapping your sentry in an attempt to destroy it, your Wrench serves two purposes. First, you can use it to swing at the opposing Spy (2-3 hits is enough to kill one, not including [[Critical|Critical Hits]]).  After that you can quickly turn around (while the Spy is backing off) and repair your [[Sentry Gun|Sentry]]. Two strikes from the Wrench will disable a [[Sapper]] and halt the progressive damage it causes; you can then fully repair the sentry after the Spy is killed. A good strategy would be to hit the sentry a single time, and then change targets towards the Spy, kill him and then take off the Sapper with another swing.
*While it may be tempting to use the Wrench's high critical hit rate to club enemies to death, melee combat is usually not where the low-health Engineer shines. Unless an enemy does not see you coming, switch to something with better range.
* The Eureka Effect shines in situations where time and metal are of the essence. A player can drop a level 1 sentry and a teleporter, hit the teleporter with your {{botignore|wrench}} till it's about 75% built, then teleport back and forth and have a nest built up quickly and at low personal risk as the player does need to leave the nest to forage for metal.
* The game prioritizes repairing buildings over melee combat when using the wrench. This means that if there is an enemy, say a Spy, next to a friendly structure and you are using the wrench to attempt to kill the enemy, you will find that you instead hear the Wrench hitting the building near or even behind the enemy you are trying to strike. Switch to the Shotgun or Pistol to deal with enemies that are very close to one of your buildings to avoid this.
* With the Eureka Effect equipped Dispensers will still dispense their regular amount of metal, but the Engineer will receive a reduced amount. For example, a Lvl 3 [[Dispenser]] will dispense its usual 60 metal each tick, but the Engineer will only receive 48 metal with the remaining 12 metal lost. This can very quickly add up in high metal usage situations.
=== [[Gunslinger]] ===
* The Eureka Effect is ineffective for sustaining a base under consistent enemy attack due to it reducing your metal pickups. Therefore, use the Eureka Effect to set up a base, then switch to the stock [[Wrench]] to defend it more effectively. Remember, buildings are not lost when switching wrenches, in most circumstances.
* This item is for Engineers with an aggressive inclination. The added 25 hitpoints and the fact that your [[Sentry Gun#Combat Mini-Sentries|Combat Mini-Sentries]] deploy quickly means that front-line duty is no longer something to shy away from.  
* You and your buildings are more vulnerable when being constructed. Try to build in safe areas and know your limits on how aggressively you can place buildings.
* Conversely, the Gunslinger is less effective for Engineers that wish to set up solid entrenched positions.  Mini-Sentries lack both stopping power and durability, which may be exactly what you need in these situations.
* Triggering a teleport forces the player to wait 3 seconds while the Engineer performs a brief taunt; since taunting leaves the Engineer completely defenseless, retreating with low health or when the enemy is advancing can result in death if care is not taken.
* Keep in mind that while Sappers ''can'' be removed from your mini-Sentries, the damage dealt by them cannot be repaired.  Since destroying and moving mini-Sentries often is important, being sapped delays your ability to demolish and rebuild.
* The Eureka Effect can be extremely useful in game modes lacking a source of healing (such as a health pickup, Medi Gun, or a Dispenser). You can engage an enemy, go to safety when you're at low health, teleport back to base, come back with full health (and metal), and repeat.
* Psychology can work to your advantage when using Mini-Sentries.  Despite their low damage, many players, especially those playing lighter classes, reflexively retreat when they come under fire from any Sentry, which can create a very valuable diversion for you or your teammates.  If your enemies do retreat from your guns, don't let up!  Keep up the pressure by rebuilding or moving your Sentries after them.
* The Eureka Effect can be useful in setting up and upgrading a Sentry nest quickly; having it equipped means an Engineer is able to run back and forth between spawn or a teleport exit and their nest very quickly by using the Eureka Effect's taunt and an active teleporter, allowing an instant metal refill with each trip.
* Avoid idle mini-Sentries.  They are so cheap and fast-building that defensive positions is a waste of their potential.  Unless you are occupied building/repairing your other structures and need cover, your mini-Sentries should be constantly going up where they can harass the enemy.  It can be helpful to think of a mini-Sentry as not a "trap" or "nest" but more of an actual Primary Weapon that you "aim" by "building at" the enemy.
* The Eureka Effect gives the [[RED|defending team]] an advantage on attack/defense maps; if the penultimate point is being captured, a tactful teleport can allow an Engineer to fall back and prepare for an incoming attack.
* The aggressive play the Gunslinger encourages can make stopping to spend a minute or more making and upgrading Dispensers and Teleporters an unwelcome delay in your attacking.  While you should not necessarily neglect making Dispensers and Teleporters, if the situation calls for it don't be afraid to spend less time upgrading and more time fighting.  Remember, without the heavy firepower and durability of a Level 3 Sentry Gun, your other Buildings will be less protected from destruction, wasting the time and Metal you put into upgrading them in the first place. If you find yourself getting caught up in "base making" you probably shouldn't be using the Gunslinger at all.  It may be better to use your Teleporter and Dispenser similarly to how you use your mini-Sentries -- leave them at Level 1 and don't be afraid to lose them and rebuild new ones.  Alternately you can leave them with a friendly non-Gunslinger Engineer to take care of and upgrade for you.
* The teleport action also allows a teleporter exit to be placed at the front lines during setup on Payload maps; a quick teleport back to spawn and the teleporter is ready to go quickly. This allows you and your fellow Engineers to teleport to the frontlines and setup your buildings more quickly.
* Attempt to use your mini-Sentry to pincer your opponents by planting it and then attacking. Your opponents will have to choose between attacking either your Sentry or you, and unlike with the normal Sentry Gun, mini Sentries are not as vulnerable upon starting construction and will quickly start damaging your foes if they choose to ignore it.  
* The Eureka Effect is great for passive chokepoint holding on the [[BLU|attacking team]], as teleporting back to spawn can guarantee a steady teleport system and get your slower classes back to the front quickly.
*When playing offensively with your mini-Sentries, using your Shotgun or Pistol to attack the same target your Sentry is attacking can deal a lot of damage to that target quickly.
* You can sneak past enemy lines on maps where the spawns change (such as Frontier), and set up a teleporter exit near the last point. Then, you can teleport back to spawn, restock, and take the teleporter to the point. Getting some of your teammates to take the teleporter can effectively "sandwich" the enemy, making for an easier fight.
** On the other hand, if a Spy has destroyed your teleporter entrance or is currently spam-sapping it, the Eureka Effect allows you to surprise any Spies and/or rebuild an entrance.
* If going on offense and your mini-Sentry is destroyed in the field (by you or the enemy), try to recycle all the Metal pieces. The Metal from 2 destroyed mini-Sentries grants 56 Metal, halfway to being able to afford a 3rd.
* Crafty Engineers can possibly carefully sneak past enemy lines and plant a teleporter exit in a place where the other side won't suspect it will be, such as the Control Point building in [[Dustbowl]] after it's captured, and then teleport back to the spawn safely, where they can upgrade and repair it as needed. This allows for other classes, like [[Spy|Spies]], to quickly go to that area without raising much suspicion.
* For melee combat, the Gunslinger is most useful on servers that have random Crits disabled. With random Crits enabled, even a normal Melee Weapon such as the Wrench will likely Crit at least one out of three hits anyway, and potentially Crit every time. Also consider the practicality of going for multiple melee attacks on enemies, since almost every Class can deal lethal damage at close range.
* The Eureka Effect can be used to attempt accurate telefrags. This requires very good timing.
* While it may seem like a good idea to use the Gunslinger in concert with the Frontier Justice, remember that mini-Sentries are weaker and may not result in as many Revenge Crits. If you wish, try building up Revenge Crits without the Gunslinger equipped and then switch to it later to go on the attack.  Knowing good ambush spots is also important when using the Gunslinger/Frontier combo.
* Because of the Eureka Effect's con that you can only get 80% of metal from metal pick-ups, you are usually conserving more metal than using the other wrenches.
*Be careful of using the Wrangler with the Gunslinger, since if you run out of mini-Sentries your only back up weapon will be one of the Shotguns, which use up their clips fast and reload slowly.  However, do not underestimate Wrangled mini-Sentries either, as using the Wrangler can double a mini-Sentry's effectiveness which can in turn help you gain Revenge Crits if you are using the Frontier Justice. In addition, the "deactivation" time after switching weapons is less of a problem since mini-Sentries are much more expendable.
* When respawning, use the Eureka Effect's teleport ability to teleport to your teleporter, so that someone else can use the teleporter.
*The game's scripting prioritizes repairing Buildings over melee combat. This means that if there is an enemy next to a friendly structure and you are using a melee weapon to attempt to kill him, you will find that you instead hear the sound of hitting the Building near or even behind the enemy you are trying to strike. Switch to a Shotgun or the Pistol to deal with enemies that are very close to one of your Buildings to avoid this.
== Map specific ==
=== [[Control Point]] (Attack/Defend)===
* [[Steel]] is an excellent map when it comes to tactical Engineer-based pushes. One well placed [[BLU]] teleporter can win a game quickly and effectively, due to the ability to capture Point E without the requirement to capture Points A-D first. A Sentry Gun in the area around Point E can lock it down and provide effective cover for BLU's [[Soldier]]s and [[Scout]]s as they capture.
*While on Blu, it can often be a handy idea to use the following loadout:
** Primary - [[Shotgun]]
** Secondary - [[Short Circuit]]
** Melee - [[Jag]]
* Because of the large amount of tight areas and general lack of wide open spaces on Steel, the Short Circuit can be a very helpful tool to use over the [[Wrangler]] or [[Pistol]], as Engineers will often find themselves in situations where a Soldier or Demoman may be firing rockets, grenades or stickybombs at their base from around a corner or through a window and the Short Circuit will destroy the projectiles before they can hit the buildings or be detonated.
* The Jag can be a handy item to have when it comes to quickly placing a Sentry Gun to assault enemies where they least expect it.
** An effective example of this would be to build your sentry to Level 3 during setup time, and then haul it up the stairs to the right of the spawn doors. Provided of course that there are no enemy Sentry Guns within direct range of yours, place it on the elevated walkway next to Point A. Although it may be destroyed shortly afterwards, it can provide ample support which will allow your team to capture the point while denying [[Red]] that entire area.
* If you are confident that your team will capture the point without support from you or your buildings, setting up a teleporter exit and base near the proceeding control points can often be a good way to catch your enemy off guard. This will allow for your team to begin capturing the points before the enemy team has a chance to set up defenses of their own.
* When defending, it can often lead to setup positions similar to the ones mentioned in the last point. If you are confident that the enemy team will capture Point A fairly quickly, it may be a good idea to have a complete setup on Point B or even C.
** One of the most surprising sentry placements on Steel will often be the narrow area leading from Point B to Point C. Setting up your nest here while on RED can catch the enemy team off guard and allows for Point C to get a defense set up by your teammates while you prevent BLU from directly entering the area. If they do begin firing projectiles at your buildings, they can be protected by the Short Circuit. This base will often last the entire round if you defend it properly, mainly due to the lack of access points. It is recommended that you haul to another spot though, as the enemy team will usually give up trying to pass through this point and take another route.
* If BLU only needs to capture Point E to win, a very effective way to figure out where to place a sentry is to take note of where the enemy team is pushing from. Once satisfied you have the right entrance, place a sentry not guarding the entrance itself or even the point, but the area that the team needs to pass through to get to this entrance. This will prove a lot more effective than placing it exactly where they typically expect it to be, thus catching them off guard preparing for something that is sooner upon them than they thought.
=== [[Southern Hospitality]] ===
== [[Buildings]] ==
==== [[Sentry Gun]] ====
{| class="wikitable grid"
! class="header" | Level
! class="header" | Kill Icon
! class="header" | Health
! class="header" | Cost
! class="header" | Weaponry
! class="header" | Damage
! class="header" | Ammo
| height=150 |
*The positive effects of the Southern Hospitality make it as versatile as the normal Wrench, only granting a few situational weaknesses. As such, try to use it in place of the normal Wrench unless the enemy team has more than one actively attacking Pyro, as the lack of random Crits does not matter if you do not actively rely on them (you can also compensate for the possible lost damage by inflicting the Bleed status on someone then wearing them down further with the Shotgun).
{| class="wikitable grid"
! class="header" |
! 1
|{{Icon killicon|weapon=sentry1}}
| 150 (effectively 450 with the [[Wrangler]] shielding)
| 130 [[Metal]]
| Semi-Automatic Firing Barrel
| '''Damage:''' 16 <br> '''Shots per second:''' 4 (8 with [[Wrangler]])<br>'''Average DPS:''' 64 (128 with [[Wrangler]])
| 100 rounds
| height=150 |
*The presence of [[Bleeding]] on this weapon makes it an excellent anti-Spy tool, allowing you to prevent their escape should they try to make a quick getaway.
{| class="wikitable grid"
! class="header" |
! 2
|{{Icon killicon|weapon=sentry2}}
| 180 (effectively 540 with the [[Wrangler]] shielding)
| 330 [[Metal]]
| Dual Rotational Minigun Barrels
| '''Damage:''' 16<br>
'''Shots per second:''' 8 (16 with [[Wrangler]])<br>
'''Average DPS:''' 128 (256 with [[Wrangler]])<br>
| 120 rounds
| height=150 |
*The disorienting and diminishing effects of Bleeding also make it a good weapon to use on unsuspecting or distracted heavier classes, such as Heavies, Demomen and Soldiers. You may be killed in the process of hitting them, but the resulting damage they take over time will make the rest of your team's job of killing them much easier. If given enough time to fully damage its target, the Bleeding can also cripple and possibly kill weaker classes.
{| class="wikitable grid"
! class="header" |
! 3
|{{Icon killicon|weapon=sentry3}}
| 216 (effectively 648 with the [[Wrangler]] shielding)
| 530 [[Metal]]
Dual Rotational Minigun Barrels <br>
*The inability to randomly Crit, however, makes killing Spies a lot more difficult in a short space of time, as you will not be able to possibly kill them in a single hit. Instead, hit them repeatedly with the Southern Hospitality (thus doing more average wrench damage and resetting the Bleed timer each hit) or hit them then switch to your Shotgun or Frontier Justice to finish them off. You can also make them Bleed to reveal them to your teammates, and leave them to deal with the Spy.
Target Guided Rocket Launch Support System
'''Damage:''' 16<br>
'''Shots per second:''' 8 (16 with [[Wrangler]])<br>
'''Average DPS:''' 128 (256 with [[Wrangler]])<br>
* Rockets fire every 3 seconds (slightly faster with the [[Wrangler]]), dealing 53 to 150 damage on direct hit (falloff is calculated from the distance of the Engineer to the target, not from the Sentry to the target). The rockets can be deflected with the [[Pyro]]'s [[compression blast]].
144 rounds<br>
20 rocket salvos
==== [[Combat Mini-Sentry Gun]] ====
*While not a common occurence on some maps, be very careful of Ubercharged Pyros. The increased fire vulnerability the Southern Hospitality grants (making you take 20% more damage as a result) means that you will be killed much quicker than before unless you retreat as soon as possible. If you have the chance, try to haul your most valuable building to a safe location when you are expecting an Ubercharged Pyro to rush in, to save the trouble of rebuilding it upon the charge wearing off.
{| class="wikitable grid"
! class="header" | Level
! class="header" | Kill Icon
! class="header" | Health
! class="header" | Cost
! class="header" | Weaponry
! class="header" | Damage
! class="header" | Ammo
| height=150 |
*Never try to take on a Pyro with the Southern Hospitality either, as their Flamethrower's aptitude for close range makes it all the more deadly to you and upon escape, any Afterburn you suffer will only be amplified (instead, try to take care of them at mid to long range, with your ranged weapons).
{| class="wikitable grid"
! class="header" |
! N/A
[[Image:Red Mini Sentry.png|100px]]
|{{Icon killicon|weapon=Combat Mini-Sentry}}
| 100 (effectively 300 with the [[Wrangler]] shielding)
| 100 Metal
| Semi-Automatic Firing Barrel
| '''Damage:''' 8<br>
'''Shots per second:''' 6 (12 with [[Wrangler]])<br>
'''Average DPS:''' 48 (96 with [[Wrangler]])
| 100 rounds
=== [[Building PDA]] ===
* The difference between excellent Sentry Gun placement and average Sentry Gun placement can sometimes be very little; a matter of inches, or an angle that is off by a few degrees, can determine whether a Sentry Gun can effectively cover a certain approach, whether it will give away its location to enemies too easily, whether it will take too long to rotate into firing positions, and so on. This does not mean that you should take a long time to adjust the Sentry Gun blueprint before placing it – doing so is a hallmark of inexperienced Engineer play. However, observe how certain placements perform, and if the Sentry Gun demonstrates any weaknesses in that position, try to place the Sentry Gun so it will be more effective in the future.
*When you're being attacked and you have your PDA out, quickly pull out another weapon. Don't be caught by an enemy when using this or you're an easy kill. Remember to use the handy key (usually "Q" on the PC) to switch to your most recent weapon. There are two PDA's, the Building PDA and Demolish PDA (The Xbox 360 and PS3 versions do not have a separate Demolish PDA). If a player chooses to construct an available building from the Build PDA, the player model will then hold a toolbox, and the player will see a template on the ground in front of them showing the orientation of the chosen building. While the template is visible, right-clicking adjusts the building's orientation by 90 degrees anti-clockwise, left-clicking starts the build and "last weapon used" cancels the build.
** A good rule of thumb for Sentry Gun placement is a location that maximizes the Sentry Gun's range while minimizing its corner weakness. In other words, any location where approaching enemies will likely receive fire from the Sentry Gun at close to its maximum range but will be unable to fire back from outside that range. This is because Sentry Guns do not suffer from [[damage|damage falloff]] at range. While this does not always limit the damage your Sentry Gun will take in return (damage falloff due to range does not apply to damage done against buildings), it does reduce the damage ''you'' will take while you maintain the Sentry Gun, and it also reduces damage from short-range and/or high spread weapons such as the Scattergun, Flamethrower, and Minigun. Making good use of the Sentry Gun's range also gives the Sentry Gun a bigger field of fire and it gives you more warning of approaching enemies (and incoming projectiles), while denying the largest area to your enemies, one of the Engineer's primary roles.
* Sentry Guns are usually best built on high ground. However, you should avoid choosing an elevated spot that allows your Sentry Gun to be seen by enemies from beyond its ability to fire back. The best Sentry Gun placements allow a Sentry Gun to shoot at enemies at the same time or even a little before enemies are able to see and shoot back at the Sentry Gun, and high ground can help achieve this, as the diagram below-right demonstrates.
** High ground is also great because it makes the Sentry Gun harder to hit with splash damage. As long as it is not built with its back to a wall, most projectiles will arc either too high or too low to hit hard, and the precision aiming required forces enemies to take the Sentry Gun's full weight of fire to try to take their shot. Conversely, low ground creates the opposite effect, effectively "funneling" even stray projectiles such as Grenades right into the Sentry Gun. Avoid low ground positions such as pits and valleys.
** High ground is also very useful by making it more difficult for Spies to get into sapping range. High ground placements reduce the number of routes Spies can use to get close, making it easier for you and your team to discover and remove potential Spy threats before they get a chance to disable your Sentry Gun.
* Build in areas that are open, but not too open, and give you some room to work. This allows you to dodge and gives yourself good angles for using the Wrangler while keeping a safe distance from your Sentry Gun if it is under fire. If possible, have a wall or other cover near to the Sentry Gun that you can use as cover while you repair, but try not to have an obscured view of what is attacking your Sentry Gun.
* Avoid "gimmicky" Sentry positions such as looking down holes in ceilings, in the middle of narrow hallways, or around sharp corners. Sentry Guns can certainly get kills in such positions, but while these positions can surprise the enemy temporarily, they aren't terribly effective since they won't seriously interfere with your opponents' movement. High level Sentry Guns take a lot of time and resources to make, so building them in areas where they will be useful only rarely is a waste.
* Great Sentry positions will allow the Sentry Gun to put suppressing fire on a number of key areas and also allow it to act as a first line of defense for your team. A Sentry being repaired or Wrangled (or both) is excellent at absorbing damage that would otherwise be directed at your fellow teammates.
** Sentry Guns should not therefore be viewed as a "last line of defense". Building with this mentality is flawed, because while an Engineer and his Sentry can fend off most lone opponents fairly effectively, as little as two enemies can overwhelm an unsupported Engineer position, even if the base is well constructed and the Engineer is skilled.
* Don't build yourself into a corner if you want to be hanging around your Sentry Gun repairing; you deny yourself a line of retreat and ensure that you get damaged as much as your Sentry Gun. Sentry Guns right around corners can catch enemies off guard, but if you build such an "ambush" Sentry Gun, don't sit right on it. Leave it on its own and maybe support it offensively with your own weapons, and then move it or rebuild it once it becomes ineffective.
* In addition to building on high ground and in a moderately open area, you should build the Sentry Gun such that it covers narrow areas in the map called "[[Chokepoint]]s". This maximizes the area your team has to work with and minimizes the maneuvering room for attackers. This forces the enemy team to bunch up in narrow hallways and doorways, making them easy prey for your Sentry Gun's rockets or the splash damage from your team. Sentry Guns are at their best when they force enemies to fight from a disadvantageous position.
* Take note of where other Engineers have set up their Sentry Guns and set up yours to create overlapping fields of fire that can catch opponents in crossfire. Being within sight of another Engineer on your team makes it easy for you to help one other repair during times when either of you is dead or occupied. It also concentrates your team's defense and prevents your team from spreading too thinly. Two Sentry Guns that are spread out yet still covering the same choke point combined with adequate [[Spy checking]] can be an absolute nightmare for the enemy team to deal with and forces them to either come with everything they have or not come at all.
** Conversely, try not to build two Sentry Guns next to each other; this doesn't help cover a wider area and allows a Demoman or Spy to take out both Sentry Guns at once.
* After building a Sentry Gun, stand behind it and build a Dispenser behind your position; if a few enemies or an ÜberCharged enemy comes, you can crouch behind the Sentry for protection and continually repair the damage done to it while having your Metal replenished by the Dispenser behind you. This strategy works well wherever enemies are forced through a bottleneck while approaching the Gun or have no line of sight to the Dispenser, but does not work well in open areas where the Dispenser can be targeted from the side or from above.
==Dispenser Placement==
[[File:Sentry Diagrams.png|300px|thumb|left|'''Figure 1'''. [[Dustbowl]], [[Dustbowl#Stage 2, Point B|Stage 2, Point B]] example of excellent Sentry placement. Both Sentries A and B are on high ground in open areas covering chokepoints, with double coverage of two major chokes. Both Sentries are nearby and face each other, making it easy for each Engineer to watch the other.]]
There are different strategies around placing [[Dispensers]].
*'''To assist the construction of a Sentry gun and other buildings.''' Unless you have a local supply of [[Metal]], many times you will want to build a [[Dispenser]] before building a [[Sentry gun]] or [[Teleporter]]. Often a Dispenser is built so that the [[Engineer]] can [[Wrench]] his Sentry gun, repairing it from attacks, while the Dispenser provides him with Metal and slow healing. Since the Dispenser is solid to the Engineer that built it, careful placement of the Dispenser can also prevent or minimize displacement of the Engineer due to rocket or grenade explosions.  This is especially effective during [[ÜberCharge]] rushes when keeping the Sentry gun up is crucial. If you are expecting incoming fire, such as from [[Scout]]s, build a [[Sentry Gun]] first and use the dropped ammunition from the Scout to build a [[Dispenser]] afterward.
*'''To slow enemy traffic.''' Members of the opposing team can't walk through your [[buildings]] so [[Dispensers]] can be strategically used to jam up doorways and stairs. (Hallways as well, to a lesser extent, but doorways usually won't have the clearance to [[jumping|crouch jump]] over them.) For example, a Dispenser built in the doorway to the top of the spiral stairs in [[2fort]] can prevent a [[Scout]] from speeding by a Sentry in the area. Temporary Dispensers are especially useful in cases such as around your dropped [[Intelligence]].  In some cases it can limit the quick pickup by a Scout or [[Spy]].
*'''[[Spy checking]].''' Because the [[Dispenser]] is solid to enemy players, any player (other than the [[Engineer]] that built it) seen jumping a Dispenser is a [[Spy]]. Building a Dispenser in a location solely to detect Spies is typically not recommended since it most likely can be more beneficial elsewhere.
*'''To defend an area.'''  [[Dispensers]] are useful in the (temporary) case of dropped [[Intelligence]] or around a [[Control point]].  It allows [[Heavy|heavies]] and [[Pyro]]s to defend and [[Spy check]] the area constantly with unlimited ammo (with the added bonus of slow healing).
*'''To reach otherwise inaccessible areas.''' [[Dispensers]] can be built in certain areas to allow the [[Engineer]] to reach or build on a higher location.  On [[Gravel Pit]], a Dispenser can be built below the tunnel exits from Blue spawn so that the Engineer can climb up into the tunnel and build.  On Gravel Pit, the Dispenser is the first in a sequence of [[buildings]] that can be built to reach the roof of [[Control point]] B. NOTE: Since the Engineer's buildings are only solid to him and not his team-mates, this only benefits the Engineer unless he builds a [[Teleporter]] to allow team-mates to also get to the area.
** In some places you can climb on top of your Dispenser select a Teleporter exit and jump up, placing the exit at the peak of your jump.
[[File:Sentry High Ground.png|555px|thumb|right|'''Figure 2'''. Illustrates the advantages of elevated placement. Sentry is in the open covering a chokepoint, is able to lock on and begin firing an instant before approaching enemies, preventing abuse of cover and maximizing Sentry damage. Attacking Demomen in particular will have poor attack angles.]]
Other notes:
<br style="clear: both" />
*[[Dispensers]] can block your [[Sentry]]'s line of sight, so try not to build them in front of your Sentry whenever possible.
*You can use them as cover for your other [[buildings]] and yourself.
==Teleporter Placement==
=== [[Dispenser]] ===
*The most important tip with Teleporter placement is to inform your team where they are and where they go, especially if you have a mic!
{| class="wikitable grid" style="text-align: center; margin-bottom:1em;"
! class="header" rowspan="2" | Level
! class="header" rowspan="2" | Health
! class="header" rowspan="2" | Cost
! class="header" colspan="3" | Resource Output Rate
! class="header" | [[Health]]
! class="header" | [[Ammo]]
! class="header" | [[Metal]]
{| class="wikitable grid"
! class="header" |
! 1
*While many players try to be sneaky about placing Teleporters and try to place them deep in enemy territory, it's actually usually better to be more conservative. Building and upgrading a Teleporter is expensive, time consuming, and can be very risky particularly when placing the exit.  Maintaining the Sentry and Dispenser can be tough enough without adding a Teleporter to that as well.  All a Teleporter needs to do to be successful is eliminate most of the travel time to an area of importance.  To put it another way, it's better to have a Teleporter remain active and take your allies 75% of the way to their destination, than to have a Teleporter go 100% of the distance but get destroyed because it's too close to the action. 
|| 150 || 100 [[Metal]] || 10/sec || 20%/sec || 40/5 sec
*Remember that Teleporters leave a particle trail on the feet of anyone who uses it.  This easily reveals to your enemies that you have an active Teleporter nearby.  Unless your teammates actually have the presence of mind or spare time to wait for this to wear off (which would be impractical to expect), this is yet another reason to think conservatively when placing your Teleporter.
{| class="wikitable grid"
! class="header" |
! 2
There are a few places where you can place [[Teleporter]]s that almost always go unnoticed (Take this with a grain of salt.  Good players always check for teleporters and know the hiding spots).  These places are:
|| 180 || 300 [[Metal]] || 15/sec || 30%/sec || 50/5 sec
*On Dustbowl Stage 1 Cap 2, in the room with the grating.
*On Dustbowl Stage 2 Cap 1, to the right as you enter the Capture Point A building.
*On Dustbowl Stage 2 Cap 1, behind the office building.
{| class="wikitable grid"
*On Dustbowl Stage 2 Cap 2, in the long tunnel with the grating.
! class="header" |
*On Dustbowl Stage 3 Cap 2, attackers need a Teleporter in the area before the long stretch to the Control point.
*On [[Well|CP_Well]] - in the water, on top of the enemies one-way exit pipe.
! 3
*On [[2fort|CTF_2Fort]] - in the water, against the wall on the enemy side.
*In the middle Sniper nest on [[2fort|CTF_2Fort]].  Most [[Sniper]]s avoid this area due to its lack of cover.  Getting up there in the first place is difficult of course.
*Outside of the enemy base on [[2fort]], in one of the corners. Unless a firefight breaks out on their side of the map, most enemies don't bother checking these spots and walk on past.
*You can also place your Teleporter as a decoy. For example, You can put a Teleporter at the top of the spiral in [[2fort|CTF_2Fort]].  When it's destroyed, you know an enemy is coming from that direction.  This is called "Spy bait".
|| 216 || 500 [[Metal]] || 20/sec || 40%/sec || 60/5 sec
*Always build Teleporters at the start of a match, especially if you're defending.  Build the entrance and then quickly go to the supply closet and head to the capture point 1 to build your exit.  After these two have been placed, you can then go ahead and build your Dispenser and Sentry.  Teleporters get your team to the front lines instantly; if you want someone watching your back, get those Teleporters up or your Sentry will not be covered by your team-mates. You will often need support while your sentry is setting up and while it's only at level 1.
* Build your Dispenser in a convenient location for your teammates to reach.
* Do not place your Dispenser in areas with lots of enemies nearby. Dispensers are fragile, and without anything to guard them, they will be destroyed quickly. Try to locate the Dispenser behind an obstacle, such as a crate or a low wall, which will shield it from a fair amount of incoming damage.
* It's a bad idea to place your Dispenser next to your Sentry Gun, and stand in a position where you can reach both with your Wrench at the same time. The Dispenser doesn't help your team.
* Make sure your Dispenser isn't blocking your Sentry Gun. Enemies can take advantage of blind spots behind Dispensers to destroy your buildings.
* A savvy Engineer can use his Dispenser to 'Dispenser jump.' An Engineer can jump on top of his Dispenser and then reach an otherwise unreachable ledge.
* A good placement for a Dispenser is behind cover, but still near the frontline enough that it can heal teammates. This helps your teammates stay in the fight longer.
* Dispensers stack, so sometimes putting two Dispensers near each other is a good idea. Teammates can receive two times the healing.
*Also remember that enemy players who walk over a teleport exit while you or your team-mate uses it will die (telefrag).  This can occasionally be useful to kill disguised Spies who don't know this; once they learn about it, they then have to avoid the exit, being careful to jump over it, so the exit can be used as a somewhat less effective blocking construction.
=== [[Teleporter]] ===
{| class="wikitable grid" style="text-align:center;margin-bottom: 10px"
! class="header" | Level
! class="header" | Health
! class="header" | Cost
! class="header" | Recharge time
| Level 1
|| 150 || 50 [[Metal]] || 10 seconds
| Level 2
|| 180 || 250 [[Metal]] || 5 seconds
| Level 3
|| 216 || 450 [[Metal]] || 3 seconds
*Be sure not to stand on your own Teleporter exit if you have set up a forward base; doing so may allow an enemy Spy to telefrag you, leaving your base defenseless against his sappers. If time and configuration permit, be ready to use your Wrench on anybody who comes through your exit whenever you aren't tanking your Sentry.
* Place your Teleporter Entrance close to your team's respawn point in plain sight.
* Place your Teleporter Exit either -
** Somewhere hidden within enemy territory, such as behind a crate or on the rooftop of a shed.
** Near your other buildings.
* Avoid standing right on top of your Teleporter Exit, so as to avoid being [[telefrag]]ged.
* Make sure which direction to head is obvious to your teammates. When the Teleporter is being carried, pressing Alt-Fire rotates it 90 degrees. Use this to face your Teleporter away from walls, corners, etc.
* During setup time, or at the start of a round, it's a good idea to build a Teleporter entrance. This is a good preparation strategy. It gives you the ability to deploy an exit on demand, and respond to changes in the front line by relocating the exit.
* When defending a highly-trafficked chokepoint, you may want to place a Teleporter entrance or exit somewhere where attacking enemies will see it as they are entering your area of the map. They will often destroy it, giving you a heads-up about their presence. Beware that some players will be suspicious of the Teleporter's real function as an early warning system and will purposely leave it alone so as to retain the element of surprise.
** However, do this '''only''' when it's '''''absolutely''''' unnecessary for the Teleporters to be used the way they're meant to, for example, on last point on defense, your spawn is usually close to the last point.
* Avoid building Teleporters during [[Arena mode]]. The quick nature of Arena maps and the scarcity of ammo during such games means that you're better off using your metal to build [[Dispenser]]s or [[Sentry Gun]]s.
* You can use the Eureka Effect to save metal on creating and upgrading Teleporters, then switch to another Wrench to get the rest of the sentry base built up.
*On CTF maps, your team can benefit from teleporters providing a quick means of getting back to the spawn/supply rooms enabling those with low ammo/health to get back to the fight without a respawn penalty.  However, a Teleporter going from the spawn to the front line is generally more helpful to the team, so don't do this unless there are other Engineers with teleporters set up.  Two engineers can provide a two way passage between the front and the resupply area.  Upgrading multiple sentries with the advantage of the resupply room makes a big difference. Likewise any team-mates with low health and ammo can resupply and return quickly.
== [[Taunts#Taunt Attacks|Taunt Attacks]] ==
=== [[Guitar Smash]] ===
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align: center;"
! class="header" width="17%" |
! class="header" width="16%" | Kill Icon
! class="header" width="10%" | Weapon
! class="header" width="10%" | Damage
! class="header" width="10%" | Duration
! class="header" width="37%" | Details
|- style="height: 110px;"
| {{Table icon|Guitar Smash}}
| {{Icon killicon|weapon=Guitar Smash}}
| [[Frontier Justice]]
| 500
| 4 seconds
| The Engineer takes out his loyal guitar, plays a chord, and then hits it into the head of any enemy that's in the way.
* Guitar Smash can be used on immobilized, unaware, or distracted enemies. However, the chord may give you away.
* Guitar Smash be useful during [[Match outcomes#Humiliation|Humiliation]] or [[Match outcomes#Stalemate|Stalemate]].
*The usual place where Teleporters get serious use on 2Fort is leading to the sewers where Engineers build to support either offensive pushes into the enemy base or defend against such pushes from the enemy team.  Usually only one Teleporter is necessary for this task.  Other Engineers can make their Teleporters useful by creating a Teleporter that leads from the sewers back to the main base spawn area, creating a two-way system that can allow players to switch from attacking to defending as the need arises.  This can also allow the Engineer(s) who build in the sewers to refill their metal supplies by going back to base and visiting the Supply Cabinet, then going straight back.
=== [[Arm Blender]] ===
*Ideal places to put Teleporters while defending the Intelligence room are on the spiral stairs and the bottom of the long straight stairs, to warn of incoming enemies and bait enemy Spies.
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align: center;"
*Another somewhat passive though interesting use of Teleporters is crossing the Battlements (Sniper deck), usually from the right (directions when facing the enemy base) side to the left side.  This allows anyone on your team who spawns from the right Spawn area cross the battlements without being exposed to enemy Sniper fire.  Friendly Snipers can use this to their advantage in their duels with enemy Snipers by changing positions quickly, safely, and without being noticed.  This also allows teammates who spawn from the right side of the battlements to quickly reach the top of Spiral Ramp to cut off any enemies attempting to escape with your Intelligence that way.  Finally, a Teleporter system on your Battlements can provide early warning of enemies attempting to invade that area, such as Scouts, Soldiers, and Demomen.  Enemies that appear there often catch your teammates by surprise, so being able to warn them can save quite a few of your allies.
! class="header" width="17%" |
! class="header" width="16%" | Kill Icon
! class="header" width="10%" | Weapon
! class="header" width="10%" | Damage
! class="header" width="10%" | Duration
! class="header" width="37%" | Details
|- style="height: 110px;"
| {{Table icon|Arm Blender}}
| {{Icon killicon|weapon=Arm Blender}}
| [[Gunslinger]]
| 500
| 4 seconds
| The Engineer pulls a rip-cord from his mechanical prosthetic, revving the hand of his Gunslinger up to vicious speeds, after which he thrusts it forward, gibbing any enemy player within reach.
==Sentry Placement==
* With correct timing, you might be able to kill a distracted enemy, so keep in mind that it takes some time for the Engineer to spin his hand up.
*There are three types of [[Sentry]] placements - the bad ones, the decent ones, and then there are the ones that win games.  Below is a list of 'game winning' [[Sentry]] placements. Note that there are many more [[Sentry]] locations that are 'good' or 'decent', but the ones listed here are typically very hard to destroy.
* You can use the stunning effect of Arm Blender to stun ÜberCharged enemies and waste their Über time.
*Many of these spots can include your Dispenser and Teleporter too, and will increase your Sentry's survivability and staying power if you do so (it will rarely negatively effecting these factors, unless the presence of said buildings reveals the Sentry's location or similiar, or prevents the Engineer from moving adequately).
* Arm Blender is also effective during humiliation.
*'''Note''': as of the Engineer Update, many new options for Sentry placement have opened up thanks to the ability to move constructed buildings, place mini-Sentries, and use the Wrangler to extend Sentry firing range.
===General Strategies===
== Weapon combinations ==
*As a rule, do not camp behind your Sentry and crouch all the time. Only do this when it is actually under attack. The reasoning behind this is that all a [[Spy]] has do to is come in under his [[cloak]], jump onto your head where you cannot see him, decloak. From here, he can stab you and sap all of your buildings. If he stabs you while he is above you, it counts as a backstab. It takes practice to do this, so follow this rule as other player's skill allow. But beware of this tactic as it can reduce all of your buildings to rubble ''very'' quickly.
{| class="wikitable grid collapsible collapsed" width="100%"
*While there are many well-known "spots" for sentry guns, the general rule of thumb for good sentry placement is a location that maximizes the sentry gun's range while minimizing its corner weakness.  In other words, any location where approaching enemies will receive fire from the Sentry Gun at close to it's maximum range but will be unable to fire back from outside that range.  Remember sentry guns do not have damage falloff at range, so this also limits the damage your gun will receive in return from enemy fire. 
*Team up. During set up time a pair (or more) of engineers can quickly get a single Sentry Gun up to level two or three before the opposition leave their base. One level three Sentry is much harder to take down than two level ones. During Set-Up phase on [[Gravel Pit]] you can assist a friendly Engineer to build a Teleporter exit and maybe even a sentry inside the tunnels in front of the [[BLU]] spawn door.
! colspan=4 class="header" | Example Combinations
*One Engineer can babysit the gun of more than one Engineer leaving them free to set up teleporters and dispensers on other areas.
*During setup time, the whole team can spawn as engineers and help build the structures of team members who will remain as engineers while they respawn as other classes in the spawn room. If, rather than returning to their spawn room, the other players suicide before switching classes, this will have the added advantage of providing additional Metal for the remaining engineers, though also slowing their return to the front lines due to respawn delays.
! colspan=3 class="header" | Combo
*If there are buildings just outside your spawn room, you can switch to Engineer, use your starting 200 metal to upgrade something, then return to the spawn room and either become your playing class or switch to something else, then back to Engineer and repeat the process.
! class="header" | Usage<br />
*Remember that if your sentry can shoot at enemies in a certain area, anybody in that area can shoot at the sentry. If you intend to keep a sentry up for extended periods of time, look for spots where your sentry will be useful, but relatively safe. An example of this is on the crates at Granary's center point: People must fire upwards at a sentry on the crates to destroy it, giving it a degree of protection, and the sentry guards the control point.
*On the ledge in the [[2fort#Ramp Room|ramp room]]. It is important to place it no further out that the middle of the ledge (if you place it at the corner the Sentry can be shot from the battlements without triggering it) and as close to the edge as possible, not at the corner, otherwise it cannot see down to the ground to fire upon incoming hostiles.  By being up on the ledge, you cover the entire room, and there is only one way to destroy it without putting the attacker in range of the [[Sentry]]. To destroy it, the attacker must come up from under it, and splash damage it from below, or clip the corner of the [[Sentry]] with their [[:Category:Weapons|weapon]].  If the Sentry is placed at the junction of the right side ramp and the top ramp, then it blocks the movement of enemy Spies into the hay room and has a shorter arc to turn in, to lock onto enemies.
! {{Icon weapon|weapon=Shotgun|icon-size=40x40px}}
**Note: On the Xbox 360 and PS3 version, Soldiers can use their rockets from below to damage the Sentry gun on top. This is an exploit, although it still must be warned against as many a Soldier who knows the Sentry Gun's position can simply blow it up from the bottom of the ramp room.
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Panic Attack|icon-size=40x40px}}<br />
*Across from the [[Respawn area]] in the corner of the [[2fort#Upstairs|hay room]]. Place a [[Dispenser]] in the corner against the wall separating the [[2fort#Grate|grate]] doorway and the room.  Then place the Sentry against the wall (use right click) by the Dispenser facing the doorway to the [[2fort#Spiral|spiral]].  This Sentry covers the grate and [[2fort#Deck|battlements]], which if the previous [[Sentry]] was placed, not only protects the hay room, but also prevents access to the only other entrance to the [[2fort#Intelligence Room|intel]].
'''[[Shotgun]]''' or '''[[Panic Attack]]'''
* In front of the fire extinguisher on the spiral. This is very important if you want to eliminate Scouts coming from the second floor trying to grab the Intelligence that use the Spiral. Since your placing the Sentry in front of the fire extinguisher, this is the mid point of the Spiral. So this spot isn't visible from the entrance of the Spiral. Build a Dispenser sideways on either side, then place the Sentry in front of the fire extinguisher wall. This is a uncommon yet good way of taking out opposing Scouts. Soldiers and Demoman who rocket/sticky jump to the top floor and enter from the Spiral will also be surprised.
! {{Icon weapon|weapon=Pistol|icon-size=40x40px}}
*The 'mid' point in the [[2fort#Sewers|sewers]].  It's '''''very''''' important that you build it facing the '''short''' pipe, and not the long stretch. Don't build it in the corner facing both pipes (it can be splash damaged there). Instead you want to build a [[Dispenser]] against the wall in the corner (facing the long pipe) and then build the [[Sentry]] in front of the [[Dispenser]] (angled so it is facing the short pipe). What you end up with is a [[Dispenser]] flat against the wall with the long pipe in it, and the [[Sentry]] up against the [[Dispenser]], but facing the short pipe.  There is no way to get enough splash damage on the [[Sentry]] from this position to blow it up easily, and it locks down the sewers.  This can also be used offensively by building it in the enemy base.  Of course, you must still watch out for Spies, who over such a short distance will be fully cloaked and be able to come right up to you before decloaking.  If your back is visible, they will be able to backstab you with surprise.  The Sentry will then kill them, but without its Engineer, it is much more vulnerable.
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Short Circuit|icon-size=40x40px}}<br />
*In your [[2fort#Intelligence Room|Intelligence]] room, in the 'short' corner (the corner between the two doorways).  The placement of this [[Sentry]] is '''''very''''' tricky to get perfect, but if you do, it's very hard to take down.  To place this [[Sentry]] correct you should to put it as far into the corner as possible (use right click) and at a 45 degree angle.  Next you want to place your [[Dispenser]] in front of the Sentry, but rotate it so that the short side of the [[Dispenser]] is what block's the [[Sentry]]'s field of view.  The [[Dispenser]] should be placed just off center, so as to not block the line of sight to the [[2fort#Intelligence Room|Intelligence]] or either doorway. An alternative is to place the Dispenser out of sight behind the desk it is much more vulnerable but often goes unnoticed.
'''[[Pistol]]''' or '''[[Short Circuit]]'''
*Under the enemy grate. This is a very unlikely position to attain and hold. However, if you can get a gun built here, it is possible to jump onto your gun and then jump up to place a Teleporter exit on their grate. If you end up in a game where the enemy is turtling in their ramp room but otherwise letting you walk in their front door, you could utilize this strategy to surprise them.
! {{Icon weapon|weapon=Wrench|icon-size=40x40px}}
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Southern Hospitality|icon-size=40x40px}}<br />
'''[[Wrench]]''' or '''[[Southern Hospitality]]'''
For a purely defensive Engineer. This combination allows the Engineer to hold positions against attack, albeit with high cost in Metal and upgrade time. The Short Circuit and Pistol provides defense against rockets and explosives (the greatest bane of a Sentry Gun), although it increases the Engineer's reliance on having a functioning, upgraded, and well-placed Dispenser. The weak damage of the Short Circuit can leave you open to other attacks, such as Spies and flank attacks. The Pistol by comparison is a great weapon for attacking enemies from long range, along with the increase of ammo for defending the buildings. Nonetheless, as the sentry is free to fire on its own and won't be disabled by the Wrangler, this combination allows the defensive Engineer to be a bit more independent.
*[[Gravelpit#Capture Point A|Control point A]]
**Just in front of the little hut to the right (if you're facing the BLU [[Respawn area]]) of the point. You should aim it so that it faces the edge of the map, and thus pans from the point to the start of the hill. The advantage of putting a [[Sentry]] here is that it's '''''very''''' hard to hit with splash damage because it's uphill. You can also put your [[Sentry]] in the hut. The only way to take it out is by using a [[Demoman]] (or a skilled Soldier), or ranging it from the C side of the point, and this is where the next [[Sentry]] comes into play.
**The left (if you're facing the BLU [[Respawn area]]) corner of the [[Control point]]. You should build it just outside of the [[Control point]], but with the [[Sentry]]'s back to the [[Control point]] (just before the corner of the [[Control point]]). The sole purpose of this [[Sentry]] is to cover the previous [[Sentry]].  You should build it so that you can stand inside the relative comfort of the [[Control point]] and still be able to heal the [[Sentry]]. This also protects the [[Sentry]] from splash damage.  Note that this one has a slight weakness to the ramp entrance of the [[Control point]] due to the tracking time required to shoot from that direction.
**On defense, build a [[Dispenser]] along the wall where the tunnel from the attacking team comes from. You should be able to jump, crouch, jump, crouch into the tunnel normally only accessible by the other team. Once the Dispenser begins building itself, you should rather find a small Ammo pack for just enough Metal for a Sentry. Four [[Engineer]]s would just about completely halt the other team. Experienced enemy [[Spies]] would be able to sneak around and still cap spots if team-mates don't defend there. Well-placed, or lucky if you built your Sentry in a good position, grenades and Sticky bombs from a Demoman would cripple the Sentry in a short while. Heavies or Soldiers with Medics would dramatically hurt here as well.
*[[Gravelpit#Capture Point B|Capture point B]]
This weapon set will allow you to preserve your Sentry Gun as long as possible and use the Shotgun to weaken foes or kill any Spies in range, or use the Panic Attack as a means to quickly confront a lone threat to any of your buildings and use it in conjunction with Sentry Gun fire to deal additional damage in a short burst, which can come in a handy if an enemy has a Medic providing Overheal. The Southern Hospitality provides excellent defense against Spies and prevents them from escaping via invisibility, however your weakness to fire can make any sort of offensive pushing much more risky; if there is a great number of Pyros on the other team, and constantly ambushing your buildings, try using the Wrench over the Southern Hospitality.
**Behind the rocks by the left BLU [[Respawn area]], facing directly away from the [[Respawn area|Respawn]]. By putting a [[Dispenser]] against the rocks, and then placing the [[Sentry]] against the [[Dispenser]], you create an encampment that covers from the left side of the rocks, to the entrance of [[Gravelpit#Capture Point B|Capture point B]]. The rocks protect it from attacks from the [[Respawn area]], and the angles make it hard to hit from the right point without being in range (though it is possible).
**Under the left stairs leading from [[Gravelpit#Capture Point C|Capture point C]] to [[Gravelpit#Capture Point B|Capture point B]] (facing the way to [[Gravelpit#Capture Point C|Capture point C]]). Don't build it right against the wall, but rather build it such that the [[Sentry]] is pointing to the back entrance of [[Gravelpit#Capture Point B|Capture point B]] (with line of sight), and so that you can hide under the ramp with a [[Dispenser]] and repair it.
*[[Gravelpit#Capture Point C|Point C]]
**On either ramp leading up to the tower (the big metal ones). The trick to making this [[Sentry]] deadly is in its position. You want it facing the tower, and back against the rock wall (use right click, and the Sentry should be at roughly a 45 degree angle). You also want to put it about 2/3rds of the way up the ramp, '''''not''''' at the top of the ramp. The idea is to build it such that when it's fully upgraded '''''only''''' the guns and Rocket Launcher are visible. This allows the [[Sentry]] to attack, but minimizes what is visible (due to the height difference, and the little wall at the entrance from [[Gravelpit#Capture Point B|Capture point B]]). One of these on each ramp, blocks '''''all''''' access to the tower, and can even hit people at the top.
! {{Icon weapon|weapon=Frontier Justice|icon-size=40x40px}}
**On either of the second landings of the tower (in the corners). The ramps up to the 3rd landing protect it from the middle entrance to [[Gravelpit#Capture Point C|Capture point C]], and it's in range to attack most people from the side entrances (except [[Soldier]]s). As long as you sit there and spam repair the [[Sentry]], it should stay up with anything less than two [[Soldier]]'s hitting it (or one [[Soldier]] who gets a pair of [[Critical hit]] [[Rocket]]'s).
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Widowmaker|icon-size=40x40px}}<br />
'''[[Frontier Justice]]''' or '''[[Widowmaker]]'''
! {{Icon weapon|weapon=Pistol|icon-size=100x100px}}
! {{Icon weapon| weapon=Jag|icon-size=100x100px}}
For an advanced supportive Engineer. This set allows you to deploy your buildings quickly with the 30% faster construction rate granted by the Jag. This may give you more time to walk around and help maintain the buildings of other Engineers. The Revenge crits will become useful if your sentry happens to be destroyed. The Widowmaker is a great weapon if you don't need time to reload and drop the enemies health. The Pistol provides an alternative firearm and is great for conserving your Revenge Crits or not use metal if you used the Widowmaker. You can freely use the Wrangler instead for long-range offense with your sentry to keep your opponents at bay, though this will distract you from your and other Engineers' buildings.
*In the rafters over the first [[Control point]]. This is by far the longest set up, but if you get a [[Teleporter]] into the rafters, they'll have one hell of a time getting that first [[Control point]]. There are two ways of doing this:-
! {{Icon weapon|weapon=Shotgun|icon-size=100x100px}}
*#Jump in front of the cabinet on the second level (right side) and drop a [[Teleporter exit]] on top of it. Next build your [[Sentry]] on '''''top''''' of the cabinet, just before the rafters, then jump up.
*#Alternatively jump onto the trolley at the side of the cabinet on the second level (right side) and then up on the cabinet (you have to get timing right and make sure you're on the left side of the trolley). Next build your [[Sentry]] on '''''top''''' of the cabinet against the wall, just under the ledge. Jump on top of the [[Sentry]] and then onto the ledge.
! {{Icon weapon|weapon=Wrangler|icon-size=100x100px}}
:Once you're up there, rebuild the [[Teleporter exit]] so you don't have to go through that procedure again. If you build the [[Teleporter exit]] all the way in the corner, it's not visible and almost impossible to destroy (barring the [[Demoman]]'s [[Sticky bombs]], but he will have to know exactly where it is). From here, you have several good [[Sentry]] positions. Just watch the line of sight to the [[Sentry]], and just about everything is a good spot.
:''Note that some people consider this an exploit''.
! {{Icon weapon| weapon=Jag|icon-size=100x100px}}
This combination is similar to the advanced supportive Engineer set but there are small changes. You can use your Wrangler to dispatch Snipers quickly and weaken enemies at a long distance. But having no bonus health means you are more likely to die.
*On the little catwalks on either side of the second [[Control point]]. Build the [[Sentry]] in the corners further away from the point (where the Health pack spawns). If you build them close to the [[Control point]], a [[Demoman]] or [[Soldier]] can splash damage them.  By building them on the side of the opening further away from the [[Control point]], you not only gain more attack area inside the [[Control point]], but also cover it from most splash damage.
This can also be a good loadout for an Engineer who likes to try and build behind the enemy lines. The Jag helps build up the base more quickly and the Wrangler can help the Engineer build in some unusual locations and immediately attack foes with the enhanced firepower.
*Behind the first set of boxcars (between [[Well#Control points 3|Control point 3]] and [[Well#Control points 2|Control point 2]]).  If you build the [[Sentry]] about half way down the boxcar, it can't be splash damaged unless a [[Soldier]] [[Rocket jump]]s over the boxcar, or a [[Demoman]] throws grenades at it. This one works wonders as an [[Offensive]] [[Sentry]] as well.
! {{Icon weapon|weapon=Frontier Justice|icon-size=40x40px}}
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Widowmaker|icon-size=40x40px}}
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Panic Attack|icon-size=40x40px}}<br />
'''[[Frontier Justice]]''' or '''[[Widowmaker]]''' or '''[[Panic Attack]]'''
! {{Icon weapon|weapon=Pistol|icon-size=100x100px}}
! {{Icon weapon|weapon=Gunslinger|icon-size=100x100px}}
*Against the wall facing [[Well#Control points 3|Control point 3]], in the enemies Sniper nest. Why the other team? Because it will take them longer to notice, and it's '''''very''''' unlikely that they'll come from your side when attacking the [[Control point]]They'll either be jumping or [[Rocket jump]]ing up to the Sniper nest (which is covered by the [[Sentry]]), or coming up the closer ramps (also covered by the [[Sentry]]). Just make sure it's all the way against the wall, and in front of the doorway (use your secondary attack to rotate it).
This set is for an assault-oriented Engineer who doesn't want to camp in the enemy base for the whole battle and get out and fight. The Gunslinger paired up with the Frontier Justice gives you many stored crits because the combat mini-sentry is very weak and will get destroyed often. Alternatively, the Widowmaker can be used at close range to replenish your metal quickly. In addition, the Panic Attack's increased damage at closer ranges, in addition to the fixed spread giving greater consistency can be deadly at closer ranges, allowing for over 100+ damage in one shotThe Pistol also gives you the upper hand when fighting from a distance, and you can also use it to finish off enemies weakened by a revenge crit. The extra 25 health from the Gunslinger gives you extra fighting time and the ability to take more damage. You can also place your mini-sentry to give you some more firepower in a battle.
But this set is sometimes risky when going against classes that have a larger amount of firepower than you do, such as soldiers. An Engineer using these weapons can be used for support, as he can be effective when he sticks by his teammates and helps them out with his revenge crits and mini-sentry. You still pack a punch in most battles, think before you whip out your mini-sentry, as sometimes enemies will have much more firepower than you do. If so, plant you mini-sentry and retreat before they can catch you.
[[Hydro|TC_Hydro]], due to its changing nature and layout, has no 'perfect' [[Sentry]] locations. There are however, a few very good ones, which are listed below:-
*On the metal landing at the flooded [[Control point]] (the one with the [[Control point]] on the raised area, with water all around).
*Behind the truck at the outside [[Control point]] (the one with the raised [[Control point]] on the little bridge).
! {{Icon weapon|weapon=Frontier Justice|icon-size=100x100px}}
*Under the stairs at the radar dish.
'''[[Frontier Justice]]'''
*At the end of the raised platform at the [[Control point]] inside the base.
! {{Icon weapon|weapon=Wrangler|icon-size=100x100px}}
*Under the [[Control point]] inside the base, at the back on the ground floor where the turbines are. If you position the [[Sentry]] on the corner of the alcove and a [[Dispenser]] behind you, you will be saved from most of the splash damage while using the [[Metal]] from your [[Dispenser]] to repair your [[Sentry]]. You wouldn't think it but the [[Sentry]] range does cover the [[Control point]] and the stairs. This is quite difficult for the enemy to take down if someone is covering you from the top rails, if they aren't, a [[Demoman]] or [[Soldier]] can take it out from above.
! {{Icon weapon|weapon=Gunslinger|icon-size=100x100px}}
This is another assault oriented setup, however this gives you a range advantage with a wrangled Mini Sentry and allows you to get more revenge crits from said wrangled Sentry Gun. Wrangled sentry kills still count as kills that can go towards your revenge crits so using your Wrangler a lot can benefit you in good areas. For the most part, if you get at a distance from an enemy attacking your mini you can pump rounds into him by firing your sentry at him where 1 of 3 things will happen, either he will destroy your sentry without it having kills where you can simply run away, he'll destroy it with kills on it and you can mow him down with revenge crits, or you'll just get another sentry kill. With this setup, you can hold down offensive lines very well, but be careful of Heavys or Medic combos as they will have little trouble with you and your Sentry Gun.
*At [[Dustbowl#Stage 1, Point A|Stage 1 - Point A]], you can build a [[Sentry]] on the little landing inside the [[Control point]]. The only way to destroy this [[Sentry]] is to come from the mines, or with [[Sticky bombs]].
*Also at Stage 1, but this time by the BLU [[Respawn area]] (same side as the [[Control point]]). You can build a [[Sentry]] on the back side of the little hut (facing the trench) and have it cover both the right (if you're facing BLU's [[Respawn area]]) and center entrances'.
! {{Icon weapon|weapon=Widowmaker|icon-size=100x100px}}
*At [[Dustbowl#Stage 1, Point B|Stage 1 - Point B]], if you build a [[Sentry]] to the left (if facing the [[Control point|point]]) of the [[Control point]], you can cover both the stairs, and the [[Control point]] while being very hard to splash damage.
*Also at [[Dustbowl#Stage 1, Point B|Stage 1 - Point B]] inside the mine room, next to the one-way door.  This will cut off two access routes for the enemy, and because of the Health that spawns, you'll be very hard to kill.
! {{Icon weapon|weapon=Short Circuit|icon-size=100x100px}}
* When attacking Stage 2 Point A, put a Sentry in the dugout area.  This will prevent enemy Pyros and other classes from rushing in and spawn camping.
'''[[Short Circuit]]'''
* When defending Stage 2 Point A, put a Sentry nest on top of the Large Shed.  Have another Engineer build a Dispenser up there to make it so you always have enough Metal for repairs.  Build a Dispenser next to the ladder and have a Pyro stand next to it, constantly flaming the ladder.  This will prevent enemy Spies from coming up there and sapping the nest.
! {{Icon weapon|weapon=Wrench|icon-size=40x40px}}
*[[Dustbowl#Stage 2, Point A|Stage 2 - Point A]] - Build a [[Sentry]] on the house to the left of the BLU [[Respawn area]].  While not invincible, it's a very hard spot and attack from the BLU [[Respawn area]].
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Gunslinger|icon-size=40x40px}}<br />
* Build a [[Sentry]] inside the [[Control point]] building on the second floor, but under the roof, at a spot where it can see both the stairs and the outside.
'''[[Wrench]]''' or '''[[Gunslinger]]'''
* Build a [[Sentry]] at the [[Control point]] building in front of the narrow hallway leading to the BLU [[Respawn area]].
|'''The Deus-Ex Set'''
*[[Dustbowl#Stage 2, Point B|Stage 2 - Point B]] - On the ground, facing the [[Control point]] in the left (if facing the BLU [[Respawn area]]) corner.  It covers the [[Control point]], and is hard to take out from most paths (the exception being the long path by the rocks).
*When Attacking Dustbowl Stage 3 Cap 1, build a Dispenser and Sentry right in between the two double grating doors.  This will prevent enemies from attacking and will help refuel your allies who've been wounded.
*When defending Dustbowl Stage 3 Cap 1, build a Dispenser and Sentry on the loading docks.  The Sentry will pin down the enemies coming through the double grating doors.
*[[Dustbowl#Stage 3, Point A|Stage 3 - Point A]] - From RED [[Respawn area]], there is a path that leads to an opening overlooking the first [[Control point]], by building a [[Sentry]] here, and a [[Dispenser]] behind you, you can wedge yourself far enough back to not be hit by splash damage, but still repair the [[Sentry]].  The only way to take this [[Sentry]] out is with a [[Demoman]], or multiple [[Soldier]]s.
This set will eat up your metal very quickly. Enough misplaced shots from the Widowmaker will render you useless, and force you to replenish your metal. These weapons are best used after you've already constructed your Sentry Gun and Dispenser. This way, you still have other means of survival, and the Dispenser can replenish any metal you lose with missed or poor shots. You can also use the Short Circuit to prevent enemy Soldiers or Demomen from destroying your buildings. This setup does, however, leave you with no reliable medium/long range weaponry, so stay close to your Sentry Gun in order to not be taken by surprise.
Due to the layout of [[Granary]], there are fewer 'good' [[Sentry]] placements. The few that are very good are:-.
*On the balcony of the [[Control point]] 2.
Alternatively, when using the Gunslinger, you can make use of the reduced cost of the Mini-Sentry to fire a few shots and then still have enough metal to place a Mini-Sentry. Also, you can use the metal output to recharge your supply to continuously throw down Mini-Sentry Guns, keeping a constant force of pressure on the enemy. However, this leaves you mostly defenseless, as a Mini-Sentry is not something to hide behind when you're out of metal. Stay within running range of an upgraded Dispenser to always have a source of ammo.
*By the machinery at the [[Control point]] 2.
*On the containers at the [[Control point]] 3.
*Under the ramp/pipe at the [[Control point]] 1.
*When placing Sentry guns on the containers at [[Control point]] 3, try to place it so that the gun can fire into the door at the top of the '''''enemies'''''' ramp room. This way, Soldiers cannot use this as cover to dodge in and out of to get a straight shot on your gun. This also covers both entryways, and makes it hard to splash damage without getting right underneath it.
! {{Icon weapon|weapon=Frontier Justice|icon-size=100x100px}}
'''[[Frontier Justice]]'''
! {{Icon weapon|weapon=Pistol|icon-size=100x100px}}
! {{Icon weapon| weapon=Eureka Effect|icon-size=100x100px}}
'''[[Eureka Effect]]'''
For a defending Engineer who focuses more on building than retaliating. The Eureka Effect is perfect for jumping back to the nearest spawn quickly for an instant refill, which allows faster nest building and grants the option to quickly fall back and rebuild (or to surprise a Scout/Spy making a bee line for the last control point). Since the Eureka Effect repairs slower, the Frontier Justice counters this hindrance through granting easy crits when your Sentry is inevitably destroyed by an enemy or yourself when falling back/repositioning your nest. Finally, the Pistol/Lugermorph allows you to defend yourself over ranges the Frontier Justice cannot reach and/or to avoid wasting crits.
*Facing the window, overlooking the central bridge control point. As a level one, your sentry has just enough space to fire shots at the control point, without exposing too much of itself to be easily destroyed. Best if used when your team is already making an assault on the control point, often at the beginning of a match.
! {{Icon weapon|weapon=Shotgun|icon-size=100x100px}}
! {{Icon weapon|weapon=Wrangler|icon-size=40x40px}}
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Short_Circuit|icon-size=40x40px}}<br />
'''[[Wrangler]]''' or '''[[Short Circuit]]'''
! {{Icon weapon|weapon=Gunslinger|icon-size=100x100px}}
This set is for an Engineer on offense, although not going directly into combat. The Gunslinger's Mini-Sentry Guns are useful for harassing the enemy, and providing an extra gun on the battlefield. The Shotgun is a reliable weapon compared to the Frontier Justice or the Widowmaker, allowing you to provide extra firepower when against the enemy without much fear of losing metal or being stuck in a situation where you need to reload. The Wrangler is useful for setting up your Mini-Sentry farther back and utilizing the Wrangler to harass the enemy from far away, while the Short Circuit is used when you are up close with your team to destroy any incoming projectiles on the cart or a point.
! {{Icon weapon|weapon=Pomson 6000|icon-size=100x100px}}
'''[[Pomson 6000]]'''
! {{Icon weapon|weapon=Wrangler|icon-size=40x40px}}
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Short_Circuit|icon-size=40x40px}}<br />
'''[[Wrangler]]''' or '''[[Short Circuit]]'''
! {{Icon weapon| weapon=Eureka Effect|icon-size=100x100px}}
'''[[Eureka Effect]]'''
|'''Dr. Grordbort's Brainiac Pack'''
===[[Badwater Basin]]===
The Braniac Pack is well suited to a purely defensive lone wolf. The Pomson 6000's drain effect allows Engineers to slow down oncoming Medics and Medic buddies, or to prevent Dead Ringer Spies from escaping. The Eureka Effect can be used to gather metal from your spawn room while maintaining momentum, and to quickly build during set-up time. However, if your position is overrun, it can also serve as a convenient means of escape. The Short Circuit works well with the Eureka Effect, as its high metal consumption is offset by the Eureka Effect's ability. Alternately, the Wrangler can be equipped to harass incoming enemies from a distance and increase your Sentry Gun's rate of fire and survivability. However, The Pomson fares poorly against enemy Engineer buildings, meaning you will be hard-pressed to counter encroaching Engineers without additional team support.
*At the first point, sentries can be placed behind both sets of rocks with health and ammo kits on defense to ambush unsuspecting scouts or charging enemies, as well as outside the exit to the tunnel and on the cliffs to hit attackers from above. Sentries and dispensers can also be put in the overhang next to the point to provide a safe zone from demomen firing over the hill and it is so cramped that spies will have a hard time backstabbing you and taking out your buildings. However, it is easily grenaded or stickied from the angle towards the tunnel exit, and if possible ask a Pyro or heavy to guard your equipment from soldiers, demomen and pyros.  
*The roof is the primary area for defending with a sentry at the second point, as it oversees the entire section of tracks leading round the corner and onto the capture point. However, it can be easily attacked from behind by rocketjumping soldiers, demomen firing stickies around corners and enemies hiding behind the air duct system that divides the sides of the roof. Sentries can also be put in the alcove next to the capture point that has stairs going to the roof for good cover, on the ground floor ledge to the left of the tracks next to the point for a surprise tactic, and anywhere on the ground floor and out of sniper view to halt sudden enemy charges down the main corridor. In terms of teleporters, it is best to put them over the far side from spawn (the side with the roof) so teammates can bypass Sniper hotspots, and once again out of harm's way (this is especially important if they capture the point, as the forward spawn/shortcut from spawn is blocked and teleporters are the only way to get back).
*The third point has a gully with a full health and ammo kit for easy building, and is an excellent place to build as it prevents the cart being pushed any further without an uber. That said, it is easy for enemies to drop down from the above walkway and sap/destroy your buildings from behind, so caution is needed to prevent this (if they drop down with an uber, leave your sentry and build again/somewhere else when it is safe to do so). The balcony on the building overlooking the gully is another good spot, but requires constant maintenance as Soldiers and Snipers can pick off your sentry from the upper far right due to the sentry's range not reaching, and as the sentry is facing outwards it leaves your back open to spies if you are not careful. Sentries can be built either side of the capture point to attack enemies on either side, and if both spots are used are great for confusing ubers, but they can be easily destroyed with [[Stickybomb Launcher|Sticky bombs]].
*The last point only has a few 'safe' places to build that provide good defense, namely in the shadows underneath the walkways and overhangs. These spots are good because they keep your buildings hidden from view until the enemy rounds the corner, either of the main spots (underneath the main overhang and underneath the windows)being able to fire at attackers dropping down from above/out of the windows. Alternatively, a sentry could be built on the ramp the cart descends down to prevent their uber lasting into the main area, but it is easily destroyed by demomen or spies (it also leaves your back open to attacks from the windows).
*On offense, sentries should be put down after each area to prevent the attackers being pushed back, and teleporters should alwaus  be kept running as a priority due to how large the map is. Until the third point is captured, BLU team uses their original spawn and so the exit will needed to be moved up after every capture along with the sentry, until the last point where the Teleporter entrance will need to be moved up and a final sentry will need to be put in the building at the 3rd point, aiming out to stop scouts and ubers harassing from behind. A sentry could also be put up at the beginning of the round outside the entrance to the tunnel, to prevent back attacks.
*In the first yard, you can put a Sentry up behind the wall next to the hut with health and ammo. This will prevent enemies charging directly through to the main point area, but it is susceptible to Soldiers and Demomen jumping over the wall to take you out.
! {{Icon weapon|weapon=Pomson 6000|icon-size=40x40px}}
*The upper floor windows also are a good spot to build a Sentry as there is a metal pickup right next to the ideal spot. This configuration means friendly players can be safely teleported to an area out of the BLU team's and only far away enemies can attack your Sentry if you are defending. On offense, this setup allows you to keep the RED team from coming up behind your team via the upstairs room and walkways.
{{Icon weapon| weapon=Frontier Justice|icon-size=40x40px}}<br />
*At the point itself, putting a Sentry in the windows to the right on defense will let it oversee the entire bridge area and remain semi-hidden. This spot has a large weakness however, in that unless you point it away from the point it can be ambushed from the right side if you allow the BLU team to sneak along the walkway. To counteract this, ask for a player or two to stay near the sentry and prevent anybody coming along the right.
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Rescue Ranger|icon-size=40x40px}}<br />
*Sentries can also be put up behind the crates or concrete blocks on the RED side of the bridge. These are especially useful to the team as they are behind cover and will often need a Dispenser to survive, but can be destroyed fairly easily by BLU Ubercharges.
'''[[Pomson 6000]]''' or '''[[Frontier Justice]]''' or '''[[Rescue Ranger]]'''
*You can build Sentries anywhere on the raised walkways spanning the corridors between the points as a form of area denial, as they will be able to attack both the ground and first floors. This is especially apparent when you build a Sentry on the walway above the main door to the last point, as it prevents the RED team pushing back in and secures a safe zone for your team's healing/teleports.
! {{Icon weapon|weapon=Short_Circuit|icon-size=100x100px}}
*The last point has an overhang which is the perfect place for a Sentry and Dispenser, as it remains out of sight in the shadows and can be built up without the enemy's knowledge so they will be surprised when they push. This tactic works even better when multiple sentries are built, but be warned of Ubercharges and projectiles being fired down from the upper right walkways (being the only area that BLU can see under the overhangs).
'''[[Short Circuit]]'''
*The corners adjacent to the main entrance to the last point also server as good Sentry hiding spots, either killing any weaker classes rushing directly for the point or slowly whittling down otherwise distracted heavy classes if left at level 1 or 2. The shadows of these corners also hide the Sentry further.
! {{Icon weapon| weapon=Jag|icon-size=40x40px}}
{{Icon weapon| weapon=Gunslinger|icon-size=40x40px}}<br />
'''[[Jag]]''' or '''[[Gunslinger]]'''
This setup is designed for Engineers who are sharing a nest with other Engineers. The Pomson's ability to drain Cloak and Ubercharge from enemy Spies and Medics may make holding a defensive position easier, whereas the Frontier Justice may be used to store utilize extremely deadly Revenge Crits if your Sentry happens to be destroyed in a rush, making future defensive efforts (or fending off a rush that resulted in the destruction of your Sentry Gun) easier. The Rescue Ranger is used to repair buildings from long range and to harass incoming enemies from range(making up for the lack of a Pistol) and to make an urgent retreat by falling back yourself and then pulling your most important building towards you. The Short Circuit's ability to disintegrate projectiles is very useful for resisting enemy Demomen and Soldiers, and with at least two nearby Dispensers it should not be difficult to maintain a steady supply of Metal for this purpose. The Jag's ability to help buildings build faster is very useful for rebuilding a nest if buildings are destroyed, and can be used to help your fellow Engineers get their defenses up faster as well. The Gunslinger, and the mini-Sentry Guns it provides, are not as useful for long-term defense, but are a decent way to temporarily fill a defensive hole, and cost less metal than a regular Sentry Gun, making defense somewhat more tenable if your use of the Short Circuit has depleted your metal reserves.
! {{Icon weapon|weapon=Rescue Ranger|icon-size=100x100px}}
'''[[Rescue Ranger]]'''
! {{Icon weapon|weapon=Pistol|icon-size=100x100px}}
! {{Icon weapon|weapon=Jag|icon-size=40x40px}}
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Gunslinger|icon-size=40x40px}}<br />
'''[[Jag]]''' or '''[[Gunslinger]]'''
This is a recommended setup for mobile Engineers who are always on the move, but want to be able to have a Level 3 Sentry instead of a Mini-Sentry. The Rescue Ranger allows an Engineer to move his buildings from distances and repair it from a distance, at the cost of metal. The Jag helps to quickly rebuild Buildings that the Engineer just moved to get them ready for action as quickly as possible. The Pistol is used for combat, as both the Rescue Ranger and the Jag are inefficient when in battle. This loadout is especially recommended for Control Point maps where moving buildings across long distances quickly is a necessity.
*As usual in CTF maps, the Intelligence room is a perfect place for a Sentry. There are multiple places in the room you can use, such as at the top of the stairs, under the stairs, and across the room in the small doorway alcoves. However, each of these areas can be fired at from beyond the Sentry's range from either of the doors to the Intel room.
However, players may choose to use the Gunslinger for a more suitable offensive push. With the Rescue Ranger, this eliminates the need to pick up your sentry normally or even destroy it, but at the cost of 100 Metal (The same as deploying a new Mini-Sentry). This is a good combination for Gunslinger Engineers who don't want to waste time deploying a new one. This combo also maintains the ability to attack/defend easily, this allows the Engineer to constantly attack/defend anywhere while moving from place to place. This is also resolves the issue of the long redeployment time of a Level 3 Sentry Gun, as with the Mini-Sentry, you can constantly grab it with the Rescue Ranger and haul it to a new location to attack/defend.
*A Sentry can be put up in the enemy Sewers in the same way as in 2Fort, allowing your teammates to teleport under the enemy base and readily access their Intel room. Be careful though, as there are 3 different ways that the enemy can access the sewers and take out your Sentry (the pipe toward their lower spawn hatch, down the stairwell in the corner and from the drop in the nearby room).
*Putting a Sentry up around the middle bridge area is generally a bad idea as it is far too open and will be destroyed quickly, though putting Level 1 and 2 Sentries in the enemy team's blind spots (at the top of the stairwell coming from below the bridge, behind the crates in the middle of the bridge) can stop Scouts and other fast classes from passing. When doing this, do not upgrade your Sentry to Level 3 as their rockets will reveal the Sentry's location as soon as an enemy passes.
*Outside the main spawn door, you can also put a Sentry on the edge of the upper level that will overlook the main entrance to the base, stopping any direct charges from the enemy. This spot can be flanked though, from the stairwell that comes from the sewer and also the walkway from the Intel room (though this way will almost never be used when the enemy can go directly for the Intelligence).
*Outside the Intelligence room, there is also a large sunken area with a ledge that leads to the Sniper deck. Putting a Sentry here will prevent any Scouts, Soldiers or Demomen from accessing the Intel room from the lesser known route (it will also prevent them from running through the Intel room and trying to jump to safety).
! {{Icon weapon|weapon=Rescue Ranger|icon-size=100x100px}}
'''[[Rescue Ranger]]'''
! {{Icon weapon|weapon=Wrangler|icon-size=100x100px}}
! {{Icon weapon|weapon=Wrench|icon-size=40x40px}}
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Southern Hospitality|icon-size=40x40px}}<br />
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Jag|icon-size=40x40px}}<br />
'''[[Wrench]]''' or '''[[Southern Hospitality]]''' or '''[[Jag]]'''
This weapon combination focuses on providing Engineers with greater utility, opening up a variety of strategical options. The Rescue Ranger, while less usable as a weapon, fires bolts which can repair buildings, allowing you to maintain them from a distance. In the event that movement is necessary, such as with an offensive push or hasty retreat, you can easily bring your buildings with you so long as they are in sight. The Wrangler increases the power and usable range of your Sentry Gun while also greatly shielding it from damage. With it, you can neutralize or rid of threats that are too much for an unwrangled Sentry to handle. In addition, Wrangler Jumping, when used in conjunction with the Rescue Ranger's hauling and ranged repair abilities, can give access to otherwise impossible building locations. Due to the lack of a Shotgun or Pistol, you will often have to resort to your melee weapon in direct combat. The Wrench has no downsides, however the Southern Hospitality provides an additional bleeding effect which can help with fighting enemies at the cost of no random critical hits and extra fire vulnerability. The Jag's increased attack speed can often allow the Engie to have an better chance to deal critical hits, along with quickly rebuild and upgrade fallen buildings. Choose the one which better fits your situation.
*The point area itself on A is a good Sentry spot as it watches over the entire area of A, with its only blind major blind spot being the lower BLU spawn (though if you use your Pistol or send friendly players to lock it down, this threat can be temporarily eliminated via deterring the enemy).
For Mann VS Machine, this setup, when paired with the Jag, allows the Engineer to properly support his buildings in the middle of a wave. Since most of the Engineer's credits will be spent on his buildings and (maybe) resistances, he doesn't need to invest points in more than his Wrench's swing speed. As such, this setup excels above all others in MVM, due to the repairing capabilities of the Rescue Ranger, the versatility the Wrangler provides, and the quick building and upgrading speed of the Jag.
*The raised ledges around the B point provide good Sentry spots, covering the main open area outside the BLU spawn doors. However, building it too far to the left will make it vulnerable to attacks from the corridors going to A and C, so make sure your team is defending those well or that A has not been captured.
*The main Sentry placements in C are at the top of the stairs either side of the point, and on the walkways overseeing the many entrances to the zone. The further to the left you shift your Sentries, the less likely they are to be attacked from the B doors and windows, but the easier they are to kill with Ubercharges and Demomen arcing grenades (they also get further away from the point). As you shift your sentry to the right more, however, it becomes less likely to let enemies in through the bottom right and central doorways but will be more open to long range rockets and grenades from the far left doorway and windows.
*At C you can also put a Sentry on the top right ledge, overseeing the entire top level of the point. This is good for covering the point itself as it can see into the point room (to a degree) and prevents enemies from running up to the point from one side, but it can be easily rocketed from the far left or even directly below it like other far right sentries.
*At A, a Sentry can be placed around opposite the far rock, around the corner from the point to prevent enemies from going around the side. The raised ledge can be used to place the Sentry on, and also prevents any Spies trying to sap your setup from running around repeatedly (it is also near a chokepoint, and so will always have at least one or two teammates waiting there with you), and will prevent explosive classes from destroying it with splash damage from ground-bound rockets or grenades. The main threats of Spies, Soldiers and Demomen will often come from behind, having dropped down from the upper ledge and attempting to rush the point area.
*At A you can also put Sentries directly on the point, under the ledge the BLU team will drop down from or on the walkways leading to the spawn. All of these Sentries can stop people pushing over the upper ledge, but be warned that all of these spots are vulnerable to grenades, stickies and normal rockets.
*At B, it is difficult to build a Sentry anywhere else than directly outside the spawn hall as the area is so open that most Sentries can be picked off at long range with ease. When setting up here, be sure to hide a Teleporter exit below the wooden stairs in the hall outside spawn, so that if the point is taken your team may still be able to flank the enemy.
*If you are on the attacking team, you can use the alternate spawn door to go directly to B, allowing you to pre-emptively build a Sentry for when your team captures A. This will prevent the RED team from exiting their spawn, giving your team an easy time of capturing the point. Behind the point can also be used as a good Sentry spot for when you are attacking C, as it prevents them from pushing you back into B.
*A Sentry can be put up between B and C to stop attackers advancing toward C, and defenders pushing back attackers to B. However, this spot is often shortlived unless C has already been captured, as it can be attacked from both the front and the back, and has several corners perfect for explosives to be fired around.
*When defending C, either put a Sentry next to the point up the covered set of stairs (to keep it out of the BLU team's sight) or on the opposite side, on the ledge from the spawn. These spots will not be visible to the BLU team until they actually push in, allowing you to maintain the element of surprise. At this point, any teleporters behind the enemy lines should be enabled by building their entrances, as it cuts off reinforcements that could potentially capture the point.
*On either team, you can put a Sentry in the corridor between A and D to prevent the attackers advancing or hold a strong front line that the defending team can only break with ubers. A popular spot to place the Sentry is in the doorway of the small room with max health and ammo kits, and then use those to level up/erect your buildings safely.
*At D, the only really good place for a Sentry is next to the RED upper spawn door. This will prevent enemies from coming around the corner from D and also stop enemies that have reached the point from C, but it is vulnerable to long range rockets from the C door. Because of this, try to get your team to stop the attacking team reaching the doorway at C, or ask a Pyro to reflect any projectiles away from your Sentry.
*At E, there are numerous places you can build Sentries. Firstly, you can build one overlooking the point on the ledge. This place is good if your team still has access to E (ie. D hasn't been captured) as you can readily run to and from the spawn to replenish your metal supply. You can also build your Dispenser in the alcove on the ledge, and hide there while repairing your Sentry in the event of an enemy push. However, this place can be hit with long range projectiles fairly easily and most notably, can be cleared out very quickly by an explosive class standing on the ledge below E. The tight space will also make it hard to escape should this happen, especially if you have to move right around your Sentry.
*A Sentry can be built in the window facing the point. This is close to the point and allows it to fire at enemies on the bridges around the point too, but it can be hit rockets fairly easily and is also susceptible to rushes from D (the windows also will reveal your location to the attacking team).
*Alternatively, a Level 1 or 2 Sentry can be built on the far side of the point in the alcove that was once the RED spawn door. This will stop enemies coming from the far side of the point, and will be hard for them to damage unless they are standing directly under the point or behind cover.
*The attacking team can also build a Sentry at the entrance to the B/C corridor at any time during the round. This will deny defenders any chance of flanking your team without having to go through A, and also severely limit the RED team's defensive options as they will be unable to freely move around E. Be careful here though, as there are many angles at E which rockets and grenades can hit it from.
== Dealing with the Spy ==
{{See also|Engineer match-ups}}
====Section 1====
* The Spy is typically the mortal enemy of the Engineer. Due to the Spy's ability to sap your buildings, it makes him more than a match for you in a strategic sense. [[Sappers]] shut down your buildings immediately, leaving them effectively "destroyed" until you remove them. A building that gets Sapped while under fire is typically impossible for a lone Engineer to save.
*The elevated wooden platform to the right as you go towards the middle offers metal and a higher position to build a Sentry on. This place is also fairly close to the spawn, allowing your teammates to protect you.
** The Spy's ability to disguise himself as any class on either team is also quite bothersome. While wearing a friendly disguise, the Spy has access to your buildings, allowing him to restore health and [[Cloak]] from your Dispenser. Note that this also prevents your Sentry Gun from shooting at him until he loses his disguise.
*The elevated platform beside the final point is a bit cramped but offers a railing to protect your Sentry as well as a good view of any attacking players.
* Watch for Spies using the [[Your Eternal Reward]]. This knife, upon a backstab, allows the Spy to take the form of his victim without dropping his disguise. Spies using it will not hesitate to backstab you or your allies within range of an active Sentry Gun if they get the chance.
* Spies have the potential to hide anywhere and appear as anyone. As such, you cannot rely solely on your Sentry Gun to protect you. Remain alert at all times and refrain from being stationary even while protecting your position to prevent [[Ambassador]] headshots and backstabs. If someone seems suspicious, don't be afraid to [[Spy checking#Spy checking|Spy-check]] them.
* A good Spy will often appear without warning, quickly sap your Sentry Gun, and start attacking you immediately with his [[Revolver]] or [[Knife]], especially if you are alone. If you come under attack in this way, worry about the Spy first. A Spy can place Sappers faster than you can remove them and repair your buildings. It is much more important to eliminate the Spy before he causes any more damage. Use your Shotgun or melee weapon to dispatch the trespasser before repairing your buildings.
* Most of the time, you should save your Dispenser first, as it will break from a Sapper faster than an upgraded Sentry Gun, and regenerating its Metal supply takes a lot of time. If you are staying in the same spot, saving your Dispenser first will always allow you to rebuild much faster because you'll have more Metal available. However, if the Spy has removed his disguise nearby, or there's urgent need for offense, you should save your Sentry Gun first. On some maps, your Teleporter can actually be your most important building as it allows your team to keep a constant stream of reinforcements going. Losing your Teleporter is especially annoying due to the fact that you will lose both ends of it, requiring you to travel all the way to your Spawn to replant your Entrance. If you have [[Jump#Sentry rocket jump|sentry-jumped]] to your location, you may wish to save your teleporter so you can get back. Teleporters take the longest to get destroyed from Sappers, but you should still try to save them. Deciding which Building to save first always depends on the circumstances. Practice is the best guide.
**In a nest, watch out for Spies with the Red-Tape Recorder. This Sapper will reverse the construction of your buildings, but takes far longer to destroy them. If on the offensive or under fire from enemies, consider saving the Sentry Gun before it downgrades to a level which will allow enemies to easily overwhelm it, then quickly dispatch the Spy.
* While being in a crowd of your own teammates usually helps you defend against Spies more easily, it can sometimes be difficult to pick out which one of your "teammates" is actually a Spy placing Sappers. Even though placing Sappers will not break a disguise, the disguised Spy will actually move his hand in a "placing" motion at your Building when it does so. This is subtle, but you may be able to use it pick out the Spy in a crowd. If you are letting your team deal with the Spy while you remove Sappers, keep your back to something.
* A creative Spy will often disguise as an Engineer to try to fool you and your allies into thinking he is an Engineer trying to remove Sappers when he is in fact the one sapping. They may even use the [[voice command]] warning about Spies to add to the deception. Watch for teammates who aren't swinging or firing their weapons, as a disguised Spy cannot attack. Even better, Spy-check anyone nearby.
* If you have revenge crits, try to save some of them for the inevitable Spy attack. Having a glowing Frontier Justice out can be enough on its own to deter a Spy. While it's true that you might waste a shot on a [[Dead Ringer]] Spy, don't be afraid to do it. A Spy who feigns death likely won't be attacking you for at least a short duration, giving you time to call for help.
* Simply standing with your back facing the wall or continuously moving greatly minimizes the Spy's danger to you as it makes it harder for them to instantly kill you. The Spy is therefore forced to attack one of your buildings, which destroys their disguise. In this case, make it your priority to kill the Spy before attending to your buildings.
* If your building is continually being sapped as you remove the Sapper, attack your Wrench in multiple areas around your building, as a Spy will be distant from you as you swing your Wrench.
* If a teammate appears to be standing directly on top of you, attack them immediately. Enemy Spies are able to stand on top of you, while teammates cannot.
* Constantly watch your back and be aware of your surroundings at all times, especially when constructing and upgrading your buildings. While this applies to practically any class, the Engineer should take special care as to not become the victim of a Spy, as it can result in the total loss of all of his buildings, thus forcing them to rebuild from scratch. [[Spy checking#Spy checking|Spycheck]] as often as you can by firing at corners, "teammates" and other hiding spots where you think they could be at.
**However, don't become overly paranoid and stray too far from your equipment. This is what the Spy wants, as he will be able to destroy your gear without interference.
* If a Spy saps your Teleporter, make sure you are not standing on top of it when you take the Sapper off. Spies often try to get your attention with a Sapper, stand on the entrance, and when you remove it, they go through, [[telefrag]]ging you. They will not lose their disguise with this strategy, making it easy for them to destroy your other buildings once they have telefragged you. To defend against this, make sure you are far enough from the Teleporter that you can still take a Sapper off, but Spies cannot telefrag you.
* Be aware of [[trickstab]]s when you are attacking a Spy, as they can use stairstabs, matadors, cornerstabs, and a variety of other trickstabs to kill you, even if you are aware that they are a Spy. Due to this, it is not advisable to chase a Spy with your Wrench, especially outside of your Sentry Gun's range. Use your primary to kill them, and stay a good distance back. Take corners wide, and do not follow a Spy up a set of stairs if you cannot see him. If you think a Spy will go for a stairstab, start backpedaling down the stairs. The Spy will often jump in front of you, facing forward, which gives you a moment or two to shoot him before he can turn around or defend himself.
** Alternatively, you can call for your teammates to deal with him instead.
* The Spy's [[Revolver]] has a longer range and less spread than the Engineer's Pistol or Shotgun does, so it is recommended you stay at a medium-range whilst combatting a Spy. At long range, you are susceptible to the Spy's Revolver; At close-range, you are exposed to being backstabbed.
====Section 2====
==Cooperative Class Strategies==
*Building anywhere above your spawn where it can cover the many doorways is ideal, protecting your base while keeping enemies from flanking your teammates.  
==={{class link|Scout}}===
*Building a Sentry nest in the center of the map in the tunnel is difficult but very effective if it is fully upgraded. This is a good spot for a [[Teleporter]] as well, keeping your team near your cart.
While Engineers cannot do much for a Scout aside from his already inherent roles, a Scout can help out an Engineer immensely just by simply doing what he already does well enough without the Engineer.
*You can attempt to build a Sentry nest somewhere above the enemy spawn. It can be difficult for them to find and your team has easy access to their base.  
* Scouts can make for serviceable bodyguards when an Engineer is on the move with his buildings, provided that a Pyro is not available. Scout's speed advantage and high burst damage makes keeping any pesky Spies or Demomen at bay while the Engineer sets back up quite the simple task.
* Scouts are good at getting behind enemy lines and taking out enemy Snipers and Spies, which will make friendly Engineers' lives much easier.
* Scouts with the [[Backscatter]] and/or [[Mad Milk]] are fairly effective at spychecking, which can seriously help out allied Engineers.
** The [[Boston Basher]]'s and [[Wrap Assassin]]'s bleed damage will also highlight enemy Spies, though the Wrap Assassin can't do this very often.  
* Scout's version of the Pistol does not come with much ammo, meaning that Dispensers are invaluable when the Scout loses access to it.
* The Sentry Gun circumvents Scout's biggest weakness: his lack of range. Sentry Guns have a very long and wide radius of damage that they can cover, which gives a Scout an excellent place to fall back on when he needs to retreat.
** Dispensers also give the Scout a safe spot to recover health after taking too much damage while frequenting the flank routes.
====Section 3====
==={{class link|Soldier}}===
* A Sentry near the end of the track at the top of the map is difficult to destroy due to its location. This will allow for a Teleporter to bring your team closer to your cart.
Soldiers are one of your best friends when at the frontlines due to his immense power. The potential for protection that a Soldier possesses allows an Engineer to be more liberal with the placement of his Sentry nests.
* Soldiers are a slow class without rocket jumping, and a fragile one with it. Teleporters reduce the need for rocket jumps, which allows the Soldier to save his health pool for when it is needed most.
* A Soldier makes a decent bodyguard for an Engineer trying to move his buildings. This is especially true if he has the [[Disciplinary Action]], which will allow the Engineer to get where he's going much more quickly.
* Soldiers will tend to hang around the front lines, making Dispensers around those areas imperative for a team.
* Soldiers also are very good at spychecking with their large blast radius on rocket launchers.
* The [[Battalion's Backup]] gives the Engineer much needed resiliency when moving buildings. This is especially useful when the Engineer is using the Rescue Ranger, as the Marked-For-Death attribute when hauling buildings is nullified by the Backup's effects.
==={{class link|Pyro}}===
A Pyro is, overall, an Engineer's best friend when maintaining a defensive hold is imperative.
* Pyros can airblast projectiles away from friendly Engineer nests, nullifying the advantages Soldiers and Demomen gain against them.
** Pyros can also deny ÜberCharges, a common response to stubborn Engie nests, by airblasting them away.
** Neither of the above are as effective with an airblast-disadvantaged {{botignore|flamethrower}}, such as the [[Backburner]], the [[Dragon's Fury]], and especially the [[Phlogistinator]], which can't airblast at all. The presence of a Dispenser will actually nullify the Backburner's airblast penalty, which merely makes airblasting ammo-inefficient.
* Pyros (without the Dragon's Fury) are the most consistently efficient Spy-checkers in the game and are overall an absolute nightmare for Spies.
** By equipping the [[Homewrecker]] or [[Neon Annihilator]], a Pyro can remove Sappers from friendly buildings. This is a lower priority than hunting down the Spy who placed the Sappers, however, but is crucial if you end up dying during the skirmish.
* A Pyro with a {{botignore|flare gun}} can harass enemy Snipers, making life much easier for friendly Engineers.
* A Pyro with a {{botignore|shotgun}}, the [[Detonator]], or the [[Scorch Shot]] can destroy stickybombs near the Engineer's buildings.
* With airblast and a {{botignore|shotgun}}, a Pyro becomes a very effective bodyguard and escort for Engineers trying to move buildings between new locations.
* A Sentry Gun can deal large amounts of damage from well outside a Pyro's effective range, allowing the Pyro to not have to worry as much about mid-ranged threats such as Heavies.
* With a Dispenser active, a Pyro can keep up a constant stream of flames or airblasts, as long as they stay within the Dispenser's range. This is useful in Spychecking or reflecting projectiles, respectively.
==={{class link|Demoman}}===
Demomen and Engineers are two of the best defensive classes in the game. Together, they can create a nigh-impenetrable defense.
* A Demoman can lay down sticky traps to block off routes enemies might take to evade a Sentry Gun, and vice versa.
* A Sentry Gun will mow down Pyros and Scouts that could otherwise very easily kill a Demoman.
* A Teleporter will allow a Demoman to quickly reach the front lines without taking self-damage, while a Dispenser will provide a reliable means for the Demoman to heal self-damage off.
* A Demoknight can pick off pesky Spies and Snipers to make the Engineer's life easier.
* Demomen with the [[Scottish Resistance]] or [[Quickiebomb Launcher]] can destroy the stickybombs of enemy Demomen threatening an Engineer's buildings.
* Demomen make excellent spycheckers with [[Stickybomb Launcher|their]] [[Scottish Resistance|sticky]][[Quickiebomb Launcher|bombs]]. Placing a few stickybombs near friendly buildings and waiting for the Engineer to call out a Spy for sapping his buildings will allow a Demoman to shut down a Spy's assault almost instantaneously.
==={{class link|Heavy}}===
Heavy benefits significantly from the buildings that Engineers build. Additionally, the Heavy's presence in and of itself can help an Engineer by diverting attention from a Sentry Gun's placement until it's too late for the enemy.
* Build Teleporters. A Heavy's single greatest weakness is his low mobility, to the point where he may simply not be able to participate in some crucial fights because he can't get to them in time. Teleporters allow Heavies to reliably reach the front lines quickly and keep the pressure on, which in turn allows you to constantly be on the move with your buildings.
* If a Heavy stands next to, or in front of your Sentry Gun, he automatically creates a dilemma for the enemy team, since they will need to divert their firepower across both sources of damage, and your combined firepower may be able to stop all opposition short of an ÜberCharge.
* A Heavy on the move is always in constant danger of being without ammo in his Minigun, since his slow movement speed makes it unlikely he will reach ammo packs before his foes do. This makes the Dispenser a crucial building for Heavies, as they can keep up a literal constant stream of bullets while standing next to it.
** A Dispenser is also the single most reliable way to keep a Heavy with the [[Huo-Long Heater]] from running out of ammo.
* A Sentry and a Heavy can deal a barrage of damage that is unparalleled by anything other than two Sentry Guns placed next to each other. Place Sentry Guns in areas where your team's Heavy may roam, such as down long hallways, and around corners to capitalize on this and block off any areas that enemies may flood into.
==={{class link|Engineer}}===
While one Engineer on his own is quite powerful, a pair or group of Engies can make for a level of defense that is unrivaled by even the most resilient classes.
* Coordination with your fellow Engineers is key in combining your buildings effectively. If an Engineer has one chokepoint or area of track covered by a Sentry Gun, move your gear elsewhere on the map to cover any less common routes that the enemy could use to circumvent their Sentry Gun.
* Having multiple leveled Dispensers in play at once is crucial in extended autonomy. With near-limitless sources of metal placed strategically around the map, Engineers can build and rebuild their destroyed gear much quick, which positively impacts the versatility of your team.
* If one Engineer dies, the other Engineers can maintain his buildings until he respawns.
** However, Engineers cannot move a fellow Engineer's buildings, meaning they must abandon them if the necessity arises to move their buildings to meet their team's requirements.
* Engineers protecting a Control Point will do well to spread their buildings out, lest they become cannon fodder for the Demoman's Stickybombs or the Loch-n-Load.
* Variety is the spice of life, so choose your weapons accordingly-- having Engineers on your team equip different wrenches and weapons can maximize your effectiveness.
** The [[Jag]] is great at constructing buildings quickly, but not as good at healing them. A second Engineer with a normal {{botignore|wrench}}, however, can heal the Jag Engie's buildings for him, while the Jag Engineer can upgrade the other Engie's buildings.
** A [[Gunslinger]] Engineer who wants to focus on combat can leave his Dispenser and Teleporters near other Engies. The other Engineers can upgrade and maintain his buildings, while he goes to the front lines with his mini-sentry. On defense, his quick-building mini-sentry can help deny enemy movement for a short while, buying the other Engineers some time to set-up their buildings.
** A Southern Hospitality Engineer can help in tracking down enemy Spies thanks to the bleed it causes.
** An Eureka Effect Engineer can help in upgrading buildings if the nest is far from the spawn, thanks to the teleportation ability. The other Engineers can then help construct his buildings faster and protect his Teleporter exit which allows him to teleport back.
** A few Engineers can use shotguns such as the Widowmaker to help defend buildings from attacks, while others can use the Rescue Ranger to maintain them. A Pomson 6000 Engineer can also help drain away the Cloak of a Spy And ÜberCharge of the Medic, two more classes that can counter the Engineer.
** Having at least one Engineer with the Short Circuit can help destroy enemy projectiles, countering the Soldier and Demoman, both of which have explosive ordnance that devastate buildings. Wrangler Engineers can help in fighting enemies outside of the range of Sentry Guns as well as holding ground against an enemy assault, while those wielding the Pistol can aid in spychecking, and pester enemies in spots a wrangled Sentry Gun cannot reach.
* If your fellow Engineer is using a primary weapon that is more suited for support than offense, like the Pomson 6000 or the Rescue Ranger, equip a hitscan primary such as the Shotgun or Frontier Justice. This allows you to be the damage dealer if a situation gets out of hand, and you must fight back without your buildings readily available.
* Having multiple Engineers on a team allows them to maintain an effective defense; however, after about three Engineers (fewer on small teams), the team starts to suffer from having too few combat classes.
==={{class link|Medic}}===
Medics rarely keep company around, or heal their team's Engineers due to the necessity of keeping combat classes alive. Medics take a lot of fire from enemies and are considered a top priority target by Scouts, Snipers and Spies. All of the Engineer's buildings can directly help or protect a Medic who is under fire and allow them to flee with their ÜberCharge percentage unscathed.
* The Engineer makes for a highly situational ÜberCharge patient due to their slow speed and may only be used as a means of retreat. However, the Engineer's generic weapons are still very capable, and can give the Medic some sort of protection when there are no better-suited classes around.
* Building Teleporters helps the Medic to reach the front lines (and thus heal teammates and build ÜberCharge) more quickly.
* Your Dispenser can be invaluable to the fragile Medic in more ways than one. Not only does it allow a Medic to heal off heavy damage incurred while on the front lines, but its hitbox is large enough that a Medic often can hide inside of it, treating it as a sort of secondary armor, to survive their attackers while your teammates or Sentry Gun finish them off.
* The Kritzkrieg combined with the Widowmaker can allow an Engineer to deal a constant stream of critical damage without the need to reload.
* A Medic may ÜberCharge an Engie to aid in keeping an important Sentry Gun active for as long as possible. It can also be used to pick up an important building, such as a high-level Dispenser, and save it.
* Since you are often near your Dispenser anyway, Medics may neglect to heal you, even if they see you wandering around at low health. Don't be afraid to call out for them to get their attention. Since Engineer is a light class, it should not be an issue for them to quickly buff you, and get back to work.
==={{class link|Sniper}}===
Engineers and Snipers do not have much synergy, but still can help cover each others' weaknesses.
* An allied Sniper is obviously one of the more effective responses to enemy Snipers. Allied Snipers taking out enemy Snipers will allow allied Engineers to breathe much easier and safely place his buildings in areas where a team might not expect them.
* A Sniper who sits near a Sentry Gun doesn't have to worry about Scouts or Pyros as much, since the Sentry Gun will generally kill these classes long before they can reasonably reach the Sniper.
* A Sniper with [[Jarate]] or the [[Tribalman's Shiv]] can help in Spy-checking.
** The presence of a Jarate Sniper also increases the effectiveness of the [[Southern Hospitality]], as quick extinguishing will nullify the fire vulnerability, and the guaranteed mini-crits are far more useful with spychecking, as the Spy will both visibly bleed and shed yellow droplets, even under cloak. The combined power of your tools may make a Spy reluctant in approaching you at all.
* The [[Pomson 6000]] and the [[Short Circuit]] can light friendly [[Huntsman]] arrows on fire.
** The presence of a Dispenser will counteract the low ammo count of the Huntsman.
* A Sniper can take out enemy Medics to deny them ÜberCharge, one of the main counters to an Engineer's Sentry nest.
==={{class link|Spy}}===
Due to the differing roles of the classes, Spies and Engineers generally don't work together well. However, one can indirectly help the other, even without knowing it.
* One of the Spy's main goals is to pick apart the enemy lines by taking out Medics, Offense classes, and especially other Engineers to make their team's job easier and safer as they traverse through the map. Engineers benefit from this the most because it allows them set up their buildings without the worry of instant retaliation.
** Spies can take out enemy Medics to stop ÜberCharges before they happen. They are also a main counter to Snipers, which love to cause headaches for Engineers.
* The Engineer's Dispenser is an important building to Spies. The building generally stays out of sight, like the Spy himself and therefore allows him to recover from a fight much quicker by retreating to one. This can be a double-edged sword though, since you will be used to see a friendly Spy around, and may think a disguised enemy Spy is your teammate. Constantly spycheck “friendly” Spies that approach your Dispenser and quickly kill them before they cause any more damage.
== See also ==
== See also ==
*[[Engineer match-ups]]
*[[Team strategy]]
*[[How to play the Engineer]]
{{Class strategy}}
{{Engineer Nav}}
{{Engineer Nav}}
[[Category:Community strategy]]

Latest revision as of 02:47, 17 March 2024

Grr, come on!
You're all about to have a real bad day!
The Engineer to enemies before Setup concludes

The Engineer is a unique class due to his ability to construct buildings. He can get his teammates to the front lines faster with Teleporters, create a powerful Sentry Gun to ward off enemies, and can build Dispensers to heal and supply ammunition to his teammates. The Engineer's low Health and average speed make it important for him to rely on his Sentry Gun, other buildings, and his teammates for protection. While his ways can seem somewhat passive and methodical, Engineers are not to be underestimated. A talented Engineer can make it much easier for his team to hold its ground, keep up the pressure on the attack, and defend vital objectives such as control points and Intelligence.

Quick tips

  • A team without an effective Engineer is at an extreme disadvantage, especially while playing Defense on Attack/Defend maps.
  • Always stay close to your buildings. Unguarded buildings are especially vulnerable to Spies, Demomen, and Soldiers.
  • The Teleporter can be your most important contribution to your team's success. If properly placed and defended, a Teleporter will allow your team to keep the pressure on the enemy team.
  • All buildings build faster during construction if you repeatedly strike them with your melee weapon.
    • You can help friendly Engineers by hitting their buildings with your melee weapon to speed up the building's construction or repair and upgrade the existing buildings.
  • You can construct a building in safety, then right-click to pick it up and haul it to the battle. It is also possible to carry buildings through Teleporters.
    • However, if you die while carrying a building, the building is destroyed.
  • Your Shotgun and Pistol are not useless in combat; use them to supplement your Sentry Gun in whittling away at the enemy's health.
    • The Shotgun can kill most enemies in 2-3 hits, and a well-aimed Pistol can kill most classes with a full clip.
  • Avoid standing in front of your Sentry Gun. This reduces the chances of your Sentry shooting you, as well as lowers the chance of being killed, as the Sentry can intercept enemy fire.
  • When playing Arena, make sure you have Dispensers to help out teammates with ammo and health; there are no health packs in Arena mode.
  • Try to set your Sentry Gun at chokepoints where enemies frequently prowl, thereby maximizing its effectiveness.
    • This is of huge importance when playing on Defense.
  • Spies can sap your Sentry faster than you can remove it. Kill the Spy first, then get rid of the Sapper.
  • Try to construct your buildings in a location where not only can you support your team, but where your team can support you. While you and your Sentry might be able to hold ground on your own for a short time, multiple enemies can quickly overwhelm you. Be sure to ask your teammates for help as often as possible while you help your team at the same time via your buildings.
  • If possible, try to build your Teleporter and Dispenser first. These buildings allow both you and your team to get to the frontlines faster and keep you all in the fight due to the constant flow of health and ammo.


  • As an Engineer, you can do more than just upgrade and repair your buildings. If you have metal, don't hesitate to hit friendly buildings with your melee weapon to either repair or upgrade them. Watching your team's buildings allows other Engineers to set up Sentry Guns, Dispensers, and Teleporters in other areas.
  • You can rotate the placement of a building while the blueprint is out by pressing the alternate fire button. Changing a Sentry Gun's direction allows you to place it in corners and other hard-to-reach locations while still facing potential enemies. Rotating a Teleporter exit affects the direction one faces when exiting. An arrow on the blueprint indicates said direction. Remember that the direction one faces could mean life or death in some situations. Rotating a Dispenser has no effect on its function, but can allow you to place it into a tight space or help conceal its location.
    • You can also place a building while it is turning to place it on a different angle.
  • Alternate fire while looking at a building you placed allows you to "haul" that building to another location. While hauling a building, your movement speed is reduced by 10%, and you are unable to switch weapons. If you are killed while carrying a building, the building will be destroyed.
    • A redeployed building will construct faster than normal without help from an Engineer, though you can still speed up the building of the structure by hitting it with your Wrench. Once built, if the building has already been upgraded to level 2 or 3, it will then undergo the animations for deploying to those levels as well.
  • When your Sentry Gun fires, it uses up a small amount of its ammo supply. Though this is not often a problem, ammo can be replenished by hitting your gun with your Wrench. Refilling ammo uses up a small amount of metal.
    • This can be a problem when upgrading Sentry Guns. Often, a low-level Sentry will use a little ammo on enemies it catches a glance of. If the Sentry has no metal put into it for upgrading, the Engineer will not be able to upgrade it with a full 200 metal, as some of the metal will go towards refilling ammo. The Sentry will end up being just a few metal away from an upgrade, forcing the Engineer to find more metal. Avoid this by putting a little extra metal into your Sentry when you first build it.
  • Enemy players, including disguised Spies, cannot walk through buildings belonging to your team. You can use this for Spy checking by placing buildings in chokepoints, such as doors and hallways.
  • It is not a good idea to build your buildings, particularly your Sentry Gun, near the same location as another Engineer's buildings on your team. Clustering too many Engineer buildings together maximizes their weakness to explosives or other weapons that deal splash damage, and clustering makes it easier for an enemy Spy to sap all of your buildings. In addition, remember that friendly buildings block the line of sight and line of fire of friendly Sentry Guns.
  • If your buildings are under attack by Soldiers or Demomen, try to time your repair hits in between enemy rockets or grenades to avoid getting killed, or build your Sentry Gun near cover that you can use to shield yourself. If your buildings are under attack by multiple Soldiers and Demomen, your buildings are likely going to go down and take you alongside them unless you have support from friendly Medics, Engineers, or Pyros using their compression blast.
    • Your best friend is often an allied Pyro. Pyros are excellent for taking care of an Engineer's greatest weaknesses: keeping Spies at bay, destroying Sappers on your buildings with the Homewrecker, Neon Annihilator, or Maul, and deflecting incoming rockets, grenades, stickybombs, and invulnerable enemies. This is also usually beneficial for Pyros, as they often run out of ammunition and health from spamming their Flamethrower, which a Dispenser can restore, and are poor at mid to long range: an Engineer's forte.
  • Build where you can support your team and where your team can support you. Sentry Guns provide high-volume firepower at decent range, but it is still supporting fire that is best served to cover your teammates and deny areas to enemy movement. Do not expect to be able to fight off entire enemy attack groups with just your Sentry Gun. It is very unlikely that anyone on your own team will be down there with you to support you, and without your Sentry Gun in a more forward location, enemies have a much easier time getting inside the base and causing havoc.
  • Setting up a nest with a Teleporter, a Dispenser, and a Sentry Gun near the front lines can help your team maintain its position. A skilled enemy team can push you right back to your first spawn, forcing you to gain ground again even if you have already captured the first point.
  • To make the best use of Setup time, it is important to know ahead of time where effective spots to build are and the best way to set up your buildings the fastest.
  • On offense, when you have a 'team advantage' (most of the enemy team or their best players are dead) and you have a Level 3 Sentry Gun, haul it and charge into the fray. Drop the Sentry Gun near the final control point and attack the point yourself with your weapons. With most of their team dead and a Level 3 Sentry Gun covering their spawn, you and your teammates may be able to hold off enemies so one or two other teammates (usually Scouts) can capture the objective. Do note that Level 2 Sentry Guns can also be used if there is no time to make the Sentry Gun level 3 or if the level 3 deployment time will take too long to be effective.
  • Don't forget about your own weapons! The Shotgun and Pistol are strong weapons and can help the Engineer win 1v1 fights.
    • While generic compared to other weapons, the Stock weapons allow you to weapon heckle with surprising efficiency.
    • While you don't come anywhere close to the Scout's speed, you are still a very mobile class compared to most and can drum up a good amount of supplementary damage while moving toward an advantageous point to set up your buildings.
  • Out of all the Engineer's primary and secondary weapons, the Stock weapons are often the weapons that can deal the most damage overall. In case it is required to equip any non-stock primary/secondary weapon, it is highly recommended to equip the other secondary/primary weapon slot with its stock weapon.
  • On offense, never forget this golden rule: Level 2 is good. If you are not going to camp at your teleporter base and you don't have time to haul a Level 3 Sentry Gun, haul a Level 2. The same goes for Teleporters: A Level 2 has double the recharging speed of a Level 1; however, a Level 3 decreases recharge time by a further 2 seconds instead of 5 seconds, thus having less of a reward for 200 Metal.
  • Competent teammates will likely save ammo packs for you, due to your ability to construct Dispensers.
    • However, if you cannot find ammo packs, do not be afraid to leave your nest for a very short time to collect a further away ammo pack
  • On Offense, be sure to build a Teleporter that will allow your teammates to get to the front lines faster, as well as a Dispenser to keep them (and you) in the fight.
    • Don't forget to build a Sentry Gun to protect your gear from enemies who get too close. Also, move up your gear when your team has the advantage!
  • If forced into close combat with Spy, attempt to keep your back away from him while maintaining fire upon him.
  • Remember that an Engineer's buildings can work underwater. Use this to your advantage on maps such as Well. If you are able to sneak into the water successfully, you can easily set up a nest without the enemy team knowing, creating a sort of 'forward spawn' for your team.
  • Try not to "babysit" your buildings if you can. Many Engineer players get themselves killed by staying too close to their buildings and making themselves vulnerable. Always stay on the move, be aware of your surroundings at all times, and feel free to support your team in defeating enemies with your Shotgun.
    • However, this doesn't mean that you should ignore your buildings. Be sure to upgrade and repair them when necessary. If you know your buildings are going to be destroyed, don't die with them; your life is far more valuable than your buildings, as you can simply repair or replace them.
  • Sometimes you may be required to 'adopt' another friendly Engineer's buildings (More often than not, their Sentry Gun) while they are away or dead. While your own buildings are usually your top priority, keep relatively close and protect the other unattended buildings whenever necessary. It's never a bad idea to give low-level buildings a swing or two from your Wrench to increase the speed in which they are upgraded once the other Engineer returns as well.
    • However, only the Engineer who built a building can haul it, so if it comes down to it, leave their buildings be and move your own gear up first.
  • Try not to stand in front of your Level 3 Sentry Gun while it is firing, as it's rockets are able to damage and even kill you if you aren't careful.
  • You can use a bind to bypass having to pull out the PDA by making it immediately destroy a building and then pulling out a blueprint. This allows you to immediately replace a building in a pinch. Be careful with this, however, as you may accidentally press the button and destroy a valuable building!

Weapon specific

Primary weapons

Shotgun + reskins

Weapon Kill Icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried Point Blank Medium Range Long Range Critical
Killicon shotgun.png 6 32 86-90 24-67 3-26 180
  • The Shotgun is the most versatile and most reliable due to its larger clip size and lack of reliance on a Dispenser, a Sentry Gun, or a specific positioning of enemies.
  • If you're intending to stay close to your Sentry Gun, make sure to build it in a spot where you can keep enemy players in groups. You will be able to fight on more even ground after the Sentry Gun has softened them up for a Shotgun blast.
  • Its large spread pattern is quite useful for Spy checking. Fire at corners, 'teammates', or in the Spy's general direction and look for tell-tales. Often, the spread will allow for at least one pellet to hit a cloaked Spy, allowing you to see his silhouette.
  • It is good at destroying Stickybombs due to its spread.
  • It can be used to deal extra damage against nearby enemies outside the Sentry Gun's range or who are damaged and retreating when the Sentry Gun is not in any immediate danger.
  • The Shotgun is a powerful weapon, especially at close-range. Don't be afraid to use it in combat situations; it can mean the difference between life and death.
  • Keep in mind that due to its spread, the Shotgun is not suitable for engaging enemies at long ranges. Switch to the Pistol for long-range attacks.
  • If a Spy is disabling your buildings with the Sapper, try to retaliate with your Shotgun and kill the Spy before destroying the Sapper, as most Spies will replace the Sapper if you attempt to remove it with your Wrench.

Frontier Justice + reskins

Weapon Kill Icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried Point Blank Medium Range Long Range Critical
Frontier Justice
Frontier Justice
Killicon frontier justice.png 3 32 86-90 24-67 3-26 180
  • The Frontier Justice stores revenge crits based of the amount of the kill and assist of your Sentry Gun before it destroyed. The downside is the clip size reduced to three instead of six and unable to deal random critical hits.
  • Sentry Guns should be built in more aggressive areas where kills and assists will be awarded relatively easily.
  • Revenge crits should be used sparingly, as the Frontier Justice's small clip size gives it a disadvantage when in combat unaided by Sentry Guns.
  • The Pistol is a good secondary to bring with the Frontier Justice, as it gives you a fallback option should you encounter a target that is too distant for the Frontier Justice or if you don't have time to reload in a fight.
  • Revenge crits can support offensive pushes. Placing the Gunslinger's Combat Mini-Sentry Guns or an upgraded Sentry into enemy territory and fighting with revenge crits while it builds can buy time for your Sentry to deploy and join the fight.
    • Despite this, even large supplies of revenge crits are usually insufficient to be able to take down clusters of opponents, and it is usually unwise to try, due to the Frontier Justice's small clip size.
  • Revenge crits are only granted upon a Sentry Gun's destruction: Sentry Guns that have gained kills and assists may be demolished for immediate crits. This is a risky maneuver that should only be used in dire scenarios, when moving up while playing offensively, or when combined with the more disposable Combat Mini-Sentry Guns.
    • However, "cashing-in" during a quiet period in a safe area can be useful, as you can re-build and re-upgrade your Sentry in peace and have some revenge crits on hand for a sticky situation. Just be careful about this, because if you die after redeeming the crits, they'll have gone to waste and you'll be left with a fresh Sentry empty of kills and potential crits.
  • Spy-checking with revenge crits is often unwise because if the Dead Ringer is equipped, the Spy could cause the wastage of a crit by triggering the feign death. Monitor the watches used by the opposing team.
  • Make conscious decisions whether or not to take out the Frontier Justice when not ready to fire. The crit glow on the Frontier Justice could either make you a target for the enemy team, such as Snipers, or be used to scare away stray opponents.
    • If traveling alone, consider holding the gun out as the crit glow may scare away potential enemies that plan to ambush. Additionally you can utilize the revenge crits by ambushing lone enemies.
  • The Jag is a good Wrench to pair with the Frontier Justice, as it allows you to quickly rebuild your Sentry Gun.


Weapon Kill Icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried Point Blank Medium Range Long Range Critical
Killicon widowmaker.png 1 per 30 Metal N/A 86-90 24-67 3-26 180
  • The Widowmaker uses construction metal as ammo, deal 10% more damage on your Sentry Gun's target, and effectively reloads on hit. Only use the Widowmaker if you are confident in your aiming abilities. Otherwise, you're best off using the default Shotgun.
  • Don't try shooting enemies from afar with the Widowmaker; you'll only be wasting metal. Pick them off with your Pistol or Wrangler instead.
  • The Widowmaker is best used in conjunction with a Dispenser. Even if you miss a few shots, you can easily refill at your Dispenser.
  • When using the Widowmaker, make sure you have sufficient ammo at all times to fight off enemies. You are highly vulnerable and easy to kill at close range if you cannot fire your primary weapon.
  • With practice, the Widowmaker can make an effective offensive weapon. Continuous short-range usage allows you to retain ammo far away from your Dispenser, and the ability to keep shooting without reloading gives you an advantage over slower classes.
  • The Pistol is usually the best secondary with the Widowmaker, because if you run out of ammo, either by missing or by simply spending it on buildings, the Pistol is the most reliable alternative, as the Short Circuit also requires metal and the Wrangler requires a Sentry Gun, which is not always guaranteed.
  • It's the best to assisting your Sentry Gun with the Widowmaker, as it receives additional damage on your Sentry Gun's target.
  • The Widowmaker pairs well with the Gunslinger due to the generally more aggressive nature of the Widowmaker.

Panic Attack + reskins

Weapon Kill Icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried Point Blank Medium Range Long Range Critical
Panic Attack
Panic Attack
Killicon panic attack.png 6 32 7-108 5-72 3-38 216

[14.4 damage × 15 pellets]

  • The Panic Attack has a 50% faster deploy speed, has 50% more pellets, fires its pellets in a fixed pattern, deals 30% less damage, and has a bullet spread that increases with each consecutive shot.
  • The Panic Attack has a 50% faster switch speed, compared to the Shotgun. This allows you to inflict damage at a moment's notice.
    • However, it should be noted that the Engineer should usually be carrying his Shotgun when away from his buildings, as opposed to a Pistol, Wrench, or PDA, which would be the only situations where he would need to switch weapons.
    • It is worth noting that the Panic Attack's switch speed makes it possible to click on a building with a Wrench and switch to the Panic Attack mid-swing. The hit will still register and repair/upgrade your building, but you'll be holding the Panic Attack and immediately be able to deal with a threat if there is one.
  • The Panic Attack's increased number of pellets counteracts its damage penalty at close range. Try to get close to unaware enemies to deal the most damage.

Pomson 6000

Weapon Kill Icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried Point Blank Medium Range Long Range Critical
Pomson 6000
Pomson 6000
Killicon pomson 6000.png 4 N/A 52-68 31-41 31-41 108-180
  • The Pomson 6000 functions like the Soldier's Righteous Bison in terms of its projectiles and unlimited ammo, but instead of projectile penetration, it provides anti-Spy and anti-Medic capabilities, countering two of Engineer's counter-classes.
  • The Pomson 6000 trades self-defense for support. With easy to dodge projectiles and reduced damage, you are likely to die if you are without the support from your Sentry Gun or team coupled with your frail health.
    • It is recommended that you equip the Pistol as a backup weapon for this reason.
  • Whilst protecting a Sentry under attack is usually a priority, the Pomson 6000 gives the bonus of reducing an attacking Medic's ÜberCharge faster, preventing a Medic from using an ÜberCharge, causing him to charge into danger without invulnerability.
  • On a successful hit, the Pomson drains the Spy's Cloak, forcing him to retreat if he is using conventional watches.
    • Should the Spy be using the Dead Ringer, he will have less time to escape if he cloaks on a Pomson hit.
  • When the beam hits a Medic or Spy, a distinct sound is made. Listen for the "shrinking" sound.
    • Use this sound to tell if you have hit a cloaked Spy.
  • Due to the Pomson's nature, it excels at long-range damage and finishing off enemies, but is generally poor in close quarters. As such, the Pomson is generally best used when supporting teammates at long range. Spamming shots will prevent enemies from strafing around a lot, making it easier for teammates to aim for them.
    • Keep in mind that the Pomson is less effective at draining ÜberCharge and Cloak at long distances.
  • Shooting a friendly Sniper's Huntsman will cause his arrow to catch fire. Flaming arrows are more powerful than standard arrows, as they deal afterburn in addition to the initial hit. As a Sniper with the Huntsman, full-charge "body shot" arrow hits deal 120 damage. After the initial hit, weaker classes will be killed in a few seconds if the arrow was on fire.
    • Remember — shooting your teammates is also a measure of Spy checking, as a hit on a Spy will produce a distinct sound. The Pomson's unlimited ammo comes in handy for this, as you can Spy check often without having to visit a Dispenser or ammo pack.
  • A Spy can only use his Dead Ringer if he has a full Cloak meter. If an enemy Dead Ringer Spy is fleeing, you can hunt him down with the Pomson. Simply keep shooting at the Spy, and he might not be able to charge his Dead Ringer before you kill him.
  • Although its projectiles travel slowly and are easy to avoid, the Pomson is a very accurate weapon, even more accurate than your Pistol. Although you lose the close-range damage of the Shotgun and the fast reload of the Pistol, you can easily hit oblivious enemies who aren't dodging.
  • The Pomson pairs well with the Wrangler. The Pomson maintains an ability to make accurate shots that you would otherwise make with the Pistol, and similarly, ammo is not an issue. Having a Pomson and Wrangler equipped gives you a high degree of accuracy.

Rescue Ranger + reskins

Weapon Kill Icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried Point Blank Medium Range Long Range Critical
Rescue Ranger
Killicon rescue ranger.png 4 16 60 27 21 120
  • The Rescue Ranger fires special bolts that repair friendly buildings on hit at the cost of 4 health per 1 metal. It also gives the Engineer the ability to haul the building from the distance at the cost of 100 metals. The downside is the lower clip size (4 instead of 6), lower total ammo (16 instead of 32), and the Engineer will be marked for death while hauling a building and a few seconds after stop hauling.
    • The bolt projectiles are affected by gravity. Take this into account when firing this weapon.
  • You can often use it to repair your buildings (mainly your Sentry Gun, as that will be the one that gets the most attention of the enemy) from a safe distance.
    • It is also effective at repairing other Engineer's Sentry Guns, as you generally should not build near other Engineers, because splash damage could easily destroy both nests.
  • The hauling ability of this weapon is powerful on open maps, where you can get a clear line of sight of your buildings from a distance. Use this ability to move your buildings up front quickly, or to pull your buildings out when they are under attack, and you are too far away to retrieve them.
  • As hauling your buildings from a distance costs 100 metal, try to teleport your Dispenser first. If you cannot do this, find a source of metal before teleporting your buildings.
  • While weak in direct combat, the Rescue Ranger can be used for medium to long range harassment and for supporting other Engineers from long range by repairing their buildings.
  • The Rescue Ranger pairs well with Wrangler Jumping, as you can teleport your Sentry Gun after the jump.
  • Healing buildings with the Rescue Ranger is slightly more metal-efficient than healing with the normal Wrench. It heals 4 health for every one metal, while the Wrench heals 3 health for one metal.
  • This weapon can help negate the Jag's slightly lower repair rate, and compliment the mobility the Engineer gains with his buildings around the map. Consider equipping the Pistol if using this combo to help compensate for your other weapons and their lower damage output.
  • When hauling buildings with the Rescue Ranger, you will be marked for death. Make sure there are no enemies close by before you haul your buildings.
    • Be especially wary of weapons that can turn subsequent Mini-Crits into full Crits, such as the Sniper's Bushwacka.
  • The Pistol is an ideal secondary to pair with this weapon, as the Rescue Ranger itself is poorly suited for direct combat.

Secondary weapons

Pistol + reskins

Weapon Kill Icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried Point Blank Medium Range Long Range Critical
Killicon pistol.png 12 200 22 10-15 8-9 45 (Range does not affect damage)
Killicon lugermorph.png
Killicon c.a.p.p.e.r.png
  • The Pistol has four main strengths over the Shotgun; its greater accuracy and damage at longer distances, its large ammunition reserve, and its faster reload time. These give the Pistol several key functions:
    • It can be used to ward off Snipers by causing them to flinch.
    • Great use with the Frontier Justice, Widowmaker, or Rescue Ranger, when retreating.
    • It can be used to pick off fleeing enemies (who are usually doing so due to low health).
    • It can be used to whittle away enemy health, especially if supplementing Sentry fire.
  • It is the most reliable weapon to use in conjunction with the Gunslinger's Combat Mini-Sentry Guns, as they also are most effective at a similar range, enabling you to wear opponents down quickly while staying at a reasonably safe distance.
  • When the Shotgun has run out of ammunition, you can switch to the Pistol in direct combat with an enemy to increase the damage being dealt to the opponent during the fight.
  • The high ammunition reserve and fast reload speed also allows you to provide covering fire during a firefight and support your teammates' own attacks. The higher accuracy and range than the Shotgun also means you can hang back somewhat while doing this and not expose yourself to too much fire. It is also possible to do this up close; however, it is risky without the Gunslinger and the Shotgun is much better at short range.
  • Remember that the Pistol always fires a perfectly accurate shot before its bullet spread goes into effect. However, every shot after that will be less accurate. This bullet spread resets after at least 1.25 seconds since firing the last shot. As such, it's important to keep in mind that spamming your Pistol can mean you lose a great deal of accuracy. Try to time your shots so that they can land consistently and accurately.
  • The Engineer's Pistol has one of the highest ammo counts of any weapon in the game. Keep that in mind, as you can lay out a ton of bullets in a short amount of time.
  • Due to its good range and large ammo reserve, the Pistol is one of the best weapons to deal "chip damage" at targets in which you land a few shots at the enemy, thus wearing them down a bit, and continuing to do so until they either retreat or decide to fight. Both outcomes are in your favor, because if they retreat, they'll be out of battle temporarily. However, if they decide to fight, they'll be weakened to the point where they'll fall to a few Shotgun blasts or to your Sentry Gun (if it's nearby) quickly.
  • Do not attack Soldiers or Demomen with this weapon, unless you are sure they are critically wounded. Unlike Snipers, they require less precise aiming, and can still destroy your buildings at close enough range.

Wrangler + reskins

Weapon Kill Icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried Point Blank Medium Range Long Range Critical
Killicon wrangler.png N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Giger Counter
Giger Counter
Killicon giger counter.png
  • When the Wrangler is held, you manually control your Sentry Gun, the firing rate of the Sentry Gun is doubled, and it forms a shield around the Sentry Gun while using it, which absorbs 66% of the damage taken by the Sentry Gun. However, the Sentry Gun's repair rate while using the Wrangler is also reduced by 66%. A Sentry Gun being controlled by a Wrangler has infinite range (only being limited by the environment around it).
  • If you need to defend yourself, use either your primary weapon or melee weapon, as it's generally easier than aiming with the Wrangler.
  • It's easier to stand close to or behind your Sentry Gun when using the Wrangler.
    • When using the Wrangler, you cannot stand behind cover and fire your Sentry manually. The Sentry Gun can only shoot if both you and the Sentry Gun have a direct line of sight to the point you're shooting at. Standing near your Sentry Gun minimizes situations where the Sentry Gun cannot shoot a certain target because you cannot see it.
  • Pay attention. The Sentry Gun cannot automatically fire when the Wrangler is in use, so unless you manually shoot them, enemies will get by the Sentry Gun without trouble.
  • It is advantageous to have a friendly Engineer repair and supply ammo to your Sentry Gun while you are using the Wrangler, since you cannot do these things yourself at the same time.
    • Keep in mind that Wrangled Sentry Guns have a reduced repair rate to both their health and their clip so be aware that doing this will use a lot of metal pretty quickly.
  • Wrangler Jumping is a technique done by standing on your Sentry Gun, aiming the laser straight up and directly in front of you, and firing while jumping. This shoots you up into the air, allowing you to reach high places.
    • Wrangler Jumping can also be done by firing a Level 3 Sentry Gun's rocket at your feet while jumping. This follows the same principle as Rocket Jumping, where crouching during a jump increases the knockback of the explosion.
    • You will take a good amount of damage from Wrangler Jumping, so it's good to have a Dispenser next to the Sentry Gun.
    • Once you've made it to the desired location, build a Teleporter exit. This means you can jump back down, grab some ammo, build a Teleporter entrance on the ground, and get back to said location without having to Wrangler Jump again.
    • A skilled Engineer can pick up his Sentry immediately after a Wrangler Jump. This takes practice, of course, but will allow an Engineer to not waste metal building another Sentry Gun.
      • Alternatively, you can use the Rescue Ranger's alt-fire to pick up your building from long range, but it costs 100 metal to do so.
  • The Wrangler's fall-off is based on the Engineer's position rather than the Sentry Gun's, don't be afraid to step closer if you need extra damage output.

Short Circuit

Weapon Kill Icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried Point Blank Critical
Short Circuit
Short Circuit
Killicon short circuit.png 1 per 5 Metal N/A 5 18
  • The Short Circuit fires a short range, small electrical charge that damages enemies in your crosshair at the cost of 5 metal for each shot. With alt-fire, it launches an energy ball that deals damage and deletes any projectiles that touch it at the cost of 65 metal. As a downside, the Short Circuit is unable to deal critical hits and deal significantly less damage to buildings.
  • This weapon's primary use is defensive. Should you and your Sentry be cornered by a Demoman or Soldier, you can prevent them from using blast damage to destroy your Sentry by vaporizing their explosives, thus forcing them to change tactics.
  • Keep in mind that you can only fire 3 energy balls with a full 200 metal. If you have no good source of metal, make sure you are using it to its fullest effect and not wasting valuable metal.
    • Not even a level 3 Dispenser can keep up with the energy ball’s metal consumption rate. Don’t rely on them to keep a constant stream of energy balls.
  • This weapon also has offensive capabilities on Payload maps; should your allies be under attack by several projectile-using enemies, you can provide reasonable protection from harm without the risk of running out of Metal due to the Dispenser on the cart.
  • The alt-fire is very effective when fired into crowded chokepoints that are filled with projectiles. As it travels toward enemies, it will vaporize any projectiles aimed toward your team.
  • The ball explodes on contact with any surface. This makes it excellent for removing dense stickybomb traps, as it can delete many of them if aimed at the center.
  • This weapon is extremely weak in combat, dealing only 10 damage per shot, meaning its primary use should be for defense, support, or self-defense. The alt-fire is similarly weak, though can be used to finish off fleeing enemies.
  • The Short Circuit really shines in supporting other Engineers and defending nests, where there's a steadier supply of metal from Dispensers and more buildings to defend at once. You might be better off taking another secondary if you're largely working alone or your buildings are spread-out and projectiles aren't much of a problem.
  • The Short Circuit's alt-fire attack will target disguised and invisible Spies, and can hit infinitely many enemies in a single attack, making it very useful for Spy-checking.
  • Because of how much metal the alt-fire uses, it is unwise to equip the Widowmaker unless you're stationed in an Engineer nest, as you may find yourself defenseless very quickly with two weapons (as well as your repair costs) eating into the same ammo pool.
  • The Short Circuit is largely situational. If your Sentry Gun and other buildings are not getting harassed by Soldiers or Demomen, it's best to equip the Pistol or Wrangler.

Melee weapons

Wrench + reskins

Weapon Kill Icon Attack Interval Damage
Point Blank Critical
Killicon wrench.png 0.8 seconds 65 195
Golden Wrench
Golden Wrench
Killicon golden wrench.png
Killicon saxxy.png
Golden Frying Pan
Golden Frying Pan
Killicon golden frying pan.png
Necro Smasher
Necro Smasher
Killicon necro smasher.png
Prinny Machete
Prinny Machete
Killicon prinny machete.png
  • When a Spy is repeatedly sapping your Sentry Gun in an attempt to destroy it, your Wrench serves two purposes. First, you can use it to swing at the opposing Spy, 2-3 hits being enough to kill a Spy, ignoring Critical hits. After that, you can quickly turn around and repair your Sentry Gun. Two strikes from the Wrench will disable a Sapper and halt the progressive damage it causes; you can then fully repair the Sentry Gun after the Spy is killed. A good strategy would be to hit the Sentry Gun a single time, and then change targets towards the Spy, kill him, and then take off the Sapper with another swing.
  • While it may be tempting to use the Wrench's high critical hit rate to club enemies to death, melee combat is usually not where the low-health Engineer shines. Use the Shotgun instead at close range in order to quickly finish off the enemy.
  • The game prioritizes repairing buildings over melee combat when using the Wrench. This means that if there is an enemy — say, a Spy — next to a friendly structure and you are using the Wrench to attempt to kill them, you will find the Wrench hitting the building near or even behind the enemy you are trying to strike instead of the enemy. Switch to the Shotgun or Pistol to deal with enemies that are very close to one of your buildings to avoid this.


Weapon Kill Icon Attack Interval Damage
Point Blank Critical
Killicon gunslinger.png 0.8 seconds 65 195
Killicon gunslinger triple punch.png N/A
  • The Gunslinger replaces the normal Sentry Gun with a Combat Mini-Sentry Gun. The Combat Mini-Sentry Gun is a smaller, quick-building version of the Sentry Gun with a cheaper cost of 100 metal. It also provides an extra 25 health to the Engineer, for a total of 150. As a downside, the Gunslinger is unable to do random critical hits, but if an enemy is hit three times in a row with the Gunslinger with less than a second between hits, the third hit will be a critical hit.
  • The Gunslinger puts the Engineer to a more comfortable health pool of 150. This allows the Engineer to survive combat better and allows for some more aggressive playstyles.
  • With the Gunslinger equipped, it may not even be worth building a Dispenser near your Mini-Sentry. A Mini-Sentry is, in most cases, not powerful enough to defend a Dispenser on its own. Don't let that stop you from building Dispensers at all, though. Even if you're not setting up camp, leaving a Dispenser in a good fallback location, such as around corners or behind cover, can do wonders for you and your team.
  • When going on the offensive, such as the BLU team on Payload, the Mini-Sentry allows you to be more mobile. Due to how easily the Mini-Sentry can be replaced, you can destroy it when you need to move your other buildings up in order to support your team, then place down another one in order to support your team in a firefight.
  • Although not as high priority as other buildings, healing your Mini-Sentry can prove to be beneficial.
  • The Combat Mini-Sentry comes with its own series of benefits and setbacks:
    • The Mini-Sentry is much less expensive on metal than the standard Sentry Gun, costing only 100 metal instead of 130. With this conservation of metal, you can use the extra metal to upgrade, repair, help another Engineer's buildings, or build other buildings.
    • A Mini-Sentry is good for being deployed quickly and picking enemies off. However, do not expect the Mini-Sentry to last very long. Its low health means that it is very vulnerable. It's best to replace it as soon as possible once it is destroyed.
    • The reduced metal cost allows you to place a maximum of 2 Mini-Sentry Guns on the battlefield before having to collect more metal, and for every kill you get you can build another one with the dropped ammo pack. Take advantage of this, as you will be able to keep the pressure on the enemy for a longer period of time.
    • It may not always be worth it to pick up your Mini-Sentry and move it elsewhere. Unless there's no time pressure or it's a very short distance, simply destroying your Mini-Sentry and building a new one is more beneficial.
    • The Mini-Sentry constructs itself 150% percent faster than the regular Sentry Gun. It also will start with 50 health instead of starting from scratch at 1, which allows it to survive wayward fire much more reliably.
    • A single punch from the Gunslinger will fully repair a Mini-Sentry (but will not fully replenish ammo). This is more time efficient on offense and overall makes it much easier to be constantly on the move with your other buildings.
    • The Mini-Sentry has the same range as the standard Level 1 Sentry Gun. This makes it excellent for holding down one small area, such as around a health pack, rather than somewhere like the point, where its lack of range can allow enemy Demomen or Soldiers to easily destroy it.
      • However, due to its smaller size, it can prove beneficial to put the Mini-Sentry on one side near an objective and yourself on the other, forcing the enemy to choose between fighting you or your Mini.
  • The Gunslinger pairs very well with certain weapons:
    • Pairing with the Frontier Justice will grant you frequent revenge crits, although in smaller quantities than if a regular Sentry is destroyed. Destroying your Mini-Sentry can allow you to receive your critical hits on demand when they are needed most.
    • Paired with the Widowmaker you can become an effective combat class, with the ability to constantly place Mini-Sentry Guns around and frustrate the enemy team's approach. Be careful of your metal count, however, as it is being used as your primary ammo source. Additionally, you will deal extra damage to enemies targeted by your Mini-Sentry, which will allow it to combo with it very effectively.
    • Paired with the Wrangler, the Mini-Sentry can be deadly. The Wrangler gives the Mini-Sentry an effective health of 300, has damage output similarly to that of the Level 2 Sentry Gun and a much longer range, which can make it a force to be reckoned with.
  • When a lone enemy is being fired on by your Mini-Sentry, attack from another direction with your primary or secondary. This means you are effectively attacking from two directions and your target might have difficulty dealing with both you and your Mini-Sentry. However, this tactic may not work as effectively on explosive classes or high health targets.
  • When facing off against an enemy, or a group of enemies, that you know you can't win, consider using the Mini-Sentry as a decoy instead. If it's not already deployed, you can quickly deploy one and run away. This will force your enemy to either go for you and be shot at by your Mini, or it will delay them.
    • Similarly, when you run into a more powerful enemy or an enemy that has the upper hand, you can put down your Mini-Sentry first and then start shooting them.
  • While the extra 25 health is an excellent bonus, do not become overconfident. You are still vulnerable when all alone and headshots from Snipers can still instantly kill you if you are not overhealed.


  • Place your Mini-Sentry in an area where enemies pass through frequently. Using a Mini-Sentry as a long-term defense is not recommended.
  • It's a good idea to place your Mini-Sentry near a health pack, since health packs attract low-health enemies — easy kills for a Mini-Sentry.
  • Try putting your Mini-Sentry around a corner, or on top of a high building. If enemies can't figure out where a Mini-Sentry is, they will either die before they can spot/destroy it or be left moderately to severely injured.
  • Since the Mini-Sentry has a relatively short range, smaller spaces are preferable to wide-open spaces, where Snipers, Soldiers, or other classes can pick it off without the Mini-Sentry being able to defend itself.
  • A Mini-Sentry hidden away underwater can temporarily confuse enemies as to how they're being shot.
  • For a rather cruel, ironic twist, hide Mini-Sentry Guns under large ammo boxes. The Mini-Sentry is just small enough that the only part of it not covered is the kickstand, though the particle effect from the light can sometimes be seen.
  • When playing the role of a Battle Engineer, get into the habit of dropping a Mini-Sentry on a whim, without any real rhyme or reason to its placement. This can grant you vital cover-fire and provides a distraction should the situation go south.
    • With the recent change to the Gunslinger, this strategy has diminished in effectiveness quite a lot. However, doing this in defensive situations near objectives is still effective. Cover your frontline teammates with a Mini-Sentry slightly behind them to allow them a small safe zone they can retreat to.

Southern Hospitality

Weapon Kill Icon Attack Interval Damage
Point Blank Critical
Southern Hospitality
Southern Hospitality
Killicon southern hospitality.png 0.8 seconds 65 195
Bleeding Killicon bleed.png 40 damage over 5 seconds N/A N/A
  • The Southern Hospitality is nearly as versatile as the stock Wrench, with only a few situational weaknesses. As such, it is an upgrade to the default Wrench unless the enemy team has more than one actively attacking Pyro. The lack of random crits is compensated for by the Bleed status and the retained ability to wear opponents down further with other weapons.
  • The Southern Hospitality favors a defensive playstyle. Camping Engineers rarely encounter Pyros without having a Sentry Gun in between to win the skirmish, whereas when pushing into enemy territory, should the Engineer encounter a Pyro, then the Engineer is at extreme disadvantage due to extra 20% fire vulnerability. Fortunately, Engineer vs. Pyro exchanges are rather uncommon due to the Engineer's Sentry Gun being able to completely zone out the Pyro, so this downside isn't as serious of a detriment as it may seem.
  • The presence of bleeding on this weapon makes it an excellent anti-Spy tool, allowing you and your teammates to monitor their movements should they try to escape. However, the inability to randomly crit makes killing Spies more difficult in a short span of time. Instead, hit them repeatedly with the Southern Hospitality, thus doing more average Wrench damage and resetting the Bleed timer each hit, or hit them with the Southern Hospitality, then switch to your Shotgun or Frontier Justice to finish them off.
  • ÜberCharged Pyros are a major threat with the 20% increase to fire vulnerability. If one approaches, the most valuable building should be moved to a safe(r) location to be ready when the ÜberCharge wears off. If the Pyro is too close for you to haul a building to safety, flee, and be prepared to rebuild.
    • The Rescue Ranger can help save 2 of your buildings from a safe distance, provided you have a full metal supply.
  • The Southern Hospitality is very viable within Medieval Mode, as the 40 damage added by Bleeding is a strong buff, and sources of fire damage are reduced significantly.

Jag + reskins

Weapon Kill Icon Attack Interval Damage
Base Damage Critical
Killicon jag.png 0.68 seconds 49 146
  • The Jag gives the Engineer a 30% bonus to construction speed; Wrench-boosting construction of buildings with the Jag will construct buildings at just shy of three times the normal rate, compared to 2.5x with most other wrenches. The Jag also swings 15% faster, further speeding up the process of creating level 3 buildings.
    • This also serves to legitimize construction of regular Sentry Guns even in an offensive situation where normally a Mini-Sentry would suffice. A level 2 Sentry will not take terribly long to make with ample metal available, and it will have a tremendous area control advantage thanks to superior DPS and durability over the Mini-Sentry. If your buildings aren't being pressured by Spies or other enemies, this could be something to consider.
  • Try to avoid melee combat due to the damage penalty. If your team is good at Spy checking, however, this won't matter much, and the extra swing speed will make up for some of the lost damage.
  • Get in the habit of hitting your buildings all the way to completion as soon as you plant them.
  • The Jag is also useful in situations such as rebuilding a destroyed Teleporter Entrance or Exit while the other half is still up; being able to speedily rebuild the destroyed half means you can teleport back to your other buildings a few seconds faster.
  • The Jag is a great weapon for "helper" Engineers who are only being Engineer temporarily to help other Engineers upgrade or maintain their buildings.
    • Although sometimes counterintuitive, you can temporarily equip the Jag to quickly construct higher-leveled buildings at spawn, and switch to another Wrench (besides the Gunslinger) to relish the Jag's bonus, but keep another Wrench as your 'main'. This is best seen in defending Dustbowl's 3rd Stage.
  • The Jag pairs well with the Rescue Ranger both by being able to quickly deploy buildings hauled from long range and healing any damage suffered to them to make up for the repair rate penalty; however, it becomes detrimental to equip the Pistol because the Jag is a straight downgrade to the default Wrench in combat and the Ranger is not very good at combat either. You may switch to the Wrangler if you prefer to keep your distance or try and Wrangler jump to unusual locations. This provides great utility with the Ranger by being able to pick up your Sentry while jumping, then teleport your Dispenser to yourself.
  • The Jag's repair rate penalty stacks with the repair reduction of the Wrangler's shield. It may be advisable to use a different Wrench if your Sentry spot necessitates the Wrangler.
  • The Jag takes 3 hits instead of 2 to destroy an enemy Sapper. It may be useful to use a different Wrench after you deploy your Buildings.

Eureka Effect

Weapon Kill Icon Attack Interval Damage
Point Blank Critical
Eureka Effect
Eureka Effect
Killicon eureka effect.png 0.8 seconds 65 195
  • The Eureka Effect gives the Engineer the ability to teleport to the spawn and their Teleporter with the reload key (default key: R) and also decreases the cost to build and upgrade the Teleporter by 50%. However, the Eureka Effect gives the user 20% less metal from ammo pickups and Dispensers, and also gives the building 50% penalty to construction speed; Wrench-boosting construction of buildings with the Jag will construct buildings at 1.25x the normal rate, compared to 2.5x with most other wrenches.
  • The Eureka Effect shines in situations where time and metal are of the essence. A player can drop a level 1 sentry and a teleporter, hit the teleporter with your wrench till it's about 75% built, then teleport back and forth and have a nest built up quickly and at low personal risk as the player does need to leave the nest to forage for metal.
  • With the Eureka Effect equipped Dispensers will still dispense their regular amount of metal, but the Engineer will receive a reduced amount. For example, a Lvl 3 Dispenser will dispense its usual 60 metal each tick, but the Engineer will only receive 48 metal with the remaining 12 metal lost. This can very quickly add up in high metal usage situations.
  • The Eureka Effect is ineffective for sustaining a base under consistent enemy attack due to it reducing your metal pickups. Therefore, use the Eureka Effect to set up a base, then switch to the stock Wrench to defend it more effectively. Remember, buildings are not lost when switching wrenches, in most circumstances.
  • You and your buildings are more vulnerable when being constructed. Try to build in safe areas and know your limits on how aggressively you can place buildings.
  • Triggering a teleport forces the player to wait 3 seconds while the Engineer performs a brief taunt; since taunting leaves the Engineer completely defenseless, retreating with low health or when the enemy is advancing can result in death if care is not taken.
  • The Eureka Effect can be extremely useful in game modes lacking a source of healing (such as a health pickup, Medi Gun, or a Dispenser). You can engage an enemy, go to safety when you're at low health, teleport back to base, come back with full health (and metal), and repeat.
  • The Eureka Effect can be useful in setting up and upgrading a Sentry nest quickly; having it equipped means an Engineer is able to run back and forth between spawn or a teleport exit and their nest very quickly by using the Eureka Effect's taunt and an active teleporter, allowing an instant metal refill with each trip.
  • The Eureka Effect gives the defending team an advantage on attack/defense maps; if the penultimate point is being captured, a tactful teleport can allow an Engineer to fall back and prepare for an incoming attack.
  • The teleport action also allows a teleporter exit to be placed at the front lines during setup on Payload maps; a quick teleport back to spawn and the teleporter is ready to go quickly. This allows you and your fellow Engineers to teleport to the frontlines and setup your buildings more quickly.
  • The Eureka Effect is great for passive chokepoint holding on the attacking team, as teleporting back to spawn can guarantee a steady teleport system and get your slower classes back to the front quickly.
  • You can sneak past enemy lines on maps where the spawns change (such as Frontier), and set up a teleporter exit near the last point. Then, you can teleport back to spawn, restock, and take the teleporter to the point. Getting some of your teammates to take the teleporter can effectively "sandwich" the enemy, making for an easier fight.
    • On the other hand, if a Spy has destroyed your teleporter entrance or is currently spam-sapping it, the Eureka Effect allows you to surprise any Spies and/or rebuild an entrance.
  • Crafty Engineers can possibly carefully sneak past enemy lines and plant a teleporter exit in a place where the other side won't suspect it will be, such as the Control Point building in Dustbowl after it's captured, and then teleport back to the spawn safely, where they can upgrade and repair it as needed. This allows for other classes, like Spies, to quickly go to that area without raising much suspicion.
  • The Eureka Effect can be used to attempt accurate telefrags. This requires very good timing.
  • Because of the Eureka Effect's con that you can only get 80% of metal from metal pick-ups, you are usually conserving more metal than using the other wrenches.
  • When respawning, use the Eureka Effect's teleport ability to teleport to your teleporter, so that someone else can use the teleporter.

Map specific

Control Point (Attack/Defend)


  • Steel is an excellent map when it comes to tactical Engineer-based pushes. One well placed BLU teleporter can win a game quickly and effectively, due to the ability to capture Point E without the requirement to capture Points A-D first. A Sentry Gun in the area around Point E can lock it down and provide effective cover for BLU's Soldiers and Scouts as they capture.
  • While on Blu, it can often be a handy idea to use the following loadout:
  • Because of the large amount of tight areas and general lack of wide open spaces on Steel, the Short Circuit can be a very helpful tool to use over the Wrangler or Pistol, as Engineers will often find themselves in situations where a Soldier or Demoman may be firing rockets, grenades or stickybombs at their base from around a corner or through a window and the Short Circuit will destroy the projectiles before they can hit the buildings or be detonated.
  • The Jag can be a handy item to have when it comes to quickly placing a Sentry Gun to assault enemies where they least expect it.
    • An effective example of this would be to build your sentry to Level 3 during setup time, and then haul it up the stairs to the right of the spawn doors. Provided of course that there are no enemy Sentry Guns within direct range of yours, place it on the elevated walkway next to Point A. Although it may be destroyed shortly afterwards, it can provide ample support which will allow your team to capture the point while denying Red that entire area.
  • If you are confident that your team will capture the point without support from you or your buildings, setting up a teleporter exit and base near the proceeding control points can often be a good way to catch your enemy off guard. This will allow for your team to begin capturing the points before the enemy team has a chance to set up defenses of their own.
  • When defending, it can often lead to setup positions similar to the ones mentioned in the last point. If you are confident that the enemy team will capture Point A fairly quickly, it may be a good idea to have a complete setup on Point B or even C.
    • One of the most surprising sentry placements on Steel will often be the narrow area leading from Point B to Point C. Setting up your nest here while on RED can catch the enemy team off guard and allows for Point C to get a defense set up by your teammates while you prevent BLU from directly entering the area. If they do begin firing projectiles at your buildings, they can be protected by the Short Circuit. This base will often last the entire round if you defend it properly, mainly due to the lack of access points. It is recommended that you haul to another spot though, as the enemy team will usually give up trying to pass through this point and take another route.
  • If BLU only needs to capture Point E to win, a very effective way to figure out where to place a sentry is to take note of where the enemy team is pushing from. Once satisfied you have the right entrance, place a sentry not guarding the entrance itself or even the point, but the area that the team needs to pass through to get to this entrance. This will prove a lot more effective than placing it exactly where they typically expect it to be, thus catching them off guard preparing for something that is sooner upon them than they thought.


Sentry Gun

Level Kill Icon Health Cost Weaponry Damage Ammo

RED Level 1 Sentry Gun.png

Killicon sentry1.png 150 (effectively 450 with the Wrangler shielding) 130 Metal Semi-Automatic Firing Barrel Damage: 16
Shots per second: 4 (8 with Wrangler)
Average DPS: 64 (128 with Wrangler)
100 rounds

RED Level 2 Sentry Gun.png

Killicon sentry2.png 180 (effectively 540 with the Wrangler shielding) 330 Metal Dual Rotational Minigun Barrels Damage: 16

Shots per second: 8 (16 with Wrangler)
Average DPS: 128 (256 with Wrangler)

120 rounds

RED Level 3 Sentry Gun.png

Killicon sentry3.png 216 (effectively 648 with the Wrangler shielding) 530 Metal

Dual Rotational Minigun Barrels

Target Guided Rocket Launch Support System

Damage: 16
Shots per second: 8 (16 with Wrangler)
Average DPS: 128 (256 with Wrangler)

  • Rockets fire every 3 seconds (slightly faster with the Wrangler), dealing 53 to 150 damage on direct hit (falloff is calculated from the distance of the Engineer to the target, not from the Sentry to the target). The rockets can be deflected with the Pyro's compression blast.

144 rounds
20 rocket salvos

Combat Mini-Sentry Gun

Level Kill Icon Health Cost Weaponry Damage Ammo

Red Mini Sentry.png

Killicon minisentry.png 100 (effectively 300 with the Wrangler shielding) 100 Metal Semi-Automatic Firing Barrel Damage: 8

Shots per second: 6 (12 with Wrangler)
Average DPS: 48 (96 with Wrangler)

100 rounds
  • The difference between excellent Sentry Gun placement and average Sentry Gun placement can sometimes be very little; a matter of inches, or an angle that is off by a few degrees, can determine whether a Sentry Gun can effectively cover a certain approach, whether it will give away its location to enemies too easily, whether it will take too long to rotate into firing positions, and so on. This does not mean that you should take a long time to adjust the Sentry Gun blueprint before placing it – doing so is a hallmark of inexperienced Engineer play. However, observe how certain placements perform, and if the Sentry Gun demonstrates any weaknesses in that position, try to place the Sentry Gun so it will be more effective in the future.
    • A good rule of thumb for Sentry Gun placement is a location that maximizes the Sentry Gun's range while minimizing its corner weakness. In other words, any location where approaching enemies will likely receive fire from the Sentry Gun at close to its maximum range but will be unable to fire back from outside that range. This is because Sentry Guns do not suffer from damage falloff at range. While this does not always limit the damage your Sentry Gun will take in return (damage falloff due to range does not apply to damage done against buildings), it does reduce the damage you will take while you maintain the Sentry Gun, and it also reduces damage from short-range and/or high spread weapons such as the Scattergun, Flamethrower, and Minigun. Making good use of the Sentry Gun's range also gives the Sentry Gun a bigger field of fire and it gives you more warning of approaching enemies (and incoming projectiles), while denying the largest area to your enemies, one of the Engineer's primary roles.
  • Sentry Guns are usually best built on high ground. However, you should avoid choosing an elevated spot that allows your Sentry Gun to be seen by enemies from beyond its ability to fire back. The best Sentry Gun placements allow a Sentry Gun to shoot at enemies at the same time or even a little before enemies are able to see and shoot back at the Sentry Gun, and high ground can help achieve this, as the diagram below-right demonstrates.
    • High ground is also great because it makes the Sentry Gun harder to hit with splash damage. As long as it is not built with its back to a wall, most projectiles will arc either too high or too low to hit hard, and the precision aiming required forces enemies to take the Sentry Gun's full weight of fire to try to take their shot. Conversely, low ground creates the opposite effect, effectively "funneling" even stray projectiles such as Grenades right into the Sentry Gun. Avoid low ground positions such as pits and valleys.
    • High ground is also very useful by making it more difficult for Spies to get into sapping range. High ground placements reduce the number of routes Spies can use to get close, making it easier for you and your team to discover and remove potential Spy threats before they get a chance to disable your Sentry Gun.
  • Build in areas that are open, but not too open, and give you some room to work. This allows you to dodge and gives yourself good angles for using the Wrangler while keeping a safe distance from your Sentry Gun if it is under fire. If possible, have a wall or other cover near to the Sentry Gun that you can use as cover while you repair, but try not to have an obscured view of what is attacking your Sentry Gun.
  • Avoid "gimmicky" Sentry positions such as looking down holes in ceilings, in the middle of narrow hallways, or around sharp corners. Sentry Guns can certainly get kills in such positions, but while these positions can surprise the enemy temporarily, they aren't terribly effective since they won't seriously interfere with your opponents' movement. High level Sentry Guns take a lot of time and resources to make, so building them in areas where they will be useful only rarely is a waste.
  • Great Sentry positions will allow the Sentry Gun to put suppressing fire on a number of key areas and also allow it to act as a first line of defense for your team. A Sentry being repaired or Wrangled (or both) is excellent at absorbing damage that would otherwise be directed at your fellow teammates.
    • Sentry Guns should not therefore be viewed as a "last line of defense". Building with this mentality is flawed, because while an Engineer and his Sentry can fend off most lone opponents fairly effectively, as little as two enemies can overwhelm an unsupported Engineer position, even if the base is well constructed and the Engineer is skilled.
  • Don't build yourself into a corner if you want to be hanging around your Sentry Gun repairing; you deny yourself a line of retreat and ensure that you get damaged as much as your Sentry Gun. Sentry Guns right around corners can catch enemies off guard, but if you build such an "ambush" Sentry Gun, don't sit right on it. Leave it on its own and maybe support it offensively with your own weapons, and then move it or rebuild it once it becomes ineffective.
  • In addition to building on high ground and in a moderately open area, you should build the Sentry Gun such that it covers narrow areas in the map called "Chokepoints". This maximizes the area your team has to work with and minimizes the maneuvering room for attackers. This forces the enemy team to bunch up in narrow hallways and doorways, making them easy prey for your Sentry Gun's rockets or the splash damage from your team. Sentry Guns are at their best when they force enemies to fight from a disadvantageous position.
  • Take note of where other Engineers have set up their Sentry Guns and set up yours to create overlapping fields of fire that can catch opponents in crossfire. Being within sight of another Engineer on your team makes it easy for you to help one other repair during times when either of you is dead or occupied. It also concentrates your team's defense and prevents your team from spreading too thinly. Two Sentry Guns that are spread out yet still covering the same choke point combined with adequate Spy checking can be an absolute nightmare for the enemy team to deal with and forces them to either come with everything they have or not come at all.
    • Conversely, try not to build two Sentry Guns next to each other; this doesn't help cover a wider area and allows a Demoman or Spy to take out both Sentry Guns at once.
  • After building a Sentry Gun, stand behind it and build a Dispenser behind your position; if a few enemies or an ÜberCharged enemy comes, you can crouch behind the Sentry for protection and continually repair the damage done to it while having your Metal replenished by the Dispenser behind you. This strategy works well wherever enemies are forced through a bottleneck while approaching the Gun or have no line of sight to the Dispenser, but does not work well in open areas where the Dispenser can be targeted from the side or from above.
Figure 1. Dustbowl, Stage 2, Point B example of excellent Sentry placement. Both Sentries A and B are on high ground in open areas covering chokepoints, with double coverage of two major chokes. Both Sentries are nearby and face each other, making it easy for each Engineer to watch the other.
Figure 2. Illustrates the advantages of elevated placement. Sentry is in the open covering a chokepoint, is able to lock on and begin firing an instant before approaching enemies, preventing abuse of cover and maximizing Sentry damage. Attacking Demomen in particular will have poor attack angles.


Level Health Cost Resource Output Rate
Health Ammo Metal


150 100 Metal 10/sec 20%/sec 40/5 sec


180 300 Metal 15/sec 30%/sec 50/5 sec


216 500 Metal 20/sec 40%/sec 60/5 sec
  • Build your Dispenser in a convenient location for your teammates to reach.
  • Do not place your Dispenser in areas with lots of enemies nearby. Dispensers are fragile, and without anything to guard them, they will be destroyed quickly. Try to locate the Dispenser behind an obstacle, such as a crate or a low wall, which will shield it from a fair amount of incoming damage.
  • It's a bad idea to place your Dispenser next to your Sentry Gun, and stand in a position where you can reach both with your Wrench at the same time. The Dispenser doesn't help your team.
  • Make sure your Dispenser isn't blocking your Sentry Gun. Enemies can take advantage of blind spots behind Dispensers to destroy your buildings.
  • A savvy Engineer can use his Dispenser to 'Dispenser jump.' An Engineer can jump on top of his Dispenser and then reach an otherwise unreachable ledge.
  • A good placement for a Dispenser is behind cover, but still near the frontline enough that it can heal teammates. This helps your teammates stay in the fight longer.
  • Dispensers stack, so sometimes putting two Dispensers near each other is a good idea. Teammates can receive two times the healing.


Level Health Cost Recharge time
Level 1 150 50 Metal 10 seconds
Level 2 180 250 Metal 5 seconds
Level 3 216 450 Metal 3 seconds
  • Place your Teleporter Entrance close to your team's respawn point in plain sight.
  • Place your Teleporter Exit either -
    • Somewhere hidden within enemy territory, such as behind a crate or on the rooftop of a shed.
    • Near your other buildings.
  • Avoid standing right on top of your Teleporter Exit, so as to avoid being telefragged.
  • Make sure which direction to head is obvious to your teammates. When the Teleporter is being carried, pressing Alt-Fire rotates it 90 degrees. Use this to face your Teleporter away from walls, corners, etc.
  • During setup time, or at the start of a round, it's a good idea to build a Teleporter entrance. This is a good preparation strategy. It gives you the ability to deploy an exit on demand, and respond to changes in the front line by relocating the exit.
  • When defending a highly-trafficked chokepoint, you may want to place a Teleporter entrance or exit somewhere where attacking enemies will see it as they are entering your area of the map. They will often destroy it, giving you a heads-up about their presence. Beware that some players will be suspicious of the Teleporter's real function as an early warning system and will purposely leave it alone so as to retain the element of surprise.
    • However, do this only when it's absolutely unnecessary for the Teleporters to be used the way they're meant to, for example, on last point on defense, your spawn is usually close to the last point.
  • Avoid building Teleporters during Arena mode. The quick nature of Arena maps and the scarcity of ammo during such games means that you're better off using your metal to build Dispensers or Sentry Guns.
  • You can use the Eureka Effect to save metal on creating and upgrading Teleporters, then switch to another Wrench to get the rest of the sentry base built up.

Taunt Attacks

Guitar Smash

Kill Icon Weapon Damage Duration Details
Guitar Smash
Guitar Smash
Killicon guitar smash.png Frontier Justice 500 4 seconds The Engineer takes out his loyal guitar, plays a chord, and then hits it into the head of any enemy that's in the way.
  • Guitar Smash can be used on immobilized, unaware, or distracted enemies. However, the chord may give you away.
  • Guitar Smash be useful during Humiliation or Stalemate.

Arm Blender

Kill Icon Weapon Damage Duration Details
Arm Blender
Arm Blender
Killicon arm blender.png Gunslinger 500 4 seconds The Engineer pulls a rip-cord from his mechanical prosthetic, revving the hand of his Gunslinger up to vicious speeds, after which he thrusts it forward, gibbing any enemy player within reach.
  • With correct timing, you might be able to kill a distracted enemy, so keep in mind that it takes some time for the Engineer to spin his hand up.
  • You can use the stunning effect of Arm Blender to stun ÜberCharged enemies and waste their Über time.
  • Arm Blender is also effective during humiliation.

Weapon combinations

Dealing with the Spy

See also: Engineer match-ups
  • The Spy is typically the mortal enemy of the Engineer. Due to the Spy's ability to sap your buildings, it makes him more than a match for you in a strategic sense. Sappers shut down your buildings immediately, leaving them effectively "destroyed" until you remove them. A building that gets Sapped while under fire is typically impossible for a lone Engineer to save.
    • The Spy's ability to disguise himself as any class on either team is also quite bothersome. While wearing a friendly disguise, the Spy has access to your buildings, allowing him to restore health and Cloak from your Dispenser. Note that this also prevents your Sentry Gun from shooting at him until he loses his disguise.
  • Watch for Spies using the Your Eternal Reward. This knife, upon a backstab, allows the Spy to take the form of his victim without dropping his disguise. Spies using it will not hesitate to backstab you or your allies within range of an active Sentry Gun if they get the chance.
  • Spies have the potential to hide anywhere and appear as anyone. As such, you cannot rely solely on your Sentry Gun to protect you. Remain alert at all times and refrain from being stationary even while protecting your position to prevent Ambassador headshots and backstabs. If someone seems suspicious, don't be afraid to Spy-check them.
  • A good Spy will often appear without warning, quickly sap your Sentry Gun, and start attacking you immediately with his Revolver or Knife, especially if you are alone. If you come under attack in this way, worry about the Spy first. A Spy can place Sappers faster than you can remove them and repair your buildings. It is much more important to eliminate the Spy before he causes any more damage. Use your Shotgun or melee weapon to dispatch the trespasser before repairing your buildings.
  • Most of the time, you should save your Dispenser first, as it will break from a Sapper faster than an upgraded Sentry Gun, and regenerating its Metal supply takes a lot of time. If you are staying in the same spot, saving your Dispenser first will always allow you to rebuild much faster because you'll have more Metal available. However, if the Spy has removed his disguise nearby, or there's urgent need for offense, you should save your Sentry Gun first. On some maps, your Teleporter can actually be your most important building as it allows your team to keep a constant stream of reinforcements going. Losing your Teleporter is especially annoying due to the fact that you will lose both ends of it, requiring you to travel all the way to your Spawn to replant your Entrance. If you have sentry-jumped to your location, you may wish to save your teleporter so you can get back. Teleporters take the longest to get destroyed from Sappers, but you should still try to save them. Deciding which Building to save first always depends on the circumstances. Practice is the best guide.
    • In a nest, watch out for Spies with the Red-Tape Recorder. This Sapper will reverse the construction of your buildings, but takes far longer to destroy them. If on the offensive or under fire from enemies, consider saving the Sentry Gun before it downgrades to a level which will allow enemies to easily overwhelm it, then quickly dispatch the Spy.
  • While being in a crowd of your own teammates usually helps you defend against Spies more easily, it can sometimes be difficult to pick out which one of your "teammates" is actually a Spy placing Sappers. Even though placing Sappers will not break a disguise, the disguised Spy will actually move his hand in a "placing" motion at your Building when it does so. This is subtle, but you may be able to use it pick out the Spy in a crowd. If you are letting your team deal with the Spy while you remove Sappers, keep your back to something.
  • A creative Spy will often disguise as an Engineer to try to fool you and your allies into thinking he is an Engineer trying to remove Sappers when he is in fact the one sapping. They may even use the voice command warning about Spies to add to the deception. Watch for teammates who aren't swinging or firing their weapons, as a disguised Spy cannot attack. Even better, Spy-check anyone nearby.
  • If you have revenge crits, try to save some of them for the inevitable Spy attack. Having a glowing Frontier Justice out can be enough on its own to deter a Spy. While it's true that you might waste a shot on a Dead Ringer Spy, don't be afraid to do it. A Spy who feigns death likely won't be attacking you for at least a short duration, giving you time to call for help.
  • Simply standing with your back facing the wall or continuously moving greatly minimizes the Spy's danger to you as it makes it harder for them to instantly kill you. The Spy is therefore forced to attack one of your buildings, which destroys their disguise. In this case, make it your priority to kill the Spy before attending to your buildings.
  • If your building is continually being sapped as you remove the Sapper, attack your Wrench in multiple areas around your building, as a Spy will be distant from you as you swing your Wrench.
  • If a teammate appears to be standing directly on top of you, attack them immediately. Enemy Spies are able to stand on top of you, while teammates cannot.
  • Constantly watch your back and be aware of your surroundings at all times, especially when constructing and upgrading your buildings. While this applies to practically any class, the Engineer should take special care as to not become the victim of a Spy, as it can result in the total loss of all of his buildings, thus forcing them to rebuild from scratch. Spycheck as often as you can by firing at corners, "teammates" and other hiding spots where you think they could be at.
    • However, don't become overly paranoid and stray too far from your equipment. This is what the Spy wants, as he will be able to destroy your gear without interference.
  • If a Spy saps your Teleporter, make sure you are not standing on top of it when you take the Sapper off. Spies often try to get your attention with a Sapper, stand on the entrance, and when you remove it, they go through, telefragging you. They will not lose their disguise with this strategy, making it easy for them to destroy your other buildings once they have telefragged you. To defend against this, make sure you are far enough from the Teleporter that you can still take a Sapper off, but Spies cannot telefrag you.
  • Be aware of trickstabs when you are attacking a Spy, as they can use stairstabs, matadors, cornerstabs, and a variety of other trickstabs to kill you, even if you are aware that they are a Spy. Due to this, it is not advisable to chase a Spy with your Wrench, especially outside of your Sentry Gun's range. Use your primary to kill them, and stay a good distance back. Take corners wide, and do not follow a Spy up a set of stairs if you cannot see him. If you think a Spy will go for a stairstab, start backpedaling down the stairs. The Spy will often jump in front of you, facing forward, which gives you a moment or two to shoot him before he can turn around or defend himself.
    • Alternatively, you can call for your teammates to deal with him instead.
  • The Spy's Revolver has a longer range and less spread than the Engineer's Pistol or Shotgun does, so it is recommended you stay at a medium-range whilst combatting a Spy. At long range, you are susceptible to the Spy's Revolver; At close-range, you are exposed to being backstabbed.

Cooperative Class Strategies

Leaderboard class scout.png Scout

While Engineers cannot do much for a Scout aside from his already inherent roles, a Scout can help out an Engineer immensely just by simply doing what he already does well enough without the Engineer.

  • Scouts can make for serviceable bodyguards when an Engineer is on the move with his buildings, provided that a Pyro is not available. Scout's speed advantage and high burst damage makes keeping any pesky Spies or Demomen at bay while the Engineer sets back up quite the simple task.
  • Scouts are good at getting behind enemy lines and taking out enemy Snipers and Spies, which will make friendly Engineers' lives much easier.
  • Scouts with the Backscatter and/or Mad Milk are fairly effective at spychecking, which can seriously help out allied Engineers.
    • The Boston Basher's and Wrap Assassin's bleed damage will also highlight enemy Spies, though the Wrap Assassin can't do this very often.
  • Scout's version of the Pistol does not come with much ammo, meaning that Dispensers are invaluable when the Scout loses access to it.
  • The Sentry Gun circumvents Scout's biggest weakness: his lack of range. Sentry Guns have a very long and wide radius of damage that they can cover, which gives a Scout an excellent place to fall back on when he needs to retreat.
    • Dispensers also give the Scout a safe spot to recover health after taking too much damage while frequenting the flank routes.

Leaderboard class soldier.png Soldier

Soldiers are one of your best friends when at the frontlines due to his immense power. The potential for protection that a Soldier possesses allows an Engineer to be more liberal with the placement of his Sentry nests.

  • Soldiers are a slow class without rocket jumping, and a fragile one with it. Teleporters reduce the need for rocket jumps, which allows the Soldier to save his health pool for when it is needed most.
  • A Soldier makes a decent bodyguard for an Engineer trying to move his buildings. This is especially true if he has the Disciplinary Action, which will allow the Engineer to get where he's going much more quickly.
  • Soldiers will tend to hang around the front lines, making Dispensers around those areas imperative for a team.
  • Soldiers also are very good at spychecking with their large blast radius on rocket launchers.
  • The Battalion's Backup gives the Engineer much needed resiliency when moving buildings. This is especially useful when the Engineer is using the Rescue Ranger, as the Marked-For-Death attribute when hauling buildings is nullified by the Backup's effects.

Leaderboard class pyro.png Pyro

A Pyro is, overall, an Engineer's best friend when maintaining a defensive hold is imperative.

  • Pyros can airblast projectiles away from friendly Engineer nests, nullifying the advantages Soldiers and Demomen gain against them.
    • Pyros can also deny ÜberCharges, a common response to stubborn Engie nests, by airblasting them away.
    • Neither of the above are as effective with an airblast-disadvantaged flamethrower, such as the Backburner, the Dragon's Fury, and especially the Phlogistinator, which can't airblast at all. The presence of a Dispenser will actually nullify the Backburner's airblast penalty, which merely makes airblasting ammo-inefficient.
  • Pyros (without the Dragon's Fury) are the most consistently efficient Spy-checkers in the game and are overall an absolute nightmare for Spies.
    • By equipping the Homewrecker or Neon Annihilator, a Pyro can remove Sappers from friendly buildings. This is a lower priority than hunting down the Spy who placed the Sappers, however, but is crucial if you end up dying during the skirmish.
  • A Pyro with a flare gun can harass enemy Snipers, making life much easier for friendly Engineers.
  • A Pyro with a shotgun, the Detonator, or the Scorch Shot can destroy stickybombs near the Engineer's buildings.
  • With airblast and a shotgun, a Pyro becomes a very effective bodyguard and escort for Engineers trying to move buildings between new locations.
  • A Sentry Gun can deal large amounts of damage from well outside a Pyro's effective range, allowing the Pyro to not have to worry as much about mid-ranged threats such as Heavies.
  • With a Dispenser active, a Pyro can keep up a constant stream of flames or airblasts, as long as they stay within the Dispenser's range. This is useful in Spychecking or reflecting projectiles, respectively.

Leaderboard class demoman.png Demoman

Demomen and Engineers are two of the best defensive classes in the game. Together, they can create a nigh-impenetrable defense.

  • A Demoman can lay down sticky traps to block off routes enemies might take to evade a Sentry Gun, and vice versa.
  • A Sentry Gun will mow down Pyros and Scouts that could otherwise very easily kill a Demoman.
  • A Teleporter will allow a Demoman to quickly reach the front lines without taking self-damage, while a Dispenser will provide a reliable means for the Demoman to heal self-damage off.
  • A Demoknight can pick off pesky Spies and Snipers to make the Engineer's life easier.
  • Demomen with the Scottish Resistance or Quickiebomb Launcher can destroy the stickybombs of enemy Demomen threatening an Engineer's buildings.
  • Demomen make excellent spycheckers with their stickybombs. Placing a few stickybombs near friendly buildings and waiting for the Engineer to call out a Spy for sapping his buildings will allow a Demoman to shut down a Spy's assault almost instantaneously.

Leaderboard class heavy.png Heavy

Heavy benefits significantly from the buildings that Engineers build. Additionally, the Heavy's presence in and of itself can help an Engineer by diverting attention from a Sentry Gun's placement until it's too late for the enemy.

  • Build Teleporters. A Heavy's single greatest weakness is his low mobility, to the point where he may simply not be able to participate in some crucial fights because he can't get to them in time. Teleporters allow Heavies to reliably reach the front lines quickly and keep the pressure on, which in turn allows you to constantly be on the move with your buildings.
  • If a Heavy stands next to, or in front of your Sentry Gun, he automatically creates a dilemma for the enemy team, since they will need to divert their firepower across both sources of damage, and your combined firepower may be able to stop all opposition short of an ÜberCharge.
  • A Heavy on the move is always in constant danger of being without ammo in his Minigun, since his slow movement speed makes it unlikely he will reach ammo packs before his foes do. This makes the Dispenser a crucial building for Heavies, as they can keep up a literal constant stream of bullets while standing next to it.
    • A Dispenser is also the single most reliable way to keep a Heavy with the Huo-Long Heater from running out of ammo.
  • A Sentry and a Heavy can deal a barrage of damage that is unparalleled by anything other than two Sentry Guns placed next to each other. Place Sentry Guns in areas where your team's Heavy may roam, such as down long hallways, and around corners to capitalize on this and block off any areas that enemies may flood into.

Leaderboard class engineer.png Engineer

While one Engineer on his own is quite powerful, a pair or group of Engies can make for a level of defense that is unrivaled by even the most resilient classes.

  • Coordination with your fellow Engineers is key in combining your buildings effectively. If an Engineer has one chokepoint or area of track covered by a Sentry Gun, move your gear elsewhere on the map to cover any less common routes that the enemy could use to circumvent their Sentry Gun.
  • Having multiple leveled Dispensers in play at once is crucial in extended autonomy. With near-limitless sources of metal placed strategically around the map, Engineers can build and rebuild their destroyed gear much quick, which positively impacts the versatility of your team.
  • If one Engineer dies, the other Engineers can maintain his buildings until he respawns.
    • However, Engineers cannot move a fellow Engineer's buildings, meaning they must abandon them if the necessity arises to move their buildings to meet their team's requirements.
  • Engineers protecting a Control Point will do well to spread their buildings out, lest they become cannon fodder for the Demoman's Stickybombs or the Loch-n-Load.
  • Variety is the spice of life, so choose your weapons accordingly-- having Engineers on your team equip different wrenches and weapons can maximize your effectiveness.
    • The Jag is great at constructing buildings quickly, but not as good at healing them. A second Engineer with a normal wrench, however, can heal the Jag Engie's buildings for him, while the Jag Engineer can upgrade the other Engie's buildings.
    • A Gunslinger Engineer who wants to focus on combat can leave his Dispenser and Teleporters near other Engies. The other Engineers can upgrade and maintain his buildings, while he goes to the front lines with his mini-sentry. On defense, his quick-building mini-sentry can help deny enemy movement for a short while, buying the other Engineers some time to set-up their buildings.
    • A Southern Hospitality Engineer can help in tracking down enemy Spies thanks to the bleed it causes.
    • An Eureka Effect Engineer can help in upgrading buildings if the nest is far from the spawn, thanks to the teleportation ability. The other Engineers can then help construct his buildings faster and protect his Teleporter exit which allows him to teleport back.
    • A few Engineers can use shotguns such as the Widowmaker to help defend buildings from attacks, while others can use the Rescue Ranger to maintain them. A Pomson 6000 Engineer can also help drain away the Cloak of a Spy And ÜberCharge of the Medic, two more classes that can counter the Engineer.
    • Having at least one Engineer with the Short Circuit can help destroy enemy projectiles, countering the Soldier and Demoman, both of which have explosive ordnance that devastate buildings. Wrangler Engineers can help in fighting enemies outside of the range of Sentry Guns as well as holding ground against an enemy assault, while those wielding the Pistol can aid in spychecking, and pester enemies in spots a wrangled Sentry Gun cannot reach.
  • If your fellow Engineer is using a primary weapon that is more suited for support than offense, like the Pomson 6000 or the Rescue Ranger, equip a hitscan primary such as the Shotgun or Frontier Justice. This allows you to be the damage dealer if a situation gets out of hand, and you must fight back without your buildings readily available.
  • Having multiple Engineers on a team allows them to maintain an effective defense; however, after about three Engineers (fewer on small teams), the team starts to suffer from having too few combat classes.

Leaderboard class medic.png Medic

Medics rarely keep company around, or heal their team's Engineers due to the necessity of keeping combat classes alive. Medics take a lot of fire from enemies and are considered a top priority target by Scouts, Snipers and Spies. All of the Engineer's buildings can directly help or protect a Medic who is under fire and allow them to flee with their ÜberCharge percentage unscathed.

  • The Engineer makes for a highly situational ÜberCharge patient due to their slow speed and may only be used as a means of retreat. However, the Engineer's generic weapons are still very capable, and can give the Medic some sort of protection when there are no better-suited classes around.
  • Building Teleporters helps the Medic to reach the front lines (and thus heal teammates and build ÜberCharge) more quickly.
  • Your Dispenser can be invaluable to the fragile Medic in more ways than one. Not only does it allow a Medic to heal off heavy damage incurred while on the front lines, but its hitbox is large enough that a Medic often can hide inside of it, treating it as a sort of secondary armor, to survive their attackers while your teammates or Sentry Gun finish them off.
  • The Kritzkrieg combined with the Widowmaker can allow an Engineer to deal a constant stream of critical damage without the need to reload.
  • A Medic may ÜberCharge an Engie to aid in keeping an important Sentry Gun active for as long as possible. It can also be used to pick up an important building, such as a high-level Dispenser, and save it.
  • Since you are often near your Dispenser anyway, Medics may neglect to heal you, even if they see you wandering around at low health. Don't be afraid to call out for them to get their attention. Since Engineer is a light class, it should not be an issue for them to quickly buff you, and get back to work.

Leaderboard class sniper.png Sniper

Engineers and Snipers do not have much synergy, but still can help cover each others' weaknesses.

  • An allied Sniper is obviously one of the more effective responses to enemy Snipers. Allied Snipers taking out enemy Snipers will allow allied Engineers to breathe much easier and safely place his buildings in areas where a team might not expect them.
  • A Sniper who sits near a Sentry Gun doesn't have to worry about Scouts or Pyros as much, since the Sentry Gun will generally kill these classes long before they can reasonably reach the Sniper.
  • A Sniper with Jarate or the Tribalman's Shiv can help in Spy-checking.
    • The presence of a Jarate Sniper also increases the effectiveness of the Southern Hospitality, as quick extinguishing will nullify the fire vulnerability, and the guaranteed mini-crits are far more useful with spychecking, as the Spy will both visibly bleed and shed yellow droplets, even under cloak. The combined power of your tools may make a Spy reluctant in approaching you at all.
  • The Pomson 6000 and the Short Circuit can light friendly Huntsman arrows on fire.
    • The presence of a Dispenser will counteract the low ammo count of the Huntsman.
  • A Sniper can take out enemy Medics to deny them ÜberCharge, one of the main counters to an Engineer's Sentry nest.

Leaderboard class spy.png Spy

Due to the differing roles of the classes, Spies and Engineers generally don't work together well. However, one can indirectly help the other, even without knowing it.

  • One of the Spy's main goals is to pick apart the enemy lines by taking out Medics, Offense classes, and especially other Engineers to make their team's job easier and safer as they traverse through the map. Engineers benefit from this the most because it allows them set up their buildings without the worry of instant retaliation.
    • Spies can take out enemy Medics to stop ÜberCharges before they happen. They are also a main counter to Snipers, which love to cause headaches for Engineers.
  • The Engineer's Dispenser is an important building to Spies. The building generally stays out of sight, like the Spy himself and therefore allows him to recover from a fight much quicker by retreating to one. This can be a double-edged sword though, since you will be used to see a friendly Spy around, and may think a disguised enemy Spy is your teammate. Constantly spycheck “friendly” Spies that approach your Dispenser and quickly kill them before they cause any more damage.

See also