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The Classic is a weapon for the Sniper, added in the Love & War Update. It resembles a H&K G36 with a longer barrel and a clip. It also contains a laser sight but it does not affect gameplay but it does a massive noise so it can give your position away

It appears to be based off of the Sniper Rifle from Team Fortress Classic as well, as it looks the same, and it functions the same, hence the name "The Classic".

It allows the player to charge their shot without having to be scoped, but the player suffers a high movement speed loss. It also does less damage on body shots, and can only headshot while fully charged. It can be charged by holding down the fire key and releasing it to do massive damage to the victim.


See also: Crafting


Reclaimed Metal Huntsman Bazaar Bargain Classic
Item icon Reclaimed Metal.png + Item icon Huntsman.png + Item icon Bazaar Bargain.png = Item icon Classic.png

Update history

June 18, 2014 Patch (Love & War Update)

  • The Classic was added to the game.


  • On a kill with this weapon, the victim is gibbed, similar to the TFC Sniper Rifle.

See also