Community Medic strategy

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As a Medic, the player's primary role is to keep his or her teammates alive using the Medi Gun. The Medic is able to provide invulnerability via by deploying an ÜberCharge. This ability is often invaluable to the team both offensively and defensively, and can turn the tide of battle.

General strategy

  • The Medic is the only class that can passively regenerate health. Therefore, players that are left alone long enough will eventually return to full health by themselves.
    • When damaged, a Medic carrying the Syringe Gun will regenerate 3 HP/sec. After five seconds without damage, the regeneration rate increases to 6 HP/sec, but will drop back to 3 HP/sec upon damage. A Medic that is carrying the Blutsauger will heal 2 less health per second (base 1 HP/sec, up to 4 HP/sec.) Opting for the stock Syringe Gun grants the Medic marginally faster health regeneration, especially when going unharmed for a period, and increases survivability if set on fire.
    • Since Medics cannot heal themselves directly, they should have first priority for health pickups. Ask your teammates to leave health packs for you, and heal them in return. This is also better for building up your ÜberCharge meter.
  • Much more than any other class, being an effective Medic relies on good communication with your teammates. A Medic should communicate with his or her patient(s) about upcoming dangers and enemy Spies, as they can use the information to deal with the threat. A simple message to your teammates can make all the difference between a successful push/defense and a death. If possible, use a microphone to communicate such information to your teammates.
    • In the same vein, Medics should inform their teammates when they have an ÜberCharge ready. A good teammate will say when he or she is ready for the charge; otherwise, the Medic must use judgment according to the situation.
  • The Medi Gun beam can heal targets so long as the Medic has a direct line of sight to the patient. This allows a Medic to heal patients from behind cover, protecting the Medic from enemy fire.
  • Once the Medi Gun is locked onto its target, the Medic can face any direction without interrupting healing. This leaves players free to watch for Spies or ambushes in general, as Medics make for high-priority targets.
  • Remember to always keep moving and checking your back no matter what. This can significantly reduce your chances of being killed by enemy Snipers or Spies in particular.
  • Enemy Spies in disguise can also call for a Medic. Attempting to walk through the patient is an effective means for a Medic to Spy-check. If you cannot pass through a teammate, that player is a Spy. That said, better to mistakenly heal a Spy for a second and kill that player soon after, than waste time checking every person that queues up.
  • There are two game options that are useful to Medics. The first, "Medi Gun continues healing without holding down fire button," allows Medics to continuously heal without holding their primary fire button. The second, "Injured teammates automatically call out," automatically highlights teammates under a certain amount of health and denotes them with an audio indicator as well. These options are accessed by selecting the 'Options' button from the main TF2 menu, then selecting the "Multiplayer" tab, then the "Advanced..." button.
    • The health level at which the "Injured teammates automatically call out" feature activates can also be set in the "Advanced..." multiplayer options, under the "Auto-call health percentage" slider, which is set by default to 60% health. You can set this slider to any health value you wish.

Combat strategy

  • As above, remember to keep constantly moving and checking your back in order to make it harder for enemies to kill you. As a Medic, you are a high-priority target, so always make sure to deny the enemy a chance to kill you no matter what. Hide behind cover, never stop moving, and check behind yourself frequently.
    • However, due to Medics being high-priority targets, you can use this to your team's advantage and act as a decoy. Most players cannot resist chasing or attacking a lone Medic, so you can get the attention of an enemy player and lure him or her into an ambush. While most players will not follow Medics around blind corners where they know a large number of defenses to be, it is still possible to lead them into Sentry Gun ambushes if the Sentry Gun was only recently set up. A more dynamic way to accomplish this is to lead enemy players into your teammates.
  • A common mistake that some Medics make is healing only one person while ignoring other teammates. On the battlefront, many people become wounded and in need of a Medic to heal them so they can return to battle as quickly as possible. Healing multiple people also benefits the Medic, as players will receive assist credit for teammates' kills, and healing damaged teammates will build ÜberCharge faster.
  • When in combat, your priority is to keep as many teammates alive as possible. Always focus your healing on teammates that are under the most fire, and be sure to keep an eye out for teammates in the red, and top them up to prevent them from dying.
  • Under certain circumstances, it may be necessary to continuously heal a single player instead of spreading it around to other teammates, a tactic called pocketing. This tactic can become necessary when dealing with Sentry Guns, an enemy pocket, or when deploying ÜberCharges. Keep in mind that certain classes are better for pocketing than others. Refer to the Medic buddy page for more details.
  • In desperate circumstances, fighting back may be the best option for a Medic. Using your primary or melee weapons correctly may inflict enough damage to force the enemy to retreat (or die), while preserving the Medic's precious ÜberCharge. In the case of the ÜberSaw, it may allow the players to build their ÜberCharge meters faster, albeit at higher risk.
  • For players expecting to have to fight back against enemies, the Blutsauger is a better choice, as it allows players to regain health at a very fast rate while firing at an enemy. This can forestall or even prevent death in otherwise hopeless situations.

General ÜberCharge strategy

  • A Medic's top priority is to build and deploy ÜberCharges. A Medic healing a fully overhealed teammate will still build ÜberCharge, albeit far more slowly than if healing damaged teammates.
  • The ÜberCharge meter fills faster if the Medic is healing wounded allies instead of focusing on fully overhealed ones. As such, classes that can effectively damage themselves (Soldiers and Demomen) can be a tremendous help when out of combat and building a ÜberCharge. This is called 'leeching' or 'Übering up'. (Note that during the Setup phase, charge rate is maximized regardless of the patient's health, as long as no two Medics are healing the same patient.)
  • Activating the ÜberCharge at different times can change the tide of battle. Always try to deploy your ÜberCharge as late as possible, such as right before you or your patient are about to die. This can lengthen an offensive/defensive push, but waiting too long often results in death. Similarly, deploying your ÜberCharge early will waste precious charge time and force you to end your push earlier than necessary.
  • Both the Medic and the patient are unable to capture Control Points or push the Payload cart while ÜberCharged. However, they will both receive points for being on the capture point or Payload cart while ÜberCharged as a fellow teammate captures it, and may protect teammates from enemies while the point is being capped or the cart is being pushed.
  • An ÜberCharged Pyro is incredibly dangerous, especially against Sentry Guns and in tight quarters. Even with only 8 seconds of invulnerability, a Pyro can do an astounding amount of damage, as the Pyro is much faster than the Heavy and doesn't have to pause to reload like the Soldier or Demoman. However, beware that the Pyro has to get very close to targets in order to do damage, and that the enemy team will likely try to keep you away using knockback.
  • Knockback is often used to counter ÜberCharges, separating Medics from their healing targets or pushing them towards environmental hazards. Enemy Pyros, Soldiers, Demomen, and Sentry Guns will use knockback to their advantage until the ÜberCharge ends. A Medic and the ÜberCharged teammate should target these enemies first.
  • A common problem for an ÜberCharged teammate trying to destroy enemy Sentry Guns is the Sentry Gun's knockback, as the knockback can prevent players from getting close enough to destroy it. To deal with this, the Medic should get as close to the Sentry Gun as possible in order to draw its fire and knockback. This allows the patient to get close enough to destroy it. They Medic should avoid jumping while doing this as the knockback on airborne targets is significantly more effective.
  • Even an invincible player can have a hard time single-handedly wiping out the entire enemy defensive line. To make the most of each ÜberCharge, the Medic should activate it when many other teammates are nearby and they should attack as a team. The ÜberCharge may frighten and distract the enemies, drawing fire away from the teammates and effectively making it easier for them to attack.
  • While under the effects of an ÜberCharge, it is possible to change Medi Gun targets. There is a delay between the healing ending and invulnerability cutting out so switching targets quickly will make them both invulnerable for a very short period. Note that this drains the ÜberCharge faster than ÜberCharging only one person.

Weapon Specific

Syringe Gun

Item icon Syringe Gun.png

  • Despite each syringe dealing weak damage, the Syringe Gun has a very fast rate of fire and quick reload time, which can add up to a surprising amount of damage on enemies.
  • The Syringe Gun's needles arc over distance and take time to travel, which makes aiming harder for the player. Players must lead their targets, as the needles travel fairly slowly. This makes it harder to hit moving targets, but by predicting the path of an enemy, a Medic can do a good deal of damage.
    • The needle travel delay can also be used as an advantage when firing at corners or while retreating. When defending yourself, retreating around a corner while firing can allow you to suppress an enemy and discourage players from following you while you retreat.
  • Classes that move at the normal run speed (Engineers, Spies, Pyros, Snipers) are only slightly faster than a Medic running backwards. This allows Medics to spray their pursuers with needles while keeping their opponents at a respectable distance.
  • Due to the arcing nature of the needles, players can fire over obstacles, allowing Medics to hit targets that are not in their direct view.
    • The Syringe Gun can prove effective against unattended Sentry Guns. A Medic can safely attack the Sentry Gun by using the needles' arc.
  • The Syringe Gun has a better passive heal than the Blutsauger, so dedicated healing Medics are better off wielding the Syringe Gun. The increased passive heal also dramatically reduces the effect of afterburn.
  • The Syringe Gun is ideal for Medics who can rely on their teammates, as the greater health regeneration bonus will allow the Medic to focus on healing instead of shooting.
  • If you are being chased, do not be afraid to pre-fire your weapon around corners. While you may lose ammo, pursuing attackers will either retreat or take extra damage.


Item icon Blutsauger.png

  • Whenever a needle hits an enemy, 3 HP is restored to the Medic. As compensation, the passive health regeneration of the Medic is reduced by 2 HP/sec, with the end result of health regeneration at 1 HP/sec to 4 HP/sec. This allows for a more offensive Medic, as the bulk of their self-healing will come from attacking enemies.
  • The Blutsauger's health regeneration makes it much better retreat weapon if your patient is killed. If you expect to run into situations where you have to fend for yourself, the Blutsauger can give you more survivability.
  • The Blutsauger cannot overheal the Medic using it, only restore the user to full health. Therefore, keep in mind that the Blutsauger is more of a survival weapon than a self-buff weapon.
  • If caught behind enemy lines without a buddy, a Medic can fire the Blutsauger at enemies while retreating in order to regenerate just enough health to get away safely.
  • Due to the lower health regeneration ability of the Blutsauger, Medics on fire must rely on the Blutsauger to restore health in the event that no other nearby healing is available. Be sure to keep this in mind if you expect to be attacked by Pyros often.
  • For Medics who cannot rely on their teams for protection, the Blutsauger's +3 HP on hit is more useful than the Syringe Gun. The Syringe Gun's passive is negligible when taking damage constantly. The +3 HP on hit from the Blutsauger will give you a better chance to survive should you have to fight back.

Crusader's Crossbow

Item icon Crusader's Crossbow.png

  • The Crusader's Crossbow is completely different from both the Syringe Gun and the Blutsauger. Unlike those two weapons, which rely on numerous low-damage projectiles, the Crusader's Crossbow relies on dealing large amounts of damage one projectile at a time. It functions very similarly to the Sniper's Huntsman, so try to use it in the same way. However, remember that unlike the Huntsman, the Crusader's Crossbow cannot deal headshots.
  • The Crusader's Crossbow is capable of healing teammates by hitting them with crossbow bolts. This allows players to heal their teammates from significant distances, which in turn reduces the danger to the Medic.
    • Both the damage dealt to enemy players and the amount of health that teammates are healed by are directly proportional to the distance that the crossbow bolt has traveled. The farther away the target is, the more damage will be dealt or the more health will be restored. As such, firing indiscriminately into a crowd of enemies and teammates can help your team considerably.
    • The Crusader's Crossbow cannot overheal teammates. If a player is already at full health, use your Medi Gun or Kritzkrieg instead.
  • When trying to attack enemies while your teammates are fighting alongside you, try to jump as you fire your crossbow to ensure that the bolt does not accidentally hit a teammate and heal that player instead of damaging an enemy farther away.
  • Due to its low rate of fire, try not to let enemy players get too close to you. If enemies do get close to you, it is usually better to take out your melee weapon or try to retreat behind a teammate as the Crusader's Crossbow deals less damage the closer the enemy is.
  • Unlike Huntsman, the crossbow can be fired underwater and mid-air.

Medi Gun

Item icon Medi Gun.png

  • One of the most important aspects of playing the Medic is understanding what Overhealing is, and how it works.
    • If a Medic heals a teammate already at 100% health, it will take a few seconds to raise them to 150% health (overhealed). The time it takes depends on the class, as well as how much time has passed since your patient has taken damage; those with the highest starting health take the longest to overheal, and a teammate that has not taken damage in a while will be healed faster.
    • The overheal health buff will decay completely in exactly 20 seconds for all classes as long as the overhealed target takes no damage. For example, a Heavy has more overheal health to lose than a Scout does, but since both decay back to normal health in 20 seconds, the Heavy loses more overheal health per second.
    • The HUD indicates overheal by a pulsing border around the health indicator of the heal target (both on the heal target's HUD and the Medic's heal target display). The border will diminish as the overheal decays.
    • When approaching an objective, the Medic should try to keep multiple teammates on the front line overhealed instead of only your primary healing target.
    • Overhealing players fills the ÜberCharge meter at the same rate as healing injured players does, so overhealing teammates should be a priority. However, keeping a player constantly overhealed will reduce the charging rate in half.
  • The Medi Gun's base healing rate is 24 HP/sec. If healing a teammate that has not taken damage in the last 10 seconds, the healing rate increases linearly, up to 72 HP/sec on a teammate that has not taken damage in the last 15 seconds. This allows Medics to quickly heal players that have been out of battle for a long period of time up to full health very quickly.
  • When healing a patient, the Medi Gun will stay "locked-on" to the patient until you release your primary fire key (provided that you do not have the "Medi Gun continues healing without holding down fire button" option enabled) or the target moves out of range.
  • A healing Medic should never stop moving. The Medic is a prime target to enemy Spies and Snipers. Constantly jumping, ducking, and strafing makes you a harder target to kill.
  • Since Medics does not have to face their patients in order to heal them, you should be constantly watching in every direction. Spotting a Spy or a hidden enemy and alerting teammates can save their lives.
  • The Medi Gun will continue to heal your target so long as that player is within a certain distance and has a direct line of sight, so always try to heal your teammates from behind cover. Using this tactic can keep yourself out of harm's way while still healing. However, enemies can see the beam and use it to find the Medic.
  • If you get ambushed, remember that it's better use an ÜberCharge to survive than to die with a full ÜberCharge meter. As long as you survive, you can continue to heal your teammates and build your ÜberCharge back up rather than dying and being forced to respawn.
  • Medics should heal each other whenever possible. This way both Medics can stay alive longer and retain any charge in their respective ÜberCharge meters.
  • A Medic should heal damaged players first. Healing a damaged player takes only a few seconds, but a player dying, respawning, and then returning to the front lines can take up to half a minute. Even healing them a small amount is often better than to overhealing another to 150%.
  • The ÜberCharge builds faster by healing anyone under 150% of their max health. If no one can self-damage themselves to keep this fast rate going, keeping group of people to up to 150% will essentially build it just as fast as a Soldier or Demoman hurting themselves.


Item icon Kritzkrieg.png

  • The Kritzkrieg charges 25% faster than the Medi Gun, but it provides guaranteed Critical hits instead of invulnerability, so be sure to use it in the correct situations.
  • The effectiveness of the Kritzkrieg relies a lot on the skill level of your patient; if your buddy has good aim and judgment, you shouldn't have any problems. The Kritzkrieg's ÜberCharge cannot be used on yourself, so if your patient dies it's wasted, and because it doesn't have any invulnerability like the Medi Gun, your patient can die if he or she isn't careful enough.
    • It should also be noted that the Kritzkrieg's effects aren't nearly as obvious to the player receiving the charge as the normal ÜberCharge (with the glowing outline around the player models). This might require more diligent communication between patient and Medic.
  • The Kritzkrieg's ÜberCharge is useless against a Medi Gun's ÜberCharge due to its invulnerability, but due to the faster charge rate you can use it before the enemy can, as well as more often.
  • Although Crits count as normal damage against buildings and so won't help against the Sentry Gun itself, if you Kritz a Demoman or Soldier the splash damage from their rockets and grenades can easily kill the Engineer hiding behind the Sentry Gun, as well as any other players near it. Once the Engineer is dead, the Sentry Gun can be quickly disposed of.
  • Heavies, Soldiers and Demomen are among the three best classes to deploy a Kritz on. Though any class can be lethal while Kritzkrieg ÜberCharged, these three are far more lethal than the rest. The choice is situational:
    • Soldiers and Demomen are very similar; however, they have slightly different uses. Soldiers excel in using direct fire to take out compact groups of enemies, such as on a Capture Point or around the Payload cart. If you do Kritz a Soldier, be sure they have a normal Rocket Launcher and not the Direct Hit, as the main portion of the damage will come from the splash damage. As the reload time after firing all four rockets can take a while, try having two Soldiers there and switching as soon as the first one finishes firing.
    • Demos will yield varying results compared to Soldiers. While a direct hit from a Crit grenade does a considerable amount more damage than a rocket, the splash radius is smaller compared to that of the Rocket Launcher. Another thing to remember is that stickies placed before being Kritzed will not deal Critical hits if detonated during the charge, unless they were random Crits. In general, the Demo is better for taking out Sentry Gun nests, as the explosives' arcs allows the Demoman to fire from around corners, denying the Engineer the ability to counter. The same issue with reload times as the Soldier also applies.
    • Kritzing a Heavy is great for large, spread out groups of enemies, as the continuous fire and quick target switching allows the Heavy to concentrate on as many enemies as he or she can hit in the duration of the Kritz. Also, as Critical hits don't have damage fall-off over distance, the Heavy can be very lethal even at long ranges. A Heavy using Natascha has the added bonus of slowing down any nearby targets that are hit, making them easier to kill.
  • At long range, the Sniper can be an effective Kritz target - every hit while Krtized does the same damage as a headshot.
  • The Kritzkrieg excels at ambushes. Try to flank the enemy or fire from behind cover, or anywhere that the enemy is not looking at. Most enemies will be dead before they have time to react to your attack.
  • The Kritzkrieg's taunt, Oktoberfest, restores 11 HP upon use. While this amount is small, it can prevent death in desperate situations.
  • Remember that unleashing a Kritz charge does not have any effect on your vulnerability; you can still be killed. Try to use a Kritz before you take damage, so your Medic buddy will be able to kill whatever threats are present before you die.
  • The quicker charge also means it will be ready more often, so if the enemy makes a sudden push you can punish them. This makes it very useful when defending on Attack/Defend maps such as Dustbowl, especially on the final point. With plenty of cover fire from your team, a well used Kritz charge on a Heavy can wipe out the enemy teams front line, allowing your team to push them back.



  • Due to the duration of the taunt, the low amount of health recovered, and the increased vulnerability, it's usually safer to simply let your health regenerate or seek out another source of health like a health pickup or Dispenser.
  • In dire situations such as being on fire or bleeding, it is possible that using this taunt can save your life. However, it still should not be regarded as a reliable way to regain health.
  • If you have the "Medi Gun continues healing without holding down fire button" option enabled, you can use the Oktoberfest taunt while healing a teammate. This can help you and your patient to recover health simultaneously.


Item icon Bonesaw.png

  • The Bonesaw has more front-loaded damage than the Syringe Gun, but suffers in terms of damage over time. This makes it good for getting in the first strike on a distracted opponent. It also has a higher Crit rate than the Syringe Gun, giving you a better chance at a Critical hit.
  • The Medic's higher-than-standard speed often makes this weapon more likely to score kills than other melee weapons, but should still only be used as a last resort. Remember that your job is to stay alive and support your team, not to kill the enemy yourself.
  • When Spy-checking teammates, using your Bonesaw is more reliable due to the difficulty in aiming with the Syringe Gun. Spies will often try to attack Medics whenever possible, so always be prepared to whip out your Bonesaw to deal with them.


Item icon Ubersaw.png

  • The Übersaw has a 20% slower attack rate than the Bonesaw, but will charge up your ÜberCharge meter by 25% per each successful hit.
  • The Übersaw is especially useful for taking out Spies that may be attempting to backstab your patient, as you not only kill the Spy in two hits, but also fill your ÜberCharge by 25% per hit.
    • If your ÜberCharge meter does not increase upon killing a Spy, that player is using the Dead Ringer. Be sure to keep an eye on your ÜberCharge meter to see if you really did kill the Spy.
  • The Übersaw will still add to your ÜberCharge meter if you hit a Scout under the effects of Bonk! Atomic Punch. Since most Scouts tend to use Bonk! in range of your team's Engineer's Sentry Guns, it's a safe way to build up your ÜberCharge.
  • Rather than using the Übersaw for killing enemies, try to use it with the mindset of building up your ÜberCharge. If possible, try to simply land a hit and retreat safely, rather than fighting until one of you is dead.
  • If you are fighting an enemy and your ÜberCharge meter is relatively filled, you can use the Übersaw to finish up the charge and quickly switch to your Medi Gun to activate your ÜberCharge. In desperate situations, this can ensure your survival as long as you are not using the Kritzkrieg.
  • By using the Übersaw and Medi Gun in conjunction with another Medic with the same combination, you can use the Double Medic strategy. One Medic will fill his or her ÜberCharge meter with the Übersaw by hitting enemies with melee attacks, while the second Medic deploys an ÜberCharge on the first Medic. Once the second Medic's ÜberCharge is depleted, the first Medic switches to the Medi Gun and deploys his or her ÜberCharge on the second Medic, who then takes out the Übersaw to build his or her ÜberCharge meter. This is known as a Chain Über, requiring skill to master, but it can be very effective if used correctly.
  • If an enemy gets close to you and your patient, and your patient is at high health or overhealed, don't be afraid to go in and land a hit or two with the Übersaw, even if your patient is already attacking that enemy. This is a relatively safe way to add additional charge to your meter, as your target cannot deal with you and your patient simultaneously. However, remember not to chase any enemies who try to flee, as your patient may die without you.

Spinal Tap

Spinal Tap

  • Due to the length of the taunt, it (like all other taunts) is not recommended unless used against distracted foes. If a Medic happens to encounter a Heavy firing the Minigun from behind, it is possible to take the Heavy out with this taunt. It can also be fun to use during humiliation, but it's not the best taunt to use during this period.
  • The taunt adds 50% to your ÜberCharge meter upon killing an enemy. Use your judgment; it can be better against low health classes like Snipers, while Heavies can often survive 3-4+ normal hits, allowing you to fully charge your ÜberCharge meter.
  • This taunt can be used to stun ÜberCharged enemies and waste their Über time. The taunt won't kill the ÜberCharged player but it will still give you 50% ÜberCharge.
  • You don't have to stun an enemy in order to kill him or her: your target just has to be in front of you as the Medic retracts the Übersaw. Always keep this in mind when you try to taunt-kill an enemy.
    • Similarly, stunning an enemy doesn't necessary mean you're going to kill that player, as explosion blasts, air blasts or simple momentum gained by the enemy (especially noticeable on Scouts) may move your target outside of the kill zone before you can retract the Übersaw.


Item icon Vita-Saw.png

  • The Vita-Saw allows Medics to retain up to 20% of their ÜberCharge meter upon death. However, it also reduces the Medic's maximum HP by 10, to 140 HP.
  • A good tactic is to play more offensively (both via direct attacks to the enemy and healing and supporting classes like Scouts or Pyros) when the charge hasn't reached 20%. However, you should still focus on healing your teammates rather than attacking.
  • Due to the health penalty, you will die faster to lighter classes such as Scouts and Pyros. Consequently, try to remember to flee earlier when being attacked.
    • The health penalty is less noticeable when being attacked by heavier classes like Soldiers and Demomen, as you are much more likely to be killed by explosions which would kill you even if you had 150 health.
  • Due to being able to retain up to 20% of your ÜberCharge meter, it is possible to deploy ÜberCharges faster upon respawning. This will allow you to put more pressure on the enemy team, and also allow you to have an ÜberCharge ready much faster should the enemy push.
    • Using the Kritzkrieg in combination with the Vita-Saw will allow you to build up ÜberCharges even faster, so make sure you have suitable patients around you at all times.
    • Using the Medi Gun in combination with the Vita-Saw will allow you to build a defensive ÜberCharge faster as well, in case you are killed as the enemy team pushes and your team needs to retake the area. The time reduction when building charge will essentially allow you or your team to bounce back faster in these situations.
  • The Vita-Saw has the same function as the Bonesaw. However, the 10 HP penalty may prove to be the deciding factor in a close melee fight, so think whether the current situation could lead to a melee conflict.


Item icon Amputator.png

  • The Amputator allows players to use the Medicating Melody. Upon taunting, all teammates within 450 units of the Medic will be healed for 4 seconds at the same rate as if they are being healed by the Medi Gun or Kritzkrieg. However, as with all other taunts, the players cannot move and is completely vulnerable for the duration of the taunt.
    • As with the Crusader's Crossbow, it is not possible to overheal players using this weapon. It will also not build any ÜberCharge.
  • Always use the taunt when behind cover, rather than out in the open. If you think that your team cannot hold their position for the duration of the taunt, it is better to simply keep using the Medi Gun rather than risk being caught in the middle of your taunt and killed.
    • If possible, try to use the taunt with your back against a wall, so that Spies cannot backstab you as you heal your team.
  • Remember that, as it cannot overheal players, it should only be used when several players on your team are injured or are under attack at the same time. This makes it an excellent tool to use in defensive situations in order to keep your teammates in the fight for longer.

The Medieval Medic

The Medieval Medic

  • Unlike the other Polycount weapon sets, the Medieval Medic weapon set does not require the Berliner's Bucket Helm in order to get the item set bonus. You only need the Crusader's Crossbow and Amputator.
  • Both of the weapons in this set give players more tools with which to heal their teammates, which can increase the team's survivability significantly. However, neither of the weapons assists the Medic in building up ÜberCharge.
  • This item set gives players a total HP regeneration rate of 4 HP/sec to 7 HP/sec. This can significantly increase the Medic's survivability, though it is not significant enough to allow players to commit to more dangerous maneuvers and survive.

Advanced Strategies

Battle Medic Strategy

A Battle Medic is a Medic who actively attacks enemies while focusing less on healing one's team. The term "Battle Medic" often carries a negative connotation, as it is common belief that a Medic's primary focus should be on healing teammates. Despite this belief, Battle Medics can be just as helpful to a team. This strategy works a lot like playing the Scout; using your speed to catch enemies off guard, dealing significant damage, then retreating before they can retaliate. There are a couple of tactics to keep in mind when playing as a Battle Medic:

  • You are the second fastest class excluding Pyros using The Gas Jockey's Gear. Use this to your advantage. Run in with the melee weapon of your choice, get in one hit and then switch to your to your primary weapon and retreat while spraying needles at your enemy. Most enemies will not be able to keep up, and if you are using the Blutsauger you will be able to nullify some of the damage taken depending on how good your aim is.
  • Work with your team. You should still be healing your teammates when not in the middle of combat. A good strategy is to follow teammates, keeping them overhealed, breaking away as you reach the front lines and use them as a distraction, attacking any enemies they engage. Lone enemies won't be able to take on an overhealed player and a Medic at the same time, and will go down very quickly. Also, enemies will often focus on your teammates more than you, increasing your survivability.
  • The Übersaw is a good weapon to keep in your layout if you have it. You don't need to kill enemies with it to get the 25% ÜberCharge, so giving them a quick poke and retreating will be enough. Also using the strategy above, you can get about two hits on targets without them noticing.

A Medic Executing the Solo Medic Strategy

Solo Medic Strategy

Another strategy with the Medic is the Solo Medic that, if used correctly, can devastate an ill-prepared team. This strategy requires one Medic, with the Übersaw and normal Medi Gun equipped.

The Medic simply deploys an ÜberCharge without focusing on a patient, and while the ÜberCharge is still active, switches to the Übersaw (becoming vulnerable) to attack enemies. In-between hits, the Medic switches back to the Medi Gun, becoming invulnerable while not attacking. Since every Übersaw hit adds 25% to the ÜberCharge meter, it simply increases the duration of the active ÜberCharge, thus making the Medic invulnerable for a longer time.

This strategy is much more difficult to pull off than the Double Medic strategy, since you're not invulnerable the whole time. Even while actively wielding the Übersaw, your ÜberCharge meter still drains at the same rate as when you're invulnerable. The key is to learn how to switch between your Medi Gun and Übersaw quickly to take minimal damage, and get the maximum number of hits on enemies to keep your meter up. For instance, use this strategy against Soldiers: Switch to your Medi Gun when they shoot their rockets and hit them while they reload. Using the Solo Medic strategy around enemy Heavies and Pyros may prove to be problematic due to their ability to fire continuously without the need to reload.

Double Medic Strategy

Main article: Chain Über

In similar to the single Medic strategy, the double Medic or Chain Über strategy is a theoretical gameplay strategy for Medics that, if executed successfully, can allow a pair Medics to wreak havoc to the enemy team. However, it is a very situational tactic, and difficult to effectively pull off in most cases, therefore it being rarely seen in games. The strategy requires two Medics, both with a Übersaw and a Medi Gun. This tactic will not work however if either has a different melee weapon, such as the Bonesaw, or a different medigun, such as the Kritzkrieg. (For strategy procedure see main article)

Communication between the two Medics is vital for this strategy to work. However, this strategy has a number of difficulties that can prevent it from being achieved. Firstly, if at any point the healing Medic loses his or her beam on the attacking Medic, it will leave the second Medic vulnerable and the strategy may fail. Secondly, if the attacking Medic is not able to land at least 4 hits at the enemy, then their ÜberCharge will not be immediately full, as is necessary. This may happen due to the enemy simply retreating away from the attacking Medic, being knocked back by Sentry Gun fire, explosives or on rarer occurrences reflected by a Pyro. A third way this strategy can fail is if the two Medics get split so far apart that one can't heal the other due to an explosion, Sentry Gun fire, or a Pyro's compression blast. The one that's not deploying an ÜberCharge will be left vulnerable, and most likely unable to get enough hits in time to build one up.

See also