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Pl frontier.jpg
Entwickler: Unbekannt
Umgebung: Alpen
Situation: Tageslicht, sonnig
Gefahren: Grube, Li'l Chew Chew
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Frontier overview.png
Item icon Map Stamp - Frontier.png
"Li'l Chew Chew"-- eine rasiermesserscharfe Frachtlore von Team BLU, hergestellt um jeden, der sich ihr in den Weg stellt, aufzufressen - stellt sich auf dieser Frachtennen-Karte vor, die aus einem Gebiet besteht. Friß deinen Weg durch die Verteidigungslinien von RED mit diesem glänzendem Terminator, der sowohl durch das Blut der Opfer, als auch durch Gas angetrieben wird (erhlich gesagt macht Gas den größten Teil davon aus).

Frontier ist eine Frachtrennen-Karte mit einem Gebiet und 4 Kontrollpunkten, die BLU erobern muss. Taktisch dreht sich diese Karte um gemeinsame Angriffe von BLU auf die Lore, sodass BLU Vorteile durch den Schutzbonus der Lore erhält, da das Gebiet stark vorteilig für RED ist. Das herausragendste dieser Karte ist die eigene Frachtlore, die in keiner anderen Karte vorkommt und "Li'l Chew-Chew" heißt.

Frontier wurde dem Karten-Pool der offiziellen Karten wegen seiner herausragenden Qualität am 24. Februar hinzugefügt.

Li'l Chew Chew

The cart, Li'l Chew-Chew.
Siehe auch: Frachtloren

Anstatt einer normalen Frachtlore, besitzt BLU auf dieser Karte einen großen, mechanisierten Zug mit dem Namen "Li'l Chew-Chew." Dieser bietet nicht nur Schutz vor frontalen Angriffen, sondern kann ebenfalls jeden töten, der sich ihm in den Weg stellt (unabsichtlich oder hineingestoßen). Hinter dem Zug wird eine große Plattform gezogen, die einen eingebauten Dispenser beinhaltet, der BLU mit Proviant versorgt. Das Niedermähen von Gegnern wird erst möglich, sobald mindestens 3 Spieler die Lore schieben. Der Schieberadius ist im Vergleich zu anderen Loren signifikant größer.


Kontrollpunkt 1

Control Point 1 sits in an area surrounded by high cliffs and buildings just in front of RED's starting spawn.

  • The Shack is a small, two-level building to the right of the BLU base. It has a small balcony that a Sentry Gun can be placed on to give a good area of fire over the top of the Payload.
  • The Cave sits directly across from The Shack in front of the BLU base. It, too, has a small balcony that a Sentry Gun can be placed on to give a good area of fire directly at the Payload and at the main exit point of the BLU base. However, this spot is more exposed than the Sentry Gun spot on The Shack.

Control Point 2

Control Point 2 is at the top of a large hill inside of a warehouse-like building.

  • The Rock Wall separates the second cap point from a small warehouse through which BLU may travel.
  • The Mesa is a small elevated feature at the bottom of the hill offering RED a path to areas further up the hill and to the warehouse Control Point 2 sits on.

Control Point 3

Control Point 3 sits between a building and a plateau.

  • The Rock Plateau comes right before the third cap and is ideal for RED to place Sentry Guns. There is even one rock spire with a medium ammo box and small health kit, allowing a skilled Engineer to place a high Sentry Gun out of sapping range.
  • The Tunnel is a pathway that is near the Plateau and can be used as a choke point. Walkways along the top ends can be good areas to apply defense against the Payload from above.

Control Point 4

Control Point 4 sits above a large open pit with a satellite dish at the bottom of it. RED's final spawn is located on either side of the point, connected by a catwalk.


  • BLU should always take advantage of Li'l Chew Chew's size, using it to shield them from incoming attacks while holding a hard defense to the sides. Likewise, the frontal protection provided by Li'l Chew Chew and terrain around the cart during key points encourages flanking and attacking from high ground by RED.
  • Slow moving or just plain unlucky enemies can be shoved in front of the train and killed, assisted by a quick push from a Pyro's compression blast or a Scout's Force-A-Nature.
  • The stairs inside the Shack can make it easy for a Spy to sneak up behind a Sentry Gun and the Engineer, so a Pyro would be well-suited to spycheck as well as deflect incoming rockets.
  • The Tunnel right before the third cap is a good place either team to ambush players with the Backburner, or house a Sentry Gun.
  • While taking the final point, BLU Snipers can use the newly opened shortcut to pick off REDs around the end of the tracks. Other classes can also take this path and quickly head to the ramp on the right, allowing closer access to RED's defenses.
  • Underneath the final capture point, there are large ammo and health kits, which most players do not normally venture to unless they fall down there. A sneaky BLU Engineer can construct a small base here with a Teleporter to allow BLU faster access to the final point.
    • Sneaky BLU Engineers can also construct a Sentry Gun outside RED's second spawn (between control points 2 and 3) if they can get past enemy forces at Control Point 1. A full Level 3 Sentry Gun can effectively delay RED until they are able to build up an ÜberCharge, giving BLU time to push Li'l Chew Chew up the hill to Control Point 2.
  • The team that maintains control of the high ground maintains control of the game. If RED team has the high ground they can easily rain explosives and sentry fire and more. If BLU has the high ground they will be able to provide constant fire support to the people on the cart, as well as being able to see in front of the cart.
  • A number of higher areas are accessible throughout this map due to its uphill nature, offering excellent sightlines for Sentry Guns and Snipers. This is especially so just outside of BLU's initial spawn, on the hill leading up to Control Point 2, and on the catwalks of RED's final spawn near Control Point 4.
  • Demomen can use the pillars of the tunnel before Control Point 1 to their advantage: they are close enough to Li'l Chew Chew, yet unexposed to enemy fire, that they make excellent spots for sticky traps using the Stickybomb Launcher or Scottish Resistance.

Update history

February 24, 2011 Patch

  • The map was added to the game.



  • It is possible for the RED team to enter the BLU spawn by allowing the Li'l Chew Chew to advance slightly out of the respawn then getting on it when it starts to retreat.
  • There is a tree stump after the first point just before the slope up to the second with a small medi-pack on it that players can get permanently stuck behind.
  • Li'l Chew Chew has the same kill icon as the Train.
  • After the Payload has been delivered and the round has ended, the timer on the cart will still continue to drop.


  • The developer, Patrick "MangyCarface" Mulholland, is also known for being one of the developers of Yukon.
  • The computer screen on Li'l Chew Chew bears the message "Li'l Chew Chew v2.2 I've not been programmed for Regret <3 <3".
    • The ticker tape below reads "Lil' ChewChew OS 2.5 start up, Running System Check, Armor 100% ready, Vacuum Tubes 100% ready, Jaws 100% ready, Engines 100% ready, initializing vacuum tube logic --- Loading Chew-Chew personality, Debugging complete, Chew-Chew personality 100% ready, Maggot removal iminent, operational!!!".

See also