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[[Category:Achievements|Soldier achievements, Obtaining]]
[[Category:Achievements|Soldier achievements, Obtaining]]
[[Category:Community strategy]]
[[Category:Community strategy]]

Revision as of 19:28, 7 September 2013

Ain't Got Time to Bleed
Ain't Got Time to Bleed
Kill 3 players with the Equalizer in a single life without being healed.
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: It can be rather difficult to get within melee range of a foe without getting killed. Use rocket jumps to move around as need be, and try to prey on unsuspecting foes. Avoid Medics, Dispensers, and Health pickups until you have obtained the achievement. It is not necessary to get all three kills in quick succession.

Backdraft Dodger
Backdraft Dodger
Kill a Pyro who has airblasted one of your rockets in the last 10 seconds.
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: Use whatever means you see fit to dispatch a Pyro that reflects one of your rockets. To prevent the Pyro from continuing to reflect your shots, aim for walls to deal splash damage or switch to the Shotgun.

Bomb Squaddie
Bomb Squaddie
Destroy 10 sticky bombs with the shotgun in a single life.
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: Because the first pellet of your Shotgun always travels down the center of the crosshair, you are able to destroy stickies from a very safe distance. This achievement can be tedious to earn, as Demomen tend to detonate their stickies once they realize someone is destroying them.

Brothers in Harms
Brothers in Harms
Kill 10 enemies while assisting or being assisted by another Soldier.
Difficulty: Easy
How to obtain: Coordinate with friendly Soldiers to destroy the same targets. If both of you are using the Buff Banner, you can use the mini-crit boost from each other to deal increased damage.

Crockets Are Such B.S.
Crockets Are Such B.S.
Shoot two non-boosted crit rockets in a row.
Difficulty: Very Easy
How to obtain: Since you aren't allowed to use critboosts from the Kritzkrieg or similar sources, this achievement comes down to pure luck. Your chance to randomly fire a critical rocket increases based on how much damage you have dealt within a certain period of time, to a maximum of a 12% chance per shot. Stay on the offensive to increase your critical hit chance.

Death from Above
Death from Above
Rocket jump and kill 2 enemies before you land.
Difficulty: Medium-Hard
How to obtain: Equip the standard Rocket Launcher for the larger splash radius and magazine capacity. Actively rocket jump in combat and target groups of clustered enemies. If you are having trouble, have a Medic assist you with the Kritzkrieg. You can also unlock this achievement by killing two enemies simultaneously with the Kamikaze taunt.

Death From Below
Death From Below
Kill 10 opponents who are airborne with the Direct Hit.
Difficulty: Easy
How to obtain: You do not need to juggle your enemies; as long as they are in the air when killed, you will earn points towards this achievement. You can pop enemies into the air yourself or receive aid from your allies.

Get 3 dominations in a single life.
Difficulty: Hard
How to obtain: Once you get your first domination, play conservatively and stay near your allies. It is recommended to use the Buff Banner or Battalion's Backup, which allow you to easily earn assists against your enemies. Having a Medic with the Kritzkrieg nearby will aid in quickly dispatching foes.

Duty Bound
Duty Bound
While rocket jumping kill an enemy with the Equalizer before you land or just after landing.
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: Rocket jump towards weakened enemies to quickly close the distance and execute them with your Equalizer.

Engineer to Eternity
Engineer to Eternity
Kill an Engineer as he repairs his sentry gun while it's under enemy fire.
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: When your team makes a push towards an enemy Sentry Gun, circle around it and use the Rocket Launcher's large splash radius to dispatch the enemy Engineer.

For Whom the Shell Trolls
For Whom the Shell Trolls
Bounce an opponent into the air with a rocket and then kill them with the shotgun before they land.
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: Fire at the feet of your enemies to propel them into the air. One or two good rockets will be enough to weaken your target to the point that you can finish the job with the Shotgun or Reserve Shooter.

Frags of our Fathers
Frags of our Fathers
Gib 1000 people.
Difficulty: Easy
How to obtain: This achievement will naturally be obtained after a modest amount of time playing as the Soldier. The enemy must explode into gibs; ragdoll deaths will not count. Disintegrating an enemy with the Cow Mangler 5000 counts towards this achievement.

Geneva Contravention
Geneva Contravention
Kill 3 defenseless players after a single match has ended.
Difficulty: Easy-Medium
How to obtain: Make your way towards the enemy spawn room right before your team is about to win. Once the Humiliation phase begins, execute as many enemies as you can using any means necessary.

Gore-a! Gore-a! Gore-a!
Gore-a! Gore-a! Gore-a!
Provide the enemy with a freezecam of you taunting over 3 of their body parts.
Difficulty: Easy
How to obtain: Every time you gib an enemy in an enclosed space, taunt. You will eventually produce a freezecam shot that fulfills the achievement requirements.

Guns of the Navar0wned
Guns of the Navar0wned
Kill 5 Engineer Sentry Guns while you are standing outside of their range.
Difficulty: Easy
How to obtain: Buildings are not affected by falloff damage, so fire rockets at enemy Sentry Guns from a distance. It should not take more than one full magazine to dispatch any unattended Sentry Gun. If there is an Engineer nearby repairing the Sentry or using the Wrangler, kill him first.

Hamburger Hill
Hamburger Hill
Defend a cap point 30 times.
Difficulty: Easy
How to obtain: Stay near contested areas to ensure you will be there to defend any Control Point. Defending the Payload cart or killing an enemy who is holding your team's Intelligence will also count towards this achievement.

Medals of Honor
Medals of Honor
Finish a round as an MVP on a team of 6 or more players 10 times.
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: MVPs for each round are the three players from the winning team that scored the most points. To increase your own score per round, actively participate in large firefights and capture objectives. If you are having problems accumulating points, play as a different class before switching to Soldier again. Medics, for example, tend to accumulate a disproportionate amount of points per life compared to their teammates. Once you've attained a sizable lead, switch to Soldier and finish the round.

Mutually Assured Destruction
Mutually Assured Destruction
Kill an enemy sniper with a rocket after he kills you.
Difficulty: Hard
How to obtain: Although Snipers regularly aim at Soldiers, this achievement will still require a bit of luck. Fire rockets from a distance to harass enemy Snipers and draw their attention. Alternatively, fight a Sniper at close range and kill both him and yourself with a rocket after taking damage. The Sniper will be credited with finishing you off, thus earning the achievement.

Near Death Experience
Near Death Experience
Kill 20 enemies with your Equalizer while you have less than 25 health.
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: When low on health, use the Equalizer's damage boost to quickly kill opponents.

Out, Damned Scot!
Out, Damned Scot!
Kill 500 enemy Demomen.
Difficulty: Easy
How to obtain: Use your class advantages to gain the upper hand against Demomen by attacking them directly; their indirect weaponry can't hit you as easily, while the Shotgun and Equalizer outdamage their melee weapons.

Ride of the Valkartie
Ride of the Valkartie
Ride the cart for 30 seconds.
Difficulty: Easy
How to obtain: Stay near the Payload cart for the required amount of time. Larger Payload maps, such as Badwater Basin, present more opportunities to attempt this achievement.

Screamin' Eagle
Screamin' Eagle
Kill 20 enemies from above.
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: The Soldier, in particular, has a great advantage when on high ground. Fire at your enemies from elevated areas such as the middle point on Well, point C on Gravel Pit, and the spires on Badlands. You do not need to be airborne or rocket jumping.

Semper Fry
Semper Fry
Kill 20 enemies while you are on fire.
Difficulty: Easy
How to obtain: When ignited by a Pyro, continue to play normally, killing nearby enemies. Pyros who are unskilled with the compression blast are easy prey.

Assist a Medic in exploding 5 enemies with a single ÜberCharge.
Difficulty: Medium-Hard
How to obtain: This achievement coincides with Blast Assist, a corresponding achievement for the Medic. Coordinate with your Medic to attack clustered enemies. Use the default Rocket Launcher for the higher splash damage radius and magazine size. The sheer damage the Kritzkrieg can deal makes it far more effective for this achievement than the regular ÜberCharge.

Spray of Defeat
Spray of Defeat
Use a grenade to gib a player.
Difficulty: Medium-Hard
How to obtain: Taunting with the Equalizer drawn will kill you along with any nearby enemies, making this feat slightly riskier than other kill taunts. Target a foe that may be preoccupied, such as a Sniper or Heavy. Alternatively, taunt from a location where enemies cannot see you, such as around a corner or outside a Teleporter Exit, and hope one passes by. If you damage an enemy Soldier who manages to complete the taunt, you will be credited for the grenade kill and earn the achievement. You cannot obtain this achievement during Humiliation. Having the Rocket Jumper in your loadout will prevent your own death during the taunt.

The Boostie Boys
The Boostie Boys
Buff 15 teammates with the Buff Banner in a single life.
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: This achievement can be obtained by using either the Buff Banner, Battalion's Backup, or Concheror. If you fight on the front lines, your Rage meter will fill up very quickly, allowing for your aura to be used several times in quick succession. Whenever you have a full charge ready, rally your teammates and push forward together. Unless you somehow manage to round up all 15 of your teammates on a 32-player server, you will have to use your banner at least twice in one life to get this achievement.

The Longest Daze
The Longest Daze
Kill 5 stunned or slowed players.
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: Coordinate with a Scout wielding the Sandman to stun and dispatch enemies quickly. Enemies scared by the ghost on the event versions of Harvest & Viaduct or the Horseless Headless Horsemann on Mann Manor are classified as "stunned" and count towards the achievement.

Trench Warfare
Trench Warfare
Kill your nemesis with a shovel.
Difficulty: Medium-Hard
How to obtain: The lack of speed boost granted by the Escape Plan will make catching a fleeing foe difficult. Use rocket jumps to chase or ambush your nemesis before dealing the killing blow.

Tri-Splatteral Damage
Tri-Splatteral Damage
Kill 3 enemies with a single critical rocket.
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: Use the standard Rocket Launcher or Black Box for the larger splash radius. Have a Medic aid you with the Kritzkrieg to guarantee critical rockets and attack locations where enemies have clustered.

War Crime and Punishment
War Crime and Punishment
In a single life, kill 3 enemies who have damaged a Medic that is healing you.
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: As an ideal Medic buddy, you should protect your Medic teammate. If paired with a Medic equipped with the Kritzkrieg, enemies will tend to focus on the both of you. This does not need to be completed with a single Medic; if your Medic dies, you can still continue with another.

War Crime Spybunal
War Crime Spybunal
Kill a Spy who just backstabbed a teammate.
Difficulty: Easy
How to obtain: Once you see a Spy backstab a teammate, use any means necessary to kill him. Listen for the screams of your teammates and look at the kill notifications on your HUD to discern the location of the Spy as he tries to escape. If he cloaks, use the splash damage of your Rocket Launcher to find him.

Where Eagles Dare
Where Eagles Dare
Get the highest possible rocket jump using jump and crouch.
Difficulty: Easy
How to obtain: Crouching or being airborne reduces air drag, greatly increasing the degree of knock back you experience from explosions. Contrary to the description, the rocket jump does not have to reach maximum height; it is possible to perform a rocket jump that sends you a large distance horizontally instead.

Wings of Glory
Wings of Glory
Kill an enemy soldier while both you and the target are airborne.
Difficulty: Medium-Hard
How to obtain: With good aim, both rockets or the Shotgun can quickly finish off another airborne Soldier before both of you land. This achievement does not require both players to be rocket jumping; you can actually just jump before dealing the killing blow.

Worth a Thousand Words
Worth a Thousand Words
Provide the enemy with a freezecam of your 21 gun salute.
Difficulty: Very Easy
How to obtain: Upon killing an enemy, taunt with the Shotgun equipped.