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==Transcripción del Vídeo== | ==Transcripción del Vídeo== | ||
− | {{ | + | {{trans}} |
+ | {| class="wikitable collapsible collapsed" width="100%" | ||
+ | ! class="header" | Transcript | ||
+ | |- | ||
+ | |[''La pantalla se posiciona en una captura de una carretera en el desierto, similar a [[Meet the Sniper/es|Conoce al Sniper]]. Suena música suave de flauta con un acompañamiento de tambor. La pantalla se mueve lentamente para mostrar una lata de ¡Bonk! aplastada. repentinamente, un camión de pan del equipo RED derrapa hacia la cámara, empujando fuera del camino la lata y colas de pescado, casi dañando completamente su parachoques trasero. Continúa hacia el carril izquierdo.''] | ||
+ | [''Cut to a right side view of the van. The camera pans from the rear towards the front while a heavy drum beat plays. The logo is pock-marked with bullet holes and the white paint has been scraped off the sides. The camera continues panning and steadies at the van's open air cab, revealing a sleeping Scout and the Heavy hunched over at the wheel.''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''Se muestra el interior del auto. El vidrio tiene agujeros de bala en la izquierda y está completamente roto en la derecha. El Heavy es aparente en la izquierda comparado con la pose relajada del Scout con sus pies en el tablero. se adorna el espejo con dados de peluche. El Heavy continúa manejando la van en el lado derecho del camino cuando el monitor en el tablero empieza a sonar con poco volumen.''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''se corta a una toma del lado derecho del auto. El Heavy tiene una mirada de desaprobación al ver al Scout durmiendo. Devuelve sus ojos a la carretera. El tablero vuelve a sonar y el Heavy golpea al Scout sin cambiar su mirada. El Scout despierta sorprendido.''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Scout''': ¡Gaa! ¡Bwaa! ¡¿Qué?! ¿Qué? Oh. | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''El Scout se estira, y con su mano derecha, presiona un botón en el monitor en el tablero. Es una videollamada de la Señorita Pauling.''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Señorita Pauling''': Scout, Es Pauling. Dime que tienes el dossier. | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Scout''': Sí, claro. | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Señorita Pauling''': ¿Y ''nadie'' te vio? | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Scout''': Ehhh. [El levanta sus manos y da un gesto de desdén] ''Básicamente'' nadie. | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Miss Pauling''': [Su expresión se oscurece] Scout, estoy aquí ahora mismo. | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Scout''': Bueno eso es una historia graciosa... | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''La puerta trasera del auto se abre abruptamente y el Soldier entra a la conversación, y empuja con su mano a la cara de Scout hacia el asiento. El Scout levanta sus manos, el Heavy se asusta y pierde control momentaneamente de la van, y el Soldier toma control del monitor.''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Soldier''': [feliz] ¡Hola, Señorita Pauling! Nosotros ''matamos'' a todos y tomamos una ''maleta''! | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''Él muestra un dossier del equipo BLU ''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Señorita Pauling''': No ''todos'', Soldier. Dejaron siete testigos, chicos. | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''Se puede ver una mano ensangrentada en el fondo buscando ayuda. Miss Pauling se volteay le dispara con una pistola silenciada. La mano colapsa.''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Señorita Pauling''': Séis. | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''La cámara se corta a una toma trasera de la van bajando laThe camera cuts to a rear shot of the van pulling into a dirt road flanked by rocky cliffs and several Sentries and a RED-owned building in the distance. A dead BLU soldier can be seen draped on the roof of the van. As the van drives in, a wooden prop of a cactus with some desert plants pops up and a painted curtain background falls into place, disguising the entrance.''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Miss Pauling''': [she continues talking as the camera pans] Look, just keep the briefcase safe okay? | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''Side shot of the van rolling down a ramp and pulling into a garage. The rear bumper falls off.''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Miss Pauling''': Have a good weekend guys. | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''Front shot of the van pulling into the garage. A BLU Demoman's boot can be seen sticking out from underneath of the hood which has a hood ornament reading "SWORD". The Heavy looks harassed and brings the vehicle to a stop. The dead BLU soldier slides off the roof. The Heavy leaves the keys in the ignition and exits the van.''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Soldier''': [his hand still covering the Scout's face] Goodbye, Miss Pauling! I'm leaving the van now. (Note: captions read "Mrs. Pauling") | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''The Soldier disappears into the rear of the van and the door slides closed behind him. Cut shot to the Scout who looks relieved at the hand being removed from his face. He adjusts his hat and headset with both hands. He looks back at the door.''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Scout''': Bye bye. Okay then. | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''The background music stops and the van grows quiet. The Scout turns back to the monitor.''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Scout''': Hey, hey Miss Pauling! Before you go. Ahh- | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Miss Pauling''': Uh huh? | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''She is dragging a body. He stammers and scratches his face.''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Miss Pauling''': [distracted] Scout? What? Say something. | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Scout''': [regains confidence] You're probably real busy this weekend, right? | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Miss Pauling''': [finished with dragging body, she stands up and wipes the dirt from her hands] Funny you should mention that. Um. Looks like I will be... burying bodies all weekend. [she grabs a Fire Axe and brings her face closer to the camera] So you don't go to jail. | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Scout''': [stammering] Oh g-good. So...we're both busy. | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''Cut to Miss Pauling on the monitor. She looks at him quizzically in silence. He returns the glance awkwardly. Suddenly a siren can be heard in the background with guards shouting. Miss Pauling reacts and turns hurriedly from the camera.''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Miss Pauling''': Oh! Got to go. | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''She disappears off-camera. Muffled shots can be heard. The monitor buzzes off. Cut back to the Scout with a pained expression on his face. Side view of cab with the Scout leaning back resignedly.''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Scout''': Lot of people busy with busyness. (Note: caption reads "business") | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''Heavy can be seen in the background, checking the fridge's contents. The Spy walks slowly, passing front of the camera left to right, cigarette in hand.''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Spy''': [smugly] Asking out that dial tone again, I see. | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Scout''': [sitting up and angrily gesturing] Go to hell, Spy. | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''He drops his demeanor and looks dejected. He looks down, then chuckles sadly to himself. He gets out of the van. The Heavy takes a drumstick from the fridge and tosses it over his shoulder.''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''The camera pans slowly with the Scout walking left to right from the van to the table. A medium tempo jazz instrumental starts with flute, piano, and drums. He tosses the keys in the air and deftly catches them. The Soldier attempts to extricate the BLU Demoman's body from the hood of the van. The RED Demoman takes a quick spin on the Teleporter and disappears. The Heavy manages to find a Sandvich and leans contently on the fridge door and takes a bite.''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Scout''': [gestures to the table which holds another Teleporter, a loaf of bread, and an astray] Hey, look at all this. What have you two eggheads been workin' on? | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''The Medic and the Engineer are discussing something, but turn to Scout when he addresses them. The Scout tosses the keys. They both glare at him, ignoring the keys which clatter to the floor.''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Scout''': ''Nice catch.'' | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''The Engineer turns to the Medic. He turns to address the Scout while the Medic steps back.''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Engineer''': Yeah. Listen now... We've been ''running'' some ''experiments'' on the Teleporter. | ||
+ | (note: the captions read "Listen. Ah..." | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''The Engineer gestures with his head to the Teleporter. The Soldier wanders over, interested. The Heavy remains at the fridge door, eating his Sandvich, but observing.''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Engineer''': Well yeah. Y'all ought to take a look at this. | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''The flute continues to trill in the background. The Engineer picks up his PDA and activate the Teleporter; it starts whirring into action. The Soldier stands with his arms akimbo. Suddenly, another loaf of bread appears, silently hovering. The Heavy is somewhat intrigued, but the Soldier is utterly amazed, reaching out with both hands to grab the loaf. The Scout, however, is unimpressed.''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Scout''': [disinterestedly while the background drum beats a steady tattoo] ''Wow''. You can teleport bread. That is. Big news. Um. Is the Demo back with the beer yet? Cause I... | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''He turns back while the Medic breaks open the loaf with a sickening crunch. The interior of the loaf contains pulsating green lumps and teeth. The Engineer winces while the Scout yelps and throws his hands in the air. The background music stops''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Scout''': Whoa! What the hell is that?! | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Medic''': [cheerily, gesturing slightly with a half of the throbbing loaf] Tumors! | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''Cut to the Heavy. He suddenly looks concerned and stops eating his Sandvich. He eyes it worriedly.''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Engineer''': [adjusting his helmet] Y'all know what this means right? | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''The Soldier suddenly grabs the Scout by the neck and slams him onto the table.''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Soldier''': Ahhh! We cannot teleport bread anymore! | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''He nearly chokes the Scout and raises a hand as if to punch his face. The Heavy still leans nonchalantly on the fridge door. The Engineer intervenes raising his hands.''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Engineer''': Whoa! Whoa... Not exactly, Soldier. [he places his hand on the Soldier's back and smiles] You teleport as ''much'' bread as you like. | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''His smiles fades and removes his helmet. Ominous sounding strings start up. The Heavy looks at his Sandvich, sniffs it, shrugs, and continues eating.''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Engineer''': That goes for all of ya. If there's something any of y'all wanted to do before ya...Well. ''Died''. ''Now'' would be a...good time. | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''Suddenly, the Spy's voice is heard. The Engineer turns. Cut to the Spy, languidly brandishing a cigarette from its case''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Spy''': How ''long'' before these...tumors kill us? | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Medic''': Vell, let's see. [he gestures, thinking out loud.] Ve all use the teleporter, let's say six times a day... | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''Cut to the rest of the team, Scout is still rubbing his sore neck, the Soldier stands stoically, the Heavy still leans on the fridge door, Sandvich now half-eaten, and the Engineer replaces his helmet, backwards as usual. Cut back to the Medic''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Medic''': Times four years. Minus...ve're not bread. Hmm. | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''He turns abruptly. The Spy is startled''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Medic''': Three days. Yes. | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''The strings rise to a crescendo while the camera dramatically zooms to the Medic's face. Deep chimes accent the moment''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Medic''': We all have ''three days to live''. | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''The strings slow then stop. Cut back to the team. The Scout and Heavy look worried while the Engineer looks down at the floor. The Soldier, confused, counts off: one, two...''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Demoman''': Whooooooooo!! Woooooo!! | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''He appears in a flash from the idle Teleporter. He triumphantly celebrates his arrival with a crate of beer with limes wedged in the necks, his grenades on his vest removed to carry bottles. As his wobbles precariously on the Teleporter as it slows down, we can see that he is also festively clad in a sombrero and novelty Margarita shaped sunglasses while also carrying another beer''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Demoman''': Woo. [he looks around at their faces] What? | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''Expiration Date Title Card''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | ['''''RED BASE: 70 HOURS TIL DEATH''' Cut to the RED BREAD building. It is now night and a lone Level 1 Sentry guards the entrance. A march-like drum beat plays''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''Cut to a closeup of a poker table. A cigar smolders in the ashtray while the Spy unceremoniously drops a metal pail. It is filled with note cards. A literal bucket list.''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Spy''': ''This'' is a bucket. | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''Cut to a side shot of the mercenaries at the poker table. With the Demoman on the far right in the foreground grasping his bottle, everyone else is arranged counter-clockwise from him: Pyro, Sniper, Heavy, Scout, Soldier, and Spy on the right foreground. Everyone is wearing an odd watch with a large digital display. Half-standing, the Soldier examines the bucket.''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Soldier''': ''Dear God.'' | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Spy''': There's more. | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Soldier''': [astonished] ''No!'' | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Spy''': [ignoring him] It contains the dying wish of every man here. [turns] Scout. You ''did'' collect everyone's dying wish? | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Scout''': Oh, you bet! | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''He salutes. The Heavy slowly folds his arms. Oddly, the Pyro's grenades are positioned sideways.] | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Spy''': Excellent. Gentlemen, synchronize your death watches. | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''Cut to a closeup of the watch. Red embossing tape declares it a "DEATH CLOCK". The display beeps as the various mercenaries set their watches. It reads 70:00:00. 70 hours left to live and counting. Taps-like trumpet-playing is heard.''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''All the mercenaries are expressionless except for the Heavy who is on the verge of falling asleep with his arms folded. The Spy steps from the front of the table and walks from right to left, lit cigarette in his right hand and the left firmly clasped behind his back.''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Spy''': We have seventy hours to live. For most men, no time at all | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''The camera cuts to a shot of the Spy walking behind Heavy's back. A Payload Pinball machine can be seen in the background. The music swells from mournful to patriotic. He places a hand on the Heavy's shoulder, jerking him awake. The Heavy momentarily looks guilty.''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Spy''': ''We'' are ''not'' most men. | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''The Spy now walks behind the table. The camera pans to a shot showing all the mercenaries gathered around the table intently focusing on his words..''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Spy''': We have the resources. ''The will.'' To make these hours ''count''! [he gestures emphatically with his lit cigarette while the trumpets and drum beats swell] | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Spy''': [sudden close-up while the background music cuts off] The clock is ticking, gentlemen. Let's begin. | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''Reverse shot with the bucket in the foreground. The mercenaries' expressions show varying degrees of interest. The Spy draws a note card from the bucket.''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Spy''': Our first dying wish is Scout's. [he gestures] He's... | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''The Spy examines the card. His brow wrinkles''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Spy''': ...drawn a picture of ''me'' getting hit by a ''car''. | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''The drawing is somewhat crude. The muscle car is drawn in much greater detail than the Spy who is thrown up into the air, becoming disemboweled with blood spurting everywhere.''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Spy''': [he peers closer] I have ''something'' radiating off of me. | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Scout''': Yeah, those are ''stink lines''. | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''He turns to the rest of the mercenaries in a mock whisper. The Heavy is mildly amused.''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Scout''': That's why the car hit him. Cause he ''smells''. | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Spy''': [rolling his eyes as he draws another card] Yes I see. Here you've drawn me having... | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''The camera tastefully remains on his face.''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Spy''': [somewhat bemused] ...sexual congress with the Eiffel Tower. [he tosses it and draws another while the Scout giggles] The Eiffel Tower having sexual congress with me. [toss and giggle] ''Both'' of us relaxing post-coitus. | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''The Demoman confusingly mouths "post-coitus" and the Scout is nearly in tears with laughter.''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Spy''': [growing more irritated] I'm ''crying'' and the Eiffel Tower has stink lines coming off of it. [he angrily throws the card down] ''Did anyone besides Scout put a card into the bucket?!'' | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''The Heavy and Sniper are slightly amused. The Scout is near breathless with laughter. Oddly, the Pyro's grenades are sideways and the Sniper's watch is floating near his vest.''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Scout''': [giggling] Classic Scout. | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Spy''': [sighing] ''Fantastic''. ''This'' was a huge waste of my time. | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Soldier''': [pulling out a card] You did not read mine! | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Spy''': [another sigh] Does it say you want the bucket? | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Soldier''': [interjecting] Yes! | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''Disgusted, the Spy slides the bucket over as the rest of the mercenaries get up to leave. The Soldier greedily grabs the pail with both hands. The camera moves to an overhead shot of the now-empty table as the Spy pulls his Cigarette Case from his jacket and draws a cigarette.''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Spy''': Los veo a todos en el ''infierno''. [cierra el dossier fuertemente] | ||
+ | |||
+ | La cámara cambia a los mercenarios caminando por un corredor. El Soldier para y examina su nuevo balde mientras el Engineer y el Medic caminan empujando un teleportador y pilas de pan en dos carritos. Una rebanada de pan cae de la pila y el Soldier hace un grito ahogado y aguanta firmemente su balde, y una sonrisa aparece en su cara al ver el pan caído. La pantalla se corta a negro.''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | ['''''HABITACIÓN DE FUMAR DEL SPY: 58 HORAS ANTES DE MORIR''' Se corta a una toma de la habitación del Spy. Está sentado en una silla, leyendo, y bebiendo. Alguien golpea su puerta.] | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Spy''': Aléjate. | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''El Scout abre la puerta y se asoma.''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Scout''': Oye, ah, me das un segundo? | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Spy''': Oh, Scout. Por faovr. vete a la [bleep]. | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Scout''': Sí. Oye eso, eso es gracioso. Um. De todos modos yo- | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''El Spy parece haber salido de su silla y se movió hacia la puerta, cerrándola fuertemente en el cuerpo del Scout. Se apoya en la puerta para tratar de forzar al Scout a salirse.''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Scout''': ¡Espera! ¡Espera! ¡Espera. Ow. Vamos, Spy. | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''El Spy levanta su cuchillo, listo para atacar''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Scout''': Estoy pasando mi cabeza a través de una puerta para decirte que lo siento. | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Spy''': [se aleja de la puerta] Házlo rápido. | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Scout''' Así que sí escribí un último deseo real. Yo... Yo quisiera ir en una cita con la Señorita Pauling. | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Spy''': ¿Tú? Tú eres terrible con las chicas. | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Scout''': ¿Qué? No. No. No. Spy, mira esto. Y esto. Y esto aquí. Spy, mira todo esto. [El hace señar a diferentes partes de su cuerpo y da vueltas por ahí.] Je. No. Soy bueno con las chicas. | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''La escena cambia a lo que parece ser un restaurante barato de pollo frito. El Scout y una mujer rubia están parados en el contador con baldes de pollo.''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Scout''': Tenemos baldes de pollo. ¿Quieres hacerlo? | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Mujer Rubia''': Eh, está bien. | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''La escena cambia de vuelta al Spy y el Scout.''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Scout''': Pero tú, Spy. Tu eres increíble con las ''damas''. Tu sabes, las que tienen clase. De las que huelen bien, y pueden leer. Y siempre tienen sus lentes sólo un poco desviados. ¿Sabes? Aquellas que no van en búsqueda de un tipo como yo. | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''El Spy mira al Scout con una sonrisa engreída.''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Spy''': Hmm, y por qué es eso, ¿qué crées? | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Scout''': Vamos, Spy. No sé. | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Spy''': Bueno, un misterio que llevaremos hacia nuestras tumbas entonces. Adiós. | ||
+ | [''El Spy se aleja para servirse un trago.''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Scout''': Espera. Espera. Ah [suspiro] Está bien. Mira. Bien. Spy. Esto nunca saldrá de esta habitación [suspiro]. Eres mejor que yo. ¿Okay? Necesito tu ayuda. | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''El Spy deja de servir su bebida y mira al Scout.''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Spy''': Lo haré. Con una condición. | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''El Spy pulsa un botón en un panel y sale un micrófono. El sopla hacia él, y esto hace un sonido muy estruendoso a través de toda la construcción. La cámara va desde la mesa de póker, hacia el Medic y el Engineer en un Laboratorio, hasta el Soldier cargando una pila gigante de rebanadas de pan. | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Spy''': Dí eso [El Spy presiona el micrófono hacia el Scout] otra vez. | ||
+ | |||
+ | [''El Scout mira al Spy con una mirada desconfiada''] | ||
+ | |||
+ | <!-- No mostremos esta línea hasta que la transcripción completa esté hecha, hace que se vea como si terminó prematuramente el corto. | ||
+ | [''La pantalla luego corta a un texto con el logro de Team Fortress 2: Gratis para Todos con el texto "www.teamfortress.com". Luego la pantalla se oscurece''] | ||
+ | --> | ||
+ | |} | ||
==Sinópsis== | ==Sinópsis== | ||
Mientras los mercenarios vuelven de una misión de capturar un Dossier, la Señorita Pauling los llama para preguntar cómo fue la misión. Está un poco irritada de que dejaran testigos de los cuales ella tendría que hacerse cargo. El Scout intenta hablarle, pero no es capaz de pensar en algo que decirle. | Mientras los mercenarios vuelven de una misión de capturar un Dossier, la Señorita Pauling los llama para preguntar cómo fue la misión. Está un poco irritada de que dejaran testigos de los cuales ella tendría que hacerse cargo. El Scout intenta hablarle, pero no es capaz de pensar en algo que decirle. |
Revision as of 20:23, 8 April 2016
Expiration Date | |
![]() | |
Información del vídeo | |
Fecha de lanzamiento: | 17 de junio, 2014 |
Duración: | 14:58 |
Descripción del Vídeo
El Engineer y el Medic hacen un incómodo descubrimiento al explorar con el teleportador. Mientras tanto, el Scout deja de insultar al Spy lo suficiente como para pedirle un favor embarazoso; la experta asistente/limpiadora/asesina de la Administradora, la Señorita Pauling corre para esconder cuerpos incriminatorios; y el Soldier hace un nuevo amigo de metal.
Transcripción del Vídeo
![]() | Esta página está en proceso de ser traducida al español. Si hablas español, publica una versión traducida en la discusión o comunícate con quienes hayan contribuido a la página (observando el historial de la página). |
Transcript |
[La pantalla se posiciona en una captura de una carretera en el desierto, similar a Conoce al Sniper. Suena música suave de flauta con un acompañamiento de tambor. La pantalla se mueve lentamente para mostrar una lata de ¡Bonk! aplastada. repentinamente, un camión de pan del equipo RED derrapa hacia la cámara, empujando fuera del camino la lata y colas de pescado, casi dañando completamente su parachoques trasero. Continúa hacia el carril izquierdo.]
[Cut to a right side view of the van. The camera pans from the rear towards the front while a heavy drum beat plays. The logo is pock-marked with bullet holes and the white paint has been scraped off the sides. The camera continues panning and steadies at the van's open air cab, revealing a sleeping Scout and the Heavy hunched over at the wheel.] [Se muestra el interior del auto. El vidrio tiene agujeros de bala en la izquierda y está completamente roto en la derecha. El Heavy es aparente en la izquierda comparado con la pose relajada del Scout con sus pies en el tablero. se adorna el espejo con dados de peluche. El Heavy continúa manejando la van en el lado derecho del camino cuando el monitor en el tablero empieza a sonar con poco volumen.] [se corta a una toma del lado derecho del auto. El Heavy tiene una mirada de desaprobación al ver al Scout durmiendo. Devuelve sus ojos a la carretera. El tablero vuelve a sonar y el Heavy golpea al Scout sin cambiar su mirada. El Scout despierta sorprendido.] Scout: ¡Gaa! ¡Bwaa! ¡¿Qué?! ¿Qué? Oh. [El Scout se estira, y con su mano derecha, presiona un botón en el monitor en el tablero. Es una videollamada de la Señorita Pauling.] Señorita Pauling: Scout, Es Pauling. Dime que tienes el dossier. Scout: Sí, claro. Señorita Pauling: ¿Y nadie te vio? Scout: Ehhh. [El levanta sus manos y da un gesto de desdén] Básicamente nadie. Miss Pauling: [Su expresión se oscurece] Scout, estoy aquí ahora mismo. Scout: Bueno eso es una historia graciosa... [La puerta trasera del auto se abre abruptamente y el Soldier entra a la conversación, y empuja con su mano a la cara de Scout hacia el asiento. El Scout levanta sus manos, el Heavy se asusta y pierde control momentaneamente de la van, y el Soldier toma control del monitor.] Soldier: [feliz] ¡Hola, Señorita Pauling! Nosotros matamos a todos y tomamos una maleta! [Él muestra un dossier del equipo BLU ] Señorita Pauling: No todos, Soldier. Dejaron siete testigos, chicos. [Se puede ver una mano ensangrentada en el fondo buscando ayuda. Miss Pauling se volteay le dispara con una pistola silenciada. La mano colapsa.] Señorita Pauling: Séis. [La cámara se corta a una toma trasera de la van bajando laThe camera cuts to a rear shot of the van pulling into a dirt road flanked by rocky cliffs and several Sentries and a RED-owned building in the distance. A dead BLU soldier can be seen draped on the roof of the van. As the van drives in, a wooden prop of a cactus with some desert plants pops up and a painted curtain background falls into place, disguising the entrance.] Miss Pauling: [she continues talking as the camera pans] Look, just keep the briefcase safe okay? [Side shot of the van rolling down a ramp and pulling into a garage. The rear bumper falls off.] Miss Pauling: Have a good weekend guys. [Front shot of the van pulling into the garage. A BLU Demoman's boot can be seen sticking out from underneath of the hood which has a hood ornament reading "SWORD". The Heavy looks harassed and brings the vehicle to a stop. The dead BLU soldier slides off the roof. The Heavy leaves the keys in the ignition and exits the van.] Soldier: [his hand still covering the Scout's face] Goodbye, Miss Pauling! I'm leaving the van now. (Note: captions read "Mrs. Pauling") [The Soldier disappears into the rear of the van and the door slides closed behind him. Cut shot to the Scout who looks relieved at the hand being removed from his face. He adjusts his hat and headset with both hands. He looks back at the door.] Scout: Bye bye. Okay then. [The background music stops and the van grows quiet. The Scout turns back to the monitor.] Scout: Hey, hey Miss Pauling! Before you go. Ahh- Miss Pauling: Uh huh? [She is dragging a body. He stammers and scratches his face.] Miss Pauling: [distracted] Scout? What? Say something. Scout: [regains confidence] You're probably real busy this weekend, right? Miss Pauling: [finished with dragging body, she stands up and wipes the dirt from her hands] Funny you should mention that. Um. Looks like I will be... burying bodies all weekend. [she grabs a Fire Axe and brings her face closer to the camera] So you don't go to jail. Scout: [stammering] Oh g-good. So...we're both busy. [Cut to Miss Pauling on the monitor. She looks at him quizzically in silence. He returns the glance awkwardly. Suddenly a siren can be heard in the background with guards shouting. Miss Pauling reacts and turns hurriedly from the camera.] Miss Pauling: Oh! Got to go. [She disappears off-camera. Muffled shots can be heard. The monitor buzzes off. Cut back to the Scout with a pained expression on his face. Side view of cab with the Scout leaning back resignedly.] Scout: Lot of people busy with busyness. (Note: caption reads "business") [Heavy can be seen in the background, checking the fridge's contents. The Spy walks slowly, passing front of the camera left to right, cigarette in hand.] Spy: [smugly] Asking out that dial tone again, I see. Scout: [sitting up and angrily gesturing] Go to hell, Spy. [He drops his demeanor and looks dejected. He looks down, then chuckles sadly to himself. He gets out of the van. The Heavy takes a drumstick from the fridge and tosses it over his shoulder.] [The camera pans slowly with the Scout walking left to right from the van to the table. A medium tempo jazz instrumental starts with flute, piano, and drums. He tosses the keys in the air and deftly catches them. The Soldier attempts to extricate the BLU Demoman's body from the hood of the van. The RED Demoman takes a quick spin on the Teleporter and disappears. The Heavy manages to find a Sandvich and leans contently on the fridge door and takes a bite.] Scout: [gestures to the table which holds another Teleporter, a loaf of bread, and an astray] Hey, look at all this. What have you two eggheads been workin' on? [The Medic and the Engineer are discussing something, but turn to Scout when he addresses them. The Scout tosses the keys. They both glare at him, ignoring the keys which clatter to the floor.] Scout: Nice catch. [The Engineer turns to the Medic. He turns to address the Scout while the Medic steps back.] Engineer: Yeah. Listen now... We've been running some experiments on the Teleporter. (note: the captions read "Listen. Ah..." [The Engineer gestures with his head to the Teleporter. The Soldier wanders over, interested. The Heavy remains at the fridge door, eating his Sandvich, but observing.] Engineer: Well yeah. Y'all ought to take a look at this. [The flute continues to trill in the background. The Engineer picks up his PDA and activate the Teleporter; it starts whirring into action. The Soldier stands with his arms akimbo. Suddenly, another loaf of bread appears, silently hovering. The Heavy is somewhat intrigued, but the Soldier is utterly amazed, reaching out with both hands to grab the loaf. The Scout, however, is unimpressed.] Scout: [disinterestedly while the background drum beats a steady tattoo] Wow. You can teleport bread. That is. Big news. Um. Is the Demo back with the beer yet? Cause I... [He turns back while the Medic breaks open the loaf with a sickening crunch. The interior of the loaf contains pulsating green lumps and teeth. The Engineer winces while the Scout yelps and throws his hands in the air. The background music stops] Scout: Whoa! What the hell is that?! Medic: [cheerily, gesturing slightly with a half of the throbbing loaf] Tumors! [Cut to the Heavy. He suddenly looks concerned and stops eating his Sandvich. He eyes it worriedly.] Engineer: [adjusting his helmet] Y'all know what this means right? [The Soldier suddenly grabs the Scout by the neck and slams him onto the table.] Soldier: Ahhh! We cannot teleport bread anymore! [He nearly chokes the Scout and raises a hand as if to punch his face. The Heavy still leans nonchalantly on the fridge door. The Engineer intervenes raising his hands.] Engineer: Whoa! Whoa... Not exactly, Soldier. [he places his hand on the Soldier's back and smiles] You teleport as much bread as you like. [His smiles fades and removes his helmet. Ominous sounding strings start up. The Heavy looks at his Sandvich, sniffs it, shrugs, and continues eating.] Engineer: That goes for all of ya. If there's something any of y'all wanted to do before ya...Well. Died. Now would be a...good time. [Suddenly, the Spy's voice is heard. The Engineer turns. Cut to the Spy, languidly brandishing a cigarette from its case] Spy: How long before these...tumors kill us? Medic: Vell, let's see. [he gestures, thinking out loud.] Ve all use the teleporter, let's say six times a day... [Cut to the rest of the team, Scout is still rubbing his sore neck, the Soldier stands stoically, the Heavy still leans on the fridge door, Sandvich now half-eaten, and the Engineer replaces his helmet, backwards as usual. Cut back to the Medic] Medic: Times four years. Minus...ve're not bread. Hmm. [He turns abruptly. The Spy is startled] Medic: Three days. Yes. [The strings rise to a crescendo while the camera dramatically zooms to the Medic's face. Deep chimes accent the moment] Medic: We all have three days to live. [The strings slow then stop. Cut back to the team. The Scout and Heavy look worried while the Engineer looks down at the floor. The Soldier, confused, counts off: one, two...] Demoman: Whooooooooo!! Woooooo!! [He appears in a flash from the idle Teleporter. He triumphantly celebrates his arrival with a crate of beer with limes wedged in the necks, his grenades on his vest removed to carry bottles. As his wobbles precariously on the Teleporter as it slows down, we can see that he is also festively clad in a sombrero and novelty Margarita shaped sunglasses while also carrying another beer] Demoman: Woo. [he looks around at their faces] What? [Expiration Date Title Card] [RED BASE: 70 HOURS TIL DEATH Cut to the RED BREAD building. It is now night and a lone Level 1 Sentry guards the entrance. A march-like drum beat plays] [Cut to a closeup of a poker table. A cigar smolders in the ashtray while the Spy unceremoniously drops a metal pail. It is filled with note cards. A literal bucket list.] Spy: This is a bucket. [Cut to a side shot of the mercenaries at the poker table. With the Demoman on the far right in the foreground grasping his bottle, everyone else is arranged counter-clockwise from him: Pyro, Sniper, Heavy, Scout, Soldier, and Spy on the right foreground. Everyone is wearing an odd watch with a large digital display. Half-standing, the Soldier examines the bucket.] Soldier: Dear God. Spy: There's more. Soldier: [astonished] No! Spy: [ignoring him] It contains the dying wish of every man here. [turns] Scout. You did collect everyone's dying wish? Scout: Oh, you bet! [He salutes. The Heavy slowly folds his arms. Oddly, the Pyro's grenades are positioned sideways.] Spy: Excellent. Gentlemen, synchronize your death watches. [Cut to a closeup of the watch. Red embossing tape declares it a "DEATH CLOCK". The display beeps as the various mercenaries set their watches. It reads 70:00:00. 70 hours left to live and counting. Taps-like trumpet-playing is heard.] [All the mercenaries are expressionless except for the Heavy who is on the verge of falling asleep with his arms folded. The Spy steps from the front of the table and walks from right to left, lit cigarette in his right hand and the left firmly clasped behind his back.] Spy: We have seventy hours to live. For most men, no time at all [The camera cuts to a shot of the Spy walking behind Heavy's back. A Payload Pinball machine can be seen in the background. The music swells from mournful to patriotic. He places a hand on the Heavy's shoulder, jerking him awake. The Heavy momentarily looks guilty.] Spy: We are not most men. [The Spy now walks behind the table. The camera pans to a shot showing all the mercenaries gathered around the table intently focusing on his words..] Spy: We have the resources. The will. To make these hours count! [he gestures emphatically with his lit cigarette while the trumpets and drum beats swell] Spy: [sudden close-up while the background music cuts off] The clock is ticking, gentlemen. Let's begin. [Reverse shot with the bucket in the foreground. The mercenaries' expressions show varying degrees of interest. The Spy draws a note card from the bucket.] Spy: Our first dying wish is Scout's. [he gestures] He's... [The Spy examines the card. His brow wrinkles] Spy: ...drawn a picture of me getting hit by a car. [The drawing is somewhat crude. The muscle car is drawn in much greater detail than the Spy who is thrown up into the air, becoming disemboweled with blood spurting everywhere.] Spy: [he peers closer] I have something radiating off of me. Scout: Yeah, those are stink lines. [He turns to the rest of the mercenaries in a mock whisper. The Heavy is mildly amused.] Scout: That's why the car hit him. Cause he smells. Spy: [rolling his eyes as he draws another card] Yes I see. Here you've drawn me having... [The camera tastefully remains on his face.] Spy: [somewhat bemused] ...sexual congress with the Eiffel Tower. [he tosses it and draws another while the Scout giggles] The Eiffel Tower having sexual congress with me. [toss and giggle] Both of us relaxing post-coitus. [The Demoman confusingly mouths "post-coitus" and the Scout is nearly in tears with laughter.] Spy: [growing more irritated] I'm crying and the Eiffel Tower has stink lines coming off of it. [he angrily throws the card down] Did anyone besides Scout put a card into the bucket?! [The Heavy and Sniper are slightly amused. The Scout is near breathless with laughter. Oddly, the Pyro's grenades are sideways and the Sniper's watch is floating near his vest.] Scout: [giggling] Classic Scout. Spy: [sighing] Fantastic. This was a huge waste of my time. Soldier: [pulling out a card] You did not read mine! Spy: [another sigh] Does it say you want the bucket? Soldier: [interjecting] Yes! [Disgusted, the Spy slides the bucket over as the rest of the mercenaries get up to leave. The Soldier greedily grabs the pail with both hands. The camera moves to an overhead shot of the now-empty table as the Spy pulls his Cigarette Case from his jacket and draws a cigarette.] Spy: Los veo a todos en el infierno. [cierra el dossier fuertemente] La cámara cambia a los mercenarios caminando por un corredor. El Soldier para y examina su nuevo balde mientras el Engineer y el Medic caminan empujando un teleportador y pilas de pan en dos carritos. Una rebanada de pan cae de la pila y el Soldier hace un grito ahogado y aguanta firmemente su balde, y una sonrisa aparece en su cara al ver el pan caído. La pantalla se corta a negro.] [HABITACIÓN DE FUMAR DEL SPY: 58 HORAS ANTES DE MORIR Se corta a una toma de la habitación del Spy. Está sentado en una silla, leyendo, y bebiendo. Alguien golpea su puerta.] Spy: Aléjate. [El Scout abre la puerta y se asoma.] Scout: Oye, ah, me das un segundo? Spy: Oh, Scout. Por faovr. vete a la [bleep]. Scout: Sí. Oye eso, eso es gracioso. Um. De todos modos yo- [El Spy parece haber salido de su silla y se movió hacia la puerta, cerrándola fuertemente en el cuerpo del Scout. Se apoya en la puerta para tratar de forzar al Scout a salirse.] Scout: ¡Espera! ¡Espera! ¡Espera. Ow. Vamos, Spy. [El Spy levanta su cuchillo, listo para atacar] Scout: Estoy pasando mi cabeza a través de una puerta para decirte que lo siento. Spy: [se aleja de la puerta] Házlo rápido. Scout Así que sí escribí un último deseo real. Yo... Yo quisiera ir en una cita con la Señorita Pauling. Spy: ¿Tú? Tú eres terrible con las chicas. Scout: ¿Qué? No. No. No. Spy, mira esto. Y esto. Y esto aquí. Spy, mira todo esto. [El hace señar a diferentes partes de su cuerpo y da vueltas por ahí.] Je. No. Soy bueno con las chicas. [La escena cambia a lo que parece ser un restaurante barato de pollo frito. El Scout y una mujer rubia están parados en el contador con baldes de pollo.] Scout: Tenemos baldes de pollo. ¿Quieres hacerlo? Mujer Rubia: Eh, está bien. [La escena cambia de vuelta al Spy y el Scout.] Scout: Pero tú, Spy. Tu eres increíble con las damas. Tu sabes, las que tienen clase. De las que huelen bien, y pueden leer. Y siempre tienen sus lentes sólo un poco desviados. ¿Sabes? Aquellas que no van en búsqueda de un tipo como yo. [El Spy mira al Scout con una sonrisa engreída.] Spy: Hmm, y por qué es eso, ¿qué crées? Scout: Vamos, Spy. No sé. Spy: Bueno, un misterio que llevaremos hacia nuestras tumbas entonces. Adiós. [El Spy se aleja para servirse un trago.] Scout: Espera. Espera. Ah [suspiro] Está bien. Mira. Bien. Spy. Esto nunca saldrá de esta habitación [suspiro]. Eres mejor que yo. ¿Okay? Necesito tu ayuda. [El Spy deja de servir su bebida y mira al Scout.] Spy: Lo haré. Con una condición. [El Spy pulsa un botón en un panel y sale un micrófono. El sopla hacia él, y esto hace un sonido muy estruendoso a través de toda la construcción. La cámara va desde la mesa de póker, hacia el Medic y el Engineer en un Laboratorio, hasta el Soldier cargando una pila gigante de rebanadas de pan. Spy: Dí eso [El Spy presiona el micrófono hacia el Scout] otra vez. [El Scout mira al Spy con una mirada desconfiada] |
Mientras los mercenarios vuelven de una misión de capturar un Dossier, la Señorita Pauling los llama para preguntar cómo fue la misión. Está un poco irritada de que dejaran testigos de los cuales ella tendría que hacerse cargo. El Scout intenta hablarle, pero no es capaz de pensar en algo que decirle.
Cuando vuelven a la base, oyen malas noticias del Engineer y el Medic: el pan en el que habían experimentado ha desarrollado tumores grandes y verdes, dejándolos en la conclusión de que morirían. El Medic estima que cada miembro del equipo tiene aproximadamente tres días más de vida. El Engineer le otorga a cada miembro del equipo un reloj de muñeca que contará el tiempo que les queda a cada mercenario.
Al enterarse de las noticias, el Spy decide recolectar una bucket list (Inglés) (Lista de Balde, o lista de cosas que hacer antes de morir) en un balde. El Spy le delegó el deber de coleccionar deseos al Scout, quien lo llenó con dibujos del Spy siendo arrollado por un auto y el Spy teniendo una relación romántica con la Torre Eiffel. El Spy remarca que su tiempo ha sido gastado, y molesto, se va del equipo.
Luego, el Scout va a la habitación para fumar del Spy para perdonarse y buscar su ayuda. Le confiesa que sí tenía un deseo real para la lista de cosas que hacer antes de morir: una cita con la Señorita Pauling. El Scout le admite al Spy de que aunque sea bueno con las chicas, es completamente superado por el Spy al tratar con damas.
El Spy accede a entrenar al Scout sobre como actuar con una mujer. Mientras el Scout le muestra un poco de progreso, el Spy últimamente declara al Scout un fracaso.
Con dos horas restantes en sus relojes de muerte, el Scout decido llevar las cosas a sus propias manos. Llama a la Señorita Pauling a la base presionando el botón de alarma del dossier siendo robado. Ella fue rápidamente a la escena, pero está furiosa al notar que el dossier está seguro.
Mientras tanto, el Medic y el Engineer han llegado a la conclusión de que las anomalías en el pan no eran tumores, si no un organismo vivo que sólo puede propagarse en trigo puro. Informan al equipo que están bien con tal de que no se haya teleportado más pan; el Soldier luego anuncia de que no ha hecho más que eso por los pasados tres días.
Molesta con el Scout por gastar “un día de su año”, la Señorita Pauling comienza a irse. Mientras el Scout intenta hacer que se quedara, son confrontados por un monstruo gigante de pan. Una batalla comienza, con los mercenarios corriendo a ayudarlos. Una de las mascotas paloma del Medic termina siendo comida por el monstruo, seguida por el Soldier.
Durante la pelea, la Señorita Pauling intenta explotar el monstruo usando un carrito de carga explosiva, uniendo el reloj de muerte del Scout a él para servir de temporizador. Cuando el Scout intenta ayudarla, ella y el Scout terminan atrapados en el lado equivocado de la explosión al estar la bomba a punto de explotar. Ambos se dan cuenta de que la paloma comida por el monstruo está volando sin daño alguno fuera de la boca del Monstruo. Sin decir una palabra ambos acceden a saltar dentro de la boca del monstruo.
Afectado por la explosión, la Señorita Pauling y el Scout aunque están bajo mucho dolor, rápidamente recobran fuerzas dentro del monstruo de pan. Al recobradas sus fuerzas, la Señorita Pauling admite que la experiencia fue divertida. Scout le dice acerca del pronóstico de muerte justo cuando los dos son ayudados fuera de los restos del monstruo de pan. El Medic les informa el hecho de que sólo el pan muta y de que estarán bien (Luego de que el Soldier dice que vivirán para siempre).
La historia termina con el Scout intentando obtener otra cita, pero la Señorita Pauling se niega debido a que ya había gastado su único día de vacaciones de ese año. Sin embargo, le ofrece al Scout acompañarla al trabajo, aunque se niega a hacer cualquier orden que le da la Señorita Pauling hasta que llega al que hacer de asesinar al que haya activado la alarma de Dossier, a lo que el Scout se alista.
- El crédito en el título muestra "COPYRIGHT LOLOLOL" en la esquina inferior derecha, un chiste recurrente en los vídeos de "Conoce al Equipo".
- Ashly Burch, la voz de la Señorita Pauling, también ayudó a escribir algunos de los cortos.[1]
- Este el primer corto de TF2 hecho por Valve en mostrar a la Señorita Pauling, y el segundo en mostrar personajes aparte de los equipos BLU y RED (el primero siendo el Trailer de los Segundos Premios Anuales Saxxy.)
- Nolan North da voz a las nuevas voces del Engineer, ya que el actor de voz original,Grant Goodeve, no estaba disponible.[2]
- El Soldier BLU no está presente en el techo de la van durante la escena de apertura, y sólo aparece una vez que ésta llega a la base.
- El equipo responsable del corto del Premio a la Mejor Película 2013, Lil' Guardian Pyro, ayudó a animar una pequeña sección del corto. [3] [4]
- La línea del Scout, "Clásico del Scout", fue improvisado por el actor de voz Nathan Vetterlein como fue detallado en su Transmisión de Twitch.[cita requerida]
- Nathan Vetterlein dijo que trabajó muy cerca de Ashly Burch durante la creación del corto.[cita requerida]
- La localización de la Base RED es una versión editada del mapa Hydro.
- Las ornamentas del techo de la van de Pan de RED dice 'Sword' (Espada). Esto es una referencia al cómic "Sword Van" de los "Custom Comix" de KC Green.[5]
- En 0:52, el "1" en el número de la van está visiblemente desvanecido. Esto es una referencia a "Meet the Spy".
- La animación de cuando el Scout sonríe y mira al Soldier en 3:02 es reciclada segundos después en 3:05.
- En 4:16, el reloj del Sniper flota en frente de su muñeca en vez de estar unido a su muñeca izquierda. Esto probablemente se deba a un error en la posición de los modelos.
- En 6:04, se puede ver una pintura detrás del Spy de él mismo cabalgando en un unicornio. Esta es una parodia a la pintura Napoleón cruzando los Alpes, una pintura de Jacques-Louis David originalmente mostrando a Napoleon Bonaparte.
- Cuando está aprendiendo a bailar, el Scout primero hace el paso de la canción de Tom Jones, "It's Not Unusual".
- En 11:59 el Rifle de Francotirador usa el mismo sonido de disparo que el AWPa Cabezas en vez de su sonido de disparo por defecto.
- Desde 12:03 a 12:37, la carga de sonido de la Ametralladora cambia al sonido de la Tomislav y luego cambia de nuevo a su sonido habitual en 12:38.
- El Engineer es visto desde 1:36 a 2:51 usando "Tools of the Trade", un objeto en steam workshop hecho por el jugador BANG!. Este objeto ha sido aceptado para el uso en el juego.
- ↑ Anthony Burch, «Ash helped write the latest TF2 short and she voices Miss Pauling.». Publicado el 17 de junio de 2014. Obtenido el 17 de junio de 2014.
- ↑ Nolan North, «all of 'em». Publicado el 17 de junio de 2014. Obtenido el 17 de junio de 2014.
- ↑ Trabajando en una Parte de un Corto
- ↑ sesión LGP Mocap en Valve
- ↑ KC Green's Custom Comix