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==Aktualnie wyświetlane ciekawostki==
<includeonly><span style="float:right;"><small>''[[Template:Did you know/pl|Dodaj ciekawostkę]]''</small></span>
*...bitwy na mapie [[Goldrush]] rozgrywają się o 9:07?
*...gdy przeładowujesz [[shotgun|strzelbę]] po jednym strzale, przeładowywane są dwa naboje zamiast jednego?
*...pierwszy aluminiowy [[bat|kij baseballowy]] został wyprodukowany w latach 1970-tych, czyli około dwa lata po osadzeniu gry?
*...[[Demoman/pl|Demoman]] jest jedyną postacią której emblemat różni się od tego umieszczonego na jego ramieniu?
*...[[Sentry Gun|Działko Strażnicze]], które [[Soldier/pl|Żołnierz]] omija za pomocą [[rocket jump|skoku na rakiecie]] w [[Meet the Soldier|''"Poznajcie Żołnierza"'']] jest na poziomie drugim, podczas gdy na poprzedniej scenie było na poziomie trzecim?
*...raz udało się zatrzymać pociąg na mapie [[Well]]?[http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=DDQrAMu-UUI]
*...narzędzie [[Spy/pl|Szpiega]] służące do [[disguise|kamuflażu]] ma nazwę [[Spytron 3000]]?
*...[[BLU|Niebieski]] [[Spy/pl|Szpieg]] ma białe papierosy w swoim [[disguise kit|narzędziu do kamuflażu]], pomimo, że są one brązowe przy modelu gracza?
*...tylko siedem z dziewięciu [[classes|klas]] ma przedstawione swoje zajęcie i własne motto w [[Trailer 2|Zwiastunie 2]], z wyjątkiem [[Pyro/pl|Pyro]] i [[Medic/pl|Medyka]]?
*...[[Medic/pl|Medyk]] z naładowanym [[ÜberCharge]] może go użyć, nawet gdy nie leczy on żadnej postaci?
{{Did you know main/pl}}
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{{Ambox|type=notice|image=ImportantSign.png|contents='''Notice- Before you make an addition, check out the [[Help:Did you know|rules for adding new facts]].<br/><br/>REMEMBER: NEW FACTS GO AT THE END OF THIS SECTION, NOT IN THE CURRENTLY USED FACTS.'''}}
*...that when you reload the [[Pistol]] as a [[Scout]] the animation in the first person view differs from the one in third person?
*...that the first spoken reference to an opposing [[team]] was made by the [[BLU]] [[Soldier]] in [[Meet the Sandvich]]?
*...that in [[Meet the Scout]], the Scout reloads his [[Scattergun]] once, but the shotgun shell appears from thin air?
*...that in [[Meet the Sniper]], when the [[Demoman]]'s bottle is embedded in his skull, his eye actually appears to be (mostly) undamaged?
*...that both [[team]]s appear to be run by a mysterious woman known only as the [[Administrator]]?
*...that competitive players of the [[Heavy]] sometimes use a trackball instead of a mouse to turn around quickly?
*...that, in [[Meet the Sniper]], the bobble-head [[civilian]] is standing on the [[Team Fortress Classic]] logo?
*...that although the [[Pyro]] is right handed, he holds the [[Fire axe]] left-handed?
*...that the Demoman will still drink from his [[Bottle]] and belch when it is smashed?
*...that despite the Heavy's constant belittlement regarding the size of his opponents and teammates alike, the [[Sniper]] is in fact slightly taller?
==Sugerowane ciekawostki==
*...that there are 4 official art styles in Team Fortress 2, [[Well|industrial]], [[Dustbowl|prairie]], [[Lumberyard|alpine]] and [[Egypt|desert]]?
*...drwina [[Heavy/pl|Grubego]] [[Showdown|Ostateczny strzał]] zabija dużym, choć niewidzialnym pociskiem?
*...that the [[Force-A-Nature]] is manufactured in [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portugal Portugal]?
*...jeśli strzelisz wrogowi w głowę z [[Sniper rifle|Karabinu snajperskiego]] bez powiększenia optycznego, nie będzie to zaliczone jako [[headshot]], nawet jeśli przeciwnik zginie?
*...that the excited [[Scout]] in the [[Force-A-Nature]] ad also appears in slighty altered form as the icon for the 'You'll Feel a Little Prick' [[Medic achievements|Medic Achievement]]?
*...rodzice [[Sniper/pl|Snajpera]] żyją w Adelaide Street w Australii (Prawy Dom po lewej)?
*...that a common complaint with most [[shotgun]]s is that they reload '''too fast''' and hold '''too many''' shells?
*...pomimo przerwania ciosu w plecy promocyjny obraz [[Razorback]]a pokazuje go z wbitym w niego [[knife|nożem]], który wygląda na nienaruszony?
*...that the balls the [[Sandman]] hits are 'All Ballers League' brand balls?
*...[[Pipeline]] była pierwsza oficjalną mapą, której akcja dzieje się w nocy?
*...that [[Bonk! Atomic Punch]] comes in two flavors, Cherry Fission and [[BLU]]tonium Berry?
*...[[Sawmill]] była pierwszą oficjalną mapą, która zawiera efekty pogodowe?
*...that the [[Scout]]'s baseball can be reflected by a [[Pyro]]s compression blast?
*...ojciec [[Sniper/pl|Snajpera]] jest więcej niż rozczarowany, że nie został on lekarzem?
*...that a [[Scout]] can assist in his own death if he is hit by his reflected baseball then killed by an opponent?
*...Abraham Lincoln ''kocha'' tryb [[Arena]]?
*...that Natascha's model in the game files is '[[Ludmila]]'?
*...*Szpieg z [[BLU]] okresowo pojawiał się za [[Sniper/pl|Snajperem]] z [[RED]] w trzecim dniu Sniper Update, zanim dodatkowy Spy Update został ostatecznie odkryty?
*...that a [[Pyro]] can perform a [[rocket jump]] by air-blasting a rocket at his feet?
*...w aktualizacji z [[Razorback]]iem [[Dead Ringer]] jest widziany w dłoni "martwego" [[Spy/pl|Szpiega]], zanim został on oficjalnie ogłoszony? [http://www.teamfortress.com/spyupdate/day03_english.htm]
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*...that the [[Sniper]] lives in his camper van?
*...Szpieg zamówił zegarki [[Cloak and Dagger]] i [[Dead Ringer]] z "Katalogu dla szykownych oszustów i dżentelmeńskich łotrów"? [http://www.teamfortress.com/spyupdate/english.htm]
*...that the [[Heavy]]'s hands are so large, he grips the pump of his [[shotgun]] with only his thumb and index finger?
*...[[Sawmill]] jest zbudowana na szczycie zapomnianej bazy [[Spytech]]?
*...that the readying animation for [[Bonk! Atomic Punch]] is the same as the [[Bat]] and the ball-less [[Sandman]]?
*...Szpieg może zmienić swój szkielet w bolesny, lecz modny sposób za pomocą swojego Zestawu do krabiego chodzenia?
*...that if killed as an [[Engineer]] by your own [[Sentry]], the [[Deathcam]] shot shows your name with the enemy team's colors?
*...tło na stronie związanej z napojem [[Bonk! Atomic Punch|Bonk! Atomowy Kop]] ze Scout Update odkryło tryb [[Payload Race]], zanim został on ogłoszony w drugim dniu Sniper/Spy Update?
*...that the steering wheel is on the left-hand side in the [[Sniper]]s camper van (as opposed to Australian cars which are right-sided)?
*...17 maja 2009, trailer [[Meet the Spy|Poznajcie Szpiega]] wyciekł do Youtube? [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAMZOkTzvaw&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Ftf2wiki.net%2Fwiki%2FMeet_the_Spy&feature=player_embedded]
*...that 4 [[class]]es are known smokers: the [[Demoman]], the [[Sniper]], the [[Soldier]] and the [[Spy]]?
*...na końcu [[Meet the Spy|Poznajcie Szpiega]] pcha on nożem [[Heavy/pl|Grubego]] i [[Soldier/pl|Żołnierza]] do rytmu końcowych fanfar?
*...that the [[Sniper]] isn’t wearing his glove when he brushes his teeth in [[Meet the Sniper]]?
*...w [[Meet the Spy|Poznajcie Szpiega]] pierwsze [[Hats/pl|czapki]] dla Grubego i Snajpera były widziane jeszcze przed ich ogłoszeniem?
*...that the plural of "Dummkopf" is "Dummköpfe" and not "Dummkopfs"?
*...[[Spy/pl|Szpieg]] z [[RED]] jest kochankiem [[Scout's mother|Matki Skauta]] z [[BLU]]?
*...that the [[Medic]] and [[Heavy]] speak several phrases in German and Russian respectively?
*...[[Meet the Spy|Poznajcie Szpiega]] jest pierwszym filmem z cyklu [[Meet the Team|Poznajcie Drużynę]], w którym ktoś został zabity przez towarzysza z drużyny?
*...that the [[Spy]] speaks phrases in Italian, French and Spanish?
*...kaliber [[Ambassador|Ambasadora]] został ustalony na około [http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v401/aboojumsnark/ambassadorcaliber.jpg 22,4 mm?]
*...that the [[Demoman]], [[Sniper]] and the [[Scout]] are the only [[class]]es to have known family members?
*...that the liquid splash when equipping [[Bonk!]] uses the same effect as the acid splatters emitted by the antlion workers in Half Life 2: Episode Two?
*...that the [[Sniper]] became a master of [[Jarate]] after being insulted by the enemy [[Spy]]?
*...that the map of Australia in the bottom right corner of the [[Jarate]] [http://www.teamfortress.com/images/posts/peejar.jpg advertisement] is missing Tasmania?
*...that there is a neutral black suitcase in the game files, suggesting some form of one-flag CTF may have been scrapped before release?
*...that shooting an enemy at '''exactly''' the same time as your Sentry gun (and killing them) will result in you assisting yourself?
*...that [[Pyro]]s are not always guaranteed to get assists on people they set on fire, even if the enemy is still on fire when he is killed?
*...that Team Fortress 2 has a popular fan-made podcast, called the [[Control Point podcast]]?
*...that the [[Heavy]] cannot be stunned while eating his [[Sandvich]]?
*...that although, in [[Meet the Soldier]], the rockets fired at the beginning make the [[crit]] sound, none actually have the crit particle effect surrounding them?
*...that a [[Heavy]]'s [[Showdown]] taunt (code-wise) kills with a wide yet invisible bullet?
*...that if you shoot an enemy in the head with the [[sniper rifle]] while you are not scoped, it will not count as a [[headshot]] even if the enemy dies?
*...that the [[Sniper]]s parents live on Adelaide Street, Australia (Red House on the left)?
*...that despite breaking upon a backstab, the promotional image of the [[Razorback]] shows it with a [[knife]] embedded in it, and very much intact?
*...that [[Pipeline]] was the first official map to take place at night?
*...that [[Sawmill]] was the first official map to feature weather effects?
*...that the [[Sniper]]'s father is more than slightly disappointed he did not become a doctor?
*...that Abraham Lincoln ''loves'' [[Arena]] Mode?
*...that a [[BLU]] [[Spy]] periodically appeared behind the [[RED]] [[Sniper]] in the Day 3 post of the Sniper Update before the Spy Update was ultimately revealed?
*...that in the [[Razorback]] update, the [[Dead Ringer]] can be seen in the 'dead' Spy's hand before it was officially announced?[http://www.teamfortress.com/spyupdate/day03_english.htm]
*...that the Spy ordered the [[Cloak and Dagger]] and [[Dead Ringer]] Spy Watches from the 'Dapper Rogue Catalogue for the Gentleman Scoundrel'?[http://www.teamfortress.com/spyupdate/english.htm]
*...that [[Sawmill]] is built on top of an abandoned [[Spytech]] base?
*...that the [[Spy]] can change his skeleton in an excruciatingly painful but worthwhile fashion using his Crab-Walking Kit?
*...that the background in the [[Bonk! Atomic Punch]] page for the Scout Update revealed the [[Payload Race]] match mode before it was announced on Day 2 of the Sniper/Spy Update?
*...that on 17th May 2009, [[Meet the Spy]] was leaked onto Youtube?[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAMZOkTzvaw&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Ftf2wiki.net%2Fwiki%2FMeet_the_Spy&feature=player_embedded]
*...that at the end of [[Meet the Spy]] he stabs the [[Heavy]] and [[Soldier]] to the tune of the ending flourish?
*...that in [[Meet the Spy]], the first [[hats]] for the Heavy and Sniper could be seen before they were officially revealed?
*...that the [[RED]] [[Spy]] is in a relationship with the [[BLU]] [[Scout's mother]]?
*...that [[Meet the Spy]] is the first [[Meet the Team]] video to have someone killed by their own teammate?
*...that the bore of the [[Ambassador]] has been estimated to be around [http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v401/aboojumsnark/ambassadorcaliber.jpg .88 cal?]
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*...that Valve has adopted a policy against using external programs to idle (with those who didn't before the 2nd September receiving the [[Cheater's lament]])?
*...that Valve has adopted a policy against using external programs to idle (with those who didn't before the 2nd September receiving the [[Cheater's lament]])?
*...that the [[Sniper]]'s voice actor, [[John Patrick Lowrie]], is married to [[Ellen McLain]], voice actress for the [[Announcer]]?
*...that the [[Sniper]]'s voice actor, [[John Patrick Lowrie]], is married to [[Ellen McLain]], voice actress for the the [[Administrator]]?
*...the [[Scout]], the [[Sniper]] and the [[Spy]] are the only 3 classes that do not wear boots?
*...the [[Scout]], the [[Sniper]] and the [[Spy]] are the only 3 classes that do not wear boots?
Line 338: Line 214:
*...that in "Meet the Demoman" the RED team comes out of the Attacking spawn, and BLU comes out of the Defending spawn?
*...that in "Meet the Demoman" the RED team comes out of the Attacking spawn, and BLU comes out of the Defending spawn?
*...that [[Pipeline]] matches take place at 3:07 AM, the same time as [[2fort]] (3:07 PM), but with a 12 hour difference?
*...that [[Pipeline]] matches take place at 3:07 AM, a 12 hour difference to [[2fort]]'s match time (3:07 PM)?
*...that in [[Meet the Engineer]] the 'campfire' near the truck is actually a burning BLU [[Sniper]]'s corpse?
*...that in [[Meet the Engineer]] the 'campfire' near the truck is actually a burning BLU [[Sniper]]'s corpse?
Line 346: Line 222:
*...that the Dead Ringer does not have an in-game world model?
*...that the Dead Ringer does not have an in-game world model?
*...that Saxton Hale single-handedly wiped out the deadly Indonesian Berzerker Shark?
*...that [[Saxton Hale]] single-handedly wiped out the deadly Indonesian Berzerker Shark?
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*...that the model for the [[Engineer]] has no eyeballs, as his goggles are actually part of his face (unlike the [[Demoman]]'s eyepatch)?
*...that the model for the [[Engineer]] has no eyeballs, as his goggles are actually part of his face (unlike the [[Demoman]]'s eyepatch)?
*...that the [[Demoman]] is only class with visible eyes that aren't blue?
*...that the [[Demoman]] is the only class with visible eyes that aren't blue?
*...that the [[Spy]] fights with his [[knife]] in his right hand, but fences with his left?
*...that the [[Spy]] fights with his [[knife]] in his right hand, but fences with his left?
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*...that reloading the [[Force-A-Nature]] after firing one shot will throw away the second round, effectively wasting it?
*...that reloading the [[Force-A-Nature]] after firing one shot will throw away the second round, effectively wasting it?
*...that the Dead Ringer image in the Gentleman Scoundrel Magazine had a button on the right side, while in-game the Dead Ringer has the button on the left side?
*...that the Demoman's mother, Mrs. DeGroot, was the first of the classes' parents to be seen talking during her appearance?
*...that in the world-view, the [[Sandman]]'s ball is invisible when idle?
*...that so far, the Scout Update and the WAR! Update are the only two Class Updates released without a Meet the Team video?
*...the [[Direct hit]] is the only weapon to have a brand name imprinted on it (the words MANN CO. appear on the scope)?
*...that [[Saxton Hale]]'s chest and scalp hair disappear when he barrel rolls into his office in his comic?[http://www.teamfortress.com/war/saxtonhale/03.htm]
*...the [[Eyelander]] was first shown in the comic to have a gold hilt but this has not been seen in subsequent showings?[http://www.teamfortress.com/war/demo/04.htm]
*...the title outside the [[Soldier]]'s residence states 'Mr. Jane Doe'. 'Jane Doe', however, is a term given to a female whose name is not known, generally in the military and during [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autopsy post-mortems]?
*...the strangling holes in the [[Soldier]]s door disappeared when he asked who was at the door in his comic? [http://www.teamfortress.com/war/soldier/02.htm]
*...the [[Administrator]]'s chair changes shape between the last two pages of the [[Soldier]] comic?[http://www.teamfortress.com/war/soldier/05.htm][http://www.teamfortress.com/war/soldier/06.htm]
*...the [[Soldier]] was the first class to have 4 possible unlockable items: the [[Direct hit]], the [[Buff Banner]], the [[Equalizer]] and the [[Gunboats]]?
*...the [[Pyro]] is the only class that is able to taunt kill with 2 different weapons: the [[Shotgun]] and the [[Flaregun]]?
*...it is possible to critical-hit a [[Pyro]] with the [[Axtinguisher]]? (It requires another [[Pyro]] to constantly hit the enemy [[Pyro]] with his/her [[Flamethrower]])
*...the [[Direct hit]] has a scope, but you cannot use it?
*...that the [[Pyro]] was the first class to appear wielding an unlockable weapon in a '[[Meet the Team]]' video?
*...that the [[Engineer]] is the only class that can't [[Taunt]] kill?
*...that the [[Pyro]] was the first class able to do a [[Taunt]] kill?
*...that on the [[Soldier]]'s Buff Banner backpack there is a text over the eagle saying "Screaming Eagles" like the Screaming Eagles achivement?
*...that the [[Demoman]] is the only class who never speaks his native language of Highland Gaelic?
*...that the [[Soldier]]'s Grenade taunt kill can be survived if you have the [[Gunboats]] equipped?
*...that the [[Heavy]] holds his [[Minigun]] much higher in first-person, than in third-person?
*...that if you kill a Soldier while he is performing the [[Grenade (Taunt)|Grenade]] taunt, you will be credited with the kill with the grenade icon?
*...that a [[Sentry gun]]'s rockets can damage and even kill teammates if the Sentry was destroyed after firing them?
*...that the [[Soldier]]'s [[Grenade (Taunt)|Grenade]] is the only taunt kill capable of killing the user?
*...that [[Saxton Hale]]'s chest hair is in the shape of Australia?[http://www.teamfortress.com/war/saxtonhale/02.htm]
*...that in the early stages of the TF2 Beta, the [[Sniper]] taunts used [[Medic]] dialogue?
*...despite constant reference to her title[http://teamfortress.com/post.php?id=3219][http://www.teamfortress.com/war/administrator/03.htm], the Administrator is still known as and called the [[Announcer]] by the Team Fortress community?
*...the chair the Administrator sits on in page 5 of the [[Soldier]] comic has the same design as the chair that sits behind the desk of 2Fort intel rooms?[http://www.teamfortress.com/war/soldier/05.htm][http://tf2wiki.net/w/images/6/6b/TF2_2fort_intel.jpg]
*...a [[Sentry]] beeps once, twice or thrice according to its level whenever it switches direction in its "idle" state?
*... that a Demoman carrying an [[Eyelander]] will swing horizontally for non-critical hits and vertically downwards for critical hits in first person view, but will always swing vertically downwards in third person view?
*... that a [[Spy]] can remove his own [[Sapper]] using the console command "destroy 4"?
*...that in the Steam store, the TF2 banner pictures a RED [[Heavy]] wearing bullets on his left shoulder, yet he normally wears them on his right?
*...that the [[Engineer]]'s [[Pistol]], with 212 total ammo, has the most ammo out of any of the weapons, beating both the flamethrower and the minigun by 12?
*...that in some cases it is easier for a [[Pyro]] to kill a level 3 [[Sentry]] than a level 2, by hopping in and out of it's range and airblasting the rockets?
*...that to date, the [[Soldier]] has the most taunts in the game, having a unique taunt for the [[Equalizer]], the [[Direct hit]], the [[Rocket Launcher]], the [[Shovel]], the [[Shotgun]] and the [[Buff Banner]], making six taunts in total?
*...that the [[Razorback]] and the [[Buff Banner]] are the only weapons that are visible at all times when equipped?
*...that to date, the [[Soldier]] has the most weapons in game? having 2 primary weapons, 3 secondary weapons and 3 melee weapons, making 8 weapons in total?
*...that the [[Pyro]], [[Heavy]], and [[Spy]] are the only classes to have taunt kills using one of their original taunts?
*...the [[Scout]] achievement 'Foul Territory' and the Demoman achievement 'He Who Celt It' have the same image?
*...that The [[Hound Dog]] is the first hat to have the prefix "The" before it's name?
*...that The [[Hound Dog]] is the first official hat to add eyewear to a class, in this case sunglasses to the [[Heavy]]?
*...that [[Hotrod]] flips down over the [[Engineer]]'s face when he is holding a building's blueprints?
*...that [[Hotrod]] is the only hat to have movement that isn't 'jigglebone' related?
*...that in the [[Meet the Team]] videos, where it says 'Meet the Spy' for example, near the bottom right, it says 'Copyright lololol'?
*...that to date the Spy and the Soldier are the only ones who were presented as BLU in their own updates?
*...that, when not in use, the [[Engineer]] taps the pump of his [[shotgun]]?
*...that the Demoman's [[Grenade Launcher]] is based off the real life [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M79_grenade_launcher M79 Grenade Launcher]?
*...that if a Huntsman arrow collides with another arrow, they will both break in mid-air?
*...that compression blasted projectiles, when hitting a opponent, will result in a [[Mini-crit]]?
*...that the [[Mercenary]] was originally called the Weekend Warrior?
*...that after throwing [[Jarate]] upwards, it will eventually explode - even without hitting anything?
*...the [[Killer's Kabuto ]] is the only class hat to have its class wearers logo embroided on it?
*...the [[Pain Train]] is the first unlockable weapon usable by 2 classes?
*...the [[Pain Train]] is the first weapon to have 2 different taunts animations that are different depending on which class is using it?
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=See also=  
*...that stunning the [[Soldier]] with the [[Sandman]] while he is taunting with the [[Equalizer]] will stop him from exploding?
[[Previously featured facts]]
*...that the [[Demoman]] was the first class to have four [[melee]] [[weapons]]?
*...that [[Sniper]], [[Demoman]], and [[Scout]] are the only classes that have food in their domination lines?
*...that the [[Tribalman's shiv]] was the first [[melee]] unlockable for [[Sniper]]?
*...that [[Scotsman's skullcutter]] and [[Eyelander]] are the only weapons that can decapitate?
*...that the [[Sandman]] originally disabled double-jumps?
*...that the [[Sandman]] also had a health penalty when equipped?
*...that using the left-handed viewmodels are just complete reversals of the regular viewmodels?(Ex. Demoman's bottle is dated to year 8081, etc.)
*...that the [[Control Point podcast]] ended after 100 episodes?
*...that the [[Sandvich]] was the first item to have its own [[Meet the Team]] video?
=== Dodaj nowe ciekawostki poniżej ===
*...that when the [[Engineer]] reloads his [[pistol]], he puts the clip in in reverse?
*...that the Team Fortress logo is rotated at a 7° tilt?
*...that the [[Scotsman's skullcutter]] originally had the [[bottle]] sound?
*...that if you hold reload while firing the [[Scout]]'s or [[Engineer]]'s [[pistol]], the animation will reload half way, fire, then do the same thing again?
*...that outside of second spawn room in [[Granary]], a [[Pyro]] can [[airblast]] an enemy above the spawn room, giving them an overlook inside of it?
*...that if you hang out of the battlement window on either team in [[Double Cross]], you can shoot clear into the opposing team's courtyard?
*...that when you equip [[Crit-a-Cola]] in the weapons [[loadout]] menu, it shows the [[Scout]] holding a [[RED]] [[Bonk! Atomic Punch]]?
*...that [[December 11, 2008 Patch]] have a wrong date on [[119th Update]] updates list and says January 7, 2009.
=Zobacz też=  
[[Previously featured facts|Poprzednie ciekawostki]]

Revision as of 09:41, 1 July 2010

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  • ...rodzice Snajpera żyją w Adelaide Street w Australii (Prawy Dom po lewej)?
  • ...pomimo przerwania ciosu w plecy promocyjny obraz Razorbacka pokazuje go z wbitym w niego nożem, który wygląda na nienaruszony?
  • ...Pipeline była pierwsza oficjalną mapą, której akcja dzieje się w nocy?
  • ...Sawmill była pierwszą oficjalną mapą, która zawiera efekty pogodowe?
  • ...ojciec Snajpera jest więcej niż rozczarowany, że nie został on lekarzem?
  • ...Abraham Lincoln kocha tryb Arena?
  • ...*Szpieg z BLU okresowo pojawiał się za Snajperem z RED w trzecim dniu Sniper Update, zanim dodatkowy Spy Update został ostatecznie odkryty?

  • ...Szpieg może zmienić swój szkielet w bolesny, lecz modny sposób za pomocą swojego Zestawu do krabiego chodzenia?
  • ...tło na stronie związanej z napojem Bonk! Atomowy Kop ze Scout Update odkryło tryb Payload Race, zanim został on ogłoszony w drugim dniu Sniper/Spy Update?

  • ...that despite having eight children, the Scout's mom somehow managed to keep her figure?
  • ...that by crouch jumping with the Scout you can jump on the torches in Egypt's spawn and take damage?
  • ...that the Spy achievement 'Skullpluggery' and the Sniper achievement 'Self-destruct Sequence' are the first 2 achievements to have the same image?
  • ...that if you join Saxton Hale's Jarate course, you also get an outline course for Drunken Boxing, Drunken Headbutting, Drunken Cry-Fighting, Drunken Apology-Making and Shaolin Drunken Knife Wrestling?
  • ...that Saxton Hale's Jarate pills triple the size of your kidneys, and as a side-effect causes your organs to shut down?
  • ...that in the last three panels of the Jarate advert comic, the Sniper's hat is worn backward?
  • ...that the appearance of the most common Saxton Hale image and the comic in which the Sniper becomes a Jarate master[4] are based on on old advertisement[5] endorsed by bodybuilder Charles Atlas?
  • ...that the Medic was the only class not to recieve a taunt attack in his own update?

  • ...that some of the BLU emergency panels shown in Meet the Spy include: Depressed, Is Drunk, Lost Dracula, Is A Man, Is A Women, On Toilet, Opened Briefcase, On Break, Found Dracula, Mangled, Needs Roommate, Needs A Ride, Stole Car, Has Evil Twin, Leaked Video and Hungry?
  • ...that the Scout wears a left-handed batter's helmet, despite the fact he is a right-handed batter?
  • ...that due to connection problems, a server can end up having low gravity, mixed-up animations or different weapons for different classes as well as mismatched textures?
  • ...that a Pyros compression blast can help other classes get to places that are typically unreachable, (though the Pyro has to be on the opposing team to the recipient)?
  • ...that it is possible to kill a player on the winning side during humiliation?
  • ...that the Sniper is the first class to recieve two unlockables for the same weapon slot, as both the Razorback and Jarate are secondary weapons?
  • ...that even though the Razorback is said to have a car battery taped to the back, it is actually taped to the front?
  • ...that if a Medic is killed before activating a fully charged Kritzkrieg, the Medic will be briefly surrounded with electricity?

  • ...that a Pyro can set Huntsman arrows on fire, adding an afterburn effect to the shot (with this also producing a different kill icon)?
  • ...that the security camera at the front of BLU's 2Fort base is actually RED?
  • ...that the Sniper and Spy are the only classes that don't say "Boo" when they jeer?
  • ...that there is a one in ten chance that when taunting with the Disguise kit, the Spy will do a (Spy)crab impression?
  • ...that the RED Spy refers to the BLU Scout's mother affectionately as "Ma Petite Chou-fleur", or "My Little Cauliflower"?

  • ...that all classes except the Scout and possibly the Pyro have either stubble or facial hair?
  • ...that Jarate can hit people on the other side of a starting gate?
  • ...that the Sniper originally fired his Huntsman in a right-handed manner?
  • ...that the Spy was the first class to be able to do 2 different taunts with the same weapon?
  • ...that the Pyro was the only class to receive a class update without receiving a new taunt?
  • ...that ever since the incident in Meet the Spy, the Sniper now has a scar on his face that stretches from his ear to his nose?
  • ...that the Ambassador was originally able to shoot through multiple targets?
  • ...that cylinder does not rotate when a shot is fired with the Revolver or the Ambassador?

  • ...that the theme song has exactly nine beats at the end, the same number as there are classes?
  • ...that after the Scout touches the camera lens in Meet the Scout, he leaves a finger print that stays there the rest of the video?
  • ...that Mann Co. can be rearranged as 'Con Man'?
  • ...that 2Fort takes place at 3:07 in the afternoon, as shown by the clock in the room at the top of the spiral staircase?
  • ...that the RED Spy never removes his mask, not even when making love?
  • ...that Valve has adopted a policy against using external programs to idle (with those who didn't before the 2nd September receiving the Cheater's lament)?
  • ...the Scout, the Sniper and the Spy are the only 3 classes that do not wear boots?

  • ...that the Medic and Demoman are the only classes without any weapons that fire bullets?
  • ...that the Medic is the only class holding a secondary weapon on the class selection screen?
  • ...that the pressure tank on the Pyro's back is for air rather than fuel, as the fuel for the flamethrower is contained in a large kerosene gas tank inside the flamethrower itself?
  • ...that the sapper only has one wire when being held by the Spy, but gains a second wire when attached to a building?
  • ...that the Razorback is the only weapon that is visible at all times when equipped?
  • ...the Spy is the only class in the character selecetion screen to hold a different weapon in his HUD image and his character select model, with his HUD appearance holding the Revolver and his model holding a knife?
  • ...the class icon for the Demoman in the character selection screen is left-handed?

  • ...the taunt kill icon for the Huntsman depicts a gloved right hand[6], though the Sniper wears his glove on his left hand?
  • ...the Sniper only wears a left hand glove in the world view, but wears two in the player view?
  • ...that in "Meet the Demoman" the RED team comes out of the Attacking spawn, and BLU comes out of the Defending spawn?
  • ...that Pipeline matches take place at 3:07 AM, a 12 hour difference to 2fort's match time (3:07 PM)?
  • ...that the Soldier has personally killed 6,078 men in cold blood while looking them in the eye; jumped on 1,455 live grenades; and stuffed fourteen feet of his own intestine back into his stomach?
  • ...that the Dead Ringer does not have an in-game world model?
  • ...that Saxton Hale single-handedly wiped out the deadly Indonesian Berzerker Shark?

  • ...that the model for the Engineer has no eyeballs, as his goggles are actually part of his face (unlike the Demoman's eyepatch)?
  • ...that the Demoman is the only class with visible eyes that aren't blue?
  • ...that the Spy fights with his knife in his right hand, but fences with his left?
  • ...that reloading the Force-A-Nature after firing one shot will throw away the second round, effectively wasting it?
  • ...that the Dead Ringer image in the Gentleman Scoundrel Magazine had a button on the right side, while in-game the Dead Ringer has the button on the left side?
  • ...that the Demoman's mother, Mrs. DeGroot, was the first of the classes' parents to be seen talking during her appearance?
  • ...that in the world-view, the Sandman's ball is invisible when idle?
  • ...that so far, the Scout Update and the WAR! Update are the only two Class Updates released without a Meet the Team video?
  • ...the Direct hit is the only weapon to have a brand name imprinted on it (the words MANN CO. appear on the scope)?

  • ...that Saxton Hale's chest and scalp hair disappear when he barrel rolls into his office in his comic?[7]
  • ...the Eyelander was first shown in the comic to have a gold hilt but this has not been seen in subsequent showings?[8]
  • ...the title outside the Soldier's residence states 'Mr. Jane Doe'. 'Jane Doe', however, is a term given to a female whose name is not known, generally in the military and during post-mortems?
  • ...the strangling holes in the Soldiers door disappeared when he asked who was at the door in his comic? [9]
  • ...the Pyro is the only class that is able to taunt kill with 2 different weapons: the Shotgun and the Flaregun?
  • ...the Direct hit has a scope, but you cannot use it?
  • ...that the Pyro was the first class to appear wielding an unlockable weapon in a 'Meet the Team' video?

  • ...that the Pyro was the first class able to do a Taunt kill?
  • ...
  • ...that on the Soldier's Buff Banner backpack there is a text over the eagle saying "Screaming Eagles" like the Screaming Eagles achivement?
  • ...that the Demoman is the only class who never speaks his native language of Highland Gaelic?
  • ...that the Soldier's Grenade taunt kill can be survived if you have the Gunboats equipped?
  • ...that the Heavy holds his Minigun much higher in first-person, than in third-person?
  • ...that if you kill a Soldier while he is performing the Grenade taunt, you will be credited with the kill with the grenade icon?
  • ...that a Sentry gun's rockets can damage and even kill teammates if the Sentry was destroyed after firing them?
  • ...that the Soldier's Grenade is the only taunt kill capable of killing the user?

  • ...that in the early stages of the TF2 Beta, the Sniper taunts used Medic dialogue?
  • ...despite constant reference to her title[13][14], the Administrator is still known as and called the Announcer by the Team Fortress community?
  • ...the chair the Administrator sits on in page 5 of the Soldier comic has the same design as the chair that sits behind the desk of 2Fort intel rooms?[15][16]
  • ...a Sentry beeps once, twice or thrice according to its level whenever it switches direction in its "idle" state?
  • ... that a Demoman carrying an Eyelander will swing horizontally for non-critical hits and vertically downwards for critical hits in first person view, but will always swing vertically downwards in third person view?
  • ... that a Spy can remove his own Sapper using the console command "destroy 4"?
  • ...that in the Steam store, the TF2 banner pictures a RED Heavy wearing bullets on his left shoulder, yet he normally wears them on his right?
  • ...that the Engineer's Pistol, with 212 total ammo, has the most ammo out of any of the weapons, beating both the flamethrower and the minigun by 12?
  • ...that in some cases it is easier for a Pyro to kill a level 3 Sentry than a level 2, by hopping in and out of it's range and airblasting the rockets?

  • ...that the Razorback and the Buff Banner are the only weapons that are visible at all times when equipped?
  • ...that to date, the Soldier has the most weapons in game? having 2 primary weapons, 3 secondary weapons and 3 melee weapons, making 8 weapons in total?
  • ...that the Pyro, Heavy, and Spy are the only classes to have taunt kills using one of their original taunts?
  • ...the Scout achievement 'Foul Territory' and the Demoman achievement 'He Who Celt It' have the same image?
  • ...that The Hound Dog is the first hat to have the prefix "The" before it's name?
  • ...that The Hound Dog is the first official hat to add eyewear to a class, in this case sunglasses to the Heavy?
  • ...that Hotrod flips down over the Engineer's face when he is holding a building's blueprints?
  • ...that Hotrod is the only hat to have movement that isn't 'jigglebone' related?
  • ...that in the Meet the Team videos, where it says 'Meet the Spy' for example, near the bottom right, it says 'Copyright lololol'?

  • ...that to date the Spy and the Soldier are the only ones who were presented as BLU in their own updates?
  • ...that if a Huntsman arrow collides with another arrow, they will both break in mid-air?
  • ...that compression blasted projectiles, when hitting a opponent, will result in a Mini-crit?
  • ...that the Mercenary was originally called the Weekend Warrior?
  • ...that after throwing Jarate upwards, it will eventually explode - even without hitting anything?
  • ...the Killer's Kabuto is the only class hat to have its class wearers logo embroided on it?
  • ...the Pain Train is the first unlockable weapon usable by 2 classes?
  • ...the Pain Train is the first weapon to have 2 different taunts animations that are different depending on which class is using it?

  • ...that stunning the Soldier with the Sandman while he is taunting with the Equalizer will stop him from exploding?
  • ...that Sniper, Demoman, and Scout are the only classes that have food in their domination lines?
  • ...that the Sandman originally disabled double-jumps?
  • ...that the Sandman also had a health penalty when equipped?
  • ...that using the left-handed viewmodels are just complete reversals of the regular viewmodels?(Ex. Demoman's bottle is dated to year 8081, etc.)

Dodaj nowe ciekawostki poniżej

  • ...that when the Engineer reloads his pistol, he puts the clip in in reverse?
  • ...that the Team Fortress logo is rotated at a 7° tilt?
  • ...that if you hold reload while firing the Scout's or Engineer's pistol, the animation will reload half way, fire, then do the same thing again?
  • ...that outside of second spawn room in Granary, a Pyro can airblast an enemy above the spawn room, giving them an overlook inside of it?
  • ...that if you hang out of the battlement window on either team in Double Cross, you can shoot clear into the opposing team's courtyard?
  • ...
  • ...
  • ...

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