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“ |
The densely-packed, fast-paced Powerhouse is TF2's first three-point CP map. Commit wasteful crimes against nature in the environmentally conscious shadow of a clean, renewable energy source! — Powerhouse Publicity Blurb
” |
Powerhouse 는Gun Mettle Update를 소개로 균형적인 3개의 점령으로 나누어진 지점 점령 맵 입니다. It is set in a hydroelectrical power plant.
지점 점령포인트 1 & 3
- 점령지: 점령지는 중간 터빈실에 있으며, 그 점령지 뒤에는 그 팀에 해당하는 리스폰 실이있습니다
- 점령실: The control room is a room with terminals above the turbine room with the control points. 이곳은 오직 점령지로 가게돼어있답니다.여기에는 출입구가 위쪽과 중간쪽에 있습니다. 이곳에서는 대형 치료제 와 탄약팩이 있습니다.
- 런치패드 실: 큰 복도에는 밖과 점령지로 갈수있게 돼있습니다.그리고 3개의 출구가 있습니다: 오른쪽, 조그마한 터녈의 옆앞쪽, 멀리떨어져있는 왼쪽. 또한여기에도 중형 치료제 와 탄약팩이 있습니다.
Control Point 2
- 점령지: The control point is located on a platform above the drainage ditch. It is accessible from the team oriented ramps, and from the water.
- Team Sides: On both sides of the ditch are concrete paths with barriers for cover. On both sides there are medium Health and Ammo kits.
- 물가: 여기에는 조그마한 배수도량이 있는데 깊어서 익사하기 충분하답니다. The only way back up if the player falls in is from the ramp to the control point.
- End of Paths: At the end of the paths is a platform with barrels for cover, as well as small Health and Ammo kits. By the control point is a narrow path to walk across.
점령 시간
지점 점령 1 및 3
지점 점령 2
Related achievements
Powerhouse has 5 map-specific achievements.
전력균형 적군이 마지막 점령 지점을 장악하려는 시도를 저지하고 승리하십시오.
전력 차단 지점을 점령하고 있는 적 15명을 처치하십시오.
궂은 일 물 속에 있는 적 5명을 처치하십시오.
전력 과시 아군이 이전 점령 지점을 점령한 후 마지막 점령 지점을 15초 안에 점령하십시오.
업데이트 내역
2015년 7월 2일 패치 #1 (Gun Mettle Update)
2015년 7월 3일 패치
- Powerhouse에서 터빈이 기하학적으로 충돌하지 않도록 업데이트했습니다.
- In both team's bases, there are multiple references to outer space in the Team Fortress 2 universe.
- Behind both team's spawns is a room filled with rockets similar to the one used on the map Doomsday.
- To the side of the rocket room is a metallic room with a lone spherical chair similar to the aesthetics Asteroid.
- At the center of each base is a closed launch pad with a rocket inside prepped for launch, and above a partly opened roof shutter.
- In each team's spawn rooms, there are cubes of some unknown metallic ore, similar to those seen on Asteroid, next to the trash cans.
- In the control room near the team oriented control point is a computer terminal and bulletin board with several references.
- On the terminal, there is a launch sequence code "111....1". This is a code said by Soldier in Meet the Spy.
- On both the terminal and the bulletin board, there are references to Poopy Joe.
- The bulletin board has a newspaper referencing the Apollo 11 Moon landing.
- The terminal says "Capacity: Lolololol", referencing "Copyright Lolololol", a phrase commonly seen on the title cards of the Meet the Team videos.
The secret room in the style of Asteroid.
The room of rockets behind each team's spawn.
A closeup of the terminal in the BLU control room.
The texture for the terminal (RED version).
The texture for the terminal (BLU version).
A closeup of the bulletin board in the BLU control room.
The texture for the bulletin board.
The launch room with a prepped rocket and opened shutter above.
The metallic cubes similar to those on Asteroid seen in RED spawn.
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