Őserdei Infernó frissítés

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< Jungle Inferno Update
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Ez a szócikk a frissítés során megjelent tartalmakkal foglalkozik. A javítás részleteit lásd itt: 2017. Október 20-i Javítás.
Jungle Inferno Update.jpg
If Jurassic Park taught us one thing, it's life finds a way. If Jurassic Park taught us two things, it's life finds a way and Jurassic Park is a good idea to steal for an update. And if Valve's legal team has taught us one thing, it was by screaming at us about not telling you the second thing Jurassic Park taught us.

If people screaming at us has taught us one thing, it's that loud noises make us so anxious we forget where the backspace key is, so we're just plowing ahead and are happy to announce our wholly original update about deadly animals escaping from a theme park. Because life finds a way, which is the only thing we stole learned from Jurassic Park.
TF2 Official Website

Az Őserdei Infernó frissítés egy Fő frissítés Team Fortress 2-höz ami 4 napig tartot Október 16-ától kezdődöt és Október 20 án jelent meg 1 nap késleltetés után.Ez a frissítés 5 új fegyvert,5 új közösségi pályát,1 új valve készített pályát,7 új beszólást,1 új beszólási ölést,több mint 40 új díszítő tárgyat addod hozzá a játékhoz és sok fegyvert és a Píró osztályt újradolgoztak.A szerződés rendszer is újradolgozták mostmár a Contracterben Érhetőek el és az összes saját tempóval lehet megcsinálni,és hozzáadták a Harci Festéseket fegyver skinek helyet.



Az Őserdei Infernó frissítés oldala hivatalosan elindult 2017 Október 16-án, és bejelentették a Hivatalos TF2 blogján "Isten hozott... Zsoldos parkban!"

Frissítés haladása

Az Őserdei Infernó frissítés megjelent egy négy napos frissítés során.

  • Első nap 7 új beszólást, 6 új pályát, és egy rövid SFM filmelőzetest tartalmazott.
  • Második nap bemutatták a War Paint-et és az új contract PDA-t ingyenes és fizetett szerződésekkel,mellette az ingyenes szerződések adják az új fegyvereket és a fizetett pedig a Blood Money-t és a War Paint-eket.
  • Harmadik nap megmutatta az új fegyvereket: a Sárkány Haragjá-t (egy elsődleges fegyver/lángszóró), the Thermal Thruster (a secondary weapon/jetpack with a unique taunt kill), the Gas Passer (a secondary weapon/toxic gas), the Hot Hand (a melee weapon/glove), and the only non-Pyro weapon in this update, the Second Banana (a secondary lunchbox weapon for the Heavy).
  • Day 4 was the final day, accompanied by a blog post with the complete patch notes and a release date of 1 day away.

Day 1

The Jungle Inferno Update revealed 1 new Valve map and 5 new community-created maps, along with 2 new Valve taunts and 5 new community-created taunts.


Community maps are identified in italics.
Name Picture Game mode File name
Banana Bay Bananabay main.jpg Payload Race
RED Bombcart.pngBLU Bombcart.png
Brazil Brazil main.jpg King of the Hill
Enclosure Enclosure main.jpg Payload
BLU Bombcart.png
Lazarus Lazarus main.jpg King of the Hill
Mercenary Park 160px Attack/Defend
Mossrock Mossrock main.jpg Attack/Defend


Leaderboard class pyro.png
Headcase Fejtál
Leaderboard class heavy.png
Russian Arms Race Az orosz karizma
Soviet Strongarm Szovjet karhatalom
Leaderboard class engineer.png
Dueling Banjo Bendzsópárbaj
Jumping Jack Paprikajancsi
TF2 crosshair orange.png
All classes
Yeti Punch Jeti-pofon
Yeti Smash Jeti-zúzás

Day 2

Day 2 revealed the Jungle Inferno Campaign and War Paint cases which will be replacing campaign weapon drops and weapon cases, 2 new cosmetic cases, and the new campaign system. This campaign involves 36 new contracts that can be completed in co-op. Completion of the contracts earns either a campaign-specific item or "Blood Money", which can be used to buy War Paints and cases.


The Jungle Inferno Campaign requires the purchase of a Jungle Inferno Campaign Pass. The ConTracker PDA has also been introduced, which allows customized contract progression and the Mercenary Park Gift Shop. Friendly Fire is a new feature accompanied by the campaign and the party system, which allows players to play with/against their friends and help each other in completing contracts if you are in a party with them.

Díszítő tárgyak

Részletek a következő szócikkben: Cosmetic items
Leaderboard class scout.png
Forest Footwear Erdei Lábravaló
Jungle Jersey Dzsungelöltözet
Transparent Trousers Nemlátszó Nadrág
Leaderboard class soldier.png
Attack Packs Támadócsomag
Crit Cloak Krit Köpeny
Sharp Chest Pain Szúró Mellkasi Fájdalom
Shellmet Nagy Kaliber
Leaderboard class pyro.png
Deity's Dress Isteni Viselet
D-eye-monds Gyémántszemek
Feathered Fiend Tollas Démon
Fireman's Essentials Tűzoltó-alapfelszerelés
Hot Huaraches Forró Saruk
Sacrificial Stone Áldozókő
Leaderboard class heavy.png
Abominable Snow Pants Förtelmes Hónadrág
Aztec Aggressor Azték Agresszor
Commando Elite Elit Különítmény
Fat Man's Field Cap Kövér Ember Tábori Sapkája
Heavy Harness Gépágyús Hám
Himalayan Hair Shirt Himalájai Szőrpóló
Kathman-Hairdo Katmandui Frizura
Siberian Tigerstripe Szibériai Tigriscsíkos
Leaderboard class engineer.png
Conaghers' Utility Idol Conagher Műszaki Bálványa
Tropical Toad Trópusi Varangy
Leaderboard class medic.png
Battle Boonie Harctéri Satyek
Vitals Vest Mentő Mellény
Leaderboard class sniper.png
Bait and Bite Harapós Csali
Cammy Jammies Terepmintás Pizsi
Classy Capper Klassz Kalap
Conspicuous Camouflage Feltűnő Álca
Most Dangerous Mane Legveszélyesebb Sörény
Rifleman's Regalia Karabélyos Ékessége
Leaderboard class scout.png Felderítő
Leaderboard class engineer.png Mérnök
Leaderboard class spy.png Kém
Aloha Apparel Hawaii Hacuka
Leaderboard class soldier.png Katona
Leaderboard class pyro.png Piró
Leaderboard class demoman.png Robbantós
Bananades Robbanánok
Leaderboard class soldier.png Katona
Leaderboard class heavy.png Gépágyús
Nuke Atom
Leaderboard class soldier.png Katona
Leaderboard class heavy.png Gépágyús
Leaderboard class demoman.png Robbantós
War Eagle Harci Sas
TF2 crosshair orange.png
All classes
Aztec Warrior Azték Harcos
Croaking Hazard Brekegő Veszély
Hunter in Darkness Sötétben Vadászó
Jungle Wreath Dzsungelkoszorú
Mannanas Hat Mannános Sapka
Mercenary Park Zsoldospark
Monstrous Memento Szörnyű Mementó
Never Forget Hat Sosem Feledünk Sapka
Pithy Professional Lényegretörő Szakértő
Pocket Saxton Zseb-Saxton
Quizzical Quetzal Kötekedő Kvézál
Saxton Saxton
Slithering Scarf Sikló Sál
Yeti Park Hardhat Jetipark Védősisak


Leaderboard class heavy.png
Monster Mash-Up Pack
Kathman-Hairdo Katmandui Frizura
Himalayan Hair Shirt Himalájai Szőrpóló
Abominable Snow Pants Förtelmes Hónadrág


Részletek a következő szócikkben: Tools
Abominable Cosmetic Case Förtelmes Díszítő Táska
Unleash the Beast Cosmetic Case Szabadon a Fenevaddal Díszítő Táska
Abominable Cosmetic Key Förtelmes Díszítő Kulcs
Unleash the Beast Cosmetic Key Szabadon a Fenevaddal Díszítő Kulcs
Jungle Inferno Campaign Pass Őserdei Infernó Hadjáratbelépő
Jungle Inferno ConTracker Őserdei Infernó ConTracker
Infernal Reward War Paint Case Pokoli Jutalom Harci Festés Táska
Jungle Jackpot War Paint Case Dzsungelfőnyeremény Harci Festés Táska
Infernal Reward War Paint Key Pokoli Jutalom Harci Festés Kulcs
Jungle Jackpot War Paint Key Dzsungelfőnyeremény Harci Festés Kulcs

Day 3

Day 3 revealed 4 new weapons for the Pyro, a kill taunt for one of the new Pyro weapons (the Thermal Thruster), a lunchbox item for the Heavy, and changes to the flamethrower.


Leaderboard class pyro.png
Dragon's Fury Sárkány Haragja
Gas Passer Gázosító
Hot Hand Tüzes Kéz
Thermal Thruster Hőmeghajtás
Leaderboard class heavy.png
Second Banana Második Banán

Tweaked Classes

Class Changes
Leaderboard class pyro.png
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Airblast hit detection for both players and projectiles is now a consistent cone
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Airblast strength increased
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Airblast now causes the target player to have reduced footing and air control for a short period, rather than losing all control
Pictogram comment.png Changed: Airblast now factors in the momentum of the Pyro and target, giving both more control over the interaction
Pictogram comment.png Changed: Airblast now factors in the upward angle of the airblast, rather than having a fixed upward force
Pictogram comment.png Changed: Afterburn duration now based on how long the flamethrower was actively hitting an enemy

Tweaked Weapons

Class Weapon Changes
Leaderboard class pyro.png
Flame Thrower
Lángszóró + Variants
Pictogram comment.png Changed: Better visual sync, more consistent (no visuals/damage mismatch)
Pictogram comment.png Changed: New particle effects

Day 4

Day 4 released the patch notes for the Jungle Inferno Update, including various weapon changes, information about the new weapons, multiple bug fixes and changes to the matchmaking system. It also introduced the first-person inspection mechanic to all weapons.

Tweaked Classes

Class Changes
Leaderboard class heavy.png
Pictogram plus.png Changed: The 1-second damage and accuracy penalty now applies to the first second of spun-up time, whether or not the Heavy is firing. Previously, the 1-second damage penalty only be removed after 1 second of firing.
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Accuracy and damage penalties now reset when the Heavy spins down, rather than when the Heavy stops firing. This means if you stay spun up beyond one second, and fire in bursts, damage and accuracy will remain at 100%.
Leaderboard class engineer.png
Pictogram plus.png Added: Doubled the amount of metal applied (per wrench hit) when upgrading buildings during the "Setup" period

Tweaked Weapons

Class Weapon Changes
Leaderboard class scout.png
Bonk! Atomic Punch
Poff! Atompuncs
Pictogram minus.png Added: Apply a slow effect to the player after phasing wears off, based on the amount of damage they absorbed, from -25% at low damage, to -50% at 200+ damage.
Pictogram comment.png Note: The slow effect lasts 5 seconds
Pictogram minus.png Added: Each attack while active adds Marked-For-Death debuff for 5 seconds (does not stack)
Pictogram plus.png Removed: Marked-For-Death when effect expires
Pictogram plus.png Removed: +10% damage taken pernalty
Pictogram minus.png Removed: +25% move speed bonus
Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol
Szépfiús Zsebpisztoly
Pictogram minus.png Added: -25% clip size (9 shots)
Pictogram plus.png Changed: +15% firing speed (from 25% slower firing speed)
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Up to +7 hp per hit (from +5)
Pictogram plus.png Removed: 20% damage vulnerability on wearer
Pictogram minus.png Removed: Wearer never takes falling damage
Flying Guillotine
Repülő Nyaktiló
Pictogram plus.png Added: Long range hits reduce rechange (by 1.5 seconds)
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Distance considered "long range" reduced by half of the previous value when determining mini-crits
Pictogram minus.png Removed: Crit vs stunned players
Pictogram minus.png Removed: Mini-crits at long range
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Max range balls now do 50% increased damage (from a base of 15)
Pictogram plus.png Changed: The flight time required to trigger the "max" effect has been reduced by 20%
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Ball regeneration time reduced to 10 seconds (from 15)
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Long-range ball impacts no longer remove the victim's ability to fire their weapons (but the victim is still slowed)
Pictogram plus.png Added: Melee attacks done while airbone mini-crit
Pictogram minus.png Added: 50% deploy time penalty
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Reduce damage penalty vs players to -15% (from -20%)
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Triple-jump is now only possible while the bat is deployed
Pictogram plus.png Removed: Self-inflicted damage when triple jump
Pictogram plus.png Removed: Attack speed penalty
Leaderboard class soldier.png
Cow Mangler 5000
Tehéncsonkító 5000
Pictogram minus.png Added: Granted/earned Crits will converted to Mini-Crits instead
Pictogram plus.png Removed: Cannot be Crit boosted
Pictogram plus.png Added: +200% air control when blast jumping
Pictogram plus.png Changed: +75% push-force reduction now includes airblast
Righteous Bison
Igaz Bölény
Pictogram comment.png Note: This weapon has been reverted to its previous design
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Projectiles are no longer limited on the number on times they can hit the same target(s)
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Projectile velocity increased to 1200 (from 840)
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Deals 20 damage per tick (down from 45)
Leaderboard class demoman.png
Claidheamh Mòr
Claidheamh Mòr
Pictogram comment.png Note: This weapon has been reverted to its previous design
Pictogram plus.png Added: 0.5 second increase in charge duration
Pictogram minus.png Removed: +25 health on kill
Leaderboard class heavy.png
Gloves of Running Urgently
Fürge Sprintelés Bokszkesztyűi
Bread Bite
Pictogram minus.png Added: Max health is drained while item is active (-10/sec), and regenerated while holstered
Pictogram comment.png Note: Health will regenerate only the amount drained while active - minus any damage taken during that time
Pictogram comment.png Note: Each time the gloves are deployed, the drain rate is accelerated for a brief period of time.
Pictogram plus.png Removed: Marked-For-Death effect while active
Pictogram plus.png Removed: 25% damage pernalty
Fists of Steel
Pictogram minus.png Added: 40% overheal reduction while active
Pictogram minus.png Added: 40% healing rate penalty while active
Eviction Notice
Kilakoltatási Felszólítás
Pictogram minus.png Added: Max health is drained while item is active (-5/sec), and regenerated while holstered
Pictogram comment.png Note: Health will regenerate only the amount drained while active - minus any damage taken during that time
Pictogram comment.png Note: Each time the gloves are deployed, the drain rate is accelerated for a brief period of time.
Pictogram plus.png Removed: 20% damage vulnerability
Leaderboard class engineer.png
Rescue Ranger
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Ranged repairs now consume metal (at a 4-to-1 health-to-metal ratio)
Leaderboard class medic.png
Crusader's Crossbow
Szamaritánus Számszeríja
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Ubercharge gain rate reduced in the same way that the Medigun's healing (and therefore, Ubercharge build rate) is - based on the last time the target was in combat
Pictogram comment.png Note: Reduced by a third when 1 - 10 seconds outside of combat, and scales up to normal over 10 - 15 seconds
Pictogram plus.png Added: Each hit with the Vita-Saw harvests the victim's organs (shown on the HUD)
Pictogram plus.png Added: On-death, preserve 15% ubercharge per Organ harvested. This effect caps at 60%.
Pictogram minus.png Removed: On death up to 20% of your stored ÜberCharge is retained
Leaderboard class sniper.png
Pictogram plus.png Added: Shield regenerated after 30 seconds
Pictogram minus.png Added: -100% overheal penalty
Darwin's Danger Shield
Darwin Dacos Pajzsa
Pictogram plus.png Added: Afterburn immunity
Pictogram plus.png Added: +50% fire resist
Pictogram plus.png Removed: 20% explosive damage vulnerability on wearer
Pictogram minus.png Removed: +25 max health on wearer
Pictogram minus.png Removed: +15% bullet damage resistance on wearer
Leaderboard class spy.png
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Headshot damage is now subjected to distance falloff effects
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Headshots beyond 1200 world units do normal (non-crit) damage
Your Eternal Reward
Örökké Tartó Jutalmad
Wanga Prick
Wanga Tövis
Pictogram minus.png Added: Non-kill disguises require (and consume) a full cloak meter
Pictogram minus.png Added: Increased cloak drain rate by 33%
Pictogram plus.png Removed: "Cannot disguise" penalty
Dead Ringer
Haláli Ketyegő
Pictogram minus.png Added: Ammo kits and dispensers no longer refill the Spy's cloak meter
Pictogram plus.png Removed: No cloak meter from ammo boxes when invisible
Pictogram plus.png Removed: -35% cloak meter from ammo boxes
Leaderboard class soldier.png
Leaderboard class pyro.png
Reserve Shooter
Tartalékos Sörétes
Pictogram plus.png Added: Attacks on targets flying via the Thermal Thruster mini-crit
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Attacks on targets knocked into the air by Pyro airblast no longer mini-crit
Leaderboard class soldier.png
Leaderboard class demoman.png
B.A.S.E. Jumper
Pictogram minus.png Added: Reduced amount of air control while deployed by 50%
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Removed the ability to re-deploy the parachute once retracted (until the player lands on the ground again)
Leaderboard class soldier.png
Leaderboard class pyro.png
Leaderboard class heavy.png
Leaderboard class engineer.png
Panic Attack
Pictogram plus.png Added: 50% more pellets
Pictogram minus.png Added: 30% less damage
Pictogram plus.png Added: Fires a wide, fixed shot pattern (regardless of server settings)
Pictogram plus.png Changed: 50% faster switch speed (previously deployed 50% faster)
Pictogram comment.png Changed: Shot pattern grows with successive shots, but resets after you stop firing or reload (previously, weapon spread increased as health decreased)
Pictogram minus.png Removed: 50% faster reload time
Pictogram comment.png Removed: Fire rate increases as health decreases
Pictogram comment.png Removed: Hold fire to load up to 4 shells

Frissítés késleltetése

On the expected day for the update's release, Day 4, a blog post gave notice of a delay of one day for the update in order for the TF team to do additional stress testing.


  • The last update that followed a four-day-long system of daily content previews was the Über Update back in 2011.
  • This was the longest wait for a major update in TF2 history, timing 10 months and 29 days (272 days total) since Smissmas 2016.
  • Several new weapons were teased in the days prior to their reveal:
    • At the bottom of the Day 1 Update Page, there is a Gas Passer lying on the ground, and in the background, the Pyro can be seen flying with the Thermal Thruster.
    • On the Day 2 Update Page, in the pile of weapons shown that War Paint can be applied to, there is a Dragon's Fury in the background. Also, in the lineup of the team showing off new cosmetics, the Pyro is seen holding the Dragon's Fury and the Heavy is holding the Second Banana.
  • At the bottom of the Day 2 Update Page, Saxton Hale is seen holding a ConTracker. On the screen, there are two names. One says "Mercenary Park", and the other says "Pyroland". It was later revealed that through the "Pyroland" option, players would be able to earn all of the four new Pyro weapons and the Heavy weapon via completing six free contracts. Additionally, on Saxton Hale's shoulder, a parrot can be seen. When its head is clicked or hovered over with the mouse cursor, it explodes.


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