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{{Quotation|'''The Medic'''|I am prepared to do vatever it takes!|sound=Medic_autocappedcontrolpoint03.wav}}
{{Show achievement|Medic|Autoclave
{{Show achievement|Medic|Autoclave
| obtain-level = Easy-Medium
| obtain-level = Easy-Medium

Revision as of 12:56, 15 March 2011

Assist in burning 5 enemies with a single ÜberCharge on a Pyro.
Difficulty: Easy-Medium
How to obtain: Find a competent Pyro and ambush a clustered group of enemies. Enemies tend to gather together around Control Points and at the start of rounds.

Autopsy Report
Autopsy Report
Provide an enemy with a freezecam shot of you taunting above their ragdoll.
Difficulty: Easy
How to obtain: Immediately after killing an enemy, taunt over their body.

Bedside Manner
Bedside Manner
Be healing a teammate as he achieves an achievement of his own.
Difficulty: Very Easy
How to obtain: This achievement will be obtained incidentally as you play as the Medic. Helping an enemy Spy get any achievement will not count.

Big Pharma
Big Pharma
Assist a Heavy in killing 10 enemies, where neither of you die.
Difficulty: Medium-Hard
How to obtain: This achievement coincides with "Division of Labor," a corresponding achievement for the Heavy. Find a good Heavy and communicate with him via voice chat. Play conservatively and save your ÜberCharge for emergencies only. Make good use of cover and watch out for any ambushes.

Blast Assist
Blast Assist
Assist in exploding 5 enemies with a single ÜberCharge on a Soldier.
Difficulty: Medium-Hard
How to obtain: This achievement coincides with "S.M.A.S.H.," a corresponding achievement for the Soldier. The Soldier should combine the standard Rocket Launcher with your Kritzkrieg in order to deal terrible, terrible damage over a wide radius. Enemies tend to gather together around Control Points and at the start of rounds.

Blunt Trauma
Blunt Trauma
Assist in punching 2 enemies with a single ÜberCharge on a Heavy.
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: Find a Heavy that is willing to cooperate and ambush foes using any melee weapon of the Heavy's choice. He needs to only punch, not kill, your enemies, so using the G.R.U. is a viable tactic for this achievement. Your ÜberCharge should keep both of you out of harm's way while attempting this.

Chief of Staff
Chief of Staff
Accumulate 1 million total heal points.
Difficulty: Easy
How to obtain: This achievement will naturally be obtained after a modest amount of time playing as the Medic. Healing done by the Crusader's Crossbow, Medi Gun, Kritzkrieg, and Amputator will count towards this achievement.

Assist a fellow Medic in killing 3 enemies in a single life.
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: Coordinate with a fellow Medic to take down the same foes. Because the Medic's offensive capabilities are lacking, fight against weaker enemies and deploy an ÜberCharge if necessary. It does not matter who does the killing or healing. If feeling ambitious, the two of you can utilize the Chain Über strategy to take on multiple enemies at a time.

Doctor Assisted Homicide
Doctor Assisted Homicide
Assist in killing 20 nemeses.
Difficulty: Easy
How to obtain: Heal all of your teammates as they fight. As they take revenge on their nemeses, you will earn points towards this achievement.

Does It Hurt When I Do This?
Does It Hurt When I Do This?
Kill 50 Scouts with your syringe gun.
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: Scouts will often target you due to your ability to heal others. If there are no teammates around, backpedal while using the Blutsauger to lower the damage you take. Due to the Scout's high speed, you will have to lead them accordingly to land hits.

Double Blind Trial
Double Blind Trial
Deploy an ÜberCharge within 8 seconds of a nearby enemy Medic deploying his.
Difficulty: Very Easy
How to obtain: Counter an enemy Medic's ÜberCharge by deploying your own. If the Kritzkrieg meets the standard ÜberCharge, the standard ÜberCharge will win.

Family Practice
Family Practice
ÜberCharge 5 of your Steam Community Friends.
Difficulty: Easy
How to obtain: Join a game where a friend is currently playing and deploy an ÜberCharge on him. You must charge five different friends for this achievement, so charging the same friend several times will not work.

First Do No Harm
First Do No Harm
Play a full round without killing any enemies, and score the highest on a team of 6 or more players.
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: The majority of a Medic's points come from assists. Rely on your Medic buddy to do the killing as you heal them. Keep everyone fully healed and deploy ÜberCharges as needed. Spread your healing so that no one teammate takes a large point lead over you.

FYI I am A Medic
FYI I am A Medic
Use your bonesaw to kill a spy who has been calling for 'Medic!'.
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: Spy-check any suspicious players who ask for healing. If you are certain they are a Spy, hit them several times for the kill.

Grand Rounds
Grand Rounds
Heal 200 teammates after they've called for 'Medic!'.
Difficulty: Easy
How to obtain: This achievement will naturally be obtained after a modest amount of time playing as the Medic. Stay near firefights and respond to your teammates' calls.

Group Health
Group Health
Work with 2 other Medics to deploy 3 simultaneous ÜberCharges.
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: Coordinate with two other Medics to accomplish this. Oddly enough, the other Medics do not have to be on the same team as you. This is easier to accomplish at the start of the match, as the setup phase will give plenty of time for the three of you to charge your ÜberCharge meters.

House Call
House Call
Join a game that one of your friends is in and then deploy an ÜberCharge on him.
Difficulty: Easy
How to obtain: Use the "Join Game" option from the Friends window in the Steam Community program. After joining, do not die before deploying the ÜberCharge on your friend. If a server changes maps, the system will count you as joining a friend's game.

Hypocritical Oath
Hypocritical Oath
Kill an enemy Spy that you have been healing.
Difficulty: Easy
How to obtain: Once you identify an enemy as a Spy, quickly heal then kill him using any means necessary.

Infernal Medicine
Infernal Medicine
Extinguish 100 burning teammates.
Difficulty: Easy
How to obtain: Teammates on fire should take priority when deciding who to heal first.

Accumulate 7000 heal points in a single life.
Difficulty: Hard
How to obtain: Stay near the back of all firefights while constantly healing your teammates. Place priority on your own survival; never accompany your Medic buddy on suicide runs and always save your ÜberCharge for emergencies while staying out of harm's way. Overhealing teammates will count towards this achievement. Because you will not receive any progress reports, you can press TAB to check how much healing you have done. After fulfilling the requirements, you will not receive this achievement until the round has ended or you have died.

Medical Breakthrough
Medical Breakthrough
Assist in destroying 5 enemy Engineer buildings with a single ÜberCharge on a Demoman.
Difficulty: Medium-Hard
How to obtain: This achievement coincides with “Tam O'Shatter,” a corresponding achievement for the Demoman. While the Demoman excels at destroying buildings, the difficult part of this achievement is finding five buildings to destroy in the eight seconds an ÜberCharge is active. Be very aggressive and have the Demoman lay multiple Stickybombs around these buildings. It will take three Stickybombs at most to destroy any building that is not shielded by the Wrangler. Rather than waste time reloading the Stickybomb Launcher, the Demoman should switch to his Grenade Launcher to finish off any remaining buildings.

Medical Intervention
Medical Intervention
Save a falling teammate from dying on impact.
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: When you see a teammate flung into the air by an explosion, concentrate your Medi Gun on him to reduce the risk that he dies from fall damage.

Midwife Crisis
Midwife Crisis
Heal an Engineer as he repairs his sentry gun while it's under enemy fire.
Difficulty: Very Easy
How to obtain: This achievement coincides with "Doc, Stock, and Barrel," a corresponding achievement for the Engineer. When an Engineer is repairing a Sentry Gun that is under fire, heal him to negate any residual damage.

Peer Review
Peer Review
Kill 10 Medics with your bone saw.
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: If there are no teammates nearby, attempt to defeat the other Medic using your melee weapon. The Übersaw will allow you damage him while filling up your own ÜberCharge meter.

Placebo Effect
Placebo Effect
Kill 2 enemies in a single life, while having your ÜberCharge ready, but undeployed.
Difficulty: Medium-Hard
How to obtain: After filling your ÜberCharge meter, play conservatively and only attack weak or distracted enemies. The Blutsauger will give you increased survivability in combat. If you are having trouble, have another Medic heal you as you fight.

Play Doctor
Play Doctor
In a team with no Medics, be the first person to switch to Medic after a teammate calls for 'Medic!', and then heal 500 health.
Difficulty: Very Easy
How to obtain: When no teammate is playing as Medic, wait for one to call for healing, then switch classes and go about your business. After fulfilling the requirements, you will not receive this achievement until the round has ended or you have died.

[[File:Template:Dictionary/achievements/medic/preventative medicine-icon|64px|center|alt=Template:Dictionary/achievements/medic/preventative medicine-title]] Template:Dictionary/achievements/medic/preventative medicine-title
Template:Dictionary/achievements/medic/preventative medicine-desc
Difficulty: Easy
How to obtain: Activate an ÜberCharge while you, your Medic buddy and the enemy are on a Control Point. Your actions will be counted as a defense, earning you the achievement.

Quadruple Bypass
Quadruple Bypass
Heal a teammate who's taking fire from 4 enemies at once.
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: A teammate on the front lines will draw much of the enemy's fire and should typically receive priority for healing. Keep an ÜberCharge handy in case the two of you are overwhelmed.

Hit enemies with your bonesaw 5 times in a row without dying or missing.
Difficulty: Hard
How to obtain: The Bonesaw is the Medic's default method of defense at close range. If you have no other option, take your your melee weapon and start swinging. The hits do not have to be done in quick succession, so you are free to retreat if the situation becomes too dangerous. Alternatively, attack an ÜberCharged enemy; while you do no damage, you will still make progress towards the achievement.

Second Opinion
Second Opinion
ÜberCharge 2 teammates at once.
Difficulty: Easy
How to obtain: When you deploy your ÜberCharge, rapidly shift between healing two different teammates to keep them both in an invulnerable state.

Accumulate 10000 heal points in a single life.
Difficulty: Very Hard
How to obtain: This is the extended version of Intern. Stay near the back of all firefights while constantly healing your teammates. Place priority on your own survival; never accompany your Medic buddy on suicide runs and always save your ÜberCharge for emergencies while staying out of harm's way. Overhealing teammates will count towards this achievement. Because you will not receive any progress reports, you can press TAB to check how much healing you have done. After fulfilling the requirements, you will not receive this achievement until the round has ended or you have died. After obtaining the first 7000 points, the next 3000 don't make too big of a stretch.

Surgical Prep
Surgical Prep
Have an ÜberCharge ready before the Setup phase ends.
Difficulty: Very Easy
How to obtain: Heal a teammate during the setup phase until your ÜberCharge meter is full. You should not have to put any effort into this, as the ÜberCharge meter fills at the maximum rate during setup.

Trauma Queen
Trauma Queen
Deploy 3 ÜberCharges in less than 5 minutes, and assist in 5 kills during that time.
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: Stay in the back of large firefights while constantly healing teammates to ensure your ÜberCharge meter builds quickly. You can use the Kritzkrieg or Übersaw to build your ÜberCharge meter quickly.

Deploy an ÜberCharge on a teammate less than a second before they're hit by a critical explosive.
Difficulty: Easy-Medium
How to obtain: If you see a critical rocket or grenade headed towards your teammate, react quickly and save them with your ÜberCharge. Incidentally, using your ÜberCharge on a Demoman who uses a critical Stickybomb for his sticky jump will also count towards this achievement.

Ubi concordia, ibi victoria
Ubi concordia, ibi victoria
Assist in killing 3 enemies on an enemy control point, in a single life.
Difficulty: Medium-Hard
How to obtain: Keep a strong Medic buddy nearby as you hold a point against multiple enemies. Save your ÜberCharge for just in case the two of you are overwhelmed.

You'll Feel a Little Prick
You'll Feel a Little Prick
Assist in killing 3 enemies with a single ÜberCharge on a Scout.
Difficulty: Hard
How to obtain: This achievement coincides with "Doctoring the Ball," a corresponding achievement for the Scout. The Scout's mobility should be enough to avoid damage, so assist with the Kritzkrieg to increase his crowd control capabilities. It is preferable that the Scout equip the Scattergun or Shortstop over the Force-A-Nature, as they will then spend less time reloading. Alternatively, he can use Crit-a-Cola in tandem with your standard ÜberCharge to deal Mini-Crits with impunity.