Spy responses
Revision as of 10:53, 3 July 2010 by Typhoon966 (talk | contribs)
- 1 General responses
- 1.1 After Killing More than 2 Enemies in 20 Seconds
- 1.2 After Killing More than 5 Enemies in 20 Seconds
- 1.3 Kill Assist
- 1.4 Dominating a Scout
- 1.5 Dominating a Soldier
- 1.6 Dominating a Pyro
- 1.7 Dominating a Demoman
- 1.8 Dominating a Heavy
- 1.9 Dominating an Engineer
- 1.10 Dominating a Medic
- 1.11 Dominating a Sniper
- 1.12 Dominating a Spy
- 1.13 Revenge
- 1.14 Teleportation
- 1.15 Healed by Medic
- 1.16 After Capturing Intelligence/Control Point
- 1.17 Attacking, Control Point Unoccupied
- 1.18 Defense
- 1.19 Round Start
- 1.20 Round Win
- 1.21 Round Loss/Sudden Death
- 1.22 Round Draw
- 1.23 Set on Fire
- 2 Class-Specific Responses
- 3 Unused Responses
General responses
After Killing More than 2 Enemies in 20 Seconds
After Killing More than 5 Enemies in 20 Seconds
Kill Assist
- "I appreciate your help."
- "My appreciation, amigo." (Translation: "My appreciation, friend.")
Dominating a Scout
- "Well, off to visit your mother!"
- "You died as you lived: running away!"
- "Ooh, you were quick as a little bunny, weren't you?"
- "Here lies Scout--he ran fast and died a virgin."
- "Weren't you supposed to be good at dodging?"
- "May I borrow your earpiece? (mimicking Scout) "'This is Scout! Rainbows make me cry! Over!"
- "Nothing personal, I just had to shut you up."
- "So, your deadly skill is jogging? Mine is murdering people."
Dominating a Soldier
- "Maybe your colleagues will send a man next time."
- "I dominate you, you sluggish simpleton."
- "At least you died for honor -- and my amusement!"
- "Oh, Soldier, who will they ever find to replace you? Anyone! (laughs)"
- "They can bury you in the 'Tomb of the Unskilled Soldier!'"
Dominating a Pyro
- "Dominated! You mush-mouthed freak!"
- "Good lord! You fight like a woman!"
- "The world will thank me for this, you monster!"
- "Burn in hell, you mumbling abomination!"
- "You look like death warmed over. (laughs)"
Dominating a Demoman
- "'Kaboom', indeed, you drunken wretch!"
- "How that's bottle of Scrumpy now?"
- "'Ka-Boom' to you, sir!"
- "Don't feel bad; you did a fine job tossing your little balls around!"
- "The 'Black Scottish Cyclops' -- Now extinct!"
- "I merely finished what your liver started!"
- "Here's what I have that you don't: a functioning liver, depth perception and a pulse!"
Dominating a Heavy
- "Oh, fat man, please! This is getting awkward!"
- "You disgust me, fat man!"
- "That is a diet I call 'death.'"
- "Dominated! You fatuous, fat-headed fat man!"
- "You died as you lived: morbidly obese!"
- "Your precious sandvich won't save you now, fatty!"
- "Aww, too bad this wasn't a pie-eating contest!"
- "What's the matter? Fat got your tongue?" (laughs)
Dominating an Engineer
- "Yippee ki-yay, my dead, illiterate friend!"
- "Howdy, pardner!"
- "Happy trails, laborer!"
- "Did I throw a 'wrench' into your plans? (laughs maniacally)"
- "Not much of a quick-draw, are you, pardner?"
- "Giddyup now -- to hell!"
Dominating a Medic
- "(laughs maniacally) Laughter really is the best medicine! (laughs again)"
- "(mockingly) Medic! Medic! Medic! (laughs maniacally)"
- "Aww, you almost healed me to death that time!"
- "I'm looking at your x-ray and I'm afraid you suck!"
- "(laughs) You are such a bad doctor! (laughs again)"
- "Does it hurt when I do that? It does, doesn't it?!"
Dominating a Sniper
- "Boo! You repulsive bushman!"
- "You disgust me, filthy jar man!"
- "(mocking Sniper) No worries mate! (laughs)"
- "(laughs maniacally) You live in a van! (laughs again)"
- "Oh, please, just stay down!"
- "Perhaps they can bury you in that van you call a 'home.'"
- "(mocking Sniper) Good day to you, mate! (laughs)"
Dominating a Spy
- "Go to hell, and take your cheap suit with you!"
- "We all knew you were a Spy!"
- "You are an amateur and a fool!"
- "I'll see you in hell... you handsome rogue!"
- "You are an embarrassment to Spies everywhere!"
- "Excellent."
- "All in a day's work."
- "Well played."
- "First rate!"
- "Hello again, dumbbell!"
- "I'm back, you subnormal halfwit!"
- "Did you forget about me?!"
Healed by Medic
After Capturing Intelligence/Control Point
- "Well done, us!"
- "Our influence grows!"
- "Excellent!"
- "Was there ever any doubt?"
- "My pleasure."
- "Cheers!"
Attacking, Control Point Unoccupied
- "Come stand on the point!"
- "Come stand on the point, you idiot!"
- "Idiot! Come stand on the point."
- "Come stand on the point, you imbecile!"
Round Start
Round Win
- "All in a day's work."
- "Heartwarming."
- "But of course."
- "What did they expect?"
- "Naturally."
- "Excellent."
- "The outcome was never really in doubt."
- "Clearly they were outclassed."
Round Loss/Sudden Death
- "Hsssssssss!"
- "Well, this was a disappointment!"
- "I did all I could."
- "What a disaster!"
- "Not our finest moment."
- "Ohhhhh...merde." (Translation: "Ohhhh...shit.")
Round Draw
Set on Fire
Class-Specific Responses
Hit by Jarate
- "Is this... mon dieu!" (Translation: "Is this... my god!")
- "Jarate? Nooooooooo!"
- "I hate you!"
- "I have been shown who is the boss!"
- "Jarate? *cries* "
Backstabbing an Enemy
- "Apologies."
- "Thank you for being such a dear friend."
- "Surprise!"
- "Peek-a-boo!"
- "With my apologies."
- "Oh dear, I've made quite a mess."
Sapping an Engineer's Sentry Gun After Killing Him
Unused Responses
Medic Follow
Melee Dare
Unknown Condition
- "They should call you whiners 'Dr. NOOOOOO!'"
- "Promise not to bleed on my suit, and I'll kill you quickly."
- "You are all incompetent cowards!"
- "I'll be seeeing youuu!"
- "Why don't we just give up, pardner?" [Imitating Engineer]
- (Spooky Whistle)
- "Everyone back to the base, pardner." [Imitating Engineer]
- "I'm coming for you!"
- "May I make a suggestion? Run."
- "You're all of you quite out of your depth!"
- "You know, hiding wont save you."
- "This will be the last time you see me."
- "You suck!"
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