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“ | 主力联盟!
— 侦察兵
” |
社区竞技模式 在 Team Fortress 2 里是指有组织的特定游戏,是为了追求技术上的较量,有默契的团队合作,以及自我技术的提升,特别是配合定位设定。在TF2中有两种主要竞技形式, 6v6 (通常简称为 '6s') 与 Highlander(高塔竞赛) (通常简称为 'HL').。其他的竞技游戏形式包括 4v4, Ultiduo 2v2和Bball 篮球模式,这些模式通常比更严格的比赛在非正式的比赛中出现得更多。
- 参见: 标准竞技游戏形式
- 游戏成员在游戏开始前已经确定。
- 玩家会用语音聊天来更快速地进行沟通。
- 双方队伍都只能用相同的对战人数,比如在6v6为6人,在Highlander为9人。
- 双方队伍都在同样的限制条件下,包括武器白名单与兵种限制。
除了这些,在不同的赛盟,赛季和社区也会有各自的一些不同。不过,大部分TF2的竞技游戏都会依照有为了维护平衡并减少运气成分的兵种限制与特别游戏设定。所有主要的TF2赛盟与 PUG 社区都使用标准竞技形式,尽管各自会有不同的规则。许多赛盟都有举行 6s 与 Highlander。
在 6v6,地图主要是5CP地图(即5个控制点地图),比如 Badlands, Process 和 Gullywash,也有 山丘之王 地图,比如 Product.。 Highlander 模式则更偏向与 进攻/防御 地图比如 Steel 和推车地图,比如 Upward。当然也有很多其他的,甚至是自定义地图,比如 (pl_swiftwater_ugc) 或者是普通地图的竞赛版,比如 Viaduct 和 Granary。其他的游戏模式,像是 夺旗 和 速递,在竞技游戏中都很少见。
- 6v6 是最受欢迎的模式,包含2个侦察兵,2个士兵,1个爆破手与1个医生。 6v6
- Highlander(高塔竞赛) 是让每一个兵种都参与的游戏模式 Highlander
- 4v4 是一种新型的游戏模式,包含士兵,侦察兵,爆破手,医生各一名 4v4
- Ultiduo 是每队只有一名医生与一名士兵的游戏模式 ultiduo
- Basketball(篮球) 或者叫作 BBall 只是为了好玩的游戏模式,每个队伍有2名士兵,目标是试图使用火箭跳将情报箱放进对方的篮圈里。Basketball
- See also: Category:Competitive
Patterns and protocols have emerged from competitive play's unique format and setting, leading to a set of gameplay dynamics distinct from non-competitive play.
- Certain dynamics have become a standard in competitive play. One of the most noticeable is that ÜberCharges are what competitive Team Fortress 2 revolves around. Medics on both teams have to track both their ÜberCharge and the enemy Medics as best as they can. This is because in a organized format, a player attempting to take ground can be focused and dealt with. ÜberCharge allows for a team to force their way into an area, and gives them the ability to kill other players while invulnerable at little risk of being killed themselves.
- Roll-outs, which are not generally used in public games due to their advanced nature, are also often seen in competitive games. The basic idea of a roll-out is to get to the center point (commonly referred to as "mid") quicker by rocket and sticky jumping. By exchanging health, you can travel much faster than you would by walking, allowing you to reach the initial fight faster.
- The team is split into two smaller forces, known as the combo and the flank. The combo generally consists of the Medic, Soldier, and Demoman, while the flank consists of a roaming Soldier and two Scouts, one of which hovers between the flank and the combo. In Highlander, the combo consists of the Medic, Demoman, Heavy, and Pyro, the latter of which sometimes can be found on the flank. The flank consists of the remaining classes, but the Sniper, Engineer, and Spy have shifting roles, with the former two sometimes playing in the combo, and the latter utilizing a more lone-wolf style of play.
竞技游戏通常不用标准服务器的设定,而是用多样化的更适合竞技环境的设定。 其中具体规则没有通用的设定,不同的赛盟与组织会用各自不同的设定,但也有一些常用的规则。
- 自动平衡一般是关闭的,这样可以阻止玩家被意外地移动到对方队伍。然而这种情况在一般游戏中很少见,在玩家进入服务器后,不论双方队伍人数多少,只要游戏尚未开始,玩家就可以加入任何队伍。
- 运气成分,或者是RNG (Random Number Generation 随机数时代),比如子弹散布和随机爆击,一般也是关闭的,这是为了让胜利更能眷顾表现更好的队伍,而不是玩家无法操控的运气成分。
- 很少赛盟与组织很少会同意禁止某样物品,但他们大部分都有武器上的限制。通常来说,是因为制定者认为这个武器太强了,或者是有一些可以利用漏洞变得十分恶心人的武器。有时,禁用某个武器的原因只是它们没什么大用处,使用它们可能会变成没有竞技精神的行为。关于各个赛盟禁用的武器清单,参考 竞技物品限制.
- 尽管许多比赛都不会用默认地图配置,因为原本的游戏设定就是地图要求的目标,但是对于地图的具体玩法也是有标准的。像5CP这样的,胜利条件通常是赢到一定会合就获胜了,但是其中关于中场时段以及到底要赢多少会合的问题,一直是需要讨论的。
- 尽管有一些赛盟没有兵种限制,比如 Highlander 的比赛,但大部分赛盟是有兵种限制的。这是为了让团队配置更具有竞技性,不然游戏会变得毫无意义,甚至可能造成使用大量不适当的兵种对敌方嘲讽的恶劣行为。
- 参见: 兵种(竞技)
然而,其他兵种并不是毫无作用的,通常只在特殊情况或者需要完成特殊目标才使用,并不会永久使用。这个我们称之为“offclass”(次要兵种)。比如说机枪手与工程师,通常用于保护控制点,特别是最后一个控制点,达到扬长避短的效果。假如团队没有足够的优势进行推进,那么一名玩家可以更换到 刺杀型兵种(pick class) ,比如狙击手或间谍,用于杀死敌方的重要人物,一般是指医生,然后来协助队伍进行推进。在一些地图上,比如 Product ,地图的设计鼓励次要兵种的使用,所以常常可以见到队伍不会固守标准阵容并采取其他方法来获取优势。
在 Highlander 高塔竞赛中,因为每一个兵种都上场了,所以没有次要兵种的说法。但是,就和6v6一样,关于兵种配置策略仍然与公共混战游戏(pubs)有很大不同。以下为不同兵种在竞技游戏中应该采取的策略。
Scout![]() |
Soldier![]() |
Pyro![]() |
Demoman![]() |
Heavy![]() |
Engineer![]() |
Medic![]() |
Sniper![]() |
Spy![]() |
- See also: Category:Competitive maps
The majority of competitive 6v6 play is done on 5CP maps, and in Highlander on Payload. The most common maps in 6v6 play are Badlands and Process. In Highlander, Upward is the most popular. In 6v6, the only non 5CP map actively played is Product, but Highlander has a larger spread of different gamemodes, from 5CP with Process and Gullywash (competitive) to Attack/Defense maps such as Steel, and King Of The Hill maps like Product and Lakeside.
Maps like Coalplant and Viaduct used to be featured more prominently in competitive, either being phased out of league play, like Coalplant, or updated by community members to a "Pro" version of the map, with Viaduct becoming Product. Between all of the leagues and gamemodes, many maps have been tested in official matches, with only a handful being popular enough to see any level of active play. Similarly, in the first few seasons of competitive, maps like 2Fort and Dustbowl received play, but have not been considered competitive maps for a long time, due to the lack of skilled mapmakers in the competitive community willing to make maps to be tested.
Organizations and Leagues
North American
- ESEA's TF2 Invitational, TF2 Intermediate, and TF2 Open Divisions
- ETF2L (6v6 and Highlander leagues and cups)
Country specific
Recently Inactive
- ESL (ESL closed down all TF2 sections)
- TWL (TWL closed down all TF2 sections)
- IGL (Currently inactive, website is down)
- RTF2L (Russian) (Mysteriously vanished)
- CEVO's iTeam Fortress 2: Sayonara, 6v6.
- ESA Gamer (Shut down shortly after starting)
- Wireplay (Ended league)
- TF2Connexion (French) (Ended league)
- NZFortress (Ended league due to lack of interest)
- ATF2L (Shut down shortly after starting)
- Razer's TF2 Cups (Ended support due to lack of interest)
Each of these leagues mainly run the standard competitive format, however some host Highlander, and 4v4 competitions.
Streaming/Casting Organizations
- teamfortress.tv, BlackOut TV & EVL TV are the active organizations that provide casts for the competitive TF2 scenes in North America and Europe. With the first primarily covering ETF2L and ESEA 6v6 while BlackOut TV and EVL TV cover EU and NA Highlander, respectively.
- Comp.tf is a community driven wiki which focuses entirely on competitive TF2.
- Playcomp.tf is a beginner friendly website which addresses the most common questions about starting competitive TF2.