Estrategia de la Comunidad del Sniper

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Cold Blooded Killer
Si lo que quieres es inflarme el ego, vas bien.
El Sniper a un gamberro no muy alterado

El Sniper es una clase de apoyo centrada en eliminar objetivos clave. El Sniper suele permanecer al margen del fuego enemigo por su reducida salud de 125. El Sniper es una de las dos clases que puede matar por tiro en la cabeza a sus enemigos (la otra es el Spy con la Embajadora). Los tiros en la cabeza tienen impactos críticos garantizados y suelen provocar una muerte instantánea (la única excepción es un Heavy con exceso de curación y con los Puños de Hierro equipados). La habilidad para hacer esto consistentemente marca la diferencia entre un Sniper amateur y un Sniper de la élite.

Consejos Rápidos

  • Los Snipers necesitan estar pendientes de los alrededores porque suelen ser los objetivos de los Spies enemigos y de otros Snipers, siendo ambos las clases a las que es más vulnerable. Equípate el Caparazumbador, la Metralleta o el Fraskungfú para ayudarte a librarte de los Spies. Cuando recargues el rigle, muévete de un sitio a otro para comprobar si hay Spies en la zona desde la que estás apostado.
  • ¡Intenta no abusar de esta clase! Tener muchos Snipers arruina la viabilidad del equipo. Si no estás matando a nadie de Sniper, no contribuyes en nada y deberías considerar el cambiar de clase hasta que haya menos Snipers.
  • Pon la mirilla en el objetivo antes de hacer zoom para maximizar la movilidad.


Mantén el puntero en objetos cercanos para que los enemigos no sospechen de que estás por ahí.
  • Ya que tus enemigos pueden ver el puntero láser de tu rifle, apunta al marco de la puerta u otros obstáculos para ocultar tu presencia. Serán más fáciles de disparar si no se esperan que estés ahí que si están intentando esquivarte. También puedes usar el Cazador, que no tiene puntero láser.
    • Como contraste a lo anterior, puedes aprovecharte de esto para asustar a los enemigos. La mayoría de las clases no querrán meterse en la línea de tiro de un Sniper e intentarán tomar otra ruta. Esta táctica no siempre funciona con Scouts, que son lo suficientemente rápidos como para burlar tu puntería. Ten en cuenta que los enemigos solo pueden ver el láser cuando vean el objeto al que apuntas en la misma dirección que apuntes.
  • Permanecer siempre en el mismo sitio puede costarte la vida. La cámara de muerte revelará tu posición siempre que mates a alguien; deberías cambiar de posición a menudo, especialmente tras matar a otro Sniper o habiendo disparado con la Machina (que dispara balas trazadoras y descubren tu escondite).
  • La movilidad suele ser una característica valiosa para cualquier Sniper. Recuerda que caminar con el zoom activado no es nada efectivo, ya que tu velocidad es casi la mitad (y mucho menor con el Camper Comodón).
  • Escoge tus objetivos con cuidado. Como clase de apoyo, es importante ayudar a tu equipo de la manera más eficiente posible, así que busca a los objetivos más valiosos, principalmente Medics, Heavies y otros Snipers. Matar objetivos que puedan entorpecer tu puntería, infligir mucho daño o crear un impacto negativo en tu equipo te hace un buen apoyo para el equipo.
    • Un disparo rápido al paciente del Medic o al propio Medic puede forzarle a usar la SuperCarga más pronto, lo que permitirá a tus aliados el matar al paciente antes de provocar ningún daño a tu equipo desde la vanguardia.
  • Desactivar la opción de re-zoom automático puede ayudarte, aunque no es algo necesario. Algunos Snipers prefieren no usar el re-zoom automático del Rifle después de cada disparo. Para evitar el re-zoom, deshabilita esta característica en el botón "Opciones Avanzadas" del Menú Principal.
    • También puedes evitar el re-zoom pulsando fuego alternativo después de disparar y antes de que el rifle haya hecho zoom de nuevo.
  • Un disparo completamente cargado peude destruir cualquier construcción de Nivel 1 y hacer gran cantidad de daño a las otras. Pon a presión a los Engineers enemigos quedándote fuera del rango de tiro de sus construcciones y dándoles con disparos cargados. Asegúrate de matar al Engineer primero, pues dañar las construcciones hará que las arregle de nuevo, gastando tiempo y munición. Trabaja junto a un Soldier aliado para exceder la capacidad reparadora del Engineer.
  • Agacharse reduce tu visibilidad pero también te hace un objetivo más pequeño (y más lento). Puede ser útil para realizar un mejor disparo en tus enemigos. También puedes zafarte de los Snipers que quieran matarte disparándote en la cabeza si te agachas, sobre todo si acabas de disparar e intentas retroceder.
  • Presta atención a los tiempos de reaparición, especialmente al encarar a muchos Snipers enemigos. Solo tienes 5-10 segundos en Defensa para concentrarte en otros objetivos mientras los anteriores reaparecen.
  • Cuando te veas forzado meterte en un combate a corta distancia (p.ej. combatir a un Spy o a un Sniper de cerca), tienes dos opciones: retroceder e intentar un tiro en la cabeza o en el cuerpo o luchar con tus armas secundaria y cuerpo a cuerpo. Un rápido tiro en la cabeza suele no ser una opción viable a no ser que sepas que puedes hacerlo. Suele ser más recomendable retroceder mientras disparas tu Metralleta o lanzar el Fraskungfú (a no ser que lleves el Caparazumbador, el Escudo de Darwin o el Camper Comodón). Asegúrate de moverte de un lado a otro al retroceder para hacer tus movimientos menos predecibles a los Soldiers y Demomen. Lanzarte con tu arma cuerpo a cuerpo tendrá diferentes resultados dependiendo del arma. El Shahanshah ha sido diseñado sobre todo para este tipo de ataques, y el Kukri es también una buena opción. El Machetón es genial si usas el Fraskungfú. Es mejor usar la Cuchilla Tribal para ataques sorpresa.
  • Al hacer de Sniper es bastante normal que el otro equipo tenga a uno o dos Spies intentando apuñalarte. Si no estás usando el Caparazumbador, puedes valerte de las paredes para proteger tus espaldas mientras disparas. Pero estate alerta, pues los Spies pueden matarte fácilmente con el Revólver o incluso apuñalándote desde un lado.

Específicos de Armas

Armas Primarias

Rifle de Francotirador/Rifle de Francotirador Festivo

Arma Icono de Muerte Munición Daño
Munición Cargada Municion Llevada 0% Carga 100% Carga Crítico a 0% Crítico 100%
Sniper Rifle
Por Defecto
Rifle de Francotirador
Killicon sniper rifle.png 1 25 43-57 128-172 150 450
Killicon sniperriflehs.png 1 25 150 450 450 450
Festive Sniper Rifle
Rifle de Francotirador Festivo
Killicon sniper rifle.png 1 25 43-57 128-172 150 450
Killicon sniperriflehs.png 1 25 150 450 450 450
  • Apunta a la cabeza. Un tiro en la cabeza será automáticamente un crítico y un tiro en la cabeza totalmente cargado es lo único parecido a una puñalada que pueda matar instantáneamente a un Heavy con exceso de curación.
  • Un disparo totalmente cargado al cuerpo puede matar Scouts, Engineers, Medics, otros Snipers y Spies siempre que no tengan exceso de curación.
  • Mantener tu espalda contra una pared mientra tienes el zoom activado te puede proteger de una puñalada, pero deberías seguir pendiente de los Spies. Por otra parte, mantener la espalda contra la pared te hará más vulnerable al daño en área de los cohetes.
    • Debes saber que los Spies pueden apuñalar en los 180 grados alrededor de la espalda de un jugador.
  • Los disparos del Rifle de Francotirador sin zoom hacen aproximadamente 50 de daño. Si el objetivo está muy cerca, deberías usar tus armas secundaria o cuerpo a cuerpo.
  • El Rifle de Francotirador no hace críticos al azar. Aparte de los tiros en la cabeza, la única manera de conseguir críticos es con el subidón de críticos de la Kritzkrieg, la Humillación y al capturar el Dossier.
  • Quedarte quieto con el zoom activado te hará un objetivo sencillo para los Spies y Snipers enemigos. Muévete y comprueba si hay Spies para hacer frente a ambas clases.
  • No estés todo el tiempo con el zoom activado. Es muy fácil fallar un tiro a un jugador que se te acerque con una visibilidad tan reducida o incluso perder la oportunidad de disparar a un enemigo a unos cuantos metros.
  • Posicionarse es la clave; deberías buscar puntos aventajados desde los que tengas buena vista del campo de batalla o posiciones desde las que puedas cubrir varias rutas enemigas. Lo ideal es maximizar la amenaza que provocar a tus enemigos y disminuir la amenaza que puedas recibir de estos.
  • Cambiar la variable cl_interp a 0.034 puede ayudar a incrementar las posibilidades de dar a un enemigo rápido.
  • Disparar a través de agujeros pequeños en las paredes minimiza el espacio desde el que los enemigos pueden darte. Esto te hace un objetivo minúsculo pero también limita el área que puedes cubrir.

La tabla de abajo lista el porcentaje de carga necesario para matar a los enemigos con un tiro en el cuerpo/cabeza. Los porcentajes más altos que 100 indican que no puedes matar a esos enemigos en esas circunstancias con un solo disparo.

Nota: Si el daño extendido al azar está activado, los porcentajes de los tiros al cuerpo varían. Todas las clases a excepción del Soldier y el Pyro tienen equipación que incrementa o disminuye su salud total, así que usa esta tabla como guía. El Soldier podría usar el Refuerzo del Batallón, reduciendo el daño que puedas provocarle.


Arma Icono de Muerte Munición Daño
Munición Cargada Munición Llevada 0% Carga 100% Carga Crítico a 0% Crítico a 100%
Killicon huntsman.png 1 12 44-58 103-137 150 360
Killicon huntsmanhs.png 150 360 360 360
Killicon flaming huntsman.png

Killicon flaming huntsman afterburn.png

104-118 153-187 210 420
  • El Cazador es un arma primaria desbloqueable para el Sniper. Le da al Sniper un arco para disparar flechas como proyectiles sin necesidad de hacer zoom.
  • Las flechas del Cazador necesitan tiempo para llegar a su objetivo. Persigue a tu objetivo a no ser que les tengas en frente. Las flechas siempre impactarán en la esquina inferior derecha de la mirilla.
    • Las flechas describen un arco hacia abajo al dispararlas. Cuanto mejor sea la carga, más rápido y directos serán los disparos. Apunta con las flechas por encima del objetivo si están lejos e incrementa la distancia por encima del objetivo cuando más lejos se encuentren.
  • Si te disparan, no te quedes ahí a ver si tus disparos aciertan; ¡cúbrete! Habilita el sonido de impacto en las Opciones Avanzadas para que puedas escuchar fácilmente los disparos con éxito.
  • Dispara de vez en cuando hacia zonas donde suelan aparecer enemigos, incluso si no los ves en ese momento. Para cuando la flecha llegue a su destino, puede que haya aparecido un enemigo. Esto es muy útil al apuntar a zonas donde suelan reunirse Snipers o puntos conflictivos.
  • Un Sniper que use el Rifle estándar tiene ventaja sobre ti, ya que ese arma no tiene tiempo de viaje para los disparos. Intenta evitar enfrentarte con ellos a media/larga distancia a no ser que estén bajo fuego o totalmente inconscientes de tu presencia.
    • Si el Sniper usando el Rifle estándar está disparando y escondiéndose de manera predecible, es posible calcular cuándo dispararle para darle al salir de nuevo.
  • Los Snipers que usan el Cazador tienen mayor movilidad y no tienen zoom que limiten su visibilidad. También son capaces de ejecutar tiros en la cabeza casi instantáneos y tienen mayor capacidad para defenderse con su arma primaria.
  • La Metralleta se complementa bien con el Cazador; te permite terminar rápidamente con un enemigo si fallas el tiro a la cabeza o les das en el cuerpo. Además, si te quedas sin flechas, aún puedes valerte de la secundaria para seguir haciendo daño.
    • Si te equipas una secundaria que no sea la Metralleta, vigila la munición. Si te quedas sin flechas, dependerás solo del arma cuerpo a cuerpo para hacer daño.
  • Recuerda que el Cazador pierde puntería tras algunos segundos. Es recomendable tensar el Cazador solo cuando estés seguro de que va a aparecer un enemigo a la vista (fuego alternativo para destensar las flechas).
  • El Cazador no tiene puntero láser, lo que te da ventaja y aumenta el factor sorpresa en el campo de batalla. Aprovéchate de esto para disparar con seguridad mientras te cubres. Pero asegúrate de moverte a menudo, ¡la cámara de muerte revelará tu posición!
  • Antes de cruzar una esquina, tensa el Cazador para estar preparado contra cualquier enemigo. También puedes saltar al cruzar la esquina mientras cargas un disparo para sorprender a tus atacantes.
    • Aunque ten cuidado, no puedes disparar el Cazador estando en el aire.
  • Usa el fuego alternativo para destensar las flechas sin disparar. Tenerlas tensadas más de 5 segundos hará que falle tu puntería y no des a nadie.
  • Evita el combate en zonas abiertas, donde los enemigos pueden esquivar tus flechas fácilmente. Quédate en zonas angostas o lucha a media distancia siempre que sea posible.
  • Las flechas disparadas tienen una estela del color del equipo y permanecerán en las paredes durante un tiempo. Esto podría revelar tu posición.
  • Intenta siempre emboscar a tus enemigos; pillarles desprevenidos hará que no tengan tiempo para esquivar tus flechas.
  • Un Pyro aliado con cualquier Lanzallamas, un Soldier con el Bisonte Justiciero o la Exprimevacas 5000 o un Engineer con la Pomson 6000 puede prender en llamas tus flechas, incluso si no están tensadas. Las flechas encendidas tienen el añadido de poder incendiar a tus enemigos. Si cambias de arma, la flecha se apagará.
  • Ya que el Cazador hace un daño similar al Rifle pero dispara más rápido, puedes valerte de él para poner a los Medics y Engineers enemigos a presión. Agrúpate con un Soldier o Sniper aliado para destruir construcciones o forzar a un Medic a que active la SuperCarga.
  • El Cazador puede hacer un daño máximo de 360 con un tiro completamente cargado en la cabeza. Esto quiere decir que no puedes matar a un Heavy con exceso de curación sin usar varias flechas.
  • No puedes disparar una flecha en el aire ni en el agua. Por tanto, estás en desventaja al luchar contra Pyros.

La tabla de abajo lista el porcentaje de carga necesario para matar a los enemigos con un tiro en el cuerpo/cabeza. Los porcentajes más altos que 100 indican que no puedes matar a esos enemigos en esas circunstancias con un solo disparo.

Nota: Si el daño extendido al azar está activado, los porcentajes de los tiros al cuerpo varían. Todas las clases a excepción del Soldier y el Pyro tienen equipación que incrementa o disminuye su salud total, así que usa esta tabla como guía.

Icono de Muerte Arma Daño Duración Detalles
Killicon arrow stab.png Cazador 500 4 segundos El Sniper retira la flecha que tenía preparada en su arco, la gira detrás de sí y hace una feroz estocada hacia delante para después devolverla a su sitio tirando de ella.
  • La Brocheta del Cazador es la segunda burla más rápida del juego, ya que solo necesita 4 segundos para matar. La estocada inicial aturde al enemigo y sacar la flecha lo mata.
    • Puedes aturdir (pero no asesisnar) a enemigos usando SuperCarga con la Brocheta, haciendo que pierdan unos segundos muy valiosos.
    • No necesitas tocar al enemigo con la estocada inicial para matar; con que esté dentro del rango cuerpo a cuerpo al sacar la flecha basta.
  • Al ser una burla tan rápida, puedes usarla para matar a enemigos distraídos o a enemigos que sospeches que vayan a aparecer, por ejemplo en las esquinas.

Sydney Sleeper

Weapon Kill Icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried 0% Charge 100% Charge Critical at 0% Critical at 100%
Sydney Sleeper
Adormecedor de Sídney
Killicon sydney sleeper.png 1 25 43-57 128-172 150 450
  • The Sydney Sleeper is a craftable primary weapon for the Sniper. While scoped for at least a second, any target hit will be applied with a Jarate effect for 8 seconds. The weapon is unable to headshot enemies, but grants an additional 25% charging rate for quicker powerful bodyshots.
  • Support-oriented Snipers should use the Sydney Sleeper. It applies Jarate to enemies hit with a shot fired with greater than 50% charge. Snipers that find headshots difficult should consider using the Sydney Sleeper.
  • In a heated firefight, focus on hitting heavier classes with charged shots to aid your teammates. Enemies coated in Jarate take damage in Mini-Crits which deal 35% more damage. Coated enemies will be more cautious before entering a battlefield.
  • The Sleeper only applies Jarate to one target per shot. You must select your targets carefully for maximum effectiveness.
  • An unscoped shot on a coated enemy will do 68 damage. Use this to finish off attackers.
  • Work with your teammates to eliminate threats. Applying the Jarate effect to an enemy is useless unless there is a teammate there to help finish the job.
  • Although you can't score headshots with the Sydney Sleeper, a fully charged bodyshot still does significant damage and can kill lighter classes while applying the Jarate effect to heavier ones.
  • When playing maps that take place at night, use the Sydney Sleeper to highlight enemies that are hidden in the shadows waiting to ambush you or your teammates.
  • The SMG is a more viable backup weapon when an enemy is coated, so it makes a good companion.
  • The Bushwacka is also a great backup weapon for coated enemies.
  • Specifically aim for Spies if you find any because the Jarate effect will distinguish them from your teammates. This is especially effective if they have the Dead Ringer equipped, as when they "die" their outline will be highlighted by the Jarate effect for the duration of their charge.
  • The Sydney Sleeper is one of the best weapons the Sniper has for taking out Engineer buildings because of its faster charge rate. Fully charged shots can take out all level 1 buildings, and a fully charged shot followed up with a half-charged shot will take out any unattended building.

Bazaar Bargain

Weapon Kill Icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried 0% Charge 100% Charge Critical at 0% Critical at 100%
Bazaar Bargain
Ganga del Bazar
Killicon bazaar bargain.png 1 25 43-57 128-172 135 450
Killicon sniperriflehs.png 1 25 150 450 150 450
  • The Bazaar Bargain is a craftable Sniper Rifle for the Sniper. It starts out with a 20% slower charge rate when scoped-in. A headshot caused by the Bazaar Bargain will increase the charge rate by 10%, maxing out at 30% faster-than-normal charging. This is represented by a "Head" counter on the HUD, with one head equaling 10% charge. Five consecutive headshots (Five heads) are needed to achieve the 30% faster charge rate. A bodyshot or a miss will reduce the charge rate by 10% (Removes one head from the counter).
    • Note that no-scope shots do not affect the charge rate or Head counter one way or the other.
  • This is a weapon meant for advanced Snipers, as it takes three consecutive headshots to begin getting any benefit from the weapon. Do not use this weapon if your aim is inconsistant.
  • Do not shoot a Building while scoped-in with a charge boost. The game will count this as a "Miss" and will take a head out of your collected bonus. Rather, use the scope to get your dot on the Building, lower your scope, and fire at the Building. Alternatively, shoot at the Building when you have no charge boost.
  • No-scope shots are highly recommended when you are not actively sniping with this weapon. It's very easy to miss or bodyshot when the enemy is close to you and any scoped-in shot other than a headshot will decrease your charge rate bonus.
  • A fully charged bodyshot is enough to kill non-Overhealed Spies, Scouts, Engineers, or Snipers in one hit. Consider a scoped-in bodyshot on these four classes if your charge bonus is sufficient (three heads or more on the Head counter) and the headshot is not available.
  • Remember that non-lethal headshots still add to the headshot counter. A Heavy-Medic pair can be used to boost your rifle up a few heads in a small amount of time, provided you don't kill them too quickly.


Weapon Kill Icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried 0% Charge 100% Charge Critical at 0% Critical at 100%
Killicon machina.png 1 25 43-57 147-197 150 517
Killicon sniperriflehs.png 1 25 150 517 150 517
Killicon machina penetrate.png 1 25 N/A 147-197 N/A 517
Killicon machina penetratehs.png 1 25 N/A 517 N/A 517
  • The Machina is a craftable primary weapon for the Sniper. While scoped at full charge, it deals 15% more damage and can pierce through multiple targets, but at the cost of generating considerably more noise per shot, being unable to fire un-scoped, and leaving a highly-distinctive team-colored tracer behind the shot.
  • The Machina is best in long corridors and entryway sniping, where the Machina's piercing attribute allows it to hit multiple foes at once. The BLU team entrances on Payload maps, the tunnel and alleyway on Badwater Basin, and maps that funnel enemies down specific routes are where the Machina truly excels. The Machina can kill both a Heavy and his Medic behind him with a well-placed, fully-charged shot.
  • This weapon all but necessitates taking the SMG along with it. As the Machina cannot fire unless scoped, it is difficult to defend yourself in close-quarters combat. Though the weapon is still functional with the Razorback, Darwin's Danger Shield, or Jarate, you will be forced to rely on your melee weapon for dealing with enemies that manage to get close.
  • This weapon's power for stealth trade can be countered by using it whilst roaming, so the tracer cannot be used by your opponents to locate you in any one position.
  • The Machina may succeed where the stock Sniper Rifle fails; an Overhealed Heavy with the Fists of Steel can survive a fully charged headshot, but the Machina's extra damage may kill a Heavy under these conditions.

Hitman's Heatmaker

Weapon Kill Icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried 0% Charge 100% Charge Critical at 0% Critical at 100%
Hitman's Heatmaker
Asesino a Sueldo
Killicon sniper rifle.png 1 25 34-48 120 120 120
Killicon sniperriflehs.png 1 25 150 450 150 450
  • The Hitman's Heatmaker, like the Bazaar Bargain, comes with a meter that increases with each kill; in this case, each assist fills the "focus" bar 11%, and every kill 33%. Upon filling the bar, the rifle's charge rate increases 25% and the player does not unscope, but the rifle temporarily fires tracer rounds. Additionally, the rifle is capped at 80% body-shot damage, limiting one-hit kills to headshots.
  • Contrary to popular belief, the player can unscope while in focus mode, and even switch weapons. They simply remain scoped unless the player chooses to unscope.
  • Since the benefits of the rifle are limited to its focus mode, consider a different rifle if Spies frequently prowl your location;
    • This weapon pairs well with the Razorback, as you are vulnerable to backstabs while will in scoped mode. Listen for the sound of your Razorback breaking so you can unscope and kill the Spy. However, you will still be vulnerable to the Spy's Revolver, which may kill you before you have time to react.
  • Though bodyshots cannot get one-hit kills, do not be discouraged from using them; assuming the enemy is under attack or not at full health, there is still a high chance you can get a kill or assist despite performing a less difficult shot.
  • This is a good weapon for a Sniper who likes to stay back from the front lines and avoid risks, so he can fill up his focus. Chose this weapon if you like to aim for headshots, but you don't have to be as accurate as with the Bazaar Bargain, as you lose nothing if you miss.
  • The Hitman's Heatmaker is not recommended against Snipers who uses the Croc-o-style Kit. Because the kit prevents instant kills on headshots as well as bodyshots fired from the Hitman's Heatmaker does less damage, it's recommended to switch to a different Sniper Rifle.

Secondary Weapons

Submachine Gun

Weapon Kill Icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried Point Blank Medium Range Long Range Critical
Submachine Gun
Killicon SMG.png 25 75 8-12 4-6 4-5 24
  • If you are being attacked, retreat quickly while using your SMG as it is more suited for close combat than your rifle.
  • It's important to make every shot with this weapon count, due to the low damage output. Aim carefully and keep your crosshair trained on the enemy rather than just spraying bullets wildly.
  • The SMG is useful for spraying wide areas to reveal or draw out Spies who are trying to hide in the vicinity. Once you know a Spy is in the immediate area, fire bullets into likely hiding places and watch for the tell-tale blood splattering and Cloak flicker to show when you've made a hit.
  • The SMG is much more viable if used when Mini-Crits or Critical Hits are in effect, due to its low damage and accuracy.
  • Combining the SMG with the Tribalman's Shiv's bleed effect can be incredibly effective. Hit them with the Tribalman's Shiv to make them bleed, back up to mid-range and start firing with the SMG. Having two constant sources of damage can quickly drain the health out of any class, but success rate may vary; using this method on classes such as Soldiers and Heavies is not a good idea and should only be used in the worst of circumstances.


Weapon Ammo Effect
Loaded Carried Passive Effect
1 0 Immunity to a single Backstab. If a backstab is attempted, the Spy will be unable to attack or Cloak for approximately 2 seconds, and will be unable to switch weapons. The player will be alerted by a loud electrical sound, as well as being zoomed out of their scope if they were zoomed in.
A Razorback breaks after one successful backstab.
  • Keep an ear out for the electrical breaking sound of your Razorback as it means a Spy is right behind you.
  • Only use the Razorback if you know the enemy has Spies on their team and those Spies are actively impeding your sniping. The SMG is very advantageous in hunting down Spies in your area or taking down nearby weak enemies. The other secondary item, Jarate, is excellent for keeping already-discovered Spies visible to your team or making enemies easier to kill due to its Mini-Crit effects.
  • The peace-of-mind of being able to survive a backstab helps sniping on a psychological level, despite its many counters. This can be a benefit to certain new players or Snipers who get backstabbed too often.
  • If you are actively capturing Control Points or pushing the Cart, the Razorback will help protect you from chainstabs.
  • Razorbacks do not recharge after being broken, so if it breaks you should get a new one from a resupply locker.
  • If you are not in a well-defended location, the Razorback is not recommended. Experienced Ambassador/Enforcer Spies will kill you before you realise what hit you. However, it can also deter a Your Eternal Reward Spy due to the choice of killing you and losing a precious disguise or to simply ignore you.


Weapon Ammo Effect
Loaded Carried Effect on Enemies Effect on Teammates Effect Duration Recharge Time
1 Incoming damage is taken in mini-crits. Cloak is rendered useless. Can be removed by going into water or being healed by a Medic for some time. Extinguishes flame on yourself and/or teammates. 10 seconds 20 seconds
  • The Jarate's Mini-Crits do not stack with normal Crits, meaning that you'll either score a Critical hit or a Mini-Crit.
  • Try to throw it at a Spy as soon as you spot him so that he can't Cloak and escape. Jarate renders the Spy's Cloak almost useless, lightly displaying his team color and showing dripping Jarate particles. If you suspect a Spy is in the vicinity do not be afraid to use your Jarate to spycheck.
  • You can use Jarate to extinguish yourself and your allies if on fire. Throw it at the ground if you are on fire yourself.
  • Be aware that Jarate cannot be thrown through friendly players. Try to avoid having it hit a player who is not on fire that is in the way. This tends to happen in tight areas and hallways, when you can't throw past the friendlies in front of you.
  • Alongside with Pyros, Demomen and Soldiers can also make good Jarate buddies, since they have powerful area-of-effect attacks with a similar range to Jarate. This means they have a better chance of hitting the coated enemy and dealing more damage to them.
    • In particular, Soldiers with the Buff Banner are especially useful, as your Mini-Crits will charge their rage, so that they can grant further Mini-Crits.
  • Jarate is a good team strategy for close-range Huntsman Snipers. Throw them at groups of enemies who are on a Cart or Control Point to help thin their numbers.
  • Combine Jarate with the Bushwacka, which Crits whenever it can Mini-Crit, for reliable Critical hits.

Darwin's Danger Shield

Weapon Effect
Passive Effect
Darwin's Danger Shield
Escudo de Darwin
+25 maximum health.
  • This shield raises your maximum health to 150 at the cost of losing your secondary weapon. This allows the Sniper to be bolder when entering combat due to increased survivability. Consider using the Huntsman in conjunction with this to get in closer to the front.
  • The shield is a rather poor choice in conjunction with any of the Sniper rifles, as you often do not need the extra health when you're at the back lines, and the lack of a secondary weapon will force you to engage Spies in melee combat, a rather risky business.
    • This can be an advantage if you corner a Spy with a strong melee weapon, such as the Shahanashah or the Tribalman's Shiv. They most likely won't be able to do much damage with their Revolver before you kill them.
  • Despite its similarity to the Razorback, you can still be backstabbed if you have the Danger Shield equipped. Do not hang around in Spy-friendly areas too much without backup.

Cozy Camper

Weapon Effect
Passive Effect
Cozy Camper
Campista Comodón
No flinching while scoped. Knockback reduced by 20% while scoped. +1 health per second while equipped. -80% slower movement speed while aiming.
  • The Cozy Camper is a good secondary if you often stick to one spot while sniping.
    • The weapon is less effective if you move often while scoped. As a result, this is a poor choice with the Huntsman.
  • Be sure to take note of when you are actually taking damage since you no longer have an obvious visual indicator of the scope moving.
    • With damaging effects that take place over time (such as afterburn and bleeding) you can fire at least one shot before needing to find a health source.
    • Remember Pyros sniping at you with the Flare Gun or the Detonator can take you out in two or three direct hits.
  • Aim before scoping to avoid wasting time while strafing.
    • While scoped, you may not be able to strafe your way out of danger quickly enough against other Snipers.
  • Although you suffer less knockback while scoped, you will be forced to unscope while in the air and be subject to aerials.
  • It is extremely easy to become complacent while aiming. Be aware of your surroundings lest someone take you out at close range or with the occasional Kill taunt.
  • Cozy Camper is mostly suited for quick-scopers or Snipers who stay in one spot.

Cleaner's Carbine

Weapon Kill Icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried Point Blank Medium Range Long Range Critical
Cleaner's Carbine
Carabina del Limpiador
Killicon cleaner's carbine.png 20 75 8-12 4-6 4-5 24
  • Despite being fundamentally similar to the stock SMG, the Cleaner's Carbine grants 3 seconds of guaranteed crits following a kill. However, it holds 20% less ammo in a clip, fires 35% slower and grants no random crits.
  • Though normally weak and best reserved for Spy attacks and close encounters, it's possible for a player to wipe out numerous enemies at close range by chaining together guaranteed crits.
  • It usually takes more than a clip to kill a fully healed class with Cleaner's Carbine, so try to weaken the enemy with an unscoped shot from any other rifle than Machina, an uncharged Huntsman arrow or a melee hit before shooting them with the Cleaner's Carbine, since reloading can waste your guaranteed crits completely.
  • The crits pass onto your other weapons, so if an enemy is out of the Cleaner's Carbine's effective range, switch to the rifle to get a quick, unscoped, critical hit bodyshot or if an enemy is close by and you have to reload the Cleaner's Carbine, switch to your melee to get an easy kill.
  • When fighting a group of enemies, kill the weakest enemy first to gain crits quickly. Then kill another enemy with the crits and repeat, until you have defeated them all.

Melee Weapons

Kukri/Saxxy/Conscientious Objector/Frying Pan

Weapon Kill Icon Attack Interval Damage
Point Blank Critical
Killicon kukri.png 0.8 seconds 65 195
Killicon saxxy.png
Conscientious Objector
Manifestante Concienzudo
Killicon conscientious objector.png
Frying Pan
Killicon frying pan.png
  • Two blows with the Kukri are enough to kill non-Overhealed Spies, Scouts, Engineers, or Snipers.
  • Try to use the Kukri in close quarters. All melee weapons have an increased chance of Critical hits so you should have an easier time killing your enemy.

Tribalman's Shiv

Weapon Kill Icon Attack Interval Damage
Point Blank Critical
Tribalman's Shiv
Cuchilla Tribal
Killicon tribalman's shiv.png 0.8 seconds 33 98
Bleeding Killicon bleed.png 48 damage over 6 seconds N/A N/A
  • In many ways, the Shiv's Bleeding effect behaves much in the same way as the Pyro's afterburn. However, bleeding has the advantage of not being removed by being submerged in water, or extinguished with Jarate. Only resupply cabinets and health kits can stop the bleeding effect.
  • Use your Jarate in combination with the Shiv for bleeding Mini-Crits. Using this combination results in a one hit on a 125 hp classes such as the Scout, Spy, Sniper and Engineer. This combination is also useful when wearing down heavier classes, if needed supplement this damage with your primary weapon.
  • Overall, the Tribalman's Shiv causes more damage than the normal Kukri but over a longer duration.
  • Due to the post-damage, two hits with the Tribalman's Shiv on lighter classes (Scout, Spy, Sniper and Engineer) are enough to kill them by the bleeding, unless they find a way to heal themselves within 6 seconds.
  • Cloaked Spies will be semi-visible when bleeding, due to a slight flicker of their Cloak and the blood effect.
  • Spies using the Dead Ringer won't flicker from bleeding, but will still leave the blood effect revealing their location.
  • Due to the fact that bleeding does not stack, it may be a good idea to hit each opponent once when fighting multiple foes, and then hit each one again instead of focusing on one first.
  • A Critical hit against an enemy with moderate health can be devastating. If you score a Crit against an enemy, you can take the chance to run away and the bleeding will probably finish them off.


Weapon Kill Icon Attack Interval Damage
Point Blank Critical
Killicon bushwacka.png 0.8 seconds 65 195
  • This weapon can be very effective when used in conjunction with Jarate, due to its ability of turning Mini-Crits into Full Critical hits.
  • Jarate works well to counter the Bushwacka's vulnerability to fire damage, as you can extinguish the flames easily and potentially coat the Pyro in Jarate.
  • If your enemies have the habit of closing in after being hit by the Sydney Sleeper, this is an excellent counter.
  • Unless the opposing team has an aggressive Pyro, the Bushwacka should be used in place of the Kukri if you are not using the Tribalman's Shiv]] or Shahanshah.
  • The Mini-Crit into Crit effect is applicable to any source of Mini-Crits (Buff Banner, enemy Crit-a-Cola, etc).
    • The Bushwacka can still perform random Crits, in addition to its effect.
  • The Bushwacka is ideal for dispatching Spies who have activated the Dead Ringer. Coating them in Jarate and hitting them a few times will kill them quickly.
  • Even if you prefer staying behind the front lines to provide support, be aware of your fire weakness. Pyros may be easy pickings, but a stray flare can cause a lot of damage to you, making you easier to dispatch for other enemies.
  • In conjunction with a well-placed Jarate toss, the Bushwacka can easily dispatch most enemies; even distracted, overhealed Heavies.


Weapon Kill Icon Attack Interval Damage
At Low Health At Full Health Critical at Low Health Critical at Full Health
Killicon shahanshah.png 0.8 seconds 81 49 244 146
  • The Shahanshah is a craftable melee weapon for the Sniper. It does 25% less damage when the Sniper is at or above 50% health, but does 25% more damage when he is below 50% health.
  • The Shahanshah is good for fighting Spies. Spies fight at close range, so you'll probably take enough damage to make you a force to be reckoned with.
  • The Shahanshah is best used in combination with the Razorback. The Razorback will encourage Spies to use their Revolver instead of their knife. Being hit with a Revolver will easily bring you under the 50% health requirement and improve your ability to fight Spies even further.
  • The Shahanshah also can work well with Darwin's Danger Shield. Despite having to take more damage to reach <50% health, you will retain more health while having your damage buff.
  • The Shahanshah is less effective for ambushing enemies, should the situation arise. For example, if you are the only one around and it becomes necessary to stop a capture, you may need to ambush, which is less effective with this weapon.

Item set effects

The Croc-o-style Kit

Artículo principal: Sets de objetos
Kit Crocoestilo
Backpack The Croc-o-Style Kit Bundle.png

Deja una Tarjeta de Visita sobre tus víctimas

  • The main perk of this set is great when fighting predictable enemy Snipers. Upon being hit with a headshot that would normally kill you, you will be left at 1 HP instead.
  • Despite this tempting quality, bodyshots will do the same amount of damage as usual, are easier to execute, and unless you are overhealed, a fully charged bodyshot will kill you regardless of your 25 health buff.
  • Bear in mind that you will be unable to easily kill heavier classes on your own unless you can successfully fire off two higher charged shots on them in quick succession, or cover them in Jarate and proceed to hit them with the Bushwacka.
  • Snipers that see you have Ol' Snaggletooth equipped may assume you are using the full set, and take a split second to readjust their aim to your body. Don't give the chance, and kill them quickly!
  • An overhealed 225 HP Croc-o-Style Sniper is a great counter to distant enemy Snipers, as there is no way for them to take him down fast enough, unless they are overhealed as well.
  • You can also aim for quick bodyshots. A fully charged bodyshot is still normally enough to kill a Sniper with the Darwin Danger Shield equipped.

Weapon Combinations

Loadout combinations that can be used with the Huntsman:

  • The SMG boosts your damage output and acts as a backup weapon if you ever run out of arrows.
  • Showering enemies in Jarate allows you to kill Scouts, Engineers, and all Support classes with a single fully-charged arrow. It can also put out fires and reveal cloaked/disguised Spies.
  • Using the Razorback is generally not recommended, as your increased mobility and field of view make it much easier to detect Spies, while the Darwin's Danger Shield will give you more survivability.
  • The Bushwacka is also a viable choice if you also have Jarate; showering four people and then hacking away will more often than not grant you at least two kills. You must be more wary of Pyros, however.

Loadout combinations that can be used with the Sydney Sleeper:

  • Your SMG can be extremely useful for eliminating coated enemies who are advancing on your position.
  • The Bushwacka is extremely effective against coated enemies and provides excellent synergy with the Sleeper's bonus effect.

Class Combat Strategies

Véase también: Sniper match-ups

Leaderboard class scout.png Scout

  • Scouts are little more than a nuisance to you at long ranges, but should they come into close range, use the SMG to protect yourself. Try to follow their quick movements and anticipate where they will go.

Leaderboard class soldier.png Soldier

  • Soldiers move slowly, so it is not too hard to land a headshot. At long range, you should be able to avoid incoming projectiles providing you are not close to a wall. Otherwise, you are at a serious disadvantage if they are close to you.

Leaderboard class pyro.png Pyro

  • A good Pyro can reflect Huntsman arrows. You should be fine as long as they do not get close. If they do, you may have a chance of using a short-range counter, such as using Jarate and the Bushwacka to finish them off.

Leaderboard class demoman.png Demoman

  • Be wary of the sound that stickybombs make, or you might not notice if an enemy Demoman is placing stickies at your feet.

Leaderboard class heavy.png Heavy

  • The Heavy is slow, so it is not easy to miss one. If they are close, you are at a serious disadvantage. If they are pocketed by a Medic, your best chance of killing them is a fully-charged headshot.
  • It's better to wait for a fully charged headshot than firing early as the Heavy has more hitpoints than any class.

Leaderboard class engineer.png Engineer

  • An Engineer without any of his buildings is nearly harmless to you. If he is hiding in a nest, both him and yourself won't be able to do much without assistance.

Engineer Buildings

  • Sentry Guns are harmless to you from a distance, so if they are not being handled by an Engineer you should be able to pick them off without a problem. Make sure you're isolated though, it takes a long time in the open to pick off a building.

Leaderboard class medic.png Medic

  • If they are healing someone, you should be taking them out to aid your team. Otherwise, they are pretty harmless, as both their weapons are ineffective from a distance.

Leaderboard class sniper.png Sniper

  • When in combat with enemy Snipers, it all depends on who has the better aim and timing. Strafe constantly to prevent them from getting a clear shot, and be quick with the scope to waste as little time as possible. Remember that uncharged headshots will still do enough damage to even take out a Sniper wielding the Darwin's Danger Shield.

Leaderboard class spy.png Spy

  • Using the Razorback or sticking to a wall will deter most Spies at close range, who will then have to resort to using their Revolver to kill you. This can put them at a disadvantage if you are in an area frequented by your team.
  • If you bumped into a Spy and don't know where he is, try using Jarate to expose him.

Sniping Priorities

Priorities vary and depend on the situation at the time. The following list should often, but not always, be used in order to specify which target is the first to take down. But if there is an easier shot to take, you should take the time to kill that target first. For example, if you have a large number of teammates battling a nearby Medic with a Heavy, sometimes taking out the Heavy first is the better choice since your teammates will be able to quickly control the area and kill the isolated Medic. If you shoot the Medic first, the Heavy might hold his ground by himself long enough for reinforcements to arrive, but it will only prevent them from using an ÜberCharge.

In order of priority, you should be taking out:

  1. Snipers
  2. Medics
  3. Heavies
  4. Engineers

The rest in relative priority order:

  1. Soldiers
  2. Pyros
  3. Demomen
  4. Spies
  5. Scouts
  • Snipers are on the top of the list because they deny your teammates the ability to cross an open space freely and present the biggest threat to you as another Sniper.
  • Medics are next because they are have the ability to heal and activate an ÜberCharge. They can also assist the enemy forces by providing overheals in order to survive the brutal fight with your teammates. The Medics are a higher priority when they have an ÜberCharge ready.
  • Heavies are important targets because of their high damage output, and they can deal a significant amount of damage at close to medium range. They are tough enemies who can hold down points, and with their high health, this makes them very difficult for your allies to take down. When you are taking out a Heavy, fully charge your Sniper Rifle because their large amounts of health could survive your headshot.
  • Engineers are essential to kill because their Sentry Guns can eliminate your whole team. Once he is down, your teammates would not have to worry about the Sentry Gun being repaired. If you can, try to take out at least the Sentry Gun from the distance after you have eliminated the Engineer in order to save your teammates some time and effort.
  • Soldiers can be a dangerous threat if they take notice of your presence - they can strafe and fire rockets at you to prevent a clean shot; Direct Hit Soldiers are especially dangerous. Taking them down will essentially save your teammates the possibility of being wiped out by the Soldier's rockets.
  • Pyros and their awkward shaped heads make it easier to kill them. They have the attribute to destroy your team in close combat, so they must be taken down quickly and prior to their onslaught; Pyros equipped with the Flare Gun can set you aflame at range and greatly hinder your ability to snipe.
  • Demomen are next in the priority list because their Stickybombs can hold down an area really well, but their location is most likely reclusive in their territories. Once they die, their stickies will disappear which would allow your team to move forward.
  • Spies are usually cloaked or disguised. If you see one, shoot him before he causes any trouble, but they will become hard to find as time goes on. Thus, you probably should not worry about them though if you spot a Spy and did not see him die, call out his presence to your team and watch your back. Most of the time, he should not be a sniping priority.
  • Scouts move too fast in most cases for sniping, and you would be wasting your time and ammo trying to snipe Scouts. In fact, the only times you should even attempt to snipe a Scout is when he is capturing an objective (such as the Intelligence or the Control Point), or there are no other larger threats to kill. If you must snipe a Scout, charge a scoped shot and wait until he is in midair and has used his double-jump, then bodyshot him for an instant kill.

See also