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[[Image:Engiwithdispenser.png|250px|right|The Engineer with a fully upgraded Dispenser]]
[[Image:Engiwithdispenser.png|250px|right|The Engineer with a fully upgraded Dispenser]]
{{Quotation|'''Sam on Curious Dispensers''' |Look Max, free health, ammo, clues, cupcakes, and enlightenment! Oh wait, it's empty.|sound=Scout_needdispenser01.wav}}
{{Quotation|'''Sam on Curious Dispensers''' |Look Max, free health, ammo, clues, cupcakes, and enlightenment! Oh wait, it's empty.}}
{{Quotation|'''The Scout''' |Need a dispensah here!|sound=Scout_needdispenser01.wav}}
{{Quotation|'''The Scout''' |Need a dispensah here!|sound=Scout_needdispenser01.wav}}

Revision as of 23:47, 17 August 2010

The Engineer with a fully upgraded Dispenser
Look Max, free health, ammo, clues, cupcakes, and enlightenment! Oh wait, it's empty.
Sam on Curious Dispensers
Need a dispensah here!
The Scout

A Dispenser is a building that provides health, ammo and metal to nearby teammates (as well as disguised enemy Spies). Engineers rely heavily on metal from their dispensers to construct and maintain their sentry guns and other buildings. Any player may replenish their supplies by simply standing next to the dispenser (unless it is being sapped). Non-engineer teammates or engineers with full Metal will not use up the Dispenser's metal stockpile when they are using it to heal or get ammo.

It is one type of building that can be constructed by the Engineer, costing 100 Metal to place, 200 Metal to upgrade to level two, and an additional 200 to upgrade to the third and final level. Upgrading a dispenser will increase its health, metal and ammo output.

While being constructed, a dispenser's health will increase until reaching 150 upon completion. A newly built dispenser contains 25 metal and thereafter generate 40 metal every 5 seconds unless upgraded. It can hold up to 400 metal, as represented by a gauge on the front of the dispenser. A dispenser can be manually rotated to face a different direction before you build it: When the blueprint is shown, using the alternate attack button (default key: MOUSE2) will rotate the blueprints clockwise by 90 degrees. Once built, a dispenser is solid (impassable) to the Engineer that built it and to enemy team members, but teammates may pass through it. A destroyed dispenser leaves 50 Metal worth of pieces, which can also be picked up by other classes as ammo.

Dispenser Levels

Level Health Cost Health Generation Ammo Generation Metal Generation


150 100 Metal 10 / sec 20% / sec 40 / 5 sec


180 300 Metal 15 / sec 30% / sec 50 / 5 sec


216 500 Metal 20 / sec 40% / sec 60 / 5 sec

Related Achievements


Tf demoman kill engi sentry dispenser.png The Argyle Sap

Blow up an Engineer, his sentry gun, and his dispenser with a single Sticky bomb detonation.


Factory Worker.png Factory Worker

Kill 20 opponents while being recharged by a friendly Dispenser.


No so lonely are the brave.jpg (Not So) Lonely Are the Brave

Keep a Heavy healed with your dispenser while he makes five kills.

The extinguished gentleman.jpg The Extinguished Gentleman

Have dispensers you built extinguish 20 burning players.

Drugstore cowboy.jpg Drugstore Cowboy

Have dispensers you created dispense a combined amount of 100,000 health over your career.

Doc holiday.jpg Doc Holiday

Have a dispenser heal three teammates at the same time.

Dispenser Strategy

  • The Pyro standing near a dispenser can act as a mobile firewall. The dispenser is capable of replenishing the pyro's ammo as fast as he can fire so this is a great anti-Spy measure - but it does leave your team an attacker short.
  • The Heavy can utilize a Dispenser in the same way as a Pyro, laying down a hail of bullets across a large area. This can be used as an anti-Spy measure, or to defend an area such as a cap point or choke point. Any Heavy using this technique needs to be aware of the damage drop off of his minigun. This can be used to control hallways or even in an enemies base (such as the sewers in 2fort) to keep either an entrance open or a safe place for a teleporter. The Heavy can fire continously, so keep sweeping an area to send away stickies and check for hidden spies.
  • A Sniper can keep firing without having to go from his sniper spot and get ammo. Also, since many spies cannot resist sapping an unguarded dispenser, it can be used as an early warning system.
  • When entering Sudden death, building a Dispenser first is important to provide health, ammunition and metal to your team.
  • Dispensers give ammunition for any teammate nearby, including disguised enemy spies. As a Spy, if you see an enemy dispenser, consider leaving it intact to recharge cloak and fill your health meter.
  • When in a centralized area close to other engineers, consider putting all the dispensers close to each other. The healing and ammo dispensing mechanisms do stack for multiple dispensers, so placing them together will allow you and your teammates to refill and heal up to full health much faster than with a single dispenser by each engineer's sentry. While the risk of losing the dispensers is higher, the benefits can sometimes be enough to keep your teammates on the attack.
  • A dispenser can effectively block narrow passages from enemies, slowing down their progress. Very effective versus Scouts when coupled with a sentry gun nearby.
  • The healing beam and ammo supply mechanisms are two separate functions of the dispenser, someone in healing range of a dispenser is not necessarily close enough to take ammo from the dispenser.
  • Similarly, a dispenser can supply ammunition and metal through walls but cannot heal through them.


  • A level three dispenser heals nearly as fast the Medigun's in-battle healing rate (24 HP/sec).
  • At level two, the front "button" panel in the middle of the Dispenser turns into a small tray filled with syringes and medicine pills; at level three, a mechanical panel with a heart-rate monitor rises from the top of the dispenser. The riser is cosmetic however; standing on a level three Dispenser will not give the Engineer a higher boost than a normal Dispenser.
  • Sentry gun fire and rockets can be blocked by dispensers. Additionally, sentry guns will not detect enemy players standing behind friendly dispensers.
  • By standing within the healing range of a dispenser, it is possible to stay underwater indefinitely.
  • For a short time after The WAR Update, Spies were able to build dispensers, through the use of the console, but could not upgrade them.
  • Per the sentry instruction manual, the dispenser is a "Dispense-O-Matic 9000 Provisions Dispenser".
  • A Level 1 BLU Dispenser makes a cameo appearance as a "curious dispenser" in the Telltale game Sam & Max 304: Beyond the Alley of the Dolls. Standing near it makes the usual Dispenser healing sound. Sam can hit the dispenser 8 times to hit it with a Wrench each time (complete with genuine sound effect), to open the bottom drawer revealing a "Banang" shake. Sam can also try to take the Banang, but the drawer closes again before he can grab it. (Max actually unplugs it out of irritation.) Demonstrated here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8NvCsHZ3zM