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< Rocket Jumper
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Template:Weapon infobox

Ja noin se pitää tehdä, miehet!
The Soldier on proper rocket-to-foot measurements

Rakettihyppääjä on primary harjoitus ase Soldier luokalle, joka julkaistiin Mann-Conomy Updatessa. Sen ulkoasu on sama kuin Raketinheittimessä. Ensimmäisenä koulutus aseena, Rakettihyppääjä ampuu täysin harmittomia raketteja sallien pelaajien harjoitella rocket jumping tekniikoita. Panokset ovat myös kolminkertaistuneet, joka antaa pelaajalle 40 ylimääräistä rakettia.


Metalliromu [[Soldier Token/fi|Template:Dictionary/items/soldier token]] [[Primary Token/fi|Template:Dictionary/items/primary token]] Mahdolliset lopputulokset
Item icon Scrap Metal.png + Token soldier large.png + Token primary large.png =
Item icon Rocket Jumper.png Item icon Direct Hit.png Item icon Black Box.png

Note: The blueprint simply makes a Soldier's primary weapon, there is still a chance of getting the Direct Hit or Black Box instead. There will be a 33.3333333....% chance of crafting this item.


  • With this weapon equipped, it is possible to survive the Kamikaze taunt of the Equalizer; the player will only suffer fall damage after being launched into the air. This is similar to an early bug that existed when the Gunboats were first implemented.
  • Reflected rockets fired from the Rocket Jumper will only deal damage to the Pyro reflecting it beneath himself (ie. attempting a rocket jump with a deflected rocket).
  • Equipping the Rocket Jumper grants the player immunity to the blast damage from exploding pumpkins in Harvest and Mann Manor.
  • It is possible for the player to survive fall damage if a rocket is fired at the ground and the explosion radius makes contact with the player almost simultaneously before the player lands. Knowing the constant speed of the rocket and the rate of which the player is falling are factors that determine the timing of this strategy.
  • Despite not doing any self-damage, the Soldier still yells out in pain and the red hit indicator still shows up on the screen.

Previous Changes

October 27, 2010 Patch

  • Added a health penalty to the Rocket Jumper.


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