Anti-Scout strategy
![]() | Ta strona jest w trakcie tłumaczenia na język polski. Jeśli mówisz po polsku, napisz na stronie dyskusji lub porozmawiaj z użytkownikami, którzy wnieśli wkład do strony (sprawdź jej historię). |
Skaut jest bardzo szybki, zwrotna klasa, zadaje dużą ilość ognia z bliskiej odległości, co czyni go niezwykle skuteczne w jednym-na-jeden walce. Wyróżnia się w otwartych środowiskach, gdzie jego szybkość i podwójny skok pozwoli mu łatwo manewrować na mapie, na długich dystansach, i zasadzki najsłabszych przeciwników. Może wykorzystać jego możliwości poruszania się całkowicie uniknąć uszkodzenia, ponad składających się na jego brak zdrowia. W zależności od załadunku, Skaut może zabrać ze sobą broń z dodatkowego narzędzia, które pomogą mu zabić indywidualne cele z jeszcze większą łatwością. Jeśli można ograniczyć harcerską manewrowość, można łatwo pozbyć się go.
Spis treści
Atrybuty | Anty-Skaut Strategia |
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Skaut wyróżnia się wybierając alternatywne ścieżki, aby uniknąć bezpośredniej walki, ataki z zaskoczenia są podatne wrogów i realizacji celów misji. Miej oko gdzie na trasach mógłby zdjąć cię i ciągle zgłaszać swoje miejsce kolegom z drużyny. |
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Skaut jest bardzo słaby i można go zabić kilkoma celnymi strzałami. |
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Skaut jest bardzo szybki i może wykonać podwójny skok, więc dokładnie przewiduj jego ruchy, aby zapewnić mocne ataki, szczególnie podczas korzystania z broni palnej. Jeśli on jest w powietrzu zaczekaj, aż do czasu kiedy wróci na ziemie przed próbą strzałów w powietrze. Jego zwrotność pozwala mu łatwo do gonić inne klasy, ale ma mniej mocy w pomieszczeniach zamkniętych, gdzie jest mniej miejsca na unik. |
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The Scout’s weapons are devastating at close range but very weak at long range. Thus, he must put himself in danger and actively enter combat to have any chance at killing enemies. |
Broń Podstawowa
Broń | Anty-Skautowe strategie |
![]() Dubeltówka |
The Scattergun deals immense damage at point-blank range and will allow a Scout to stay in combat for a modest amount of time. Although he is faster than you, do your best to stay at medium range to minimize the damage you may take while trading blows. It takes a considerably long time for a Scout to reload his Scattergun; if he uses most of his six shots, keep pressuring him into firing so that he cannot fully reload. |
![]() Siła natury |
The Force-A-Nature deals even more damage than the Scattergun up close, but must be reloaded every two shots. If the Scout insists on staying in close combat, pick him off during his frequent reloading periods. Its knock back effects let him easily reposition or disorient you for a follow-up shot, so avoid lingering near walls or field hazards where you can quickly be cornered. |
![]() Wstrzymywacz |
Unlike the Scattergun, the Shortstop has a tight bullet spread suited for medium range. By closing the distance, the Scout may find it more difficult to hit you. |
![]() Buzownik |
Like the Force-A-Nature, the Soda Popper must frequently be reloaded, which will often leave the Scout vulnerable. You’ll need to quickly eliminate a Scout with a full Hype charge, as his speed ensures that you won’t be able to escape from his Mini-Crits. |
Broń Drugorzędna
Broń | Anty-Skautowe strategie |
![]() ![]() Pistol / Lugermorph |
While the Scout might use his Pistol to harass you from a distance, its damage is minor and its ammunition pool is meager. Keep a distance from him to take advantage of his weak long range capabilities. |
![]() Bonk! Atomowy kop |
Bonk! Atomic Punch is designed to help a Scout get past dangerous areas, such as chokepoints or Sentry Gun nests. He can’t fight while under its effects, so impede his movement by body blocking or using knock back. |
![]() Kryt-o-Cola |
While Crit-a-Cola will allow a Scout to deal Mini-Crits to you, you can deal Mini-Crits right back at him. He’ll often consume it when preparing for an ambush, so stay alert and pick him off first. |
![]() Wściekłe mleko |
The healing provided by Mad Milk will let an accurate Scout stay in a fight for a prolonged period of time. If you’re covered by it, you’ll either need to retreat or take him out very quickly. |
![]() Skrzydłowy |
The Winger functions similarly to the Pistol and should be treated the same way; keep a distance so it can only deal minor damage. |
Bronie Wręcz
Broń | Anty-Skautowe strategie |
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A Scout that insists on using the Bat can easily deal more damage at close range with any of his primary weapons, actually giving you a slight advantage in melee combat so long as you keep your aim steady. |
![]() Piaskun |
If you are stunned by the Sandman's baseball, retreat towards your teammates so that they can protect you. Keep your aim on the Scout so that you can immediately retaliate once the effect wears off. |
![]() Święta makrela |
The Holy Mackerel functions similarly to the Bat but announces each hit in the kill feed. If you see hit announcements in the kill feed, use it to know that there is a Scout nearby. |
![]() Cukrowa laska |
If possible, switch to an explosive weapon to take advantage of the increased explosive vulnerability a Scout wielding the Candy Cane is penalized with. Try to steal the small health kits dropped by teammates that the Scout aided in killing. |
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Continuously evade a Scout that is attacking you with the Boston Basher/Three-Rune Blade so that he damages himself. |
![]() Słońce na patyku |
The Sun-on-a-Stick does less base damage than the standard Bat. If you are set on fire, you should always be trying to extinguish yourself, retreating from any Scout that may try to pick you off. |
![]() Wachlarz wojenny |
If you are marked by the Fan O’War, the Scout will likely try to chase you down with his primary weapon. Adjust your one-on-one tactics to his chosen weapon accordingly and try to move to where your teammates are so they can help. |
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While a Scout might never use the Atomizer in actual combat, the triple jump greatly increases his mobility. Performing the third jump costs 10 HP, however, which can expedite killing him. |
Zestawy Przedmiotów
Zestaw | Anty-Skautowe strategie |
This item set increases the Scout's survivability, particularly in large firefights. A Scout using this set is best keeping a moderate distance, where he can readily harass enemies with both the Shortstop and Mad Milk. He is restricted to only using the Shortstop as a strong source of damage, so close the distance, where he may find it more difficult to hit you. | |
This item set builds on the Scout’s amazing one-on-one prowess. React to the individual weapons, particularly the Soda Popper’s Hype and the Atomizer’s triple jump, accordingly. |
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