Soldier (competitive)/fr

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Cet article porte sur le Jeu de compétition basé sur le Format standard de compétition.
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Le Soldier (defois appelé "Solly" ou "Sollie") est le pocket ou le roaming class du standard competitive lineup, important pour sa versatilité et sa synergie avec les Medics.



Classe Santé Bonus d'extra santé Bonus d'extra santé du Secou'rapide
Leaderboard class scout.png Scout 125 185 158
Avec le Marchand de sable équipé 110 165 139
Leaderboard class soldier.png Soldier 200 300 251
Avec le Soutien du Bataillon équipé 220 330 276
Leaderboard class pyro.png Pyro 175 260 220
Leaderboard class demoman.png Demoman 175 260 220
Avec les Alibabouches ou le Contrebandier équipé 200 300 251
Avec une arme capable de collecter les têtes équipée ayant 0 tête 150 225 189
Avec une arme capable de collecter les têtes équipée ayant 1 tête 165 245 208
Avec une arme capable de collecter les têtes équipée ayant 2 têtes 180 270 226
En étant équipé d'une arme capable de collecter les têtes ayant 3 têtes 195 290 245
En étant équipé d'une arme capable de collecter les têtes ayant 4 têtes ou plus 210 315 264
Avec les Alibabouches ou le Contrebandier et une arme capable de collecter les têtes équipée ayant 0 têtes 175 260 220
Avec les Alibabouches ou le Contrebandier et une arme capable de collecter les têtes équipée ayant 1 tête 190 285 239
Avec les Alibabouches ou le Contrebandier et une arme capable de collecter les têtes équipée ayant 2 têtes 205 305 258
Avec les Alibabouches ou le Contrebandier et une arme capable de collecter les têtes équipée ayant 3 têtes 220 330 276
Avec les Alibabouches ou le Contrebandier et une arme capable de collecter les têtes équipée ayant 4+ têtes 235 350 295
Leaderboard class heavy.png Heavy 300 450 376
Sous les effets de la Barre de Dalokohs ou du Bâtonnet de Poisson 350 500 426
Avec les Poings d'Acier équipés 300 390 346
Avec les Poings d'Acier équipés tout en étant sous l'effet de la Barre de Dalokohs ou du Bâtonnet de Poisson 350 440 396
Leaderboard class engineer.png Engineer 125 185 158
Avec le Flingueur équipé 150 225 189
Leaderboard class medic.png Medic 150 225 189
Avec la Vita-Scie équipée 140 210 176
Leaderboard class sniper.png Sniper 125 185 158
Leaderboard class spy.png Spy 125 185 158
Avec le Grand Gagnant équipé 100 150 126
Avec le Kunaï du Conspirateur équippé 70 105 89
Bonus d'extra santé maximal de poignardages du Kunaï du Conspirateur N/D 210 N/D

Valeur théorique. Le bonus d'extra santé ne peut excéder 150% de la santé maximale de la classe.


Condition Normal En reculant En étant accroupis En nageant
Leaderboard class soldier.png Soldier
80 %
72 %
27 %
64 %
En chargeant le Broyeur Bovin 5000
27 %
27 %
9 %
21 %
En utilisant le Plan d'Évasion au dessus de 160 de Santé
80 %
72 %
27 %
64 %
En utilisant le Plan d'Évasion entre 160 et 121 de Santé
88 %
79 %
29 %
70 %
En utilisant le Plan d'Évasion entre 120 et 81 de Santé
96 %
86 %
32 %
77 %
En utilisant le Plan d'Évasion entre 80 et 41 Santé
112 %
101 %
37 %
90 %
En utilisant le Plan d'Évasion en dessous de 41 de Santé
128 %
115 %
43 %
102 %


Article principal : Soldier weapons (competitive)

Le Soldat compte sur les dégâts d'éclaboussement et les capacités sautantes de son Lance-roquettes pour faire des dégâts et naviguer autour de la map rapidement.


Arme Icône de frag Munitions
Dégâts et Portée Notes / Capacités Spéciales
Rocket Launcher
Killicon rocket launcher.png 4 20 Base: 90

Critique: 270

Promotionnel / Fabrication
Killicon original.png Pictogram info.png  Les roquettes partent droit du centre de l'écran.
Direct Hit
Direct Hit
Killicon direct hit.png Base: 112

Critique: 338

Pictogram plus.png Vitesse des projectiles 80% plus grande.

Pictogram plus.png Inflige 25% de dégâts supplémentaires.
Pictogram plus.png Inflige des mini-crits garanties aux ennemis propulsés dans les airs par une explosion.
Pictogram minus.png Rayon d'explosion des projctiles réduit de 70%.

Black Box
Boîte Noire
Killicon black box.png 3 Base: 90

Critique: 270

Pictogram plus.png Restaure 20 points de vie au porteur par ennemi touché.

Pictogram minus.png Capacité du chargeur réduite de 25%.

Rocket Jumper
N/D 4 60 Base: 0

Critique: 0

Pictogram plus.png Fournit une réserve de munitions principales 200% plus grande.

Pictogram plus.png Ne peut infliger des dégâts au porteur.
Pictogram minus.png Ne peut infliger des dégâts aux joueurs et constructions ennemis.
Pictogram minus.png Pas de coups critiques aléatoires.
Pictogram minus.png Le porteur est incapable de transporter les documents secrets

Liberty Launcher
Killicon liberty launcher.png 5 20 Base: 68

Critique: 203

Pictogram plus.png Vitesse des projectiles 40% plus grande.

Pictogram plus.png -25% De dégâts de l'explosion de sauts à la roquette.
Pictogram minus.png Réduction des dégâts de 25%.

Cow Mangler 5000
Broyeur Bovin 5000
Killicon cow mangler 5000.png 4 Base: 90

Tir chargé: 122

Critique: 122-151

Dégâts de brûlure:
8 / sec. × 6 secs.

Pictogram plus.png  N'utilise pas de munitions.

Pictogram info.png La touche de tir secondaire déclenche un tir chargé qui inflige des mini-crits aux joueurs, les enflamme durant 6 secondes, et désactive les constructions durant 4 secondes.
Pictogram minus.png  Pas de coups critiques aléatoires.
Pictogram minus.png  N'inflige que 20% des dégâts de base aux constructions.
Pictogram minus.png  Ne peut bénéficier d'un bonus de critiques.

Killicon fire.png
Beggar's Bazooka
Bazooka du mendiant
Killicon beggar's bazooka.png 3 20 Base: 90

Critique: 270

Pictogram plus.png Maintenir la touche de tir principal permet de charger jusqu'à trois roquettes.

Pictogram plus.png Relâcher la touche de tir principal permet de tirer rapidement les roquettes chargées.
Pictogram minus.png Augmentation de 3 degrés de la déviation aléatoire des projectiles.
Pictogram minus.png Surcharger l'arme (en essayant de charger plus de 3 roquettes) cause une explosion blessant l'utilisateur et les ennemis proches.
Pictogram minus.png Le porteur ne peut récupérer des munitions à l'aide des Distributeurs lorsque actif.
Pictogram minus.png Le rechargement est 30% plus lent.

Air Strike
Frappe aérienne
Killicon air strike.png 4-8 Base: 76

Critique: 230

Pictogram plus.png  Augmentation de la vitesse d'attaque lors des sauts à la roquette.

Pictogram plus.png  Capacité du chargeur accrue sur les ennemis tués
Pictogram minus.png  Pénalité de dégâts -25%
Pictogram minus.png  Capacité chargeur -25%.
Pictogram minus.png  Rayon de l'explosion -15%.


Le soldat est un choix commun pour le pocket parce qu'il peut prendre beaucoup de dégâts et réagir relativement rapidement pour défendre son Medic(Rocket Launcher and Shotgun can both deal damage faster and more reliably than Heavy's Minigun or either of Demoman's main weapons, something that is absolutely crucial when fighting Scouts). His Rocket Launcher also lets him easily contribute to building ÜberCharge through self-inflicted damage, and the fact that Rocket Jumps can be quickly used to switch between defensive and offensive tactics makes him a good target for ÜberCharges.

Common Tactics

One of the most important things to keep in mind as either a Pocket or a Roaming Soldier is mobility. The Soldier moves at 240 Hammer Units per second, or 80% of the normal speed. To compensate, a Soldier absolutely must have a strong grasp of Rocket Jumping and air strafing to stay in the action. Rocket jumping is also a very good way of securing a height advantage, something that helps players inflict more punishment on their enemies. As a result of their need to damage themselves just to keep up with the rest of the team or to gain an important height advantage. Pocket Soldiers will generally receive more attention from Medics than the rest of the team. Due to their large amount of health, Soldiers can form the core of most pushes, supported by the Medic and Demoman. Either Soldier should be ready to seize an opportunity and lead a push. Its also good for Soldiers to practice Airshots (see Community Demoman Strategy). Airshots can be practiced in MGE Mod, tr walkway, and more.

5-CP Push Strategies

The first thing Soldiers should focus on when playing any 5-CP map is, like the rest of the team, getting to the mid point quickly. Roamers typically rocket jump, while the pocket soldier is expected to damage himself to a low health and run to the middle point using the Escape Plan. Typically, the soldiers will hold back for a several seconds in order to get a full overheal before entering the mid fight. Learning the most efficient rollout is especially important for Soldiers, because without rocket jumping or Equalizer running, Soldiers are slower than any other class in the standard competitive lineup. Memorizing the fastest and most health-efficient path to the middle point on each 5-CP map is essential for soldiers. Usually, the roamer is expected to jump just far enough in front of the medic that he can still receive heals. This is by no means guaranteed, and as a player, the soldier needs to learn when and where to make necessary adjustements to his rollout

The near-constant stream of health that the Medic gives to the Soldier can enable him to enter the battle fully overhealed to 300 HP. Roaming Soldiers have two options at the start of a 5-CP map. They have the option of using the Gunboats to reach the midpoint very quickly, sometimes even before the Scouts and Demoman. The Gunboats are mainly for Roaming Soldiers who don't normally defend the Medic so value the added mobility over the hitscan weapon. They also have the option of taking the Shotgun and managing their health so that they can join the battle quickly, but keep enough health to be a dangerous threat.

Once at the mid point, the Pocket Soldiers should keep the enemy Soldiers and Demoman occupied with spam, and defend against aggressive players who are rushing in, such as a rocket-jumping Soldier or a Scout attempting to pick an important player. Pocket Soldiers in particular should keep an eye out for enemy Scouts aiming to kill their Medics, and ward them off. Roaming soldiers are a bit more fluid, and usually play very aggressively, and attempt to kill an important player such as a Demoman or Medic.

Soldiers have several options for attacking at the mid point. A roaming Soldier can use the Gunboats to arrive at the point quickly in order to secure a height advantage early on. Height advantages are useful for putting pressure on the enemy Scouts and Demoman. During the mid fight, Soldiers can also utilize an offensive rocket-jump and attempt to pick the enemy Medic and swing the battle in their team's favor, though this maneuver is rather risky, as such an attack will place the Soldier in the midst of the enemy team. However, this shouldn't put you off, remember that as a Roaming Soldier you are expendable and you are sacrificing your life in order to force the enemy into a bad position and gift your team the upper hand. Even if jumping the enemy combo at the mid fight didn't result in a kill, it can still be useful because it throws the enemy into disarray and can deal a lot of damage. As a result the enemy team will have to play passively as they don't have the health to go aggressive.

A roaming Soldier on the team that loses the mid fight can choose to stick with the combo, and try to hold a chokepoint, or go with the remaining Scouts of the team. The roaming Soldier can also try to ambush the enemy team and pick their Medic, either by hiding in an often overlooked area or aggressively rocket-jumping over the Medic's guardians. This tactic is extremely risky, and will almost always result in the death of the roaming Soldier, whether he succeeds or not.

A team that wins the mid fight can send its Soldiers to the next point while the Scouts capture the mid point, and push on against the fleeing enemy team. Capitalizing on this opportunity can result in the team taking the second point with little resistance, after taking the middle point. Soldiers can either play conservatively and watch out for remaining enemies who may try to attack the Medic, or rush the enemy aggressively, finishing them off before support arrives.

Attack-Defend Strategies

The Soldier's role on Attack/Defend maps is fairly straightforward. On the attacking team, the Soldier will, as usual, be the core of most pushes, rocket-jumping to pick key targets, and destroying a Sentry Gun if the defending team has set one up. The defending Soldiers will attempt to block the enemy advance, blocking captures, and rocket-jumping to perches to make defending easier. Soldiers on the attacking team will need to watch for the enemy team's Sentry Gun, if they have one, as a few well-placed rockets can take it out and allow a team's Scouts to harass the enemy team if the Engineer is absent. Soldiers attacking or defending an elevated control point can rocket-jump to the point and use the height advantage to block enemies attempting to step on the point. Soldiers may need to be proficient in performing aerials in order to prevent enemy Soldiers and Demomen from taking away their height advantage.

Capture-the-Flag Strategies

As in other game-types, Soldiers are a valuable asset for attacking the enemy team's objective, in this case their Intelligence. In particular the high max health of Soldiers allows them to attack the Intelligence room and survive despite its proximity with the enemy's spawn room. While Scouts may be the best choice for taking the intelligence back to the team's own Intelligence room, the team's Soldiers, as usual, should be leading the first push into enemy territory. When defending the Intelligence, Soldiers are also a great choice for sitting on the Intelligence until it returns to the Intelligence room, due to their ability to withstand enemy spam. Their Rocket Launchers allow them to juggle enemies headed for the intelligence and prevent the intelligence's timer from resetting. Whilst the Soldier is good at getting the Intelligence normally, they should hand it over to a Scout who can utilise their speed to cap it quickly. Keep in mind that Soldiers cannot take the Intelligence with the Rocket Jumper equipped.

King-of-the-Hill Strategies

King of the hill is a change of pace for Soldiers, and many have a hard time adapting. Compared to other game modes, there is much less emphasis on the pocket when pushing, and many teams chose to have both soldiers take an aggressive, roaming role, while the Medic mostly heals the Demoman. King of the Hills maps are often an off class friendly game mode, and its not uncommon for the pocket to switch to a class such as Heavy. The roamer is often very open to off-classing, and classes like Sniper, Engineer, and Spy can see serious use. When not off classing, both soldiers are expected to play very aggressive, and pressure the enemy Demo-Medic Combo. A successful soldier will often suicide and make very aggressive pushes that often result in failure, even more often than other gametypes.

See also