Difference between revisions of "Scout responses/zh-hans"

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[[File:Leaderboard class scout.png|right|侦察兵]]
[[File:Leaderboard class scout.png|right|侦察兵]]
'''语音回应'''是在玩家完成某些行为(如用主武器或近战武器杀死一定数量的敌人),或者玩家遇到了某些事情(如被点燃)后触发播放的语音台词。 以下列出了目前为止[[Scout/zh-hans|侦察兵]]所有的语音回应(不包括[[Scout voice commands/zh-hans|语音命令]])。
'''语音回应'''是在玩家完成某些行为(如用主武器或近战武器击杀一定数量的敌人),或者玩家遭遇了某些事件(如被点燃)后触发播放的语音台词。 以下列出了目前为止[[Scout/zh-hans|侦察兵]]所有的语音回应(不包括[[Scout voice commands/zh-hans|语音命令]])。
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{{main|Scout taunts/zh-hans|l1=侦察兵嘲讽}}
{{main|Scout taunts/zh-hans|l1=侦察兵嘲讽}}
与玩家发起的嘲讽相关的所有语音回应都列在了[[Scout taunts/zh-hans|侦察兵嘲讽]]页面中,并包含其动作的描述。
所有与玩家发起的嘲讽所相关的语音台词及其动画描述全部都在[[Scout taunts/zh-hans|侦察兵嘲讽]]页面当中列出。
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''在 20 秒内用[[Primary/zh-hans|主武器]]杀死超过 1 名敌人'''
|title      = '''在 20 秒内使用[[Weapons/zh-hans#scoutprimary|主武器]]击杀超过 1 名敌人'''
|image      = Item icon Scattergun.png
|image      = Item icon Scattergun.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Scattergun/zh-hans
|image-link = Scattergun/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_goodjob02.wav|"That's what I'm talking about!"]]<br>我说什么来着!
*[[Media:Scout_laughhappy01.wav|(开心的笑声 1)]]
*[[Media:Scout_laughhappy02.wav|<nowiki>[</nowiki>开心的笑声 2<nowiki>]</nowiki> "You got ''owned''!"]]
*[[Media:Scout_laughhappy02.wav|(开心的笑声 2) "You got ''owned''!"]]<br>被虐爆了吧!
*[[Media:Scout_laughhappy03.wav|<nowiki>[</nowiki>开心的笑声 3<nowiki>]</nowiki>]]
*[[Media:Scout_laughhappy03.wav|(开心的笑声 3)]]
*[[Media:Scout_laughhappy04.wav|<nowiki>[</nowiki>开心的笑声 4<nowiki>]</nowiki>]]
*[[Media:Scout_laughhappy04.wav|(开心的笑声 4)]]
*[[Media:Scout_laughlong01.wav|<nowiki>[</nowiki>长笑<nowiki>]</nowiki> "好啊...太好了!"]]
*[[Media:Scout_laughlong01.wav|(长久的笑声) "Yeah...yeah!"]]<br>好…好啊!
*[[Media:Scout_laughlong02.wav|<nowiki>[</nowiki>长笑 2<nowiki>]</nowiki>]]
*[[Media:Scout_laughlong02.wav|(长久的笑声 2)]]
*[[Media:Scout_taunts04.wav|"Not so tough now, are ya? ''Are ya?!''"]]<br>拽不起来了,是吧?问你话呢?!
*[[Media:Scout_taunts16.wav|"You knuckleheads ain't even worth the effort."]]<br>收拾你们这帮呆瓜都用不着费劲儿。
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''[[Buildings/zh-hans#摧毁|摧毁]]一个建筑'''
|title      = '''[[Buildings/zh-hans#Destruction|摧毁]]一个建筑'''
|image      = Killicon tool chest.png
|image      = Killicon tool chest.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Buildings/zh-hans#摧毁
|image-link = Buildings/zh-hans#Destruction
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_specialcompleted10.wav|"I broke your stupid crap, moron!"]]<br>我打爆了你那破玩意,白痴!
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|image-link = Kill Assist/zh-hans
|image-link = Kill Assist/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_specialcompleted-assistedkill01.wav|"Way to go, pally!"]]<br>好样的,哥们!
*[[Media:Scout_specialcompleted-assistedkill02.wav|"We got 'em, we got 'em!"]]<br>拿下了,咱们拿下了!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''[[Melee/zh-hans|近战]]杀敌'''
|title      = '''[[Melee/zh-hans#scoutmelee|近战]]杀敌'''
|image      = Item icon Bat.png
|image      = Item icon Bat.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
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|content    =  
|content    =  
**[[Media:Scout_taunts08.wav|"Say goodbye to ya kneecaps, chucklehead!"]]<br>跟你的膝盖骨说再见吧,呆瓜!
**[[Media:Scout_specialcompleted11.wav|"How's that feel, wimp?"]]<br>好受不,窝囊废?
**[[Media:Scout_specialcompleted01.wav|"Eat it, fatty!"]]<br>尝尝这个,死胖子!
*'''使用{{Item link|Bat}}/ {{Item link|Sandman}} / {{Item link|Atomizer}}杀敌'''
*'''使用{{Item link|Bat}}/ {{Item link|Sandman}} / {{Item link|Atomizer}}杀敌'''
**[[Media:Scout_specialcompleted04.wav|"Yo, batter up!"]]<br>哟,击球手登场!
**[[Media:Scout_specialcompleted06.wav|"Yo, I oughta' be on a baseball card!"]]<br>哟,我都能登上棒球卡了!
**[[Media:Scout_specialcompleted07.wav|"I'm battin' a thousand!"]]<br>看我一棍千击!
**[[Media:Scout_taunts11.wav|"Ya head's a freakin' {{botignore|bat}} magnet!"]]<br>你的头简直是块球棒磁铁!
**[[Media:Scout_specialcompleted09.wav|"'Ey, is somebody keepin' track of my heads batted in?"]]<br>欸,有谁记着我敲爆了多少个脑瓜吗?
*'''使用{{Item link|Holy Mackerel}} / {{Item link|Fan O'War}}杀敌'''
*'''使用{{Item link|Holy Mackerel}} / {{Item link|Fan O'War}}杀敌'''
**[[Media:Scout_domination19.wav|"Yeah, I dare ya, ''rage quit''. C'mon, make us both happy."]]<br>好啊,我敢说你会气得怒退。来呗,这样咱俩还能开心点。
**[[Media:Scout_taunts18.wav|"Oh hey! You ''suck''."]]<br>噢嘿!你,真废物!
**[[Media:Scout_laughhappy02.wav|<nowiki>[</nowiki>开心的笑声<nowiki>]</nowiki> "你被控制了!"]]
**[[Media:Scout_laughhappy02.wav|(开心的笑声)"You got ''owned''!"]]<br>被虐爆了吧!
*'''使用{{Item link|Candy Cane}}杀敌'''
*'''使用{{Item link|Candy Cane}}杀敌'''
**[[Media:Scout_taunts13.wav|"You're all losers!"]]<br>你们全是群废物!
**[[Media:Scout_taunts15.wav|"You wimps suck!"]]<br>你们这群垃圾窝囊废!
*'''使用{{Item link|Boston Basher}}/ {{Item link|Three-Rune Blade}}杀敌'''
*'''使用{{Item link|Boston Basher}}/ {{Item link|Three-Rune Blade}}杀敌'''
**[[Media:Scout_misc04.wav|"Man, your skull's so soft you're makin' this easy!"]]<br>老哥,你的脑瓜太软太好敲了!
**[[Media:Scout_revenge01.wav|"I ''wasted'' you!"]]<br>我干掉你了!
*'''使用{{Item link|Sun-on-a-Stick}}杀敌'''
*'''使用{{Item link|Sun-on-a-Stick}}杀敌'''
**[[Media:Scout_dominationpyr01.wav|"Hey, who's on fire now?"]]<br>嘿,看看谁着火了?
**[[Media:Scout_generic01.wav|"Is-is anybody even payin' attention ta me?"]]<br>有-有谁注意到我了吗?
**[[Media:Scout_misc09.wav|"What's the matter? You freaking stupid?"]]<br>你这傻子什么情况?
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|image-link = Domination/zh-hans
|image-link = Domination/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_domination02.wav|"Yeah, that's right!"]]<br>好,这就对了!
*[[Media:Scout_domination15.wav|"You're gettin' dominated, chucklehead!"]]<br>你被控制了,呆瓜!
*[[Media:Scout_domination16.wav|"'Domination'. Look it up."]]<br>控制达成。自个看看吧。
*[[Media:Scout_misc07.wav|"You're like a car crash in slow motion. It's like I'm watchin' ya fly through a windshield."]]
*[[Media:Scout_misc07.wav|"You're like a car crash in slow motion. It's like I'm watchin' ya fly through a windshield."]]<br>你就好像慢镜头中的车祸。而我就看着你撞穿挡风玻璃飞出去。
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|image-link = Scout/zh-hans
|image-link = Scout/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
* [[Media:Scout_domination13.wav|"撞墙去吧,朋友,你玩完了。"]]
*[[Media:Scout_domination13.wav|"Hit the bricks, pal. You're done."]]<br>滚一边去,哥们。你输完了。
* [[Media:Scout_domination07.wav|"哈哈!'''看看'''你!你看起来就像是在横穿马路!"]]
*[[Media:Scout_domination07.wav|"Ha ha! '''Look''' at you! You look like you ran through ''traffic''!"]]<br>哈哈!'''瞧你那样'''!你就好像被车撞了一样!
* [[Media:Scout_domination05.wav|"嘿,蠢货,你是赢不了的。"]]
*[[Media:Scout_domination05.wav|"Hey, knucklehead, you ain't gonna win."]]<br>嘿,呆瓜,你赢不了的。
* [[Media:Scout_domination20.wav|"噢,怎么,你要哭了吗?你现在要哭了吗?"]]
*[[Media:Scout_domination20.wav|"Oh, what, you gonna ''cry''? You gonna ''cry'' now?"]]<br>哦,怎么,你要哭了?你现在才知道要哭了?"
* [[Media:Scout_domination19.wav|"对,我敢说,你会被气到怒退。来吧,让我们都能开心点。"]]
*[[Media:Scout_domination19.wav|"Yeah, I dare ya, ''rage quit''. C'mon, make us both happy!"]]<br>好啊,我敢说你会气得怒退。来呗,这样咱俩还能开心点。
* [[Media:Scout_domination21.wav|"我永远不会...停止去...杀死你。"]]
*[[Media:Scout_domination21.wav|"I will never... Stop... Killing you."]]<br>我每时每刻……都在……追杀你。
* [[Media:Scout_domination14.wav|"......可怕!"]]
*[[Media:Scout_domination14.wav|"You... Are... ''Terrible''!"]]<br>你……简直……糟透了!
* [[Media:Scout_dominationsct01.wav|"我才是这里的侦察兵!"]]
*[[Media:Scout_dominationsct01.wav|"''I'' am the Scout here!"]]<br>我才是这儿的侦察兵!
* [[Media:Scout_dominationsct02.wav|"这地图容不下我们两个!"]]
*[[Media:Scout_dominationsct02.wav|"This map ain't big enough for the two of us."]]<br>这地方可容不下咱俩。
* [[Media:Scout_dominationsct03.wav|"快让路,混球,让真正的侦察兵来干活!"]]
*[[Media:Scout_dominationsct03.wav|"Hit the road, bozo! Let a ''real'' Scout get to work!"]]<br>滚吧,蠢货,这活儿还得让真正的侦察兵来干!
*[[Media:Scout_misc07.wav|"You're like a car crash in slow motion. It's like I'm watchin' ya fly through a windshield."]]
*[[Media:Scout_misc07.wav|"You're like a car crash in slow motion. It's like I'm watchin' ya fly through a windshield."]]<br>你就好像慢镜头中的车祸。而我就看着你撞穿挡风玻璃飞出去。
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|image-link = Soldier/zh-hans
|image-link = Soldier/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_dominationsol01.wav|"Yo, I'm not even wearin' a helmet!"]]<br>哟,我甚至都不用戴头盔!
*[[Media:Scout_dominationsol02.wav|"What is your major malfunction, brother?"]]<br>兄弟,你是有什么毛病吗?
*[[Media:Scout_dominationsol03.wav|"去死以及给我做 20 个俯卧撑!"]]
*[[Media:Scout_dominationsol03.wav|"Drop dead and gimme 20!"]]<br>死地上然后做二十个俯卧撑!
*[[Media:Scout_dominationsol04.wav|"You're a disgrace to the uniform, pal!"]]<br>哥们,你哪来的脸穿这身军服!
*[模仿士兵] [[Media:Scout_dominationsol05.wav|"Dis-missed!"]]<br>解——散!
*[[Media:Scout_dominationsol06.wav|"There ain't enough crits in the world to kill me!"]]<br>全世界的爆击都不够杀我用!
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|image-link = Pyro/zh-hans
|image-link = Pyro/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_domination06.wav|"It's startin' to ''bore'' me how much you suck."]]<br>你这蹩脚地都快给我整无聊了。
*[[Media:Scout_dominationpyr01.wav|"Hey, who's on fire now?"]]<br>嘿,看看谁着火了?
*[[Media:Scout_dominationpyr02.wav|"Yo, if you didn't want me to kill ya, ya shoulda ''said'' somethin'!"]]<br>哟,不想没命的话,就给我说句人话!
*[[Media:Scout_dominationpyr03.wav|"Repeat after me: mhmm-mhmm-mhmm I'm dead!"]]<br>跟着我念:唔呣呣我死了!
*[[Media:Scout_dominationpyr04.wav|"Take that, ya dumb, bib-wearin' dope!"]]<br>看招,你这戴着围兜的白痴哑巴!
*[[Media:Scout_dominationpyr05.wav|"Eat it, ya mute, frickin' moron!"]]<br>尝尝这个,你这一声不吭的死呆子!
*[[Media:Scout_dominationpyr06.wav|"Yeah, nice moves, mumbles!"]]<br>耶,这招不错,咕哝鬼!
*[[Media:Scout_misc08.wav|"Dude, you'd get a closed casket at the ugly cemetery."]]<br>老兄,你能死在一个破墓地的破棺材里头了。
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|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''控制一名[[Demoman/zh-hans|爆破手]]'''
|title      = '''控制一名[[Demoman/zh-hans|爆破手]]'''
|image      = Leaderboard class demo.png
|image      = Leaderboard class demoman.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Demoman/zh-hans
|image-link = Demoman/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_domination01.wav|"You just got freakin' dominated, knucklehead, all right, let's do this!"]]<br>你可被控制了,呆瓜,很好,放马过来吧!
*[[Media:Scout_domination10.wav|"I don't ''usually'' kill morons this fast."]]<br>我平时杀白痴都没杀得这么快。
*[[Media:Scout_dominationdem01.wav|"Yeah, next time, try two eyes!"]]<br>好,下次用上两只眼睛再来!
*[[Media:Scout_dominationdem02.wav|"Blow ''that'' up, cyclops!"]]<br>炸飞嘛,独眼龙!
*[[Media:Scout_dominationdem03.wav|"The best man won, ya bomb-throwin' drunk!"]]<br>最佳者胜出了,丢炸弹的醉鬼!
*[[Media:Scout_dominationdem04.wav|"Your clock just got cleaned, rummy!"]]
*[[Media:Scout_dominationdem04.wav|"Your clock just got cleaned, rummy!"]]<br>你命可不长了,酒鬼!
*[[Media:Scout_dominationdem05.wav|"Depth perception, pal. Look into it."]]
*[[Media:Scout_dominationdem05.wav|"Depth perception, pal. Look into it."]]<br>哥们,深度知觉知道不,自个查去吧。
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|image-link = Heavy/zh-hans
|image-link = Heavy/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_domination08.wav|"Drink it in, pal. That's how failure tastes."]]<br>好受不,哥们。失败就是这滋味儿。
*[[Media:Scout_domination09.wav|"Would you look at you? I mean, '''''look''' at you.''"]]<br>你去照照镜子好吗?好好'''看看'''你这熊样。
*[[Media:Scout_dominationhvy01.wav|"I am '''''owning''''' you, you fat, bald bastard!"]]<br>我'''虐爆'''你了,又秃又肥的混账!
*[[Media:Scout_dominationhvy02.wav|"Today ain't yer day, pancakes!"]]<br>今天可由不得你,松饼佬!
*[[Media:Scout_dominationhvy03.wav|"开那把枪要 400,000 美元,对吗?好吧,这钱花得真值!"]]
*[[Media:Scout_dominationhvy03.wav|"$400,000 to fire that gun, huh? Yeah, money well spent!"]]<br>开这枪要四十万块,当真?哇,这钱花得真划算!
*[[Media:Scout_dominationhvy04.wav|"那些价值 200 美元的子弹在脱靶时看起来可就不乍地了,不是吗?"]]
*[[Media:Scout_dominationhvy04.wav|"Them $200 bullets ain't so hot when they don't ''hit'' nuthin', are they?"]]<br>这两百块的子弹只打空气就纯白瞎了,是吧?"
*[[Media:Scout_dominationhvy05.wav|"I think I'll take Sasha out for a steak dinner tonight. Whataya think about that?"]]<br>我今晚要带萨莎去吃牛排。你作何感想呢?
*[[Media:Scout_dominationhvy06.wav|"Ain't so hard now, are ya, fatcakes?"]]<br>这下就扛不住了,对吗,肥蛋糕?
*[[Media:Scout_dominationhvy07.wav|"I... Eat... Your... Sandwiches. I eat 'em up!"]]<br>我要……吃光……你的……三明治,一口也不剩!
*[[Media:Scout_dominationhvy08.wav|"Nice hustle, 'tons-a-fun'! Next time, eat a salad!"]]<br>真拼啊,大肥佬!下次记得吃点沙拉!
*[[Media:Scout_dominationhvy09.wav|"Hey, lard-fat, those hard arteries don't stop bullets, do they?"]]<br>嘿,流肥油的,血管再硬化也挡不住子弹,不是吗?
*[[Media:Scout_dominationhvy10.wav|"I am ''owning'' you, you fat, bald, fatty fat... ''fat'' fat!"]]<br>我'''虐爆'''你了,你这又肥又秃又发福的……肥胖子!
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|image-link = Engineer/zh-hans
|image-link = Engineer/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_domination17.wav|"Is that all you got, moron?"]]<br>白痴,你就这点能耐?
*[[Media:Scout_dominationeng01.wav|"Hey, here's somethin' you can invent next time: duckin'!"]]<br>嘿,下次花功夫研究研究这个:逃跑!
*[[Media:Scout_dominationeng02.wav|"Here's something you shoulda built: a not-dyin' machine!"]]<br>一台杀不死的机器,这才是你该造的!
*[[Media:Scout_dominationeng03.wav|"Don't bring a wrench to a gunfight!"]]<br>别端着个扳手上战场!
*[[Media:Scout_dominationeng04.wav|"Here's a schematic for ya: my ass!"]]<br>我有个蓝图给你:想屁吃!
*[[Media:Scout_dominationeng05.wav|"Hey, overalls! You suck!"]]<br>嘿,穿工装的!你个废物!
*[[Media:Scout_dominationeng06.wav|"Lotta good that hardhat did ya!"]]<br>这安全帽可真好用啊,是吧!
Line 213: Line 222:
|image-link = Medic/zh-hans
|image-link = Medic/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_misc02.wav|"If you order now, I'll throw in a second beatin', absolutely free."]]<br>现在挂号的话,我会再送你一顿乱棍,一分钱不收。
*[[Media:Scout_dominationmed01.wav|"Diagnosis: you suck!"]]<br>诊断结果:一个废物!
*[[Media:Scout_dominationmed02.wav|"Ooh hoo hoo, your gun shoots ''medicine''! It's intimidatin'!"]]<br>喔呼呼,你的枪会发射弹“药”哦!好吓人喔!
*[[Media:Scout_dominationmed03.wav|"Where's your precious Hippo-crates now?"]]<br>你的宝贝希波克拉底现在又在哪呢?
*[[Media:Scout_dominationmed04.wav|"'''真是'''不错的工作,讲德语的白痴!"]] <br>(Deutsch-bag,“Deutsch”在德语中有“德国”的意思,而“Douchebag”有“白痴”的意思)
*[[Media:Scout_dominationmed04.wav|"''Real'' nice effort, Deutsch-bag!"]]<br>干得好一手活啊,德国佬!(“Deutsch”在德语中意为“德国人)
*[[Media:Scout_dominationmed05.wav|"...... 医生!"]]
*[[Media:Scout_dominationmed05.wav|"I... ''Hate''... Doctors!"]]<br>我……讨厌……医生!
*[[Media:Scout_dominationmed06.wav|"(叹息声) 医生,医生,医生..."]]
*[[Media:Scout_dominationmed06.wav|(叹气)" Doctor, doctor, doctor..."]]<br>医生啊医生……
Line 229: Line 238:
|image-link = Sniper/zh-hans
|image-link = Sniper/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_domination12.wav|"Look at this: just caved in your skull, my {{botignore|bat}}'s still dry. No clumps of hair - nothin'."]]<br>瞧好了:我刚在你头骨上砸了个坑,但球棒还是干的。一根头发都没沾上,一干二净。
*[[Media:Scout_dominationsnp01.wav|"Snipe that, ya frickin' coward!"]]<br>你再狙啊,死懦夫!
*[[Media:Scout_dominationsnp02.wav|"That fancy scope of yours, betcha got a '''real''' good view of me killin' ya!"]]<br>我怎么干掉你的那一幕,你那花哨狙击镜里肯定看得'''一清二楚'''!
*[[Media:Scout_dominationsnp03.wav|"You camped the whole time for ''this''?!"]]<br>你蹲这蹲一整天就为了干这个?!
*[[Media:Scout_dominationsnp04.wav|"It was a mercy killin', ya live in a... '''campervan'''!"]]
*[[Media:Scout_dominationsnp04.wav|"It was a mercy killin', ya live in a... '''Campervan'''!"]]<br>这是一次安乐死,你的住所就是……'''露营车'''!
*[[Media:Scout_dominationsnp05.wav|"You'll never hit me! You'll never hit my tiny head! It's so tiny, I got a frickin'... Such a tiny li'l head!"]]<br>你打不着我的!你永远打不着我那小脑袋!它实在是太小了,我有个……小得不能再小的脑袋!
Line 244: Line 253:
|image-link = Spy/zh-hans
|image-link = Spy/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_award10.wav|"I'll put it in my trophy room, with the othas."]]<br>我要把它和其他奖杯放在一块。
*[[Media:Scout_dominationspy01.wav|"Disguise dat!"]]<br>接着装啊!
*[[Media:Scout_dominationspy02.wav|"Dominated, ya shapeshiftin' rat!"]]<br>控制你了,你个变身鼠辈!
*[[Media:Scout_dominationspy03.wav|"Hard to stab a guy in the back when he's beatin' your frickin' head in, huh?"]]<br>一个要打爆你那猪头的家伙的背不好刺吧?
*[[Media:Scout_dominationspy04.wav|"Hehey, look, you shapeshifted into a dead guy!"]]<br>嘿嘿,看呐,你变身成一个死人了!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''使用近战武器[[Dominating/zh-hans|控制]]敌人'''''
|title      = '''通过近战击杀[[Dominating/zh-hans|控制]]敌人'''''
|image      = Dominating.png
|image      = Dominating.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Domination/zh-hans
|image-link = Domination/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_misc04.wav|"Man, your skull's so soft you're makin' this easy!"]]<br>老哥,你的脑瓜太软太好敲了!
*[[Media:Scout_misc05.wav|"Pop quiz: How long's it take to beat a moron to death? ''(buzzer imitation)'' Sorry, time's up, you're dead."]]<br>突击测试:把一个白痴揍死要用多久?(模仿警报声)。抱歉,时间到,你完了!
Line 268: Line 278:
|image-link = Revenge/zh-hans
|image-link = Revenge/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_revenge01.wav|"I ''wasted'' you!"]]<br>我干掉你了!
*[[Media:Scout_revenge02.wav|"How do ya like me now, blockhead?"]]<br>呆头,现在你又对我作何感想呢?
*[[Media:Scout_revenge03.wav|"Ya like that, chucklenuts?"]]<br>蠢货,你开心了吧?
*[[Media:Scout_revenge04.wav|"''Boom!'' I'm back, dummy!"]]<br>嘭!光速归来,白痴!
*[[Media:Scout_revenge05.wav|"Remember me? Yeah, ya do!"]]<br>还记得我不?没错,就是我!
*[[Media:Scout_revenge06.wav|"Don't you ''ever'' cross me again!"]]<br>别敢再惹我!
*[[Media:Scout_revenge07.wav|"What have we learned? ''I always win!''"]]<br>结果是什么?我总能赢!
*[[Media:Scout_revenge08.wav|"Who's the tough guy now, huh, tough guy?"]]<br>这下猛男该是谁了,说呀,猛男?
*[[Media:Scout_revenge09.wav|"Still think you're funny, funny-man?"]]<br>搞笑小丑,还觉得自己很有意思吗?
*[[Media:Scout_award12.wav|"Bang! I make it look easy!"]]<br>砰!对我来说轻轻松松!
*[[Media:Scout_cheers02.wav|"I did it!"]]<br>我做到了!
*[[Media:Scout_misc02.wav|"If you order now, I'll throw in a second beatin', absolutely free."]]<br>现在下单的话,我会再送你一顿乱棍,一分钱不收。
*[[Media:Scout_misc09.wav|"Wassamatter, y'freakin' stupid?"]]<br>你这傻子什么情况?
*[[Media:Scout_niceshot02.wav|"Hey, nice shootin' there!"]]<br>嘿,这枪打得不错!
*[[Media:Scout_specialcompleted12.wav|"Ya got anything smart ta say now?"]]<br>这会儿你还有什么好说的吗?
Line 293: Line 303:
|image-link = List of game modes/zh-hans
|image-link = List of game modes/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_battlecry01.wav|"Play ball!"]]<br>开球!
*[[Media:Scout_battlecry02.wav|"Let's get 'em!"]]<br>>一起解决他们!
*[[Media:Scout_battlecry03.wav|"Eat my dust!"]]<br>吃我扬的土去吧!
*[[Media:Scout_battlecry05.wav|"Let's waste 'em!"]]<br>一起干翻他们!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''进入[[Sudden Death/zh-hans|骤死]]模式'''
|title      = '''进入[[Sudden Death/zh-hans|骤死战]]'''
|image      = Item icon Eyelander.png
|image      = Item icon Eyelander.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Sudden Death/zh-hans
|image-link = Sudden Death/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_jeers04.wav|"Frickin' unbelievable."]]<br>真是受不了!
*[[Media:Scout_jeers05.wav|"This did not just happen!"]]<br>怎么就这样了!
*[[Media:Scout_jeers06.wav|"This sucks on ice!"]]<br>真是糗到冰点了!
*[[Media:Scout_jeers07.wav|"No, seriously, you all suck!"]]<br>不,讲真的,你们个个都是废物!
*[[Media:Scout_jeers08.wav|"What the hell is your guys' problem?"]]<br>你们这群人是有什么毛病吗?
*[[Media:Scout_jeers09.wav|"Ah, jeez!"]]<br>啊,天哪!
*[[Media:Scout_jeers10.wav|"This sucks!"]]<br>真够烂的!
*[[Media:Scout_jeers11.wav|"What the hell was that crap?"]]<br>这到底是什么情况?
*[[Media:Scout_jeers12.wav|"This is a real frickin' embarrassment."]]<br>这简直不要太尴尬了。
*[[Media:Scout_negativevocalization05.wav|"'Kay, this does not look good here, um..."]]<br>好吧,这感觉有些不太妙,呃……
Line 328: Line 338:
|image-link = Match outcomes/zh-hans
|image-link = Match outcomes/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_autodejectedtie01.wav|"You have ''got'' to be kidding!"]]<br>你最好是在说笑!
*[[Media:Scout_autodejectedtie02.wav|"You gotta be kiddin' me!"]]<br>你最好是在逗我!
*[[Media:Scout_autodejectedtie03.wav|"I can ''not'' believe this!"]]<br>我真不敢相信!
Line 341: Line 351:
|image-link = Fire/zh-hans
|image-link = Fire/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_autoonfire01.wav|"Fire, fire, fire!"]]<br>着火了!着火了!着火了!
*[[Media:Scout_autoonfire02.wav|"Oh, I'm burnin', I'm-I'm burnin'!"]]<br>啊,我着了,我-我烧起来了!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''被{{Item link|Jarate}}、{{Item link|Mad Milk}}、{{Item link|Mutated Milk}}{{Item link|Self-Aware Beauty Mark}}、{{Item link|Gas Passer}}击中'''
|title      = '''被{{Item link|Gas Passer}}、{{Item link|Jarate}}、{{Item link|Mad Milk}}、{{Item link|Mutated Milk}}{{Item link|Self-Aware Beauty Mark}}击中'''
|image      = Item icon Jarate.png
|image      = Item icon Jarate.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
Line 354: Line 364:
*[[Media:Scout_jeers09.wav|"Ah, jeez!"]]<br>啊,天哪!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''使用[[Teleport/zh-hans|传送装置]]'''
|title      = '''使用[[Teleporters/zh-hans|传送装置]]'''
|image      = Telespin.png
|image      = Telespin.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Teleport/zh-hans
|image-link = Teleporters/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_thanksfortheteleporter01.wav|"Thanks for the ride!"]]<br>谢谢送我一程!
*[[Media:Scout_thanksfortheteleporter02.wav|"Hey good job there, hardhat!"]]<br>嘿,干得好,戴安全帽的!
*[[Media:Scout_thanksfortheteleporter03.wav|"Thanks for that, tough guy!"]]<br>谢谢帮忙,猛男!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''接受[[Medic/zh-hans|医生]]治疗'''
|title      = '''[[Medic/zh-hans|医生]]治疗'''
|image      = Healthico.png
|image      = Healthico.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Health/zh-hans
|image-link = Health/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_thanksfortheheal01.wav|"All right, I feel good."]]<br>好了,我好极了。
*[[Media:Scout_thanksfortheheal02.wav|[深呼吸] 好,谢了,医生。]]
*[[Media:Scout_thanksfortheheal02.wav|(深呼吸)"Yeah, thanks, doc."]]<br>好,谢了,医生。
*[[Media:Scout_thanksfortheheal03.wav|"Thanks, doc."]]<br>谢了,医生。
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''处于[[ÜberCharge/zh-hans|超能冲锋]]状态'''
|title      = '''处于[[ÜberCharge/zh-hans|ÜberCharge]]状态'''
|image      = Item icon Kritzkrieg.png
|image      = Item icon Kritzkrieg.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = ÜberCharge/zh-hans
|image-link = ÜberCharge/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_specialcompleted12.wav|"Ya got anything smart ta say now?"]]<br>这会儿你还有什么好说的吗?
*[[Media:Scout_award05.wav|"''Look at me!''"]]<br>瞧瞧我谁!
*[[Media:Scout_taunts02.wav|"Ooooh yeah, you're real ''scary''!"]]<br>喔喔喔耶,你真的好“吓人”喔!
*[[Media:Scout_taunts09.wav|"Hey, lotta' good that gun didya!"]]
*[[Media:Scout_taunts09.wav|"Hey, lotta' good that gun didya!"]]<br>嘿,你那枪不是还挺“好用”的吗!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''捡起[[Sandman/zh-hans|棒球]]'''
|title      = '''捡起一颗[[Sandman/zh-hans|棒球]]'''
|image      = Sandman Baseball.png
|image      = Sandman Baseball.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Sandman/zh-hans
|image-link = Sandman/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_stunballpickup01.wav|"Got da ball back!"]]<br>找回棒球了!
*[[Media:Scout_stunballpickup02.wav|"Play ball!"]]<br>开球吧!
*[[Media:Scout_stunballpickup03.wav|"Found my ball!"]]<br>找到棒球了!
*[[Media:Scout_stunballpickup04.wav|"Oh ''dere's'' my ball!"]]<br>噢,我球在这儿呢!
*[[Media:Scout_stunballpickup05.wav|"I love my ball!"]]<br>我爱我的小球!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''处于低生命值时,饮用{{Item link|Bonk! Atomic Punch}}'''
|title      = '''在低生命值并受到攻击的情况下装备{{Item link|Bonk! Atomic Punch}}'''
|image      = Bonk! Atomic Punch 1st person red.png
|image      = Bonk! Atomic Punch 1st person red.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Bonk! Atomic Punch/zh-hans
|image-link = Bonk! Atomic Punch/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_invinciblenotready01.wav|"C'mon, c'mon!"]]<br>快啊,快啊!
*[[Media:Scout_invinciblenotready02.wav|"Work, dammit!"]]<br>靠,快起效啊!
*[[Media:Scout_invinciblenotready03.wav|"Ah, crap!"]]<br>啊,可恶!
*[[Media:Scout_invinciblenotready06.wav|"Aw, crap."]]<br>啊,可恶。
*[[Media:Scout_invinciblenotready07.wav|"Ah, crap!"]]<br>啊,可恶!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''[[Death/zh-hans|死亡]]'''
|title      = '''[[Critical hits/zh-hans|爆击攻击]]或近战武器[[death/zh-hans|杀死]]'''
|image      = Health dead.png
|image      = Health dead.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Death/zh-hans
|image-link = Death/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_paincrticialdeath01.wav|(死亡惨叫 1)]]
*[[Media:Scout_paincrticialdeath02.wav|(死亡惨叫 2)]]
*[[Media:Scout_paincrticialdeath03.wav|(死亡惨叫 3)]]
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''严重疼痛'''
|image      = Bleed_drop.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Bleeding/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Scout painsevere01.wav|"Aaaaah!"]]
*[[Media:Scout painsevere02.wav|"Aah!"]]
*[[Media:Scout painsevere03.wav|"Ah!"]]
*[[Media:Scout painsevere04.wav|"Nnrg!"]]
*[[Media:Scout painsevere05.wav|"Uh!"]]
*[[Media:Scout painsevere06.wav|"Ugh!"]]
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''解锁[[Achievement/zh-hans|成就]]'''
|title      = '''轻微疼痛'''
|image      = Bleed_drop.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Bleeding/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Scout painsharp01.wav|"Uh!"]]
*[[Media:Scout painsharp02.wav|"Argh!"]]
*[[Media:Scout painsharp03.wav|"Aw!"]]
*[[Media:Scout painsharp04.wav|"Ah!"]]
*[[Media:Scout painsharp05.wav|"Ugh!"]]
*[[Media:Scout painsharp06.wav|"Uf!"]]
*[[Media:Scout painsharp07.wav|"Puh!"]]
*[[Media:Scout painsharp08.wav|"Nf!"]]
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''解锁[[Achievements/zh-hans|成就]]'''
|image      = Achieved.png
|image      = Achieved.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Achievement/zh-hans
|image-link = Achievements/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_award01.wav|"Hey, look at me, look at me!"]]<br>嘿,看我这,看我这!
*[[Media:Scout_award02.wav|"Hey, look at me, Ma!"]]<br>嘿,妈,看呐是我!
*[[Media:Scout_award03.wav|"Aw, fellas!"]]<br>啊啊,兄弟们!
*[[Media:Scout_award04.wav|"Hi, Ma!"]]<br>嗨,妈!
*[[Media:Scout_award05.wav|"''Look at me!''"]]<br>看看是谁啊!
*[[Media:Scout_award07.wav|"No otha' class gonna do dat!"]]<br>换其他人可办不到!
*[[Media:Scout_award08.wav|"You see dat?"]]<br>你看见了没?
*[[Media:Scout_award09.wav|"You seein' dis?"]]<br>看到这个了没?
*[[Media:Scout_award10.wav|"I'll put it in my trophy room, with the othas."]]<br>我要把它和其他奖杯放在一块。
*[[Media:Scout_award11.wav|"I don't know who to thank first... Oh, I know, ''me!'"']]<br>我都搞不清该先感谢谁了……哦,没错,就是我自己!
*[[Media:Scout_award12.wav|"Bang! I make it look easy."]]<br>砰!对我来说轻轻松松。
Line 463: Line 505:
|image-link = Bonk! Atomic Punch/zh-hans
|image-link = Bonk! Atomic Punch/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_invincible02.wav|"Ya can't hit what ain't dere!"]]<br>想打中我就别盯着空气打!
*[[Media:Scout_invincible03.wav|"Wananananana..."]] (《The Six Million Dollar Man》中的音效)
*[[Media:Scout_invincible04.wav|"I'm a freakin' blur here!"]]<br>我快得像是一团残影!
*[[Media:Scout_award05.wav|"(命令的语气) '''看看我!'''"]]
*[[Media:Scout_award05.wav|(命令的口吻)" '''''Look at me!'''''"]]<br>看清楚点来!
Line 477: Line 519:
|image-link = Bonk! Atomic Punch/zh-hans
|image-link = Bonk! Atomic Punch/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_beingshotinvincible02.wav|"Missed me!"]]<br>没打着!
*[[Media:Scout_beingshotinvincible03.wav|"Dat didn't hurt."]]<br>不痛不痒。
*[[Media:Scout_beingshotinvincible05.wav|"Nice try, pal!"]]<br>想得美,哥们!
*[[Media:Scout_beingshotinvincible06.wav|"Oh what's up?"]]<br>哦啥情况?
*[[Media:Scout_beingshotinvincible07.wav|"Didn't hurt."]]<br>不疼。
*[嘲讽地] [[Media:Scout_beingshotinvincible24.wav|"What?!"]]<br>咋回事?!
*[[Media:Scout_beingshotinvincible34.wav|"Nice aim!"]]<br>打得“挺准”!
*[[Media:Scout_invinciblechgunderfire02.wav|"Too slow!"]]<br>太慢了!
*[[Media:Scout_invinciblechgunderfire04.wav|"So close!"]]<br>差点点!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''在{{Item link|Crit-a-Cola}}]效果下开火'''
|title      = '''在{{Item link|Crit-a-Cola}}效果下使用武器攻击'''
|image      = Item icon Crit-a-Cola.png
|image      = Item icon Crit-a-Cola.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Crit-a-Cola/zh-hans
|image-link = Crit-a-Cola/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
''只有在饮用过后大约 1 秒时开火时才会说话。''
''只有在效果激活了大约 1 秒后进行攻击时才会说出。''
*[[Media:Scout_taunts17.wav|"You morons are about to catch a real beatin'."]]<br>你们这些白痴就等着挨一顿痛揍吧。
*[[Media:Scout_award09.wav|"You seein' dis?"]]<br>没看见有这玩意吗?
*[[Media:Scout_goodjob02.wav|"That's what I'm talking about!"]]<br>瞧我说什么来着!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''爆击可乐效果结束'''
|title      = '''{{Item link|Crit-a-Cola}}效果结束'''
|image      = Item icon Crit-a-Cola.png
|image      = Item icon Crit-a-Cola.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Crit-a-Cola/zh-hans
|image-link = Crit-a-Cola/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_invinciblenotready03.wav|"Ah, crap!"]]<br>啊,可恶!
*[[Media:Scout_invinciblenotready06.wav|"Aw, crap."]]<br>噢,可恶!
*[[Media:Scout_invinciblenotready07.wav|"Ah, crap!"]]<br>啊,可恶!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''投掷疯狂的牛奶或者突变牛奶'''
|title      = '''投掷{{Item link|Mad Milk}}或{{Item link|Mutated Milk}}'''
|image      = Item icon Mad Milk.png
|image      = Item icon Mad Milk.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Mad Milk/zh-hans
|image-link = Mad Milk/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_stunballhit13.wav|"Yo, heads up!"]]<br>哟,小心了!
*[[Media:Scout_taunts14.wav|"Hey, wimps!"]]<br>这呢,胆小鬼!
*[[Media:Scout_stunballhittingit02.wav|"Catch dis."]]<br>接招吧。
Line 563: Line 606:
|image-link = Sandman/zh-hans
|image-link = Sandman/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_stunballhit01.wav|"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hit ya... No, wait, yeah, I did."]]<br>噢,对不起,我不是故意要打中你的……不对,等会儿,我是有意的。
*[[Media:Scout_stunballhit02.wav|"Oh, dat's a skull fracture for sure!"]]<br>噢,这下绝对给脑壳干裂开了!
*[[Media:Scout_stunballhit03.wav|"Ohh, I got alla dat one."]]<br>噢噢,这一下我得记好了。
*[[Media:Scout_stunballhit04.wav|"Dere's a dingah for ya!"]]<br>这下是我赏给你的!
*[[Media:Scout_stunballhit07.wav|"Gotta nice piece a dat!"]]<br>这一下真漂亮!
*[[Media:Scout_stunballhit08.wav|"''Nice'' catch, knucklehead!"]]<br>接得“好”,呆瓜!
*[[Media:Scout_stunballhit09.wav|"Good 'ands, buddy!"]]<br>好接啊,兄弟!
*[[Media:Scout_stunballhit10.wav|"Good catch, dummy!"]]<br>接得好啊,笨蛋!
*[[Media:Scout_stunballhit11.wav|"Way to duck!"]]<br>倒是躲啊!
*[[Media:Scout_stunballhit12.wav|"Nice hustle!"]]<br>真拼啊!
*[[Media:Scout_stunballhit13.wav|"Yo, heads up!"]]<br>哟,小心了!
*[[Media:Scout_stunballhit15.wav|"Think fast, chucklenuts!"]]<br>反应快点,呆瓜!
*[[Media:Scout_stunballhit16.wav|"''Real'' smooth, dummy!"]]
*[[Media:Scout_stunballhit16.wav|"''Real'' smooth, dummy!"]]<br>“好”连贯啊,笨蛋!
Line 588: Line 631:
|image-link = Sandman/zh-hans
|image-link = Sandman/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_stunballhittingit01.wav|"Batter up!"]]<br>击球手登场!
*[[Media:Scout_stunballhittingit02.wav|"Catch dis."]]<br>接招吧。
*[[Media:Scout_stunballhittingit04.wav|"Batta ''swing!''"]]<br>击球开始!
*[[Media:Scout_stunballhittingit05.wav|"''Major League!''"]]<br>棒球联盟!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''二段跳'''
|title      = '''使用二段跳'''
|image      = Item icon Scattergun.png
|image      = Item icon Scattergun.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Jumping/zh-hans
|image-link = Jumping/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_apexofjump01.wav|"Hehey, I'm flyin'!"]]<br>嘿嘿,我飞起来了!
*[[Media:Scout_apexofjump02.wav|"Woo hoo hoo!"]]<br>喔呼呼!
*[[Media:Scout_apexofjump03.wav|"Look at you chuckleheads down there!"]]<br>瞧瞧你们这群走地呆瓜!
*[[Media:Scout_apexofjump04.wav|"Hey, I can see my ''base'' from here!"]]<br>嘿,这个高度都能看到我的基地了!
*[[Media:Scout_apexofjump05.wav|"Look at me, Ma!"]]<br>老妈,看见我没!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''三段跳到达最高点'''
|title      = '''使用三段跳到达最高点'''
|image      = Item icon Force-A-Nature.png
|image      = Item icon Force-A-Nature.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Jumping/zh-hans
|image-link = Jumping/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
Line 624: Line 667:
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''捡起[[Intelligence/zh-hans|情报]]'''
|title      = '''捡起[[Capture the Flag/zh-hans#Intelligence|情报]]'''
|image      = Intel red idle.png
|image      = Intel red idle.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Intelligence/zh-hans
|image-link = Capture the Flag/zh-hans#Intelligence
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_specialcompleted05.wav|"Wave goodbye to your secret crap, dumbass!"]]<br>蠢货们,跟你们这个破机密说再见吧!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''成功夺取[[Intelligence/zh-hans|情报]]'''
|title      = '''成功夺取[[Capture the Flag/zh-hans#Intelligence|情报]]'''
|image      = Intel red pickedup.png
|image      = Intel red pickedup.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Intelligence/zh-hans
|image-link = Capture the Flag/zh-hans#Intelligence
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_autocappedintelligence01.wav|"Yeah, it's ours now!"]]<br>好,这下是我们的了!
*[[Media:Scout_autocappedintelligence02.wav|"I'm not even winded."]]<br>我连一口气都没喘呢!
*[[Media:Scout_autocappedintelligence03.wav|"I got it, I got it, I got it!"]]<br>到手了!到手了!到手了!
*[[Media:Scout_generic01.wav|"Is-is anybody even payin' attention to me?"]]<br>有-有谁注意到我了吗?
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''占领[[Control point (objective)/zh-hans|控制点]]'''
|title      = '''成功占领[[Control point (objective)/zh-hans|控制点]]'''
|image      = CP Captured RED.png
|image      = CP Captured RED.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Control point (objective)/zh-hans|控制点
|image-link = Control point (objective)/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_autocappedcontrolpoint01.wav|"Yeah, yeah, yeah!"]]<br>好好好!
*[[Media:Scout_autocappedcontrolpoint03.wav|"I got it, I got it!"]]<br>搞定了!搞定了!
*[[Media:Scout_autocappedcontrolpoint04.wav|"No problem!"]]<br>小意思!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''站在己方[[Control point (objective)/zh-hans|控制点]]上开火'''
|title      = '''站在已占领的[[Control point (objective)/zh-hans|控制点]]上开火'''
|image      = CP Locked RED.png
|image      = CP Locked RED.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Control point (objective)/zh-hans|控制点
|image-link = Control point (objective)/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_standonthepoint01.wav|"Stand on the freakin' point, you moron!"]]<br>站到这破控制点上来,你这白痴!
*[[Media:Scout_standonthepoint03.wav|"Get on the freakin' point, dumbass!"]]<br>蠢货,过来这破控制点上!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''占领控制点时开火'''
|title      = '''站在可占领的[[Control point (objective)/zh-hans|控制点]]上开火'''
|image      = CP Neutral.png
|image      = CP Neutral.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Control point (objective)/zh-hans|控制点
|image-link = Control point (objective)/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_fightoncap01.wav|"Hey, get on the cap, guys!"]]<br>嘿,过来占点,伙计们!
*[[Media:Scout_fightoncap02.wav|"Stand on the freakin' cap!"]]<br>到这来占这破点!
*[[Media:Scout_fightoncap03.wav|"Let's get on the cap, fellas!"]]<br>兄弟们,一起来占点!
*[[Media:Scout_fightoncap04.wav|"Get on the cap, ya dopes!"]]<br>过来占点,你个笨蛋!
Line 689: Line 732:
|image-link = Defense/zh-hans
|image-link = Defense/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_niceshot03.wav|"Way to go, slugger!"]]<br>强击手,好样的!
*[[Media:Scout_cheers06.wav|"Oh yeah!"]]<br>哦耶!
*[[Media:Scout_taunts02.wav|"Ooooh yeah, you're real ''scary''!"]]<br>喔喔喔耶,你真的好吓人喔!
*[[Media:Scout_taunts09.wav|"Hey, lotta' good that gun didya!"]]<br>嘿,你那枪不是还挺好用的吗!
*[[Media:Scout_taunts18.wav|"Oh hey! You ''suck''."]]<br>噢嘿!你个废物!
*[[Media:Scout_autocappedintelligence01.wav|"Yeah, it's ours now!"]]<br>好,这下是我们的了!
*[[Media:Scout_specialcompleted-assistedkill02.wav|"We got 'em, we got 'em!"]]<br>拿下了,咱们拿下了!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''进攻方:炸弹车前进'''
|title      = '''进攻方:战车前进'''
|image      = BLU Bombcart.png
|image      = BLU Bombcart.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Payload/zh-hans
|image-link = Payload/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_cartmovingforwardoffense02.wav|"''Mush'', you lazy bums!"]]<br>上啊,一群懒鬼!
*[[Media:Scout_cartmovingforwardoffense03.wav|"Keep pushin' it!"]]<br>接着推下去!
*[[Media:Scout_cartmovingforwardoffense04.wav|"Yeah, yeah, ''yeah!''"]]<br>好,好,好!
*[[Media:Scout_cartmovingforwardoffense05.wav|"Keep it movin', guys!"]]<br>伙计们,继续前进!
*[[Media:Scout_cartmovingforwardoffense06.wav|"Go, go, go!"]]<br>上,上,上!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''进攻方:炸弹车后退'''
|title      = '''进攻方:战车后退'''
|image      = BLU Bombcart.png
|image      = BLU Bombcart.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Payload/zh-hans
|image-link = Payload/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_cartgoingbackoffense01.wav|"Dat ain't da right way, guys!"]]<br>伙计们,这方向可不对啊!
*[[Media:Scout_cartgoingbackoffense02.wav|"What da hell's goin' on?"]]<br>怎么回事?
*[[Media:Scout_cartgoingbackoffense03.wav|"Aw, cripes, da cart!"]]<br>啊,我去,谁看的车!
*[[Media:Scout_cartgoingbackoffense04.wav|"Is someone gonna push da freakin' cart?"]]<br>
*[[Media:Scout_cartgoingbackoffense05.wav|"Da cart's movin' backwards!"]]<br>那战车往回跑了!
*[[Media:Scout_cartgoingbackoffense06.wav|"Aw, jeez, da cart!"]]<br>啊,我操,谁看的车!
*[[Media:Scout_cartgoingbackoffense07.wav|"No, no, ''no!'' The cart!"]]<br>别别别!看好车!
*[[Media:Scout_cartgoingbackoffense08.wav|"Anyone else pushing dis thing?"]]<br>有谁能来推这玩意儿吗?
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''防守方:炸弹车前进'''
|title      = '''防守方:战车前进'''
|image      = RED Bombcart.png
|image      = RED Bombcart.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Payload/zh-hans
|image-link = Payload/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_cartmovingforwarddefense01.wav|"We gotta stop dat thing!"]]<br>我们得拦住那玩意儿!
*[[Media:Scout_cartmovingforwarddefense02.wav|"Aw, jeez guys, we gotta stop it!"]]<br>我靠,伙计们,咱们得拦住它!
*[[Media:Scout_cartmovingforwarddefense03.wav|"What the hell is everyone doin'?!"]]<br>一个个的都在搞什么?!
*[[Media:Scout_cartmovingforwarddefense04.wav|"Push da freakin' cart!"]]<br>快去推那破车!
*[[Media:Scout_cartmovingforwarddefense05.wav|"Keep dat cart movin'!"]]<br>别给那战车停下来!
*[[Media:Scout_cartmovingforwarddefense06.wav|"C'mon, move da cart!"]]<br>快点,去推车!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''防守方:炸弹车后退'''
|title      = '''防守方:战车后退'''
|image      = RED Bombcart.png
|image      = RED Bombcart.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Payload/zh-hans
|image-link = Payload/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_cartgoingbackdefense01.wav|"Return to freakin' sender!"]]<br>回老家去吧!
*[[Media:Scout_cartgoingbackdefense02.wav|"All right, ''all right!''"]]<br>好极了,好极了!
*[[Media:Scout_cartgoingbackdefense03.wav|"Hey now we're doin' it, now we're doin' it!"]]<br>嘿,就是这样,就是这样!
*[[Media:Scout_cartgoingbackdefense04.wav|"Yeah, yeah, yeah!"]]<br>好,好,好!
*[[Media:Scout_cartgoingbackdefense05.wav|"What, ya guys give up?"]]<br>啥,你们这就认输了?
*[[Media:Scout_cartgoingbackdefense06.wav|"Yo, it should be goin' dat way!"]]<br>哟,这方向才对嘛!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''进攻方:站在炸弹车附近'''
|title      = '''进攻方:靠近战车'''
|image      = Hoodoo Bombcart.png
|image      = Hoodoo Bombcart.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Payload/zh-hans
|image-link = Payload/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_cartstaycloseoffense01.wav|"Stay by the cart, fellas!"]]<br>兄弟们,待在车旁边!
*[[Media:Scout_cartstaycloseoffense02.wav|"Get over here!"]]<br>过来这边!
*[[Media:Scout_cartstaycloseoffense03.wav|"Stay close, guys!"]]<br>伙计们,靠过来!
*[[Media:Scout_cartstaycloseoffense04.wav|"Let's all push this thing!"]]<br>过来一起推这玩意儿!
*[[Media:Scout_cartstaycloseoffense05.wav|"We pushin' this thing or what?"]]<br>不推车那我们还能干嘛?
*[[Media:Scout_cartstaycloseoffense06.wav|"Li'l help pushin' the cart?"]]<br>谁帮帮忙过来推个车?
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''进攻方:炸弹车停止前进'''
|title      = '''进攻方:战车停止移动'''
|image      = Hoodoo Bombcart.png
|image      = Hoodoo Bombcart.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Payload/zh-hans
|image-link = Payload/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_cartstoppedoffense01.wav|"The freakin' cart stopped!"]]<br>那破车不动了!
*[[Media:Scout_cartstoppedoffense02.wav|"What da hell, who stopped pushin' the cart?!"]]<br>怎么回事,哪个家伙没在推车?!
*[[Media:Scout_cartstoppedoffense03.wav|"Push it, push it, push it!"]]<br>快推,快推,快推!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''防守方:阻止炸弹车前进'''
|title      = '''防守方:阻挡战车'''
|image      = Lil-chewchew.png
|image      = Lil-chewchew.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Payload/zh-hans
|image-link = Payload/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_cartstopitdefense01.wav|"Ey, we gotta stop it!"]]<br>欸,我们得拦住它!
*[[Media:Scout_cartstopitdefense02.wav|"Gotta stop da cart!"]]<br>赶紧拦住那战车!
*[[Media:Scout_cartstopitdefense03.wav|"Let's stop dat freakin' thing!"]]<br>一起拦下那破玩意儿!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
Line 810: Line 852:
|image-link =  
|image-link =  
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_quest_complete_easy_01.mp3|"Hey, I was just gettin' started!"]]<br>嘿,我才刚热身呢!
*[[Media:Scout_quest_complete_easy_02.mp3|"Oh, we done already?"]]<br>噢,我们办完了?
*[[Media:Scout_quest_complete_easy_03.mp3|"''Dat'' is how you do it!"]]<br>这才像回事嘛!
*[[Media:Scout_quest_complete_easy_04.mp3|"We make it look easy!"]]<br>对咱们来说轻轻松松!
*[[Media:Scout_quest_complete_easy_05.mp3|"Yeah, boom! Dat's right!"]]<br>耶,搞定!没毛病!
*[[Media:Scout_quest_complete_hard_02.mp3|"Yeah! We did it!"]]<br>好耶!完成了!
*[[Media:Scout_quest_complete_hard_03.mp3|"Man, we ''destroyed'' dat freakin' objective!"]]<br>老兄,我们完美扫荡了整个目标!
*[[Media:Scout_quest_complete_hard_06.mp3|""Ho, ho, ho,太好了!我们终于搞定那玩意了?"]]
*[[Media:Scout_quest_complete_hard_05.mp3|"Crap, we did it!"]]<br>我去,完成了!
*[[Media:Scout_quest_complete_hard_09.mp3|"Woo hoo, hoo, hoo!"]]
*[[Media:Scout_quest_complete_hard_06.mp3|"Ho, ho, ho, nice! We finally get dat done?"]]<br>吼吼吼,棒极了!我们总算是完成了?
*[[Media:Scout_quest_complete_hard_09.mp3|"Woo hoo, hoo, hoo!"]]<br>喔吼吼吼!
==  [[Competitive Mode/zh-hans|竞技模式]]回应 ==
==  [[Competitive Mode/zh-hans|竞技]]-相关回应 ==
=== 准备阶段 ===
=== Setup ===
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''First round'''
|title      = '''第一回合'''
|image      = Setup.png
|image      = Setup.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Setup/zh-hans
|image-link = Setup time/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
'''Casual Mode'''
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_01.mp3|"Come on, Bat. Let's go introduce you to some skulls."]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_01.mp3|"Come on, {{botignore|bat}}. Let's go introduce you to some skulls."]]<br>好了,小球棒。我来带你认认几个新脑壳。
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_02.mp3|"Let's do dis."]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_02.mp3|"Let's do dis."]]<br>我们上。
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_03.mp3|"Let's go whack some chuckleheads."]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_03.mp3|"Let's go whack some chuckleheads."]]<br>我们来暴揍那群呆瓜!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_04.mp3|"Let's win dis freakin' thing!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_04.mp3|"Let's win dis freakin' thing!"]]<br>我们来干翻全场!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_05.mp3|"Let's win dis game!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_05.mp3|"Let's win dis game!"]]<br>一起拿下这场比赛吧!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_06.mp3|"I feel like winnin'!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_06.mp3|"I feel like winnin'!"]]<br>我看赢定了!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_07.mp3|"Come on, guys! Let's win dis!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_07.mp3|"Come on, guys! Let's win dis!"]]<br>来吧,伙计们!赢下这场比赛!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_08.mp3|"Am I the only one here who wants to win?"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_08.mp3|"Am I the only one here who wants to win?"]]<br>这里就我一个人想赢吗?
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_09.mp3|"Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah! Let's go!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_09.mp3|"Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah! Let's go!"]]<br>耶。好好好!我们上!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_10.mp3|"Boom! Let's get a win here!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_10.mp3|"Boom! Let's get a win here!"]]<br>一起赢下这局!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_11.mp3|"Who here likes winnin'? I do!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_11.mp3|"Who here likes winnin'? I do!"]]<br>有谁想赢吗?我第一个!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_12.mp3|"Okay, raise your hand if you like winnin'! My hand's up."]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_12.mp3|"Okay, raise your hand if you like winnin'! My hand's up."]]<br>好了,想赢的举手!我先举。
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_13.mp3|"Come on, guys! This one counts. Let's win dis!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_13.mp3|"Come on, guys! This one counts. Let's win dis!"]]<br>来吧,伙计们!这把算话。一起赢下来!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_14.mp3|"Yeah, welcome to the winnin' team!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_14.mp3|"Yeah, welcome to the winnin' team!"]]<br>好耶,必胜队欢迎你!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_15.mp3|"Everybody got dere fancy hats? Let's go!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_15.mp3|"Everybody got dere fancy hats? Let's go!"]]<br>大伙儿的花帽子都戴好没?该上场了!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_16.mp3|"What, you forget your hat? What're we waitin' for here?"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_16.mp3|"What, you forget your hat? What're we waitin' for here?"]]<br>啥,你帽子忘带了?那我们还在这等什么?
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_17.mp3|"We waitin' for permission here or what? Come on, let's do dis!."]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_17.mp3|"We waitin' for permission here or what? Come on, let's do dis!."]]<br>我们在这里是等批准还是干什么?快点,该上场了!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_18.mp3|"Yeah, I'm ready!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_18.mp3|"Yeah, I'm ready!"]]<br>好,我准备好了!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_rare_01.mp3|"I gotta bucket of chicken and I'm here to kick ass! And I'm all outta chicken...so I lied about the chicken."]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_rare_02.mp3|"Raise your hand if you like winnin'! Okay, I count one, two, three...yeah dat...Alright, good!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_rare_03.mp3|"Yeah, I'm ready! No wait, hold on. I gotta pee."]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_rare_04.mp3|"Let's win already! I don't got time for dis! I've got a date! A real one! Don't look into it."]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_rare_05.mp3|"Here's the plan, Bat. I'll run around fast, being da best and you be in my hand and bash heads! Got it?"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_rare_06.mp3|"I'm so fast I got my feet insured...with a bank! Well, it's just a guy who works in a store next door to a bank. Well, let's go!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_rare_07.mp3|"I'm so fast I got my feet bronzed! And now I'm not as fast."]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_rare_08.mp3|"I'm so fast I got my feet bronzed! Never, ever do dat...so painful!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_rare_09.mp3|"I'm so fast I got my feet bronzed! Never, ever do dat, it is so painful...dear God!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_rare_10.mp3|"Hey, I'll just say it. Everyone else here is too scared to say it, but I'll just say what everyone's thinkin'!  We're all best friends. We are all dear, ''dear'' friends! Birthday party at my place this weekend, by the way. Nobody showed up ''last weekend'' so I figured, now no big whoop, I'll just have it again."]]
'''Competitive Mode'''
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_comp_01.mp3|"I love this game!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_rare_01.mp3|"I gotta bucket of chicken and I'm here to kick ass! And I'm all outta chicken...so I lied about the chicken."]]<br>炸鸡在手,随时暴走!但我炸鸡吃完了……所以那段算我胡扯了。
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_comp_02.mp3|"Let's get a win, guys! I wanna rank up here!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_rare_02.mp3|"Raise your hand if you like winnin'! Okay, I count one, two, three... Yeah dat... Alright, good!"]]<br>想赢的举手!好,我数一、二、三……很好……好了,棒极了!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_comp_03.mp3|"I am so ready for some meatshots!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_rare_03.mp3|"Yeah, I'm ready! No wait, hold on. I gotta pee."]]<br>好,我准备好了!不对,等等,我尿个尿先。
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_comp_04.mp3|"Meatshots! Freakin' meatshots!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_rare_04.mp3|"Let's win already! I don't got time for dis! I've got a date! A real one! Don't look into it."]]<br>赶紧打赢收工!我赶时间!我要去约会!是真的!没必要查。
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_comp_05.mp3|"Ok, which way we flankin'?"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_rare_05.mp3|"Here's the plan, {{botignore|bat}}. I'll run around fast, being da best, and you be in my hand and bash heads! Got it?"]]<br>小球棒,计划是这样的。我尽全力到处跑,然后你就在我的手上到处敲!明白了吗?
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_comp_06.mp3|"Take da flank, get da rank!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_rare_06.mp3|"I'm so fast I got my feet insured... With a bank! Well, it's just a guy who works in a store next door to a bank. Well, let's go!"]]<br>我跑的超快,我还给我的脚投了保……找的银行!算了,找的只是银行隔壁铺子里干活的哥们而已。管他呢,我们上!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_comp_07.mp3|"So who's takin' flank?"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_rare_07.mp3|"I'm so fast I got my feet bronzed! And now I'm not as fast."]]<br>我跑的超快,我脚都晒成古铜色了!所以现在反倒没那么快了。
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_comp_08.mp3|"Which one of us is takin' flank?"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_rare_08.mp3|"I'm so fast I got my feet bronzed! Never, ever do dat... So painful!"]]<br>我跑的超快,我脚都晒成古铜色了!所以绝对不要这么干……疼死我了!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_comp_09.mp3|"Am I flankin'?"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_rare_09.mp3|"I'm so fast I got my feet bronzed! Never, ever do dat, it is so painful... Dear God!"]]<br>我跑的超快,我脚都晒成古铜色了!所以绝对不要这么干,这太疼了……我操了!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_comp_10.mp3|"We shoulda discussed this beforehand! Am I flankin'?"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_rare_10.mp3|"Hey, I'll say it. Everybody else here is too scared to say it, but I'll just say what everybody's thinkin'! We're all best friends. We are all dear, ''dear'' friends! Birthday party at my place this weekend, by the way. Nobody showed up ''last weekend'' so I figured, now no big whoop, I'd just have it again."]]<br>嘿,既然大伙儿都不好意思说,那我就直说了,当然我说的都是大伙儿心里想的!我们是最好的朋友。我们都是最亲、最爱的朋友!顺便提一嘴,这周末我家有个生日派对,虽然上周的派对上好像没人露面,但现在我看也没什么大不了,我们再办一次就好了。
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_comp_11.mp3|"I'll see you slowpokes at Mid!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_comp_12.mp3|"Last one to Mid is not me!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_comp_13.mp3|"Party at Mid when we take da point!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_comp_14.mp3|"Look up 'utility' in da dictionary. Know what it means? Means you can do freakin' everything!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_comp_15.mp3|"We ain't scrimmin' here!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_comp_16.mp3|"What, you think that this is a scrim? I got news for you, it's not!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_comp_17.mp3|"Yeah! Comp stuff!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_comp_18.mp3|"Man, I saw those guys in the way in. This does ''not'' seem competitive!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_comp_19.mp3|"I spec'd these guys earlier. They looked terrible."]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_comp_20.mp3|"I spec'd these guys earlier. They were all over the place. Frankly, I'm not impressed."]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_comp_21.mp3|"Just a scrim. Just a scrim! No biggie!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_comp_rare_01.mp3|"I spec'd these guys earlier. They look ugly. I didn't want to say it, but they do. Their hats are terrible, their faces aren't very good or attractive..."]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_comp_rare_02.mp3|"It's just a scrim, no big deal! Nobody's countin' points. We're just, we're just foolin' around here! Gettin' a little goofy..."]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_comp_rare_03.mp3|"Are you guys ready to scrim? I'm ready to scrim! This is, this ''is'' just a scrim, right?"]]
'''6s only'''
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_6s_01.mp3|"Ok Bat, it's all on us now. Technically, there's five other guys, but I can't hit people on the head with them. So, it's you and me Bashy."]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_comp_01.mp3|"I love this game!"]]<br>我爱死这比赛了!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_6s_02.mp3|"Yeah, hah hah! 6s stuff!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_comp_02.mp3|"Let's get a win, guys! I wanna rank up here!"]]<br>伙计们,一起拿下这场比赛!我想这会儿就能升级了!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_6s_03.mp3|"Just six guys alone in the desert tryin' to kill each other. Happens all the time. I don't know where you grew up, but dis is pretty normal around here. In the desert."]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_comp_03.mp3|"I am so ready for some meatshots!"]]<br>我等不及要打一枪满喷了!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_6s_04.mp3|"Dey got six of dem ding-dongs over there, huh."]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_comp_04.mp3|"Meatshots! Freakin' meatshots!"]]<br>满喷!一枪满喷!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_6s_05.mp3|"Looks like six more notches for my lucky skull-bat!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_comp_05.mp3|"Ok, which way we flankin'?"]]<br>好,咱们挑哪条侧翼打呢?
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_comp_06.mp3|"Take da flank, get da rank!"]]<br>侧翼偷袭,排名飞起!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_6s_rare_01.mp3|"Go team, everybody! Six trained killers, am I right? Best of da best! And ''best'' friends. We don't say it a lot, or at all, but we're all feelin' it here. In our hearts, you know? The frien-the friendship."]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_comp_07.mp3|"So who's takin' flank?"]]<br>所以谁来管侧翼?
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_comp_08.mp3|"Which one of us is takin' flank?"]]<br>咱们这谁打侧翼?
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_comp_09.mp3|"Am I flankin'?"]]<br>我来打侧翼?
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_comp_10.mp3|"We shoulda discussed this beforehand! Am I flankin'?"]]<br>我们先提前讨论一下!我来打侧翼吗?
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_comp_11.mp3|"I'll see you slowpokes at Mid!"]]<br>我们在中点的消耗战上见!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_comp_12.mp3|"Last one to Mid is not me!"]]<br>最后到中点的绝对没我!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_comp_13.mp3|"Party at Mid when we take da point!"]]<br>中点拿下来的话咱们就直接在那开趴!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_comp_14.mp3|"Look up 'utility' in da dictionary. Know what it means? Means you can do freakin' everything!"]]<br>去字典查查“utility”。知道啥意思不?意思是你干啥啥都行!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_comp_15.mp3|"We ain't scrimmin' here!"]]<br>我们可没在热身!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_comp_16.mp3|"What, you think that this is a scrim? I got news for you, it's not!"]]<br>啥,你说这是热身赛?我告诉你个消息,这不是!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_comp_17.mp3|"Yeah! Comp stuff!"]]<br>好耶!竞技赛!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_comp_18.mp3|"Man, I saw those guys in the way in. This does ''not'' seem competitive!"]]<br>老兄,我看那些家伙拦着路就来了。这哪有个竞技比赛的样!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_comp_19.mp3|"I spec'd these guys earlier. They looked terrible."]]<br>我之前旁观过那几个家伙。打得太臭了。
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_comp_20.mp3|"I spec'd these guys earlier. They were all over the place. Frankly, I'm not impressed."]]<br>我之前旁观过那几个家伙。他们打得乱七八糟的。不尬黑,我觉得没啥意思。
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_comp_21.mp3|"Just a scrim. Just a scrim! No biggie!"]]<br>就是场热身,热身而已!多大点事!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_comp_rare_01.mp3|"I spec'd these guys earlier. They look ugly. I didn't want to say it, but they do. Their hats are terrible, their faces aren't very good or attractive..."]]<br>我之前旁观过那几个家伙。他们实在太丑了。我不想说太难听,但事情就是这样。他们的帽子很丑,脸也不好看或者讨人喜欢……
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_comp_rare_02.mp3|"It's just a scrim, no big deal! Nobody's countin' points. We're just, we're just foolin' around here! Gettin' a little goofy..."]]<br>热身而已,多大点事!没人会计分。我们只用-我们就到处乱逛行了!装作不会打的样子……
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_comp_rare_03.mp3|"Are you guys ready to scrim? I'm ready to scrim! This is, this ''is'' just a scrim, right?"]]<br>你们准备好打热身赛了吗?我是准备好了!这把-这把真的只是热身赛而已,没错吧?
'''仅限 6s 比赛'''
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_6s_01.mp3|"Ok, {{botignore|bat}}, it's all on us now. Technically, there's five other guys, but I can't hit people on the head with them. So, it's you and me Bashy."]]<br>好了,小球棒,就靠咱们了。严格来说,还有另外五个人,但是我没法用他们来敲爆敌人的头。所以,就靠你和我了,阿棒。
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_6s_02.mp3|"Yeah, hah hah! 6s stuff!"]]<br>耶嘿嘿!六人赛!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_6s_03.mp3|"Just six guys alone in the desert tryin' to kill each other. Happens all the time. I don't know where you grew up, but dis is pretty normal around here. In the desert."]]<br>就六个人独自在沙漠里互相要对方的命。这都是常有的事。我不知道你是哪里人,但这事在这鬼地方沙漠是很正常的。
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_6s_04.mp3|"Dey got six of dem ding-dongs over there, huh."]]<br>他们那六个家伙是要“咚咚锵”在这儿了,是吧。
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_6s_05.mp3|"Looks like six more notches for my lucky skull-bat!"]]<br>看来我这好运脑壳棍又得多砸六个凹痕出来了!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamefirst_6s_rare_01.mp3|"Go team, everybody! Six trained killers, am I right? Best of da best! And ''best'' friends. We don't say it a lot, or at all, but we're all feelin' it here. In our hearts, you know? The frien-the friendship."]]<br>大家加油!六名训练有素的杀手,我没说错吧?精英中的精英!还有最亲密的朋友。我们没怎么说过话,或者压根就没说,但我们都是这么觉得的。就在我们的心里,对吧?就是友-友谊。
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''Previous round was a win'''
|title      = '''上一回合获胜'''
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|image      = Setup.png
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|image-link = Setup/zh-hans
|image-link = Setup time/zh-hans
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*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamewonlast_01.mp3|"I am in da zone!"]]<br>我手感上来了!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamewonlast_02.mp3|"Yeah, we're doing pretty good!"]]<br>好,我们表现得很不错!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamewonlast_03.mp3|"I love winnin'! Love it!"]]<br>我就爱获胜!超爱!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamewonlast_04.mp3|"Yeah, dis is how winners run!"]]<br>耶,这就是赢家的表现!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamewonlast_05.mp3|"Wanna see a winner run a circle around you!"]]<br>好好看着赢家远超你吧!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamewonlast_06.mp3|"We are gonna ''own'' this!"]]<br>我们必将主宰赛场!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamewonlast_07.mp3|"Man, it is ''unfair'' how good I am!"]]<br>老兄,我厉害地简直不公平!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamewonlast_08.mp3|"There is no way we're gonna lose now!"]]<br>现在我们想输都输不了!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamewonlast_09.mp3|"We're on a winnin' streak!"]]<br>我们就要连胜了!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamewonlast_10.mp3|"We're runnin' ''circles'' around those guys!"]]<br>我们已经远远超过那群家伙了!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamewonlast_11.mp3|"Guys, I'm right here! Of course, we're gonna win!"]]<br>伙计们,我只要在这,我们就肯定能赢!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamewonlast_12.mp3|"Watch a winner in action, pal! Wup, too fast. Just a blur. Maybe next time."]]<br>哥们,瞧瞧赢家的身影吧!咻,太快了,快得只有残影。下次再看咯。
'''Casual Mode'''
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamewonlast_01.mp3|"I am in da zone!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamewonlast_rare_01.mp3|"Spoilers: But, uh, we're gonna win this."]]<br>剧透提醒:但,呃,我们这把赢定了。
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamewonlast_02.mp3|"Yeah, we're doing pretty good!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamewonlast_rare_02.mp3|"Hey! Other team! See dis butt! Eat it! Eat my butt! Ha ha ha! Yeah!"]]<br>嘿,另一队的!看这屁股!去吃它!吃我屁去吧!哈哈哈!爽!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamewonlast_03.mp3|"I love winnin'! Love it!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamewonlast_rare_03.mp3|"Hey! Other team! We all got together and we got you a little somethin'. It's an ass-beatin'! We're gonna come over there and give it to you right now!"]]<br>嘿,另一队的!我们聚一块来给你们准备了些东西。那就是屁股挨打!我们马上就给你送过去!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamewonlast_04.mp3|"Yeah, dis is how winners run!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamewonlast_rare_04.mp3|"I have this disorder that makes it physically impossible for me to lose! It also makes me irresistible to ladies. Like all ladies. Everywhere."]]<br>我有一种病,这病能让我生理上就不可能失败!这病也让美女们完全无法抗拒我。就世界各地,各种美女。
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamewonlast_05.mp3|"Wanna see a winner run a circle around you!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamewonlast_06.mp3|"We are gonna ''own'' this!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamewonlast_07.mp3|"Man, it is ''unfair'' how good I am!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamewonlast_08.mp3|"There is no way we're gonna lose now!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamewonlast_09.mp3|"We're on a winnin' streak!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamewonlast_10.mp3|"We're runnin' ''circles'' around those guys!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamewonlast_11.mp3|"Guys, I'm right here! Of course, we're gonna win!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamewonlast_12.mp3|"Watch a winner in action, pal! Wup, too fast. Just a blur. Maybe next time."]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamewonlast_rare_01.mp3|"Spoilers: but, uh, we're gonna win this."]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamewonlast_rare_02.mp3|"Hey! Other team! See dis butt! Eat it! Eat my butt! Ha ha ha! Yeah!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamewonlast_rare_03.mp3|"Hey! Other team! We all got together and we got you a little somethin'. It's an ass-beatin'! We're gonna come over there and give it to you right now!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamewonlast_rare_04.mp3|"I have this disorder that makes it physically impossible for me to lose! It also makes me irresistible to ladies. Like all ladies. Everywhere."]]
'''Competitive Mode'''
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamewonlast_comp_rare_01.mp3|"Hey! Hey, other team! How'd that taste! Like crap? Yeah, 'cause I fed you crap!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamewonlast_comp_rare_01.mp3|"Hey! Hey, other team! How'd that taste? Like crap? Yeah, 'cause I fed you crap!"]]<br>嘿!嘿,另一队的!感觉如何?很吃屎?没错,因为那都是我喂给你们的!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamewonlast_comp_rare_02.mp3|"Hey! Hey, other team! Time out! I got something real important to tell you! You suck! Ha ha ha! Yeah, yeah take that, other team!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamewonlast_comp_rare_02.mp3|"Hey! Hey, other team! Time out! I got something real important to tell you! You suck! Ha ha ha! Yeah, yeah take that, other team!"]]<br>嘿!嘿,另一队的!暂停!我有件非常重要的事情要告诉你!你们真垃圾!哈哈哈!爽,这招咋样,另一队的!
'''6s only'''
'''仅限 6s 比赛'''
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamewonlast_6s_01.mp3|"At this rate, they're gonna need ''way'' more than six guys!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamewonlast_6s_01.mp3|"At this rate, they're gonna need ''way'' more than six guys!"]]<br>照这么下去,六个人可完全不够他们用呢!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamewonlast_6s_02.mp3|"What do they got? Six guys? Eh, that's not enough."]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamewonlast_6s_02.mp3|"What do they got? Six guys? Eh, that's not enough."]]<br>他们有啥?六个人?呃,那还不够呢。
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''Previous round was a loss'''
|title      = '''上一回合失败'''
|image      = Setup.png
|image      = Setup.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Setup/zh-hans
|image-link = Setup time/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamelostlast_01.mp3|"Man, losing is stupid!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamelostlast_01.mp3|"Man, losing is stupid!"]]<br>老兄,傻子才输!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamelostlast_02.mp3|"Nobody saw us lose that one, right?"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamelostlast_02.mp3|"Nobody saw us lose that one, right?"]]<br>没谁看到我们输了那一把,对吧?
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamelostlast_03.mp3|"Last one didn't count! Just a warmup!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamelostlast_03.mp3|"Last one didn't count! Just a warmup!"]]<br>上一把不算数!就热个身而已!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamelostlast_04.mp3|"Alright, we tried losin', and it sucks. Let's go back to winnin'!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamelostlast_04.mp3|"Alright, we tried losin', and it sucks. Let's go back to winnin'!"]]<br>好了,我们都见识过失败了,而且糟糕透了。所以我们说回赢的事吧!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamelostlast_05.mp3|"Come from behind victory! Cinderella story, startin' now!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamelostlast_05.mp3|"Come from behind victory! Cinderella story, startin' now!"]]<br>胜利都是后来居上!灰姑娘故事,现在开始!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamelostlast_06.mp3|"Come on guys, we're the underdogs here! Let's get this done!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamelostlast_06.mp3|"Come on guys, we're the underdogs here! Let's get this done!"]]<br>加油伙计们,这下到我们成输家了!该做了断了!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamelostlast_07.mp3|"Ok, they got lucky once! ''Nobody'' gets lucky twice, though. It's impossible."]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamelostlast_07.mp3|"Ok, they got lucky once! ''Nobody'' gets lucky twice, though. It's impossible."]]<br>好吧,他们可以走一次运!但没人会一直走运,没道理的。
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamelostlast_rare_01.mp3|"We're turning this ship around! The ''SS We're Done Sucking'' is about to launch! Dis is your captain speaking! Buckle your seatbelts 'cause this boat is going like freakin' Mach 12!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamelostlast_rare_02.mp3|"Guys, don't make me win this myself! Let's ''all'' try this time! Do it for Scout!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamelostlast_rare_01.mp3|"We're turning this ship around! The ''SS We're Done Sucking'' is about to launch! Dis is your captain speaking! Buckle your seatbelts 'cause this boat is going like freakin' Mach 12!"]]<br>我们正在调转船头!“我们不再垃圾导弹”即将发射!我是你们的船长!赶紧系好安全带,因为这艘船的速度马上将要飙升到 12 马赫!”
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamelostlast_rare_03.mp3|"Ok guys, bad news: we lost that last one. Good news: you still got me."]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamelostlast_rare_02.mp3|"Guys, don't make me win this myself! Let's ''all'' try this time! Do it for Scout!"]]<br>伙计们,别老靠我一个人来赢!这次我们大家都出把力!给侦察兵个面子!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregamelostlast_rare_03.mp3|"Ok, guys, bad news: We lost that last one. Good news: You still got me."]]<br>好了,伙计们,坏消息是:上一把我们输了。但好消息是:你们还有我在这。
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''Previous round was a tie'''
|title      = '''上一回合平局'''
|image      = Setup.png
|image      = Setup.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Setup/zh-hans
|image-link = Setup time/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregametie_01.mp3|"Ties are stupid!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregametie_01.mp3|"Ties are stupid!"]]<br>傻子才平局!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregametie_02.mp3|"Ties are da worst!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregametie_02.mp3|"Ties are da worst!"]]<br>平局才是最烂的!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregametie_03.mp3|"Let's break this tie already"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregametie_03.mp3|"Let's break this tie already!"]]<br>我们来打破这场平局!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregametie_04.mp3|"Oh I am done being tied!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregametie_04.mp3|"Oh I am done being tied!"]]<br>哦,我真是受够平局了!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregametie_05.mp3|"Let's get to winnin' already!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregametie_05.mp3|"Let's get to winnin' already!"]]<br>我们再来赢一把!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregametie_06.mp3|"Ah, I hate ties! Let's break it already!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregametie_06.mp3|"Ah, I hate ties! Let's break it already!"]]<br>啊,我讨厌平局!我们来打破它!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregametie_07.mp3|"We are gonna break this thing, now!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_pregametie_07.mp3|"We are gonna break this thing, now!"]]<br>我们得打破这局势,立刻马上!
=== Outcomes ===
=== 比赛结果 ===
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''Match win'''
|title      = '''对战胜利'''
|image      =  
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|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =  
|image-link =  
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|content    =  
*[[Media:Cm_scout_matchwon_02.mp3|"Aw, we done already?"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_matchwon_02.mp3|"Aw, we done already?"]]<br>啊,我们打完了?
*[[Media:Cm_scout_matchwon_03.mp3|"Crap, we did it!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_matchwon_03.mp3|"Crap, we did it!"]]<br>我去,我们赢了!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_matchwon_04.mp3|"Oh man, we're da best!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_matchwon_04.mp3|"Oh man, we're da best!"]]<br>噢老兄,我们是最强的!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_matchwon_05.mp3|"And...that's a match!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_matchwon_05.mp3|"And...that's a match!"]]<br>这……才叫比赛!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_matchwon_06.mp3|"We took da match, guys!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_matchwon_06.mp3|"We took da match, guys!"]]<br>我们拿下了比赛,伙计们!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_matchwon_07.mp3|"Wuh hoo hoo hoo! Dat's a match!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_matchwon_07.mp3|"Wuh hoo hoo hoo! Dat's a match!"]]<br>喔吼吼吼!这才叫比赛!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_matchwon_08.mp3|"Just winnin' another match. No big whoop."]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_matchwon_08.mp3|"Just winnin' another match. No big whoop."]]<br>不过是又赢了一场比赛而已。不用惊讶。
*[[Media:Cm_scout_matchwon_09.mp3|"I don't know how to lose. I tried it once. It didn't work."]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_matchwon_09.mp3|"I don't know how to lose. I tried it once. It didn't work."]]<br>我都不知道怎么输。我试过一次。但没有用。
*[[Media:Cm_scout_matchwon_10.mp3|"''Dat'' is how you win a match!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_matchwon_10.mp3|"''Dat'' is how you win a match!"]]<br>这才算得上赢下比赛!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''Game win'''
|title      = '''游戏胜利'''
|image      =  
|image      =  
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =  
|image-link =  
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Cm_scout_gamewon_01.mp3|"Yeah dat's right!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_gamewon_01.mp3|"Yeah, dat's right!"]]<br>耶,这就对了!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_gamewon_02.mp3|"Dat is how you do it!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_gamewon_02.mp3|"Dat is how you do it!"]]<br>这才像回事嘛!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_gamewon_03.mp3|"Not too shabby!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_gamewon_03.mp3|"Not too shabby!"]]<br>还不赖!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_gamewon_04.mp3|"We make it look easy!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_gamewon_04.mp3|"We make it look easy!"]]<br>对咱们来说轻轻松松!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_gamewon_05.mp3|"Yeah, boom! Dat's right!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_gamewon_05.mp3|"Yeah, boom! Dat's right!"]]<br>耶,搞定!没毛病!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_gamewon_06.mp3|"I could get used to dis!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_gamewon_06.mp3|"I could get used to dis!"]]<br>这我迟早得习惯!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_gamewon_07.mp3|"Hey, I was just gettin' started!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_gamewon_07.mp3|"Hey, I was just gettin' started!"]]<br>嘿,我才刚热身呢!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_gamewon_08.mp3|"Dat is how you win a game!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_gamewon_08.mp3|"Dat is how you win a game!"]]<br>这才算得上赢下比赛!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_gamewon_09.mp3|"Dat's how you win, pal!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_gamewon_09.mp3|"Dat's how you win, pal!"]]<br>这才算得上赢,哥们!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_gamewon_10.mp3|"Yeah, we're pretty great!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_gamewon_10.mp3|"Yeah, we're pretty great!"]]<br>耶,我们表现得很好!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_gamewon_11.mp3|"I am a winnin' machine, baby!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_gamewon_11.mp3|"I am a winnin' machine, baby!"]]<br>我简直是必胜战机,宝贝!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_gamewon_12.mp3|"I'm da best at everything!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_gamewon_12.mp3|"I'm da best at everything!"]]<br>我啥事都能做得最好!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_gamewon_13.mp3|"Did we win another one of these? Oh man, we are so good!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_gamewon_13.mp3|"Did we win another one of these? Oh man, we are so good!"]]<br>我们又赢了一局?我去,我们太牛了!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_gamewon_14.mp3|"We won again? Eh, throw it on the pile."]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_gamewon_14.mp3|"We won again? Eh, throw it on the pile."]]<br>我们又赢了?欸,这种事多了去了。
*[[Media:Cm_scout_gamewon_15.mp3|"Go Scout! Go Scout"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_gamewon_15.mp3|"Go, Scout! Go, Scout!"]]<br>加油,侦察兵!加油,侦察兵!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_gamewon_rare_01.mp3|"That is how a team of best friends wins the game!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_gamewon_rare_02.mp3|"Hey, we are da best! We are the best first place champions of winning of all time!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_gamewon_rare_01.mp3|"That is how a team of best friends wins the game!"]]<br>一整队好朋友就是这么赢下比赛的!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_gamewon_rare_02.mp3|"Hey, we are da best! We are the best first place champions of winning of all time!"]]<br>嘿,我们是最强的!我们就是有史以来最厉害的冠军赢家!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''Rank up'''
|title      = '''排名上升'''
|image      =  
|image      =  
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =  
|image-link =  
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Cm_scout_rankup_01.mp3|"Rank up!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_rankup_01.mp3|"Rank up!"]]<br>升级了!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_rankup_02.mp3|"Yeah, there it is!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_rankup_02.mp3|"Yeah, there it is!"]]<br>耶,就是这样!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_rankup_03.mp3|"Whoop, we ranked up!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_rankup_03.mp3|"Whoop, we ranked up!"]]<br>喔哦,咱升级了!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_rankup_04.mp3|"Oh, looks like we ranked up!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_rankup_04.mp3|"Oh, looks like we ranked up!"]]<br>噢,看来咱升级了!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_rankup_05.mp3|"Holy crap, we're rankin' up!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_rankup_05.mp3|"Holy crap, we're rankin' up!"]]<br>我去,我们升级了!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_rankup_06.mp3|"Yeah, rank up!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_rankup_06.mp3|"Yeah, rank up!"]]<br>好耶,升级!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_rankup_07.mp3|"Ain't nothin' better than rankin' up!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_rankup_07.mp3|"Ain't nothin' better than rankin' up!"]]<br>什么都比不上升级!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_rankup_08.mp3|"Aw, we ranked down. Oh no wait, we ranked up! Oh, that is way better."]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_rankup_08.mp3|"Aw, we ranked down. Oh no wait, we ranked up! Oh, that is way better."]]<br>啊,咱降级了。哦不对等等,咱升级了!哦,这就好多了。
*[[Media:Cm_scout_rankup_09.mp3|"Wuh hoo hoo hoo!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_rankup_09.mp3|"Wuh hoo hoo hoo!"]]<br>喔吼吼吼!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_rankup_10.mp3|"We get promoted? Oh dat is sick!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_rankup_10.mp3|"We get promoted? Oh dat is sick!"]]<br>我们晋升了?哦太棒了!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_rankup_11.mp3|"Yeah, dat's right! Rankin' up!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_rankup_11.mp3|"Yeah, dat's right! Rankin' up!"]]<br>耶,就是这样!升级吧!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_rankup_12.mp3|"Oh ho ho, nice! We finally get dat done?"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_rankup_12.mp3|"Oh ho ho, nice! We finally get dat done?"]]<br>哦吼吼,很好!我们总算搞定了?
''Top scoring''
*[[Media:Cm_scout_rankup_highest_01.mp3|"Grass grows, birds fly, sun shines...and brotha, we are da freakin' best!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_rankup_highest_01.mp3|"Grass grows, birds fly, sun shines... And, brotha, we are da freakin' best!"]]<br>草长、莺飞、太阳照……而兄弟我呢,我们是最厉害的!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''Game summary'''
|title      = '''游戏结算'''
|image      =  
|image      =  
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =  
|image-link =  
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Cm_scout_summary_callout_01.mp3|"Nice work, kid!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_summary_callout_01.mp3|"Nice work, kid!"]]<br>干得好,小子!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_summary_callout_02.mp3|"Dat ain't just good, dat is ''historical'' good!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_summary_callout_02.mp3|"Dat ain't just good, dat is ''historical'' good!"]]<br>这不止是件好事,这是史上留名历史性的好事!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_summary_callout_03.mp3|"Holy crap, we are awesome!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_summary_callout_03.mp3|"Holy crap, we are awesome!"]]<br>我去,咱们真厉害!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_summary_callout_04.mp3|"Finally, somebody noticed us crushin' it!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_summary_callout_04.mp3|"Finally, somebody noticed us crushin' it!"]]<br>终于,有人知道是我们在扫荡全场了!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_summary_callout_05.mp3|"Hey, yeah yeah! We're famous!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_summary_callout_05.mp3|"Hey, yeah yeah! We're famous!"]]<br>嘿,耶耶!咱们出名了!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_summary_callout_06.mp3|"Not bad, pal. Not bad at all."]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_summary_callout_06.mp3|"Not bad, pal. Not bad at all."]]<br>不错啊,哥们。大伙儿都不错。
*[[Media:Cm_scout_summary_callout_07.mp3|"Dat is pretty freakin' impressive!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_summary_callout_07.mp3|"Dat is pretty freakin' impressive!"]]<br>这可太叫人难忘了!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_summary_callout_08.mp3|"We are officially in da record books!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_summary_callout_08.mp3|"We are officially in da record books!"]]<br>我们算是正式登在纪录书上了!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_summary_callout_09.mp3|"Heads up history schools! 'Cause history just happened!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_summary_callout_09.mp3|"Heads up, history schools! 'Cause history just happened!"]]<br>注意了,历史学校!因为新历史出现了!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_summary_callout_10.mp3|"Yeah no, we crushed it!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_summary_callout_10.mp3|"Yeah no, we crushed it!"]]<br>可不嘛,我们扫荡全场了!
*[[Media:Cm scout gamewon 01.mp3|"Yeah, dat's right!"]] <!----identical to Cm_scout_summary_callout_11.mp3--->
*[[Media:Cm scout gamewon 01.mp3|"Yeah, dat's right!"]]<br>耶,这就对了!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_summary_callout_12.mp3|"'Bout time we got a little recognition around here!"]] <!---identical to Cm_scout_summary_callout_15.mp3--->
*[[Media:Cm_scout_summary_callout_12.mp3|"'Bout time we got a little recognition around here!"]]<br>该轮到我们在这里留下一点名声了!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_summary_callout_13.mp3|"I wanted to talk to you about this, because I-I've been noticin' this...and, uh, I wanted to compliment you on your work."]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_summary_callout_13.mp3|"I wanted to talk to you about this, because I-I've been noticin' this...and, uh, I wanted to compliment you on your work."]]<br>我想跟你聊一聊这个,因为我-我注意到了这个……我要称赞你的付出。
*[[Media:Cm_scout_summary_callout_14.mp3|"You earned it, bucket-of-chicken pal! You earned it! Don't let nobody take it away from you!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_summary_callout_14.mp3|"You earned it, bucket-of-chicken pal! You earned it! Don't let nobody take it away from you!"]]<br>你应得的,炸鸡桶哥们!就是你应得的!别让任何人把它从你那儿夺走!
*[[Media:Cm_scout_summary_callout_16.mp3|"Hey, ''we'' make a good team!"]]
*[[Media:Cm_scout_summary_callout_16.mp3|"Hey, ''we'' make a good team!"]]<br>嘿,我们真是个好团队!
== [[Mann vs. Machine (game mode)|Mann vs. Machine]] responses ==
== [[Mann vs. Machine/zh-hans|{{common string|Mann vs. Machine}}]]-相关回应 ==
=== During a Wave ===
=== 回合进行中 ===
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''Upon Being Revived With A [[Reanimator]]'''
|title      = '''[[Reanimator/zh-hans|复活装置]]复活'''
|image      =  
|image      =  
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =  
|image-link =  
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_mvm_resurrect01.wav|"Death is stoopid!"]]
*[[Media:Scout_mvm_resurrect01.wav|"Death is stoopid!"]]<br>傻子才会死!
*[[Media:Scout_mvm_resurrect02.wav|"Boom! Back from da dead!"]]
*[[Media:Scout_mvm_resurrect02.wav|"Boom! Back from da dead!"]]<br>嘣!死而复生!
*[[Media:Scout_mvm_resurrect03.wav|"I'm back baby!"]]
*[[Media:Scout_mvm_resurrect03.wav|"I'm back baby!"]]<br>我回来了,宝贝!
*[[Media:Scout_mvm_resurrect04.wav|"Eh, dying ain't nuthin'!"]]
*[[Media:Scout_mvm_resurrect04.wav|"Eh, dying ain't nuthin'!"]]<br>欸,死也不管用!
*[[Media:Scout_mvm_resurrect05.wav|"Screw you, Death!"]]
*[[Media:Scout_mvm_resurrect05.wav|"Screw you, Death!"]]<br>死神,去你的吧!
*[[Media:Scout_mvm_resurrect06.wav|"I'm too handsome ta die!"]]
*[[Media:Scout_mvm_resurrect06.wav|"I'm too handsome ta die!"]]<br>我帅到不能死!
*[[Media:Scout_mvm_resurrect07.wav|"I am back!"]]
*[[Media:Scout_mvm_resurrect07.wav|"I am back!"]]<br>我回来了!
*[[Media:Scout_mvm_resurrect08.wav|"Reports of my death were bullcrap!"]]
*[[Media:Scout_mvm_resurrect08.wav|"Reports of my death were bullcrap!"]]<br>我的死亡报告都是胡扯!
==== [[Mannhattan]] specific ====
==== 地图{{map link|Mannhattan}}专属回应 ====
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = Gate
|title      = 大门警报
|image      =  
|image      =  
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Mannhattan/zh-hans
|image-link = Mannhattan/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
''Robots attacking''
*[[Media:Scout_mvm_mannhattan_gate_atk01.wav|"Aw crap! Dere's robots at da gate!"]]
*[[Media:Scout_mvm_mannhattan_gate_atk01.wav|"Aw crap! Dere's robots at da gate!"]]<br>我靠!那些机器人在门那边!
*[[Media:Scout_mvm_mannhattan_gate_atk02.wav|"Da robots are takin' da gate!"]]
*[[Media:Scout_mvm_mannhattan_gate_atk02.wav|"Da robots are takin' da gate!"]]<br>机器人在抢占大门!
*[[Media:Scout_mvm_mannhattan_gate_atk03.wav|"Robots are attackin' da gate!"]]
*[[Media:Scout_mvm_mannhattan_gate_atk03.wav|"Robots are attackin' da gate!"]]<br>机器人在攻击大门!
''Robots take gate''
*[[Media:Scout_mvm_mannhattan_gate_take01.wav|"Robots took da gate!"]]
*[[Media:Scout_mvm_mannhattan_gate_take02.wav|"Da robots have got da gate!"]]
*[[Media:Scout_mvm_mannhattan_gate_take01.wav|"Robots took da gate!"]]<br>机器人抢下了大门!
*[[Media:Scout_mvm_mannhattan_gate_take02.wav|"Da robots have got da gate!"]]<br>机器人拿下大门了!
=== After a Wave ===
=== 回合结束后 ===
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''Receiving a Killstreak Kit'''
|title      = '''获得{{item link|Killstreak Kit}}'''
|image      =  
|image      =  
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =  
|image-link =  
|content    =  
|content    =  
''Common Loot''
*[[Media:Scout_mvm_loot_common03.wav|"(laughs) Oh yeah!"]]
*[[Media:Scout_mvm_loot_common03.wav|"(轻笑)Oh yeah!"]]<br>哦好!
*[[Media:Scout_mvm_loot_common05.wav|"Come to daddy!"]]
*[[Media:Scout_mvm_loot_common05.wav|"Come to daddy!"]]<br>到爹这来!
*[[Media:Scout_mvm_loot_common06.wav|"(laughs) Oh yeah!"]]
*[[Media:Scout_mvm_loot_common06.wav|"(轻笑) Oh yeah!"]]<br>哦好!
''Rare Loot''
*[[Media:Scout_mvm_loot_rare01.wav|"Ooooh! Yeah!"]]
*[[Media:Scout_mvm_loot_rare02.wav|"Oh! Dat is ''beautiful''!"]]
*[[Media:Scout_mvm_loot_rare01.wav|"Ooooh! Yeah!"]]<br>哦哦哦!好耶!
*[[Media:Scout_mvm_loot_rare03.wav|"Oh, absolutely! Abso-freakin-lootly!"]]
*[[Media:Scout_mvm_loot_rare02.wav|"Oh! Dat is ''beautiful''!"]]<br>哦!这可真好看!
*[[Media:Scout_mvm_loot_rare03.wav|"Oh, absolutely! Abso-freakin-lutely!"]]<br>哦,不用说!根本不用说!
*[[Media:Scout_mvm_loot_rare05.wav|"I don't know how it did it, but dis actually makes me ''more'' handsome!"]]
*[[Media:Scout_mvm_loot_rare06.wav|"Holy crap!"]]
*[[Media:Scout_mvm_loot_rare05.wav|"I don't know how it did it, but dis actually makes me ''more'' handsome!"]]<br>我不知道这是怎么做到的,但它真的把我变得更帅了!
*[[Media:Scout_mvm_loot_rare07.wav|"Oh, my holy freakin' stupid crap!"]]
*[[Media:Scout_mvm_loot_rare06.wav|"Holy crap!"]]<br>我靠!
*[[Media:Scout_mvm_loot_rare08.wav|"Oh, my God! '''Oh, my God! OH, MY GOD!'''"]]
*[[Media:Scout_mvm_loot_rare07.wav|"Oh, my holy freakin' stupid crap!"]]<br>噢,我了个超级无敌大操啊!
''Godlike Loot''
*[[Media:Scout_mvm_loot_rare08.wav|"Oh my God! '''Oh my God! OH MY GOD!'''"]]<br>我去!牛逼!牛逼!
*[[Media:Scout_mvm_loot_godlike01.wav|"For the first time in my life, I'm at a loss for words."]]
*[[Media:Scout_mvm_loot_godlike02.wav|"It's... '''perfect'''."]]
*[[Media:Scout_mvm_loot_godlike01.wav|"For the first time in my life, I'm at a loss for words."]]<br>我这辈子头一回,连话都说不出来了。
*[[Media:Scout_mvm_loot_godlike02.wav|"It's... '''Perfect'''."]]<br>这真是……完美啊。
== [[Versus Saxton Hale/zh-hans|{{common strings|Versus Saxton Hale}}]]-相关语音 ==
''注:该模式的语音台词由 James McGuinn 提供''
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''准备阶段'''
|image      = Setup.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Setup time/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Scout setup 01.mp3|"Man, every new person I meet is bigger than the last! What do they have you eatin'?"]]<br>老兄,我见过的人里所有人的块头都一个比一个大!你们都是吃啥长的?
*[[Media:Scout setup 02.mp3|"Holy crap, you're even taller in person! Is it too late to back out?"]]<br>我去,你本身甚至还要高……现在打退堂鼓还来得及吗?
*[[Media:Scout setup 03.mp3|"Saxton, ppf, this guy's nothing! Hey Saxton, can I get your autograph after this? As a joke obviously."]]<br>萨克斯顿?噗,这家伙也就那样吧!嘿,萨克斯顿,打完后我能找你要个签名吗?开玩笑的别介意。
*[[Media:Scout setup 04.mp3|"Oh my God, OH MY GOD, OHMYGOD! It's Saxton Hale!"]]<br>我去,我去,我去!萨克斯顿来了!
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''发现萨克斯顿'''
|image      = VSH Saxton Hale Model.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Saxton Hale/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Scout above 01.mp3|"Ah, crap, he's above you!"]]<br>啊,可恶,他在你头顶上!
*[[Media:Scout above 02.mp3|"Above you, dumbass!"]]<br>在你上面,蠢货!
*[[Media:Scout above 03.mp3|"Above you!"]]<br>在你头顶上!
*[[Media:Scout above 04.mp3|"''Look up!''"]]<br>抬头看!
*[[Media:Scout above 05.mp3|"Take a look to the skies, ''dumbass!''"]]<br>看看天上,蠢货!
*[[Media:Scout above 06.mp3|"Look up!"]]<br>抬头看!
*[[Media:Scout behind 01.mp3|"Behind ya!"]]<br>在你后面!
*[[Media:Scout behind 02.mp3|"Behind you!"]]<br>在你后面!
*[[Media:Scout contact 01.mp3|"He's over there! Let's get him!"]]<br>他在那儿!快抓住他!
*[[Media:Scout contact 02.mp3|"He's over there!"]]<br>他在那儿!
*[[Media:Scout contact 03.mp3|"I see him!"]]<br>我看到他了!
*[[Media:Scout contact 04.mp3|"''I see him!''"]]<br>我看到他了!
==[[Dueling Mini-Game|Duel]]-related responses==
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''Starting a [[Duel]]'''
|title      = '''成功打上死亡标记'''
|image      = Marked for death Skull Hover.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Fan O'War/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Scout marked 01.mp3|"''YOU! HAVE! BEEN! MARKED!''"]]<br>你!被!标!记!了!
*[[Media:Scout marked 02.mp3|"I got him!"]]<br>我打中他了!
*[[Media:Scout marked 03.mp3|"''Ooh'', ya gonna die now!"]]<br>噢,你要玩完了!
*[[Media:Scout marked 04.mp3|"You just got Marked, muscle man!"]]<br>你被标记了,肌肉男!
*[[Media:Scout marked 05.mp3|"''I got him!''"]]<br>我打中他了!
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''汇报医生状态'''
|image      = Leaderboard class medic.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Medic/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Scout nomedic 01.mp3|"MEDIC! Crap, we got none!"]]<br>医生!可恶,咱们没医生了!
*[[Media:Scout nomedic 02.mp3|"So Medic just decided to stay behind? You guys ''better'' hope I brought Mad Milk!"]]<br>所以医生就打算等到最后帮忙收尸?你们最好希望我带了{{item name|Mad Milk}}
*[[Media:Scout nomedic 03.mp3|"Wait, we have no Medic! That can't be good."]]<br>等会儿,我没有医生了!这可不妙。
*[[Media:Scout nomedic 04.mp3|"NO MEDIC?! Pff, who needs Medics anyway, right? Heh, heh...I do."]]<br>没医生了?!噗,谁还要医生呢,是吧?嘿,嘿……我要。
*[[Media:Scout nomedic 05.mp3|"Wait, we're going in without a Medic?! Looks like it's back to the all-pills diet for me."]]<br>等会儿,我们要不带医生上场吗?!看来我又得只吃药丸过活了。
*[[Media:Scout medicdead 01.mp3|"No Medics left! Gotta find pills or something."]]<br>一个医生都没了!得赶紧找着找药丸什么的。
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''爬墙'''
|image      =
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =
|content    =
*[[Media:Scout wall climb 01.mp3|"Wall climbing is ''great'', guys! It's like having a triple jump, or a quadruple jump! Or a fifth-tiple? Is that even a word?"]]<br>伙计们,爬墙真的棒极了!它就像是一个三段跳,或者四段跳!又或者五段跳?话说有这词吗?
*[[Media:Scout wall climb 02.mp3|"Wall climbing! Yeah!"]]<br>爬墙!好耶!
==[[Dueling Mini-Game/zh-hans|决斗]]-相关回应==
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''发起一场[[Dueling Mini-Game/zh-hans|决斗]]'''
|image      = Backpack Dueling Mini-Game.png
|image      = Backpack Dueling Mini-Game.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Duel/zh-hans
|image-link = Dueling Mini-Game/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_meleedare01.wav|"Let's go."]]
*[[Media:Scout_meleedare01.wav|"Let's go."]]<br>来吧。
*[[Media:Scout_meleedare02.wav|"Bring it."]]
*[[Media:Scout_meleedare02.wav|"Bring it."]]<br>放马过来。
*[[Media:Scout_meleedare03.wav|"Let's do dis."]]
*[[Media:Scout_meleedare03.wav|"Let's do dis."]]<br>我们开干吧。
*[[Media:Scout_meleedare04.wav|"You 'n me."]]
*[[Media:Scout_meleedare04.wav|"You 'n me."]]<br>就你和我。
*[[Media:Scout_meleedare06.wav|"C'mon, tough guy!"]]
*[[Media:Scout_meleedare06.wav|"C'mon, tough guy!"]]<br>快点,猛男!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''Duel Accepted'''
|title      = '''决斗被接受'''
|image      = Duel RED.png
|image      = Duel RED.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Duel/zh-hans
|image-link = Dueling Mini-Game/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_taunts02.wav|"Ooooh yeah, you're real ''scary''!"]]
*[[Media:Scout_taunts02.wav|"Ooooh yeah, you're real ''scary''!"]]<br>喔喔喔耶,你真的好“吓人”喔!
*[[Media:Scout_taunts05.wav|"I'm gonna headbutt cha', I'm gonna headbutt cha', I'm gonna headbutt cha'!"]]
*[[Media:Scout_taunts05.wav|"I'm gonna headbutt cha', I'm gonna headbutt cha', I'm gonna headbutt cha'!"]]<br>看我给你个头槌,看我给你个头槌,看我给你个头槌!
*[[Media:Scout_taunts06.wav|"Yeah, come get some, you frickin' wuss!"]]
*[[Media:Scout_taunts06.wav|"Yeah, come get some, you frickin' wuss!"]]<br>好,放马过来吧,你这胆小鬼!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''Duel Rejected'''
|title      = '''决斗被拒绝'''
|image      = Duel BLU.png
|image      = Duel BLU.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Duel/zh-hans
|image-link = Dueling Mini-Game/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_autodejectedtie01.wav|"You have ''got'' to be kidding!"]]
*[[Media:Scout_autodejectedtie01.wav|"You have ''got'' to be kidding!"]]<br>你最好是在说笑!
*[[Media:Scout_autodejectedtie02.wav|"You gotta be kiddin' me!"]]
*[[Media:Scout_autodejectedtie02.wav|"You gotta be kiddin' me!"]]<br>你最好是在逗我!
*[[Media:Scout_autodejectedtie03.wav|"I can ''not'' believe this!"]]
*[[Media:Scout_autodejectedtie03.wav|"I can ''not'' believe this!"]]<br>我真不敢相信!
*[[Media:Scout_domination19.wav|"Yeah, I dare ya, rage quit.  C'mon, make us both happy."]]
*[[Media:Scout_domination19.wav|"Yeah, I dare ya, rage quit.  C'mon, make us both happy."]]<br>好啊,我敢说你会气得怒退。来呗,这样咱俩还能开心点。
*[[Media:Scout_domination21.wav|"I will never... stop... killing you."]]
*[[Media:Scout_domination21.wav|"I will never... stop... killing you."]]<br>我每时每刻……都在……追杀你。
*[[Media:Scout_jeers04.wav|"Frickin' unbelieveable."]]
*[[Media:Scout_jeers04.wav|"Frickin' unbelieveable."]]<br>真是受不了!
*[[Media:Scout_misc09.wav|"Wassamatter, y'freakin' stupid?"]]
*[[Media:Scout_misc09.wav|"Wassamatter, y'freakin' stupid?"]]<br>这傻子什么情况?
==Halloween / [[Full Moon]] responses==
==万圣节/[[Full Moon/zh-hans|满月]]-相关回应==
=== [[Wheel of Fate]] outcomes ===
=== [[Wheel of Fate/zh-hans|命运之轮]]揭晓 ===
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = Dance Off fate
|title      = 命运·舞会
|image      = Fate_card_dance.png
|image      = Fate_card_dance.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =  
|image-link =  
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_sf12_badmagic08.wav|"Born to dance! Born to dance, brother!"]]
*[[Media:Scout_sf12_badmagic08.wav|"Born to dance! Born to dance, brother!"]]<br>生来跳舞!为舞而生,兄弟!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = Super Jump fate
|title      = 命运·超级跳
|image      = Fate_card_highjump.png
|image      = Fate_card_highjump.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =  
|image-link =  
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_sf12_badmagic07.wav|"Hey, look at my feet!"]]
*[[Media:Scout_sf12_badmagic07.wav|"Hey, look at my feet!"]]<br>嘿,看看我那脚!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = No Gravity fate
|title      = 命运·失重
|image      = Fate_card_lowgravity.png
|image      = Fate_card_lowgravity.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =  
|image-link =  
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_sf12_badmagic11.wav|"Gravity? Who gives a crap about gravity?"]]
*[[Media:Scout_sf12_badmagic11.wav|"Gravity? Who gives a crap about gravity?"]]<br>重力?谁还有心思去管重力?
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = Big Head fate
|title      = 命运·大头
|image      = Fate_card_bighead.png
|image      = Fate_card_bighead.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =  
|image-link =  
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:scout_sf12_badmagic16.wav|"Oh God, my head is huge!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf12_badmagic16.wav|"Oh, God, my head is huge!"]]<br>哦,天哪,我的头好大!
*[[Media:scout_sf12_badmagic17.wav|"''Oh God.'' My head is huge!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf12_badmagic17.wav|"''Oh God.'' My head is huge!"]]<br>我去。我的头真大!
*[[Media:scout_sf12_badmagic21.wav|"Oh, my head is so big!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf12_badmagic21.wav|"Oh, my head is so big!"]]<br>噢,我的头太大!
*[[Media:scout_sf12_badmagic25.wav|"Oh, my beautiful head!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf12_badmagic25.wav|"Oh, my beautiful head!"]]<br>噢,我帅气的脑袋!
*[[Media:scout_sf12_badmagic26.wav|"Don't look at me, I'm hideous!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf12_badmagic26.wav|"Don't look at me, I'm hideous!"]]<br>别看我,我丑爆了!
*[[Media:scout_sf12_badmagic27.wav|"Don't look at me, I'm slightly less handsome!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf12_badmagic27.wav|"Don't look at me, I'm slightly less handsome!"]]<br>别看我,我稍微没那么帅而已!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = Small Head fate
|title      = 命运·小头
|image      = Fate card shrunkenhead.png
|image      = Fate card shrunkenhead.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =  
|image-link =  
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:scout_sf12_badmagic18.wav|"Ahh, I gotta teeny tiny little head over here!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf12_badmagic18.wav|"Ahh, I gotta teeny tiny little head over here!"]]<br>啊,我有个小的不能再小的脑袋!
*[[Media:scout_sf12_badmagic19.wav|"Ahh, my teeny tiny little head!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf12_badmagic19.wav|"Ahh, my teeny tiny little head!"]]<br>啊,我的小小脑袋!
*[[Media:scout_sf12_badmagic20.wav|"Oh, my head is so small!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf12_badmagic20.wav|"Oh, my head is so small!"]]<br>噢,我的头太小了!
*[[Media:scout_sf12_badmagic25.wav|"Oh, my beautiful head!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf12_badmagic25.wav|"Oh, my beautiful head!"]]<br>噢,我帅气的脑袋!
*[[Media:scout_sf12_badmagic26.wav|"Don't look at me, I'm hideous!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf12_badmagic26.wav|"Don't look at me, I'm hideous!"]]<br>别看我,我丑爆了!
*[[Media:scout_sf12_badmagic27.wav|"Don't look at me, I'm slightly less handsome!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf12_badmagic27.wav|"Don't look at me, I'm slightly less handsome!"]]<br>别看我,我稍微没那么帅而已!
*[[Media:scout_sf12_badmagic28.wav|"Real small over here!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf12_badmagic28.wav|"Real small over here!"]]<br>这下是真的太小了!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = Whammy fate (Bleeding variant)
|title      = 命运·诅咒(血流不止)
|image      = Fate_card_skull.png
|image      = Fate_card_skull.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =  
|image-link =  
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:scout_sf12_badmagic22.wav|"Ah, my blood! He spelled out all my blood!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf12_badmagic22.wav|"Ah, my blood! He spelled out all my blood!"]]<br>啊,我的血!他施法把我的血全倒出来了!
*[[Media:scout_sf12_badmagic23.wav|"My blood!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf12_badmagic23.wav|"My blood!"]]<br>我的血呀!
*[[Media:scout_sf12_badmagic24.wav|"Ah, my blood!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf12_badmagic24.wav|"Ah, my blood!"]]<br>啊,我的血!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = Positive fate
|title      = 正面命运
|image      = Backpack_Skull_Island_Topper.png
|image      = Backpack_Skull_Island_Topper.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =  
|image-link =  
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:scout_sf12_badmagic05.wav|"Yeah, lookin' good over here!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf12_badmagic05.wav|"Yeah, lookin' good over here!"]]<br>好耶,看上去挺好的!
*[[Media:scout_sf12_badmagic06.wav|"This ain't no spell, I ''am'' this good!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf12_badmagic06.wav|"This ain't no spell, I ''am'' this good!"]]<br>这不像是没法术,我可好着呢!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = Negative fate
|title      = 负面命运
|image      = Backpack_Skull_Island_Topper.png
|image      = Backpack_Skull_Island_Topper.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =  
|image-link =  
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:scout_sf12_badmagic03.wav|"Uh oh."]]
*[[Media:scout_sf12_badmagic03.wav|"Uh oh."]]<br>哦不。
*[[Media:scout_sf12_badmagic04.wav|"Oh this ain't good."]]
*[[Media:scout_sf12_badmagic04.wav|"Oh this ain't good."]]<br>哦,这可太妙。
*[[Media:scout_sf12_badmagic09.wav|"Aww crap."]]
*[[Media:scout_sf12_badmagic09.wav|"Aww, crap."]]<br>啊,我靠。
*[[Media:scout_sf12_badmagic10.wav|"Aw crap."]]
*[[Media:scout_sf12_badmagic10.wav|"Aw, crap."]]<br>啊,我靠。
=== During battle with [[Merasmus]] ===
=== [[Merasmus/zh-hans|马拉莫斯]]交战 ===
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = [[Bombinomicon|Head turned into bomb]]
|title      = [[Bombinomicon (character)/zh-hans|头变成炸弹]]
|image      = RED_Bombinomicon.png
|image      = RED_Bombinomicon.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Bombinomicon/zh-hans
|image-link = Bombinomicon (character)/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:scout_sf12_badmagic12.wav|"Hehehe, you got a bomb on your head. Aw crap, I got a bomb on my head!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf12_badmagic12.wav|"Hehehe, you got a bomb on your head. Aw, crap, I got a bomb on my head!"]]<br>呵呵呵,你头上有个炸弹。啊,我靠,我头上也有个炸弹!
*[[Media:scout_sf12_badmagic13.wav|"Aw crap, I got a bomb on my head!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf12_badmagic13.wav|"Aw, crap, I got a bomb on my head!"]]<br>啊,我靠,我头上有个炸弹!
*[[Media:scout_sf12_badmagic14.wav|"Bomb on my head! Bomb on my head!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf12_badmagic14.wav|"Bomb on my head! Bomb on my head!"]]<br>我头上有炸弹!有炸弹在我头上!
*[[Media:scout_sf12_badmagic15.wav|"Head bomb, head bomb, coming through!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf12_badmagic15.wav|"Head bomb, head bomb, coming through!"]]<br>炸弹脑袋,脑袋炸弹,快借过!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = Successfully stun Merasmus
|title      = 成功击晕[[Merasmus/zh-hans|马拉莫斯]]
|image      = RED_Bombinomicon.png
|image      = RED_Bombinomicon.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Bombinomicon/zh-hans
|image-link = Bombinomicon (character)/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:scout_sf12_goodmagic01.wav|"Oh man! I'm gonna screw that wizard up!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf12_goodmagic01.wav|"Oh, man! I'm gonna screw that wizard up!"]]<br>我去!看我干翻这巫师!
*[[Media:scout_sf12_goodmagic02.wav|"Yeah! Where you at Merasmus?"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf12_goodmagic02.wav|"Yeah! Where you at, Merasmus?"]]<br>耶!马拉莫斯,你上哪去了?
*[[Media:scout_sf12_goodmagic04.wav|"Oh hell yeah!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf12_goodmagic04.wav|"Oh, hell yeah!"]]<br>噢,太爽了!
*[[Media:scout_sf12_goodmagic05.wav|"Wuh huh huh hoo!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf12_goodmagic05.wav|"Wuh huh huh hoo!"]]<br>喔吼吼吼!
*[[Media:scout_sf12_goodmagic06.wav|"Where you at Merasmus? Calling you out ya stupid wizard!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf12_goodmagic06.wav|"Where you at, Merasmus? Calling you out, ya stupid wizard!"]]<br>马拉莫斯,你在哪呢?白痴巫师,我在喊你出来呢!
*[[Media:scout_sf12_goodmagic07.wav|"He-hey, Siegfried and Roy! I am gonna mess...you...up!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf12_goodmagic07.wav|"He-hey, Siegfried and Roy! I am gonna mess... You... Up!"]]<br>嘿嘿,白老虎兄弟!我要把你干……趴……下!
*[[Media:scout_sf12_goodmagic08.wav|"Wooh! Check it out Casper!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf12_goodmagic08.wav|"Wooh! Check it out, Casper!"]]<br>喔!瞧瞧这个,臭鬼!
*[[Media:scout_sf12_goodmagic09.wav|"I am gonna mess...you...up!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf12_goodmagic09.wav|"I am gonna mess... You... Up!"]]<br>我要把你干……趴……下!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = [[Merasmus]] hides
|title      = [[Merasmus/zh-hans|马拉莫斯]]躲藏
|image      = Backpack_Skull_Island_Topper.png
|image      = Backpack_Skull_Island_Topper.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =  
|image-link =  
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:scout_sf12_reseeking01.wav|"Yeah, you better hide, you wand-wavin' moron!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf12_reseeking01.wav|"Yeah, you better hide, you wand-wavin' moron!"]]<br>好啊,你可得躲好来,耍魔杖的白痴!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = Looking for [[Merasmus]]
|title      = 寻找[[Merasmus/zh-hans|马拉莫斯]]
|image      = Backpack_Skull_Island_Topper.png
|image      = Backpack_Skull_Island_Topper.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =  
|image-link =  
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:scout_sf12_seeking01.wav|"Come on out, ya see-through marshmallow!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf12_seeking01.wav|"Come on out, ya see-through marshmallow!"]]<br>快出来,你这透明棉花糖!
*[[Media:scout_sf12_seeking02.wav|"Get out here, spellcakes!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf12_seeking02.wav|"Get out here, spellcakes!"]]<br>给我滚过来,魔法精灵!
*[[Media:scout_sf12_seeking03.wav|"I hate wizards so much."]]
*[[Media:scout_sf12_seeking03.wav|"I hate wizards so much."]]<br>我真的超讨厌巫师。
*[[Media:scout_sf12_seeking04.wav|"Where da hell is that wizard?"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf12_seeking04.wav|"Where da hell is that wizard?"]]<br>那巫师躲什么地方去了?
*[[Media:scout_sf12_seeking05.wav|"Hey Houdini, where ya hidin'?"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf12_seeking05.wav|"Hey, Houdini, where ya hidin'?"]]<br>嘿,胡迪尼,你藏哪了?
*[[Media:scout_sf12_seeking06.wav|"Aw, come on out, ya stupid wizard."]]
*[[Media:scout_sf12_seeking06.wav|"Aw, come on out, ya stupid wizard."]]<br>啊,快出来,你这白痴巫师。
*[[Media:scout_sf12_seeking07.wav|"Nobody likes wizards, ya hear me? You're doomed to die alone."]]
*[[Media:scout_sf12_seeking07.wav|"Nobody likes wizards, ya hear me? You're doomed to die alone."]]<br>没人会喜欢巫师,听见没有?你注定要孤独到老死。
*[[Media:scout_sf12_seeking08.wav|"I hate ghosts ''so'' much."]]
*[[Media:scout_sf12_seeking08.wav|"I hate ghosts ''so'' much."]]<br>我真的超讨厌幽灵。
*[[Media:scout_sf12_seeking09.wav|"I hate ghosts ''so'' much. Just be solid already, stupid ghosts."]]
*[[Media:scout_sf12_seeking09.wav|"I hate ghosts ''so'' much. Just be solid already, stupid ghosts."]]<br>我真的超讨厌幽灵。就不能当个实体吗,傻鬼。
*[[Media:scout_sf12_seeking10.wav|"Y'all know what, you're not scary, you're just weird."]]
*[[Media:scout_sf12_seeking10.wav|"Ya know what, you're not scary, you're just weird."]]<br>知道吗,你根本不吓人,你只是很古怪。
*[[Media:scout_sf12_seeking11.wav|"I'm gonna cave your little ghost skull in, magic man!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf12_seeking11.wav|"I'm gonna cave your little ghost skull in, magic man!"]]<br>看我在你的小幽灵脑瓜上开个洞,魔法男!
*[[Media:scout_sf12_seeking12.wav|"We're gonna make you ''wish'' you never entered the Dark Arts!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf12_seeking12.wav|"We're gonna make you ''wish'' you never entered the Dark Arts!"]]<br>我们要让你后悔进入黑魔法世界!
*[[Media:scout_sf12_seeking13.wav|"I'll show you some eldritch horror, H.P. Dumbcraft! (laughs)"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf12_seeking13.wav|"I'll show you some eldritch horror, H.P. Dumbcraft!(发笑)"]]<br>我来给你看一些真正吓人的,霍华德·菲利普·蠢夫克拉夫特!
=== Miscellaneous ===
=== 地图{{map link|Helltower}}专属回应 ===
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = Falling in Bottomless Pit in [[Ghost Fort]] or [[Helltower]]
|title      = '''回合开始'''
|image      = Backpack_Skull_Island_Topper.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =
|content    =
*[[Media:scout_sf12_falling03.wav|(screaming) "Holy crap, this goes on forever."]]
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = Scared by a [[Ghost]]
|image      = Ghost_Yikes!.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =
|content    =
*[[Media:scout_sf12_scared02.wav|"So scared!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf12_scared03.wav|"Gah! Running!"]]
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = Unknown condition
|image      = Backpack_Skull_Island_Topper.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =
|content    =
*[[Media:scout_sf12_misc01.wav|"Next time a wizard asks you to be his roommate, you say 'No!', Soldier!"]]
=== 地图 [[Helltower]] 回应 ===
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''Round Start'''
|image      = Gette it Onne!.png
|image      = Gette it Onne!.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = List of game modes/zh-hans
|image-link = List of game modes/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:scout_sf13_round_start01.wav|"Let's get dis mummy ''movin''', guys!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf13_round_start01.wav|"Let's get dis mummy ''movin''', guys!"]]<br>伙计们,我们来送这些木乃伊离开!
*[[Media:scout_sf13_round_start02.wav|"Dis ol' fossil ain't gonna move ''himself,'' guys!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf13_round_start02.wav|"Dis ol' fossil ain't gonna move ''himself,'' guys!"]]<br>伙计们,这些古董化石可不会自己动!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''Cart Stops'''
|title      = '''战车停止移动'''
|image      = BLU Bombcart.png
|image      = BLU Bombcart.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Payload/zh-hans
|image-link = Payload/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:scout_sf13_cart_stop02.wav|"Move da mummy!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf13_cart_stop02.wav|"Move da mummy!"]]<br>推走这木乃伊!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''The Witching Hour: Bridge Appears'''
|title      = '''灵异时刻:魔法桥出现'''
|image      = BLU Bombcart.png
|image      = BLU Bombcart.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:scout_sf13_midnight01.wav|"Bridge is down!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf13_midnight01.wav|"Bridge is down!"]]<br>桥出来了!
*[[Media:scout_sf13_midnight02.wav|"''Woo!'' Dere's da bridge!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf13_midnight02.wav|"''Woo!'' Dere's da bridge!"]]<br>喔!桥在那边!
*[[Media:scout_sf13_midnight03.wav|"Hey, ''get to da bridge!''"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf13_midnight03.wav|"Hey, ''get to da bridge!''"]]<br>嘿,快去桥上!
*[[Media:scout_sf13_midnight04.wav|"''Bridge time, everybody!''"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf13_midnight04.wav|"''Bridge time, everybody!''"]]<br>大伙们,该上桥了!
*[[Media:scout_sf13_midnight05.wav|"''Get ta the island!''"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf13_midnight05.wav|"''Get ta the island!''"]]<br>去那岛上!
*[[Media:scout_sf13_midnight06.wav|"''Woo-hoo-hoo!'' Let's go get some ''free crap!''"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf13_midnight06.wav|"''Woo-hoo-hoo!'' Let's go get some ''free crap!''"]]<br>喔吼吼!我们去搞点免费玩意来!
*[[Media:scout_sf13_midnight07.wav|"It's da ''Witchin' Hour! Let's go!''"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf13_midnight07.wav|"It's da ''Witchin' Hour! Let's go!''"]]<br>灵异时刻来了!我们赶紧走!
*[[Media:scout_sf13_midnight08.wav|"'''''Free crap!'''''"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf13_midnight08.wav|"'''''Free crap!'''''"]]<br>'''免费的玩意!'''
=== 其他 ===
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''Collected Normal Spell'''
|title      = '''收集普通魔咒'''
|image      = Backpack_Fancy_Spellbook.png
|image      = Backpack_Fancy_Spellbook.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Magic spells/zh-hans
|image-link = Magic spells/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:scout_sf13_influx_small02.wav|"Oh, it's magic time!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf13_influx_small02.wav|"Oh, it's magic time!"]]<br>哦,该来点魔法了!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''Collected Rare Spell'''
|title      = '''收集稀有魔咒'''
|image      = Backpack_Fancy_Spellbook.png
|image      = Backpack_Fancy_Spellbook.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Magic spells/zh-hans
|image-link = Magic spells/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:scout_sf13_influx_big01.wav|"I am the ''lord of all magic!''"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf13_influx_big01.wav|"I am the ''lord of all magic!''"]]<br>我可是所有魔法的主宰!
*[[Media:scout_sf13_influx_big02.wav|"''I am a freakin' wizard!''"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf13_influx_big02.wav|"''I am a freakin' wizard!''"]]<br>我可是个巫师!
*[[Media:scout_sf13_influx_big03.wav|"''You shall not freakin' pass!''"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf13_influx_big03.wav|"''You shall not freakin' pass!''"]]<br>你不能过这关!
*[[Media:scout_sf13_influx_big04.wav|"''I am'' '''''full''''' ''of freakin' magic!''"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf13_influx_big04.wav|"''I am'' '''''full''''' ''of freakin' magic!''"]]<br>我'''浑身'''都充满了魔法!
*[[Media:scout_sf13_influx_big05.wav|"'''''I! Love! Magic!'''''"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf13_influx_big05.wav|"'''''I! Love! Magic!'''''"]]<br>'''我!喜欢!魔法!'''
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''Reacting to Rare Spells'''
|title      = '''遭遇稀有魔咒'''
|image      = Backpack_Fancy_Spellbook.png
|image      = Backpack_Fancy_Spellbook.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Magic spells/zh-hans
|image-link = Magic spells/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:scout_sf13_magic_reac01.wav|"Can't. Stop. ''Da magic!''"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf13_magic_reac01.wav|"Can't. Stop. ''Da magic!''"]]<br>魔法,停不下来了!
*[[Media:scout_sf13_magic_reac02.wav|"''So much magic!''"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf13_magic_reac02.wav|"''So much magic!''"]]<br>好多的魔法!
*[[Media:scout_sf13_magic_reac03.wav|"''Are you freakin''' '''''kidding me?'''''"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf13_magic_reac03.wav|"''Are you freakin''' '''''kidding me?'''''"]]<br>你是在'''逗我玩'''吗?
*[[Media:scout_sf13_magic_reac04.wav|"It's happening! Oh God! ''It's happening!''"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf13_magic_reac04.wav|"It's happening! Oh, God! ''It's happening!''"]]<br>这成真了!老天爷!这真的成真了!
*[[Media:scout_sf13_magic_reac05.wav|"It's too much magic! It's ''too much magic!''"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf13_magic_reac05.wav|"It's too much magic! It's ''too much magic!''"]]<br>太多魔法了!太多魔法了!
*[[Media:scout_sf13_magic_reac06.wav|"No! NO! ''It's too much magic!''"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf13_magic_reac06.wav|"No! NO! ''It's too much magic!''"]]<br>不!不要!太多魔法了!
*[[Media:scout_sf13_magic_reac07.wav|"We toiled in God's domain!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf13_magic_reac07.wav|"We toiled in God's domain!"]]<br>我们这是在神域干苦活!
*[[Media:scout_sf13_magic_reac08.wav|"Oh no! I knew dis would happen! I foresaw dis!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf13_magic_reac08.wav|"Oh no! I knew dis would happen! '''I foresaw dis'''!"]]<br>哦不!我就知道会这样!我预言到了!
Line 1,462: Line 1,562:
|image-link = Magic spells/zh-hans
|image-link = Magic spells/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:scout_sf13_spell_bombhead01.wav|"Caputus crepitus!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf13_spell_bombhead01.wav|"Cay-pee-tus crap-itus!"]]<br>【火球】
*[[Media:scout_sf13_spell_devil_bargain01.wav|"Pactum diabolus!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf13_spell_devil_bargain01.wav|"Pactum diabolus!"]]<br>【南瓜地雷阵】
*[[Media:scout_sf13_spell_earthquake01.wav|"Seismela stremoro!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf13_spell_earthquake01.wav|"Seismela tremoro!"]]<br>【流星坠落】
*[[Media:scout_sf13_spell_generic04.wav|"Barpo kabalto!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf13_spell_generic04.wav|"Barbo kabulto!"]]<br>【超量治疗】
*[[Media:scout_sf13_spell_invisibility01.wav|"Barpo invisium!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf13_spell_invisibility01.wav|"Barpo invisium!"]]<br>【潜行】
*[[Media:scout_sf13_spell_lightning_bolt01.wav|"Imputum fulmenus!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf13_spell_lightning_bolt01.wav|"Imputum fulmenus!"]]<br>【雷电之球】
*[[Media:scout_sf13_spell_summon_monoculous01.wav|"Invokum Monoculus!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf13_spell_summon_monoculous01.wav|"Invokum Monoculus!"]]<br>【召唤魔眼】
*[[Media:scout_sf13_spell_super_jump01.wav|"Amplus tripudio!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf13_spell_super_jump01.wav|"Amplus tray-pudio!"]]<br>【超级高跳】
*[[Media:scout_sf13_spell_super_speed01.wav|"Paidum celeris!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf13_spell_super_speed01.wav|"Paidum celeris!"]]<br>【浑身来劲】
*[[Media:scout_sf13_spell_teleport_self01.wav|"Ipsum instantarium!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf13_spell_teleport_self01.wav|"Ipsum insantarium!"]]<br>【暗影之跃】
*[[Media:scout_sf13_spell_uber01.wav|"Deus invictus!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf13_spell_uber01.wav|"Deus invictus!"]]<br>【蝙蝠之潮】
*[[Media:scout_sf13_spell_zombie_horde01.wav|"Mortis animataris!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf13_spell_zombie_horde01.wav|"Mortis animataris!"]]<br>【骷髅大军】
=== [[Image:Item_icon_Voodoo-Cursed Scout Soul.png|25px]] 装备{{Item link|Voodoo-Cursed Scout Soul}}时 ===
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = Idle
|title      = 落入无底洞
|image      = Backpack_Skull_Island_Topper.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =
|content    =
*[[Media:scout_sf12_falling03.wav|"(惊声尖叫)Holy crap, this goes on forever."]]<br>我靠,这没完了是吧。
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = 受到[[ghost/zh-hans|鬼魂]]惊吓
|image      = Ghost_Yikes!.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =
|content    =
*[[Media:scout_sf12_scared02.wav|"So scared!"]]<br>好吓人!
*[[Media:scout_sf12_scared03.wav|"Gah! Running!"]]<br>啊,快跑啊!
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = 条件不详
|image      = Backpack_Skull_Island_Topper.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:scout_sf12_zombie01.wav|"Grass grows, sun shines, birds fly, and brother, I come back from the dead!"]]<!--Respawn?-->
*[[Media:scout_sf12_misc01.wav|"Next time a wizard asks you to be his roommate, you say 'No!', Soldier!"]]<br>士兵,要是下次还有巫师邀请你做他的室友,你千万别去!
*[[Media:scout_sf12_zombie02.wav|"Brains! Man, I would kill for some brains here!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf12_zombie03.wav|"Hey, I love brains."]]
*[[Media:scout_sf12_zombie04.wav|"Aw, y-ya know what would hit the spot? Brains! They're delicious!"]]
*[[Media:scout_sf12_zombie05.wav|"It's not original, but it's true, I love brains."]]
=== [[Image:Item_icon_Haunted_Hat.png|25px]] 装备{{Item link|Haunted Hat}}===
=== {{anchor|Haunted Hat}} {{Item icon|Haunted Hat|25px}} 装备{{item link|Haunted Hat}}===
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''Round Start'''
|title      = '''回合开始'''
|image      = Gette it Onne!.png
|image      = Gette it Onne!.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = List of game modes/zh-hans
|image-link = List of game modes/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:scout_item_haunthat_round_start01.wav|"Big muscles? Check. Scary hat? Check. All right, yeah! Let's do dis!"]]
*[[Media:scout_item_haunthat_round_start01.wav|"Big muscles? Check. Scary hat? Check. All right, yeah! Let's do dis!"]]<br>大块肌肉?有了。吓人帽子?有了。好的不错!我们上!
*[[Media:scout_item_haunthat_round_start02.wav|"You an' me, Scary Ghost Hat! ''Let's do dis!''"]]
*[[Media:scout_item_haunthat_round_start02.wav|"You an' me, scary ghost hat! ''Let's do dis!''"]]<br>你、我,还有鬼帽子!我们上!
*[[Media:scout_item_haunthat_round_start03.wav|"Let's go over da plan, Scary Hat. I'll run around an' be awesome, you float over my head. Got it?"]]
*[[Media:scout_item_haunthat_round_start03.wav|"Let's go over da plan, Scary Hat. I'll run around an' be awesome, you float over my head. Got it?"]]<br>吓人帽子,我们再重复一遍计划。我边跑边耍帅,然后你就在我脑袋上飘着。明白了吗?
*[[Media:scout_item_haunthat_round_start04.wav|"Oh man, look at dis hat! Dis hat's so scary, ''my head'' just got scared!"]]
*[[Media:scout_item_haunthat_round_start04.wav|"Oh, man, look at dis hat! Dis hat's so scary, ''my head'' just got scared!"]]<br>哦,老兄,看看这顶帽子!真够吓人的,我的脑袋都被吓死了!
*[[Media:scout_item_haunthat_round_start05.wav|"You--you wanna see somethin' scary? Look slightly above my head. Yeah. Dat's right, scary ghost hat."]]
*[[Media:scout_item_haunthat_round_start05.wav|"You--you wanna see somethin' scary? Look slightly above my head. Yeah. Dat's right, scary ghost hat."]]<br>你-你想看点吓人的吗?往我头顶上看看。对啊,没错,恐怖鬼帽子。
*[[Media:scout_item_haunthat_round_start06.wav|"Oh man, look at dis scary hat, floatin' above my head like a ghost or somethin'. Oh, this hat's so great, ''I'm'' jealous of me!"]]
*[[Media:scout_item_haunthat_round_start06.wav|"Oh, man, look at dis scary hat, floatin' above my head like a ghost or somethin'. Oh, this hat's so great, ''I'm'' jealous of me!"]]<br>哦,老兄,看看这顶吓人帽子,像个鬼一样飘在我头顶上。哦,这顶帽子太棒了,我都嫉妒我自己!
*[[Media:scout_item_haunthat_round_start07.wav|"Hey! Check out my scary hat! Scary ''expensive'', dat is! Yeah, I'm rich."]]
*[[Media:scout_item_haunthat_round_start07.wav|"Hey! Check out my scary hat! Scary ''expensive'', dat is! Yeah, I'm rich."]]<br>嘿!看看我的吓人帽子!它贵得吓人,没错!对啊,我发财了。
*[[Media:scout_item_haunthat_round_start08.wav|"Wait'll these guys get a load of my hat! '''''BAM!''''' Yeah, it's haunted."]]
*[[Media:scout_item_haunthat_round_start08.wav|"Wait'll these guys get a load of my hat! '''''BAM!''''' Yeah, it's haunted."]]<br>趁这群家伙在打量我的帽子时,'''嘭!'''没错,它闹鬼了。
*[[Media:scout_item_haunthat_round_start09.wav|"You guys notice anything new about me? Specifically the top part of my head? Yeah, it's a -- it's a super-scary hat. No big deal."]]
*[[Media:scout_item_haunthat_round_start09.wav|"You guys notice anything new about me? Specifically the top part of my head? Yeah, it's a -- it's a super-scary hat. No big deal."]]<br>你们注没注意到我有什么不一样吗?特别是我脑袋这块儿?啊对,这-这只是一顶超级吓人的帽子。不用惊讶。
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''After Capturing [[Control point (objective)|Control Point]]'''
|title      = '''正在占领[[Control point (objective)/zh-hans|控制点]]'''
|image      = CP Captured RED.png
|image      = CP Captured RED.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Control point (objective)/zh-hans
|image-link = Control point (objective)/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_item_haunthat_capped01.wav|"Hey, it's okay, guys. Scary Hat and I got dis!"]]
*[[Media:Scout_item_haunthat_capped01.wav|"Hey, it's okay, guys. Scary Hat and I got dis!"]]<br>嘿,伙计们,没问题的。我和吓人帽子会搞定的!
*[[Media:Scout_item_haunthat_capped02.wav|"Scary Hat and I got point!"]]
*[[Media:Scout_item_haunthat_capped02.wav|"Scary Hat and I got point!"]]<br>我和吓人帽子在抢点!
*[[Media:Scout_item_haunthat_capped03.wav|"Stay ''frosty,'' Scary Hat!"]]
*[[Media:Scout_item_haunthat_capped03.wav|"Stay ''frosty,'' Scary Hat!"]]<br>继续发凉,吓人帽子!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''Attacking: Cart Goes Forward'''
|title      = '''进攻方:战车前进'''
|image      = BLU Bombcart.png
|image      = BLU Bombcart.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Payload/zh-hans
|image-link = Payload/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:scout_item_haunthat_cart_push01.wav|"Push, Scary Hat! ''Push!''"]]
*[[Media:scout_item_haunthat_cart_push01.wav|"Push, Scary Hat! ''Push!''"]]<br>推啊,吓人帽子!快推!
*[[Media:scout_item_haunthat_cart_push02.wav|"Come on, Scary Hat! Push! ''I believe in you!''"]]
*[[Media:scout_item_haunthat_cart_push02.wav|"Come on, Scary Hat! Push! ''I believe in you!''"]]<br>快点,吓人帽子!推啊!我相信你能行的!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''After Picking Up [[Intelligence]]'''
|title      = '''捡起[[Capture the Flag/zh-hans#Intelligence|情报]]'''
|image      = Intel red idle.png
|image      = Intel red idle.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Intelligence/zh-hans
|image-link = Capture the Flag/zh-hans#Intelligence
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:scout_item_haunthat_got_case01.wav|"''Nice work'', Scary Hat!"]]
*[[Media:scout_item_haunthat_got_case01.wav|"''Nice work'', Scary Hat!"]]<br>好样的,吓人帽子!
*[[Media:scout_item_haunthat_got_case02.wav|"We're ''doin' this'', Scary Hat!"]]
*[[Media:scout_item_haunthat_got_case02.wav|"We're ''doin' this'', Scary Hat!"]]<br>靠我们了,吓人帽子!
*[[Media:scout_item_haunthat_got_case03.wav|"You an' me, Scary Hat!"]]
*[[Media:scout_item_haunthat_got_case03.wav|"You an' me, Scary Hat!"]]<br>吓人帽子,就你和我!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''After Capturing [[Intelligence]]'''
|title      = '''成功夺取[[Capture the Flag/zh-hans#Intelligence|情报]]'''
|image      = Intel red pickedup.png
|image      = Intel red pickedup.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Intelligence/zh-hans
|image-link = Capture the Flag/zh-hans#Intelligence
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:scout_item_haunthat_case_cap01.wav|"We did it, Scary Hat! We did it ''together''."]]
*[[Media:scout_item_haunthat_case_cap01.wav|"We did it, Scary Hat! We did it ''together''."]]<br>我们成了,吓人帽子!我们一块搞定了。
*[[Media:scout_item_haunthat_case_cap02.wav|"He-hey, we ''did it'', Scary Hat! You're my best friend."]]
*[[Media:scout_item_haunthat_case_cap02.wav|"He-hey, we ''did it'', Scary Hat! You're my best friend."]]<br>嘿嘿,我们成了,吓人帽子!你是我最好的朋友。
*[[Media:scout_item_haunthat_case_cap03.wav|"''We did it'', Scary Hat! We did it because we're ''best friends.''"]]
*[[Media:scout_item_haunthat_case_cap03.wav|"''We did it'', Scary Hat! We did it because we're ''best friends.''"]]<br>我们做到了,吓人帽子!全都是因为我们是最好的朋友。
*[[Media:scout_item_haunthat_case_cap04.wav|"Wait'll the guys see ''this'', Scary Hat!"]]
*[[Media:scout_item_haunthat_case_cap04.wav|"Wait'll the guys see ''this'', Scary Hat!"]]<br>让那群家伙见识一下吧,吓人帽子!
Line 1,564: Line 1,684:
|image-link = Domination/zh-hans
|image-link = Domination/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:scout_item_haunthat_domination01.wav|"You just got dominated by a handsome man in a frightening hat. ''Deal wit' it!''"]]
*[[Media:scout_item_haunthat_domination01.wav|"You just got dominated by a handsome man in a frightening hat. ''Deal wit' it!''"]]<br>你被一个戴着恐怖帽子的大帅哥给控制了。自个看着办吧!
*[[Media:scout_item_haunthat_domination02.wav|"I know what you're asking yourself: 'Was I scared to death by this man's ghost hat?' But nah, I just killed ya."]]
*[[Media:scout_item_haunthat_domination02.wav|"I know what you're asking yourself: 'Was I scared to death by this man's ghost hat?' But nah, I just killed ya."]]<br>我知道你在问自己:‘我是不是被这个人的鬼帽子吓死了?’确实不是,是我刚刚杀了你。
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''[[Fire/zh-hans|着火]]'''
|title      = '''[[fire/zh-hans|着火]]'''
|image      = Killicon fire.png
|image      = Killicon fire.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Fire/zh-hans
|image-link = Fire/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:scout_item_haunthat_on_fire01.wav|(scream) "''Save yourself, Scary Hat!''"]]  
*[[Media:scout_item_haunthat_on_fire01.wav|"(尖叫)''Save yourself, Scary Hat!''"]]<br>吓人帽子,保护好你自己!
*[[Media:scout_item_haunthat_on_fire02.wav|(scream) "Scary Hat! ''This is all'' '''''your fault!'''''"]]
*[[Media:scout_item_haunthat_on_fire02.wav|"(尖叫)Scary Hat! ''This is all'' '''''your fault!'''''"]]<br>吓人帽子!这都是'''你害的'''!
*[[Media:scout_item_haunthat_on_fire03.wav|(scream) "Oh God, my ''ghost hat's on fire!''"]]  
*[[Media:scout_item_haunthat_on_fire03.wav|"(尖叫)Oh, God, my ''ghost hat's on fire!''"]]<br>哦,老天,我的鬼帽子着火了!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = Scared by a [[Ghost]]
|title      = 受到[[ghost/zh-hans|鬼魂]]惊吓
|image      = Ghost_Yikes!.png
|image      = Ghost_Yikes!.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =  
|image-link =  
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:scout_item_haunthat_scared01.wav|"Don't look, Scary Hat!"]]
*[[Media:scout_item_haunthat_scared01.wav|"Don't look, Scary Hat!"]]<br>别看它,吓人帽子!
*[[Media:scout_item_haunthat_scared02.wav|"Oh--''oh my god'', dat is almost as scary as my hat!"]]
*[[Media:scout_item_haunthat_scared02.wav|"Oh--''oh my god'', dat is almost as scary as my hat!"]]<br>哦老天,这都快比我的帽子还恐怖了!
=== [[Image:Item_icon_Magical_Mercenary.png|25px]] 装备着{{Item link|Magical Mercenary}}===
=== {{anchor|Magical Mercenary}} {{Item icon|Magical Mercenary|25px}} 装备{{item link|Magical Mercenary}} ===
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
Line 1,600: Line 1,720:
|image-link = List of game modes/zh-hans
|image-link = List of game modes/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:scout_item_unicorn_round_start01.wav|"Clippity-clop, over here! I'm a ''pretty pink horse!''"]]
*[[Media:scout_item_unicorn_round_start01.wav|"Clippity-clop, over here! I'm a ''pretty pink horse!''"]]<br>啪哒啪哒地走!我就是个粉粉的小马!
*[[Media:scout_item_unicorn_round_start02.wav|"Yeah, ''laugh it up!'' You know what girls love? ''Unicorns!'' '''''Look it up!'''''"]]<br>对,笑呗!你知道女孩们都喜欢什么吗?独角兽!'''自个查查看吧!'''
*[[Media:scout_item_unicorn_round_start03.wav|"You can't put a saddle on ''me'', brotha! I am like ''pink wind''."]]<br>兄弟,你可别想在我身上套马鞍!我快得像一阵粉色的风。
*[[Media:scout_item_unicorn_round_start04.wav|"Yeah, laugh it up! I will ''gore your ass'' wit' dis thing."]]<br>对,笑呗!看我待会儿用这玩意儿捅你的屁眼。
*[[Media:scout_item_unicorn_round_start05.wav|"I am '''not''' a ''unicorn!'' I'm a ''pink rhinoceros!''"]]<br>我'''可不是'''什么独角兽!!我是一头粉色的犀牛!
*[[Media:scout_item_unicorn_round_start06.wav|"'''''Unicorn power!'''''"]]<br>'''独角兽之力!'''
Line 1,615: Line 1,735:
|image-link = Domination/zh-hans
|image-link = Domination/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:scout_item_unicorn_domination01.wav|"Friendship is freakin' ''magic'', pal!"]]<br>哥们,友谊可是魔法!
*[[Media:scout_item_unicorn_domination02.wav|"You mess with da horse? ''You get da horn!''"]]<br>你惹火了一匹马?那就吃我一角!
*[[Media:scout_item_unicorn_domination03.wav|"Oh, I just clippy-clopped my hoof up your ass!"]]<br>哦,我刚刚把蹄子踹进你屁股上了!
*[[Media:scout_item_unicorn_domination04.wav|"'''Dat''' is how a unicorn lays down the freakin' ''hurt!''"]]<br>'''这'''才算得上独角兽留下的伤痛!
*[[Media:scout_item_unicorn_domination05.wav|"''Dat'' is how a unicorn gets it ''done, son!''"]]<br>小子,独角兽就是这么办事儿的!
*[[Media:scout_item_unicorn_domination06.wav|"Where's yer fairy tale endin', Rapunzel? ''Huh? Where'd it go?!''"]]<br>怎么没看见你的童话结局啊,长发公主?哈?咋不见了呢?!
*[[Media:scout_item_unicorn_domination07.wav|"Every time a unicorn kills ya, ''ya get to make a wish!''"]]<br>独角兽每杀死你一次,你就能许一个愿!
*[[Media:scout_item_unicorn_domination08.wav|"Yeah, I heard ya laughin' earlier. But it's okay - '''cause ya dead!''"]]<br>对,我早就听到你笑了。但没关系——因为你没命笑了!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''进攻方:炸弹车前进'''
|title      = '''进攻方:战车前进'''
|image      = BLU Bombcart.png
|image      = BLU Bombcart.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Payload/zh-hans
|image-link = Payload/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:scout_item_unicorn_cart_forward01.wav|"Come on, ''push! Unicorn power!''"]]<br>快点,推啊!独角兽之力!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''[[Fire/zh-hans|着火]]'''
|title      = '''[[fire/zh-hans|着火]]'''
|image      = Killicon fire.png
|image      = Killicon fire.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Fire/zh-hans
|image-link = Fire/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:scout_item_unicorn_on_fire01.wav|"My pony magic does ''nothing!''"]] <br>我的小马魔法不管用了吗!
*[[Media:scout_item_unicorn_on_fire02.wav|"(短处的尖叫)''Unicorn on fire!'' '''''Unicorn on fire!'''''"]]<br>独角兽着火了!'''独角兽着火了!'''
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''处于[[ÜberCharge/zh-hans|超能冲锋]]状态'''
|title      = '''处于[[ÜberCharge/zh-hans|ÜberCharge]]状态'''
|image      = Item icon Kritzkrieg.png
|image      = Item icon Kritzkrieg.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = ÜberCharge/zh-hans
|image-link = ÜberCharge/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:scout_item_unicorn_uber01.wav|"'''''I am a horned nightmare!'''''"]]<br>'''我乃梦魇之角!'''
*[[Media:scout_item_unicorn_uber02.wav|"'''''I am an invincible unicorn!'''''"]]<br>'''我即是神奇独角兽!'''
== 未使用的回应 ==
=== {{anchor|Voodoo-Cursed Scout Soul}} {{Item icon|Voodoo-Cursed Scout Soul|25px}} 装备{{item link|Voodoo-Cursed Scout Soul}} ===
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = Idle/zh-hans
|content    =
''在[[Zombie Infection/zh-hans|僵尸感染]]模式中作为僵尸侦察兵并使用“战争嘶吼”语音命令时也会播放以下语音。''
*[[Media:scout_sf12_zombie01.wav|"Grass grows, sun shines, birds fly, and brother, I come back from the dead!"]]<br>草在长,阳光照,鸟在飞,而哥们我呢,我死而复生了!
*[[Media:scout_sf12_zombie02.wav|"Brains! Man, I would kill for some brains here!"]]<br>脑子!老兄,我得杀点人要脑子!
*[[Media:scout_sf12_zombie03.wav|"Hey, I love brains."]]<br>嘿,我超爱脑子。
*[[Media:scout_sf12_zombie04.wav|"Aw, y-ya know what would hit the spot? Brains! They're delicious!"]]<br>你知道什么最合我口味吗?脑子!超好吃的!
*[[Media:scout_sf12_zombie05.wav|"It's not original, but it's true, I love brains."]]<br>虽然不是很正宗,但句句实话,我超爱脑子。
== 未被使用的回应 ==
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''控制敌人'''
|title      = '''控制敌人'''
|image      = Unknownweapon.png
|image      = Dominating.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =  
|image-link =  
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Scout_domination03.wav|"Are you even tryin'?"]]<br>给点力行不?
*[[Media:Scout_domination04.wav|"Yo, did ya even see me hittin' ya?"]]<br>哟,我打着你你都没发觉吗?
{{Audio nav}}
{{Audio nav}}
{{Scout Nav}}
{{Scout Nav}}
[[Category:Lists of responses/zh-hans]]
[[Category:Lists of responses/zh-hans]]

Latest revision as of 12:00, 19 September 2024


语音回应是在玩家完成某些行为(如用主武器或近战武器击杀一定数量的敌人),或者玩家遭遇了某些事件(如被点燃)后触发播放的语音台词。 以下列出了目前为止侦察兵所有的语音回应(不包括语音命令)。

Pictogram comment.png 语音翻译仅供参考。


主条目: 侦察兵嘲讽



Item icon Scattergun.png  在 20 秒内使用主武器击杀超过 1 名敌人
Killicon tool chest.png  摧毁一个建筑
Item icon Medi Gun.png  辅助杀敌
Item icon Bat.png  近战杀敌


Dominating.png  控制敌人
Leaderboard class scout.png  控制一名侦察兵
Leaderboard class soldier.png  控制一名士兵
Leaderboard class pyro.png  控制一名火焰兵
Leaderboard class demoman.png  控制一名爆破手
Leaderboard class heavy.png  控制一名机枪手
Leaderboard class engineer.png  控制一名工程师
Leaderboard class medic.png  控制一名医生
Leaderboard class sniper.png  控制一名狙击手
Leaderboard class spy.png  控制了一名间谍
Dominating.png  通过近战击杀控制敌人
Nemesis RED.png  复仇击杀


Gette it Onne!.png  回合开始
Item icon Eyelander.png  进入骤死战
Killicon skull.png  陷入僵局
Killicon fire.png  着火
Item icon Jarate.png  纵火者的油桶瓶手道疯狂的牛奶突变牛奶迷人的生命体击中
Telespin.png  使用传送装置
Healthico.png  医生治疗
Item icon Kritzkrieg.png  处于ÜberCharge状态
Sandman Baseball.png  捡起一颗棒球
Bonk! Atomic Punch 1st person red.png  在低生命值并受到攻击的情况下装备原子能饮料
Health dead.png  爆击攻击或近战武器杀死
Bleed drop.png  严重疼痛
Bleed drop.png  轻微疼痛
Achieved.png  解锁成就


Item icon Bonk! Atomic Punch.png  饮用原子能饮料后
Item icon Bonk! Atomic Punch.png  在原子能饮料效果下承受攻击
Item icon Crit-a-Cola.png  爆击可乐效果下使用武器攻击

只有在效果激活了大约 1 秒后进行攻击时才会说出。

Item icon Crit-a-Cola.png  爆击可乐效果结束
Item icon Mad Milk.png  投掷疯狂的牛奶突变牛奶
Stunned.png  击昏敌人
Item icon Sandman.png  使用睡魔攻击
Item icon Scattergun.png  使用二段跳
Item icon Force-A-Nature.png  使用三段跳到达最高点


Intel red idle.png  捡起情报
Intel red pickedup.png  成功夺取情报
CP Captured RED.png  成功占领控制点
CP Locked RED.png  站在已占领的控制点上开火
CP Neutral.png  站在可占领的控制点上开火
Cross RED.png  防守目标


BLU Bombcart.png  进攻方:战车前进
BLU Bombcart.png  进攻方:战车后退
RED Bombcart.png  防守方:战车前进
RED Bombcart.png  防守方:战车后退
Hoodoo Bombcart.png  进攻方:靠近战车
Hoodoo Bombcart.png  进攻方:战车停止移动
Lil-chewchew.png  防守方:阻挡战车






Setup.png  第一回合





仅限 6s 比赛


Setup.png  上一回合获胜




仅限 6s 比赛

Setup.png  上一回合失败


Setup.png  上一回合平局







曼恩 vs. 机器-相关回应













注:该模式的语音台词由 James McGuinn 提供

Setup.png  准备阶段
VSH Saxton Hale Model.png  发现萨克斯顿




Marked for death Skull Hover.png  成功打上死亡标记
Leaderboard class medic.png  汇报医生状态




Backpack Dueling Mini-Game.png  发起一场决斗
Duel RED.png  决斗被接受
Duel BLU.png  决斗被拒绝



Fate card dance.png  命运·舞会
Fate card highjump.png  命运·超级跳
Fate card lowgravity.png  命运·失重
Fate card bighead.png  命运·大头
Fate card shrunkenhead.png  命运·小头
Fate card skull.png  命运·诅咒(血流不止)
Backpack Skull Island Topper.png  正面命运
Backpack Skull Island Topper.png  负面命运


RED Bombinomicon.png  头变成炸弹
RED Bombinomicon.png  成功击晕马拉莫斯
Backpack Skull Island Topper.png  马拉莫斯躲藏
Backpack Skull Island Topper.png  寻找马拉莫斯


Gette it Onne!.png  回合开始
BLU Bombcart.png  战车停止移动
BLU Bombcart.png  灵异时刻:魔法桥出现


Backpack Fancy Spellbook.png  收集普通魔咒
Backpack Fancy Spellbook.png  收集稀有魔咒
Backpack Fancy Spellbook.png  遭遇稀有魔咒
Backpack Spellbook Magazine.png  施放魔咒
Backpack Skull Island Topper.png  落入无底洞
Ghost Yikes!.png  受到鬼魂惊吓
Backpack Skull Island Topper.png  条件不详


Haunted Hat 装备闹鬼的折叠礼帽

Gette it Onne!.png  回合开始
CP Captured RED.png  正在占领控制点
BLU Bombcart.png  进攻方:战车前进
Intel red idle.png  捡起情报
Intel red pickedup.png  成功夺取情报
Dominating.png  控制敌人
Killicon fire.png  着火
Ghost Yikes!.png  受到鬼魂惊吓

Magical Mercenary 装备魔法佣兵

Gette it Onne!.png  回合开始
Dominating.png  控制敌人
BLU Bombcart.png  进攻方:战车前进
Killicon fire.png  着火
Item icon Kritzkrieg.png  处于ÜberCharge状态

Voodoo-Cursed Scout Soul 装备巫毒诅咒的侦察兵灵魂




Dominating.png  控制敌人
