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{{DISPLAYTITLE:Llave inglesa Dorada}}
{{Hatnote|This article is about the Engineer's promotional melee weapon. It is not to be confused with the [[Australium weapons#Engineer weapons|Australium Wrench]].}}
{{Item infobox
{{Weapon infobox
| type              = weapon
| used-by = [[Engineer]]
| image             = Golden Wrench IMG.png
| weapon-image=Golden Wrench IMG.png
| used-by            = {{used by|Engineer}}
| weapon-slot = [[Melee]]
| slot               = melee
| level-and-type = Level 25 Wrench
| released          = {{Patch name|7|1|2010}}
| ammo-loaded = N/A
| availability      = {{avail|distributed-expired}}
| ammo-carried = N/A
| trade              = no
| display-loadout-stats = yes
| gift              = no
| backpack-image = Golden Wrench
| numbered          = no
| positive-attributes = Impregnado de un poder antiguo
| ammo-loaded       = {{common string|N/A}}
| availability = Limitado, ya no es disponible
| ammo-carried       = {{common string|N/A}}
| loadout            = yes
  | item-kind        = {{item kind|Wrench}}
  | item-level      = 25
  | limited          = yes
  | item-description = {{attribute|WrenchNumber|[#]}}
  | item-flags      = {{attribute|CannotTrade}}
  | att-1-positive  = {{attribute|TurnToGold}}
{{Quotation|'''The Engineer'''|Esa es una muerte chapada de oro!|sound=Engineer_goldenwrenchkill01.wav}}
{{Quotation|'''The Engineer'''|That there is a gold-plated kill!|sound=Engineer goldenwrenchkill01.wav}}
La '''Llave inglesa Dorada''' Es un reemplazo exclusivo de la [[Wrench]] para el Engineer. Tiene un skin y un ícono de muerte ditinta de la [[Wrench]] convencional, y los enemigos asesinados por esta se convertirán en estatuas de oro solidas en vez de "ragdolls". En todos los demás aspectos, es igual a la Llave inglesa común.
Esta arma se solía hacer con procesos de fabricado común, Con una oportunidad de encontrar la Llave Inglesa Dorada tanto como los resultados normales. Ya no puede ser fabricada o encontrada.  
The '''Golden Wrench''' is a distributed [[Weapons#engiemelee|melee weapon]] for the {{cl|Engineer}}. It is similar to a regular [[Wrench]], but the majority of it is made out of [[Australium]].<ref>[https://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=4151 TF2 Official Blog - Golden Wrench Destruction for Charity]</ref>
Solo 100 Llaves Inglesas Doradas fueron encontradas. Los jugadores que la recibieron están listados [http://www.teamfortress.com/engineerupdate/wrenchlog/ Registro Oficial de Llaves] al que puede ser accedido clickeando tal boton en la pagina de [http://www.teamfortress.com/engineerupdate/ La actualización del Engineer]. Todas las 100 Llaves inglesas doradas fueron encontradas
This weapon functions identically to the [[Wrench]] but with an added cosmetic function: any enemies killed with it produce motionless statues of pure Australium instead of the normal [[ragdoll]]s. Any [[jiggle bones]] on enemy ragdolls are also frozen by this effect. In addition, a special [[Media:saxxy_impact_gen_06.wav|sound effect]] unique to this weapon, the [[Saxxy]], and the [[Golden Frying Pan]] is played upon killing any enemy.
== Damage ==
Upon killing an enemy, [[Engineer responses#Kill-related responses|unique voice lines]] play.
* Point Blank: 65 (59 to 72 damage)
* Mini-Crit: 88
* [[Critical hit]]: 195
* Daño reparado por golpe: 105
* Actualización por golpe : 25 (Pérdida correspondiente en [[metal]])
* Metal Cost per Repairing Stroke: 1 + Damage / 5
* Metal Cost for reloading ammo: 1 per bullet, 2 per rocket salvo
Los daños son aproximados y determinados por testeo comunitario.
This weapon was a promotional feature of the [[Engineer Update]]. Players were informed that every time a player [[Crafting|crafted]] an item, there was a chance of a Golden Wrench dropping. Only 100 Golden Wrenches were available to drop. After each 25 Golden Wrench milestone, a new section of the Engineer Update was released. The smelting of reclaimed metal and refined metal was suspended during this time to prevent [[Exploits|exploiting]] the crafting system to increase the chances of getting a Golden Wrench. The Golden Wrench drops were on a timer, spaced out in such a way that every time zone had an equal chance of crafting one. The first person to craft something after one of these designated drop times was guaranteed to craft a Golden Wrench.
== Tiempos de función ==
== Damage and function times ==
* Intervalo de ataques: 0.8
{{Damage table
Los tiempos son aproximados y determinados por testeo comunitario.
| identical            = {{item link|Wrench}}
| damagetype            = {{common string|Melee}}
| rangetype            = {{common string|Melee}}
== Descubrimiento ==
| damage                = yes
|  base                = 65
El archivo de material conteniendo el icono de muerte también contiene un [[Media:Coded Letter.png|mensaje encriptado]] diciendo,
|  crit                = 195
| minicrit            = 88
{{Blockquote|"lek/NIxV HkQ6U RDB FXV/R s1Hefy yiY6t e76mmuL. So misJJ3k ivV9g Vy6X5 oepq sP7R/?"}}
| damage repaired      = 102
|  upgrade amount      = 25
|  metal cost repairing = 1 + damage / 3
|  metal cost reloading = 1 / bullet<br/>2 / rocket salvo
Éste texto puede ser [http://www.myersdaily.org/joseph/javascript/alphac.html decriptado] con la clave "saxtonhale", revelando el mensaje,
| function times        = yes
|  attack interval      = 0.8 s
{{Weapon Demonstration}}
== Related achievements ==
=== {{class link|Soldier}} ===
{{Achievement table
| 1 = {{Show achievement|Soldier|Engineer to Eternity}}
=== {{class link|Engineer}} ===
{{Wrench related achievements}}
=== {{class link|Medic}} ===
{{Achievement table
| 1 = {{Show achievement|Medic|Midwife Crisis}}
== Update history ==
{{Update history | '''{{Patch name|7|1|2010}}'''
* {{Undocumented}} The Golden Wrench was added to the game.
'''{{Patch name|10|6|2010}}''' ({{update link|Engineer Update}})
* {{Undocumented}} The Golden Wrench could no longer be randomly found via [[crafting]].
'''{{Patch name|10|6|2010}}'''
* The unique number for each Golden Wrench is fixed; previously it did not show correctly.
'''{{Patch name|10|8|2010}}'''
* The Golden Wrench is now nameable using a [[Name Tag]].
'''{{Patch name|2|3|2011}}'''
* Engineers who hit teammate [[Sentry Gun]]s with their Golden Wrench now get kill assists from that Sentry Gun.
'''{{Patch name|2|14|2011}}'''
* Fixed melee attacks not destroying remote detonation pipes (Stickybombs).
{{Blockquote|"Claramente aquí hay más espacio del necesitado. ¿Me pregunto qué mas había aquí?"}}
'''{{Patch name|6|8|2011}}'''
* {{undocumented}} Added a new hit sound effect to the Golden Wrench.
Tal mensaje implicaba que fue intencionado que se descubriera la Llave Inglesa Dorada entre los archivos del juego. Es una referencia a la larga imagen de 512 × 1024 que solo contenía el icono de muerte de la Llave Inglesa Dorada, el mensaje y el enlace al decriptador.
'''{{Patch name|10|13|2011}}''' ({{update link|Manniversary Update & Sale}})
* Added a previously unused kill line for the Golden Wrench.
* Fixed gold ragdolls playing custom death animations when they should be locked in a pose.
En la noche del 4 de Julio de 2010, Dieciséis jugadores encontraron la Llave Inglesa Dorada después de un "droppeo" activado por Robin.  
'''{{Patch name|9|17|2014}}'''
* Added the Limited attribute to the Golden Wrench.
El 5 de Julio de 2010 , se [http://www.teamfortress.com/engineerupdate/wrenchlog/ reveló] Que había un límite de 100 Llaves Inglesas Doradas para ser encontradas durante los próximos dias. De acuerdo a la pagina, solo se podía encontrar al azar cuando cualquier cosa era fabricada (pero luego fue revelado por Drunken F00l que los encuentros eran a tiempos fijos, no al azar). Cuando un jugador encontraba una Llave Inglesa Dorada, todos los usuarios de TF2 recibían un mensaje, el contador en la pagina de [http://www.teamfortress.com/engineerupdate/ La actualización del Engineer] era actualizado, y el nombre del jugador era incluido en el
'''{{Patch name|1|22|2016}}'''
[http://www.teamfortress.com/engineerupdate/wrenchlog/ Registro Oficial de Llaves].
* Fixed the [[vdc:VMT|material]] for the Golden Wrench.
Cuando otra Llave Inglesa Dorada era encontrada por un miembro de la Comunidad, un mensaje aparecía a los usuarios mostrando el nombre del jugador y que numero de Llave Inglesa era, acompañado de una exclamación de [[Media:Announcer success.wav|"Success!"]] por parte de la Anunciadora.  Cuando una Llave Inglesa Dorada es destruida, un mensaje similar aparece alertando a todos los usuarios el hecho de que fue destruida, y la exclamación de[Media:Announcer failure.wav|"Failure!"]] es reproducido.
'''{{Patch name|4|12|2018}}'''
* Fixed the Golden Wrench not having an offset when using minimized viewmodels.
== Curiosidades ==
'''{{Patch name|9|16|2021}}'''
* La Llave Inglesa Dorada usa un icono de muerte que no usa uno de los dos colores normales de iconos.
* Updated Golden Wrench, [[Saxxy]], and [[Golden Frying Pan]] kills to use the Australium background for death notices.}}
* A pesar de que los enemigos asesinados por La Llave Inglesa Dorada se convierten en estatuas de oro, todavia pueden mover sus músculos faciales y gritar por la muerte. (Al igual que los "ragdolls"). El sonido que emiten al tocar el piso es de carne, a pesar de estar hechas de metal.
* La Llave Inglesa Dorada es una posible referencia al [[wikipedia:Midas|Rey Midas]], que tenia la habilidad, o maldición, de transformar a cualquiera que tocara en oro sólido. El Engineer incluso puede decir que tiene el "Toque de Midas" cuando mata a alguien con la Llave Inglesa Dorada.
*La Llave Inglesa Dorada puede estar hecha de [[Australium]], un metal transformativo mencionado en el comic "Loose Canon" <ref>http://www.teamfortress.com/loosecanon/09.html</ref>
** Una pista posible a es que la exposición prolongada al Australium lleva a un amor a la violencia física (como es mostrado por las fotos progresivas escondidas de Radigan Conagher en la pagina de La Actualización del Engineer).
** En el comic Loose Canon, la mujer misteriosa que mencionó a Radigan Conagher que se las arregló para conseguir [[Media:Engineercomic09.jpg|100 Libras de Australium]]. Este valor podría corresponder a las 100 Llaves Inglesas Doradas disponibles.
* La Llave Inglesa Dorada no convierte los Sombreros y Objetos miscelaneos en oro.
* The Golden Wrench freezes jiggle bones.
* El atributo de "convertir a oro" esta cifrado a la fuerza en la Llave Inglesa Dorada - significando que si se quiere agregar a otra arma usando un plugin de servidor, no causará tal efecto.
* Fue posible anteriormente fabricar la Llave Inglesa Dorada usando el plano de 'Fabricar Arma de Clase'. Sin embargo era imposible crear una moneda de Engineer asi que nadie pudo hacerlo. Valve entonces ''Arregló'' la Llave Inglesa de manera de que no pudiera ser Fabricada.
* Valve deshabilitó la habilidad de convertir metal en chatarra durante este tiempo (y hasta estos dias). Esto era para evitar el spam de fabricar metal chatarra.
* The [[Sniper]]'s gold statue has a higher chance of remaining upright compared to the other classes, due to their disproportionate models.
* Si un [[Spy]] es asesinado por la Llave Inglesa Dorada mientras sostiene el [[Dead Ringer]] , el verá su propio mensaje de muerte, aunque normalmente no lo haría..
*14 Llaves Inglesas Doradas fueron destruidas como resultado del evento Caridad Dorada- 12 Fueron destruidas el 31 de Agosto de 2010, 1 fue destruida en honor al evento, y 1 era parte del grupo inicial pero fue destruida más tarde por problemas técnicos.
== Bugs ==
* If a {{cl|Spy}}'s [[Dead Ringer]] is triggered by the Golden Wrench, the Spy sees his own death message in the kill feed.
* The Golden Wrench does not glow when [[Critical hits#Crit boost|Crit boosted]] in world view.
== Trivia ==
Do not add that the Spy statue is a game reference to the Spycrab taunt or fad.
The spy statue in the Gallery is just a reference the Wiki editor made. 
Spies generally do not fall into this stance when killed by the wrench.
* The Golden Wrench was originally indicated in the material file with an [[Media:Coded Letter.png|encrypted message]] that could be [https://www.myersdaily.org/joseph/javascript/alphac.html translated].
* Any time someone received a Golden Wrench, a message was broadcast to all players connected to servers at that moment, followed by the [[Announcer]] saying "Success". Likewise, a message is displayed to all players when any Golden Wrench owner deletes that item, followed by the Announcer saying "Failure". This continues in effect even after the Engineer Update.
** Upon being found, the message read: "'''[Player] has found Golden Wrench no. [#]!'''"<!--TF_HUD_Event_GoldenWrench_C-->
** Upon deletion, the message reads: "'''[Player] has destroyed Golden Wrench no. [#]!'''"<!--TF_HUD_Event_GoldenWrench_D-->
* 14 Golden Wrenches were deleted as part of the [[Golden Charity]] event in support of [https://www.childsplaycharity.org/ Child's Play] on August 31, 2010.
* Erik Johnson said in a [https://www.pcgamer.com/2010/09/11/interview-valve-on-why-theyd-make-the-half-life-movie/ PC Gamer interview]: ''"That would have been awesome, if the whole TF2 community had the chance to find the broken pieces of the Golden Wrench and restore them. That whole event is going to carry forward in some way."''
* Player {{Steamid|76561197965355603|Vulcnor}}, upon winning a charity auction for Child's Play, received Golden Wrench No. 101 along with one of every other game item.
== Gallery ==
| noalign = 1
| width = 90%
| title = {{common string|Gallery}}
| orientation = horizontal
| icon1 = First-person views
| icon2 = Statues
| icon3 = Other
| content1 = <nowiki></nowiki>
File:Golden Wrench 1st person cropped.png|Vista en 1ª persona.
File:Golden Wrench 1st person.png|First-person view.
File:Golden Wrench 1st person.png|Vista completa en 1ª persona.
File:Golden Wrench 1st person HDR.png|First-person view with HDR effects enabled.
Image:Gold Pyro.png|Estatua de pyro
Image:Gold Demoman.png|Estatua de Demoman
Image:Gold Engineer.png|Estatua de Engineer
Image:Gold Heavy.png|Estatua de Heavy
Image:Gold Medic.png|Estatua de Medic
Image:Gold Scout.png|Estatua de Scout
Image:Gold Soldier.png|Estatua de Soldier
Image:Gold Sniper.png|Estatua de Sniper
Image:Gold Spy.png|Estatua de Spy
Image:Firstwrench.png|El mensaje enviado mundialmente cuando un jugador Fabrica la Llave Inglesa Dorada
Image:DestroyWrench.png|El mensaje enviado mundialmente cuando un jugador Destruye la Llave Inglesa Dorada
| content2 = <nowiki></nowiki>
<gallery perrow="3">
File:Gold Scout.png|[[Scout]] statue.
File:Gold Soldier.png|[[Soldier]] statue.
File:Gold Pyro.png|[[Pyro]] statue.
File:Gold Demoman.png|[[Demoman]] statue.
File:Gold Heavy.png|[[Heavy]] statue.
File:Gold Engineer.png|[[Engineer]] statue.
File:Gold Medic.png|[[Medic]] statue.
File:Gold Sniper.png|[[Sniper]] statue.
File:Gold Spy.png|[[Spy]] statue.
| content3 = <nowiki></nowiki>
File:Firstwrench.png|The message broadcast when a player finds a Golden Wrench.
File:DestroyWrench.png|The message broadcast when a player deletes a Golden Wrench.
== References ==
== Referenciass ==
==Ver también==
== See also ==
*[[Engineer Update]]
* [[Basic Engineer strategy#Wrench + reskins|Golden Wrench strategy]]
* [[List of Golden Wrench owners]]
* [[Golden Frying Pan]]
* [[Saxxy]]
{{Allweapons Nav}}<br />
{{Engineer Update Nav}}
{{Engineer Nav}}<br />
{{Allweapons Nav}}
{{Engineer Nav}}
[[Category:Melee weapons]]
[[Category:Limited items]]

Latest revision as of 14:01, 23 February 2025

This article is about the Engineer's promotional melee weapon. It is not to be confused with the Australium Wrench.
That there is a gold-plated kill!
The Engineer

The Golden Wrench is a distributed melee weapon for the Engineer. It is similar to a regular Wrench, but the majority of it is made out of Australium.[1]

This weapon functions identically to the Wrench but with an added cosmetic function: any enemies killed with it produce motionless statues of pure Australium instead of the normal ragdolls. Any jiggle bones on enemy ragdolls are also frozen by this effect. In addition, a special sound effect unique to this weapon, the Saxxy, and the Golden Frying Pan is played upon killing any enemy.

Upon killing an enemy, unique voice lines play.

This weapon was a promotional feature of the Engineer Update. Players were informed that every time a player crafted an item, there was a chance of a Golden Wrench dropping. Only 100 Golden Wrenches were available to drop. After each 25 Golden Wrench milestone, a new section of the Engineer Update was released. The smelting of reclaimed metal and refined metal was suspended during this time to prevent exploiting the crafting system to increase the chances of getting a Golden Wrench. The Golden Wrench drops were on a timer, spaced out in such a way that every time zone had an equal chance of crafting one. The first person to craft something after one of these designated drop times was guaranteed to craft a Golden Wrench.

Damage and function times

See also: Damage
Identical to: Wrench
Damage and function times
Damage type Melee
Ranged or Melee damage? Melee
Base damage 100% 65
Critical 195
Mini-crit 88
Damage repaired per hit 102
Upgrade amount per hit 25
Metal cost per repairing hit 1 + damage / 3
Metal cost for reloading ammo 1 / bullet
2 / rocket salvo
Function times
Attack interval 0.8 s
Values are approximate and determined by community testing.


Related achievements

Leaderboard class soldier.png Soldier

Engineer to Eternity
Engineer to Eternity
Kill an Engineer as he repairs his sentry gun while it's under enemy fire.

Leaderboard class engineer.png Engineer

Built to Last
Built to Last
Help a single building tank over 2000 damage without being destroyed.

Circle the Wagons
Circle the Wagons
Repair 50,000 damage to friendly buildings constructed by other players.

Doc, Stock, and Barrel
Doc, Stock, and Barrel
Repair a sentry gun under fire while being healed by a Medic.

Fistful of Sappers
Fistful of Sappers
Destroy 25 sappers on buildings built by other team members.

Get Along!
Get Along!
Manage to get to, and then remove, a sapper placed on your building while you were several meters away.
Land Grab
Land Grab
Help a teammate construct a building.

Quick Draw
Quick Draw
Kill a Spy and two sappers within 10 seconds.

Rio Grind
Rio Grind
Perform 50 repairs and/or reloads on a Sentry gun being Wrangled by another Engineer.

Silent Pardner
Silent Pardner
Upgrade 50 buildings built by other team members.

The Wrench Connection
The Wrench Connection
Kill a disguised spy with your Wrench.

Leaderboard class medic.png Medic

Midwife Crisis
Midwife Crisis
Heal an Engineer as he repairs his sentry gun while it's under enemy fire.

Update history

July 1, 2010 Patch
  • [Undocumented] The Golden Wrench was added to the game.

October 6, 2010 Patch (Engineer Update)

  • [Undocumented] The Golden Wrench could no longer be randomly found via crafting.

October 6, 2010 Patch

  • The unique number for each Golden Wrench is fixed; previously it did not show correctly.

October 8, 2010 Patch

  • The Golden Wrench is now nameable using a Name Tag.

February 3, 2011 Patch

  • Engineers who hit teammate Sentry Guns with their Golden Wrench now get kill assists from that Sentry Gun.

February 14, 2011 Patch

  • Fixed melee attacks not destroying remote detonation pipes (Stickybombs).

June 8, 2011 Patch

  • [Undocumented] Added a new hit sound effect to the Golden Wrench.

October 13, 2011 Patch (Manniversary Update & Sale)

  • Added a previously unused kill line for the Golden Wrench.
  • Fixed gold ragdolls playing custom death animations when they should be locked in a pose.

September 17, 2014 Patch

  • Added the Limited attribute to the Golden Wrench.

January 22, 2016 Patch

  • Fixed the material for the Golden Wrench.

April 12, 2018 Patch

  • Fixed the Golden Wrench not having an offset when using minimized viewmodels.

September 16, 2021 Patch


  • If a Spy's Dead Ringer is triggered by the Golden Wrench, the Spy sees his own death message in the kill feed.
  • The Golden Wrench does not glow when Crit boosted in world view.


  • The Golden Wrench was originally indicated in the material file with an encrypted message that could be translated.
  • Any time someone received a Golden Wrench, a message was broadcast to all players connected to servers at that moment, followed by the Announcer saying "Success". Likewise, a message is displayed to all players when any Golden Wrench owner deletes that item, followed by the Announcer saying "Failure". This continues in effect even after the Engineer Update.
    • Upon being found, the message read: "[Player] has found Golden Wrench no. [#]!"
    • Upon deletion, the message reads: "[Player] has destroyed Golden Wrench no. [#]!"
  • 14 Golden Wrenches were deleted as part of the Golden Charity event in support of Child's Play on August 31, 2010.
  • Erik Johnson said in a PC Gamer interview: "That would have been awesome, if the whole TF2 community had the chance to find the broken pieces of the Golden Wrench and restore them. That whole event is going to carry forward in some way."
  • Player Vulcnor, upon winning a charity auction for Child's Play, received Golden Wrench No. 101 along with one of every other game item.


  • First-person views
  • Statues
  • Other


See also