Bu sayfa şu anda Türkçeye tercüme edilme aşamasında. Eğer Türkçe biliyorsanız, konuşma sayfasına yazın ya da daha önceden sayfaya katkıda bulunanlarla konuşun (sayfa geçmişinden isimlerini bularak). |
Scout | |
---|---|,147,280,1,0,274,0,116,273,3,235,272,11,353,274,15,469,276,22,578,277,31,673,277,29,763,278,28,843,277,30,936,276,31,1040,276,28,1155,275,27,1274,274,29,1389,272,28,1499,271,20,1611,269,15,1723,269,14,1828,270,16,1927,272,23,2021,273,33,2105,274,29,2191,275,17,2291,275,7,2402,274,1,147,280,1,0,274,0,116,273,3,235,273,12,353,274,15,469,276,22,578,277,31,674,278,29,764,277,28,844,277,30,937,276,30,1042,276,28,1157,275,27,1276,274,29,1391,273,28,1501,271,20,1613,269,15,1726,269,14,1832,271,16,1931,272,23,2026,273,33,2110,274,29,2196,275,16,2296,275,7,2408,274,1,147,280,1,0,274,0,116,273,3,236,273,12,354,276,15,471,276,22,580,277,30,676,278,29,767,278,28,848,278,30,941,277,30,1046,277,28,1162,276,27,1281,274,29,1397,273,27,1508,272,19,1621,270,15,1734,270,14,1840,271,16,1939,273,23,2034,274,33,2118,275,29,2205,276,16,2306,276,7,2418,275,1,147,280,1,0,275,0,116,274,3,235,274,12,352,275,15,470,276,21,580,277,30,677,277,29,767,278,28,848,278,30,941,277,30,1046,277,27,1162,275,27,1281,274,29,1397,273,27,1509,272,19,1622,271,14,1735,270,13,1842,272,16,1941,272,23,2036,274,33,2120,275,29,2207,275,16,2308,275,7,2420,275,1 | |
Temel Bilgiler | |
Simge: | |
Tür: | Hücum |
Sağlık: | 125 / 185 110 / 165 Sandman giyinmişken. 150 / 225 Special Delivery item set giyinmişken. |
Hız: | 133% |
Scout ile Tanışın | |
“ | Çimler büyür, Kuşlar uçar, Güneş açar ve dostum? Ben insanların canını yakarım.
Dinlemek için tıklayın
— The Scout
” |
Scout Boston'dan gelen Beysbol hayranı bir gençtir. Hızı ve Çifte Zıplama yeteneği sayesinde ondan daha yavaş olan rakiplerini geride bırakır. Bu özelliği ve sahip olduğu Çiftesiyle birlikte Scout'u vurup kaçma taktiklerinin başı yapar. Bu taktiği uygularken düşmanlarının yakın mesafelerine girip maksimum hasar verip güvenli bir yere kaçabilir. Scout ayrıca canının bir kısmını vererek güvendiği Uyku Perisiyle rakiplerini uzak mesafeden Sersemletebilir. Yoğun ateş altındayken hasar almadan savaştan kaçmak için Bonk! Atomik Yumruk! sayesinde kısa bir süre hasar almadan bunu gerçekleştirir. Yada ürkek değilse ve savaşmak istiyorsa Kritik Colasını kullanıp rakiplerine Critik Vuruş ile hızlıca öldürebilir. Fakat kullandığı zaman Scout'ta Critik Vuruş hasarı alıcaktır.
Scout, hızı ve Çifte Zıplama yeteneği sayesinde Kontrol Noktalarını ve Bombayı iki kat daha hızlı ittirebilir. Scout, çabukluluğu ve rakiplerini atlatma konusunda iyi olduğu için rakiplerini oyalayıp takımının ilerlemesine yardımcı olabilir. Ayrıca Bozuk Süt ve Harp Müptelası eşyalarıyla birlikte Scout, takımına hasar ve can bonusu verebilmektedir. Scout sınıfı, Nathan Vetterlein tarafından seslendirilmiştir.
Konu başlıkları
Genel Strateji
- Havadayken birdaha zıplayıp düşmanlarından sıyrılabilirsin.
- Kontrol Noktalarını diğer sınıflardan iki kat daha hızlı ele geçirirsin!
- Özelliğini iyi kullanıp sürekli hareket edersen avantaj sende olur.
- Tüfeğin yakın mesafede çoğu sınıfı iki vuruşta öldürebilir.
- Tabancan diğer sınıfları uzak mesafede öldürmek için iyidir.
- Yaralanırsan E tuşuna bas! Yakınındaki Medicler ihtiyacını karşılayacaklardır.
Not: Silah hasarları genel değerlere göre hesaplanmıştır. Emin olmak için o silahın sayfasına gidin.
Temel Silah
Weapon | Kill Icon | Ammo Loaded |
Ammo Carried |
Damage Range | Notes / Special Abilities |
Stock Çifte |
6 | 32 | Base: 60
Crit: 180 |
Unlock Kontrolsüz Güç |
2 | 32 | Base: 65
Crit: 194 |
Her vuruşta bir Geri Sekme efekti uygular, bu sayede hem silahı ateşleyen ve silahın hedefi geriye seker. (Eğer biri havadaysa). Ayrıca Çifte Zıplamayla karıştırarak daha yükseklere çıkabilir. %50 Daha hızlı ateş eder. Her atışta %20 daha çok mermi vardır. %66 daha az mermi kapasitesi. Her mermi %10 daha az hasar verir. Çok yavaş jarjör değiştirir, sadece bir mermi ateşlenmişse diğeri kaybolur. | |
Craft Kısa Fren |
4 | 36 | Base: 48
Crit: 144 |
78% Daha hızlı ateş eder. Her mermide %100 daha fazla hasar verir. Tabancaya benzer hızlı jarjor değişimi vardır. Her atışta %60 daha az mermi ateşler. %33 daha az mermi kapasitesi Tabanca mermisini kullanır. | |
Craft Soda Patlangacı |
2 | 32 | Base: 60
Crit: 180 |
Ekrandaki Gösterime Şekerleme kısmı ekler ve Scout koşar veya zıplarsa bunu dolduracaktır. 13 Saniye boyunca zıplayıp yada koşturunca bu kısım dolar ve oyuncu bütün silahlarıyla Mini Kritikal Vuruş yapıcaktır. %25 Daha hızlı jarjör değiştirir. %50 daha hızlı ateş eder. %60 daha az mermi kapasitesi vardır. Rastgele Kritikal Vuruş yapamaz. |
Weapon | Kill Icon | Ammo Loaded |
Ammo Carried |
Damage Range | Notes / Special Abilities |
Standart Tabanca |
12 | 36 | Base: 15
Crit: 45 |
Prmosyonl Lugermorph |
12 | 36 | Base: 15
Crit: 45 |
[Pistol]] ile aynı özelliktedir. | |
Açılabilir Bonk! Atomik Kuvvet |
1 | ∞ | N/A |
When used, the player is immune to all damage but isn't able to attack. Knockback still affects him. The effect lasts 6 seconds then has to recharge for about 24 seconds to be used again. | |
Craft Kritik Kola |
1 | ∞ | N/A |
When used, all damage dealt and damage taken are Mini-Crits. The effect lasts 6 seconds then has to recharge for about 24 seconds to be used again. | |
Craft Bozuk Süt |
1 | ∞ | N/A |
Any damage (except afterburn) done to enemies covered in milk restores 60% of the damage to the attacking player's health. Nullifies Cloak on enemy Spies. Extinguishes fire on wielder and allied players. Has a 24 second recharge time. | |
Craft Kanat |
5 | 36 | Base: 17
Crit: 52 |
Deals 15% more damage. Has a 60% smaller clip size. |
Weapon | Kill Icon | Ammo Loaded |
Ammo Carried |
Damage Range | Notes / Special Abilities |
Stock Sopa |
N/A | N/A | Base: 35
Crit: 105 |
Unlock Uyku Perisi |
With secondary fire, launches a baseball that stuns the enemy between 1–8 seconds, depending on distance. The baseball will recharge over 15 seconds or can be picked up from the ground after launch to fully regenerate. | |
| |||
Craft Kutsal Palamut |
N/A | N/A | Base: 35
Crit: 105 |
Broadcasts every successful hit on an enemy player over the death-notice area (purely cosmetic feature). Kills are labeled as "FISH-KILL!" in the death-notice area (purely cosmetic feature). | |
Craft Şeker Kamışı |
N/A | N/A | Base: 35
Crit: 105 |
A small health pack is dropped when the player kills an enemy, regardless of what weapon the player was using in order to kill the enemy. Raises explosive vulnerability by 25%. | |
Craft Bostonlu Vurucu |
N/A | N/A | Base: 35
Crit: 105 |
Her vuruşta, hedefte 5 saniye boyunca kanama yapar. Her ıskalayışta, oyuncu kendine zarar verir ve 5 saniye boyunca kanama ya yol açar. | |
Promotional / Craft Güneş Asası |
N/A | N/A | Base: 26
Crit: 79 |
Yanan hedeflere vurulduğunda Kritikal Hasar garantiler. %25 daha az hasar verir. | |
Promotional / Craft Harp Müptelası |
N/A | N/A | Base: 3.5
Crit: 10.5 |
Vuruşta: Hedefin üzerinde ölüm işareti oluşur, bu alınan tüm hasarların 15 saniye boyunca mini-kritik olmasını sağlar. %90 daha az hasar verir. | |
Promotional / Craft Üç Rünlü Kılıç |
N/A | N/A | Base: 35
Crit: 105 |
Boston'lı Vurucu ile aynı özelliklere sahiptir. | |
Distributed Saxxy |
N/A | N/A | Base: 35
Crit: 105 |
Limited item from the Replay Update. | |
Craft Püskürtücü |
N/A | N/A | Base: 28
Crit: 84 |
Üçlü Zıplama yeteneğini garantiler. Üçüncü zıplayış oyuncuya 10 hasar verir. %30 daha yavaş vuruş hızı. %20 daha az hasar verir. |
Taunt Attack
İlgili Silahlar | Açıklama | Öldürme Simgesi | |
Main article: Home Run
The Scout points to the sky, winds up and swings his bat, all without sound. If an enemy is successfully hit, a loud "Bonk!" is heard, followed by a round of applause. |
Item sets
Özel Teslimat | |
Etki |
Kurbanlarına bir mezar taşı bırak |
1 Numaralı Hayran | |
Etki |
Etkisiz |
Official class avatars
Resmi Sınıf Avatarları | ||
Orijinal Set | RED 'ÜberŞarjlı' set | BLU 'ÜberŞarjlı' set |
Steam'den TF2 avatarları alın: Orijinal |
Ana madde: Scout achievements
Update history
- Fixed players turning into Scout model after lagouts (and a variety of related issues, such as disappearing doors)
February 24, 2009 Patch (Scout Update)
- Added 3 new weapons: the Force-a-Nature, Bonk! Atomic Punch and the Sandman
- Added 35 new Scout achievements
- Scouts now earn a bonus point for killing Medics who are actively healing a target
- [Belgelenmemiş] Added new Scout voice lines.
- [Belgelenmemiş] Added a new taunt, used by the Sandman
- Removed the damage reduction against non-stunned enemies on the new bat
- Fixed the BONK!! particles appearing in the air when the bat's taunt kill is used on a target
- Fixed Force-A-Nature description not fitting inside the item window
- Fixed some localization issues with Scout achievement strings
- You can now duck twice in the air. Scout double jumps reset the in-air jump counts
- Players who are stunned by a Scout now take 50% less damage
- Increased the minimum distance to stun a player with the Sandman
- Fixed Scout taunt kill achievement firing for people who didn't actually qualify
- The Lugermorph was added to the game
- Scouts now drop the Intelligence if they're carrying it when they start phasing
May 21, 2009 Patch (Sniper vs. Spy Update)
- Fixed a bug that would cause the scout's ball to regenerate at inappropriate times
- Added a new hat: the Batter's Helmet
- Serverl log improvements:
- Fixed kill descriptions for Force-A-Nature & Sandman, so server logs can distinguish them
- Increased the Force-A-Nature's damage by 10%
- Force-A-Nature & Flamethrower air blast knockback effects no longer work on disguised spies
- Reverted Force-A-Nature and airblast knockback on disguised Spies, so that they can once again be knocked back
- Fixed Bonk! ammo count exploit after using a regeneration locker
August 13, 2009 Patch (Classless Update)
- The Force of Nature
- The enemy knockback now only works in close range and behaves more like the Pyro's air blast
- Enemies cannot be juggled by the FaN's effect
- The self-knockback has also changed to respect the firer's view angle. Looking up while shooting will no longer propel the enemy upwards
- Knockback is now scaled by damage done
- The Sandman
- A Scout will receive 1 point for stunning an enemy and 2 points for a long range stun
- Stunned players now take 75% of all incoming damage instead of 50%
- Übercharged players can no longer be stunned
- Heavies spinning their mini-guns will continue to spin when stunned (whether the left or right mouse button is pressed)
- The minimum distance to stun a target has been reduced
- The negative attribute has changed from "no double jump" to "-30 max health"
- [Belgelenmemiş]
- Added new hat bodygroups to the Scout, Soldier, Engineer and Sniper models.
- Primary fire for the Sandman now swings the bat, while alt fire now launches the baseball.
- Added new swinging animations to the Sandman when a Scout swings the bat with the ball still in his hand.
- Added 3 new hats: the Bonk Helm, the Ye Olde Baker Boy and Baseball Bill's Sports Shine
- Changed "The Big Hurt" Scout achievement to be "Stun 2 Medics that are ready to deploy an UberCharge."
- Fixed the "The Big Hurt" achievement not being awarded for players who already have the required count
December 17, 2009 Patch (WAR! Update)
- The Sandman now only stuns on a max range hit (when you hear the cheering)
- All shorter hits now force the enemy into the thirdperson fleeing state (also removed the damage reduction on them)
- Added headshot death animation
- Updated the Baseball and Jarate HUD indicators to stay on screen when full
- Achievement fixes
- Fixed several Scout achievements that were broken by the new type of bat stun
- The Lugermorph became equipable by the Engineer
- Reduced the health penalty on The Sandman
- The Force-A-Nature knockback on target now
- Only applies to hits that deal more than 30 damage and are in close range
- Factors in the firer's angle of attack when determining the knockback direction
- Has less of an effect on grounded targets
- Fixed grounded players receiving falling damage from Force-A-Nature shots directly above them
- Fixed the Force-A-Nature firing fewer pellets when tf_use_fixed_weaponspreads was 1
- Fixed the Scout's legs twisting out of shape during a double jump
- Added backstab death animation
- Force-a-Nature will now correctly knock back players on the ground
- Increased minimum damage required for the Force-a-Nature to cause a knockback from 30 to 40
- Fixed the Scout's legs twisting out of shape during a double jump
- Fixed Bonk! Atomic Punch phase effect
- Fixed the Sandman being able to bat balls through doors
March 18, 2010 Patch (First Community Contribution Update)
- Added a new hat: the Troublemaker's Tossle Cap
- Added a new weapon: the Lugermorph
- Added Crit-a-Cola
- Bonk! changes
- Post-use movement penalty removed.
- Now has a re-use cooldown time, like The Sandman.
- Sandman change
- Added a slight speed reduction to stunned players.
April 29, 2010 Patch (119th Update)
- Scout's "Retire the Runner" achievement updated to be
- "Kill a Scout while they are under the effect of Crit-a-Cola."
- Crit-a-Cola now has its own texture.
June 10, 2010 Patch (Mac Update)
- [Belgelenmemiş] The liquid spill from readying a can of Crit-a-cola is now purple, instead of the green that Bonk! Atomic Punch uses
July 8, 2010 Patch (Engineer Update)
- [Belgelenmemiş] The Lugermorph received its own kill icon
September 30, 2010 Patch (Mann-Conomy Update)
- Added the Special Delivery set with 4 items: the Shortstop, the Mad Milk, the Holy Mackerel and the Milkman
- Added a new hat: the Bombing Run
- Achievement tuning
- Scout achievement "Strike Zone" now counts assists
- Scout achievements "Fall Classic" and "Foul Territory" are fixed
- [Belgelenmemiş] Added unused "Hi-five" animation
- [Belgelenmemiş] Scouts will always switch to a melee weapon upon drinking Bonk! Atomic Punch
- This was done to fix the issue of players being able to fire their weapons immediately after drinking by holding the primary fire button
- Baseball Bill's Sports Shine now shows up when using the "Inspect" key on allies
- The Bombing Run and Batter's Helmet paint effects are more noticeable
- The Holy Mackerel no longer displays a fish hit message when a Spy disguised as the attacker's team is hit
- The Holy Mackerel no longer triggers other death events (like achievements or stats mods) improperly
- Milk will no longer spray from the barrels of other Scout weapons when switching from the Mad Milk
- Fixed server crash caused by a Scout using the Sandman on an enemy Scout who has used Bonk!
- Fixed some viewmodel bugs with the Lugermorph
- Fixed the Holy Mackerel hit triggering the first blood event in Arena mode
October 27, 2010 Patch (Scream Fortress)
- [Belgelenmemiş] Modified Troublemaker's Tossle Cap's painted pattern
- [Belgelenmemiş] Lugermorphs obtained from The Devil's Playhouse promotional event rather than through the Poker Night at the Inventory are now vintage
- Fixed bug with Crit-a-Cola acting like Bonk! Atomic Punch
December 17, 2010 Patch (Australian Christmas)
- Added new weapons: 'The Boston Basher', 'The Candy Cane'
- Added new hat: 'Flipped Trilby'
- Throwing the Milk now returns you to your previous weapon, instead of your Primary
- [Belgelenmemiş] Removed the (non-functioning) slowdown effect from The Shortstop
- [Belgelenmemiş] Holy Mackerel client view is altered to continually face the player
- The following hats are now paintable or have had their paintability improved: Flipped Trilby
- [Belgelenmemiş] Improved the texture of the Candy Cane
- Fixed a broken texture on the Flipped Trilby
- [Belgelenmemiş] Improved Candy Cane kill icon
- [Belgelenmemiş] Fixed visual bug on the Shortstop which caused reloaded bullets to stay on the player model when auto-reload is enabled
- Fixed the Mad Milk effect not being washed off when a player goes underwater
- Fixed switching to the melee weapon instead of using the lastweapon setting after drinking Crit-a-Cola
- Fixed not seeing the critboost effect on the Scout's Shortstop
- Added the weapons: The Essential Accessories and The Superfan
- Added Crit-a-Cola to the weapon drop list
- Added New weapon: Sun-On-A-Stick
- Fixed the The Essential Accessories hiding the Scout's hat/headphones
- Fixed the assister's name not being listed in the Fish humiliation and kill notices
- Fixed the Force-a-Nature not drawing correctly in the character loadout screen
- [Belgelenmemiş] Added a new leg bodygroup to the Scout model
- Increased the base damage for the Scout's Sun-on-a-Stick, and changed it to always mini-crit against burning targets if the attack is not already critical
- [Belgelenmemiş] The Force-a-Nature no longer clips into itself or shows shells hovering outside
- The Bombing Run were added to the Mann Co. Store
- Updated the Sun-on-a-Stick so it can be traded
- [Belgelenmemiş] Updated the Sun-on-a-Stick so it can be crafted
March 10, 2011 Patch (Shogun Pack)
- Added a new weapon: the Fan O'War
- Crafting recipe for the following weapons changed Sun-on-a-Stick
- [Belgelenmemiş] Turned quality of some Vintage Lugermorphs to unique
April 14, 2011 Patch (Hatless Update)
- Item changes:
- Mad Milk Heal 60% of damage done (down from 75%)
- Sun-on-a-Stick Base damage lowered slightly but guarantees crits against burning players instead of mini-crits
- Fan O’ War Marking someone for death now lasts 15 seconds (from 10 seconds)
- [Belgelenmemiş] Added models for the "Three-Rune Blade," "Hero's Tail," and "Sign of the Wolf's School" to the materials GCF
- [Belgelenmemiş] Added a new dogtag bodygroup to the Scout model
- Updated the Three-Rune Blade, Hero's Tail, and Sign of the Wolf's School items so they can be crafted and traded
- Fixed a bug that allowed the Crit-a-Cola to be used repeatedly with no cooldown
- Added new styles to the Troublemaker's Tossle Cap
- [Belgelenmemiş] Added a new weapon: the Three-Rune Blade
- [Belgelenmemiş] Added a new hat: the Hero's Tail
- [Belgelenmemiş] Added a new misc: the Sign of the Wolf's School
- Added hat: The Planeswalker Goggles
- [Belgelenmemiş] Added localization for Planeswalker Goggles
- [Belgelenmemiş] Planeswalker Goggles now hide both hat and headphones
- Updated The Superfan and The Essential Accessories so they can be painted
June 23, 2011 Patch (Über Update)
- Added weapons: Soda Popper, Atomizer and Winger
- Added hat: Bonk Boy
- [Belgelenmemiş] Planeswalker Goggles are now a misc. item
- Updated the Planeswalker Goggles to not hide the Scout's hat/headset
- Added new misc: Flip-Flops and Lucky No. 42
- [Belgelenmemiş] Gave the Atomizer the Home Run taunt.
- While running, the Scout's dogtags clip into his neck.
- All of the Scout's melee weapons clip into his hand in first person view.
- After players noted a resemblance between the Scout and TV pitchman Template:W (also known as Vince Offer), many requested that Valve add a reference to this in-game. With the release of The Scout Update, lines such as "If you order now, I'll throw in a second beatin', absolutely free." and "No otha' class' gonna do dat!" were added to the game files.
- The Scout's voice actor, Nathan Vetterlein, also provides the voice for the "Church Guy" character in the Valve title Left 4 Dead.
- The excited Scout mascot in the Force-A-Nature ad also appears in a slightly altered form as the icon for the "You'll Feel a Little Prick" Medic achievement.
- The Submachine Gun for the Sniper was originally intended as the primary weapon for the Scout.
- The Nailgun, a scrapped weapon carried over from Team Fortress Classic, was also intended for the Scout.
- In Poker Night at the Inventory, an image of the BLU Scout makes a cameo as the Jack card for the black suits (spades and clubs) in the "TF2" card deck.
- The Scout makes an appearance in Worms: Reloaded as part of one of the forts; the rest of the fort is composed of Granary. The Scout's headset and cap are also available as a selectable hat for the player's worms.
- Billy the Kid was hired as the first BLU Scout.
- The Scout's icon bears a resemblance to one of Template:W winged sandals.
- The Assassin class of Monday Night Combat has a promo item with the Scout's headset and the Spy's disguise mask named "Bonk! Slash!".
- According to the Official Team Fortress 2 Blog, the Scout lives in an apartment that is crammed full of promotional items.
- For a short time before the Über Update, doves would occasionally fly out of gibbed Scouts.
The Scout class of Team Fortress Classic
- Scoutcon3.png
Concept art of the Scout
- Scoutcon2.png
Concept art of the Scout
- Scoutcon4.png
Concept art of the Scout
Related merchandise
See also
- Scout jumps
- Scout rush
- Scout's mother
- Basic Scout strategy
- Community Scout strategy
- Scout match-ups
- Anti-Scout strategy
- Scout taunts
- Scout responses
- Scout voice commands
- List of references (Scout)
- Scout (Classic)
- ↑ a b Scout Trading Card
- ↑ a b Team Fortress 2 Trailer 2, released in September 2006.
External links
- Scout page on the Official TF2 Website
- The Scout Update
- TF2 Official Blog - Okay, this does not look good here. Umm...
- TF2 Official Blog - Hey good job, there, hardhat
- TF2 Official Blog - That's what I'm talking about!
- TF2 Official Blog - Better Late Than Never