Stratégie communautaire sur Dustbowl
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Community Dustbowl strategy | |
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Environnement : | Désert |
Cadre : | Ensoleillé |
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Cet article traite des stratégies communautaires sur Dustbowl.
Stratégies générales (toutes classes)
En attaque
Stage 1, Point A
- Depuis le côté gauche, il est possible d'activer une Übercharge et d'arriver sur le point de contrôle avant qu'elle ne se termine. Les joueurs pourraient préférer de monter immédiatement les escaliers pour éviter d'être gêné par le feu d'une tourelle. En raison du petit périmètre, un assaut d'un Pyro peut être très efficace, en particulier s'il utilise des tirs d'air comprimés pour dégager le chemin.
- Les tourelles situées dans le bâtiment du point de contrôle peuvent être détruites par des Soldiers ou des Demomen tirant par les fenêtres depuis l'extérieur. Ces classes peuvent aussi sauter jusqu'à ces fenêtres et entrer dans le bâtiment par derrière.
- Les palettes et les pneus entassés à côté de la plateforme à côté des fenêtres peuvent être utilisés comme escaliers pour accéder à cette plateforme. Sauter en s'accroupissant en partant à pleine vitesse vous permettra de sauter assez haut pour escalader les accessoires. Ceci permet aux classes ne possédant qu'une mobilité limitée la possibilité d'entrer par la fenêtre. En utilisant cette méthode, les Heavies peuvent réaliser une entrée surprise dévastatrice.
- Comme il s'agit de la sortie la plus éloignée du point de contrôle, la troisième sortie est souvent ignorée. Les classes possédant des armes à longue portée peuvent tirer sur le point de contrôle relativement facilement.
- Une tactique habituelle est d'aller à la sortie la plus proche des recharges de santé et de munitions et raser le mur vers le point de contrôle. Ceci vous permet de le capturer en restant caché des tourelles.

Le coin des Ingénieurs
Stage 1, Point B
- Une base avancée dans le tunnel minier permet un accès facile à la base ennemie, avec la porte qui ne s'ouvre que dans un sens. Une tourelle est recommandée pour empêcher les Demomen et les Soldiers de piéger cet endroit. Les Soldiers et les autres classes à distance peuvent détruire les tourelles situées derrière le château d'eau depuis cette position.
- Faites attention aux bombes collantes dans l'étroit corridor quand vous attaquez depuis cette base. Les Demomen sont particulièrement dangereux, puisqu'ils peuvent tirer des grenades sur vous depuis des places relativement sures et souvent bien défendues.
- Une fois que le tunnel minier est contrôlé, la petite plateforme près de l'entrée est un excellent endroit pour détruire des tourelles, que ce soit en tirant des grenades dans l'escalier ou en détruisant des tourelles exposées. Restez attentifs, cependant. Vous êtes particulièrement exposés aux Snipers, et cette plateforme est un excellent point d'entrée pour les rocket-jumping Soldiers ou les sticky-jumping Demomen.
Stage 2, Point A
La tranchée attire un feu constant d'explosifs et de tourelles. Les défenseurs seront les plus vulnérables au début : les temps de respawn plus rapides permettent aux attaquants d'exercer une pression continue.
- Essayez de réduire le temps qu'ont les défenseurs pour s'organiser et s'installer.
- Si les défenseurs possèdent le contrôle de l'abri, n'oubliez pas l'entrée à gauche.
- Les moyens contre le Spam comme le Bonk! Atomic Punch, les Übercharges et le tir d'air comprimé du Pyro peuvent aider à dégager un chemin.
- Les constructions placées sur la droite sont dans une excellente position dû à la présence de soins, de munitions et de protection. Utilisez le couloir qui contourne par derrière afin d'attaquer les défenseurs depuis le toit.
- Les attaquants peuvent rentrer par la fenêtre inférieure de la maison qui abrite le Point A en sautant puis en s’accroupissant. Ceci est préférable par rapport à la porte inférieure si l'équipe défensive a placée sa défense près du silo contre le mur opposé.
Stage 2, Point B
- Search everywhere for Engineer buildings, including underneath the control point and behind the office block at point A.
- Defend the area next to the office block to prevent flanking or being pushed back too far.
- Teleporters should be placed near the office building. It's a long walk from the respawn to this point which can remove attackers respawn advantage.
- The rock spire and one way gate are the usual staging areas for coordinated assaults. It is always best to combine this push with attacks through middle and from the opposite side.
- Overcoming the defenses around the control point is key. The usual techniques of ÜberCharges, sapping and ranged assault apply. Attackers need to be aware of knockback, airblasts and explosive separation. Don’t forget to cap the point while the defenses are taken down.
Stage 3, Point A
- Clear the left side. Defenders on the left can cover the entire capture zone from behind the pavilion. If a break is made on the left side, a capture is usually imminent. Defenders cannot cover the whole capture area from the right side making Spy caps possible once the left side is cleared.
- Launching explosives through the windows can help to eliminate the defenders. Sentry Guns can also be built through said windows by an Engineer jumping from atop his Dispenser to surprise the defenders.
Stage 3, Point B
- Clear RED's closed spawn door: RED Teleporter exits can remain in this area even after the first point is captured. It is best to clear this out to be safe from surprise attacks from behind. Always confirm this with the team in case manpower is needed elsewhere.
- It is a long walk from the respawn so Teleporters are necessary. A forward base can help hold the line after the passageways are cleared.
- Breaking through the final line here is very hard and games often stall at the final hurdle due to uncoordinated pushes by insufficient numbers of players. Use team talk or speak to coordinate pushes.
- ÜberCharges are most essential for this point to break through torrents of spam. If you are finding it hard to break through the enemy with one ÜberCharge, try to get a second Medic to use his or her ÜberCharge as soon as the first Medic's charge is empty.
- An often overlooked path is the path to the very far right, along the wall. Any Sentry Guns defending the approach to the final point will be severely handicapped by the metal struts and supports, allowing Soldiers or Demomen to assault the area and take down some of the enemy defenses.
- This is also a very good path for cloaked Spies to take, as the part of the platform to the defenders' left is often ignored, and a disguised Spy can come from this area while drawing relatively little suspicion.
Stage 1, Point A
- The offense only has three exits available to them, controlling and watching all of these choke points is vital. The high vantage points on the sheds, ledges and spires give high ground advantage. Any breakthroughs made by the offense at the exits should be reported to other players.
- Be sure to control the large ammo box and health pack inside the capture building as it can help the attacking team stay alive long enough to capture the point.
- Sentry Guns are best positioned inside the control point room on the first set of steps and on the bridge just in the doorway, about half a unit (inch) down the stairs. This covers the point in the same way as the corner Sentry Gun, but without being so susceptible to Pyros.
Stage 1, Point B
- A base set up in the mining tunnel after Point A is captured can often delay the attacking team for a few precious minutes.
- As with any Control Point map, have someone guard the point to prevent Spy caps and Scout rushes. Any defensive class will do.
- Control the entrances to prevent pushes being coordinated across all three fronts. Demomen are especially effective at shutting down the entrance to the point from the one way door.
- Well placed Sentry Guns are key to defending this point, and can be placed on the ramp in front of the point, next to the silo, or inside the building that houses the point. Do not however, depend on many Sentry Guns alone to defend the point, as a well coordinated ÜberCharge can quickly rush the point.
Stage 2, Point A
- Knock them back: explosive fire can constantly fill the dugout area, making it very difficult to move through.
- Engineer emplacements are effective in the control point building and on top of the hut above the dugout. Demomen also make an excellent defense with Stickybomb placements on the struts outside the dugout.
- The dugout is an ideal spot to break up incoming attacks using Spies and other close quarter specialists such as Pyros and Heavies.
- The barrels on both sides of the Control Point can be used as stairs by crouch jumping, this allows you to quickly reach the control point.
Stage 2, Point B
- You must hold the rock spire and the area down to the first tunnel exit. If attackers establish themselves behind the rock spire, they can attack the control point, and any equipment there, with relative impunity.
- Sentry Guns can be used to control the area around the control point and explosives used to hold or control the ledge above.
- Extra Engineers can be very helpful here, because without a well-controlled push with multiple ÜberCharges, it will be very difficult to take down every Sentry Gun, and the ones that fall can be quickly rebuilt. If the enemy team is very well-coordinated, however, stick with at most two or three Engineers.
- Spies and ÜberCharges are a major threat; airblasting and Spy-checking Pyros, while infuriating for the attackers, are an ideal accompaniment to the inevitable Dispensers in this area.
- Try not to push the attacking team back to their spawn. Not only is this frowned upon, but it frequently results in an embarrassing Spy cap, where a Spy sneaks past and captures the control point where there are no defenders.
Stage 3, Point A
- Use the shortcut: One spawn point has a door that opens to a shortcut to the first point. Note that players going through this door as the attackers capture the point will result in death from the closing door.
- Build Teleporter exits in the shortcut area. If the attackers capture the point, the shortcut door will become locked. Should Engineers have set up Teleporters beforehand, however, players can still teleport into the area. The exit doorway is an excellent spot for a Sentry Gun. It is very important to note that an Engineer should not build a Teleporter Entrance unless he or she can maintain positive control over it. Don't build an entrance unless you are sure you can fend off any Spies that may get behind the defensive line.
- Laying down stickybomb carpets between the spawn building and the house is very effective in keeping the attackers at bay. The Scottish Resistance can also be used to give more coverage and eliminate the need to reapply the whole trap.
Stage 3, Point B
- Defend the last point; do not push too far forward.
- Use the tunnel to ambush an attacking team setting up in the halfway area in the alley approaching. The team will (hopefully) be facing the opposite direction.
- The last cap is where Wrangler shines. A Sentry Gun with high health and unlimited range is an almost guaranteed win against uncoordinated teams. Watch for Snipers though.
- Placing a Sentry and a Teleporter on the steps of the equipment room can prove to be amazingly powerful. Just be aware of ÜberCharged Pyros.
- Use the valley to sneak around the main battle and pick off enemies. Setting up a blockade here can be useful, as the area is most likely to have no defense in the heat of the battle.
- The Kritzkrieg, combined with a Soldier or Demoman, works well for the narrow corridor between Point A and Point B.
Class-specific strategy
- When attacking Stage 1 Point A, use the canyon pathway. It is the least checked spot and with the Scout's speed, you'll be able to run past the defenders without them knowing what happened. Hug the walls—don't let the defenders see you. Don't stand near the gate during setup or the enemies will know that you are going that way.
- Before Stage 1 Point A is taken, you can quickly run to Control Point B. Although this is locked, if your team is close to taking Point A, then it would be a good idea to stay here and hide (and then rush to the second control point when the first is captured). If the enemy is unprepared, you can take the second point before they can get there.
Stage 1
- When attacking the first point of Stage 1, a good way to take down enemy Sentry Guns is to exit your spawn via the right side of the mines. This way, you can out range the Sentry Guns that are often placed near the windows of the control point house.
Stage 2
- You can reach the first control point from the trench outside of your spawn with two well placed rocket jumps. If a Medic overheals you, you can potentially reach the point with full health in less than three seconds, allowing you apply pressure on the enemy very quickly.
Stage 3
- Similar to attacking the first point of Stage 2, you can reach the control point with a single rocket jump. A well timed rocket jump will allow you to pass Sentry Guns while still taking minimal damage.
- When attacking the second control point, you can rocket jump up from the valley near the RED spawn to flank your enemies. Conversely, if you are defending this point, you should be watchful of Soldiers and Demomen who are attempting this themselves, as well as Spies and Medics pushing in an ÜberCharge.
Stage 1
- Defending the first control point of stage one can be easy as a Soldier due to the large ammo and health supplies in the vicinity. Standing on the raised area surrounding the point will allow you to damage multiple attackers at once and also keep you away from Pyros.
- While defending the second control point, you can rocket jump up into the mines that are to the right of the point. This can be a good way to surprise enemies and kill Medics building ÜberCharge. You should, however, be wary of Sentry Guns and Stickybombs that may be in place to stop you.
Stage 2
- If you are defending the first point, stand on top of the house closest to the BLU spawn and fire rockets downwards. This hinders enemy Soldiers and Pyros, as they will have difficulty killing you due to your height advantage. There is also a large supply of health and ammo nearby.
Stage 1
- The areas between Capture Points 1 and 2 are very tightly enclosed, allowing players to easily box in enemies and get multiple kills at once. However, they also have few escape routes should the enemy gain the upper hand in a fight.
Stage 2
- The house in front of Control Point 2 can be used as an ambush point for any player passing through or under it, for both sides. The alcoves with the health and ammo can be used as hiding spots to take enemies by surprise.
- The entire lowered area close to the BLU spawn point can serve as a devastating kill zone due to its enclosed nature. RED Pyros can run in and out quickly while igniting enemy players, while BLU Pyros can cut enemy pushes short by ambushing through the raised entrance to the left of the spawn.
Stage 3
- The house area just outside of the BLU spawn point has many narrow corridors and corners, allowing Pyros of either side to devastate their enemies. RED Pyros can easily delay attackers in this area, while BLU Pyros can more easily resupply and kill defenders that have pushed into this area.
- The house next to Capture Point 1 can be used as cover for both sides, but be mindful of attacks that come through the windows. Attacking from one side, it's possible to ignite enemies on the other side by puffing flames through the windows or shooting flares. On defense, this can be done to surprise any enemies that are using it to take cover and delay their offense.
- The path between Control Points 1 and 2 provide excellent fields of fire for the Flare Gun, Detonator, or Manmelter. Additionally, the side buildings can be used to ambush enemies from elevated positions.
- The underground path can be used to flank the enemy, both on offense and defense.
- The buildings around Control Point 2 are ideal for tight quarters fighting. When on the offense, try to use them to attack the enemy from as many different angles as possible, while on defense try to keep the enemy from gaining control of them.
Stage 2
- The one-way gate that leads to the house can be used to catch enemies off-guard from either side. Like the similar area in Stage 1, Pyros that make it through the opposite side can completely destroy any base that is set up there.
Stage 1
- The shacks by the BLU spawn points can serve as excellent ambush points when on the defense. Try to wait for the enemy to pass, then attack from behind. Hiding in these areas can also allow Pyros to ambush players who are using the bottom exit to attack.
- The upper levels behind the one-way gate near Capture Point 2 are often used as forward bases for both teams. In these enclosed areas, an ÜberCharged Pyro can make quick work of everything. Depending on which team is in control, compression blasts can be used to limit the damage that enemy ÜberCharged pair can inflict. When on defense, always remember to open up the one-way gate so that teammates can quickly reinforce or push through.
Stage 2
- The shack near the BLU spawn point can be used to catch enemy players off guard. The health and ammo in the shack itself can be used to quickly recover between attacks, but be aware that players will always enter this area with considerable caution due to its exposed nature.
- The building where Capture Point 1 is located can serve as a similar kill zone due to its narrow corridors. The hallways can easily be utilized to box in and kill any enemy players trying to navigate through.
- Use the compression blast and Flare Gun to keep attackers at bay if they try to take the direct path to the Capture Point. Its narrow entrance funnels players in tightly, allowing Pyros to ignite and kill several enemies at once. Simultaneously, be sure to keep an eye out for incoming explosives, and deflect as necessary.
- The narrow mining area between Capture Points 1 and 2 serve as choke points where Pyros can easily devastate any enemy pushes. Use the corners to ambush players, and the long straightaways to rain flares.
- Facing the BLU spawn, between Capture Points 1 and 2, the rightmost mining corridor leads out to behind the office building. Provided that it's not guarded by a Sentry or an observant player, Pyros can use this route to either bombard any attempted BLU buildup with flares while remaining in the tunnel, or sneak out to behind the office building and flank the BLU team. Be careful, though. Most of the time, a Sentry will either be set up in front of the office building, or in front of the tunnel entrances. You might want to coordinate with a friendly Spy or Cow Mangler Soldier to destroy any Engineer bases.
- Try to use the raised wooden areas above the exits to ambush players that are exiting the narrow corridors. While smart players will check these raised areas before proceeding, ambushes from these areas can still distract the enemy long enough for teammates to join in.
- From the ground level, compression blast can be used to easily juggle any enemies that try to attack from above.
Stage 3
- The elevated areas above the ravine can be used to get the jump on anyone attempting to perform a flank from the other side through the lower tunnel.
- Use compression blasts to knock ÜberCharged pairs into the ravine. This can very easily crush any offensive pushes and render the Über useless.
- If attacking Stage 1 Cap 1, toss grenades into the windows of the main shed. This should eliminate any Sentry Guns on the stairwell as well as any RED team users trying to protect their point. Although Stickybombs are more powerful, they are more easily avoided in this scenario.
- If attacking Stage 1 Cap 2, directly after entering the automatic grate doors, lob some grenades into the capture room. This will weaken the enemy's defenses. It's also good to place Stickybombs on the bottom of the stairs; any enemies trying to eliminate you will be blown to bits.
- At Stage 2 Cap 1, the building on the left has a small window on the left side, which grenades can be launched though. More than often an Engineer will have set up a nest there.
- On the first point of Dustbowl, cover the back entrance to the point. Scouts sometimes stand on the point under the stairway, hidden from view.
- If you defend the main entrance to the first point closest to the BLU spawn, you can place stickies behind the barrels next to the entrance, effectively hiding them.
- If you defend the first point by staying on the ramp leading to the mines, you can retreat if the enemy captures the first point. While retreating, place two Stickybombs at each corner of the mine path. If you do this properly, you'll end up with four Stickybombs left. Place these behind the mine cart and wait.
- At the beginning of the second section, place Stickybombs next to both exits from the enemy spawn.
- On the second stage, place Stickybombs on the wall between the stairs and the back entrance to the first point. This defends both ways at once, and has the advantage of your Stickybombs being hard to see.
- When defending the second capture point on stage 2, protect your team's Sentry Guns by placing your Stickybombs as a minefield around them. Then listen for friendly Engineers saying "Spy sapping my Sentry Gun"; when they do, detonate to kill the Spy.
- When defending stage 2 cap 2, place Stickybombs by the rock pile. This is a popular place for attackers due to its large Medkit.
- The third stage consists of corridors and blind turns. Use these to your advantage by placing Stickybombs at blind spots.
- Dustbowl is a good map for playing Heavy as the congested areas and the Heavy's ability to lay down large volumes of fire into the choke points and other congested areas can help progress.
Stage 1, Point A
- Like the situation on defense, Spies absolutely love this level because the action is so intense that many players do not notice a single player behind them before it is too late. Constantly check your back and get a Pyro to Spy check.
- Focus your fire on Sentry Guns, entrenched Engineers, and Pyros first, as these are the biggest threats to you and your team. The Sentry Guns can lay waste to anyone attempting to get past, and Pyros can make your team retreat, giving the defenders a chance to push back.
Stage 3, Point A
- A single ÜberCharge can destroy nearly all of the enemy defenses. This is most effective with Natascha, as they will have more trouble fleeing.
Stage 1, Point A
- Be sure to use ÜberCharges in response to an overwhelming rush or the attacking team's ÜberCharge as well.
- While on the ready for the opposing team, continue to check your surroundings; a Heavy whose attention is on the spawn door is a tempting target for the Spy's backstab.
Stage 2, Point B
- Have an Engineer build a Dispenser in the corner with the small medkit and ammo box. This allows the user to have a great defense spot on the control point, this also helps out the friendly Engineer as the user can easily take out Spies, and won't be prone to a backstab.
Stage 3, Point A
- The ledge is an extremely effective bunker to create a stronghold in. If you can team up with an Engineer, get him to build a Dispenser and Teleporter out of sight in the hallway. You are to act as his Sentry Gun. Once there, you will be able to hold this spot and greatly impede the attacking team even if the first point is capped. Your main priority if trapped in the ledge after capture is to protect the Engineer and his buildings and disrupt attackers long enough for your team to reform a line behind you.
Stage 3, Point B
- There is a tunnel which from the bottom of the ravine under the cap to a spot just around the corner from Cap 1. This is usually used by attacking Spies to sneak behind enemy lines. However, if a Heavy can sneak through, he will come out directly behind most of the attacking team, and can do an enormous amount of damage to them before they realize what's happening. If the Heavy can get a fully-charged Medic to go with him, they can sometimes wipe out the entire attacking team in one fell swoop.
Consider the following areas for placing a Sentry Gun nest:
Stage 1 Point A
- The third spawn exit is a good place to haul and deploy a Sentry Gun and use the Wrangler to provide supporting fire.
Stage 1 Point B
- On the bridge leading to the mining tunnel, overlooking the two ground-level tunnels.
- Inside of the mining tunnel, on the side closest to the Control Point.
Stage 2 Point A
- Inside of the dugout area. This will prevent enemy Pyros and other classes from rushing in and spawn camping.
Stage 2 Point B
- In front of the mining tunnels next to the office, guarding the tunnel entrances.
- When the mining tunnel with the one-way gate has been taken, at the far end of the tunnel facing down the axis of the tunnel.
Stage 3 Point A
- Right in between the two double grating doors. This will prevent enemies from attacking and will help refuel your allies who've been wounded.
Stage 3 Point B
- The building between the Balcony House and the Sniper House. This is usually the best place to place a Sentry Gun to prevent the enemy from counterattacking too far.
Stage 1 Point A
- On the little landing inside the Control point. The only way to destroy this Sentry Gun is to come from the mines, or with Stickybombs.
- By the BLU Respawn area (same side as the Control point). You can build a Sentry Gun on the back side of the little hut (facing the trench) and have it cover both the right (if you're facing BLU's Respawn area) and center entrances.
Stage 1 Point B
- To the left (if facing the point) of the Control point; you can cover both the stairs, and the Control point while being very hard to splash damage.
- Near the cliff wall across from the Control Point, to the right if facing the point.
- Inside the mine room, next to the one-way door. This will cut off two access routes for the enemy, and because of the Health that spawns, you'll be very hard to kill.
Stage 2 Point A
- On top of the large shed. Have another Engineer build a Dispenser up there to make it so you always have enough Metal for repairs. Build a Dispenser next to the ladder and have a Pyro stand next to it, constantly flaming the ladder. This will prevent enemy Spies from coming up there and sapping the nest.
- Inside the Control point building on the second floor, but under the roof, at a spot where it can see both the stairs and the outside.
- At the Control point building in front of the narrow hallway leading to the BLU Respawn area.
Stage 2 Point B
- On the ground, facing the Control point in the left (if facing the BLU Respawn area) corner. It covers the Control point, and is hard to take out from most paths (the exception being the long path by the rocks).
- On top of either stair near the control point. It is possible to build Dispensers near enough to the aforementioned sentry nest as to keep it from damage, yet allow it to supply you, allowing for a more compact sentry nest. For example, underneath the left stairs(facing the control point), and on the other side of the gate from the stairs.
Stage 3 Point A
- On the loading docks. The Sentry Gun will pin down the enemies coming through the double grating doors.
- On the ledge. This will give you sufficient cover for yourself and a Dispenser while providing enough firepower to prevent the BLU team from passing. This works for Point B as well, as this is the only way to get to the final control point.
Stage 3 Point B
- Anywhere next to the control Point. In particular, the far back part of the point is hard for enemies to target, while still giving the Sentry Gun a full field of view.
- Overlooking the valley. Placing at least one Sentry Gun here can prevent enemies from using the valley to perform flanks or ambushes.
- The Equipment Room. Placing a Sentry Gun nest here prevents enemies from reaching the Control Point and there is also a health pack in the back end of the building if you receive damage.
- Dustbowl Sentry Gun spots:
Stage 1 Point A
- Be careful when standing in the spawn near the left gate on the first part as it will often be covered with explosives.
- It is recommended to send at least one ÜberCharge out of the left main gate, as it will be the spearhead of your offense and also break through the possible traps or defenses the RED team has built up to keep you in spawn.
- If a Sentry Gun has been built on the right side next to or behind the house, an ÜberCharge through there can also help out immensely as otherwise your team will be gunned down even if they break out of the left or middle doors.
- Using an ÜberCharge to take the point is reliable as there will often be a level 3 Sentry Gun along the right walkway or in the corner. For this, a Heavy is probably best, as the Heavy's potential for damage in the house's cramped space is quite high when the Minigun is spun up.
- If ÜberCharging near or at the entrance to the point, be careful of airblasting Pyros trying to spoil your efforts as the small doorway is a very good spot for the Pyro to throw your target back a few feet and disrupt the charge (they may also attempt to knock you into the gully, in which case you can either advance behind the house or run back to the spawn via the middle door).
- The top left tunnels and bottom right tunnels may have an Engineer set up with a level 3 Sentry Gun by the time the first point is captured. These will need an Über as usually they are built too far away from the corner and accompanied by too many people for anyone to attempt in destroying them on their own. The limited space in these areas makes a Pyro Über incredibly useful (especially with the Backburner) and often will be too cramped for RED players to escape the flames (just be sure to run ahead of your patient to reduce the knockback he or she receives).
Stage 1 Point B
- The point itself will almost always have a Sentry Gun, positioned either in the building with the point itself (in the very left corner) or to the right slightly around the corner, both of which can cover the point effectively. A Demoman Über will be the most useful here as the small amount of room in the building will maximize the Demoman's effectiveness with explosive weapons and the right area leads to the enemy spawn, effectively allowing you to cut off their reinforcements so your team can rush the point.
- Building an Über in the top left and top right tunnels for the left and right Sentry Guns respectively is your best plan of action, but make sure to watch your back as the tight corners and stairways are a Pyro's optimum conditions to take you by surprise, as well as other close range classes (like Spies if you have your back turned or Demoknights).
- If another Medic is already working on an ÜberCharge, try a Kritzkrieg from the top right battlements. The higher ground lets you and your patient see over the immediate area, and if the Sentry Guns are destroyed you can rush toward the RED spawn as a distraction, pinning them in their spawn if you have the chance.
Stage 2 Point A
- The first area is initially quite difficult to enter from the ditch outside the spawn without an ÜberCharge, as there may be Sentry Guns on the roof of the right house, sticky traps on the gates or other measures to waste or take away your Über. To counteract this, have either you or another Medic push in with a regular charge to destroy all the traps and initial defenses, and follow up with your own or another Medic's charge of either type to mop up the remainder of the RED team.
- Do not build charges behind the right house, as the RED team can easily fire grenades, stickies and rockets into the tight space, send a Pyro or Spy round the back of the house to surprise you or even drop down on you from the roof. Instead, try the opposite side, crouching below the wall so you are immune to sniping.
- Pushing into the left building from the ground floor or the left passage is a good way of directly accessing the point so you can take out any defenses otherwise hidden in the building. A Sentry Gun may also be behind the point or to the right around the corner opposite the point. For the close range destruction, a Heavy or Pyro would work best, and when it comes to the faraway Sentry Guns, the Demoman with grenades/stickies helps tremendously.
- In the event of an Engineer having set up inside the far house, do not use an ÜberCharge or Kritz as the very small rooms can be easily routed by a passing Soldier or Demoman with their explosive weapons.
Stage 2 Point B
- Try holding off your charges until you reach the area of the point itself and not using your charge in the previous courtyard or tunnel. If you want to destroy any Sentry Guns on the right side, an Übered Demoman or Heavy will be the best choice as they can destroy a Sentry Gun quickly and then lay waste to your enemies freely. Do not jump or try running at the Sentry Gun however, as unless you are on the ground floor, you're very likely to be launched across the map and be chased down, having wasted the Über.
- Destroying Sentry Guns on the left side is significantly easier than the right as you can get near them via the left tunnels and hide near the large rock when you are trying to hold the charge for as long as possible. However, do not attempt this if there are a number of airblast Pyros around as the open area and linear pathway to the point makes them very harmful to your charge.
- Alternatively, use a Kritzkrieg after a normal ÜberCharge has rushed in to take the point by storm and keep the RED team in their spawn (now much closer than in the previous stage). You can also hide behind the left rocks and charge a projectile using class like a Soldier to deal Heavy damage.
- You may need to use an ÜberCharge to free up the right tunnel with the one way gate. Don't be afraid to use your charge in here (especially if there is an enemy sentry set up) as it can provide a temporary save haven for building charges in should your teammates be diligent and look for enemies coming in.
Stage 3 Point A
- Taking the first area will almost always require an ÜberCharge to deal with the inevitable Sentry Gun or two on either the left or right sides. The same classes work fine for either side (being Soldier, Demoman and Heavy) but it is worth noting that Pyro ÜberCharges are especially effective on Sentry Guns stationed on the left side due to them being on the ground floor. On the right side, however, the Sentry Guns will either be up a small ramp or in the top right route from the RED spawn, so the combination of knockback and the Flamethrower's short range will make it very difficult to reach them.
- At the start of the round, either use a regular ÜberCharge immediately or retreat into the spawn as it is a very popular tactic for the RED team to push into your spawn with either an ÜberCharge or a Kritzkrieg (or even both). Otherwise, you will need to spend another minute charging, which could be time spent putting pressure on the enemy team and even capturing the point.
Stage 3 Point B
- The final areas are probably the most difficult place to successfully build an ÜberCharge in the map, as it is a set of corridors often subject to a large amount of projectile spam, hiding Spies, and enemies coming from the rear stairs. To counteract this, try hiding in corners to minimize any damage you take or the chance of you being spotted, and using your charge earlier than usual when pushing in to compensate for the increased chance of you losing the Über.
- Pushing with a Demoman is best for destroying any Sentry Guns in the area, but, when trying to hold the RED team on their side of the bridge, a Heavy with Kritzkrieg does the best job. If you decide to do this, make sure the Heavy either pushes in when there are no Sentry Guns around, or keeps out of the lines of sight of any Sentry Guns in the distance or around corners.
- The tunnel is also a good place to push from with either charge, as an ÜberCharge can bypass any defenses in the top left corridor by going directly across the bridge, and a Kritzkrieg Demoman or Heavy can fire upwards at the enemy to stop them from going towards the gully, cutting off an easy escape route from other ÜberCharges your team pushes with.
- When crossing the bridge, watch out for airblasting Pyros again as here is where they can completely waste your Über by blasting you into the gully. For this reason, try to only charge in when you know that at least one enemy Pyro is dead or distracted.
Stage 1 Point A
- Defending this area is a lot more focused on the Kritzkrieg, as if used correctly with the right classes (Soldier or Demoman) you can take out a considerable number of players in very little time. This buys your team more time at the start of a round to build up defenses, and might even kill the charged Medics on the BLU team (though only if they stand outside the range of the resultant Critical explosives in spawn). If they counter Über with a proper ÜberCharge, retreat or hide and try to take them from the left side or the windows in the point building.
- In the event that the BLU team pushes into the point with a regular ÜberCharge, do not panic and instead either retreat to the second point to build your own up, or even counter with another regular charge so as to block the point. If doing so, be sure to let your team know that you have so they will continue to defend the point and not leave you to be killed as soon as the charge wears off.
Stage 1 Point B
- Stage 1 Point B is a lot more suited to the normal ÜberCharge, as the passages to it are unpredictable and may make a Kritzkrieg a bad choice. This is especially apparent when the BLU team pushes down the right stairway with a normal Über, as you will need to block it before the point caps with the amount of people running in with the charge. If you can, try to stay out of sight until their ÜberCharge pushes in and be sure to ask for at least one Heavy class to stay at the point as a countermeasure.
- It is entirely possible to jump along the side of the top right tunnel and onto the small Sniper ledge if you are skilled with this jump. In the eventuality that you are and can get a teammate up there (most likely a Soldier or Demoman as it is easily accessible to them) then you can take a charge into the tunnel and purge any BLU players from there. When this is done, you can either hold the one way gate open to let your teammates in to cut off one of the BLU team's potential entrances to the second area, or escape via the same gate.
- Try not to push the BLU team right back to the first point as there are too many alternative entrances to the one you are pushing through, and so they can quite easily evade your charge and advance through another route.
Stage 2 Point A
- Defending the point will require a mix of the two types of ÜberCharge, with the normal version being useful for destroying any Sentry Guns or people in the tunnel and spawn area of the BLU team, and the Kritzkrieg for cleaning out the tunnel and courtyard in front of the point building. For both of these applications, standing on the top of the left house will keep you hidden somewhat, and also out of harm's way (though watch for Spies coming up the back ladder). You can also stand on the raised area next to the point, though you may be sniped from the far left if you don't hide inside.
Stage 2 Point B
- When Point A has been taken, regularly run back in there or the left tunnel with a charge to deter enemies for a short time and cut off any BLU players in areas closer to the point from reinforcements. You can access the first area through a number of different pathways, so try to take the least occupied one.
- If you are trying to retake the mining tunnel, a normal Über will be necessary as Engineers will set up their bases in there as soon as possible, making Kritzkriegs ineffective at best unless you can get a Soldier to kill Engineers who are tanking their Sentry Guns with splash damage.
Stage 3 Point A
- When defending the initial courtyard area, use an Übered Heavy, Pyro, Demoman or Soldier to rush into the enemy spawn area and force them back into their actual spawn. In the cramped corridors the effectiveness of any counter Über measures are reduced, so you can use close range patients such as Backburner Pyros to their full advantage. A Kritzkrieg works too, though you will have to wait until the BLU team's ÜberCharges have been used or eliminated, and if you wish to stay safe when activating the charge just stand in the windows of the right building and have a Soldier fire rockets into the courtyard.
- Übering to stop the point being captured is a risky prospect as it is far away from the RED team's safe zones, and you can be easily knocked off or blown up prior to activating the charge. Instead, your patient should fire directly at the point or push around the corner to stop any more BLU players running across.
Stage 3 Point B
- The Kritzkrieg shines for defending the final point, as the tight conditions and corner-based chokepoints mean that a Critically charged Demoman or Heavy can storm the BLU team's area and deal massive damage in a very short space of time and often killing their Medics while they build Über. A normal Über won't work quite as well, but can be used for taking out any Sentry Guns that the BLU team puts up to maintain their front lines.
- Keep the pressure on the BLU team high, and use ÜberCharges regularly to make sure the enemy team gets no breathing room. With the amount of damage your teammates will be taking from around the corner, you can regain and build ÜberCharges in a very short space of time.
- Try to mix up your routes to attack the enemy from if you can, as it keeps them on their toes and will cause Heavy damage if they aren't prepared for a particular charge (such as a Pyro Über pushing from the tunnel behind them) and may even push them back to the first point area as a result.
- If you have a normal ÜberCharge ready and the enemy team pushes in while you have nobody to heal, activate your charge and just stand on the point, as you can easily buy your team a few seconds of time for them to respawn and destroy a group of people on the point. The same applies if you can only Über a single person or a non-combat ready class, such as an Engineer or Sniper.
Stage 1, Point A
- When attacking, go by the side shed and snipe from there. Most defenders will be hanging by the main shed; try to pick them off so the attacking players can hit the defenders hard on the main pathway. Run along the side shed pathway and try to take down any defenders teleporting to the front lines or any Engineers and their buildings.
- You can also hold down a sniping spot just left of the side shed. This is a key, yet uncommon sniping point as it gives you views to the two tunnel exits, and the one above. If a battle is going on inside the main shed, and your team has limited the enemy team to the main shed, this spot is safe. The trick is to wait for any unaware enemies to come through either tunnel exit. Keep your dot hidden and you'll have your enemy running straight into bullets. This gives the rest of your team enough time to capture the point. The disadvantage is that a Spy can easily hug the canyon wall and backstab you, and if you've been successful at this point, many opponents will switch to Spy. As a precaution against any Spy that may kill you, either use the SMG to spycheck the area regularly (and obtain health/ammo from the side shed), or employ the Razorback.

The tires next to the control point, to stand on.
Stage 1, Point B
- When attacking, use the platform with the tires to snipe the defenders. Concentrate on taking down enemy Snipers from here (if there are any). To get a good vantage point on the Capture Point, cross the bridge after leaving the grating and snipe from the platform with the three stacked boxes.
Stage 2, Point A
- Sniping on the point is rather bad as a Sniper can kill you fast, though using Jarate with the Huntsman works well in this point of the game. You can also snipe from the big rock on the right of the point for a good view of the tunnels.
Stage 3, Point A
- It's best to snipe from the tunnels if attacking as it is a good vantage point and if an Engineer puts a Dispenser nearby, you have access to health and ammo.
Stage 3, Point B
- When attacking, enter the long hallway that contains a medium medkit. It will give you an excellent vantage point on the enemy.
Stage 1, Point A
- When defending, a good Sniper spot is the flat platform by the windows of the Capture Point A building. Snipe from here to cover the main shed, the canyon, and the side shed. If there's a Sentry Gun up in the corner of the stairs in the building, it will prevent Spies from backstabbing you. However, be sure to listen to the Engineer. It is in your best interest to aid the Engineer if his buildings become sapped.
Stage 1, Point B
- When defending, look for a stack of tires back in a corner between the control point and the traditional Sniper platform above spawn. Jumping behind these tires gives you an excellent vantage point on almost all the entrances to the area, will keep most of your body protected, and nullifies Spy backstabs (though the occasional side-stab may happen). You're also close to where Sentry Guns are normally placed, so Spies will generally go for them first, unless they are gunning for you in particular.
Stage 2, Point A
- When defending, staying back by the office is a good idea. This gives a good view of the front lines. There's a large Ammo Pack and medium Medkit in the building, and outside by a sign, there is a large Medkit. There are also some barrels in the corner that give quick access to the point for defense with your Melee weapon. You're a sitting duck for Spies there though. The Razorback will help prevent backstabs, but due to being isolated, Spies can dispatch you easily with their primary weapons.
Stage 3, Point A
- If defending, sniping on top a bunch of props near the first point gives you good view in exchange for exposure. As an alternative, you can snipe on the left of the point and crouch to avoid fire but are still vulnerable to headshots.
Stage 1, Point A
- When attacking, use the canyon pathway to sneak up on the attackers by using the back door. Be sure once you sap the Sentry Guns, you have a Demoman or Soldier standing by to destroy it. Be sure when going through the canyon you are fully cloaked or Snipers will take you down as you come out. Do not wait by the grating; wait next to it or they will be aware of your method of attacking.
- The balcony of the point building can be accessed from the outside by jumping onto the wagon wheel leaning against the corner; use this to surprise Engineers on the stairs without having to come face-to-face with their Sentry Guns or taking the longer and harder route through the mine shaft.
- Before the capture point is taken, you can quickly run to Point B and attempt a capture. This works very well with two Spies. This can also apply to Stage 2 and 3, Point B.
Stage 2, Point B
- When attacking Stage 2 Point B, consider using the passage in the center of the map, below the two health pickups. This area is home to little or no Red traffic, and nobody should bother you as long as you stay cloaked.
Stage 3, Point A
- This point is nigh-suicidal due to the massive amounts of fire being exchanged through the one chokepoint, so the Dead Ringer is the only guaranteed way to get through unnoticed. Behind the enemy, either uncloak immediately and thin out the front lines, or head to the second control point. Here you can either wait until your team takes the first point and score a quick win, or take any Teleporters you see, which have a good chance of leading into the tunnel above the first point. Engineers will not expect a Spy attack from behind them here, so wiping them out should be no problem.
- When attacking Stage 3 Point A, watch out for Engineers in the building near the Control Point with fully upgraded buildings. To counter them, try sapping the buildings then take out the Engineer or any other unwanted players.
Stage 2, Point A
- When defending, have a Spy stay near the Control point building. This Spy will be able to backstab any enemies that come through.
- The ditch in front of the BLU spawn is Spy heaven as BLU players generally consider everyone in that ditch a friendly or they forget to Spy-check you. Use this to your advantage and backstab enemies trying to edge your team's Sentry Guns or when they are trying to re-group. Note that they will eventually catch on and they will begin to intensely Spy-check the area.
- Remember that the top of the hut containing the Metal and Health is out of most enemies' sight. Use this to your advantage, and pull off some leaping stabs. However, watch out for the exit farthest away from the hut, as enemies coming from there will be able to see you.