Pistolet de Poche du Beau Gosse
Changed: Increased health recovered on hit from +3 to +5
Lait frelaté
Added: Extinguishing an ally will now reduce the cool down by 20%
Assassin emballé
Changed: Ornament shatters on all impacts, dealing a small amount of damage in a small radius. Bleed effect still only applies to a target that is struck directly.
Changed: Ball recharge rate increased by 25%
Changed: Damage penalty reduced from -70% to -65%
Bazooka du mendiant
Changed: Decreased blast radius by 20%
Changed: Doubled health regeneration rate. Regeneration rate is now decreased if player has been recently damaged.
B.A.S.E. Jumper
Removed: Removed hidden property of up draft when on fire
Added: Added 20% Attack Speed penalty
Frappe aérienne
Changed: Reduced blast radius by 20% when rocket jumping (28% reduction when compared to stock)
Changed: No longer boosts all-around switch speed. Instead, boosts switch-to speed by 60% and switch-from speed by 30%.
Removed: Removed damage penalty
Changed: Increased Airblast cost by 25%
Changed: Increased afterburn penalty to from 25% to 66%
Removed: Removed 10% damage penalty.
Added: When activating 'MMMPH', the taunting Pyro gains temporary invulnerability and immunity to knockback effects
Added: Properties changed
100% Chance to crit against burning targets
33% Damage penalty
20% Slower attack speed
75% Slower switch-to speed
Mirage Éblouissant
Removed: Removed the ability to deal charge impact damage at any range (now native to all shields)
Added: Now increases recharge rate by 50%
Changed: Increased blast resistance from 15% to 20%
Changed: Now grants mini-crit instead of full-crit on charge bash
Changed: Reduced resistances to 15%
Bouclier bélier
Changed: Reduced blast resistance from 40% to 30%
Removed: Removed fire immunity
Claidheamh Mòr
Removed: Removed charge duration bonus
Added: Now restores 25 health on kill
Removed: Removed health penalty
Added: Now increases damage taken while active by 15%
Persuasion persane
Removed: Removed ammo pickups granting health instead of ammo
Added: Added penalties of reduced primary and secondary ammo
Added: Ammo pickups now replenish charge
Added: Now gains charge meter on hit
Lanceur de Bombes rapides
Changed: Fizzle time increased from 2 seconds to 4 seconds
Caber d'Ullapool
Changed: Base melee damage increased from 35 to 55
Added: Added 20% fire rate penalty
Added: Added 100% switch-to time penalty
Danger public
Changed: Reduced projectile speed (now a visible attribute)
Changed: Reduced cannon impact damage from 60 to 50. Damage also scales with distance.
Changed: Reduced knockback from cannon hit. Knockback strength is now similar to airblast.
Poings d'Acier
Removed: Removed deploy time penalty
Added: Added penalty of increased holster time by 100%
Gants de Retraite Urgente
Changed: Increased holster time penalty
Esprit du Guerrier
Changed: Now heals 50 health on kill
Changed: Damage received and dealt increased by 30%
Removed: Removed health penalty
Avis d'Expulsion
Added: Now provides 15% move speed bonus
Added: Now increases damage taken by 20%
Changed: Firing speed decreased from 50% to 40%
Added: Added damage penalty against buildings. Now takes 3 hits to destroy a Sapper.
Ranger du risque
Changed: Healing per bolt reduced from 75 to 60
Changed: Taunt can now be activated by alt-fire
Added: Healing done with the taunt now grants small amounts of ÜberCharge
Removed: Removed 10% health regeneration on proper resist
Added: Added slight ÜberCharge build on proper resist
Changed: Increased ÜberCharge rate from +50% to +67%
Changed: Reduced overhealed ÜberCharge build rate penalty to 33% from 66%. As this penalty is applied after the base increase, healing an overhealed patient is now 33% more effective.
Arbalète du Croisé
Added: Healing a player with an arrow now grants a small amount of ÜberCharge
Changed: Fixed cases where Quick-Fix ÜberCharged players could still be affected by certain knock-back effects
Added: Players can no longer capture objectives while under the effects of Quick-Fix ÜberCharge
Changed: Can be fired while off the ground
Carabine du Nettoyeur
Changed: Reduced firing rate penalty from 35% to 20%
Added: Added 'CRIKEY' meter which is filled by dealing damage
Changed: Mini-crits are no longer activated by kill, but can instead be activated by alt-fire when the 'CRIKEY' meter is filled
Campeur Aisé
Changed: Quadrupled health regeneration rate. Regeneration rate is now decreased if player has been recently damaged.
Added: Extinguishing an ally now reduces the cooldown by 20%
Dead Ringer
Changed: Initial damage reduction when feigning death increased to 75% from 50%
Changed: Fire immunity shield no longer appears when fire immunity is triggered
Crise de Panique
Changed: No longer auto-fires when fully loaded. Shots can be held and released at will.
Tireur Réserviste
Changed: No longer boosts all-around switch speed, instead boosts switch-to speed by 20% and switch-from speed by 15%
Changed: No longer mini-crits any airborne target (i.e. jumping). Target must be forced in to the air via blastjump, knockback, airblast, or grapple.
Changed: Now considered a sword (increased holster and deploy time and increased range)
Changed: Honorbound changed. Deals 50 self-damage on holster if no kill was made. Cannot be holstered if player is below 50 life and no kill was made.
Changed: 100% life restore on kill changed to 50% health gain on kill that can result in overheal
Added: No random crits