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| loadout            = yes
| loadout            = yes
   | quality          = Normal
   | quality          = Normal
   | level            = Level 1 Grappling Hook
   | level            = 1
   | item-description = Press and hold the Actionkey<br>to quickly fire a grapple line.<br><br>Optionally can be switched to by pressing slot6<br>and manually fired using primary attack.<br><br>Can only be used in Mannpower Mode or when enabled by the server.
  | item-kind = Grappling Hook
   | att-1-positive  = This weapon deploys 100% faster
   | item-description = Optionally can be switched to by pressing slot6<br>and manually fired using primary attack.<br><br>Can only be used in Mannpower Mode or when enabled by the server.
| item-id            = 1152
   | att-1-positive  = This weapon holsters 80% faster
  | att-2-positive  = This weapon deploys 100% faster
  | att-3-neutral = Press and hold the Actionkey<br>to quickly fire a grapple line.

Revision as of 22:28, 2 March 2016

Hey, I can see my base from here!
The Scout using the Grappling Hook

The Grappling Hook is a default action item for all classes, which is by default restricted to the Mannpower game mode.

With the Grappling Hook equipped, the player can hold down the action key to shoot a hook in the direction of their aim. The hook persists as long as the action key is held down, and vanishes upon its release. If the hook hits a wall, ceiling, or other surface, the player is reeled towards it in a linear trajectory, and upon reaching the hook remains there until the action key is released. This allows players to quickly move across the map and suspend themselves on walls and ceilings indefinitely. Cloaked and disguised Spies remain able to grapple.

If the player is blocked from moving towards their hooked location, they will continue attempting to move towards it, so if the obstacle is removed they will resume moving. Pressing the jump key while being reeled will detach the hook and provide extra vertical momentum. The Grappling Hook may not be fired towards open sky.

Hitting an enemy with a Grappling Hook will reel the player towards that enemy and allow them to change weapons while grappled. Hooked players will bleed until the hook is released, which is done by the grappling player firing their hook elsewhere, or if the two players have mutual line of sight blocked for more than one second.

The Grappling Hook can also be used by switching to the sixth weapon slot and using the primary fire key instead of the action key.

Update history

December 22, 2014 Patch (Smissmas 2014)
  • The Grappling Hook was added to the game.

December 23, 2014 Patch

  • Fixed disguised Spies using the incorrect grapple color.
  • Fixed the grapple still being connected to players after they die and respawn.
  • Fixed players being able to get out of map boundaries using the Grappling Hook.
  • When hud_fastswitch is disabled, pressing the ACTION key will select the grappling hook in the weapon selection menu.

January 7, 2015 Patch

  • Fixed not always being able to equip the grappling hook.
  • Fixed switching to the grappling hook from a weapon that prevents switching.
  • Fixed the grappling hook attaching to players that are dead or no longer exist.

January 9, 2015 Patch

  • Fixed the grappling hook using the wrong icon in the HUD weapon selection menu.

January 27, 2015 Patch

  • Fixed the Action Slot key behaving different for the grapple hook depending on the setting for hud_fastswitch.

February 18, 2015 Patch

  • Added a delay of 0.2 seconds between releasing and firing the grappling hook again.

March 12, 2015 Patch

  • Added hook jump- hit the jump key while being pulled-in to detach and jump extra distance (jump velocity convar "tf_grapplinghook_jump_up_speed").
  • Added support for hooking into enemy players.
    • Release the fire button once the hook has hit an enemy player to draw yourself to them.
    • Hooked victims will bleed for 2 health per second.
    • Unhook at any time by switching back to the grapple, or firing it again away from your victim.
    • Force detach if the hook is not in line of sight of hooked in enemy for more than 1 second.
    • Sound cue added when hooked by an enemy's grapple.
  • Added new Grapple weapon sounds and grapple projectile.
  • Reduced max firing distance to 4000 units (convar "tf_grapplinghook_max_distance").
  • Increased hook re-fire delay from 0.2 seconds to 0.5 seconds.
  • Re-enabled fall damage for the grappling hook (convar "tf_grapplinghook_prevent_fall_damage").
  • Fixed grappling hook rope drawing as the wrong color for friendly disguised Spy.

March 31, 2015 Patch

  • Updated grapple model and player animations .
  • Grapple: increased base damage for attaching to a player and increased bleed damage while attached.
  • [Undocumented] Added new Grappling Hook backpack icons.

October 28, 2015 Patch (Scream Fortress 2015)

  • Reduced max rope distance
  • Reduced grapple dismount jump height
  • 30% hook movement speed penalty for Heavyweapons

November 3, 2015 Patch

  • Fixed a bug where the grappling hook would not switch back to the previous weapon after being released

February 29, 2016 Patch

  • Grappling hook movement speed penalty for powered up flag carriers increased by 10%. Flag carriers with no powerup still have no penalty.


  • Name & Description Tags have no effect when used on a Grappling Hook.
  • Using the action key to use the grappling hook can lead to the weapon selection failing and possibly the primary fire getting stuck on. If this happens, the player can go into the console and type in -attack to fix it.
  • If two players grapple each other in mid air they will float.
  • Sometimes with Heavy, after firing the Primary for an extended period of time and switching to the Grappling Hook, the player isn't able to switch directly to their Melee weapon.
