스나이퍼 매치업
Class | Strategy | ||
![]() 스나이퍼 |
vs | ![]() 스카웃 |
적 스카웃을 맞추기는 힘들지만, 멀리있을 때 그는 당신을 권총으로 쏘기만 할 것입니다. 근접전에서의 스카웃은 매우 위험하므로, 가까이 오기 전에 미리 대처하십시오. 스카웃의 머리는 상대적으로 작기 때문에 헤드샷만 노리기보다는 충전된 바디샷으로 없앨 수도 있습니다. 만약 상대가 일직선으로 달려오고 있을 때는 거리와 상관 없이 헤드샷을 하기 쉬울 것입니다. 만약 스카웃이 어떻게든 근접해 왔다면, 뒷걸음 치면서 기관단총으로 쏘거나 스나이퍼 라이플의 조준경을 사용하지 않고 쏘십시오. |
![]() 스나이퍼 |
vs | ![]() 솔져 |
적 솔져는 보통 당신과 거리가 먼 최전방에서 싸우고 있을 것입니다. 그는 지상에 있을 때 느리고, 커서 맞추기 쉬운 표적입니다. 만약 상대가 당신을 포착한다면, 당신 쪽으로 로켓을 날리기 때문에 숨어야 할 것입니다. 이런 상황에서는, 로켓이 날아오는 시간차를 이용해 재빨리 쏘고 빠지는 방법이 있습니다. 만약 상대가 로켓 점프를 해서 당신에게 접근한다면, 공중에 있는 그를 쏘거나 그냥 도망치십시오. 솔져와 근접전에서 일 대 일로 싸우는 것은 자살 행위입니다. |
![]() 스나이퍼 |
vs | ![]() 파이로 |
조명총을 사용하지 않는 이상 파이로는 장거리에서 당신과 싸울 길이 없습니다. 넓은 곳에서 만날 경우, 서슴 없이 공격해도 됩니다. 하지만 가까이 있는 경우, 당신은 그의 화염방사기에 녹을 것입니다. 이런 상황에 처했다면, 뒷걸음질 치면서 기관단총이나 스나이퍼 라이플의 조준경을 사용하지 않고 쏘십시오. 화상을 입었을 경우 조준이 흩뜨려지므로 자라테로 불을 끄십시오. |
![]() Sniper |
vs | ![]() Demoman |
Over long distances, an enemy Demoman can only lob inaccurate grenades and Stickybombs at your position. Keep moving in between your own shots to avoid the wide splash damage. If he tries to sticky jump or use the Chargin’ Targe to approach you, hide behind cover or take advantage of his predictable trajectory to land an easy headshot. At medium range, his explosives can easily make short work of you. If he gets too close, backpedal while firing your Submachine Gun or uncharged shots from your primary weapon. The Demoman, with his indirect weaponry, is one of the only classes capable of attacking you from outside your line of sight; well placed explosives can turn your sniping spot into a deathtrap. Keep an eye out for traps and use your Sniper Rifle or Submachine Gun to remove Stickybombs if needed. |
![]() Sniper |
vs | ![]() Heavy |
The Heavy’s slow speed and large size make him a juicy target. At a distance, his Minigun fire suffers from bullet spread and will do minimal damage, allowing you to snipe freely. Even with his large health pool, it will take only a few headshots to take him out. At close range, however, his weaponry will shred you to bits. If a Heavy somehow maneuvers to your sniping location, just run; both uncharged shots from your primary weapon and your Submachine Gun will deal pitiful damage. |
![]() Sniper |
vs | ![]() Engineer |
You are unlikely to face an Engineer in direct combat unless the two of you are away from his Sentry Gun. His Shotgun, Pistol, and possibly Combat Mini-Sentry will give him the advantage in close range combat, so don’t seek him out yourself. You can use a few charged shots from your primary weapon to pick off an exposed Sentry Gun from a distance. If the Engineer is actively repairing the Sentry Gun or harassing you with the Pistol or Wrangler, target him first; he can’t repair his buildings if he’s dead. |
![]() Sniper |
vs | ![]() Medic |
When you see an enemy Medic, he should become one of your top priority targets. Do your best to land a headshot or fully charged bodyshot to instantly eliminate his team’s source of healing. His Syringe Gun is ineffective over longer distances; if he is alone, you should be able to fire at him without any problems. However, even a Medic can easily take you down at close range, where his Syringe Gun will outperform your Submachine Gun. His relatively high speed will allow him to easily chase you, so it might be best to stand your ground anyway. |
![]() Sniper |
vs | ![]() Sniper |
One of your main jobs is to eliminate the pesky enemy Sniper that’s constantly picking off your own teammates. If you know an enemy Sniper is already in the area, leave your cover while charging your shot so that you are already prepared to fire. Always aim for the head when facing your counterpart; a Sniper duel can be decided in just one shot, and a headshot will almost always beat out a bodyshot. Don’t stay exposed for too long; if you fail to kill him, there will be a small window of time where he can freely fire at you. Even when aiming, keep moving so you are more difficult to hit, adjusting your crosshair as needed. A Sniper with the Huntsman will have to fight considerably closer to the frontlines and is thus at a disadvantage when facing a Sniper with the default Sniper Rifle.
The Croc-o-Style Kit can remarkably change the dynamics of a Sniper duel. Because neither the user nor his Sniper opponent will be able to kill the other with a headshot, being able to charge up a strong bodyshot first will decide the victor. This is where zone control is most important; being in a position to land a fully charged shot on your enemy as soon as they step out from behind cover will give you a great advantage in any Sniper duel. |
![]() Sniper |
vs | ![]() Spy |
The Spy is your nemesis. Because you will frequently be focused on aiming at targets that are far away, you might not notice that he’s behind you with his Revolver or Knife. As a Sniper, you generally work alone, so stay aware of your surroundings and Spy check any suspicious teammates that get too close. Jarate as well as the bleed effect from the Tribalman's Shiv can be used to nullify both the Cloak and disguise of an enemy Spy, allowing you and your teammates to hunt him down. The Spy possesses some of the weakest weapons in the game, so you hold a slight advantage in a straight one-on-one fight, especially if you manage to afflict him with one of your debuffs. |
See also