환경적 사망

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(비명) 이런 젠장, 끝없이 떨어지네
가마솥에 발을 들이기로 한 순진한 스카웃은...
...불행한 운명을 맞이했습니다.

환경적 사망은 맵의 환경 요소에 의한 사망으로, 각각의 맵에 있는 다양한 위험 요소에 따라 다른 모습을 보입니다. 위험 요소는 적을 상대하기 위한 무기나 저지 수단으로 사용할 수 있으며, 대부분은 전술적으로 상당한 이점을 줍니다. 이들을 알아두고 있는 것은 의미 없는 (혹은 부끄러운) 죽음을 방지할 뿐만 아니라, 적을 속이거나 밀어서 빠르게 처치함으로써 이점을 챙길 수도 있습니다.

즉사 위험 요소

아래의 위험 요소는 플레이어의 체력과 상관없이 즉사시킵니다. 봉크! 원자맛 음료우버차지 등을 통해 무적 상태를 얻은 플레이어에게도 영향을 끼칩니다.


Sawmill 중앙 지점의 톱날
Gravestone의 비행 톱날
Main article: 톱날
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톱날은 중립 개체로 공식적으로 Sawmill에서 처음으로 등장했습니다. 이후 Trainsawlaser 등의 수많은 커스텀 맵에서도 나타났습니다. 이들은 지정된 경로를 따라 앞뒤로 움직이며 접촉한 모든 사람을 즉사시킵니다. 장식적인 면에서, 톱날이 누군가를 즉사시켰다면 영구적으로 피로 뒤덮히게 되며, 이는 새로운 라운드가 시작될 때까지 지속됩니다.

새로운 형태인 비행 톱날Gravestone에서 처음으로 등장했습니다. 이들은 제재소를 관통해 다양한 경로로 비행하며, 누군가에게 접근할 시 짧은 소리 신호를 준 후 접촉한 플레이어를 즉사시킵니다. 누군가를 즉사시켰다면 그 톱날은 피로 뒤덮히게 됩니다.

톱날이 포함된 맵


Well 중앙 지점의 한 선로 위에 있는 기차
Main article: 기차
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기차는 중립 개체로 선로 위에 서있던 모든 사람을 즉사시킵니다. 기차가 도착할 때 선로 양 끝에있는 불빛이 깜빡거리고 벨 소리가 재생됩니다. 또한 기차가 지나가기 직전에 종종 경적 소리를 내며 플레이어에게 선로에서 빠져나오라는 마지막 경고를 합니다. 이 소리들은 플레이어가 충분히 가까이 있을 때 들을 수 있습니다. 이 기차의 차종은 EMD GP38-2로 보여지며, 도색은 이 차종을 실제로 운영했던 Southern Pacific의 것과 매우 유사합니다.

유의해야 할 점으로, 기차의 옆면에 있는 플레이어는 피해를 입지 않으며, 기차 위에 안전하게 올라탈 수도 있습니다. 이 사실은 상황에 따라 엄폐물 역할을 하는 두 화물 열차가 운행되는 Freight에서 아주 중요하게 작용합니다. 화물 열차는 기차 자체와 같은 크기를 가진 컨테이너 혹은 플레이어가 올라탈 수 있는 평평한 수레 등의 두 가지 형태로 나타납니다.

현저하게 다른 형태로 'Lil' Chew-Chew'가 있는데, 이는 특이하게도 Frontier에서 탑승할 수 있는 수레입니다. 만약 세 명 이상의 블루 팀 플레이어가 호송중일 경우, 이 기차 앞에 있던 불행한 플레이어들은 소속 팀과 상관 없이 '씹혀서' 즉사합니다.

기차가 포함된 맵


Upward 맵 종점의 구덩이
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 솔저 볼품없이 고통스럽게 죽음

구덩이는 흔한 환경적 위험 요소로, 구덩이나 절벽 아래로 떨어지면 즉사하게 됩니다. 맵 가장자리의 절벽을 포함한 일반적인 구덩이와, 수레 선로 끝에 있는 거대한 구덩이, 수레 폭발 직전이나 폭발중에 열리는 구덩이 등 맵에는 다양한 구덩이 함정이 존재합니다.

플레이어가 어느정도 높이에서 바닥으로 착지했는지 판단하여 계산하는 추락 피해와는 다르게, 구덩이는 추락한 거리나 땅이나 사물과의 접촉 여부와는 상관 없이 플레이어를 즉사시킵니다. 구덩이는 trigger_hurt 개체로서 구역에 존재하는 플레이어에게 끊임없이 빠르게 피해를 입히는 방식으로 즉사시킵니다.

구덩이에 의한 사망의 지점이나 깊이는 플레이어가 볼 수 있는 바닥면이 아닐 수도 있습니다. 구덩이에 의한 사망 판정은 플레이어의 시체, 토막, 무기와 탄약 상자 등이 계속 떨어지는 보이지 않는 평면에 설정될 수도 있기 때문입니다.

구덩이의 사망 판정 구간에 도달하게 되면, 플레이어가 우버차지 상태라도 무조건 즉사합니다. 구덩이 구역을 완전히 피하지 않는 이상, 점프하거나 낙하산 등의 추락을 지연시키거나 느리게 만드는 효과도 죽음을 늦출 뿐 피할 수는 없습니다.

일부 아이템은 한번 구덩이에 빠지면 다시 회수할 수 없기 때문에, 소유자가 구덩이에 의해 사망했을 시 다르게 취급됩니다. 기밀 서류 가방은 소유자가 구덩이에 의해 사망하면 원래 위치로 돌아가며, 이는 Mann 대 기계에서의 폭탄이나, 특급 배달의 서류 가방, 로봇 파괴의 노심, '패스' 시간의 잭 역시 같은 방식으로 작동합니다. 자금은 구덩이로 떨어지면 획득한 것으로 처리되어 즉시 플레이어에게 들어옵니다. 축구공은 구덩이로 떨어지면 라운드가 끝날 때까지 그곳에 남아있게 됩니다.

구덩이가 포함된 맵


지옥에서 끓고 있는 용암
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용암은 적은 수의 맵에서 나타나는 위험 요소입니다. 주로 할로윈 테마의 맵에서 등장합니다.

황천 용암Helltower에서 처음으로 등장했습니다. 용암이 흐르는 애니메이션이 있다는 것을 제외하면, 대부분의 상황에서 구덩이와 구별되지 않습니다. 용암에 닿으면 추락한 높이와는 상관 없이 대개 즉사합니다. 사망 애니메이션은 구덩이와 같을 수 있지만, 각각의 맵에 따라 다르게 나타나기도 합니다.

지옥불 용암은 할로윈 테마의 맵이 아닌 Hellfire에서 처음으로 등장했습니다. 용암에 닿으면 최대 체력 상태인 플레이어는 즉사하지 않으나, 몇 초 이내에 사망하게 됩니다. 이 잠깐의 시간 동안 기동 갈고리를 사용해 용암에서 탈출할 수도 있습니다. 지옥불 용암은 플레이어와 시체를 불이 붙은 상태로 만들고, 아주 가끔씩 불에 의해 사망하게 만드는 작은 불길과 화염구를 포함합니다.

용암이 포함된 맵 (Ghost Fort 등의 길게 연장된 할로윈 구덩이 제외)

치명적인 물

Eyeaduct 맵 보물섬의 치명적인 물
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몇몇 맵의 물은 닿은 플레이어를 즉사시킵니다. 사망 메커니즘은 구덩이와 유사하지만, 용암처럼 사망 구역을 설계할 때 높은 곳에서 추락하도록 할 필요는 없습니다. 사망 애니메이션은 시체가 물 안에서 까닥거리는 것입니다.

새까만 물은 몇몇 지하 세계의 섬을 둘러싸고 있습니다.

새하얀 물은 그 안으로 들어간 모든 사람을 빠르게 즉사시킵니다.

치명적인 물이 포함된 맵
새하얀 물이 포함된 맵


Mercenary Park의 첫번째 점령 지점 근처의 악어
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악어Mercenary Park에서 처음으로 등장했으며, 효과음이 들리는 출렁이는 물에서 나타납니다.

악어떼가 사는 물에 접촉하면, 악어가 물속에서 뛰어올라 플레이어를 먹어치웁니다. 이때 플레이어의 체력이나 우버차지 상태와는 상관 없이 플레이어를 즉사시켜 토막냅니다.

악어가 포함된 맵*
* 악어 프롭에 접근할 수 없는 맵 제외


구역 주변에 상어가 있다고 알리는 The Teufort Bystander 뉴스 기사
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상어Sharkbay에서 처음으로 등장했으며, 효과음이 들리는 출렁이는 물에서 나타납니다.

악어와 비슷하게, 플레이어가 물 안으로 뛰어들어가면 즉사해 토막납니다.

상어가 포함된 맵


조언으로 보이는 것
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게이터는 물속에서 나타납니다. 게이터의 입에 접촉하면 즉사합니다.

게이터가 포함된 맵

수레 폭발

Badwater Basin에서의 수레 폭발
Main article: Payload
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수레 밀기수레 경주의 마지막 (혹은 단판) 라운드에서, 수레가 마지막 지점에 도착했을 때, 혹은 그 잠시 후 폭발이 일어나 그 주변에 있는 모든 플레이어를 즉사시킵니다. 일부 맵에서는, 폭발에 의해 생긴 구덩이에 떨어져 사망할 수도 있습니다.

수레 폭발이 포함된 맵


DeGroot Keep의 관문
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압사는 플레이어가 불행하게도 단단한 두 표면 사이에 끼었을 때 발생합니다.

A 지점과 B 지점이 점령되면 열리는 DeGroot Keep의 관문은 어느 정도 시간이 지났을 때 마지막 지점의 점령이 진행되지 않으면 닫힙니다. 플레이어가 관문이 닫힐 때 그 아래에 있거나, 관문이 열릴 때 너무 가까이 있다면 압사당합니다.

Dustbowl의 3단계에서 블루 팀이 첫번째 지점을 점령하면, 첫번째 지점으로 향하도록 하는 부활 장소의 문이 그 아래에 있는 모든 플레이어를 압사시킵니다.

DoomsdayCarnival of Carnage에서 플레이어를 로켓이나 티켓 자물쇠로 올려주는 플랫폼은 오스트레일륨 가방 / 티켓 가방 소유자가 사망하거나 로켓이 발사 / 티켓이 제출되면 내려갑니다. 이때, 불운하게도 플랫폼 아래에 있던 플레이어는 압사당합니다.

Egypt의 모든 문은 천천히 열리거나 닫혀 플레이어를 압사시킬 수 있습니다. 또한 1단계에는 레드 팀 부활 장소에서 A 지점으로 향하는 길에 한 방이 있는데, 블루 팀이 첫번째 지점을 점령하면 방의 두 문이 닫히게 됩니다. 그 후 방의 천장이 천천히 내려오며 그 안에 있던 모든 플레이어를 압사시킵니다.

HightowerHelltower에서 상대 팀의 수레가 점령 플랫폼으로 올라가지 못하도록 저지하면, 플랫폼이 내려와 그 아래에 있는 모든 플레이어를 압사시킵니다.

Carnival of Carnage에서 플레이어가 붉은 스트롱만 버튼을 밟으면, 거대한 망치가 내려와 마저 벗어나지 못한 모든 플레이어를 압사시킵니다. 망치의 강타는 충격파를 일으켜 주변에 있는 플레이어를 공중으로 띄워 추락 피해에 의해 사망할 수 있게 합니다.

Mann 대 기계 모드에서는 플레이어가 움직이는 전차 로봇과 벽 혹은 프롭 사이에 끼어버리면 압사당합니다.

Snowplow에서 기차를 손상시키기 위해 사용하는 거대한 장치는 그 아래에 있는 모든 플레이어를 압사시킵니다.

Enclosure에서의 1번 관문은 B 지점이 점령되면 닫혀 플레이어를 압사시킵니다.

Megalo에서 전차대가 내려올 때 그 아래에 있던 플레이어는 압사당합니다.

압사가 포함된 맵

용광로 불

Foundry의 블루 팀 용광로
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용광로Foundry의 특별한 환경 위험 요소로, 각 팀의 첫번째 부활 장소 옆에 있습니다. 용광로 안으로 들어간 모든 플레이어는 불이 붙은 채로 즉사합니다. 한 플레이어가 적을 용광로 안으로 밀어 즉사시키면 또한 제거됐다 도전 과제를 달성할 수 있습니다.

Maps with cauldron fires

Rocket exhaust path

The Rocket exhaust path after taking off on Doomsday.
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The map Doomsday features a path where, at the end of the round, the exhausts of the rocket pushes a player into a pit located at the end of the route. A player from the winning team that manages to push an enemy into this pit receives the Lift-offed achievement.

On Steel, if RED successfully defends point E until the end of the game, the rocket above the final point ignites and kills anyone underneath its exhaust.

Maps with Rocket exhaust paths


The grinder seen on Mannhattan.
The Combine Harvester.
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The Grinder is an environmental death that happens when a player gets sucked into a grinding machine. Players killed in this way cause one of two loud sounds of flesh being crushed to play.

On Mannhattan, this death can also happen to Robots, which causes one of three unique death sounds of grinding metal to play. Additionally, the Manhattan and Distillery grinders feature an inconspicuous banana peel positioned near the machine; stepping on it causes a slipping sound effect and pushes players (or robots) directly into the grinder.

Maps with Grinders

Tyrannosaurus Rex

T-Rex encounter on Enclosure.
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Tyrannosaurus Rex is an environmental death specific to the final point "T-REX" of the third stage of Enclosure. When the cart has been pushed a short distance onto the platform in front of the Tyrannosaurus Rex enclosure's gate, an immediate Payload Cart explosion is triggered. A second or so later, the T-Rex slams the gate open, killing and knocking back anyone who has rushed up to see Rexxy. T-Rex steps halfway into the room, amidst smoke and flames, killing any close players and letting out a climatic roar. Any player that then runs up to the Tyrannosaurus Rex during Humiliation is instantly killed and knocked back.

Maps with Tyrannosaurus Rex

Big Mama

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Big Mama is an environmental death specific to the final point of Bread Space that causes causes intant gibs on contact (see map page).

Maps with Big Mama

Bubbling Cauldron

Bubbling Cauldron.
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Bubbling Cauldron is a Halloween environmental death hazard. Any player that steps around the Bubbling Cauldron suffers health drain, while falling into the Bubbling Cauldron suffers instant death and knock back. When the Bubbling Cauldron is used as the final point on a Payload map, the Bubbling Cauldron has a unique killing explosion.

In Cauldron, standing on or jumping into the Cauldron as it is spewing out Fireballs instantly kills the player.

Maps with a Bubbling Cauldron

Pendulum Blades

Hallway of Pendulum Blades.
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Pendulum Blades are neutral entities that were officially introduced on Monster Bash. They swing back and forth and instantly kill anyone that comes in contact with them. Cosmetically, a blade gets permanently coated in blood if it kills someone, which persists until a new round starts.

Maps with a Pendulum Blade

Fire Pit

The Fire Pits
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Fire Pit is a Halloween environmental death hazard found on Cauldron. Any player that steps into it is instantly killed.

Maps with a Fire Pit

Falling Elevator

The Falling Elevator
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Elevator is a environmental death hazard found on Bread Space. It is a malfunctioning elevator falling down at high speeds. Any player that is hit by the bottom of the elevator instantly dies from the impact, and standing on the elevator drags the player down into a death pit.

Maps with a Falling Elevator

Non-instant death hazards

These environmental hazards do not kill players instantly, but can eventually cause environmental death.

Boiling waters

The boiling water at point D on Sulfur.
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Boiling water emits steam and bubbles from its surface, and slowly harms the player until killing them.

Maps with Boiling waters


The lasers seen on Asteroid.
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Lasers are an environmental death specific to Asteroid that move up and down along a designated path. Players who come into contact with them let off visible "sparks" and have 200 damage dealt to them, though it can partially be resisted with the Battalion's Backup buff to deal less damage.

They can also be harmlessly passed through while under the effects of the standard ÜberCharge or Bonk! Atomic Punch.

Maps with Lasers


Torches and braziers at the BLU spawn point on Egypt.
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Environmental fire is different from flamethrower fire or other fire damage produced by players, as it does not result in an afterburn effect. Instead, environmental fire slowly damages the player's health only as long as they stand directly in the hazardous zone.

Environmental fire does not ignite Sniper arrows.

Maps with environmental fires


A "Fireball" plume in Hellfire.
Killicon skull.png

Fireballs, introduced in Hellfire, are rising plumes of Flame that cause fire damage to any player coming in contact with it.

The amount of damage a player receives from a Fireball broadly corresponds to the player's base class health; that is, each player that stands in full contact with the center of the entire plume loses over half of its health regardless of class. Each class (except Pyro) also suffers brief afterburn from even the slightest contact with the plume.

Fireballs do not ignite Sniper arrows.

Another type of Fireball, introduced in Cauldron, has a chance of spewing out of the cauldron when the point is capped. These Fireballs rain over a large portion of the map, dealing large amounts of damage to unsuspecting players. However, these Fireballs do not cause afterburn.

Maps with Fireballs


Water corridors on Well.
Main article: Water
Killicon skull.png

Players under deep water (water in which the player is completely submerged) have a period of approximately 12 seconds before they begin to suffocate. Failure to rise above water causes them to continually lose 5 health every second until they drown. Any health lost by suffocation slowly regenerates at a rate of 10 health every 2 seconds as soon as a player reaches the surface. Going back underwater, however, ceases health regeneration until the player surfaces again.

Maps with deep water

Health drain

Killicon skull.png

Health drain is a steady or increasing rate of health loss experienced in one or more specific areas of particular maps. Basic examples are Underworld locations in certain Halloween maps. The effect is also experienced inside the flying saucer in Probed. The drain is a damage-over-time effect similar to the effects of bleeding or afterburn; but, it is neither triggered nor time-limited. Health drain occurs only when a player enters a specific area and continues only as long as the player does not leave the area or until the player is killed.

Maps with Health drain


Hellish cloud of lethal steam on Brimstone.
Killicon skull.png

Steam, volcanic gas, or poison gas is a damage-over-time effect introduced on Brimstone. The time and area of effect are indicated by a rising cloud of vapor and fluid splashes (compare with Pumpkin bomb explosion splash). Players that enter the cloud suffer damage-over-time so long as they survive and remain in the cloud.

Maps with steam


Shake, tremor, or earthquake is a visible and audible cue effect that shakes a player's world view and aim. While the effect causes no direct damage, the effect can be somewhat disorienting and otherwise interferes with a player's ability to attack, defend, and navigate. The effect can serve as a warning of a monster or another effect. The world violently shakes for players as the Horseless Headless Horsemann chases them down. On Eyeaduct, shaking accompanies the spawning of MONOCULUS. Strong shaking is a map-wide cue of the Skeleton King on Helltower, while only very weak tremors warn of a Baby Skeleton spawning nearby. Earthquakes warn of the release of hellish steam on Brimstone.

Maps with shaking

Shrinking Water

Killicon skull.png

Shrinking Water is a fast-moving wall of water that closes in, shrinking the playable space. When entered, the player starts to drown at a rapid rate; if not acted upon quickly, the player soon drowns.

Maps with Shrinking Water


Killicon skull.png

Acid is a bright green liquid that damages players standing in it over time.

Maps with Acid

Saw Blade Cart

Killicon saw blade.png

Saw Blade Carts are a type of Payload cart equipped with a saw blade on its front. While the sides of the saw blades are harmless (as well as the rest of the cart), the front and top deal 45 damage per tick to any players who make contact with them, regardless of their teams.

A player who is hurt by a cart's saw blade causes it to become bloodied (a purely cosmetic effect), and those who die from it are turned into gibs.

Maps with Saw Blade Carts

Toxic Waste

Deadly pit of toxic waste on Nucleus VSH.
Killicon skull.png

Toxic Waste is a bright green liquid that damages players standing in it over time, similar to acid. Unlike acid, however, toxic waste is also able to harm the player in the form of puddles and spills.

Damage taken increases exponentially based on time spent in contact with toxic waste as opposed to a fixed amount over time. This accumulated damage per tick persists even after having left the toxic waste, meaning that entering the toxic waste again continues dealing damage from where the amount stopped.

Maps with Toxic Waste

Bosses/Event-specific Hazards

These environmental hazards are unique to Halloween and Invasion event maps.

Pumpkin Bombs

A Pumpkin bomb on Harvest Event exploding.
Main article: Pumpkin bomb
Killicon pumpkin.png

Pumpkin Bombs and reskins are special objects found on all Halloween maps except Ghost Town (Mann vs. Machine) and Monster Bash. On Cursed Cove and Laughter, they are replaced by Explosive Barrels and Dynamite Balloons, respectively. Additionally, exploding Alien Walker part reskins appear on 2Fort Invasion. Pumpkin Bombs are rigged with explosives and detonators visible on their exteriors from certain angles. Their detonators occasionally glow.

Once a Pumpkin Bomb receives any amount of damage from any source, or is hit by a projectile which would not normally damage anything (for example, the Rocket Jumper's projectiles and Mad Milk), it triggers an explosion, dealing heavy damage to all players near it. This does not cause instant death; any class with enough health or who is under the effects of invincibility can use these bombs for an explosive jump.

Pumpkin Bombs should not be confused with Halloween pumpkins. A simple way to tell them apart is that Pumpkin Bombs do not move, whereas Halloween Pumpkins rotate similar to Health packs or Ammo crates. Pumpkin Bombs always spawn in the same spots, while Halloween Pumpkins drop where a player is killed.

Pumpkin Bombs should also not be confused with Pumpkin MIRV, a magic spell.

Maps with Pumpkin Bombs

Dynamite Balloons

A Dynamite Balloon on Laughter.
Killicon skull.png

Dynamite Balloons or TNT Bombs appear in Laughter. They explode when damaged, similar to the Pumpkin bombs and produce the sound of children laughing when destroyed.

Maps with Dynamite Balloons

Explosive Barrels

An Explosive Barrel on Cursed Cove.
Killicon skull.png

Explosive Barrels appear in Cursed Cove. They explode when damaged, similar to the Pumpkin bombs. However, their damage is much greater, capable of instantly killing anyone albeit in a smaller range. Jumping from the explosion is only possible under the effects of Invulnerability.

Maps with Explosive Barrels

Alien Walkers

An Alien Walker on 2Fort Invasion.
Killicon skull.png

Alien Walkers are placed around the Invasion maps, which explode after being damaged, similar to Pumpkin bombs.

Maps with Alien Walkers

Snowman Bombs

A Snowman Bomb on Coal Pit.
Killicon skull.png

Snowman Bombs, also know as Snowmenn, appear in some Christmas maps. They explode when damaged, similar to the Pumpkin bombs.

Maps with Snowman Bombs

Area Explosion

Area Explosion occurs in order to punish players who have stayed for too long in certain Underworlds. A while after the gates to the exit back to the main portion of the map have lowered, the place is engulfed in a series of explosions that instantly kill anyone still there.

Maps with Area Explosion

Bomb Head

Killicon merasmus4.png

During battles against Merasmus, the Bombinomicon turns random players' heads into bombs, forcing their view into third person and temporarily removing their weapons, and instructs them to run into Merasmus to blow him up. If they take too long to run into Merasmus, the bombs on their heads explode, causing a lot of damage and rocketing them skyward if they survive the explosion, which may also cause them to take fall damage once they land. If they manage to run into Merasmus and explode on him, they are still thrown high up, but are granted temporary Invulnerability and Crits.

On Carnival of Carnage or Gravestone, during the bumper cart race picking up Magic spells might give the player a Bomb Head spell which does 50% damage upon exploding to the user and nearby enemies. It explodes either when its timer runs out or the user makes a head-on collision with an enemy.

On Laughter, players who stay too long in the Underworld have their heads turned into bombs as an incentive to speed things up and return to the regular map. If they fail to leave the Underworld, the bomb explodes, gibbing them.

Maps with Bomb Heads

Horseless Headless Horsemann

The Horseless Headless Horsemann.
Main article: Horseless Headless Horsemann
Killicon horseless headless horsemann's headtaker.png

The Horseless Headless Horsemann was the first boss enemy in Team Fortress 2. Introduced in Mann Manor, it now appears in other Halloween maps as well. He rises out of the ground or floor and proceeds to hunt down and kill players on both teams. The Horseless Headless Horsemann deals heavy damage to any player or building that he strikes. He continues his massacre until killed by a player (or players). All kills by the Horsemann count as environmental deaths and trigger the relevant achievements.

On Carnival of Carnage, the Horseless Headless Horsemann appears during the "Bumper Car Soccer" and "Falling Platforms" bumper car duels, wielding a gigantic blood-spattered Necro Smasher. While he can be killed as usual, he is unable to directly damage players, and can only knock players back with his swings in an attempt to send them into the map's Pitfalls.

Maps with the Horseless Headless Horsemann


Main article: Merasmus
Killicon merasmus.png
Killicon merasmus2.png
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Killicon fire.png

Merasmus first appeared as a boss in Ghost Fort, but now can be found in other Halloween maps as well. Merasmus is the former roommate of the RED Soldier on a vendetta since the Soldier ruined his home. On Ghost Fort, Merasmus spawns near the control point after a pre-determined amount of time. A spawned Merasmus kills players on both teams using a variety of spells and attacks. Merasmus continues rampaging until he is defeated or his time runs out. Any death caused by Merasmus is classed as environmental.

Maps with Merasmus


Main article: MONOCULUS
Killicon monoculus.png

MONOCULUS is a boss that first appeared in Eyeaduct, but can now be found in other Halloween maps as well. MONOCULUS takes the form of the RED Demoman's missing eye, haunted by the Bombinomicon. MONOCULUS spawns out of the contested control point or other locations under various conditions, which also instantly kills any players unfortunate enough to be standing there at the time. A spawned MONOCULUS proceeds to kill players on both teams using rocket-like eyeball projectiles, which are always critical hits and can kill any class (apart from the Soldier and the Heavy) with a direct hit. Such rockets can be reflected by a Pyro's compression blast. MONOCULUS continues attacking until it is killed or its time is up. Any death caused by MONOCULUS is classed as environmental.

The boss MONOCULUS should not be confused with "invokum monoculus", the magic spell that summons a team-loyal MONOCULUS.



The Skeleton King.
Main article: Skeletons
Killicon skeletons.png

Skeletons were introduced in Helltower and appear on several other Halloween maps. They are animated skeletons that can appear in varying circumstances. Green skeletons attack everyone, while team-loyal ones can be summoned by Magic spells. They come in different sizes, from tiny ones, medium-sized skeletons which split into smaller ones when killed, to the huge and durable Skeleton King who is guaranteed to drop a rare magic spell upon death. Any death caused by neutral (green) Skeletons is classed as environmental.

Maps with skeletons

Related achievements

Leaderboard class scout.png Scout

Fall Classic
Fall Classic
Cause an environmental death or suicide using the Force-A-Nature's knockback.

Foul Territory
Foul Territory
Cause an environmental death by stunning or slowing an enemy.

Leaderboard class demoman.png Demoman

He Who Celt It
He Who Celt It
Use the Sticky Launcher to kill an enemy player via environmental damage.

Leaderboard class medic.png Medic

Medical Intervention
Medical Intervention
Save a falling teammate from dying on impact.

Pumpkin.png Scarechievements

Attack o' Lantern
Attack o' Lantern
Cause the deaths of 5 players by exploding nearby pumpkin bombs.

Controlpoint.png Foundry achievements

Terminated, Too
Terminated, Too
Kill a player by pushing them into the cauldron fire.

Doomsday icon.png Astro-chievements

Push a player into the rocket's exhaust path at the end of the round.

Item icon Spellbook Magazine.png Bereavements

Helltower: Mine Games
Helltower: Mine Games
Perform 17 environmental kills in Hell

Carnival of Carnage RED Bumper Car.png Merasmachievements

Carnival of Carnage: Bumper Crop
Carnival of Carnage: Bumper Crop
Kill 30 enemies by bumping their bumper cars off the tracks.

Mvm navicon.png Mann vs. Machievements

See also

Category:Environmental hazards Category:Gameplay