Obtaining Engineer achievements

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Battle rustler.jpg Battle Rustler

Teleport 100 team members into battle.


How to:

Best little slaughterhouse in texas.jpg Best Little Slaughterhouse in Texas

Rack up 5000 kills with your Sentry Guns.

Difficulty: Easy

How to: This is a grind achievement, the best way to get this is to have good sentry placement, either in easily defensible positions on defense, or by taking players by surprise on offense.

Breaking morant.jpg Breaking Morant

Kill 10 Snipers with a sentry gun under the control of your Wrangler


How to:

Building block.jpg Building Block

Have a sentry shielded by the Wrangler absorb 500 damage without being destroyed.


How to:

Built to last.jpg Built To Last

Help a single building take over 2000 damage without being destroyed.


How to:

Circle the wagons.jpg Circle the Wagons

Repair 50,000 damage to friendly buildings constructed by other players.


How to::

Death metal.jpg Death Metal

Pick up 10,000 pieces of waste metal from destroyed buildings.

Difficulty: Easy

How to: Each Piece of waste metal will give you 10 or 15 pieces apiece, depending on the structure that was destroyed. Note that only metal added to your metal amount for the engineer will actually be counted for the achievment, so anything going over the 200 cap will not count.

Deputized.jpg Deputized

Get 10 assists with another Engineer where a sentry gun was involved in the kill.


How to:

Doc holiday.jpg Dock Holiday

Have a dispenser heal three teammates at the same time.


How to:

Doc stock and barrel.jpg Doc, Stock and Barrel

Repair a sentry gun under fire while being healed by a Medic.


How to:

Drugstore cowboy.jpg Drugstore Cowboy

Have dispensers you created dispense a combined amount of 100,000 health over your career.

Difficulty: Easy

How to: Another grind achievement, if you are focusing on getting this, place dispensers closer to the front lines and near injured allies to heal them faster. Upgrading your dispensers will also speed this process up significantly. Be wary of placing dispensers too close to health kits, as teammates may choose to pick the kit up instead as it is quicker.

Fistful of sappers.jpg Fistful of Sappers

Destroy 25 sappers on buildings built by other team members.

Difficulty: Medium

How to: Keep an eye on friendly Engineer structures, especially if they are not near their buildings. If you see a friend being harassed by an enemy spy, give him a hand, though he may remove the sappers before you have a chance to help.

Frontier justice.jpg Frontier Justice

Within 10 seconds, have your sentry kill the enemy that just killed you.


How to:

Get along.jpg Git Along!

Manage to get to, and then remove, a sapper placed on your building while you were several meters away.


How to:

Honky tonk man.jpg Honky Tonk Man

Smash an enemy player's head in with your guitar.


How to:

How the pests was gunned.jpg How the Pests was Gunned

Destroy 50 enemy stickybombs lying in range of friendly buildings.


How to:

If you build it they will die.jpg If You Build It, They Will Die

Haul a level 3 sentry gun into a position that achieves a kill shortly after being redeployed.


How to:

Land grab.jpg Land Grab

Help a team member construct a building.

Difficulty: Very Easy

How to: At the beginning of a round, follow any engineer who is preparing to place a building, and when he places it, help construct it. You only need to hit the building once for the achievement to trigger. Some Engineers will place teleports before leaving their spawn in a setup phase, so you can use those if you are having trouble with this achievement.

No mans land.jpg No Man's Land

Use a sentry gun to kill 25 enemy players trying to capture a point.


How to:

No so lonely are the brave.jpg (Not So) Lonely Are the Brave

Keep a Heavy healed with your dispenser while he makes five kills.


How to:

Patent protection.jpg Patent Protection

Destroy an enemy Engineer's sentry gun with a sentry under control of your Wrangler.


How to:

Pownd on the range.jpg Pownd on the Range

Kill 10 enemies outside the normal sentry gun range using the Wrangler.


How to:

Quick draw.jpg Quick Draw

Kill a spy and two sappers within 10 seconds.


How to:

Revengineering.jpg Revengineering

Use a revenge crit to kill the enemy player that destroyed your sentry gun.


How to:

Rio grind.jpg Rio Grind

Perform 50 repairs and/or reloads on a sentry gun being Wrangled by another Engineer.


How to:

Search engine.jpg Search Engine

Kill three cloaked Spies with a sentry gun under control of your Wrangler.


How to:

Silent pardner.jpg Silent Pardner

Upgrade 50 buildings built by other team members.

Difficulty: Easy/Medium

How to: When an Engineer is building a new structure, help upgrade if you have the metal to spare, and keep an eye out for any buildings that are not fully upgraded in general. Teleport Entrances near the spawn are easy targets because even if you weren't playing Engineer prior, you can switch to engineer quickly, upgrade the teleport, and switch back to whatever class you were playing as beforehand.

Six string stinger.jpg Six String Stringer

Provide an enemy player with a freeze cam of your guitar playing skills.

Difficulty: Easy

How to: Taunt with the Frontier Justice after killing an enemy.

Texas ranger.jpg Texas Ranger

Haul buildings one kilometer over your career.


How to:

Texas two step.jpg Texas Two Step

Use your shotgun to finish off an enemy recently damaged by your sentry gun.


How to:

The extinguished gentleman.jpg The Extinguished Gentleman

Have dispensers you built extinguish 20 burning players.


How to:

The wrench connection.jpg The Wrench Connection

Kill a disguised spy with your Wrench.


How to:

Trade secrets.jpg Trade Secrets

Kill 20 players carrying the intelligence.


How to:

Uncivil engineer.jpg Uncivil Engineer

Provide an enemy player with a freeze cam of you and the sentry that just killed them.

Difficulty: Very Easy

How to: Stay near your sentry, and chances are if it kills someone, their freeze cam will have both you and the sentry in it.

Unforgiven.jpg Unforgiven

Kill three enemies with revenge crits without dying.


How to: