“E timpul s-o facem!” Aceast articol poate conţine informaţii vechi. Puteţi ajuta la îmbunătățirea aceastui articol prin actualizearea conţinutului necesar. Vedeţi ghidul de stil al Wiki-ului. Observații: Niciuna |
Sniper | |
---|---|,259,280,1,0,253,0,182,257,4,357,261,19,523,266,45,668,272,79,778,274,76,886,275,76,987,273,78,1112,268,81,1263,261,81,1433,254,82,1609,246,80,1786,240,77,1956,237,78,2110,236,77,2244,234,72,2360,236,70,2473,237,71,2585,239,76,2690,240,79,2788,241,55,2911,241,33,3055,243,16,3216,248,4,259,280,1,0,253,0,182,257,4,357,261,19,523,266,45,668,272,79,778,274,76,886,275,76,987,273,78,1112,268,81,1263,261,81,1433,254,82,1609,246,80,1786,240,77,1956,237,78,2110,236,77,2244,234,72,2360,236,70,2473,237,71,2585,239,76,2690,240,79,2788,241,55,2911,241,33,3055,243,16,3216,248,4,259,280,1,0,253,0,182,257,4,357,261,19,523,266,45,668,272,79,778,274,76,886,275,76,987,273,78,1112,268,81,1263,261,81,1433,254,82,1609,246,80,1786,240,77,1956,237,78,2110,236,77,2244,234,72,2360,236,70,2473,237,71,2585,239,76,2690,240,79,2788,241,55,2911,241,33,3055,243,16,3216,248,4,259,280,1,0,253,0,182,257,4,357,261,19,523,266,45,668,272,79,778,274,76,886,275,76,987,273,78,1112,268,81,1263,261,81,1433,254,82,1609,246,80,1786,240,77,1956,237,78,2110,236,77,2244,234,72,2360,236,70,2473,237,71,2585,239,76,2690,240,79,2788,241,55,2911,241,33,3055,243,16,3216,248,4 | |
Informaţii generale | |
Pictogramă: | |
Tip: | Suport |
Viaţă: | 125 (185 cu ajutorul unui Medic) |
Viteză: | 100% (27% când te uiti in luneta Puștii cu Lunetă ) (45% cu Vânatorul pregătit de folosire) |
Cunoaște-l pe Sniper | |
“ | Fă-i cu mâna celui ce ţi-a luat capul, idiotule!!
Clic pentru a asculta
— Sniperul
” |
Un pușcaș cu experiență din deșertul australian ,Sniperul preferă să își omoare țintele de la distanță, deși nu ii este frică sa se murdarească pe mâini dacă impune situația. Preferând să se ascundă în zone elevate sau greu de se văzut, Sniperul poate elimina clase lente ca Heavy cu ușurință. Sniperul este de asemenea ideal pentru eliminarea Medicului inamic, dând echipei sale o șansă de a avansa.
În timp ce Sniperul tinde să se izoleze de front, Vânatorul de Oameni îl încurajează să se deplaseze până la câmpul de luptă, unde poate să își ajute echipa cu salve de săgeți, in timp ce puterile lui antice si misterioase de Șușu cresc damage-ul către inamici.
Strategii de Bază
- Dacă petreci mai mult timp zoomed in, lovitura va provoca mai multe pagube.
- Tintește la cap pentru a provoca pagube critice.
- Dă zoom cu Pușca cu Lunetă apăsând MOUSE 2.
- Folosește Pistolul Mitralieră pentru a te lupta cu inamici aflați în apropiere.
Notă: Daunele armelor sunt trecute cu aproximare și cu valoarea minimă în listele de mai jos. Mai multe detalii despre arme și daune se pot găsi pe paginile lor individuale.
Muniție Încarcată | Muniție Cărată | Raza Pagubelor | Abilitate Specială | |
Standard Sniper Rifle |
25 | N/A | Bază:
Deblocare Huntsman |
1 | 12 | Bază:
Arrows can pin foes to a wall on the killing blow (purely cosmetic) Pyros can light arrows to add Fire damage. |
Craft Sydney Sleeper |
25 | N/A | Bază:
La 50% incărcare aplică Jarate pe inamic timp de 8 secunde. Nu face headshot, nu are lovituri critice aleatorii. |
Muniție Încărcată | Muniție Cărată | Raza Pagubelor | Abilitate Specială | |
Standard SMG |
25 | 75 | Bază:
Deblocare Jarate |
1 | ∞ | N/A | Inamicii acoperiți primesc daune Mini-Critice (+35% pagube) când sunt loviți, descoperă Spionii deghizați și invizibili, stinge focul de pe utilizator și aliații săi. Îi ia 20 de secunde până iși revine. |
Deblocare Razorback |
1 | N/A | N/A | Oprește o Înjunghiere, trimițând un "șoc" la Spion, oprindu-l din a-și schimba arma sau a ataca. |
Craft Darwin's Danger Shield |
N/A | N/A | N/A | Ridică viața maximă cu 25 hp. Nu protejează de backstaburi. |
Muniție Incarcată | Muniție Cărată | Raza Pagubelor | Abilitate Specială | |
Standard Kukri |
N/A | N/A | Bază:
Craft Tribalman's Shiv |
N/A | N/A | Bază:
Sangerează la atingere pentru 6 secunde, -50% Dmg |
Craft Bushwacka |
N/A | N/A | Bază:
Face lovitură critică în loc de lovitură mini-critică. Ridică vulnerabilitatea la foc cu 20%. |
Taunt attack
Slot | Atac | Armă | Durație | Pagube |
Primary |
Skewer | Vânătorul de Oameni (Trebuie să ai muniție) | 4 secunde | 500 (Moarte instantă) |
Seturi de arme
Trusa Croc-o-Stil | |
Efect |
Lasă o carte de vizită pe victimele tale |
Official class avatars
Pozele de profil oficiale ale clasei | ||
Setul original | Setul RED 'ÜberCharge' | Setul BLU 'ÜberCharge' |
Obține poze de profil TF2 pe Steam: Original |
- Sniper pack: 35 achievements, 3 milestones.
- 1 General achievement
- Sniperul este vocalizat de John Patrick Lowrie.
- In his fight scene with the Sniper in Meet the Spy, the Spy inflicts a gash on the Sniper's cheek. This gash could be seen on the cheek of the RED Sniper in the steam news picture for the Sniper vs Spy Update and the Jarate Update image [1], although it was not seen in the same picture as used in the Huntsman update [2]. The gash was later added to the Sniper's in-game model.
- The Sniper, along with the Demoman and the Soldier, smoke outside of battle. (In Meet the Sniper, the title card shows cigarette butts and there is an ashtray next to the Civilian bobble-head doll.)
- The Sniper's old Bio as it appears on his trading card reads: "Half rugged outdoorsman, half alien observer, this taciturn strip of beef jerky has spent the better part of his life alone in the bush, slow baking under the Australian sun."
- The bullets the Sniper keeps in his vest pocket are different than the ones he actually uses for his rifle or his Submachine Gun.
- The Sniper learned Jarate from a complete course endorsed by Saxton Hale. The course involved increasing the size of Sniper's kidneys to three times that of a regular man's.
- The Sniper lives in a camper van, a fact his opponents are all too keen to mock.
- The Sniper's parents live on Adelaide Street, Australia (Red House on the left). This could mean the BLU Sniper's parents live on the same street but in the Blue House on the right.
- In Meet the Spy, the BLU Sniper holds his rifle left-handed.
- The Sniper and the Heavy appear to enjoy the same brand of fingerless glove, although the Sniper's fit is noticeably looser.
- The Sniper's voice actor, John Patrick Lowrie, is married to Ellen McLain, voice actress for the Administrator.
- The Sniper keeps a bobblehead of the Team Fortress Classic Civilian on the dashboard of his van.
- The Sniper was the first class to receive two unlockables for the same weapon slot, as both the Razorback and Jarate are Secondary weapons.
- The Sniper and Spy are the only classes that don't say "Boo" when they jeer. They are also the only two classes to wear watches, although presumably only the Sniper's can actually keep track of time.
- Despite claiming that, according to his motto, he is "polite" the Sniper harshly insults all his dominated opponents.
- The Sniper is the only class without any team-colored hats. However, the Bloke's Bucket Hat has team-colored lures.
- The Sniper and the Scout are the only classes that break the fourth wall by making references to the game's real-world nature.
- The Sniper rarely swears (at least for American standards), even when dominating opponents. This is probably due to his insistence on civility.
- According to the new "Loose Canon" Comic, the Sniper is quite unlike his Australian brethren. Unlike the Australians who are apparently mustachioed strongmen who like to fight hand-to-hand, the Sniper is a scrawny, shaven sharpshooter. This is perhaps why he does not get along with his parents well. Lack of Australium exposure may account for these inconsistencies.
- The Sniper's world model is only seen with a fingerless glove on his left hand, where all of his view models have a glove on both hands.
- The Sniper was the first class to share his class specific update with another class, along with the Spy. The pair received their update at the same time due to their common contact in-game, where Snipers are seen as easy prey for Spys.
- The only other two classes to share an update are the Demoman and the Soldier who shared the WAR Update.
See also
- Headshot
- Meet the Sniper
- Sniper match-ups
- Sniper taunts
- Sniper responses
- Sniper voice commands
- Sniper User Guides
- How to play the Sniper
- Sniper strategy
- Sniper scripts
- List of references (Sniper)
- Sniper (Classic)
External links
- The Sniper Update
- TF2 Official Blog - A sneak preview of the next class update!
- TF2 Official Blog - You better hold onto your head, mate
- TF2 Official Blog - Sniper vs. Spy Update, Day 7
- TF2 Official Blog - The Sniper vs. Spy Update