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(aquila is already a standart no need to repeat it)
m (Clean up)
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File:Total War - Promotional Image.png|Promotional image featuring all the ''Total War'' items.
File:Total War - Promotional Image.png|Promotional image featuring all the ''Total War'' items.
== See also ==
* [[Distinguished Rogue]]
* [[Foppish Physician]]
* [[K-9 Mane]]
* [[King of Scotland Cape]]
* [[Menpo]]
* [[Stovepipe Sniper Shako]]
== References ==
== References ==
<references />
<references />
== See also ==
* [[Total War Master Collection]]
{{Allweapons Nav}}
{{Allweapons Nav}}
{{Promo nav}}
{{Promo nav}}

Revision as of 12:12, 30 September 2012

The Demoman

The Freedom Staff is a promotional melee weapon for all classes, with the exception of the Engineer and Spy. It is an aquila with a splintered end.

This item functions identically to the wielder's default melee weapon.

It is awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase the Total War Master Collection before October 1, 2012. Owning all of the games in the collection does not grant the Freedom Staff.

Damage and function times

Leaderboard class scout.png Scout

See also: Damage
Identical to: Bat
Damage and function times
Base damage 100% 35
Point blank 30-40
Critical 105
Mini-crit 40-54
Function times
Attack interval 0.5 s
Values are approximate and determined by community testing.
See also: Damage
Identical to: Bonesaw, Bottle, Fire Axe, Fists, Kukri, Shovel
Damage and function times
Base damage 100% 65
Point blank 59-72
Critical 195
Mini-crit 75-101
Function times
Attack interval 0.8 s
Values are approximate and determined by community testing.

Related achievements

Leaderboard class soldier.png Soldier

Trench Warfare
Trench Warfare
Kill your nemesis with a shovel.
War Crime Spybunal
War Crime Spybunal
Kill a Spy who just backstabbed a teammate.

Leaderboard class pyro.png Pyro

Kill 6 people with your axe in one life.

Freezer Burn
Freezer Burn
Provide enemies with freezecam shots of each of your taunts.
Kill 3 people with your axe in one life.

Leaderboard class demoman.png Demoman

The Scottish Play
The Scottish Play
Get a melee kill while sticky jumping.

Leaderboard class heavy.png Heavy

Communist Mani-Fisto
Communist Mani-Fisto
Kill an enemy with a critical punch.

Leaderboard class medic.png Medic

FYI I am A Medic
FYI I am A Medic
Use your bonesaw to kill a spy who has been calling for 'Medic!'.

Peer Review
Peer Review
Kill 10 Medics with your bone saw.
Hit enemies with your bonesaw 5 times in a row without dying or missing.

Leaderboard class sniper.png Sniper

Be Polite
Be Polite
Provide an enemy with a freezecam shot of you doffing your hat.

Jarate Chop
Jarate Chop
Jarate and then kill 3 enemies with your Kukri.
Kook the Spook
Kook the Spook
Kill 10 Spies with your Kukri.

Shock Treatment
Shock Treatment
Kill a spy whose backstab attempt was blocked by your Razorback.

Update history

September 27, 2012 Patch

  • The Freedom Staff was added to the game.


  • The Freedom Staff's description references Kofi Annan, a former Secretary-General of the United Nations.
  • The Freedom Staff was originally created as a promo for Rome:Total War, and was exclusive to the Soldier. [1]



See also