Bebek Yüzlünün Ateşleyicisi
Ekleme: Hasar alınması durumunda turbo düşüşü eklendi.
Changed: Havadaki zıplayışlardaki kaybedilen turbo miktarı arttırıldı.
Kısa Fren
Changed: Artık ikinclik cephane yerine birincil cephaneyi kullanıyor.
Changed: Iyileştirme ve geriye sıçratma pasifleri sadece silah kullanılırken aktif hale getirilebilir.
Tatlı Oğlanın Cep Tabancası
Changed: Tatlı Oğlanın Cep Tabancası'nın pasif yetenekleri artık sadece aktifken, aktif hale geliyor.
Changed: +15 maksimum can pasifi silindi.
Added: Her vuruşta +3 can eklendi.
Changed: Ateşten alınan hasarın +50% artması tüm kaynaklardan alınan hasarın +20% artması ile değiştirildi.
Harp Müptelası
Added: Artık mini-kritik vuruşlarda kritik vuruşlar yapıyor.
Changed: Hasar cezası %90 dan %75'e indirildi.
Hava Saldırısı
Removed: Cephane sınırlandırması kaldırıldı.
Changed: Patlama hasarı azaltılması -15%' den -10'a düşürüldü.
Changed: Hasar cezası -25%'den -15%'ye düşürüldü.
Changed: Roket zıplaması hasarı azaltılması -25% den -15%'e düşürüldü.
Kara Kutu
Changed: +15 health on hit to +20 health on hit per attack
Changed: Changed how health on hit works for radius damage. Is now capped per attack and scales with total damage done relative to base damage. (i.e. doing 45 damage nets +10 health on hit as base damage is 90. Hitting 3 enemies for 45 each for a total of 135 damage only returns +20 health)
Özgürlük Ateşleyici
Added: +25% clip size
Kaçış Planı
Changed: No healing penalty to 90% less healing from Medics while active
İşaret Fişeği
Added: Added text to describe 100% critical hits on burning targets
Kavurucu Atış
Changed: Reduced damage penalty to 35% (from 50%)
Added: Increased knock back on burning targets
Changed: Increased the blast radius from flares from 92Hu to 110Hu
Added: 100% Mini-Crit chance vs burning targets
Changed: Slightly increased blast jump height when doing a Detonator jump
Changed: Increased blast radius to 110Hu (from 92Hu)
Changed: Detonated explosions now also Mini-Crit burning targets
Added: Added text to describe 100% Mini-Crits on burning targets
Changed: Increased damage penalty to -25%
Changed: Increased self-damage penalty to 50% (from 25%)
Akülü Krikolyoz
Changed: Reduced health gained on kill to 25 (from 75)
Ali Baba'nın Minik Galoşları
Added: Added +10% movement speed bonus
Changed: Changed +25% charge on charge kill to +25% charge on melee kill
İskoç Canavarı
Changed: Damage bonus now only applies to buildings
Demir Bombacı
Removed: Damage penalty on self-detonate
Changed: Reduced radius penalty to 15% (from 20%)
Changed: Self damage will no longer decrease charge when charging
Changed: Fall damage will no longer decrease charge when charging
Changed: Reduced amount of charge taken away on damage when charging reduced to 1 per point of damage (from 3)
Hızlı-Bomba Atıcı
Changed: Damage is now increased based on charge amount when the bomb is fired.
Ullapool Oyun Sırığı
Changed: Reduced explosion base damage to 75 (from 100)
Changed: Reduced damage ramp up bonus for close range attacks, now the same as other explosive weapons
Meşhur İskoç Kılıcı
Changed: +25% charge on charge kill to +25% charge on melee kill
Pirinç Canavar
Added: 20% damage resistance while spun up
Added: 20% more accurate (less spread)
Changed: Increased faster spin up speed to 20% (from 10%)
Added: 20% damage resistance while spun up
Added: Stun amount now has distance falloff, decreases starting at 512hu down to zero stun at 1536Hu
Aile İşi
Added: +15% faster firing speed
Dalokoh Çikolatası
Changed: Can now overheal up to 400hp
Added: Alt-fire to throw and share as a small medkit for other players to use
Added: 10 second cool down on use
Savaşçının Ruhu
Added: +10 health on hit
Tahliye İhbarı
Added: 3 second speed boost on hit
Pomson 6000
Changed: Uber and Cloak drain decreases over distance from target, decreases start at 512hu from target and reaches 0 drain at 1536hu
Hızır Polis
Changed: Reduced cost of long range building pick up to 100 metal (from 130 metal)
Changed: Ammo and repair given to a shielded Sentry is reduced by the strength of the shield (66% reduced) when shield is active
Changed: Engineer death keeps the Wrangled sentry shielded and disabled for 3 seconds, same as when Wrangler is switched away. (Previously Engineer death caused disable state for only 1 second)
Kısa Devre
Added: Projectile destruction has been moved to alt-fire at the cost of -15 per shot. There is a 0.5s cool down between attempts and refire
Added: Cannot pick up buildings when the Short Circuit is deployed
Changed: Mini Sentry Guns can now be repaired
Changed: Mini Sentry Guns can now be Wrench construction boosted
Changed: Mini Sentry base build speed decreased. Mini Sentry Guns that are Wrench boosted build slightly faster than previously
Changed: Mini Sentry Guns start at 50% health on construction and gain health during construction instead of starting at 100%
Changed: Metal gibs from destroyed Mini Sentry Guns no longer grant any metal
Added: +15% swing speed
Changed: With the change to Base Construction boost, Jag bonus has improved. 30% increase of 1.5x makes a total of 1.95x (total of 2.95x when base speed is added)
Added: 20% repair penalty (Repairs will give up to 80hp per swing instead 100hp per swing)
Eureka Etkisi
Changed: Previous penalties have been removed and replaced with the following:
Added: Construction hit speed boost decreased by 50%
Added: 50% less metal from pickups and Dispensers
Aşı Aleti
Added: Vaccinator Über deploys now always take exactly 1 bar of Übercharge.
Added: Vaccinator Über deploys give the patient a 2.5 second bubble of 75% damage resistance of the current resist type and full crit resistance to that type. These bubbles do not disappear if the Medic stops targeting the current patient. Multiple bubbles of different types can be applied to the same patient or multiple patients given the same resist Über each consuming 1 charge.
Changed: Vaccinator Über build now suffers the same penalties as other Mediguns when it comes to multiple Medics on the same target and max overhealed patients
Changed: Reduced the bonus healing a Medic received for properly selecting the right damage resistance type from 25% of incoming damage to 10% of incoming damage
Added: Penalty of 66% decreased Übercharge build rate while healing a overhealed patient
Heybetli Tepki
Added: Added 10% attack speed penalty
Sidney Uykucusu
Changed: Jarate now applies on all scoped shots, duration scales with charge duration (2 to 8 seconds)
Çarşı Kelepiri
Changed: No longer lose heads on miss
Changed: Now requires 2 headshot kills to be back at base speed and 6 kills for 200% charge rate
Changed: Each head boosts charge rate by 25% up to 200%
Changed: Collecting a head requires a headshot kill and not just a headshot
Changed: Increased charge rate penalty changed to 50% (from 25%)
Miskin Kampçı
Removed: Increased damage taken penalty
Changed: Changed penalty from +20% fire vulnerability to +20% damage vulnerability while active
Changed: +20% damage bonus while undisguised to +20% damage bonus while disguised
Buz Salkımı
Added: Spy-cicle recharge timer can now be reduced by picking up ammo boxes
Changed: Changed fire immunity for 3 seconds to fire immunity for 1 second and 10 seconds of afterburn immunity
Removed: Silent killer attribute
Para Babası
Added: 3 second speed gain on kill
İşbirlikçinin Kunaisi
Changed: Reduced health penalty reduced to -55 health (from -65 health)
Changed: Increased minimum health gain of 75 on kill
Changed: Increased maximum overheal from Kunai increased to 210 (from 195)
Pelerin ve Hançer
Added: Can now pick up ammo kits for cloak meter while visible. Previously could not pick up ammo packs for cloak. Cloak gain is at a reduced rate when compared to stock Invis Watch on ammo pick up
Kusursuz Kopya
Added: When Feign Death is triggered, the Spy receives a 3 second speed boost
Changed: Initial attack that triggers feign death has its damage reduced by 50%
Changed: Feign Death stealth has no bump shimmer for 3 seconds
Changed: Increased drain rate to a decreased drain rate. Overall duration of invisibility is still 7 seconds when accounting for initial spend of 50% cloak meter for triggering Feign Death
Changed: Reduced cloak regen rate from to 50% faster (from 80%)
Added: Triggering Feign Death instantly removes 50% cloak meter
Changed: Damage resistance on triggering feign death scales over time. 65% to 20% over 3 seconds
Changed: 3 seconds after triggering Feign Death, the Spy is under normal invisible conditions (20% armor and shimmers if bumped or shot)
Changed: Can no longer pick up ammo for cloak meter while cloaked
Kılık Değiştirme Seti
Added: Pressing 'reload' (Default bind: R ) also toggles the disguise team.
Panik Atak
Changed: Increased base fire rate to 30% (from 15%)
Added: 50% faster switch to speed
Changed: Increased base reload speed to 50% faster (from 33%)