List of references (Engineer)
Due to the comedic style of Team Fortress 2 and Valve's humor, the game includes references, usually in a humorous fashion. There are many sources, including games, movies, and music; even jokes that have developed within the game and its community have been included. Below are references specific to the Engineer.
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Battle Rustler Teleport 100 team members into battle. |
This is a play on Template:W, a term used to refer to an individual who steals livestock.
Best Little Slaughterhouse in Texas Rack up 5000 kills with your sentry guns. |
Template:W is a 1978 Broadway production that has seen several iterations on both Broadway and the silver screen. The plot concerns the shutdown of a long-running Texas brothel after a crusading news reporter makes the illegal business a public issue.
Breaking Morant Kill 10 Snipers with a sentry gun under the control of your Wrangler. |
Template:W was an Australian horseman, poet and soldier who was convicted and later executed for war crimes he committed during Template:W.
Building Block Have a sentry shielded by the Wrangler absorb 500 damage without being destroyed. |
Template:W are popular children's toys. This is a reference to the fact that the Engineer builds items similarly to the way a child plays with building blocks. Block can also be a pun on the shield deployed around a Sentry when a Wrangler is activated.
Built to Last Help a single building tank over 2000 damage without being destroyed. |
This is a phrase commonly used by manufacturing companies, who claim that their products are "built to last" for a long time.
Circle the Wagons Repair 50,000 damage to friendly buildings constructed by other players. |
This is a reference to the practice of Template:Ws in the American Old West forming a circle for defensive purposes when attacked by Template:Ws. The tales of wagons being circled for this purpose are largely apocryphal. Wagon trains often circled their wagons at night to protect their supplies from predators and thieves, but rarely did so when under attack.
Death Metal Pick up 10,000 waste metal from pieces of destroyed buildings. |
Template:W is a distinctly vicious sub-genre of Heavy Metal music.
Deputized Get 10 assists with another Engineer where a sentry gun was involved in the kill. |
In the United States, deputy sheriffs are county officials, and are usually the top law enforcement. To be deputized is to be promoted to the rank of deputy.
Drugstore Cowboy Have dispensers you created dispense a combined amount of 100,000 health over your career. |
Template:W was a 1989 movie about a drug addict and his criminal actions.
Doc Holiday Have a dispenser heal three teammates at the same time. |
Template:W was a dentist, gambler and gunfighter of the "Old West", best known for his friendship with fellow gunslinger Wyatt Earp, and their subsequent Template:W.
Doc, Stock, and Barrel Repair a sentry gun under fire while being healed by a Medic. |
This is a reference to the phrase "Lock, stock, and barrel", usually used to mean "the whole thing", e.g., "I took it all — lock, stock, and barrel".
Fistful of Sappers Destroy 25 sappers on buildings built by other team members. |
Template:W is a classic Template:W Western film, the first in the popular Dollars trilogy.
Frontier Justice Have your sentry kill the enemy that just killed you within 10 seconds. |
Template:W is a form of vigilantism, namely punishing those who evaded or were lightly treated by law and order. The Frontier Justice is also one of the Engineer's unlockable weapons.
Get Along! Manage to get to, and then remove, a sapper placed on your building while you were several meters away. |
The achievement name is a phrase commonly attributed to general Texans and cattle drivers. It's often said to the effect of either "Go away!" or "you have a path to walk, now go down it", such as instructions to go somewhere.
Honky Tonk Man Smash an enemy player's head in with your guitar. |
This achievement refers to Template:W, a former wrestler for the WWE, with a guitar shot as one of his signature moves.
How the Pests Was Gunned Destroy 50 enemy stickybombs lying in range of friendly buildings. |
Texas, the Engineer's home state, is often regarded as a frontier territory between the more densely populated eastern half of the United States and the more rural western half. The phrase "how the west was won" originally referred to the process by which American pioneers "conquered" the West by taking the land from the Template:W tribes living there. In modern times, the phrase refers to the procedure by which something happens.
If You Build It, They Will Die Haul a level 3 sentry gun into a position that achieves a kill shortly after being redeployed. |
This is a reference to a famous line from the fantasy film Template:W: "If you build it, he will come".
Land Grab Help a teammate construct a building. |
A land grab is an aggressive taking of land, usually with military force or by constructing a structure on a vacant plot.
No Man's Land Use a sentry gun to kill 25 enemy players that are capturing a point. |
Template:W is a term for land that is not occupied due to a conflict or fear.
(Not So) Lonely Are the Brave Keep a Heavy healed with your dispenser while he gains five kills. |
Template:W is a 1962 film starring Template:W as a wandering ranch hand who holds a distrust for modern society.
Patent Protection Destroy an enemy Engineer's sentry gun with a sentry under control of your Wrangler. |
Patent protection is given to someone who proves that their invention satisfies certain criteria.
Pownd on the Range Kill 10 enemies outside the normal sentry gun range using the Wrangler. |
The song Template:W is an American folk song arranged by Texan composer David Guion. The song is often used in popular culture in connection with the Old West and with cowboys.
Quick Draw Kill a Spy and two sappers within 10 seconds. |
Quick Draw is a phrase commonly heard in western films. To be "quick on the draw" means that you can pull your gun out of its holster and fire very quickly.
Revengineering Use a revenge crit to kill the enemy player that destroyed your sentry gun. |
A reference to the practice of reverse engineering, where a device is taken apart so that its internal structure can be analyzed.
The name is a portmanteau of "revenge" and "engineering".
Rio Grind Perform 50 repairs and/or reloads on a Sentry gun being Wrangled by another Engineer. |
A reference to Rio Grande — the fourth longest river system in North America. This river serves as the natural border between the U.S. state of Texas and Mexico.
Search Engine Kill 3 cloaked Spies with a sentry gun under control of your Wrangler. |
A search engine is a website used to search the internet for certain web pages.
Silent Pardner Upgrade 50 buildings built by other team members. |
A play on the term Silent Partner, spelled as it is pronounced in a Texan accent. A Silent Partner is an anonymous member of a business partnership.
Six-String Stinger Provide an enemy player with a freeze cam of your guitar playing skills. |
Texas Ranger Haul buildings 1 km over your career. |
The Template:W are the second oldest statewide law enforcement body in the USA.
Texas Two-Step Use your shotgun to finish off an enemy recently damaged by your sentry gun. |
The Texas Two Step is a partner-based country dance that widely varies in style based on custom and location
The Extinguished Gentleman Have dispensers you built extinguish 20 burning players. |
This is possibly a reference to the Template:W comedy Template:W.
The Wrench Connection Kill a disguised spy with your Wrench. |
The Template:W was a scheme through which heroin was smuggled from Turkey to France and then to the United States, culminating in the late 1960s and early 1970s, when it provided the vast majority of the illicit heroin used in the United States. The scheme was immortalized in a 1971 Academy Award-winning Template:W.
Trade Secrets Kill 20 players carrying the intelligence. |
A trade secret is a formula, design, or compilation of information which is not generally known or reasonably ascertainable.
Uncivil Engineer Provide an enemy player with a freeze cam of you and the sentry that just killed them. |
This is a play on Template:W, a discipline of engineering that deals with construction of the physical and natural environment.
Unforgiven Kill 3 enemies with revenge crits without dying. |
This is a reference to Template:W's Academy Award winning Western film Template:W.
Frontier Justice |
Template:W is a form of vigilantism, namely punishing those who evaded or were lightly treated by law and order.
Gunslinger |
In 20th Century cinema or literature, a gunslinger is a name referring to men in the American Old West who had gained a reputation as being dangerous with a gun.
Lugermorph |
The name "Lugermorph" is a portmanteau of "Luger P08", a German sidearm that the Lugermorph is based on, and "lagomorph", any member of the mammalian order made up of mostly rabbits and hares. Max (who uses this weapon in the Template:W series) claims to be a member of this group.
P.D.Q. |
P.D.Q. is an acronym for "Pretty Damn Quick", (alternatively "Pretty Darn Quick" or "Please Do Quickly"), sometimes appended to the end of an instruction or command to communicate urgency.
Southern Hospitality |
The name "Southern Hospitality" is derived from the same phrase describing the warm and welcoming American South - ironic considering the fact that the Southern Hospitality causes large amounts of bleeding.
Widowmaker |
This futuristic shotgun is styled after the Widowmaker TX, a weapon available in Deus Ex: Human Revolution.
Hats & Miscellaneous Items
Brundle Bundle |
This item set is a reference to the film Template:W, based on a short story of the same name, in which a scientist named Seth Brundle accidentally merges his body with a housefly, turning himself into a monster.
The items withing the set give the Engineer a likeness to the transformed Brundle in the film.
Buckaroos Hat |
Buckaroo is the Americanized form of vaquero, the Spanish word for cowboy, and refers specifically to the Spanish and Mexican cowboys from the California region.
Builder's Blueprints Never bring a gun to a blueprint fight. |
The description is a reference to the phrase "never bring a knife to a gun fight".
Buzz Killer |
"Buzz Killer" is slang for a depressing person whose presence tends to consistently darken others' moods.
This hat is a reference to the film Template:W, based on a short story of the same name, in which a scientist accidentally merges his body with a housefly, turning himself into a monster.
Clockwerk's Helm DOTA 2 International Championship Gamescom 2011 |
This item is similar to the face of Clockwerk, also known as Rattletrap, a hero in Dota 2.
Googly Gazer Keep one eye on your enemy and the other one on everything else. |
This item resembles the artificial eye worn by Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody in the last four Template:W books and movies.
Hetman's Headpiece Cossacks and war go together like gołąbki and wódka. |
Gołąbki and wódka are Polish for cabbage dumplings and vodka, respectively.
Hetman was the title of the second-highest military commander, after the monarch, in 15th- to 18th-century Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, which together, from 1569 to 1795, comprised the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, or Rzeczpospolita, a faction featured in Mount & Blade With Fire & Sword.
"Hetman" was also the highest military office, and head of state, in Ukraine's Cossack Hetmanate, also featured in Mount & Blade With Fire & Sword.
Hotrod Mock the sun with streaks of flame as the UV rays bounce harmlessly away from your eyeballs. |
The name and flame design is a reference to American cars with large engines, also called Template:W, which stereotypically sport a fiery paintjob.
Industrial Festivizer |
The name of this hat is a play on the term Template:W.
Legend of Bugfoot |
The legend of Template:W is a myth about a large ape-like humanoid that inhabits forests.
This item is a reference to the film Template:W, based on a short story of the same name, in which a scientist accidentally merges his body with a housefly, turning himself into a monster.
Ol' Geezer |
"Old Geezer" is a brand of draft beer, with advertisements located in certain maps. Its mascot wears a hat similar to that of the Ol' Geezer.
Pencil Pusher Measure twice, cut once, shoot first. |
Pencil Pusher is a slang term for an accountant.
The description is a reference to the phrase "Measure twice, cut once", a term often used in carpentry.
Pip-Boy Using modern super-deluxe resolution graphics! |
This device is modeled after the Pip-Boy 3000 produced by the fictional RobCo Industries in the Template:W series.
Professor's Peculiarity I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics. Bullet mechanics? Well now that's a different thing entirely. |
The first line in the item description, "I think I can safely say that nobody understands Template:W", is a famous statement by physicist Template:W.
Teddy Roosebelt A cute, plushy pocket buddy. Aw, he even has his own hat! |
This item's name comes from that of Template:W, nicknamed "Teddy", a former President of the United States and inspiration for the teddy bear.
Texas Slim's Dome Shine Sometimes you just need a little less hat. |
This item's description is a nod towards one of the Engineer's voice responses when acquiring a kill with the Combat Mini-Sentry, "Sometimes you just need a little less gun", which itself is a homage to the line "Use more gun" from Meet the Engineer.
Wingstick |
The Wingstick is featured in the trailers of RAGE; it appears as a boomerang-like weapon that can be thrown, with the cloth on one end serving as a handle.
Dominating a Demoman
"Drunk on the battlefield ain't no way to be, son."
"Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son." is a well-known line from the 1978 comedy film Template:W.
Dominating a Heavy
"Nevermind the bullets; how much all these coffins costin' ya?"
This quotation is a reference to the $200 bullets that the Heavy loads into his minigun.
Other responses
"Well, good night, Irene!" - after a revenge kill
"Ah, good night, Irene!" - at the start of sudden death
Template:W or "Irene, Goodnight", is a 20th century American folk song. The lyrics tell how the singer lost his love through "rambling and gambling". He contemplates suicide in the famous line "Sometimes I take a great notion to jump in the river and drown". The final verse urges the listener to "go home to your wife and family". In addition to many recorded versions, it is also a favorite camp and fireside song.
Goodnight can also be translated to Goodeve, which is the last name of the Engineer's voice actor, Grant Goodeve
"Nice shooting, tex!" - "Nice Shot" voice command
This is a reference to the first Template:W film. As the Ghostbusters are trying to trap Slimer while in the Sedgewick Hotel ballroom, Peter says this due to Egon's overenthusiasm with his proton pack.
"Guess I got the Midas touch." - after a Golden Wrench kill
Template:W, the king of Pessinus, is a figure in Greek Mythology. He was known for his ability to turn anything he had touched into gold, commonly known as "The Midas Touch".
The Engineer's favorite equation is actually a part of the equation used to govern character lighting in-game.
His place of origin, Template:W, is a real city in Travis County, Texas, United States.
Meet the Engineer
The Engineer drinking "BLU Streak" beer in the Meet the Engineer video is likely a reference to the real life beer brand, Template:W, although it may also refer to the Template:W.
The song that the Engineer plays on his guitar during the video was not originally composed for Team Fortress 2, and is called "Someone Else's Song". It was originally written by American Country band Template:W for their album Template:W.
"How am I going to stop some big, mean mother hubbard from tearing me a structurally superfluous new behind?"
Template:W is a nursery rhyme. Here, the Engineer uses the phrase "Mother Hubbard" as a euphemism for "motherfucker".
See also