“ | Hold still, Schweinhund, this will only sting for a moment.
— Medic pikaisesta operaatiosta
” |
Pikapiristys on toissijainen ase Medicille. Se on Lääkintäaseen prototyyppi, jossa on kaikenlaisia varusteita, kuten mittakulho, jossa on läikkä linnunkakkaa. Aseeseen on liitetty myös ainutlaatuinen, hohtava reppu.
Tämä ase tuottaa 40% nopeampaa paranemista ja 25% ylilatauksen kasvua, mutta siltä puuttuu kyky yliparantaa kohde. Kun ylilataus käytetään, kuolemattomuuden sijasta parannettava saa parannusta kolminkertaisella nopeudella ja sekä potilas että Medic saavat immuniteetin esimerkiksi räjähdyksistä aiheutuville ilmalennoille, tainnuttamiselle ja hidastamiselle. Lisäksi, jos Medic parantaa aseella nopempaa tiimiläistä, he saavat saman nopeuduen niin kauan kun parantava säde on kiinni kohteessa.
Pikapiristystä testattiin Team Fortress 2 Betassa.
Parannus ja toiminta-ajat
Parantamis- ja toiminta-ajat | ||
Parantaminen | ||
Parantamista (taistelutilanteessa) | 100% | 33.6 / s (100.8 / s) |
Parantamista (taistelun ulkopuolella) | 300% | 100.8 / s (302.4 / s) |
Toiminta-ajat | ||
Vaikutusaika | 8 s | |
Latauksen täytyymisaika | 3.125% / s (1.5625% / s) | |
Maksimi latausaika | 32 s (64 s) | |
Luvut ovat yhteisön testaamia arvioita. |
The healing rate is linearly based upon how long ago the target was last damaged. If the target was damaged less than 10 seconds ago, then they are healed at the normal rate of 33 health per second. From 10 to 15 seconds, this rate increases linearly from 33 up to a maximum of 100 health per second. This mechanic is in place to encourage falling back to heal, as without the boosted healing rate, players often found that fighting, dying, and respawning was quicker than falling back, being healed to full, then re-engaging.[1]
The Quick-Fix finds its niche in keeping several people alive at once with the use of its ÜberCharge. A group of players can be kept healed and alive quickly when the charge is deployed, allowing for more concentrated firepower than a single invulnerability charge can, at the cost of still being vulnerable to kills based on a high enough damage. A final note of interest: the ÜberCharge will heal the Medic as quickly as it will his target, but only when he has the beam locked on a friendly player; he will not be healed when the charge is deployed but not targeted.
ÜberCharge Fill time is doubled if target is at 142.5% health or above. If more than one Medic is healing the target, each Medic's build time is divided by a factor of the number of Medics healing that target. [2]
Kliininen tutkimus | |
Vaikutus |
Ei vaikutusta |
Kierrätysmetalli | Hullu maito | Kritzkrieg | Pikapiristys | |||
+ | + | = |
Luokkamerkki - Medic | Paikkamerkki - Toissijainen | Metalliromu | Mahdolliset lopputulokset | |||||||||||||||||||
+ | + | = |
Liittyvät saavutukset
- [Dokumentoimaton] Added stats for Quick-Fix
February 11, 2011 Patch (Beta)
- The Quick-Fix, a new Medi Gun has been added
- Heal rate increased 50%
- ÜberCharge rate increased 50%
- Not able to overheal
- Match the speed of any faster heal target
- ÜberCharge effect: Megaheal
- Heal rate increased 3x on heal target
- Heal target and Medic immune to stun and damage forces
February 16, 2011 Patch (Beta)
- The Quick-Fix’s ÜberCharge (Megaheal) changed to allow self-damage forces (rocket jumping, etc)
- Megaheal (the ÜberCharge) effect now also applies to the Medic
- Lowered heal and charge rates to 40% (from 50%)
- New sounds
- [Dokumentoimaton] Appended "Beta" onto the weapon's name
June 23, 2011 Patch (Über Update/fi)
- The Quick-Fix was added to the main game.
- [Dokumentoimaton] Lowered ÜberCharge rate to 25% (from 40%)
- Fixed the Quick-Fix showing the fire overlay when running in DX8
- Added/Refined recoil/draw/crit/reload forces for all of the new weapons in the Uber Update
- Fixed a bug where Medics using the Quick-Fix could easily identify disguised Spies
- Fixed a bug where healing a Scout while they change class in the spawn room would allow the Medic to keep the Scout speed
- [Dokumentoimaton] Added Ubercharge overlay for Quick-Fix users during the Megaheal.
- [Dokumentoimaton] Fixed a mistake for the Quick-Fix recipe displaying refined instead of reclaimed as the required metal for crafting.
- Fixed a case where health overheal wasn't being applied when multiple healers were involved.
- Dying during an ÜberCharge may cause the ÜberCharge sound effect to play until the player disconnects, much like a previously patched bug with the Kritzkrieg.
- Healing Heavies under the effects of the Suklaalevy will not restore their health after reaching the default 300 HP.
- When partnered with the Yliannostus, upon ubering a Scout, the player will lose both speed bonus from the weapon and from the Scout.
- The backpack of the Quick-Fix will display the wrong teams colors after switching teams.
- Occasionally the backpack of the Quick-Fix will freeze in mid-air while the player moves away, causing the player to appear without a pack.
- The ÜberCharge's effect will not apply to the Medic unless the Medic is healing a target.
- When healing a target with an overheal, that player's overheal becomes locked and will not degenerate unless they take damage.
- When killed by Ikuinen palkkiosi, the backpack does not disappear with the Medic's corpse.
- A Spy disguised as a Medic with the Quick-Fix equipped will have the regular Medic backpack.
- When activating the Megaheal on a disguised Spy of the other team, a healing aura of their team will surround him, allowing you to easily determine enemy Spies.
- The model for the Quick-Fix was previously shown in concept art images for Meet the Medic/fi, photographed in Valve Headquarters.
- The Quick-Fix was the Medic's first healing gun, and was the prototype for the Medi Gun.[1]
- The Quick-Fix was able to make the Heavy invulnerable in Meet the Medic, even though it cannot in-game; this is due to the invulnerability function shorting out after its first use.[2]
- The Medic could be seen holding the Quick-Fix before the Über Update was revealed in the final page of the Meet the Director comic.
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