Obtaining Engineer achievements

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Battle rustler.jpg Battle Rustler

Teleport 100 team members into battle.

Difficulty: Easy

How to: This doesn't have to be completed on a single Teleporter, as it is a lifetime grind achievement. The best way to rack up teleports is to be on BLU on attack/defend or Payload maps, though having a Teleporter up in a good location at the beginning of rounds while on RED is similarly fast.

Best little slaughterhouse in texas.jpg Best Little Slaughterhouse in Texas

Rack up 5000 kills with your Sentry Guns.

Difficulty: Easy

How to: This is a grind achievement, albeit a fairly long one. The best way to get this is to place Sentry Guns in good locations, either in easily defensible positions on defense, or by taking players by surprise on offense.

Breaking morant.jpg Breaking Morant

Kill 10 Snipers with a Sentry Gun under the control of your Wrangler

Difficulty: Medium

How to: If you are doing this at long range, keep on the move so you don't take a bullet and/or arrow to the face while attempting this. You can also try using the Gunslinger and placing a Mini-Sentry close to an inattentive Sniper if you manage to get the drop on him, and using the Wrangler to quickly take care of him at close range. Keep an eye on any Snipers looking through their scope or drawing their Huntsman, as even without a headshot, a charged body shot will still kill you in one hit if you are not overhealed.

Building block.jpg Building Block

Have a Sentry Gun shielded by the Wrangler absorb 500 damage without being destroyed.

Difficulty: Medium

How to: It will help a lot to have a second Engineer to keep your Sentry Gun in good shape while you keep the shield and firepower up in the meantime. Note that a level 2 Sentry Gun has 540 health with the Wrangler, while a level 3 has 648. This means that you can simply let it be destroyed while hiding somewhere else. Also try to take advantage of the fact that most enemy attacks will come in waves, and repair your gun during the downtime if there aren't any other Engineers around.

Built to last.jpg Built To Last

Help a single building tank over 2000 damage without being destroyed.

Difficulty: Hard

How to: Your Sentry Gun is usually the best building to choose for this, as it has the highest health, but this achievement can be done on any building, even one that is not your own. Still, even at level 3 that comes out to about 9 or 10 health bars worth of damage, and Sentry Guns have a hard time lasting that long unless they are under the control of a Wrangler. After a while enemy players will either try to Sap it, or send an ÜberCharge after it. If things are looking bad, you can pick your structure up in order to prevent it from taking damage, but that will expose you to fire instead. Be cautious with that tactic as if you are killed while hauling a structure, the structure is lost as well. A good place to try for this achievement is on a Capture the Flag map such as 2Fort, where the flow of attackers is often manageable and the round lasts long enough for you to get this achievement. If you are very conservative, you can even build near a supply cabinet and retreat there carrying your target structure during periods of extreme danger.

Circle the wagons.jpg Circle the Wagons

Repair 50,000 damage to friendly buildings constructed by other players.

Difficulty: Easy/Medium

How to:: A grind achievement, this does not need to be done in a single life. Just keep an eye on the health levels of friendly Engineers' buildings as well as your own, and assist them in defense whenever possible. Unless the Engineer who built the buildings isn't around, you may not get much progress in this achievement at times, but every little bit adds up in the long run. Ideally, you should try tanking Sentry Guns under the control of a Wrangler, since the Engineer cannot repair his Sentry Gun in the meantime.

Death metal.jpg Death Metal

Pick up 10,000 pieces of waste metal from destroyed buildings.

Difficulty: Easy

How to: Each piece of building debris will give you 10 or 15 metal apiece, depending on the structure that was destroyed. Note that only metal added to your metal amount for the Engineer will actually be counted for the achievement, and you cannot pick up metal if you already have 200 metal. The fastest way to grind this is to construct a building near a Resupply Cabinet, destroy it, pick up the metal, go back to the Resupply Cabinet, and repeat.

Deputized.jpg Deputized

Get 10 assists with another Engineer where a Sentry Gun was involved in the kill.

Difficulty: Easy/Medium

How to: Shoot at whatever a friendly Engineer's Sentry Gun is shooting at and you will generally get the assist unless the target was on fire, or the Engineer was being healed by a Medic. This is easier if the Engineer is using the Wrangler as there will be a team colored laser pointing at the target. This also works the other way, counting if you get a kill with a Sentry Gun and are assisted by another Engineer. A fast way to get this achievement is to build your Sentry Gun near a friendly Engineer's, so that both will shoot at and hopefully kill the same target.

Doc holiday.jpg Doc Holiday

Have a Dispenser heal three teammates at the same time.

Difficulty: Very Easy

How to: This should happen quite quickly if you deploy a Dispenser on the front lines, and is almost assured if you place a Dispenser in a reasonable place as a member of the defending team before the gates come down on Payload or Attack/Defend maps.

Doc stock and barrel.jpg Doc, Stock and Barrel

Repair a Sentry Gun under fire while being healed by a Medic.

Difficulty: Medium

How to: This Achievement coincides with the Medic Achievement "Midwife Crisis", so that may increase your chances of getting this. Otherwise, it just comes down to hoping a Medic is around to heal you at the right time. You can try calling for "Medic!" when you think you might be able to get it, to get a Medic to quickly boost your health. Attack/defend maps are a good place to find Medics willing to heal you, particularly on defense.

Drugstore cowboy.jpg Drugstore Cowboy

Have Dispensers you created dispense a combined amount of 100,000 health over your career.

Difficulty: Easy

How to: Another grind achievement. If you are focusing on getting this, place Dispensers closer to the front lines and near injured teammates to heal them faster. Upgrading your Dispensers will also speed this process up significantly, as they replenish health faster at higher levels. Be wary of placing Dispensers too close to health kits, as teammates may choose to pick the kit up instead as it is quicker. Remember to move your Dispenser up as your team moves forward. Another easy way to obtain this achievement is to join an idling server with trigger_hurt areas in the spawn rooms. Set up a Dispenser in your spawn and just sit around for a little while as your idling team mates are slowly yet infinitely healed by your Dispenser. Note that in order for the achievement to actually progress, someone must move away from the Dispenser's healing range so the number will increase. So if you choose to use the idling method, try pushing some team mates out of the way when you think an appropriate amount of time has passed.

Fistful of sappers.jpg Fistful of Sappers

Destroy 25 Sappers on buildings built by other team members.

Difficulty: Medium

How to: Keep an eye on friendly Engineer structures, especially if they are not near their buildings. If you see a friend being harassed by an enemy Spy, give him a hand, though he may remove the Sappers before you have a chance to help.

Frontier justice.jpg Frontier Justice

Within 10 seconds, have your Sentry Gun kill the enemy that just killed you.

Difficulty: Medium

How to: This one mostly comes down to luck, but you can try luring an enemy into your Sentry Gun by running ahead and getting killed, hoping they turn the corner right into your Sentry Gun. You may also get this if a Spy attempts the stab-and-sap technique on you but fails to sap your Sentry Gun in time.

Get along.jpg Get Along!

Manage to get to, and then remove, an Electro Sapper placed on your building while you were several meters away.

Difficulty: Medium

How to: Place a decoy Teleporter a fair distance away if you are not using your Teleporters for anything else. Many Spies can't resist and will place an Electro Sapper on your building, giving himself away. Then simply run to the building and knock off the Electro Sapper, but beware as the Spy might also be nearby hoping to get rid of you.

Honky tonk man.jpg Honky Tonk Man

Smash an enemy player's head in with your guitar.

Difficulty: Medium/Hard

How to: You need to use the Frontier Justice's taunt in order to get this achievement. The killing blow is somewhat slow compared to most taunt attacks, but is relatively quiet because the only noise made beforehand is a low strum of the guitar. Your best bet is to catch an inattentive player (such as a scoped-in Sniper) with it. Be wary of missing, though, as the guitar smash itself makes a very loud and distinct noise. Try not to linger around the area if you fail, as the guitar pieces laying around after the taunt can give you away.

How the pests was gunned.jpg How the Pests was Gunned

Destroy 50 enemy Stickybombs lying in range of friendly buildings.

Difficulty: Medium

How to: This achievement will count all Sticky Bombs destroyed near any friendly Engineer's buildings, not just your own. Keep in mind you probably won't have much time to shoot the Sticky Bombs, unless the Demoman is trying to snipe your Sentry Gun outside of its range with charged Stickies. The Pistol is ideal for this thanks to its high fire rate, good magazine capacity, and decent reload time, but any weapon will suffice.

If you build it they will die.jpg If You Build It, They Will Die

Haul a level 3 Sentry Gun into a position that achieves a kill shortly after being redeployed.

Difficulty: Medium

How to:Build a level 3 Sentry Gun, and then haul it to a suitable place near the action where a player is likely to run to. Take into account it will take a considerable amount of time to rebuild because it has to go through not only the rebuilding animation, but also the two upgrade animations to get back to level 3. If an enemy finds and attacks you before the gun is fully ready, you can attempt to repair it as it unpacks.

Land grab.jpg Land Grab

Help a team member construct a building.

Difficulty: Very Easy

How to: At the beginning of a round, follow any Engineer who is preparing to place a building, and when he places it, help construct it by hitting it with your Wrench. You only need to hit the building once for the achievement to trigger. Some Engineers will place Teleporters before leaving their spawn in a setup phase, so you can help construct those if you are having trouble with this achievement.

No mans land.jpg No Man's Land

Use a Sentry Gun to kill 25 enemy players trying to capture a point.

Difficulty: Easy/Medium

How to: This is a grind achievement and does not have to be done with a single Sentry Gun, so don't be discouraged if it gets destroyed. Make sure to place your Sentry Gun in an area where it's hard for the enemy to destroy it while they're capturing the point. Remember, kill assists do not count, so this will take longer if you have allies that actively defend the point. While not advised, placing your Sentry Gun in a position such that it can only shoot at enemies on the point (and not while they are moving towards it) can help get this achievement faster.

No so lonely are the brave.jpg (Not So) Lonely Are the Brave

Keep a Heavy healed with your Dispenser while he makes five kills.

Difficulty: Medium/Hard

How to: You will probably need to work with the Heavy on this achievement, as the Dispenser's healing radius is pretty small, limiting him to a certain area, and generally making him an easy target. Keep an eye out for any Spies looking to make an easy Backstab. Having your Dispenser at Level 3 will help the Heavy immensely as the healing rate otherwise is not enough to keep him healthy in the middle of a firefight. If there are no friendly Medics present to give the Heavy overheals, the Dalokohs Bar can be useful for the Heavy to equip, granting himself fifty extra hitpoints. Note also that the Heavy has a related achievement called "Factory Worker"; while not a direct counterpart (as it requires a Heavy to gain 20 kills while being healed by a Dispenser), it may be easier to obtain if the Heavy is looking for that particular achievement. This is significantly easier to accomplish while on the defense, as the Heavy will not need to range out to attack enemies, and can simply wait for them to come to him.

Patent protection.jpg Patent Protection

Destroy an enemy Engineer's Sentry Gun with a Sentry Gun under control of your Wrangler.

Difficulty: Medium

How to: The Wrangler allows your Sentry Gun to shoot at an enemy Sentry from outside of its range, unless the enemy Engineer is using the Wrangler as well. Unless your Sentry Gun is Level 3, try to make sure the enemy Engineer is not near his Sentry Gun, or kill him before attempting, as he will be able to repair any damage done to his Sentry Gun otherwise. Note: destroying a Combat Mini-sentry does not count towards this achievement.

Pownd on the range.jpg Pownd on the Range

Kill 10 enemies outside the normal Sentry Gun range using the Wrangler.

Difficulty: Medium

How to: You'll need wide open areas, big enough so that the Sentry Gun's range cannot cover the whole area. Gravel Pit is a great map for this, as it has a lot of open areas, especially at points A and C. Other than an open area, you'll have to make sure you aim well and, if using a level 3 Sentry Gun, anticipating movement and leading the rockets will also help. Guarding chokepoints with your Wrangler can help, but make sure to keep your laser out of sight. Killing yourself counts for this achievement.

Quick draw.jpg Quick Draw

Kill a Spy and two Sappers within 10 seconds.

Difficulty: Easy/Medium

How to: Try to kill the Spy before you take out the Sappers. Once the Spy is out of the picture, then focus on removing any Sappers around. The 'timer' starts when either the Spy or any Sappers are killed, so you'll have to work fast starting then. If you kill the Spy first, removing two Sappers will take about 4 seconds if you are already at your Buildings, which is more lenient than removing 2 Sappers, and trying to kill the Spy in 6 seconds. Alternatively, you can get this achievement easily if you manage to un-sap a Sentry Gun while the Spy is undisguised (such as just after killing someone else), instantly killing him and leaving you free to save the second building, if you hadn't already. Furthermore, if the Spy has sapped an active Teleporter, you simply need to remove the Electro Sapper from one end and it will automatically remove the second from the other end, saving you a bit of time there, though beware if he tries to telefrag you and stand off of your Exit. Though unlikely and difficult to accomplish, it is possible to stand near your teleporter entrance, and wait for a Spy to sap the exit. Remove the Electro Sapper from the entrance and immediately teleport - if the Spy decides to hang about, you might telefrag him, earning the achievement (if telefrags count towards your kills).

Revengineering.jpg Revengineering

Use a revenge Crit to kill the enemy player that destroyed your Sentry Gun.

Difficulty: Medium

How to: This depends on what class the player who killed your Sentry Gun is using. Healthier classes will need more Revenge Crits stocked up in order to take down. If there is a Spy who recently sapped your Sentry Gun, you can sacrifice your Sentry Gun and use any Revenge Crits you receive from it to kill the Spy if you can keep an eye on him until then. Just beware of Spies using the Dead Ringer, as they will almost always survive long enough to escape. Note, you can still get this achievement if the player who destroyed your Sentry Gun dies, you just need to get a kill on that player using the Revenge Crits you got from your Sentry Gun, even after he respawns.

Rio grind.jpg Rio Grind

Perform 50 repairs and/or reloads on a Sentry Gun being Wrangled by another Engineer.

Difficulty: Easy

How to: Look out for Sentry Guns encased in a transparent, team-colored bubble, as these are Sentry Guns under the control of a Wrangler. Stay by these as they cannot refill ammunition or health without the Engineer who owns it switching to repair it himself, shutting it down shortly, so most Wrangler-using Engineers will appreciate help. If there are any Wrangled guns in the thick of battle, stick nearby to quickly rack up points. Each Wrench whack that adds to the Sentry Gun's health gives you a point, so constantly tanking a Wrangled Sentry Gun will quickly get you a large number of points.

Search engine.jpg Search Engine

Kill three cloaked Spies with a Sentry Gun under control of your Wrangler.

Difficulty: Medium/Hard

How to: Keep a sharp eye out of any Silhouettes and open fire if you think there is a cloaked Spy somewhere. If a Spy is on fire, bleeding, or coated with Jarate but is still cloaked, killing them will be a lot easier and should still count towards this. Also, simply use the Wrangler for randomly sweeping areas nearby as Spy-check and sooner or later you'll get lucky. The stronger your Sentry Gun, the easier it will be to actually kill the Spy.

Silent pardner.jpg Silent Pardner

Upgrade 50 buildings built by other team members.

Difficulty: Easy/Medium

How to: A partial grind achievement. When an Engineer is building a new structure, help upgrade if you have the metal to spare, and keep an eye out for any buildings that are not fully upgraded in general. Teleporter Entrances near the spawn are easy targets because even if you weren't playing Engineer prior, you can switch to Engineer quickly, upgrade the Teleporter, and switch back to whatever class you were playing as beforehand. You will only get a point for this achievement if you land the hit that makes the building reach 200 metal, so try not to upgrade a building being worked on by another Engineer.

Six string stinger.jpg Six String Stringer

Provide an enemy player with a freeze cam of your guitar playing skills.

Difficulty: Easy

How to: Taunt with the Frontier Justice after killing an enemy. This achievement should not be confused with "Honky Tonk Man," as you do not need to actually kill anyone with the guitar to get this achievement.

Texas ranger.jpg Texas Ranger

Haul buildings one kilometer over your career.

Difficulty: Easy

How to: Just pick up any building, and run around with it until the achievement triggers. This will be a little slow due to the Engineer's reduced speed when hauling a building. The easiest way to accomplish this achievement is to construct a building near spawn, and then haul it to the front lines.

Texas two step.jpg Texas Two Step

Use your Shotgun to finish off an enemy recently damaged by your Sentry Gun.

Difficulty: Medium

How to: Keep on eye on what targets your Sentry Gun is shooting at currently, and focus on that target. You can also use the Wrangler to choose your targets, and switch to the Shotgun after damaging the player. Be aware that if your Sentry Gun is level 2 or 3, it may kill them faster than you can shoot them down with your Shotgun. Using the Frontier Justice's revenge Crits is a good way to ensure the kill.

The extinguished gentleman.jpg The Extinguished Gentleman

Have Dispensers you built extinguish 20 burning players.

Difficulty: Easy

How to: Unless there is a Medic or Health Kits nearby, burning players will probably fall back to your Dispenser if they see it or know where it is. Put Dispensers near places teammates can easily retreat to as most players will make healing a priority if they are on fire.

The wrench connection.jpg The Wrench Connection

Kill a disguised Spy with your Wrench.

Difficulty: Easy

How to: Disguised Spies will always be trying to sap your buildings, and the Wrench will wipe out any Spy with one Critical hit. Just keep an eye out for suspicious teammates and check your back repeatedly.

Note: If you hit a Spy using the Dead Ringer and your Wrench triggers the feign death, you will get this achievement even if you don't actually kill the Spy. Killing a disguised Spy with the Gunslinger will also trigger this achievement.

Trade secrets.jpg Trade Secrets

Kill 20 players carrying the intelligence.

Difficulty: Medium

How to: Instead of placing your Sentry Gun directly in the line of sight of the Intelligence, place it (or redeploy it) along common escape routes. Common routes include the spiral staircase in 2Fort, or the path that leads to the center of Turbine, opposite of the stairs that lead to the Spawn area. Other than that, you can also use your normal weapons to kill the players, but most classes will either outrun you or overpower you. Redeploying a building can help you get the drop on the enemy, as most of the time they will not expect a Sentry Gun to suddenly appear somewhere that was clear when they passed by on their way to grab the Intelligence.

Uncivil engineer.jpg Uncivil Engineer

Provide an enemy player with a freeze cam of you and the Sentry Gun that just killed them.

Difficulty: Very Easy

How to: Simply stand near and tank your Sentry Gun, and if it kills someone, their freeze cam will have both you and the Sentry Gun in it. Another cheesy way to get the achievement, is getting killed by your own Sentry Gun, simply by standing in front of it. However, it may possibly be a bug, since it says 'an enemy player'. Another easy way is to pick up the Sentry Gun immediately after it gets a kill. The killcam will show you carrying a toolbox, but it will still count for the achievement.

Unforgiven.jpg Unforgiven

Kill three enemies with revenge Crits without dying.

Difficulty: Medium

How to: Equip the Frontier Justice and stay near your Sentry Gun to build up a reasonable amount of Crits, then destroy your Sentry Gun and go to town when you think you have enough. Try to ambush classes, as you have low health but your Shotgun will do a lot of damage if you hit them at close range with a solid portion of a single shot. Just remember to try to fall back to your team if it starts looking bad, and don't bite off more than you can chew. Try to move around with your Pistol or Wrench equipped and switch to the Frontier Justice once you sight an enemy, as the glowing Critical effect on your weapon will instantly give you away.