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== 피해량과 작동 시간 ==
== 피해량과 작동 시간 ==
{{Damage table
{{Damage table
| identical = [[Bottle]]
| identical = [[Bottle/ko|병]]
| damage            = yes
| damage            = yes
|  base              = 65
|  base              = 65

Revision as of 21:49, 28 June 2011

You don’t kill a man by mucking about with rifles, arrows, rocks, or other long-distance rubbish. You kill him by grabbing the biggest bloody sword you can find, running up nice and close to him, and chopping the dumb bastard’s head off.
Close Combat Kit publicity blurb

아이란더데모맨 언락 할수있는 근접 입니다. It is an exceptionally large bloodstained and battle-worn claymore that happens to be haunted by a bloodthirsty, malevolent spirit. As such, the blade will constantly mutter the word "heads" when held.

Along with having a longer range than most melee weapons, the Eyelander reduces the wielder's health by 25, resulting in a total of 150 base health points. It also cannot deal random critical hits, forcing players to rely on the Chargin' Targe's special ability or a crit boost to deal crits.

The main benefit of the weapon is that it will decapitate enemies upon a kill, and doing so will increase the Demoman's base speed by 8% and base health by 15. This bonus will continue with each beheading until the player has collected a maximum of 4 heads, at which point the Demoman's speed will be capped at 370 Hammer units per second, slightly slower than a Scout, and health will be capped at 210. If the Demoman is overhealed, any extra heads — more than 4 — will overheal by 15 points, with a max overheal of 315. Collecting up to 5 heads will also increase the damage a Demoman deals when using the Chargin' Targe's charge attack; an additional 10 damage is added to the base 50 for each head. The number of heads taken is shown in the HUD. Collected heads are retained as long as the Demoman is alive, and do not carry over to his next life. Cutting off an opponent's head also has a cosmetic effect; the Demoman's single eye will glow unremarkably after taking only one head, but as he takes up to four heads, the eye becomes brighter and brighter.

As an added advantage, if the player decapitates an enemy Demoman wielding the Eyelander or the Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker, in addition to the enemy Demoman's own head, the player receives any heads previously taken by that Demoman.

Taunting with the Eyelander will perform the Demoman's Decapitation kill taunt.

The Eyelander is automatically given to any player who obtains 11 Demoman achievements.

피해량과 작동 시간

같이 보기: 피해량
성능이 같은 무기:
피해량 및 기능별 소요시간
기본 피해량 100% 65
근거리 55-75
치명타 195
소형 치명타 75-101
기능별 소요시간
공격 간격 0.8 s
모든 수치는 커뮤니티에서 측정한 근삿값입니다.


File:Eyelander Speed.png
Eyelander speed and comparisons
본문: Speed

Speed values are based on the number of heads taken. For reference, the standard movement speed is 100%, which is 300 velocity units per second — the speed of the Spy, Sniper, Engineer and Pyro — whilst the Scout moves at 400v, 33% above the standard movement speed.

Heads Speed (units per second) Relative speed increase Notes
0 280 0%
1 302 8% Faster than Pyro
2 324 16% Faster than Medic
3 347 24%
4+ 369 32%

시연 영상


같이 보기: 제작


병과 토큰 - 데모맨 칸 토큰 - 근접 무기 폐기 금속 가능한 결과물
Item icon Class Token - Demoman.png + Item icon Slot Token - Melee.png + Item icon Scrap Metal.png =
Item icon Eyelander.png Item icon Scotsman's Skullcutter.png Item icon Ullapool Caber.png Item icon Claidheamh Mòr.png
Item icon Pain Train.png Item icon Half-Zatoichi.png Item icon Persian Persuader.png Item icon Nessie's Nine Iron.png
Item icon Scottish Handshake.png Item icon Freedom Staff.png Item icon Ham Shank.png Item icon Bat Outta Hell.png
Item icon Conscientious Objector.png

조합용 재료

아이랜더 재활용 금속 부시와카
Item icon Eyelander.png + Item icon Reclaimed Metal.png = Item icon Bushwacka.png
아이랜더 재활용 금속 반맹인검객
Item icon Eyelander.pngx2 + Item icon Reclaimed Metal.png = Item icon Half-Zatoichi.png
재활용 금속 시드니 마취총 아이랜더 시장 흥정품
Item icon Reclaimed Metal.png + Item icon Sydney Sleeper.png + Item icon Eyelander.png = Item icon Bazaar Bargain.png

관련 도전과제

Leaderboard class demoman.png 데모맨

날 패줘, 스코티
날 패줘, 스코티
아이랜더치명타로 적군 5명을 처치하십시오.

머리가 필요하다. 엄청나게 많은 머리가.
머리가 필요하다. 엄청나게 많은 머리가.
적 플레이어 50명의 목을 베십시오.

레프트 4 헤드
레프트 4 헤드
한 명을 벨 때마다 10초를 초과하지 않으면서 플레이어 4명의 목을 베십시오.

사무용 스카치 절단기
사무용 스카치 절단기
아이랜더로 적을 학살하십시오.
은밀하게 목빠지게
은밀하게 목빠지게
은폐 상태인 스파이의 목을 베십시오.

고만해, 미친놈아!
고만해, 미친놈아!
곡괭이를 휘두르고 있는 적 솔저의 목을 베십시오.

스코틀랜드의 전투법
스코틀랜드의 전투법
점착 점프 상태에서 근접무기로 적을 처치하십시오.

한 명만 남는다
한 명만 남는다
적수의 목을 베십시오.

이전 변화내역

December 17, 2009 Patch (WAR! Update)
  • The Eyelander was added to the game.

June 10, 2010 Patch (Mac Update)

  • [언급되지 않음] The Eyelander now collects the heads inside Eyelanders of Demomen it decapitates.

September 30, 2010 Patch (The Mann-Conomy Update)

  • [언급되지 않음] The weapon was added in the crafting blueprint for the Bushwacka.

February 3, 2011 Patch

  • Updated model with optimizations and new LODs.

February 14, 2011 Patch

  • Fixed melee attacks not destroying remote detonation pipes (Stickybombs).

March 11, 2011 Patch

  • Fixed the decapitation counters not being displayed for some weapons.
  • Fixed the Demoman not using the correct animations for some of his weapons.
  • [언급되지 않음] Changed the way the Demoman holds the Eyelander in the loadout screen to using two hands instead of one.

March 15, 2011 Patch

  • [언급되지 않음] The weapon was removed from the crafting blueprint for the Homewrecker.
  • [언급되지 않음] The weapon was added in the crafting blueprint for the Half-Zatoichi.

April 14, 2011 Patch (Hatless Update)

  • Replaced the no-crit attribute with -25% damage on the Eyelander.

April 15, 2011 Patch

  • [언급되지 않음] Replaced the -25% damage attribute with no-crit.


  • The head count is lost when switching from the Chargin' Targe to the Stickybomb Launcher or Scottish Resistance. This can be re-enabled by unchecking the box marked "Automatically respawn after loadout changes in respawn zones" in Options->Multiplayer->Advanced.
  • Upon collecting 128 heads with this weapon, the counter will reset to 0. However, the Demoman will still retain the health and speed bonus.
  • In client view the sword is swung vertically for a critical hit, yet it can horizontally decapitate an enemy's head.
  • If a player takes one or more heads and changes their melee weapon to any that does not tally heads, the particle effect of the glowing eye will still be present without the additional health and speed bonus.
  • In some cases the glow from the eye can be seen through walls when playing with DX8.
  • If a Dead Ringer Spy is hit with the Eyelander, the Demoman still receives a head even if the Spy fakes his death.


  • The Eyelander was originally issued to American monkeynaut Poopy Joe in order to fight off his Soviet rival Vladimir Bananas before it was acquired by Mann Co. in entirely innocent circumstances.
  • The name "Eyelander" is a play on the word "Highlander", the name given to inhabitants of the Scottish Highlands. Additionally, the name and function of The Eyelander bears a similarity to the movie Template:W, where immortal humans could gain another immortal's power by decapitating them in a sword fight.
  • In a further reference to the movie Template:W, killing another Demoman with this weapon will cause the player to scream "there can be only ONE", which was the catchphase of the movie.
  • The decapitation animation of the Eyelander's victims does not actually separate the head from the model of the victim, instead shrinking the head so small it cannot be easily seen and spawning a head gib where their head once was to create the illusion of decapitation. This explains why decapitated ragdolls have a 'pinched' looking neck. A severed neck model for the Soldier is in the game files but neither it nor any other models have been implemented as of yet. This severed neck model was intended to be used for the WAR! Update for Soldiers who were decapitated by Demomen, but the implementation of the model and its needed code failed to meet the deadline of the updates shipping.
  • In the comic Loose Canon, the Eyelander can be seen in Blutarch Mann's office in 1890.
  • The Eyelander looks very similar to the Template:W, thought to have been used by Template:W in 1297-1298.


관련 자료

외부 링크