Mann vs. Machine (update)/tr
![]() | Bu sayfa şu anda Türkçeye tercüme edilme aşamasında. Eğer Türkçe biliyorsanız, konuşma sayfasına yazın ya da daha önceden sayfaya katkıda bulunanlarla konuşun (sayfa geçmişinden isimlerini bularak). |
“ | Alright, enough reading advice. It's man-to-man talk time. I am not going to lie to you: I am going to have to lie to you. You men are absolutely prepared to deal with this, and you are going to be just fine. Right. End of lie. Now get ready to absorb some bullets so they don’t hit my factories.
— Saxton Hale; TF2 Official Website
” |
Mann vs. Machine, Team Fortress 2'deki büyük güncellemelerden biridir. 13 Ağustos 2012'de güncelleme duyurulmuştur ve 15 Ağustos 2012'de yayımlanmıştır.
Konu başlıkları
1. Gün: Makineler
1. Günde, altı kişilik oyuncu takımının robot sürülerine karşı savaştığı yeni bir oyun modu, Mannworks haritası ve sınıflara özel robotlar tanıtıldı. Ayrıca mod için bir fragman da yapılmıştır.
Not: Bu made 13 Ağustos 2012 Güncellemesi'nde yayımlanan ilk robotlarla ilgilidir. Sonradan eklenmiş robotlar için Robotlar maddesine bakınız.
Robotların çoğu oyundaki her bir sınıfı temsil eder (Engineer dışında) ve basit silahlar kullanırlar.
Özel Robotlar
Birtakım özel robot tanıtılmıştır:
Machine Class | Name | Equipped with | Abilities |
Scout | Minor League Scout | Uyku Perisi Vurucunun Kaskı |
Demoman | Demoknight | Göz Parlatan Hücum Kalkanı |
Heavy | Steel Gauntlet | Çelik Yumruk |
Heavyweight Champ | Kitle Gebertici Boks Eldivenleri Boksörün Kaskı |
| |
Medic | Quick-Fix Medic | Hızlı Çözüm |
Über Medic | Sıhhi Silah |
| |
Sniper | Bowman | Avcı |
Sydney Sniper | Sidney Uykucusu |
Dev Robotlar
Dev Robotlar diğer robotlardan daha büyük ve dayanıklıdır fakat yarısı hızda hareket ederler. Her bir Özel Robotun kendine özgü yetenekleri vardır.
Machine Class | Name | Abilities |
Scout | Super Scout |
Soldier | Rapid Fire Soldier |
Heavy | Deflector Heavy |
Sentry Buster
1. Günde ayrıca Senty Buster da tanıtılmıştır. Bu robot oyuncuların Taretlerini yok etmeye çalışır.
Machine | Based on | Abilities |
Sentry Buster | ![]() |
Tank Robot
1. Gün güncelleme sayfasında ayrıca başka bir robot daha tanıtıldı. Robotun tanıtımında sadece yerde duran bir tekerlek izi vardı ve yanında da gizemli bir not vardı. Daha sonradan bunun Tank Robot olduğu ortaya çıktı.
Machine | Abilities |
Tank | Has an extremely large amount of health, more than most other robots. Does not attack players through any means, but will instantly crush to death any players caught between the tank and (for example) a wall while it is turning. Carries a separate bomb that it will automatically begin to deploy if it reaches the hatch, regardless of whether a robot has the main bomb or not. |
Bomba Taşıyıcı Yükseltmeleri
Bir Bomba Taşıyıcı uzun bir süre hayatta kalmayı başarabilirse daha çok nitelik kazanır ve öldürülmesi zorlaşır. Ne kadar hayatta kalırsa o kadar kendini yükseltir ve fazlasıyla ölümcül hale gelir. Robotlar her bir kendini yükseltmede bir kaç saniye durur ve Alay hareketi yaparlar ve bu, oyuncuya robotu bir süreliğine öldürebilmesine olanak tanır. Dev Robotlar bomba taşırken kendini yükseltemez.
Stages | Upgrades |
First stage |
Second stage |
Final stage |
Name | Picture | Game mode | File name |
Mannworks | ![]() |
Mann vs. Makine![]() |
Day 2: Mercs
Day 2 revealed a variety of new upgrades and power-ups that players can purchase using in-game currency to boost their effectiveness on the battlefield, as well as Canteens. A new map, Coal Town, was also featured. Day 2 also revealed a set of sample tactics for each class, indicating each class's special abilities and the effects of upgrading some weapons.
Power Up Canteens
Image | Type | Usage |
![]() |
Become Übercharged | Supplies 5 seconds of personal invincibility. |
![]() |
Become Crit Boosted | Full critical power for 5 seconds. |
![]() |
Refill Clips and Ammo | Instant ammo and magazine refill. |
![]() |
Teleport To Spawn | Immediately returns user to respawn room and supplies temporary speed boost. |
![]() |
Building Upgrade | Upgrades user Engineer's buildings to level 3 in a hurry. |
Name | Picture | Game mode | File name |
Coal Town | ![]() |
Mann vs. Makine![]() |
Day 3: Bounty
Day 3 revealed 35 new achievements, as well as an alternative Mann Up game mode, obtainable with the purchase of a ticket from the Mann Co. Store. A new map, Decoy, was also featured.
Name | Picture | Game mode | File name |
Decoy | ![]() |
Mann vs. Makine![]() |
![]() Heavy |
![]() |
Deflector |
![]() All Classes |
![]() |
Botkiller weapons |
Cosmetic items
Action items
![]() All Classes |
![]() |
Power Up Canteen |
![]() |
Squad Surplus Voucher |
![]() |
Tour of Duty Ticket |
Name | Picture | Game mode | File name |
Coal Town | ![]() |
Mann vs. Makine![]() |
Decoy | ![]() |
Mann vs. Makine![]() |
Example | ![]() |
Mann vs. Makine![]() |
Mannworks | ![]() |
Mann vs. Makine![]() |
Pre-announcement references
While officially announced on August 13, 2012, numerous references had been made by Valve prior to the release.
Haunted Hallowe'en Special
The 2009 Haunted Hallowe'en Special revealed Zepheniah Mann's Last Will and Testament, written on his sloughed-off skin, with several lines obscured by sand.
119th Update
On May 5, 2010, as part of the 119th update, Valve released a 27-second teaser for the Engineer update. The teaser shows an early skin-toned model of the Heavy Robot's head passing in front of the camera at 00:08 and a Demoman Robot's head with a red eye socket in the background at 00:15. The blueprint seen behind the Engineer shows what looks like a Scout Robot.
Engineer Update
Day 0 of the Engineer Update itself started as a wall covered with pictures which was eventually covered with blueprints. One of the pictures depicts a Scout Robot in the style of Leonardo da Vinci's Vitruvian Man.
Diagram of a robot from the Engineer Update.
Australian Christmas 2011
Australian Christmas 2011 released a new map, Foundry. Exploration revealed two secret rooms; One with four blurry photographs of robots and the numbers "13 22 13" (which read MVM when translated to letters; 1 = A, 2 = B, etc.). The other room had a sign reading "Doctor Wilson's AUTO-BORAX," with two wooden planks leaning against the sign. When reading the text between the two boards, it reads "TOBOR," "ROBOT" backwards.
- Cp foundry photos.jpg
The four photographs
- Cp foundry date.jpg
The numbers
May 3, 2012 Patch
The 3 Mayıs 2012 Yaması added sound paths to the pl_thundermountain manifest which referenced sound files involving 'mvm' and 'robot'.
"sound\mvm\giant_heavy\giant_heavy_step01.wav" "sound\mvm\giant_heavy\giant_heavy_step02.wav" "sound\mvm\giant_heavy\giant_heavy_step03.wav" "sound\mvm\giant_heavy\giant_heavy_step04.wav" "sound\mvm\giant_soldier\giant_soldier_step01.wav" "sound\mvm\giant_soldier\giant_soldier_step02.wav" "sound\mvm\giant_soldier\giant_soldier_step03.wav" "sound\mvm\giant_soldier\giant_soldier_step04.wav" "sound\mvm\giant_demoman\giant_demoman_step_01.wav" "sound\mvm\giant_demoman\giant_demoman_step_02.wav" "sound\mvm\giant_demoman\giant_demoman_step_03.wav" "sound\mvm\giant_demoman\giant_demoman_step_04.wav" "sound\mvm\giant_scout\giant_scout_step_01.wav" "sound\mvm\giant_scout\giant_scout_step_02.wav" "sound\mvm\giant_scout\giant_scout_step_03.wav" "sound\mvm\giant_scout\giant_scout_step_04.wav" "sound\mvm\giant_pyro\giant_pyro_step_01.wav" "sound\mvm\giant_pyro\giant_pyro_step_02.wav" "sound\mvm\giant_pyro\giant_pyro_step_03.wav" "sound\mvm\giant_pyro\giant_pyro_step_04.wav" "sound\mvm\giant_heavy\giant_heavy_loop.wav" "sound\mvm\giant_soldier\giant_soldier_loop.wav" "sound\mvm\giant_demoman\giant_demoman_loop.wav" "sound\mvm\giant_scout\giant_scout_loop.wav" "sound\mvm\giant_heavy\giant_heavy_explodes.wav" "sound\mvm\giant_common\giant_common_explode.wav" "sound\mvm\sentrybuster\mvm_sentrybuster_explode.wav" "sound\mvm\sentrybuster\mvm_sentrybuster_loop.wav" "sound\mvm\sentrybuster\mvm_sentrybuster_step_01.wav" "sound\mvm\sentrybuster\mvm_sentrybuster_step_02.wav" "sound\mvm\sentrybuster\mvm_sentrybuster_step_03.wav" "sound\mvm\sentrybuster\mvm_sentrybuster_step_04.wav" "sound\mvm\sentrybuster\mvm_sentrybuster_spin. wav" "sound\mvm\mvm_deploy_small.wav" "sound\mvm\mvm_deploy_giant.wav" "sound\mvm\melee_impacts\cbar_hitbod_robo01.wav" "sound\mvm\melee_impacts\cbar_hitbod_robo02.wav" "sound\mvm\melee_impacts\cbar_hitbod_robo03.wav" "sound\mvm\mvm_tank_loop.wav" "sound\mvm\mvm_tank_deploy.wav" "sound\mvm\mvm_tank_start.wav" "sound\mvm\mvm_tank_smash.wav" "sound\mvm\mvm_tank_explode.wav" "sound\music\mvm_wave_done.wav" "sound\mvm\mvm_bought_upgrade.wav" "sound\mvm\mvm_bought_in.wav" "sound\mvm\mvm_used_powerup.wav" "sound\mvm\mvm_player_died.wav"
June 19, 2012 Patch
The 19 Haziran 2012 Yaması added the Damaged Capacitor. Closer examination of the numbers imprinted on it reveals two sets of numbers. The larger, '6.22V1800', corresponds to a future date: June 22, 1800 PST. This would lead up to a blog post made by the Pyro. The smaller set, '07180125', corresponds to the same alphanumeric code (07-18-01-25, A=1, B=2...), reading 'GRAY'.
Pyromania Update
The Pyromania Update released a new map, Doomsday. Exploration revealed another secret room with the same four photographs seen in Foundry; but, also a map showing three locations; Mannworks, "Death Pit" (Coal Town), and "Cactus Valley" (Decoy).
- Doomsday secret closer look.jpg
Four photographs
Source Filmmaker
The release of the Pyromania Update coincided with the release of Source Filmmaker. An internal version was accidently leaked a few days prior to the official release. This contained various models and materials that were not included with the full version. Models of robot heads used in the Engineer Update (teaser) were included, an album of each class' robotic head was leaked to the public.
On August 10, 2012 a bloodstain appeared on the TF2 Website, leading to the start of an ARG. It lead to a photograph of the birth certificate of the previously unknown third son of Zepheniah Mann, Gray Mann.
The following day, a second bloodstain appeared, again linking to Zephaniah Mann's will revealing new text which was previously obscured by sand. He mentions Gray Mann and leaves his cache of "miracle gravel" to Elizabeth.
The 11 Ağustos 2012 Yaması created an intricate ARG involving the Barely-Melted Capacitor and the High-Five Taunt. See the associated article for more details.
The conclusion of the ARG led to the release of the comic, Blood Brothers, on August 12, 2012, which explained the origins of Gray Mann. A day later, the Mann vs. Machine update was formally announced.
Update Gallery
- Team Fortress 2 - Bounty.jpeg
Day 3 "Bounty" update page
- Team Fortress 2 - Decoy.jpeg
Day 3 "Decoy" update page
Promotion Gallery
External links