This awesome image was made by Pilk.
I am Axel. That is all.
If you want to find my work on the "first" and "original" wiki, you can visit it here. It's not being updated anymore though.
I signed up for the wiki I believe a month or two before the wiki cap was announced because I figured that since I am Swedish, I could always try to help out by translating for people. I never really tried to do any work because I ultimately forgot about the page. After a while after the wiki cap chaos was over I started working on translating a few pages. It was challanging for me since I never really knew much about coding. That's when I got help from Pilk who is probably the most nicest admin I've ever met and/or seen.
I used to put a list of all the things I have edited and put on this wiki right here. It was deemed useless.
Working on right now
- Translating every major/small thing into Swedish.
Please go ahead and look at my impressive collection of userboxes.