Crafting is an in-game system that allows players to create specific items for use in Team Fortress 2. The items that can be created include weapons, hats, or materials that can be used for further crafting, such as scrap metal. Crafting is usually conducted by utilising unwanted or duplicate items gained through the Item drop system. In order to create items, the player must follow blueprints, some of which are initially available and others which must be discovered by the player through experimentation. After following a valid and undiscovered blueprint recipe, the player will gain both the item specified by the blueprint, and the recipe. If the player attempts to craft an item without a corresponding blueprint, they will be notified that no such recipe exists and no items will be crafted. The items used in the unsuccessful craft attempt will also be returned to the player.
Stock items that appear in the standard backpack as a result of using a Name Tag or Description Tag cannot be crafted, even if the Name/Description is removed. (e.g. two Scatterguns cannot be crafted into scrap metal). Tools also cannot be crafted under any circumstances, including Paint Cans, Name Tags, Description Tags, Crate Keys and Dueling Mini-Games. Crafting was introduced in the WAR! Update.
General Crafting Recipes
Scrap Metal
Level 1 Crafting Item
Reclaimed Metal
Level 2 Crafting Item
Refined Metal
Level 3 Crafting Item
Combine Scrap Metal
Combine Reclaimed Metal
Class Specific
Fabricate Crit-a-Cola
Fabricate Holy Mackerel
Fabricate Boston Basher
Fabricate Battalion's Backup
Fabricate Homewrecker
Fabricate Back Scratcher
Fabricate Scotsman's Skullcutter
Fabricate Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker
Fabricate Ullapool Caber
Fabricate Claidheamh Mòr
Fabricate Loch-n-Load
Fabricate Dalokohs Bar
Fabricate Gloves of Running Urgently
Fabricate Brass Beast
Fabricate Buffalo Steak Sandvich
Fabricate Warrior's Spirit
Fabricate Fists of Steel
Fabricate Southern Hospitality
Fabricate Amputator
Fabricate Crusader's Crossbow
Fabricate Sydney Sleeper
Fabricate Darwin's Danger Shield
Fabricate Tribalman's Shiv
Smelt Class Weapons †
Any 2 weapons wielded by the same class E.g. + (Spy weapons)
1 x
2 weapons
Smelt Tokens
3 x Tokens E.g. + +
1 x
9 weapons
Combine Scrap Metal
3 x
1 x
6 weapons
Combine Reclaimed Metal
3 x
1 x
18 weapons
Smelt Refined Metal ‡
1 x
3 x
18 weapons
Smelt Reclaimed Metal ‡
1 x
3 x
6 weapons
- † The Smelt Class Weapons blueprint was originally one Primary, Secondary, and Melee weapon of each class, but was then altered to allow any 3 (now 2) weapons from the same class, to accommodate the Sniper and Spy, who only had items for two loadout slots when the Sniper vs. Spy Update launched. There are also blueprints (Smelt Primary/Secondary/Melee Weapons) whose ingredients are 2 identical weapons, but those are now obsolete due to this change.
- ‡ Smelting a "Not Tradable" metal will result in 3 "Not Tradable" metals.
Smelt Class Weapons
2 weapons from the same class. e.g. + =
2 weapons
Smelt Tokens
3 of any token. e.g. + =
9 weapons
Combine Scrap Metal
+ + =
6 weapons
Combine Reclaimed Metal
+ + =
18 weapons
Smelt Reclaimed Metal
= + +
6 weapons
Smelt Refined Metal
= + +
18 weapons
New #2
Crafting metal
Smelt Class Weapons
2 weapons from the same class. e.g. + =
2 weapons
Smelt Tokens
3 of any token. e.g. + =
9 weapons
Combine Scrap Metal
+ + =
6 weapons
Combine Reclaimed Metal
+ + =
18 weapons
Smelting metal
Smelt Reclaimed Metal
= + +
6 weapons
Smelt Refined Metal
= + +
18 weapons
Craftable hats
Some hats available through promotions can't be crafted. blah blah blah.
A list of craftable hats/misc. items. (that count towards rebuild headgear)
(not the actual table, but about what it will look like)
Golden Wrench
- From July 5 to July 9, 2010, players crafting any items in-game had a chance of finding an extremely rare item, the Golden Wrench, of which only 100 were made available. A series of times when a Wrench was designed to drop was utilized by Valve, and when a player crafted an item after one of these times, a random drop could occur giving the player their crafted item and a Golden Wrench. When a Wrench was found, it would be announced to all online Team Fortress 2 servers at once in the form of a dialogue box in the center of the screen and an accompanying soundbite. This was only available before and leading up to the Engineer update, until all 100 wrenches were found. An announcement was also shown when one of these wrenches was destroyed. These wrenches have the ability to turn ragdolls into gold statues, but are otherwise identical to the default Wrench.
- Due to this event, the Smelt Reclaimed and Refined Metal blueprints were temporarily disabled until all of the 100 Golden Wrenches had been acquired, to stop people from endlessly smelting and re-crafting their Metal until they got one. These blueprints were disabled up until the Mann-Conomy Update, even though the Engineer Update was completed and no Golden Wrenches could be found.
Related Achievements
Previous Changes
December 17, 2009 Patch
December 18, 2009 Patch
- Added a new chat message when players craft an item
December 22, 2009 Patch
- Added an "equipped" tag to currently equipped items in the Backpack and Crafting screens
- Crafting improvements:
- Spy's Camera Beard can now be smelted into scrap metal
- Recipes can no longer produce items matching any of the items used in the crafting
- Added some new recipes
January 13, 2010 Patch
- Minor fixes to the crafting UI:
- Changed the item layout in the crafting panel to better fit the backpack panel
- Each 1 of the 4 crafting pages now shows half of 1 of the 2 backpack pages
- Fixed the crafting panel next/prev page buttons being hard to use while dragging
- Fixed the "equipped" label in the item panels stealing the mouse focus from the item panel itself
January 28, 2010 Patch
- Fixed the hats below being included in the crafting of class-specific hats using class tokens
March 19, 2010 Patch
- Updated the new community-built hats so they can be crafted
- Updated the Camera Beard and Medic mask so they can be crafted as hats
April 28, 2010 Patch
- Backpack changes
- Moved Crafting button out to the root class/backpack selection panel.
- Dragging and dropping items in your backpack now makes appropriate sounds.
May 21, 2010 Patch
June 10, 2010 Patch
July 8, 2010 Patch
- Undocumented changes
- Added a second Misc. item slot in the loadout.
August 17, 2010 Patch
- Fixed servers trying to validate backpack positions in inventories.
- Fixed clients validating inventories other than their own.
- Fixed item selection HUD elements showing un-acknowledged items, which resulted in items in invalid backpack positions.
September 30, 2010 Patch
- Added the Mann-Conomy.
- Added 65 new items (hats, weapons, tools, minigames, gifts, crates).
- Added the Mann Co. Store & Catalog.
- Added Trading.
- Added Item customization.
October 6, 2010 Patch
- Economy Changes
- Added Remove Name and Remove Paint features.
- Achievement items and store promotion items are now usable in crafting.
- Gifted items are now craftable and tradable.
- Attempting to craft a non tradable item will result in a warning that the items produced by the craft will also be marked as non tradable.
- Community, Self-Made, and Valve items are not tradable or usable in crafting.
- Changed "Not Craftable" description to "Not Usable in Crafting" to increase clarity.
October 8, 2010 Patch
- Undocumented changes
- Added crafting blueprints for Polycount Pack set hats.
December 17, 2010 Patch
December 21, 2010 Patch
- Added several crafting recipes for new items
December 22, 2010 Patch
- The "Fabricate Class Headgear" recipe no longer has a chance of creating all-class hats.
Other undocumented changes:
- The recipe for Scrap Metal was previously 3 primary, secondary, or melee weapons.
- When Miscellaneous items were first separated from Hats, due to players wanting to equip the Camera Beard and other Spy hats simultaneously, the Camera Beard began dropping at the same rate as weapons. It was not unusual for players to find many in the course of a week. Despite the Camera Beard being considered as a 'headgear', you were unable to craft two together to get another hat but you were able to craft them together to create another Miscellaneous piece of headgear. After the Camera Beard drop-rate was patched in a subsequent update, it became possible to craft two of them together to make a hat.
- Grenade, Building, Head, and PDA(1) Slot Tokens were once listed in the items_game.txt file and were valid items, but none of them were given blueprints, and as such these items were removed from the game during the Mann-Conomy Update. It was previously possible to craft a Head Slot Token by placing 4 hats in the crafting window due to an oversight, but the blueprint and all instances of the item were finally removed when the Mann-Conomy update was launched (For example, this backpack before and after the update).
- Some cases have been reported of players "finding" scrap metal. This is most likely the cause of the player losing connection to Steam after clicking the craft button. This means the items are used in the craft recipe, yet the result of the craft remains uncollected until the player dies in a server: giving the "PLAYERNAME has found: METALTYPE" alert.
- When crafting, if metals or items disappear unexpectedly, a fast method of making them re-appear is to access the main menu and enter the Mann Co. Store.
- Robin Walker confirmed that all items seen in the store (with the exception of Crate Keys, Secret Saxton and Pile o' Gifts) can randomly drop in-game. [1] (This is no longer true as of the Scream Fortress event; the Spine-Chilling Skull and Voodoo Juju are both listed in the store as being unobtainable via random drop. They can however, be crafted with items available via random drop.)
- All weapons or hats purchased in the Mann Co. Store are uncraftable and untradable; though as of the October 6, 2010 Patch all items marked as "Store Promotion" were made craftable but not tradable. Anything crafted with a Store Promotion item will be itself untradable.
- Items gained via achievements before the Mann-Conomy update were temporarily uncraftable and untradable, but this was changed shortly after so that they can both be crafted and traded.
- If an untradable item is used in the crafting of a hat, weapon or item, then the resulting item will also be untradable.
- Untradable metal, and items made with untradable metal, were reverted to tradable until a subsequent patch was released due to a glitch. This behavior was observed during the Scream Fortress event with Voodoo Jujus and Spine-Chilling Skulls crafted using untradable Haunted Metal Scrap. Halloween Hats crafted prior to the November 10, 2010 Patch became tradable after the update, but hats crafted after that have reportedly remained untradable, suggesting Valve has fixed the glitch.
- Crafting two unusual hats will result in a Unique hat being crafted, not another unusual.
External links