Iron Curtain
For the achievement of a similar name, please see Heavy achievements.
“ | The Heavy has spared no expense in crafting this historic tribute to the mother land. Forged from Soviet iron and inlaid with the remaindered mahogany from Alexander II's favorite chair, each kill is not only for "pride of team," but for the Republic.
— Official Description
” |
The Iron Curtain is a promotional primary weapon for the Heavy. It appears to be a Minigun made partially out of wood, with identifiable features such as a Communist Hammer and Sickle emblem visible on the ammo casing and a smoking vent on the side. This weapon was supposedly crafted by the Heavy himself. The weapon functions in exactly the same way as the standard Minigun.
It is awarded to players of Template:W for defeating the Heavy during a round in which he has bought in with the item instead of cash.
See also: Damage
Identical to the Minigun.
Function times
Identical to the Minigun.
Related Achievements
Poker Night at the Inventory
Special Item: The Heavy Knock out The Heavy after he's bought in with his special item. |
The Great Steam Treasure Hunt
Previous Changes
- The Iron Curtain was added to the game.
Item-drop and Crafting servers updated - November 19, 2010
- The Iron Curtain could no longer be obtained via the Item Drop System or Crafting.
- Fixed a bug that enabled players to weapon switch away from the Iron Curtain during spin down.
- The bullet flash coming from the end of the Iron Curtain is further out than the actual barrel.
- In the view model there is a slight clipping issue between the handle of the Iron Curtain and the Heavy's hand.
- The name of this weapon is a reference to a quote from British Prime Minster Winston Churchill, in which he said the "Iron Curtain" would divide the Soviet Union's territory from the Western Democracies.
- The first person view model of the Iron Curtain, as well as that of the Brass Beast, are based on the actual scale of the weapon models. This is in contrast to the Minigun and Natascha, which used separate skewed models to present more of the weapons on the screen.
- Iron Curtain 1st person cropped.png
1st person view.
See also
External links
- TF2 Official Blog: "Shh. Sascha is asleep." – November 3, 2010