This user is a Demoman. “Oh, they’re goin' ta have ta glue you back together... IN HELL!”
This user is Finnish and knows a little more about sauna than you do, pal, BECAUSE THEY INVENTED IT.
Tämä käyttäjä puhuu suomea äidinkielenään.
This user is manly enough to battle with only Melee Weapons. Guns are for babies!
This user supports Steam as a content delivery system.
This user games with NVIDIA.
This user drinks too much Coca-Cola.
This user drinks far too much Bonk!
This user plays TF2 with a mouse.
This user loves rocking out with his Earbuds.
This user owns The Orange Box.
This user likes Half-Life 2.
This user is an active Portal 2 test subject.
This user page is so small, it is funny to me!