Zombie Fortress/pl

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Zombie Fortress jest dodatkiem SourceMod do Team Fortress 2. W grze są dwie przeciwne drużyny: Ocalali (RED) i Zombi (BLU), które chcą zjeść ocalałych. Ocalali muszą wykonać swój cel mapy, który może się różnić w zależności od mapy. Ocalali mają przewagę palną a zombi mają do dyspozycji jedynie broń białą lecz po zabiciu ocalałego przekształcają go równiesz w zombi, gdy zginie po chwili się odradza. Gdy wszyscy ocalali zginą, drużyna przeciwna (zombi) wygra. Można porównać ten tryb gry do wymieszanych trybów Arena i średniowiecze gdzie każdy z tych trybów przenosi swoją cechę na drużynę ocalałych lub zombi. Ocalałymi mogą zostać żołnierz, Pyro, Demoman, inżynier, medyk i snajper. Zombi zaś mogą zostać skaut, gruby i szpieg (posiadają tylko broń białą).


Na większości map celem ocalałych jest przetrwać do końca rundy a zadaniem zombi jest im w tym przeszkodzić. Na niektórych mapach jednak ocalali muszą wykonać pewne cele aby wygrać. Niektóre z celów:

  • Obrona: Ocalali muszą bronić punktów kontrolnych przed zombi i przetrwać do końca rundy.
  • Przejmowanie: Ocalali muszą zdobyć wszystkie punkty kontrolne i przetrwać do końca rundy.
  • Przetrwanie: Aby wygrać ocalali muszą przeżyć jak najdłużej do końca rundy.
  • Przejęcie flagi: Ocalali aby wygrać muszą szukać rozrzuconych po mapie aktówek a następnie odnosić je w dany punkt.


  • Not all servers use the perk system. The perk tidbits are there for people who play on perk-enabled servers.

Survivor strategy

  • All: Survivors should stick together so that the cluster is more difficult to kill, and, on control point maps, to increase the speed at which points cap. In addition, some Survivor perks affect nearby teammates, letting a cluster receive boosts in attack, defense, and crit-chance.
  • Soldier: In Zombie Fortress, the Soldier is considered to be the best ally for the Medic when attacking. The Soldier is also the best class against hordes of Zombies due to his rockets' explosion radius (especially with crit rockets) and his ability to use either the Buff Banner or Battalions Backup to provide either mini-crits or a crit-negating defense boosts. In addition, like the Demoman, he can increase capture speed using the Pain Train. In Zombie Fortress, the Soldier will most likely use the "Tantrum" perk, so the 100% crits can be useful if dealing with a horde.
  • Pyro: The Pyro is highly limited in the mod due to the fact that the Flamethrower's ammunition is restricted to 125 rather than the usual 200. Collecting ammo can increase the Flamethrower's ammo past 125, but will decrease by 10 every second. The Pyro is useful against large hordes due to his airblast and afterburn abilities. However, the Pyro uses up large amounts of his ammo every time he airblasts, so the Pyro has to be selective about how often the ability is used. The Pyro's survivability has increased since the Degreaser and Powerjack have been released. The Pyro is also useful for extinguishing survivors that have been set on fire by combustible zombies. The Pyro can use Spy check when his ammo is above 125 because ammo does not decrease faster at above 125. The Pyro can make good use of the Wise perk to take down a whole horde of zombies.
  • Demoman: The Demoman is the best ally for the Medic in defensive situations due to his ability to lay sticky traps over entrances. The Demoman is also deadly in melee fights, especially if he gets a few heads with his Eyelander. In addition, on CP maps he can help increase the cap speed by using the Pain Train. A Demoman will often use the "Juggernaut" perk. Its ability to make the user resistant to explosives allows the Demoman to trick the Zombies into attacking him while he stands in a carpet of sticky bombs.
  • Engineer: The Engineer is the most defensive class, but can be useful when attacking by using the Gunslinger. The Engineer's buildings are also changed in the name of balance. The Sentry Gun starts with half ammo and cannot be repaired, the Dispenser is unable to heal or dispense health or ammo but can be used as a blockade, while the Teleporter works as it would normally. Due to balance issues, server administrators often disable the ability to teleport or enable reparation of buildings. The Engineer also cannot upgrade his buildings. An Engineer will often use the "Supplier" perk for he can gain additional metal to help build Sentry Guns and Dispensers when in times against a horde.
  • Medic: The Medic is an extremely useful asset in Zombie Fortress. His Overheal does not decay and his Syringe Gun does not need to be reloaded. He can also use the Crusader's Crossbow to heal survivors out of range of his Medi Gun and his health regenerates. However, the Medic should constantly watch his primary ammo so he does not run out and leave himself vulnerable. A Medic will often use the "Charitable" perk to increase his allies threat against the Zombies. With the Australian Christmas update, the Medic can also use the Amputator taunt to heal a group of Survivors without the need to use his Medi Gun.
  • Sniper: On open maps, the Sniper is extremely useful due to his long range of fire. In smaller maps, however, the Sniper may have to resort to using his Huntsman to deal with close-range threats. His ability to give teammates mini-crits by using Jarate and the Sydney Sleeper can come in handy when dealing with hordes. The Sniper's SMG does not need to be reloaded, although care should be taken not to run out of ammo in a critical situation. Snipers using both the Bushwacka and Jarate can defend themselves against most zombies with the Bushwacka's crit attribute. Using the Razorback while sniping is also a viable option since Spies will most often aim for Snipers.

Zombie strategy

  • Heavy: The Heavy in the mod functions much the same as he does in regular gameplay. The Heavy excels at picking off stragglers in a Survivor group and then attacking the bulk of the Survivors using his Showdown taunt kill and the Crits from the K.G.B.. A Heavy may too use the Thieving perk so that he can steal a gun from a survivor causing total havoc amongst the survivors.
  • Spy: The Spy still remains a very large threat due to retention of his Cloak (the maximum Cloak he can have is 80%) and backstab but is unable to disguise. The Eternal Reward cannot grant a disguise due to it acting like the Knife. A Spy in Zombie Fortress will often use the Magnetic perk so they can disable Sentry Guns while cloaked with the Cloak and Dagger. The Dead Ringer can be used but is pointless because it needs 100% Cloak to work.


Perks are special abilities that both the Survivors and Zombies can use. They can change health, defense, attack, speed, and introduce new gameplay mechanics. Some perks stack up on each other when used by several players.

  • Server administrators may disable certain perks (for balance issues or other possible reasons), or may even run Zombie Fortress without perks altogether by installing the ZF vanilla version of the plugin, ZF vanilla is the standard ZF that's been maintained and updated for almost a year. Think of it as the basic version of ZF.

Super Zombie Fortress

Super Zombie Fortress is a remake of Zombie Fortress and was developed by Mecha The Slag.

Super Zombie Fortress works the same as perk-less Zombie Fortress, except survivors only start with melee weapons and collect randomly generated weapons from spawn and from certain areas around the map. Players can only pick up class-specific weapons (multi-class weapons such as the Shotguns can be picked up by all classes who can use this weapon). This makes class variety and teamwork even more important due to limited firepower (and for the Medic, healing power) and distribution of weapons.

It is not uncommon for survivors to lack key weapons such as the Medigun or the Rocket Launcher for the majority of the map, especially on smaller teams. Therefore teams should have a variety of different classes to ensure that most weapons can be used and less weapons need to be passed up due to the lack of the corresponding class in the team.

Gameplay demonstration

External links