Respuestas del Sniper
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- 1 Respuestas generales
- 1.1 Después de matar a más de dos enemigos en 20 segundos
- 1.2 Después de matar a más de 5 enemigos en 20 segundos
- 1.3 Asistencias
- 1.4 Dominaciones
- 1.5 Dominando a un único oponente
- 1.6 Dominando a dos oponentes
- 1.7 Dominando a tres o a más oponentes
- 1.8 Venganzas
- 1.9 Teleportación
- 1.10 Curado por el Medic
- 1.11 Después de capturar el Dossier/el Punto de control
- 1.12 Atacando Puntos de control desocupados
- 1.13 Luchando en el Punto
- 1.14 Atacando: La vagoneta avanza
- 1.15 Atacando: La vagoneta vuelve
- 1.16 Defendendo: La vagoneta avanza
- 1.17 Defendendo: La vagoneta vuelve
- 1.18 Atacando: Estad cerca de la vagoneta
- 1.19 Defendiendo: La vagoneta ha parado
- 1.20 Defendiendo: Parad la bomba
- 1.21 Defensa
- 1.22 Al iniciar la ronda
- 1.23 Victoria
- 1.24 Derrota/Muerte súbita
- 1.25 Al empatar la ronda
- 1.26 Al ser puesto en llamas
- 1.27 Dominando a un Scout
- 1.28 Dominando a un Soldier
- 1.29 Dominando a un Pyro
- 1.30 Dominando a un Demoman
- 1.31 Dominando a un Heavy
- 1.32 Dominando a un Engineer
- 1.33 Dominando a un Medic
- 1.34 Dominando a un Sniper
- 1.35 Dominando a un Spy
- 1.36 Al matar a un Spy
- 1.37 Enfrentamiento cuerpo a cuerpo
- 1.38 Seguimiento del Medic
- 2 Respuestas específicas de clase
- 3 Respuestas sin usar
Respuestas generales
Después de matar a más de dos enemigos en 20 segundos
- "¡Rajado!"
- "¡Psst! (ríe en voz baja)
- "¡Mejor te quedas ahí tirado!"
- "Mis disculpas, colega."
- "¡Puto rajado!"
- "¡Gallina!"
- "¡Esto si que ha sido una juerga!"
- "¡Adiós!"
- "¡Precioso!"
- "¡Gracias por quedarte quieto Gili!"
Después de matar a más de 5 enemigos en 20 segundos
- "¿¡Hacen esas camisas para hombres!?"
- "¡Mejor que no abran el ataúd en el funeral!"
- "Mejor que no abran el ataúd en el funeral." (Susurrando)
- "¡Gilipollas cabezones!"
- "¡Malditos nenazas!"
- "¡Te voy a meter una bala entre los ojos, valiente!"
- "¡Voy a por vosotros, bastardos!"
- "¡Seguid ladrando mientra tengáis la cabeza pegada al cuello!"
- "No pintas nada aquí, tío."
- "Ve acostumbrándote a estar panzarriba."
- "Me lo pones en bandeja, tío."
- "Ya no puedo abrirle más agujeros."
- "Mejor que lo dejes, ¿no?."
- "No tienes madera de soldado, tío."
- "Si lo que quieres es inflarme el ego, vas bien."
- "Esto da vergüenza."
- "¿Cuantas veces has palmado? me tienes impresionado."
- "Vas de culo y contra el viento."
- "Creo que has llegado a tu límite."
- "Pero que malo eres, coño."
- "Tienes la frente como un cachalote."
- "Me voy a hacer un rosario con tus dientes de marfil."
- "¿Donde toca ahora? ¿Hígado? ¿Riñones? ya pierdo el hilo."
- "Si me lo pones tan a huevo, no voy a mejorar."
- "No he terminado contigo, tío, ni de coña."
- "Repitámoslo."
- "Esto acaba de empezar."
- "Solo estoy calentando."
- "Jejeje ¡Que malo eres, coño!"
- "Luego te remato, tío."
- "Creo que vas a acostumbrarte a mi perfil griego."
- "Hasta ahora mismo."
- "Esto ya es por compasión, no vuelvas, tío."
Dominando a un único oponente
Dominando a dos oponentes
Dominando a tres o a más oponentes
- "¡Pan comido!"
- "¡Si hablamos de pelotas te llevo ventaja!"
- "¡No problem!"
- "¡En el blanco!"
- "Ya no eres tan chulito ¿No?"
- "Se te acabo la buena racha, mamón."
- "Ojo por ojo, pedazo de nenaza repipi."
- "La habilidad siempre vence a la suerte."
- "Toma, rata mugrienta."
- "La traición nunca llega lejos."
- "Mira aquí melón, estas acabado."
- "Que maestría, sangras como un profesional.
- "¿Que tal esa bala? ¿Bien? ¿Eh? ¿Eh?"
- "Vaya por dios, te han disparado, ¿has visto al guapetón que lo ha hecho?"
- "Gracias por el calentamiento."
- "Toma, perro sarnoso."
- "Yo vivo, tu muerto, se acabo el tema."
- "Ya tienes algo en común con Jane Austen, sois dos señoritas muertas."
- "Creo que ahora cerraras esa bocaza."
- "Al cuerno, mamón."
- "Uuuh, justo en los ovarios."
- "Eres. Un. Puto. Desgraciado."
- "Nada personal tío, es que soy mejor."
- "¿Te cuento algo gracioso? Estas muerto."
- "Un cuento conmovedor. Érase una vez que la palmaste y yo viví feliz para siempre. Fin ."
- "Un consejito: la próxima vez, reacciona."
- "Siento contarte esto, pero tu equipo me ha pagado."
- "¿Qué te parece eso, rata apestosa?"
- "Ahí va el, todo chulo. Luego, algo sorprendido. Y luego, muy muerto."
Curado por el Medic
Después de capturar el Dossier/el Punto de control
- "Este ya es nuestro."
- "Demasiado fácil,tío."
- "Nuestro, para siempre."
- "Fácil fácil, punto para mi." (Susurrando)
- "¡Demasiado fácil!"
- "No problem." (En Inglés)
- "No ha estado mal."
- "No fue difícil."
Atacando Puntos de control desocupados
Luchando en el Punto
- "Get on the cap, mates!"
- "Fight on the cap!"
- "Get on the cap!"
- "Stand on the bloody cap!"
- "Stand on the cap, lads!"
- "On the cap!"
Atacando: La vagoneta avanza
- "Keep that cart moving!"
- "Keep that cart moving!" (soft)
- "Keep the bloody cart moving!"
- "Keep the bloody cart moving!" (soft)
- "Throw your backs into it, boys!"
- "Throw your backs into it, boys!" (soft)
- "This ain't a walk-a-bout! Push that cart!"
- "This ain't a walk-a-bout! Push that cart!" (soft)
- "Push that cart!"
- "Push that cart!" (soft)
- "Keep pushing, lads!"
- "Keep pushing, lads!" (soft)
- "Push, lads! Push!"
- "Push, lads! Push!" (soft)
- "Come on, then! Push!"
- "Come on, then! Push!" (soft)
- "Let's go lads, keep pushing!"
- "Let's go lads, keep pushing!" (soft)
- "Where'd you mongrels learn to push!?"
- "Where'd you mongrels learn to push!?" (soft)
Atacando: La vagoneta vuelve
- "Get to the cart, ya bloody idiots!"
- "Get to the cart, ya bloody idiots!" (soft)
- "The cart's moving the wrong bloody way!"
- "The cart's moving the wrong bloody way!" (soft)
- "Get to the cart, boys!"
- "Get to the cart, boys!" (soft)
- "That bomb ain't gonna move itself, lads!"
- "That bomb ain't gonna move itself, lads." (soft)
- "The bomb's moving the wrong way!"
- "That bomb's moving the wrong way!" (soft)
- "The bomb, lads! Don't forget about the bomb!"
- "The bomb, lads! Don't forget about the bomb!" (soft)
- "Get that cart going the right way!"
- "Get that cart going the right way!" (soft)
Defendendo: La vagoneta avanza
- "Here comes the bloody bomb!"
- "Here comes the bloody bomb!" (soft)
- "Look out lads; bomb's on the way!"
- "Look out lads, bomb's on the way!" (soft)
- "Bugger me! The bomb's coming!"
- "Bugger me! The bomb's coming!" (soft)
- "Shut your cake-holes and stop that cart!"
- "Shut your cake-holes and stop that cart!" (soft)
- "The bomb's coming!"
- "The bomb's coming!" (soft)
- "Here comes the cart!"
- "Here comes the cart!" (soft)
Defendendo: La vagoneta vuelve
- "Alright, mates! The cart's moving back!"
- "Alright, mates. The cart's moving back. (soft)
- "There she goes!"
- "There she goes." (soft)
- "The cart's on its way back!"
- "Cart's on its way back." (soft)
- "Good job, lads! The cart's going back."
- "Good job, lads! The cart's going back!" (soft)
- "The cart's retreatin'!"
- "The cart's retreatin'!" (soft)
- "Aces! There goes the cart!"
- "Aces! There goes the cart." (soft)
- "Nice job! The bomb's moving back."
- "Nice job! The bomb's moving back." (soft)
- "The bomb's heading back!"
- "Alright. The bomb's heading back!" (soft)
Atacando: Estad cerca de la vagoneta
- "A la bomba, bobos"
- "To the cart, you wankers!" (soft)
- "Stay with the cart!"
- "Stay with the cart!" (soft)
- "Pull up your socks and stick to the cart!"
- "Pull up your socks and stick to the cart!" (soft)
- "Stay near the bomb!"
- "Stay near the bomb!" (soft)
- "Stay near the bloody cart!"
- "Stay near the bloody cart!" (soft)
- "The cart, lads! Stick with it!"
- "The cart, lads! Stick with it!" (soft)
- "Stop mucking about and get to the cart!"
- "Stop mucking about and get to the bomb!" (soft)
Defendiendo: La vagoneta ha parado
- "That bloody cart ain't gonna move itself!"
- "That bloody cart ain't gonna move itself!" (soft)
- "The cart ain't moving, lads!"
- "The cart ain't moving, lads!" (soft)
- "The bomb's just sittin' there!"
- "The bomb's just sittin' there!" (soft)
- "The bomb ain't moving!"
- "The bomb ain't moving!" (soft)
- "The cart's just sittin' there!"
- "The cart's just sittin' there!" (soft)
Defendiendo: Parad la bomba
- "One of you rough-types ought to stop that bomb!"
- "One of you rough-types ought to stop that bomb!" (soft)
- "Stop the bloody bomb!"
- "Stop the bloody cart!" (soft)
- "Stop the cart, lads!"
- "Stop the bomb, lads!" (soft)
- "Don't let 'em push that bomb!"
- "Don't let 'em push that bomb!" (soft)
- "Stop the bloody bomb!"
- "Don't let the cart through, lads!"
- "Don't let the cart through, lads!" (soft)
Al iniciar la ronda
- "Let's have a go at it."
- "Yaaaagh!"
- "God save the queen!"
- "Give 'em a gob full!"
- "Go on then, mates!"
- "Get to it!"
- "Yaaarrgh!"
- "Wicked!"
- "Aces!"
- "Good on ya, mates!"
- "All right!"
- "We gave 'em a bloody drubin'!"
- "¡Precioso!"
- "Bloody beaut!"
Derrota/Muerte súbita
- "Ahh, that was rubbish!"
- "That's some shonky business right there!"
- "Crikey!"
- "Dodgy!"
- "Well that was a real BLOODY routin'!"
- "Nice goin' ya bludgers!
- "Should've saved a bullet for some of you, blokes!"
- "Gaaahhhh!"
Al empatar la ronda
Al ser puesto en llamas
Dominando a un Scout
- "Dominated, ya little ankle-biter!"
- "That'll slow yer down, ya twitchy hooligan!"
- "Dominated, ya miniature delinquent!"
- "Couldn't skip around that could ya, ya precious little posey!"
- "Gotcha, ya spastic little gremlin!"
Dominando a un Soldier
- "I own ya, ya pickle-headed drongo!"
- "All rockets, no brains, eh mate?!"
- "Take that, ya rocket-hopping simpleton!"
- "Oi, lend us yer shovel, so I can dig yer grave!"
- "Dominated, ya ploddin' potatohead!"
- "At ease! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"
Dominando a un Pyro
- "You are a creepy, mute little bugger, ain't ya?"
- "Nobody's gonna miss you, ya mutant!"
- "Gotcha, ya mental defective!"
- "That snuffed yer fire, ya filthy arsonist!"
- "You know what 'dominated' means, ya bloody whackjob?!"
Dominando a un Demoman
- "Take that, ya one-eyed drunk!"
- "Tagged ya, ya wobblin' Scot!"
- "Ace reflexes, ya bomb-chucking waste of good scotch!"
- "You've been killed by the best, cyclops!"
- "Gotcha, ya bomb-lobbing wanker!"
Dominando a un Heavy
- "Gotcha, ya pot-bellied lardass!"
- "Thanks for the target practice, ya plump bloody freakshow!"
- "Dodge that, ya fat jigglin' butterball!"
- "Oi! Yer bleedin' gravy, fatso!"
- "Thanks for being such a whoppin' big target, mate!"
- "I just bagged the world's fattest man!"
- "That gotcha, ya lard-arm simpleton!"
Dominando a un Engineer
- "Dominated, ya cactus-eating egghead!"
- "Take that, booksmarts!"
- "Back to the drawing board, genius!"
- "Not so smart with yer brain outside yer head, are ya?"
- "Here's a gadget you should build, one what would stop my bullets!"
- "You are inventing loads of new ways to get killed by me!"
Dominando a un Medic
- "What's up, Doc?! Heh, heh, heh!"
- "Take that, ya quack!"
- "Quit blubberin' and take yer medicine like a man!"
- "Too slow, medicine woman!"
- "Sorry there nurse, I mistook ya for an actual threat!"
Dominando a un Sniper
- "The bullets come out of the slim end, mate!"
- "Nice try, mate, but I'm the best!"
- "You call that snipin'?"
- "Dominated, ya blind-eyed bastard!"
- "One sniper to another, mate: Give up!"
Dominando a un Spy
- "Sneak around that, ya phony scoundrel!"
- "Take that, ya two-faced mongrel!"
- "Backstab that, ya snake!"
- "Aww, did I get blood on your suit?"
- "Cloak ya way outta that, ya filthy spook!"
- "I, win, ya bloody, backstabbing fraud!"
- "I was never on your side either! Wanker!"
Al matar a un Spy
- "Stupid bloody spies!"
- "I see ya!"
- "I see ya." (whispering)
- "Spies, bloody useless."
- "Spies, bloody useless." (whispering)
- "Spy that, ya fancy bloody wuss!"
Enfrentamiento cuerpo a cuerpo
- "Now this is a knife!"
- "Let's have a go, ya mug!"
- "Ready to meet sharpy?!"
- "I'm gonna carve you a new cake hole!"
- "Let's see how much blood's in ya!"
- "Come on!"
- "Stabbin' time!"
- "Stab, stab, stab!"
- "I'm gonna cut a smile into ya!"
Seguimiento del Medic
- "Follow me, doctor!"
- "You're with me, doctor!"
- "This way, doc!"
- "Come on doctor, follow me!"
- "Stay with me, doc!"
Respuestas específicas de clase
Arrojando el Fraskungfú
Al hacer un Disparo a la cabeza
- "Bloody piker." (susurro)
- "Wave goodbye ta yer head, wanker!"
- "Wave goodbye to your head, wanker." (susurro)
- "You'll be needin' another use for that neck!"
- "You'll be needin' another use for that neck." (susurro)
- "That funeral ain't gonna be open casket!"
- "That funeral ain't gonna be open casket." (susurro)
- (Carraspear y escupe) (1)
- (Carraspear y escupe) (2)
- (Carraspear y escupe) (3)
- (Escupe)
- "Standin' around like a bloody idiot!"
- "¡Tranquilo, tranquilo!"
- "Thanks fer standin' still, wanker!"
- "Ah, I'm sorry, mate.."
- "Ah, I'm sorry, mate.." (susurro)
- "Psst! (ríe en silencio)"
- "Psst. (ríe en silencio)" (susurro)
Al hacer un Disparo a la cabeza a un Soldier, un Engineer o un Pyro enemigo
Al matar con el Kukri
- "¡Me has manchado de sangre el cuchillo!"
- "LLenaste de sangre el cuchillo tío." (susurro)
- "¡Un toque de la vieja escuela'!"
Respuestas sin usar
Logro desbloqueado
- "That one's for me, boys!"
- "That's how we do it in the bush!"
- "Sniping's a good job, mate!"
- "'Right, then!"
- "Yeah, that seems about right!"
- "No worries!"
- "Aces!"
- "All in a days work."
- "I told ya sniping was a good job!"
- "Well I'll be stuffed!"
- "I make it look easy."
- "Now that is how it's done!"
- "I could do this all day."
- "Ahh, that's apples mate."
Nueva arma desbloqueada
- "Ahh, she's a beaut."
- "Hmmm, have a gander at this little beauty."
- "Take a butcher's at this." (Butcher's hook - Cockney rhyming slang for 'look')
- "*laughs* Someone's about to have a very bad day."
- "Hmmm, I reckon this'll come in handy."
- "Now this is a nice weapon."
- "This thing looks bloody useful."
- "*laughs* It's like Christmas morning."
- "Take a gander at this little princess."
Condiciones desconocidas/Reparto alternativo
- "Thanks for standin' still, wanker." (whispering)
- "Now that was a proper bloody rootin'" (whispering)
- "Spy that, ya fancy bloody wuss" (whispering)
- "That helmet ain't gonna save ya." (whispering)
- "Steady, steady." (whispering)
- "Standin' around like a bloody idiot." (whispering)
- "Mongrel." (whispering)
- "Stupid bloody spies." (whispering)
- "Wuss." (whispering)
- "A little of the ol' chop chop" (whispering)
- "You'd best keep lyin' down." (whispering)
- "Piker." (whispering)
- "G'day." (whispering)
- "Bloody bogan!"
- "Bloody bogan." (whispering)
- "I'm a dinkum Aussie, not some bloody cartoon!"
- "I'm a dinkum Aussie, not some bloody cartoon." (whispering)
- "I've slept in the corpse of a water buffalo tougher than you." (whispering)
- "You big-head wankers." (whispering)
- "You prancin' show ponies." (whispering)
- "D'they make them shirts for men?" (whispering)
- "You bloody pikers!"
- "You bloody pikers." (whispering)
- "You're all a bunch of no-hopers!"
- "You're all a bunch of no-hopers." (whispering)
- "All your heads look bloody twelve feet tall!"
- "All your heads look bloody twelve feet tall." (whispering)
- "I'm gonna plant one right between your eyes, ya panzer." (whispering)
- "You better hold on to your head, mate!"
- "You better hold on to your head, mate." (whispering)
- "I'm gonna blow the inside of ya head all over four counties!"
- "I'm gonna blow the inside of ya head all over four counties." (whispering)
- "I'm gunnin' for ya, you mongrels." (whispering)
- "Piss off, you mongrels!"
- "Piss off, you mongrels." (whispering)
- "Piss off, you bloody pikers!"
- "Piss off, you bloody pikers." (whispering)
- "This is going to go be a real piece of piss, you bloody fruit shop owners!"
- "This is going to go be a real piece of piss, you bloody fruit shop owners." (whispering)
- "Keep yubbin' that big mouth, while it's still attached to your bloody neck." (whispering)
- "I'm gonna turn ya into colored rain!"
- "I'm gonna turn ya into colored rain." (whispering)
- "That helmet's going to make a nice bowl for ya brains!"
- "That helmet's going to make a nice bowl for ya brains." (whispering)
- "Piss off, big-head!"
- "Piss off, big-head." (whispering)
- "Everything above your neck is going to be a fine red mist!"
- "Everything above your neck is going to be a fine red mist." (whispering)
- "Hold still!"
- "Hold still." (whispering)